Miranda NG Official Community Forum

Forum for English speaking Miranda NG users => Development => Topic started by: watcher on 09 04 2014, 17:15:00

Title: Steam protocol
Post by: watcher on 09 04 2014, 17:15:00
This topic is dedicated to Steam protocol development and beta-testing.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: watcher on 10 04 2014, 18:56:34
Binaries updated to r8934 (http://trac.miranda-ng.org/changeset/8934).
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: watcher on 10 04 2014, 21:00:51
Binaries updated to r8938 (http://trac.miranda-ng.org/changeset/8938).
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: watcher on 11 04 2014, 08:03:21
Binaries updated to r8951 (http://trac.miranda-ng.org/changeset/8951). Added avatars support.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: watcher on 11 04 2014, 22:43:26
Binaries updated to r8961 (http://trac.miranda-ng.org/changeset/8961).
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: watcher on 12 04 2014, 14:54:00
Protocol icons added.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: watcher on 16 04 2014, 22:56:20
Binaries updated to r8987 (http://trac.miranda-ng.org/changeset/8987).
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Novack on 17 04 2014, 15:57:12
Awesome, thanks for the work on this. Im following the thread.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: skitungen on 18 04 2014, 06:42:10
Can't wait for this to reach stable so I can test it! :D oh, what the hell.. I'll backup my copy and update to unstable right away, just to test it ;)


Is there something I'm missing? It just keeps running the "circle" as if trying to login. But nothing is happening, and I know I have the correct user and psw.

::EDIT 2::

After login, keepstatus will attempt to reset status to online. I have to disable steam in "accounts to check" for it to stay online, and not try to connect again.

::EDIT 3::

I keeps on going offline for me

Version info:

Network info:
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Ищезаяц on 25 04 2014, 11:54:03
i had the same problem with online/offline constant jumping.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: watcher on 29 04 2014, 21:35:35
Binaries updated to r9100 (http://trac.miranda-ng.org/changeset/9100).
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: watcher on 03 05 2014, 06:49:08
Binaries updated to r9108 (http://trac.miranda-ng.org/changeset/9108).

Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: watcher on 03 05 2014, 09:25:33
Binaries updated to r9109 (http://trac.miranda-ng.org/changeset/9109).

Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: mistafist on 02 06 2014, 00:49:48
How's it going.  First, thanks for taking the time to make this.  Second, does this support steamguard?  If so, I can't seem to find where to input this code.  Thanks for your time.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: soopah on 02 06 2014, 09:52:41
There is a popup when you try to connect the first time.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Novack on 02 06 2014, 14:25:59
Any idea when we can expect this plugin to be available for the stable builds?
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: White-Tiger on 02 06 2014, 15:06:31
on next stable release :P Do you use stable and don't want to use dev? (which I can understand^^)
I can compile it for stable if you want ;)
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Novack on 02 06 2014, 15:15:38
Woot! That would be awesome, yes.

Indeed I dont want to move my version to dev, so fr example Steam & whatsapp plugins are out of reach for me until available on stable.

Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: skitungen on 02 06 2014, 15:28:14
on next stable release :P Do you use stable and don't want to use dev? (which I can understand^^)
I can compile it for stable if you want ;)

Please, I would surely like a copy of stable Steam too. And I know one more who would :)  :DRINK:

::EDIT:: btw, the version you compile is already stable enough for stable build I hope! ;)
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: mistafist on 02 06 2014, 16:58:55
There is a popup when you try to connect the first time.

Ok, I'm not getting this popup then.  I receive the code to my email on connection attempt, but no popup to input this information into.  Tried uninstall/reinstall, same deal.  This is on the x64 dev version with x64 plugin on win 8.1 x64.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Robyer on 02 06 2014, 19:41:23
mistafist, could you try it with 32-bit version?
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: mistafist on 02 06 2014, 19:48:37
mistafist, could you try it with 32-bit version?

Sure.  Ok, I get the popup on the 32 bit version and am able to log in successfully.  Thanks for the suggestion.  Do you need logs or is this reproducible?
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Robyer on 02 06 2014, 19:55:51
mistafist, No, we'll fix it. Thanks for report ;-)
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: watcher on 02 06 2014, 20:14:35
on next stable release :P Do you use stable and don't want to use dev? (which I can understand^^)
I can compile it for stable if you want ;)

It is not sure at all that it will be included to the next stable. It's not included even to the dev repo now. No need to speculate on the matter. Let's wait for the author.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: watcher on 02 06 2014, 20:15:39
Please, I would surely like a copy of stable Steam too. And I know one more who would :)  :DRINK:

::EDIT:: btw, the version you compile is already stable enough for stable build I hope! ;)

Being compiled for stable build doesn't make a component stable.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: mistafist on 02 06 2014, 20:16:29
Using the x86 dev version and 32 bit version of plugin, when I send a message I receive the error "A message failed to send successfully."  Delivery failure: (null)
However, the recipient receives the message.

*edit - Setting Send unsafe (ignore timeouts) hides the error, but could be some issue there?
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: watcher on 02 06 2014, 20:18:21
I can compile it for stable if you want ;)

And on the next stable if they are not part of the repo they might crash whole Miranda. I will send them to you to solve their problem. Please stop compiling pre-alpha for stable core.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Novack on 02 06 2014, 20:26:48
Being compiled for stable build doesn't make a component stable.
How do you guys define the proper stability required for that tag? I was about to add a feature request on the new feedback page, for this info:

* Criteria for allocation of resources to a given plugin.
* The requirements for considering it stable.
* The process of determining the priority of the work on a plugin.

The understanding of this points would be of great help for those of us waiting for stable releases.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: watcher on 02 06 2014, 20:40:04
How do you guys define the proper stability required for that tag? I

Build that being tested for weeks after all the desired features were finished and most of the known bugs were fixed.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Robyer on 02 06 2014, 20:57:31
* The requirements for considering it stable.
We don't have strict guidelines for that. It's just informed guess. We (author of plugin) usually know how many (and how important) bugs or not working features are there, so it's ready when he decides it's ready :-)

* Criteria for allocation of resources to a given plugin.
* The process of determining the priority of the work on a plugin.
We have pretty much anarchy here. Everyone is doing on anything that he has mood for at that moment. We're only a few developers here. Each decides his own preferences.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: watcher on 02 06 2014, 20:57:39
Being compiled for stable build doesn't make a component stable.

Here i meant, that pre-alpha component that not even included in dev build (for whatever reason - critical error, not ready yet, author is not ready for it to be included in repo) compiled for stable build is still the same raw not ready component. If you want to test these plugins - update to dev builds, download them manually and update them manually on your own risk as wiki says. But compiling them for stable branch creates illusion of stability of plugin and creates a dangerous situation when updating stable branch to next stable - it migh crash and you won't even know what hit you, why, what crashes and even if you'll suspect that this is specific plugin - it will confuse you with the solution, what to do, which build to take now - cause previous been given to you by White-Tiger.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Novack on 02 06 2014, 21:02:01
Hey thanks for the info.

We have pretty much anarchy here. Everyone is doing on anything that he has mood for at that moment. We're only a few developers here. Each decides his own preferences.
Looks like you guys are doing fantastically with this apporach, we really appreciate the work and effort. And now I know what to expect in terms of times (Valve time, aka "is ready when is ready").
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Robyer on 02 06 2014, 21:11:22
Valve time, aka "is ready when is ready"
Yep, as usually in open source projects :)
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Robyer on 02 06 2014, 21:11:29
mistafist, No, we'll fix it. Thanks for report ;-)

It works correctly in x64 version for me. So you had something else broken :-) (like wrong password/login - it doesn't show errors, and then it wouldn't let you login again, because there is some bug that sometimes needs restart after unsuccessful login).
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Novack on 02 06 2014, 21:13:36
    Valve time, aka "is ready when is ready"

Yep, as usually in open source projects :)
Haha yes indeed. But maybe there was some internal roadmap defining work allocation.

I will keep waiting for stable releases, and likely open some requests on the feedback page to motivate you guys on a given direction. Cheers, and thanks.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: mistafist on 02 06 2014, 21:20:09
It works correctly in x64 version for me. So you had something else broken :-) (like wrong password/login - it doesn't show errors, and then it wouldn't let you login again, because there is some bug that sometimes needs restart after unsuccessful login).

Upon login, steam sent me the code to my email.  So the login was successful.  I just did not get the popup window to input this code to fully log in.

I'll reinstall x64 to check again.

Tried again.  All login info 100% correct.  No other connection attempts made, fresh install, freshly started the program.  On connection attempt I receive an email from steam with the code I need to input.  But the popup window does not show.  I used an app I use sometimes and forced all windows created by Miranda NG to show and it's not one of them.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: watcher on 02 06 2014, 21:21:56
But maybe there was some internal roadmap defining work allocation.

It's out in an open - http://trac.miranda-ng.org/roadmap
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: White-Tiger on 02 06 2014, 23:17:48
anyway :P If people wanna try (and I for myself can't say anything about the current state of the protocol as I'm not using it) here it is... compatible with current stable (well it should be :P)

Try it if you want to, but please backup your profile first (got some bad experience with Miranda crashing xD)
As far as I know, it should work more or less :P
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: watcher on 03 06 2014, 06:04:47
anyway :P If people wanna try (and I for myself can't say anything about the current state of the protocol as I'm not using it) here it is... compatible with current stable (well it should be :P)

You wanna be "a stable branch Messiah" - ok, all the problem that might occur is on you.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: watcher on 03 06 2014, 06:13:54
I talked to author and he said to me, that old core is not supported. So if you want to install White Tiger compiles - do make your decisions based on that, please.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Mataes on 03 06 2014, 06:18:47
attachment removed coz alpha plugin shouldn't be in stable
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Robyer on 03 06 2014, 06:45:56
Tried again.  All login info 100% correct.  No other connection attempts made, fresh install, freshly started the program.  On connection attempt I receive an email from steam with the code I need to input.  But the popup window does not show.  I used an app I use sometimes and forced all windows created by Miranda NG to show and it's not one of them.

Hmm, you're right. It worked when I tried it while debugging in Visual Studio, but when I runned it without it, it didn't worked. Could you create a ticket on our tracker for this?

I just fixed it.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: watcher on 03 06 2014, 08:09:54
Binaries updated to r9400 (http://trac.miranda-ng.org/changeset/9400).  (with Robyer's fix).
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: watcher on 03 06 2014, 14:21:46
Binaries updated to r9401 (http://trac.miranda-ng.org/changeset/9401).
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: mistafist on 03 06 2014, 16:31:10
Hmm, you're right. It worked when I tried it while debugging in Visual Studio, but when I runned it without it, it didn't worked. Could you create a ticket on our tracker for this?

I just fixed it.

Nice one.  Thanks for that. :THUMBS UP:
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: watcher on 03 06 2014, 16:33:06
Nice one.  Thanks for that. :THUMBS UP:

And 9401 brought full code refactoring by author, so watch for regresses.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: watcher on 03 06 2014, 18:36:24
Binaries updated to r9406 (http://trac.miranda-ng.org/changeset/9406).
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: watcher on 03 06 2014, 18:47:18
Binaries updated to r9407 (http://trac.miranda-ng.org/changeset/9407).
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Hancoque on 15 06 2014, 14:48:56
I have discovered two issues. My name is not shown correctly in the chat log and history. Instead my "SteamID" (17 numbers) is shown. Also the timestamps seem to be off. I had a conversation and now all my messages are shown before that of my conversation partner (AAA BBB instead of A B A B A B). I guess that has to do with local time being used for my messages and remote time for incoming ones. Even a minute difference can really mess up the order of messages.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: watcher on 16 06 2014, 11:16:18
Binaries updated to r9412 (http://trac.miranda-ng.org/changeset/9412).
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: watcher on 17 06 2014, 21:06:07
Binaries updated to r9533 (http://trac.miranda-ng.org/changeset/9533).
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: watcher on 18 06 2014, 16:34:31
Binaries updated to r9538 (http://trac.miranda-ng.org/changeset/9538).
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: watcher on 21 06 2014, 21:21:51
Binaries updated to r9547 (http://trac.miranda-ng.org/changeset/9547).
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: mistafist on 22 06 2014, 07:52:57
Seems no friends will be shown as online unless the account is deleted and recreated within miranda upon restarting the application (win 8.1 pro x64, miranda nightly 32).  A status change from a friend on the friends list will cause them to show up, at least I think this is what makes them be shown.  I've also had an issue where people that were in a recent game with me will show up in the friends list.  Haven't looked too much into it.

After using it more, seems this is only for a while when first updating?  I'm not sure as my contacts show up now without an issue.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Smiling Spectre on 01 07 2014, 09:40:29
Any ideas when this protocol will go to official builds? I don't want to use nightly builds, but this stupid Steam chat starting to get on my nerves... :/
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: watcher on 01 07 2014, 10:34:23
Any ideas when this protocol will go to official builds? I don't want to use nightly builds, but this stupid Steam chat starting to get on my nerves... :/

It's not even in nightly builds yet - it will be ready when it will be ready.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Wishmaster on 01 07 2014, 17:22:58
Any ideas when this protocol will go to official builds? I don't want to use nightly builds, but this stupid Steam chat starting to get on my nerves... :/
Well, nightly builds shouldn't be used daily, but why don't you just download it and create a new profile with only Steam for a test? The whole purpose of this release policy is to test it and get feedback before it gets released to the public. If everyone is just waiting until it gets released it doesn't get us anywhere. Even if it just works for you, a little comment on that would be appreciated.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Smiling Spectre on 02 07 2014, 05:52:19
Umm... I taken "nightly builds only" just like that. I.e., I need to get this build and install Steam here. Is it wrong?

And having such build only for Steam looks slightly wrong... Hmm, but it's not worse than having Steam itself for the same purpose. Then yes, it's possible, actually. Ok, I'll consider this scenario, thank you for the idea. :)
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: watcher on 02 07 2014, 06:15:42
I taken "nightly builds only" just like that. I.e., I need to get this build and install Steam here. Is it wrong?

Within a week there will be a new stable build - so you will be able to use the latest Steam build from forum :) (cause nowdays nightly will become next stable).
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Wishmaster on 02 07 2014, 10:48:53
Umm... I taken "nightly builds only" just like that. I.e., I need to get this build and install Steam here.
Yes, thats correct. You should be using it with a clean profile anyways.

And remember, we need much more feedback before it will be released to public.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Smiling Spectre on 03 07 2014, 06:00:15
Ok, feedback. :)

I got v.095.1 build #9651 with Steam protocol only

1. Right after starting Steam it correctly asked for approval code from Steam, taken it and went online, displaying contacts with statuses. But I wasn't able to send anything to anyone - "there was error sending this message". Hmm. I went offline and entered Steam through browser chat - it works as usual. Ok, went online in Miranda - _now_ it works allright. Closed browser and Miranda, restarted Miranda, error not returned. I have no idea, if error was connected with browser or first initialization of Steam protocol.

2. I can change my status in two places - global (that one with hotkeys Ctrl+0/Ctrl+1) and by protocol. Global works as intended, protocol changing doesn't work right at all:

- From the first attempt it correctly made Steam offline, but when I went online, it did nothing. I.e. status in Miranda changed to "online", but all contacts remained invisible. No more fiddling with online/offline made it back, so I went "globally" offline/online. It worked.

- From the second attempt it was just reverse: regardless of my Miranda status contacts was connected.

- From the third attempt (trice in row, actually, so technically it was tries 3-6) Miranda hangs, eating one processor core completely. (Also in first time, when I closed one opened chat window from this Miranda, it closed program altogether - but that's quite common for Miranda in general, I seen this behavior quite often when Miranda hangs. There wasn't opened windows in attempts #2-3). I was forced to kill the process.

3. In my Russian Steam I see now 4 statuses in my friend list: online, away, sleeping and offline. But in my Russian Miranda "sleeping" status named "lunch" ("Обедаю"). I am not sure, if it wrong Russian translation or wrong status recognition. Hmm, seems, I am totally wrong here. Ok, again: "Lunch" is status for "Friends in game" actually. Is it work as intended? :)

Otherwise everything seems work so far. Thank you! :)

Only one problem, non-Steam-related: I used stdclist.dll, and I see no way to add groups to contact list. Menu "groups" exists, but there are nothing here, except "<root group>" entry. Can I add groups somehow?

4. Client silently cutting messages both way. English is longer, Russian is must shorter. Examples:

4.1. (English text for review for Greenlight game Spellcrafter (http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=276213469)):
Magic is not an art or religion. Magic is a craft.

Experience an amazing and unforgettable adventure set in a dark fantasy universe!

Spellcrafter will be an RPG game with deep tactical turn-based combat and a unique spell casting system. Explore the magical world, collect gold, interact with NPCs, take quests and make moral choices! Recruit heroes, assemble and summon powerful troops and send them into battle!

The unique feature of Spellcrafter will be the spell casting system.
This message was cut after sending on words "into battle!", making it around 420 bytes.

Test sending the full review in Steam browser client hadn't issues.

4.2. And moreover, it mirrored in Miranda - but had last bytes cut (review ends with words "challenging title!", but in my history I see only "challenging titl"). Full length of resulting message in Miranda history is 1 320 bytes.

When I tried the same with Russian text, I got resulting "mirror" message of 1 126 bytes. So it seems like the different issue, not the same as 4.3.

4.3. Russian messages suffered much more. Here is S.T.A.L.K.E.R. (http://store.steampowered.com/app/4500/):
В 1986 на Чернобыльской электростанции произошла худшая в мире ядерная катастрофа. Советские власти учредили 30км 'Запретную зону' вокруг этого ядерного пустыря, но в 2006 пораженный реактор потряс второй взрыв, уничтожая всех живых существ и заставляя границы Зоны разойтись.

Receiver got it only to "2006 пораженны", making mere 181 byte.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: White-Tiger on 04 07 2014, 00:34:22
About Russian vs English...
well we mostly use UTF-8 today... which means "normal" characters use only 1 byte, but "weird" ones use 2+^^ (up to 4)
So Russian symbols will always use more then 1 byte per character... so the maximum message length is in both cases the same, just that Russian text eats more space.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Smiling Spectre on 04 07 2014, 04:47:40
So Russian symbols will always use more then 1 byte per character...
Yeah, I guessed that. It's the big issue on Steam with reviews - it supposedly gives quite enough symbols to make decent review, but in Russian it actually hardly quarter of named amount. I hit this limit several times already, so I know...

Meanwhile, two new issues:

5. When I am talking thru proprietary Steam client (opposite to browser one), it mirrored to Miranda too, but results are strange:

5.1. Mirrored replies are _very_ short (I got strings only 65-70 bytes long in Russian, everything above that was truncated).

5.2. When I talked from in-game chat (thru Shift+Tab), everything was allright - except bad mirroring. But when I went to the same chat window after game, it mirrored in the wrong encoding - "РћРє, будем считать," instead "Ок, будем считать,". Same results for replies to other respondents, without messing with in-game chats, so I believe, it's common Steam issue.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: unsane on 04 07 2014, 19:07:23
Hello, Smiling Spectre. Thanks for report.
I couldn't reproduce 1, 2, 3. Can you repeat them or it was only once?
4. In my case text only cut in miranda->steam direction.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Smiling Spectre on 05 07 2014, 14:46:38
I couldn't reproduce 1, 2, 3. Can you repeat them or it was only once?
1. It was only once at work, and once at home. Now at home (on cable) it works always, but at work (on ADSL) it cannot detect when line is broken, and even after reconnect it says "I wasn't able to send" for any message - until I take protocol offline and back online.

2. It's quite reproduceable for me, as at home, as at work. If I am changing to offline protocol status (opposite to changing global client status) thru menu Status->Steam->Offline, it hangs, eating processor. At home, on 4-cores 64x Win8.1 it eats about 33%, at work, on double-core 32x WinXP SP3 it's always 50%.

3. I am using "standard" Contact list (stdclist.dll), and there are 4 types of icon in Steam for me and 4 correspondent statuses: lit icon->online, unlit->offline, with "..." sign->away - all this three statuses the same as in Steam. But 4th - with "green spoon" icon - show me "lunch" status, but actually correspondent to "In-Game" and "Snooze" statuses (I haven't more friend statuses, so I have no idea what others can be). Ah, wait, I have also one "Looking to play" that translates to "online".
4. In my case text only cut in miranda->steam direction.
Hmm. It's always the same for me. Maybe I explained wrong? Let me try again to rephrase 4 and 5:

- If I am receiving messages from Steam, everything is allright.

- If I am sending messages, results depends of used client:

1. Messages sent from Miranda silently cropped after about 420 bytes for English text, and less than 200 for Russian. (I see it entirely in my history, it's recipient who doesn't receive it).

2. Messages sent from browser Steam client not cropped for recipient. (At least, for about 2kb, and it's not very rational to send more :). But if Miranda is running, simultaneously I am receiving "mirrored" copy of this sent message in Miranda. And this "mirrored" message cropped at about 1.2kb. Russian text was cropped only slightly shorter, so I suppose, it not depends on encoding here.

3. Messages sent from the in-game Steam chat automatically mirrored to out-game Steam chat (if I have correspondent chat window open) and to Miranda. But for Miranda it's cropped after mere 60-70 bytes for Russian (I didn't test English).

4. Message sent from the out-game Steam chat mirrored to Miranda too. But in that case Russian text not simply short, but have wrong encoding too.

Hope that helps.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: watcher on 06 07 2014, 18:35:32
Binaries updated to r9716 (http://trac.miranda-ng.org/changeset/9716).
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: watcher on 04 08 2014, 18:05:28
Testing builds from Steam protocol experimental branch (testing purposes only, some things that used to work might be broken, use at your own risk):

Changes include:

- Internals of plugin were re-worked, now it supposed to work almost the same way that Steam does in web browser.
- Messages cut-off problem should be fixed.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Vulpix on 06 08 2014, 18:46:36
I have a strange issue where if I try to message a user, the message is never sent. (Using the latest binaries you just posted, the "completely different" ones). When I revert, Miranda doesn't connect to Steam at all. Anything I should do?

I use latest everything (pluginupdater, set to nightlies)

I was able to log in using the old plugin after I "wiped" the steamguard settings for all of the devices from the steam account settings.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Vulpix on 10 08 2014, 13:45:04
I have a strange issue with the latest x64 steam plugin (not the one that you just posted, but the latest "normal" binary.

When I look into steam protocol history, I sometimes see the messages strangely duplicated. The duplicates seem to be missing letters/words from the left, and the also appear as if they were sent by the other party rather than by me (which was the original case). See example below:

Vulpix, 8.8.2014 19:51:36:
And thank you for the flacpix~

<party B>, 19:51:42:
u for the flacpix~

<party B>, 19:51:56:
u for the flacpix~

<party B>, 20:54:02:
u for the flacpix~

<party B>, 20:54:16:
u for the flacpix~

Obviously all of the above are my message "Thank you for the flacpix~"

Also, the messages are attributed to the wrong user as you can see - even though I sent them, they seem to be attributed to party B.

Some more examples:

Vulpix, 9.8.2014 0:42:51:
See you (probably a lot later)!

<party b>, 1:15:29:
 a lot later)!

<party b>, 1:15:35:
 a lot later)!

<party b>, 1:17:06:
 a lot later)!

The strange thing is that the history events actually coincide with the user's actual message. It's as if their message TEXT was substitured for the text of my LAST message, while the timestamps remain the same:

Vulpix, 9.8.2014 20:37:15:
How are you~

<party b>, 20:51:28:
How are you~

<party b>, 20:51:32:
w are you~

<party b>, 20:51:34:
w are you~

<party b>, 20:52:52:
are you~

<party b>, 20:52:52:

Here you can see "How are you" from me (which I did send), but then later "how are you" from party b - which I didn't send; party B said something along the lines of "are you still here?" and then "oh no..." and then " >< ". From what I see, in the history, I can only see that last >< - nothing else is preserved.

Also, when I check history, sometimes I see absolutely garbled text that looks chinese:

<party b>, 9.8.2014 14:13:44:

But this was in fact a link to a 3Dmark result and a question mark:

"http://www.3dmark.com/3dm/3750573 ?"

It feels as though the history entires are somehow overwriting some events and/or merging themselves together.

I am able to reproduce this and I can supply more logs or whatever you need! :)

Currently, the only activated protocols are steam and AIM.

CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4765T CPU @ 2.00GHz [Intel64 Family 6 Model 60 Stepping 3] [DEP enabled] [8 CPUs]
Installed RAM: 16329 MBytes
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate Edition, 64-bit Service Pack 1 (build 7601)
Shell: explorer.exe
Internet Explorer: 8.0.7601.17514 (build 87601)
Administrator privileges: Yes
OS Languages: (UI | Locale (User/System)) : English/English | Czech/Czech
Free disk space on Miranda partition: 1211484 MBytes

Miranda path: D:\Programs\Programs\Miranda NG
Miranda NG version: 0.95.3 alpha build #10140 x64
Build time: 10 Aug 2014 5:52:48
Profile path: D:\Programs\Programs\Miranda NG\Profiles\Vulpix\Vulpix.dat
Profile size: 126528,00 KBytes
Profile creation date: 26 Oct 2013 17:24:40
Language pack: No language pack installed
Service Mode: No

Active Plugins (45):
  AddContactPlus.dll v. [14 Feb 2014 6:47:44] - Add contact+
  AdvaImg.dll v. [2 Jan 2014 6:45:32] - Miranda image services
  AIM.dll v. [6 Aug 2014 5:43:44] - AIM protocol
  AssocMgr.dll v. [6 Aug 2014 5:48:32] - File association manager
  AuthState.dll v. [14 Feb 2014 6:46:26] - Authorization state
  AvatarHistory.dll v. [6 Aug 2014 5:48:38] - Avatar history
  AVS.dll v. [6 Aug 2014 5:43:28] - Avatar service
  ClientChangeNotify.dll v. [8 Aug 2014 5:48:56] - Client change notify
  Clist_modern.dll v. [6 Aug 2014 5:46:24] - Modern contact list
  Contacts.dll v. [6 Aug 2014 5:44:42] - Send/receive contacts
  CrashDumper.dll v. [1 Jul 2014 5:49:48] - Crash dumper
  CSList.dll v. [16 Mar 2014 0:38:54] - Custom status list
  DbEditorPP.dll v. [9 Aug 2014 5:45:02] - Database editor++
  Dbx_mmap.dll v. [10 Aug 2014 5:45:38] - Miranda NG mmap database driver
  FileAsMessage.dll v. [18 Jun 2014 12:59:54] - File as message
  Fingerprint.dll v. [6 Aug 2014 5:48:28] - Fingerprint NG
  Flags.dll v. [14 Feb 2014 6:46:34] - Country flags
  Folders.dll v. [5 Mar 2014 6:43:36] - Custom profile folders
  GTalkExt.dll v. [25 Apr 2014 5:47:18] - GTalk Extension
  HistoryPP.dll v. [22 Jul 2014 11:48:30] - History++
  ChangeKeyboardLayout.dll v. [13 Jun 2014 9:39:12] - Change keyboard layout
  ICQ.dll v. [6 Aug 2014 5:44:12] - IcqOscarJ protocol
  IEView.dll v. [6 Aug 2014 5:44:54] - IEView
  IgnoreState.dll v. [23 May 2014 5:50:32] - Ignore state
  Jabber.dll v. [6 Aug 2014 5:44:40] - Jabber protocol
  KeepStatus.dll v. [12 Jun 2014 5:43:16] - Keep status
  mTextControl.dll v. [12 Jun 2014 5:42:58] - Miranda text control
  NewXstatusNotify.dll v. [6 Aug 2014 5:44:56] - xStatus notify
  Nudge.dll v. [6 Aug 2014 5:44:58] - Nudge
  OpenFolder.dll v. [29 Jun 2014 5:49:20] - Open Miranda folder
  PluginUpdater.dll v. [6 Aug 2014 5:47:38] - Plugin updater
  PManagerEx.dll v. [6 Aug 2014 5:47:42] - Miranda NG profile changer
  Restart.dll v. [9 Jul 2013 6:56:52] - Restart
  SeenPlugin.dll v. [6 Aug 2014 5:45:02] - Last seen
  SimpleStatusMsg.dll v. [2 Jul 2014 5:43:44] - Simple status message
  Skype.dll v. [7 Aug 2014 5:54:16] - Skype protocol
  SmileyAdd.dll v. [6 Aug 2014 5:45:16] - SmileyAdd
  StartPosition.dll v. [29 Jun 2014 5:50:44] - Start position
  Steam.dll v. [25 Jul 2014 18:22:48] - Steam protocol
  TabSRMM.dll v. [8 Aug 2014 5:46:46] - TabSRMM
  TopToolBar.dll v. [6 Aug 2014 5:46:08] - TopToolBar
  UInfoEx.dll v. [6 Aug 2014 5:45:40] - User info ext
  Variables.dll v. [6 Aug 2014 5:51:02] - Variables
  VersionInfo.dll v. [6 Aug 2014 5:47:16] - Version information
  Yahoo.dll v. [6 Aug 2014 5:44:08] - Yahoo protocol

Unloadable Plugins (1):
  ImportTXT.dll v. [27 Dec 2012 6:42:59] - <unknown>
    Plugin statically links to missing dll file: pcre3.dll

Weather ini files:
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Robyer on 10 08 2014, 21:46:47
I have a strange issue with the latest x64 steam plugin (not the one that you just posted, but the latest "normal" binary.

There is no point of using older version. It's not going back. Use latest version and report errors of it. You said you can't send messages - try to capture network log with it.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: watcher on 11 08 2014, 06:28:25
There is no point of using older version. It's not going back. Use latest version and report errors of it. You said you can't send messages - try to capture network log with it.

No - latest testing build (different branch) is here only for authorization and message sending test, it's pretty much still unusable - it's recommended by author to still use binaries from the first post of this tread  for general usage.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Robyer on 11 08 2014, 08:34:39
watcher, oh, sorry for my misunderstanding. But still - old version may be recommended for "general usage", but bugs should be (IMHO) reported on latest version, no? Otherwise it doesn't make much sense (unless this whole new version with "web api" is just an experiment).  ???
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Vulpix on 11 08 2014, 21:35:06
It sounded like an experiment to me :o I tried it, but it broke everything horribly x3 I was essentially unable to reply to people after sending the first reply. If data is required for that, I can supply; but it kinda feels like this should be reproducible for anyone.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Smiling Spectre on 26 08 2014, 04:15:47
I am using (with shortened messages), and it looks quite good for me (most annoying error - with total hang after going on/off thru protocols - went away after Miranda updates). I need "full" message transfer that exist in the "experimental" build, but I didn't touch it yet. Still there is one issue that bothers me now and again.

Steam protocol doesn't track it's own status. It's most important during internet shortage or going to hibernation (both cases are quite common for me). All other protocols correctly detects that line was off and goes offline. Not Steam. It simply stops updating, "freezing" friend status in last seen state. I am usually noticing it when new Steam pop-up window appears from Steam client - and nothing in Miranda. :( Turning Miranda offline/online fixes problem, obviously.

Can it be changed to "standard" net update behavior, please?
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Vulpix on 26 08 2014, 06:36:41
Yeah! It's pretty much the same for me actually. Thing is, I do neither of these things - sometimes, steam just goes offline because of steam servers going off (or whatever really) - and then I cannot send messages to any of my friends anymore.

It'd be neat if what the poster above me says was implemented :)
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Black Sniper on 26 08 2014, 08:19:13
Played in MiniMetro, and just now noticed that Contact Add strangers from the table of scores of the game. Is this normal? :)
Part has been removed. sorry, but this size
Steam.dll v. [25 Jul 2014 19:22:37](https://forum.miranda-ng.org/%3D%3D) (http://search.surfcanyon.com/search?f=nrl1&q=VersionInfo&partner=fastestfox)
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: White-Tiger on 26 08 2014, 10:21:47
[...] sometimes, steam just goes offline because of steam servers going off (or whatever really) [...]
xD That's normal ... if you set the original Steam client to not logon onto the friend list on startup, (so you need to manually go online) you'll also notice that Steam looses the connection about 10 times per day.. at least it's quite often and not uncommon^^ And you need to set your status manually back to online then... So even the original steam client isn't that good in a similar case xD
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Black Sniper on 26 08 2014, 10:33:35
damn, how bad do not know English.
In the original client does not have these friends. Plugin and will upload them?
Wait for correction?
or who was the first to bridge, and the one to load the list?
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: White-Tiger on 26 08 2014, 11:22:49
ehm... my post wasn't related to yours :P You can safely ignore it ;)
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Smiling Spectre on 27 08 2014, 17:43:51
xD That's normal ... if you set the original Steam client to not logon onto the friend list on startup, (so you need to manually go online) you'll also notice that Steam looses the connection about 10 times per day.. at least it's quite often and not uncommon^^ And you need to set your status manually back to online then... So even the original steam client isn't that good in a similar case xD
Problem is not that Steam goes offline. Problem is - Steam plugin doesn't detect this offline state. He simply stop updating, silently, without any warning or displaying "offline" status (as all other protocols do :). I have nothing against re-logging plugin - but I need to know that it is offline! :)
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: White-Tiger on 27 08 2014, 19:16:40
I know^^ I just tried to clear up your “or whatever”
So I confirmed that it is most likely Steam killing/loosing the connection.

That the plugin doesn't detect a connection interrupt was clear enough already ;) Same for Tox^^
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Black Sniper on 28 08 2014, 18:34:59
Messages sent via miranda_steam, a steam displaying garbage
Black Sniper: тест = test

тест = test

Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Smiling Spectre on 29 08 2014, 16:31:48
Oh! I have exactly this issue - seems random - only in reverse direction. From Steam client to Miranda my Russian messages are randomly corrupted, exactly the same way. From Miranda to Steam is always good for me. Maybe there is some catch that causes it in the any direction...

Stable version, here. I don't know if it's the same for "experimental" version.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: AlexeiK on 04 09 2014, 18:15:39
that is why i moved to NG :)
steam client cant join me in game but miranda can ))

i didnt test how proto works with Invite to party.
will do
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: AlexeiK on 06 09 2014, 08:09:47
is it possible to make dota2 to show freinds with plugin?
for now dota2 show freinds only if steam freinds are running.

Post Merge: 06 09 2014, 11:49:56
if i have miranda steam and steam client on
in miranda steam always adds steam accounts to contact not from my friend list.
i cant even imagine where are they from.
if only miranda steam is on then its ok.

Post Merge: 07 09 2014, 06:51:39
plugin cant detect wake up from sleep mode.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: AlexeiK on 07 09 2014, 11:21:38
details on strange behaviour :
1. i load steam client
2. load miranda client
3. play dota2
4.after match ends miranda client adds everyone who plays in match to contact list.

Post Merge: 07 09 2014, 12:00:35
miranda steam contacts adds everyone steam user from :
1.watching replays in dota 2
2. playing game in dota 2

i play one game, see one replay and got 20 steam contacts in miranda steam.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: watcher on 22 11 2014, 13:11:59
Binaries updated to r11037 (http://trac.miranda-ng.org/changeset/11037). Please update manually from attachments in the first post (http://forum.miranda-ng.org/index.php?topic=1222.msg3253#msg3253).
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Robyer on 22 11 2014, 13:45:14
Problem is not that Steam goes offline. Problem is - Steam plugin doesn't detect this offline state. He simply stop updating, silently, without any warning or displaying "offline" status (as all other protocols do :). I have nothing against re-logging plugin - but I need to know that it is offline! :)

I just fixed this. On error it should disconnect protocol correctly now.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: watcher on 22 11 2014, 14:59:52
Binaries updated to r11039 (http://trac.miranda-ng.org/changeset/11039). Please update manually from attachments in the first post (http://forum.miranda-ng.org/index.php?topic=1222.msg3253#msg3253).
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Vulpix on 22 11 2014, 17:44:27
Using it now, will say if the thing happens again. Thanks!
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Smiling Spectre on 23 11 2014, 20:28:40
Actually, on my Win 8.1 it became worse.

Before: it lost connection, then became unresponsive if trying to go offline/online.
After: the same, only now it randomly closes Miranda at whole - maybe instead going offline (because I never observed such behavior).

Sorry. :(

Forget it for now, it's for previous build. Sorry. - ah, no, link is the same, so it _was_ latest build, actually.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Robyer on 23 11 2014, 21:04:45
Smiling Spectre, ok, provide me a network log, please :-) (and to be sure - a version - it should be
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: watcher on 23 11 2014, 21:25:40
Binaries updated to r11044 (http://trac.miranda-ng.org/changeset/11044). Please update manually from attachments in the first post (http://forum.miranda-ng.org/index.php?topic=1222.msg3253#msg3253).
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Smiling Spectre on 24 11 2014, 06:43:41
Smiling Spectre, ok, provide me a network log, please :-) (and to be sure - a version - it should be
Tell me please how to make this log, and I'll provide it, of course.

Yes, it is version - I checked right now. But I'll update it now, of course...
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Robyer on 24 11 2014, 08:19:54
Smiling Spectre, http://wiki.miranda-ng.org/index.php?title=Network_log and enable only Steam protocol there.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Smiling Spectre on 24 11 2014, 10:29:55
Found it, thank you. We'll see...
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Vulpix on 24 11 2014, 18:07:27
I've had no issues so far; usually it'd crash at least once per day but after the changes it's been running fine until I upgraded it to that recent fix, and then fine since then again - so it looks good over here!
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Robyer on 24 11 2014, 18:44:20
Smiling Spectre, oh and if you mean Miranda crashes, then create also a useful crash report (http://wiki.miranda-ng.org/index.php?title=Crash_reports), thanks.

Vulpix, that's good to hear :)
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Vulpix on 25 11 2014, 07:58:09
I guess I spoke too soon - it happened again :/ Contacts were showing online even though steam was actually disconnected, just like it has always been happening :(
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Robyer on 25 11 2014, 09:39:14
Vulpix, as usual, I need network log :-)
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Smiling Spectre on 27 11 2014, 05:44:56
Smiling Spectre, oh and if you mean Miranda crashes, then create also a useful crash report, thanks.
Funny thing. After I installed latest () version of plugin _and_ started logging, Steam stopped to acting weird! I have no idea if it's quality of last update, or interaction with the logging itself. :)

But one thing is still here. Miranda hangs on turning Steam off or on. It's much rarer than before (old plugin could hang two times per three) - I got it only once for this days - but it still here. I have no idea what the reason of it: logging records nothing, and crash dump simply not appears. :/ Miranda32 simply eats one core fully (50% at work, with dualcore, 25% at home with quad), and nothing more happens until I'll kill the process.

Just in case if log will tell you anything, I'll cite it. It's after my attempt to turn off Steam to close Miranda.
[8:42:40 0A5C] [STEAM_1] (780) Connected to cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com:80
[8:42:40 0A5C] [STEAM_1] (00C54C80:780) Connection closed internal
[8:42:40 0A5C] [STEAM_1] (00C54C80:4294967295) Connection closed
[8:42:41 0A5C] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::ExecuteRequest: http://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/avatars/8f/8fb87ccea9fc976f73458497a21587d8cdbbe57d_full.jpg
[8:42:41 0A5C] [STEAM_1] Connection request to cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com:80 (Flags 1)....
[8:42:41 0A5C] [STEAM_1] (00C54C80) Connecting to server cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com:80....
[8:42:41 0A5C] [STEAM_1] (00C54C80) Connecting to ip ....
[8:42:41 0A5C] [STEAM_1] (780) Connected to cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com:80
[8:42:41 0A5C] [STEAM_1] (00C54C80:780) Connection closed internal
[8:42:41 0A5C] [STEAM_1] (00C54C80:4294967295) Connection closed
[8:42:41 0A5C] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::ExecuteRequest: http://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/avatars/fe/fef49e7fa7e1997310d705b2a6158ff8dc1cdfeb_full.jpg
[8:42:41 0A5C] [STEAM_1] Connection request to cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com:80 (Flags 1)....
[8:42:41 0A5C] [STEAM_1] (00C54C80) Connecting to server cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com:80....
[8:42:41 0A5C] [STEAM_1] (00C54C80) Connecting to ip ....
[8:42:41 0A5C] [STEAM_1] (816) Connected to cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com:80
[8:42:41 0A5C] [STEAM_1] (00C54C80:816) Connection closed internal
[8:42:41 0A5C] [STEAM_1] (00C54C80:4294967295) Connection closed
[8:42:41 0A5C] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::ExecuteRequest: http://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/avatars/23/233dea6574c5335e4932075f9d73f1a46aaf74d6_full.jpg
[8:42:41 0A5C] [STEAM_1] Connection request to cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com:80 (Flags 1)....
[8:42:41 0A5C] [STEAM_1] (00C54C80) Connecting to server cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com:80....
[8:42:41 0A5C] [STEAM_1] (00C54C80) Connecting to ip ....
[8:42:41 0A5C] [STEAM_1] (816) Connected to cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com:80
[8:42:42 0A5C] [STEAM_1] (00C54C80:816) Connection closed internal
[8:42:42 0A5C] [STEAM_1] (00C54C80:4294967295) Connection closed
[8:42:42 0A5C] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::ExecuteRequest: http://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/avatars/ae/aef110b84eb7207d376aeedcd1201fc2808d71dc_full.jpg
[8:42:42 0A5C] [STEAM_1] Connection request to cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com:80 (Flags 1)....
[8:42:42 0A5C] [STEAM_1] (00C54C80) Connecting to server cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com:80....
[8:42:42 0A5C] [STEAM_1] (00C54C80) Connecting to ip ....
[8:42:42 0A5C] [STEAM_1] (644) Connected to cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com:80
That's all. Log stops here, and Miranda hangs.

Hmm, I think, I found it.

At least, I found _one_ hang reason. :)

At work I have ADSL. That briefly goes offline for statistics gathering in roughly 8-15 - 8-30. And my "main" Miranda goes offline as soon as line stops responding.

But last time (today) Steam still was "online" after that. Only stealthy doesn't do anything. But when I tried to put it off/on, it immediately hangs as described above.

At home it's fibre channel, so there is no such obvious "channel off state" as with ADSL. But still it _goes_ offline now and again occasionally. So maybe it's still the same "no offline detection" as before.

Today's end of log is this:
[8:17:04 0C5C] [STEAM_1] (00C59AD8:792) Connection closed internal
[8:17:04 0C5C] [STEAM_1] (00C59AD8:4294967295) Connection closed
[8:17:04 0C5C] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::ExecuteRequest: http://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/avatars/60/60a1ebe089ed1a35de18b62053ace54e3bc544c4_full.jpg
[8:17:04 0C5C] [STEAM_1] Connection request to cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com:80 (Flags 1)....
[8:17:04 0C5C] [STEAM_1] (00C59AD8) Connecting to server cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com:80....
[8:17:04 0C5C] [STEAM_1] (00C59AD8) Connecting to ip ....
[8:17:04 0C5C] [STEAM_1] (736) Connected to cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com:80
[8:17:05 0C5C] [STEAM_1] (00C59AD8:736) Connection closed internal
[8:17:05 0C5C] [STEAM_1] (00C59AD8:4294967295) Connection closed
[8:17:05 0C5C] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::ExecuteRequest: http://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/avatars/05/05d65c7cd65f7575d2d6e37d0f1f6d7fcd67b9c3_full.jpg
[8:17:05 0C5C] [STEAM_1] Connection request to cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com:80 (Flags 1)....
[8:17:05 0C5C] [STEAM_1] (00C59AD8) Connecting to server cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com:80....
[8:17:05 0C5C] [STEAM_1] (00C59AD8) Connecting to ip ....
[8:17:05 0C5C] [STEAM_1] (780) Connected to cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com:80
[8:17:05 0C5C] [STEAM_1] (00C59AD8:780) Connection closed internal
[8:17:05 0C5C] [STEAM_1] (00C59AD8:4294967295) Connection closed
[8:17:05 0C5C] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::ExecuteRequest: http://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/avatars/27/275e9e5fad5e483b1aea67f279035e8b0d9f8180_full.jpg
[8:17:05 0C5C] [STEAM_1] Connection request to cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com:80 (Flags 1)....
[8:17:05 0C5C] [STEAM_1] (00C59AD8) Connecting to server cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com:80....
[8:17:05 0C5C] [STEAM_1] (00C59AD8) Connecting to ip ....
[8:17:05 0C5C] [STEAM_1] (792) Connected to cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com:80
[8:17:06 0C5C] [STEAM_1] (00C59AD8:792) Connection closed internal
[8:17:06 0C5C] [STEAM_1] (00C59AD8:4294967295) Connection closed
[8:17:06 0C5C] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::ExecuteRequest: http://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/avatars/5a/5a07d0559dfee245a35d9947788f49a092519acb_full.jpg
[8:17:06 0C5C] [STEAM_1] Connection request to cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com:80 (Flags 1)....
[8:17:06 0C5C] [STEAM_1] (00C59AD8) Connecting to server cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com:80....
[8:17:06 0C5C] [STEAM_1] (00C59AD8) Connecting to ip ....
[8:17:06 0C5C] [STEAM_1] (792) Connected to cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com:80
[8:17:06 0C5C] [STEAM_1] (00C59AD8:792) Connection closed internal
[8:17:06 0C5C] [STEAM_1] (00C59AD8:4294967295) Connection closed
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Vulpix on 28 11 2014, 07:36:56
For me, my connection was completely fine; however, it seems steam servers went down for a bit.

Steam itself (the protocol) shows as online and still shows people's statuses as online too, until I tried to message someone this morning and got an immediate issue with not able to send.

[19:22:57 1BC0] [STEAM_1] (0000000023C8EC88:40032) Connection closed internal
[19:22:57 1BC0] [STEAM_1] (0000000023C8EC88:4294967295) Connection closed
[19:22:57 1BC0] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::ExecuteRequest: <avatar,censored>
[19:22:57 1BC0] [STEAM_1] Connection request to cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com:80 (Flags 1)....
[19:22:57 1BC0] [STEAM_1] (0000000023C8EC88) Connecting to server cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com:80....
[19:22:57 1BC0] [STEAM_1] (0000000023C8EC88) Connecting to ip ....
[19:22:57 1BC0] [STEAM_1] (40032) Connected to cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com:80
[19:22:57 1BC0] [STEAM_1] (0000000023C8EC88:40032) Connection closed internal
[19:22:57 1BC0] [STEAM_1] (0000000023C8EC88:4294967295) Connection closed
[19:23:17 114C] [STEAM_1] (0000000023C8E8F8:10608) Data received
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
[19:23:17 114C] [STEAM_1] (0000000023C8E8F8:10608) Data received
Date: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 18:23:05 GMT
expires: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 18:23:05 GMT
content-type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
content-length: 56

[19:23:17 114C] [STEAM_1] (0000000023C8E8F8:10608) Data received
   "pollid": 0,
   "sectimeout": 20,
   "error": "Timeout"
[19:23:17 114C] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::PollingThread: https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamWebUserPresenceOAuth/Poll/v0001
[19:23:37 114C] [STEAM_1] (0000000023C8E8F8:10608) Data received
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
[19:23:37 114C] [STEAM_1] (0000000023C8E8F8:10608) Data received
Date: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 18:23:26 GMT
expires: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 18:23:26 GMT
content-type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
content-length: 56

[19:23:37 114C] [STEAM_1] (0000000023C8E8F8:10608) Data received
   "pollid": 0,
   "sectimeout": 20,
   "error": "Timeout"
[19:23:37 114C] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::PollingThread: https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamWebUserPresenceOAuth/Poll/v0001
[19:23:43 114C] [STEAM_1] (0000000023C8E8F8:10608) Data received
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
[19:23:43 114C] [STEAM_1] (0000000023C8E8F8:10608) Data received
Date: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 18:23:31 GMT
expires: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 18:23:31 GMT
content-type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
content-length: 383

[19:23:43 114C] [STEAM_1] (0000000023C8E8F8:10608) Data received
   "pollid": 0,
   "messages": [
         "type": "personastate",
         "timestamp": 237957043,
         "utc_timestamp": 1417112611,
         "steamid_from": "<censored>",
         "status_flags": 863,
         "persona_state": 1,
         "persona_name": "<censored>"
   "messagelast": 3210,
   "timestamp": 237957043,
   "utc_timestamp": 1417112611,
   "messagebase": 3209,
   "sectimeout": 5,
   "error": "OK"
[19:23:43 1BC0] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::ExecuteRequest: Ą
[19:23:43 114C] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::PollingThread: https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamWebUserPresenceOAuth/Poll/v0001
[19:23:43 1BC0] [STEAM_1] Connection request to api.steampowered.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[19:23:43 1BC0] [STEAM_1] (0000000023C8EC88) Connecting to server api.steampowered.com:443....
[19:23:43 1BC0] [STEAM_1] (0000000023C8EC88) Connecting to ip ....
[19:23:43 1BC0] [STEAM_1] (40164) Connected to api.steampowered.com:443
[19:23:43 1BC0] [STEAM_1] (40164 api.steampowered.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[19:23:43 1BC0] [STEAM_1] (40164 api.steampowered.com) SSL negotiation successful
[19:23:44 1BC0] [STEAM_1] (0000000023C8EC88:40164) Data received
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
[19:23:44 1BC0] [STEAM_1] (0000000023C8EC88:40164) Data received
Date: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 18:23:32 GMT
expires: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 18:23:32 GMT
content-type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
content-length: 874

[19:23:44 1BC0] [STEAM_1] (0000000023C8EC88:40164) Data received
   "players": [
         "steamid": "<censored>",
         "communityvisibilitystate": 3,
         "profilestate": 1,
         "personaname": "<censored>",
         "lastlogoff": 1417101249,
         "profileurl": "<censored>",
         "avatar": "<censored>",
         "avatarmedium": "<censored>",
         "avatarfull": "<censored>",
         "personastate": 1,
         "realname": "<censored>",
         "primaryclanid": "103582791431665055",
         "timecreated": 1355481657,
         "personastateflags": 0,
         "loccountrycode": "GB",
         "locstatecode": "T5"
[19:23:44 1BC0] [STEAM_1] (0000000023C8EC88:40164) Connection closed internal
[19:23:44 1BC0] [STEAM_1] (0000000023C8EC88:4294967295) Connection closed
[19:23:44 1BC0] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::ExecuteRequest: <censored>
[19:23:44 1BC0] [STEAM_1] Connection request to cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com:80 (Flags 1)....
[19:23:44 1BC0] [STEAM_1] (0000000023C8EC88) Connecting to server cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com:80....
[19:23:44 1BC0] [STEAM_1] (0000000023C8EC88) Connecting to ip ....
[19:23:44 1BC0] [STEAM_1] (40160) Connected to cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com:80
[19:23:44 1BC0] [STEAM_1] (0000000023C8EC88:40160) Connection closed internal
[19:23:44 1BC0] [STEAM_1] (0000000023C8EC88:4294967295) Connection closed
[19:24:03 114C] [STEAM_1] (0000000023C8E8F8:10608) Data received
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
[19:24:03 114C] [STEAM_1] (0000000023C8E8F8:10608) Data received
Date: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 18:23:52 GMT
expires: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 18:23:52 GMT
content-type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
content-length: 56

[19:24:03 114C] [STEAM_1] (0000000023C8E8F8:10608) Data received
   "pollid": 0,
   "sectimeout": 20,
   "error": "Timeout"
[19:24:03 114C] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::PollingThread: https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamWebUserPresenceOAuth/Poll/v0001
[19:24:24 114C] [STEAM_1] (0000000023C8E8F8:10608) Data received
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
[19:24:24 114C] [STEAM_1] (0000000023C8E8F8:10608) Data received
Date: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 18:24:12 GMT
expires: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 18:24:12 GMT
content-type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
content-length: 56

[19:24:24 114C] [STEAM_1] (0000000023C8E8F8:10608) Data received
   "pollid": 0,
   "sectimeout": 20,
   "error": "Timeout"
[19:24:24 114C] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::PollingThread: https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamWebUserPresenceOAuth/Poll/v0001
[19:24:45 114C] [STEAM_1] (0000000023C8E8F8:10608) Data received
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
[19:24:45 114C] [STEAM_1] (0000000023C8E8F8:10608) Data received
Date: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 18:24:33 GMT
expires: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 18:24:33 GMT
content-type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
content-length: 56

[19:24:45 114C] [STEAM_1] (0000000023C8E8F8:10608) Data received
   "pollid": 0,
   "sectimeout": 20,
   "error": "Timeout"
[19:24:45 114C] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::PollingThread: https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamWebUserPresenceOAuth/Poll/v0001
[19:25:05 114C] [STEAM_1] (0000000023C8E8F8:10608) Data received
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
[19:25:05 114C] [STEAM_1] (0000000023C8E8F8:10608) Data received
Date: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 18:24:54 GMT
expires: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 18:24:54 GMT
content-type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
content-length: 56

[19:25:05 114C] [STEAM_1] (0000000023C8E8F8:10608) Data received
   "pollid": 0,
   "sectimeout": 20,
   "error": "Timeout"
[19:25:05 114C] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::PollingThread: https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamWebUserPresenceOAuth/Poll/v0001
[19:25:26 114C] [STEAM_1] (0000000023C8E8F8:10608) Data received
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
[19:25:26 114C] [STEAM_1] (0000000023C8E8F8:10608) Data received
Date: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 18:25:14 GMT
expires: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 18:25:14 GMT
content-type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
content-length: 56

[19:25:26 114C] [STEAM_1] (0000000023C8E8F8:10608) Data received
   "pollid": 0,
   "sectimeout": 20,
   "error": "Timeout"
[19:25:26 114C] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::PollingThread: https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamWebUserPresenceOAuth/Poll/v0001
[19:25:47 114C] [STEAM_1] (0000000023C8E8F8:10608) Data received
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
[19:25:47 114C] [STEAM_1] (0000000023C8E8F8:10608) Data received
Date: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 18:25:35 GMT
expires: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 18:25:35 GMT
content-type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
content-length: 56

[19:25:47 114C] [STEAM_1] (0000000023C8E8F8:10608) Data received
   "pollid": 0,
   "sectimeout": 21,
   "error": "Timeout"
[19:25:47 114C] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::PollingThread: https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamWebUserPresenceOAuth/Poll/v0001
[19:26:07 114C] [STEAM_1] (0000000023C8E8F8:10608) Data received
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
[19:26:07 114C] [STEAM_1] (0000000023C8E8F8:10608) Data received
Date: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 18:25:56 GMT
expires: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 18:25:56 GMT
content-type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
content-length: 56

[19:26:07 114C] [STEAM_1] (0000000023C8E8F8:10608) Data received
   "pollid": 0,
   "sectimeout": 20,
   "error": "Timeout"
[19:26:07 114C] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::PollingThread: https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamWebUserPresenceOAuth/Poll/v0001
[19:26:28 114C] [STEAM_1] (0000000023C8E8F8:10608) Data received
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
[19:26:28 114C] [STEAM_1] (0000000023C8E8F8:10608) Data received
Date: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 18:26:16 GMT
expires: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 18:26:16 GMT
content-type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
content-length: 56

[19:26:28 114C] [STEAM_1] (0000000023C8E8F8:10608) Data received
   "pollid": 0,
   "sectimeout": 20,
   "error": "Timeout"
[19:26:28 114C] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::PollingThread: https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamWebUserPresenceOAuth/Poll/v0001
[19:26:48 114C] [STEAM_1] (0000000023C8E8F8:10608) Data received
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
[19:26:48 114C] [STEAM_1] (0000000023C8E8F8:10608) Data received
Date: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 18:26:37 GMT
expires: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 18:26:37 GMT
content-type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
content-length: 56

[19:26:48 114C] [STEAM_1] (0000000023C8E8F8:10608) Data received
   "pollid": 0,
   "sectimeout": 20,
   "error": "Timeout"
[19:26:48 114C] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::PollingThread: https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamWebUserPresenceOAuth/Poll/v0001
[19:27:09 114C] [STEAM_1] (0000000023C8E8F8:10608) Data received
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
[19:27:09 114C] [STEAM_1] (0000000023C8E8F8:10608) Data received
Date: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 18:26:58 GMT
expires: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 18:26:58 GMT
content-type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
content-length: 56

[19:27:09 114C] [STEAM_1] (0000000023C8E8F8:10608) Data received
   "pollid": 0,
   "sectimeout": 20,
   "error": "Timeout"
[19:27:09 114C] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::PollingThread: https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamWebUserPresenceOAuth/Poll/v0001
[19:27:30 114C] [STEAM_1] (0000000023C8E8F8:10608) Data received
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
[19:27:30 114C] [STEAM_1] (0000000023C8E8F8:10608) Data received
Date: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 18:27:18 GMT
expires: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 18:27:18 GMT
content-type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
content-length: 56

[19:27:30 114C] [STEAM_1] (0000000023C8E8F8:10608) Data received
   "pollid": 0,
   "sectimeout": 20,
   "error": "Timeout"
[19:27:30 114C] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::PollingThread: https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamWebUserPresenceOAuth/Poll/v0001
[19:28:00 114C] [STEAM_1] modules\netlib\netlibhttp.cpp 539: HttpPeekFirstResponseLine Failed (1460 10)
[19:28:00 114C] [STEAM_1] (0000000023C8E8F8:10608) Connection closed internal
[19:28:00 114C] [STEAM_1] (0000000023C8E8F8:4294967295) Connection closed

[8:26:50 1BC0] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::ExecuteRequest: https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamWebUserPresenceOAuth/Message/v0001
[8:26:50 1BC0] [STEAM_1] Connection request to api.steampowered.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[8:26:50 1BC0] [STEAM_1] (0000000023C8EEE8) Connecting to server api.steampowered.com:443....
[8:26:50 1BC0] [STEAM_1] (0000000023C8EEE8) Connecting to ip ....
[8:26:51 1BC0] [STEAM_1] (18076) Connected to api.steampowered.com:443
[8:26:51 1BC0] [STEAM_1] (18076 api.steampowered.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[8:26:51 1BC0] [STEAM_1] (18076 api.steampowered.com) SSL negotiation successful
[8:26:52 1BC0] [STEAM_1] (0000000023C8EEE8:18076) Data received
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
[8:26:52 1BC0] [STEAM_1] (0000000023C8EEE8:18076) Data received
Date: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 07:26:38 GMT
expires: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 07:26:38 GMT
content-type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
content-length: 29

[8:26:52 1BC0] [STEAM_1] (0000000023C8EEE8:18076) Data received
   "error": "Not Logged On"
[8:26:52 1BC0] [STEAM_1] (0000000023C8EEE8:18076) Connection closed internal
[8:26:52 1BC0] [STEAM_1] (0000000023C8EEE8:4294967295) Connection closed
[8:26:52 1BC0] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::OnMessageSent: failed to send message for 76561197995308820 (Not Logged On)


Unlike Spectre, I can go offline and online (by setting the appropriate status) to restore Steam protocol's functionality without causing my miranda to hang. I remember with older versions of the steam plugin, if I had a message being sent (tabsrmm timeout) and during that time, I would try to go offline and online, miranda would hang.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Robyer on 28 11 2014, 10:03:01
Smiling Spectre, thanks for info. Unfortunately your logs are useless because it shows only process of downloading avatars, not cause of the problem. Next time feel free to upload whole log somewhere (or at least significant part of it, not only few last lines). That would be more helpful.

Also please try to examine it like this, when freezing happens again: http://wiki.miranda-ng.org/index.php?title=Using_Process_Explorer_as_the_debugging_tool and send me some screenshots of that stack :-)

Vulpix, you can do this ^ too. Thanks for report and info, I'll look at it ;-)
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Smiling Spectre on 28 11 2014, 10:18:43
Smiling Spectre, thanks for info. Unfortunately your logs are useless because it shows only process of downloading avatars, not cause of the problem.
Yeah, I thought the same - about uselessness, but it worth to try, no? :)

Well, I didn't think that _full_ log can benefit you more, but if you think so - of course, I'll upload it next time. :)

Also please try to examine it like this, when freezing happens again: http://wiki.miranda-ng.org/index.php?title=Using_Process_Explorer_as_the_debugging_tool and send me some screenshots of that stack :-)
Wow, I didn't know about this abilities of the Process Explorer. Ok, I'll try it too, thank you for the info! :)
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Vulpix on 28 11 2014, 10:45:33
Smiling Spectre, thanks for info. Unfortunately your logs are useless because it shows only process of downloading avatars, not cause of the problem. Next time feel free to upload whole log somewhere (or at least significant part of it, not only few last lines). That would be more helpful.

Also please try to examine it like this, when freezing happens again: http://wiki.miranda-ng.org/index.php?title=Using_Process_Explorer_as_the_debugging_tool and send me some screenshots of that stack :-)

Vulpix, you can do this ^ too. Thanks for report and info, I'll look at it ;-)

I would, but my miranda-steam no longer freezes :D It stopped happening with one of the latest updates. It only really used to happen with the old version of the steam protocol. But if it happens ever again, I will check the stack.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Robyer on 28 11 2014, 21:19:42
Smiling Spectre, Vulpix, now I finally fixed that disconnection issue. Lets wait for watcher to compile new binaries and then test it :-)
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: watcher on 28 11 2014, 21:21:34
Binaries updated to r11135 (http://trac.miranda-ng.org/changeset/11135). Please update manually from attachments in the first post (http://forum.miranda-ng.org/index.php?topic=1222.msg3253#msg3253).
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Vulpix on 29 11 2014, 01:59:36
Smiling Spectre, Vulpix, now I finally fixed that disconnection issue. Lets wait for watcher to compile new binaries and then test it :-)

Great! I've updated and we'll see.

While we're at it, can you fix the message text limit issue? :p Currently it's so few characters I can't even paste most links :D
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Robyer on 30 11 2014, 01:38:11
While we're at it, can you fix the message text limit issue? :p Currently it's so few characters I can't even paste most links :D

I'm not so familiar with code (yet), but from what I remember it's because for some request we use mobile api and for some web api. And for one of them it allow only these short messages and for other it allows longer messages but it has some different problem. I don't remember what exactly does what...

What am I saying is: It's not matter of "fixing a bug in code" but rewriting it to use different api/requests, so not that simple. And unsane (author of Skype plugin) is who knows where... Don't expect it from me to be done soon, but maybe I'll look at it someday  :)
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: SneakyJoe on 01 12 2014, 21:55:58
Works weird with cyrillics.
Please fix.

Ты видео глянул?
Я посмотрел как доставляется месага с миранды.

Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Robyer on 01 12 2014, 23:02:07
SneakyJoe, try this version and tell me if it's better or not ;-)
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: SneakyJoe on 02 12 2014, 08:00:51
Nope, didn't work :-(

Is the fact that I'm using it not with nightly very crucial?
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Robyer on 02 12 2014, 13:13:59
Is the fact that I'm using it not with nightly very crucial?

No, it was just blind try. Obviously it requires much more work, and I don't have time for that.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Smiling Spectre on 02 12 2014, 14:10:13
I have no idea about exact mechanism of the problem, but as I see it third time this week, I can at least explain symptoms. :)

Russian (or any other non-standard alphabet - I am sure about Greek for example) coded in UTF-8.

But parser is not always aware about it. And exactly this UTF-8 read as plain ASCII will return you this strange P-infested text.

BTW, it's P-infested in the Russia, where second UTF byte interpretes as Russian 'R' that is written as English 'P'. For the pure English parsers - like in Kingdom of Loathing, second web-site with this problem - this is 'Ð' instead.

Hope it will helps.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Vulpix on 02 12 2014, 14:46:33
P-infested Russia? Kingdom of Loathing? Oh my, you just made my day :D

@Robyer: I'm referring to this: http://trac.miranda-ng.org/changeset/9716 I am pretty sure it was possible to write longer amounts of text, but the change was made to restrict it because of I don't remember what anymore.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: SneakyJoe on 02 12 2014, 16:22:53
Okay, I'll be watching this thread in case you fix encoding problems for russia.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Robyer on 02 12 2014, 18:28:16
Vulpix, SneakyJoe, raised message length limit and fixed messages encoding 8)

Let's wait for watcher to release new build.  ;)
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: watcher on 02 12 2014, 18:44:50
Binaries updated to r11220 (http://trac.miranda-ng.org/changeset/11220). Please update manually from attachments in the first post (http://forum.miranda-ng.org/index.php?topic=1222.msg3253#msg3253).
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: SneakyJoe on 02 12 2014, 21:49:09
Seems that now it works with russian, thanks. But it sends messages with a few blank strings after them.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Robyer on 03 12 2014, 08:46:26
No, it works correctly for me. What does it even mean "blank strings"? Screenshot? Does it do for all messages or only some? Are you sure you don't put the "blank strings" there by yourself?
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: SneakyJoe on 03 12 2014, 11:38:02

Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Vulpix on 03 12 2014, 12:42:24
Long messages are being sent! Yay! :D Thanks, @Robyer!
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: SneakyJoe on 03 12 2014, 12:55:08

Seems like encoding problem is not entirely fixed. And displaying of full messages sometimes suffer (was chatting through steam client, not miranda here)
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Robyer on 03 12 2014, 15:49:11
SneakyJoe, I can't reproduce that.

1) Try it in development version of Miranda NG
2) If it persists, make scenario where you can reproduce it (check if it does some special message, etc.)
3) Try to reproduce it on https://steamcommunity.com/chat/ website which I use for testing
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Smiling Spectre on 03 12 2014, 20:14:24
SneakyJoe, I can't reproduce that.

1) Try it in development version of Miranda NG
2) If it persists, make scenario where you can reproduce it (check if it does some special message, etc.)
3) Try to reproduce it on https://steamcommunity.com/chat/ website which I use for testing

I tested it just now. Obviously, there are 4 possible interactions with Steam:

1. Receiving messages from the others. It worked since the beginning, and it keeps working. :)

2. Sending messages thru plugin. It works! :) (It never worked before :).

3 (and 4). Sending messages thru web-chat or steam client. Here are problems started. And they are identical, so I will not use 4 below - it's the same.

3.1. Sending English messages. It works like a dream - any message duplicates to Miranda, as thru web, as thru client.

3.2. Sending pure Russian/mixed messages. It never worked. :(

3.2.1. Most messages "converted" to UTF-8-deformed text, just as before. So instead "абракадабра" I see "абракР".

3.2.2. Some messages goes as it must, but cutted down to the very ridiculous limitation. "Дура." was received as is, but "тест" was sent trice, and every time I got only "те". When I sent "тесто" instead, I got "теС" in Miranda. Message "А теперь спецсимволы. :) >.<" was received in Miranda as "А теперь спецси".

As you can see, "converted" messages limited to mere first symbols too.

Second native simultaneous Steam client - web or client itself - receiving correct messages in the any combination used.

Also, it stopped to hang miranda now! Yay! Last time it thought about minute after net loss - but recovered itself. :) Thank you for that!
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Robyer on 04 12 2014, 06:55:13
Smiling Spectre, aha, now I finally know what are you talking about.

I fixed many things, see:

So lets wait for watcher's build :-)
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Vulpix on 04 12 2014, 09:15:26
Man you are on fire! Interested in tox protocol? :DD I put up a bounty for that you know! :D
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: watcher on 04 12 2014, 09:58:19
Binaries updated to r11237 (http://trac.miranda-ng.org/changeset/11237). Please update manually from attachments in the first post (http://forum.miranda-ng.org/index.php?topic=1222.msg3253#msg3253).
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: watcher on 04 12 2014, 14:15:57
Binaries updated to r11241 (http://trac.miranda-ng.org/changeset/11241). Please update manually from attachments in the first post (http://forum.miranda-ng.org/index.php?topic=1222.msg3253#msg3253).
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Robyer on 04 12 2014, 14:20:59
^ another bunch of updates:


Man you are on fire! Interested in tox protocol? :DD I put up a bounty for that you know! :D

I saw your bounty ;D I'd like to do that, but I'm too busy with school and work right now  :-\
+ I'm ill these days, so I'm going to rest now... this steam procrastination consumed too much energy already...
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Vulpix on 04 12 2014, 16:46:36
Awww pity that. :p well I tried you know!

Anyway, cool stuff about the steam notify thing, it was like "this one is deleted, this one is deleted, this one is added again" etc. It would be a cool idea to put this into the miranda system log (when you check system history). Could you do that?
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Robyer on 04 12 2014, 17:27:19
It would be a cool idea to put this into the miranda system log (when you check system history). Could you do that?

I never did that, but it shouldn't be hard to do. Feel free to create tickets on tracker for your feature requests or problems and I'll look at it someday. ;)
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Smiling Spectre on 04 12 2014, 20:11:39
Smiling Spectre, aha, now I finally know what are you talking about.I fixed many things, see:
It works! Oh, man, IT'S ALIVE! :D

Thank you very much! :)
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: SneakyJoe on 04 12 2014, 22:24:29
With the last build I get "Protocol is not loaded" in accounts settings.

Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: watcher on 04 12 2014, 22:46:20
SneakyJoe, you have to use latest nightly build for it to load, switch PluginUpdater to Dev version.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: SneakyJoe on 05 12 2014, 01:38:28
I updated it and got like 200 contacts in my list o_0
I have less than 40 at steam. Who are those people?  :o
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Vulpix on 05 12 2014, 08:55:02
I had another weird issue today. I _think_ that my connection went down at around 3:30 am, but I cannot be sure. I wasn't awake then :D

Either way... my tox reconnected fine it seems. My steam did not. The strange bit is that it shows the protocol as "online" in the miranda status menu - but every contact is offline. Messaging anyone comes back immediately with an error. See log below.

Or actually not, it's too long. Attached as txt.

The data that precedes the log has a _ton_ of contact info and requests, I assume this is what happens when you sign in (all the avatars are pulled etc). I cannot include this.

I can see it comes up as error-timeout / error-timeout, then it starts reconnecting, it seems to have managed to reconnect and then that happens.

What I can think of is - could "KeepStatus" be trying to reconnect whilst the protocol is already reconnecting (and pulling the user data), and thus causing too many requests and eventually causing a crash?

I could probably set a longer delay between reconnect requests or something; it's currently set to 60 seconds.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: SneakyJoe on 07 12 2014, 23:19:05
It got up to 300. Removed that protocol untill fixed. O_O
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Robyer on 07 12 2014, 23:47:59
Vulpix, thanks to your log I just found an infinite loop in code, when you switch protocol to offline when there are still some requests in the queue. This resulted in freeze of whole Miranda if it was caused by manual switching to offline. And it could caused freeze just of Steam thread if it was done by Steam itself - e.g. when you received errors.

Hopefully this was your problem :-)

SneakyJoe, they might be people playing game on same server as you, idk. To fix it I need to know when it happens - are they loaded at login or during playing or just chatting? And giving me netlog capturing that problem would be perfect :-)

Btw for quick deleting these unnecessary contacts you can use Quick Search Mod, where you can delete more contacts at once, and add column to find only these not-friends. Just be offline while deleting them as Steam proto sends request to server to delete friend when you delete it from Miranda (for each one), so sending 300 useless requests is... well, useless :-D
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: watcher on 08 12 2014, 00:13:35
Binaries updated to r11267 (http://trac.miranda-ng.org/changeset/11267). Please update manually from attachments in the first post (http://forum.miranda-ng.org/index.php?topic=1222.msg3253#msg3253).
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Robyer on 08 12 2014, 14:08:14
SneakyJoe, they might be people playing game on same server as you, idk. To fix it I need to know when it happens - are they loaded at login or during playing or just chatting? And giving me netlog capturing that problem would be perfect :-)

... ok, I started playing some game myself -> problem fixed. ;-)
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: watcher on 08 12 2014, 14:13:41
Binaries updated to r11272 (http://trac.miranda-ng.org/changeset/11272). Please update manually from attachments in the first post (http://forum.miranda-ng.org/index.php?topic=1222.msg3253#msg3253).
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: watcher on 08 12 2014, 14:41:53
Steam protocol has been added to nightly builds, so no need to update it manually anymore! Big thanks goes to Robyer for not abandoning, fixing and supporting Steam protocol!
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Vulpix on 08 12 2014, 16:21:03
Props! Now do Tox! Just kidding :) thanks a bunch for making steam work better!

Post Merge: 08 12 2014, 17:55:35
Actually, ever since the update before this one, I keep getting miranda crashes. And it's not a "miranda has crashed" but a "program has stopped responding" so there is no crash log.

The last few lines of netlog aren't very informative:

[18:20:28 1C58] [STEAM_1] (000000001006A5D8:1936) Connection closed internal
[18:20:28 1C58] [STEAM_1] (000000001006A5D8:4294967295) Connection closed
[18:20:48 1CAC] [STEAM_1] (000000001006A4A8:1708) Data received
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
[18:20:48 1CAC] [STEAM_1] (000000001006A4A8:1708) Data received
Date: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 17:20:42 GMT
expires: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 17:20:42 GMT
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
content-length: 56

[18:20:48 1CAC] [STEAM_1] (000000001006A4A8:1708) Data received
   "pollid": 0,
   "sectimeout": 20,
   "error": "Timeout"
[18:20:48 1CAC] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::PollingThread: https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamWebUserPresenceOAuth/Poll/v0001
[18:21:08 1CAC] [STEAM_1] (000000001006A4A8:1708) Data received
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
[18:21:08 1CAC] [STEAM_1] (000000001006A4A8:1708) Data received
Date: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 17:21:03 GMT
expires: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 17:21:03 GMT
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
content-length: 56

[18:21:08 1CAC] [STEAM_1] (000000001006A4A8:1708) Data received
   "pollid": 0,
   "sectimeout": 20,
   "error": "Timeout"
[18:21:08 1CAC] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::PollingThread: https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamWebUserPresenceOAuth/Poll/v0001
[18:21:29 1CAC] [STEAM_1] (000000001006A4A8:1708) Data received
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
[18:21:29 1CAC] [STEAM_1] (000000001006A4A8:1708) Data received
Date: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 17:21:23 GMT
expires: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 17:21:23 GMT
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
content-length: 56

[18:21:29 1CAC] [STEAM_1] (000000001006A4A8:1708) Data received
   "pollid": 0,
   "sectimeout": 20,
   "error": "Timeout"
[18:21:29 1CAC] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::PollingThread: https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamWebUserPresenceOAuth/Poll/v0001

(nothing since then)

What can I do to help you debug this? It was not happening 2 versions prior. I'm using miranda nightly, VI is in spoiler

CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4765T CPU @ 2.00GHz [Intel64 Family 6 Model 60 Stepping 3] [DEP Enabled] [8 CPUs]
Installed RAM: 16329 MBytes
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate Edition, 64-bit Service Pack 1 (build 7601)
Internet Explorer: 8.0.7601.17514 (build 87601)
Administrator privileges: Yes
Free disk space on Miranda partition: 965213 MBytes

Miranda NG Version: 0.95.3 alpha build #11275 x64
Build time: 8 Dec 2014 17:01:06
Profile: <cutoff>
Profile size: 207290368 Bytes
Profile creation date: 10 Oct 2014 10:52:56
Language pack: No language pack installed
Service Mode: No

Active Plugins (44):
  AddContactPlus.dll v. [1 Dec 2014 9:52:00] - Add contact+
  AdvaImg.dll v. [3 Dec 2014 5:43:08] - Miranda image services
  AIM.dll v. [3 Dec 2014 5:42:04] - AIM protocol
  AssocMgr.dll v. [6 Dec 2014 5:46:54] - File association manager
  AuthState.dll v. [8 Dec 2014 16:53:10] - Authorization state
  AvatarHistory.dll v. [3 Dec 2014 5:47:02] - Avatar history
  AVS.dll v. [3 Dec 2014 5:41:48] - Avatar service
  ChangeKeyboardLayout.dll v. [3 Dec 2014 5:44:18] - Change keyboard layout
  ClientChangeNotify.dll v. [1 Dec 2014 9:52:02] - Client change notify
  Clist_modern.dll v. [6 Dec 2014 5:44:34] - Modern contact list
  Contacts.dll v. [1 Dec 2014 9:50:38] - Send/receive contacts
  CrashDumper.dll v. [6 Dec 2014 5:45:16] - Crash dumper
  CSList.dll v. [1 Dec 2014 9:50:44] - Custom status list
  Db_autobackups.dll v. [8 Dec 2014 5:43:56] - Db autobackuper
  DbEditorPP.dll v. [3 Dec 2014 5:45:24] - Database editor++
  Dbx_mmap.dll v. [8 Dec 2014 16:52:10] - Miranda NG mmap database driver
  Dummy.dll v. [3 Dec 2014 5:49:16] - Dummy protocol
  FileAsMessage.dll v. [3 Dec 2014 5:44:44] - File as message
  Fingerprint.dll v. [8 Dec 2014 5:47:50] - Fingerprint NG
  Flags.dll v. [1 Dec 2014 9:50:40] - Country flags
  Folders.dll v. [3 Dec 2014 5:43:06] - Custom profile folders
  HistoryPP.dll v. [6 Sep 2014 13:30:16] - History++
  ICQ.dll v. [6 Dec 2014 5:42:30] - IcqOscarJ protocol
  IEView.dll v. [6 Dec 2014 5:43:06] - IEView
  IgnoreState.dll v. [1 Dec 2014 9:50:52] - Ignore state
  Import.dll v. [20 Oct 2014 4:41:12] - Import contacts and messages
  KeepStatus.dll v. [1 Dec 2014 9:51:22] - Keep status
  mTextControl.dll v. [6 Dec 2014 5:43:06] - Miranda text control
  NewXstatusNotify.dll v. [1 Dec 2014 9:50:56] - xStatus notify
  Nudge.dll v. [1 Dec 2014 9:50:56] - Nudge
  OpenFolder.dll v. [1 Dec 2014 9:53:26] - Open Miranda folder
  PluginUpdater.dll v. [3 Dec 2014 5:45:40] - Plugin updater
  PManagerEx.dll v. [6 Aug 2014 4:47:42] - Miranda NG profile changer
  Restart.dll v. [9 Jul 2013 5:56:52] - Restart
  SeenPlugin.dll v. [1 Dec 2014 9:51:10] - Last seen
  SimpleStatusMsg.dll v. [3 Dec 2014 5:44:12] - Simple status message
  SmileyAdd.dll v. [3 Dec 2014 5:43:34] - SmileyAdd
  StartPosition.dll v. [29 Jun 2014 4:50:44] - Start position
  Steam.dll v. [8 Dec 2014 17:00:22] - Steam protocol
  TabSRMM.dll v. [8 Dec 2014 5:42:56] - TabSRMM
  TopToolBar.dll v. [1 Dec 2014 9:52:14] - TopToolBar
  Tox.dll v. [28 Sep 2014 22:12:16] - Tox Protocol
  UInfoEx.dll v. [6 Dec 2014 5:43:44] - User info ext
  Variables.dll v. [1 Dec 2014 9:51:48] - Variables

Unloadable Plugins (2):
  DbChecker.dll v. [8 Dec 2014 16:56:12] - <unknown>

  ImportTXT.dll v. [27 Dec 2012 5:42:59] - <unknown>

Protocols and Accounts:
AIM                      0 - Enabled 1 - Disabled  Loaded
Dummy                    8 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded
ICQ                      0 - Enabled 1 - Disabled  Loaded
STEAM                    1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded
TOX                      1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded
MetaContacts             1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded

Icon Packs:
 Flags_icons.dll [3 Dec 2014 5:47:24]
 Fp_icons.dll [8 Dec 2014 5:47:54]
 HistoryPP_icons.dll [7 Sep 2014 4:48:42]
 Proto_AIM.dll [3 Dec 2014 5:44:24]
 Proto_conn_Skype.dll [3 Oct 2013 6:33:22]
 Proto_Dummy.dll [3 Dec 2014 5:49:16]
 Proto_Facebook.dll [20 Sep 2014 14:36:06]
 Proto_GG.dll [17 Sep 2014 4:48:40]
 Proto_ICQ.dll [6 Dec 2014 5:44:20]
 Proto_IRC.dll [17 Sep 2014 4:48:40]
 Proto_Jabber.dll [24 Sep 2014 4:49:14]
 Proto_MetaContacts.dll [8 Dec 2014 16:59:48]
 Proto_MRA.dll [3 Dec 2014 5:44:22]
 Proto_mRadio.dll [27 Oct 2014 5:51:22]
 Proto_MSN.dll [17 Sep 2014 4:48:42]
 Proto_NewsAggregator.dll [8 Dec 2014 5:47:32]
 Proto_Omegle.dll [1 Dec 2014 9:54:06]
 Proto_Quotes.dll [1 Dec 2014 9:54:46]
 Proto_Skype.dll [7 Aug 2014 4:53:46]
 Proto_Steam.dll [8 Dec 2014 17:00:16]
 Proto_Tlen.dll [3 Dec 2014 5:46:10]
 Proto_Tox.dll [4 Oct 2014 20:14:48]
 Proto_Twitter.dll [3 Dec 2014 5:44:24]
 Proto_Weather.dll [3 Dec 2014 5:46:36]
 Proto_Yahoo.dll [17 Sep 2014 4:48:42]
 Proto_YAMN.dll [3 Dec 2014 5:46:40]
 SecureIM_icons.dll [3 Dec 2014 5:47:24]
 TabSRMM_icons.dll [8 Dec 2014 5:47:06]
 Toolbar_icons.dll [6 Dec 2014 5:44:24]
 UInfoEx_icons.dll [6 Dec 2014 5:44:00]
 Watrack_buttons.dll [1 Dec 2014 9:59:18]
 Watrack_icons.dll [1 Dec 2014 9:59:18]
 xStatus_ICQ.dll [6 Dec 2014 5:42:42]
 xStatus_Jabber.dll [24 Sep 2014 4:47:40]
 xStatus_MRA.dll [3 Dec 2014 5:44:08]
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Robyer on 08 12 2014, 22:24:21
Vulpix, try to get to that older version to be really sure it is causing steam. And also make sure you have enabled "catch crashes" in Crash dumper plugin, because "stopped responding" happens often with disabled crash dumper or that option ;)

 ;D And Tox must wait few months...
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Vulpix on 09 12 2014, 07:02:04
It's definitely steam and my crash dumper is set correctly. My miranda was just running for 2 days with steam set to offline and I've had no issues. Gonna try to check the stack via process explorer when it crashes next time.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Black Sniper on 09 12 2014, 07:31:35
Robyer, Hello Prompt, and the problem (http://forum.miranda-ng.org/index.php?topic=1222.msg6277#msg6277) was solved? After this incident, I am afraid to use the protocol ...
If you need Netlog, I will try reproduce it.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Vulpix on 09 12 2014, 10:03:48
Hmm. A new thing that I haven't seen before just happened. The steam contacts who are set as N/A have no protocol icon shown next to them. I assume this is from when you added the extra protocol state handling? Can the icons be amended somehow (to use the overlay)? :o
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Robyer on 09 12 2014, 11:27:32
It's definitely steam and my crash dumper is set correctly.
Ok, try to determine and tell me which commit # started it. (At least narrow it to few commit numbers).

The steam contacts who are set as N/A have no protocol icon shown next to them.
I'm loading MirVer info, maybe it replaces your Client icon with blank icon? (Because in Fingerprint there is no Steam support yet)

Robyer, Hello Prompt, and the problem (http://forum.miranda-ng.org/index.php?topic=1222.msg6277#msg6277) was solved? After this incident, I am afraid to use the protocol ...
Yes, I fixed it yesterday. But it's not serious problem, you can easily and quickly delete all that other people.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Vulpix on 09 12 2014, 12:03:02
Ok, try to determine and tell me which commit # started it. (At least narrow it to few commit numbers).

I believe I first had it happen after you fixed the loop, i.e. commit 11267.

       @11290      13 hours    robyer    Steam: Support for sending to server how long are we idle
      @11289      13 hours    robyer    Steam: Option to use big avatars (disabled by default) Until now big …
      @11272      25 hours    robyer    Steam: Add new contacts at login only, so it won't feed our clist with …
      @11267      36 hours    robyer    Steam: Fix infinite loop when switching to offline when there are still …

Is it possible for int count = requestsQueue.getCount();  to be null or something like that?

I'm loading MirVer info, maybe it replaces your Client icon with blank icon? (Because in Fingerprint there is no Steam support yet)

I don't think that's it. I checked the other contacts that have MirVer (steam - mobile) the same and their status shows. What doesn't show is the entire protocol icon when the contact is set as N/A (not available). When they're away, online, offline - it works just fine with the overlay, see pic below. Those two were set as NA.

Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Robyer on 09 12 2014, 15:48:59
I believe I first had it happen after you fixed the loop, i.e. commit 11267.
Is it possible for int count = requestsQueue.getCount();  to be null or something like that?
Aha. No, but I guess (and hope) it is just because some race condition of more threads. I'll try to fix it.

When they're away, online, offline - it works just fine with the overlay, see pic below. Those two were set as NA.
Oh you mean contact status icon. Yes, NA and other status icons are missing in proto_steam.dll. I have to create them :-)
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Robyer on 09 12 2014, 20:27:32
Allright, I commited various changes so tomorrow you'll have some new holy version :D
Main news is support for showing xstatus for playing contacts (and yourself).

There is still many small things that could be done, but I'm pretty satisfied with it's current state and my work last days. I need to work on other projects now (no, not Tox :-D ) so I won't be so active here anymore.  :)
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Vulpix on 10 12 2014, 06:21:05
(no, not Tox :-D )


But seriously, thank you for all the effort!

Post Merge: 10 12 2014, 17:47:19
NA icons are now shown! Great job~

I also noticed that the people who are playing have a "gamepad" icon of sorts, but I can no longer see which game they are playing (it was showing me that as xstatus before). I have xstatus set as my 3rd row item in clist_modern. Should I change anything according to what you rewrote in the protocol?
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Smiling Spectre on 12 12 2014, 18:52:01
After last auto-update Miranda doesn't see the Steam anymore. And it disappeared from the first post too. What the hell?
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Vulpix on 12 12 2014, 21:26:27
Well disappearance from the first post is normal since this is now an actual solution, i.e. shown by plugin updater. But I don't know about it disappearing from Miranda altogether, that shouldn't happen...
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: watcher on 12 12 2014, 23:20:07
After last auto-update Miranda doesn't see the Steam anymore. And it disappeared from the first post too. What the hell?

There wasn't anything new, so it wasn't updated. This is what PluginUpdater for - to update only what needed when needed. First post is not needed cause plugin moved to regular repo (http://wiki.miranda-ng.org/index.php?title=Plugin:Steam/en):


So it can be installed from "Available components" from main menu and auto-updated when there is an actual update, and there wasn't and might not be for a while, this is why:

There is still many small things that could be done, but I'm pretty satisfied with it's current state and my work last days. I need to work on other projects now (no, not Tox :-D ) so I won't be so active here anymore.  :)

Good news are - if there are any updates, including global that somehow will change Steam in any way - no need to worry about updating it anymore - update will arrive with the rest of the plugins.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Smiling Spectre on 13 12 2014, 10:57:01
Aha, it was Steam plugin bug.

For some unknown reason it couldn't be updated (I have no idea why, it haven't any special attributes, can be edited manually, and I was able to remove it after all). If I do "check for updates", it always found new Steam.dll, but not installs it.

As it already installed, it not seen in "Plugin updater" settings.

Simultaneously, it was invisible in "plugins", and didn't work in general.

Fix: remove dll altogether and install it from updater afterwards. :)
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: watcher on 13 12 2014, 11:11:44
For some unknown reason it couldn't be updated (I have no idea why, it haven't any special attributes, can be edited manually, and I was able to remove it after all). If I do "check for updates", it always found new Steam.dll, but not installs it.

It's a very rare pluginupdater bug - it writes a wrong hash or something. Very-very rare.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Robyer on 13 12 2014, 11:17:41
But seriously, thank you for all the effort!
You're welcome :-)

I also noticed that the people who are playing have a "gamepad" icon of sorts, but I can no longer see which game they are playing (it was showing me that as xstatus before). I have xstatus set as my 3rd row item in clist_modern. Should I change anything according to what you rewrote in the protocol?
It should be in XStatus message, so it seems correct. Do you see xstatuses of other (icq?) people? Do you have enabled visibility of that 3rd line?

You can check with dbeditor - disconnect protocol, open dbeditor and open <contact>/Steam branch, then login and check if "XStatusMsg" key is filled. It is marked as "temporary", that's why you need to have opened DBEditor BEFORE that value is written/changed to see it.

Aldo sometomes Steam doesn't report name of playing game, that could be the case.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Vulpix on 13 12 2014, 14:08:04
It should be in XStatus message, so it seems correct. Do you see xstatuses of other (icq?) people? Do you have enabled visibility of that 3rd line?

You can check with dbeditor - disconnect protocol, open dbeditor and open <contact>/Steam branch, then login and check if "XStatusMsg" key is filled. It is marked as "temporary", that's why you need to have opened DBEditor BEFORE that value is written/changed to see it.

Aldo sometomes Steam doesn't report name of playing game, that could be the case.

I'm saying this because I used to be able to see the game :D I have the 3rd row enabled and I have it set correctly to xstatus.

I cannot see any xstatusmsg in database however. The only notion of xstatus is in "UserOnline" where it says "LastXStatusMsg" and shows the name of the game.

The steam protocol itself however only shows "GameInfo" "GameServerID" "GameServerIP"; nothing about xstatus. And I know it worked before. Just to be sure I updated all of the plugins too.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Robyer on 13 12 2014, 14:41:48
I'm saying this because I used to be able to see the game :D I have the 3rd row enabled and I have it set correctly to xstatus.

It works for me correctly in clist, tipper, tabsrmm, just everywhere. Before it wasn't saved as XStatus but as standard CList/StatusMsg status message. "Game*" keys are temporary too, so you should(n't) see them either. Weird. Could you try clean development version of whole Miranda+Steam?
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Vulpix on 13 12 2014, 22:58:24
Yep when I used it on a clean profile, I can see it correctly:

And when I open the db entry I can see xstatusmsg (game name) and xstatus name ("playing").

On my normal profile, I only see "xstatusID" '730' and then those "Game"-related statuses.

I made sure to use the same version of steam plugin and miranda core, both also x64

What's happening? :o
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Robyer on 13 12 2014, 23:31:35
What's happening? :o
Idk :) Try cleaning your profile with DbChecker.

Or manually add field XStatusMsg to your contact(s) and check if you see it then. Maybe there is saved some old value...
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Vulpix on 13 12 2014, 23:38:34
I tried cleaning it but nothing happened :(

And when I try adding XStatusMsg it doesn't get added. When I tried adding abcdefg then it is added. There seems to be something "broken" that is not allowing XStatusMsg to be added; looks like it's there, but like it's being locked or something.

Any suggestions?


I had a suspicion so I disabled database encryption and voilá there it is. I can see the status just fine then on all of the people playing.

:( so full database encryption breaks xstatusmessage. Can you test this too? Can I report it?
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Robyer on 14 12 2014, 10:22:10
Vulpix, interesting. Try to consult it with ghazan over jabber. It could be problem in core somewhere.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Vulpix on 15 12 2014, 10:57:45
I don't have Ghazan's jabber :(

NVM! :p forum has it. Added him :)
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: unitwobble on 29 12 2014, 21:21:49
Sorry I didn't have CrashDumper enabled when it happened, but Miranda crashed and all my Steam contacts were offline. I fixed it by added a new friend and had them send me a message.

Like an earlier poster mentioned, the incoming chat history is also getting corrupted, especially messages with URLs - don't know if it happened before the crash or after I ran dbchecker.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Vulpix on 30 12 2014, 07:23:24
Sorry I didn't have CrashDumper enabled when it happened, but Miranda crashed and all my Steam contacts were offline. I fixed it by added a new friend and had them send me a message.

Like an earlier poster mentioned, the incoming chat history is also getting corrupted, especially messages with URLs - don't know if it happened before the crash or after I ran dbchecker.

Unitwobble, did you check the option to convert old messages to utf format in dbchecker? I think that the corruptions only happened when I did that.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Robyer on 30 12 2014, 08:33:23
Unitwobble, did you check the option to convert old messages to utf format in dbchecker? I think that the corruptions only happened when I did that.
Are these corruptions reproducable? Because it would mean Steam proto still saves messages to DB with wrong flag.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Vulpix on 30 12 2014, 10:34:49
Yeah you should talk to Watcher about it :X It happened to me twice, but then it stopped and I couldn't reproduce it.

Watcher tried it and it did happen to him as well, but then again it stopped happening.... so I don't know what causes it, I only know that I run dbchecker nowadays without the convert to utf8 (I used to check it previously) and I've not experienced those issues again.

It actually also happened with Tox. Unsane was the author of both plugins (I believe) but I don't think he knows why it happened either.


Here: http://forum.miranda-ng.org/index.php?topic=2499.0
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Robyer on 30 12 2014, 12:43:16
Vulpix, I see... Well, if I remember correctly,, that option in DbTool is for pre Miranda IM 0.7 profiles, where data was saved in utc2 instead of utf8, so that option was only to one-time upgrade. It has no meaning to run DbTool (i.e., DbChecker) with that option checked anyway :)

I think unsane forgot to set flag specifying in what codepage that message is saved, so DbChecker thought it's ucs2 and tried to convert it (again) to utf8. Then he probably fixed it in source code (because I don't see anything wrong there right now) and that's why it happened only twice/once for you/watcher, because it were old messages added by old plugin. Probably :-)
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: unitwobble on 30 12 2014, 16:15:47
Unitwobble, did you check the option to convert old messages to utf format in dbchecker? I think that the corruptions only happened when I did that.

I think you nailed it on the head! I checked both the "convert UTF" and "mark all messages read" options.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Vulpix on 01 01 2015, 22:32:31
Last 2 days, I keep getting disconnected _very_ often.

Looks like some kind of SSL connection failure... not sure what to do. My connection is fine (playing online game without issues + running ping and no timeouts.. I have fibre optics).

Code: [Select]
[23:27:50 1D78] [STEAM_1] (0000000010668328:860) Connection closed internal
[23:27:50 1D78] [STEAM_1] (0000000010668328:4294967295) Connection closed
[23:28:09 1168] [STEAM_1] (00000000106680C8:1796) Data received
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
[23:28:09 1168] [STEAM_1] (00000000106680C8:1796) Data received
date: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 22:27:53 GMT
expires: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 22:27:53 GMT
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
Content-Length: 56

[23:28:09 1168] [STEAM_1] (00000000106680C8:1796) Data received
"pollid": 0,
"sectimeout": 20,
"error": "Timeout"
[23:28:09 1168] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::PollingThread: https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamWebUserPresenceOAuth/Poll/v0001
[23:28:32 1168] [STEAM_1] (00000000106680C8:1796) Data received
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
[23:28:32 1168] [STEAM_1] (00000000106680C8:1796) Data received
date: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 22:28:13 GMT
expires: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 22:28:13 GMT
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
Content-Length: 56

[23:28:32 1168] [STEAM_1] (00000000106680C8:1796) Data received
"pollid": 0,
"sectimeout": 20,
"error": "Timeout"
[23:28:32 1168] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::PollingThread: https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamWebUserPresenceOAuth/Poll/v0001
[23:28:34 1168] SSL Server signaled SSL Shutdown
[23:28:34 1168] [STEAM_1] modules\netlib\netlibhttp.cpp 540: HttpPeekFirstResponseLine Failed (38 10)
[23:28:34 1168] [STEAM_1] modules\netlib\netlibhttp.cpp 540: HttpPeekFirstResponseLine Failed (38 9)
[23:28:34 1168] [STEAM_1] (00000000106680C8:1796) Connection closed internal
[23:28:34 1168] [STEAM_1] (00000000106680C8:4294967295) Connection closed
[23:28:34 1168] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::PollingThread: https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamWebUserPresenceOAuth/Poll/v0001
[23:28:34 1168] [STEAM_1] Connection request to api.steampowered.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[23:28:34 1168] [STEAM_1] (00000000106680C8) Connecting to server api.steampowered.com:443....
[23:28:34 1168] [STEAM_1] (00000000106680C8) Connecting to ip ....
[23:28:36 1168] [STEAM_1] (1796) Connected to api.steampowered.com:443
[23:28:36 1168] [STEAM_1] (1796 api.steampowered.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[23:28:37 1168] SSL Negotiation failure recieving data (10054)
[23:28:37 1168] [STEAM_1] (1796 api.steampowered.com) Failure to negotiate SSL connection
[23:28:37 1168] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::PollingThread: https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamWebUserPresenceOAuth/Poll/v0001
[23:28:37 1168] [STEAM_1] (00000000106680C8:1796) Connection closed internal
[23:28:37 1168] [STEAM_1] (00000000106680C8) Connecting to server api.steampowered.com:443....
[23:28:37 1168] [STEAM_1] (00000000106680C8) Connecting to ip ....
[23:28:37 1168] [STEAM_1] (1724) Connected to api.steampowered.com:443
[23:28:37 1168] [STEAM_1] (1724 api.steampowered.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[23:28:37 1168] SSL Negotiation failure recieving data (10054)
[23:28:37 1168] [STEAM_1] (1724 api.steampowered.com) Failure to negotiate SSL connection
[23:28:37 1168] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::PollingThread: leaving
[23:28:37 1168] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::PollingThread: unexpected termination; switching protocol to offline
[23:28:37 1168] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::SetStatus: changing status from 40072 to 40071
[23:28:37 1168] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::StopQueue: https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamWebUserPresenceOAuth/Logoff/v0001
[23:28:37 1168] [STEAM_1] Connection request to api.steampowered.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[23:28:37 1168] [STEAM_1] (00000000106680C8) Connecting to server api.steampowered.com:443....
[23:28:37 1168] [STEAM_1] (00000000106680C8) Connecting to ip ....
[23:28:38 1D78] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::QueueThread: leaving
[23:28:38 1168] [STEAM_1] (2736) Connected to api.steampowered.com:443
[23:28:38 1168] [STEAM_1] (2736 api.steampowered.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[23:28:38 1168] SSL Negotiation failure recieving data (10054)
[23:28:38 1168] [STEAM_1] (2736 api.steampowered.com) Failure to negotiate SSL connection
[23:28:39 0C40] KeepStatus: connection lost! (STEAM_1)

Any idea what the problem could be?
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Robyer on 02 01 2015, 11:57:29
Any idea what the problem could be?
No idea, maybe overload to steam servers during holidays? Nothing I can do about this.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Vulpix on 02 01 2015, 15:40:54
No idea, maybe overload to steam servers during holidays? Nothing I can do about this.

You're likely right, no issues for the last day now.

GabeN pls.

Post Merge: 03 01 2015, 09:42:36
@Robyer; while checking the message stream to see why I was getting disconnected, I saw this:
Code: [Select]
[23:22:19 1168] [STEAM_1] (00000000106680C8:1796) Data received
"pollid": 0,
"messages": [
"type": "typing",
"timestamp": 765686523,
"utc_timestamp": 1420150922,
"steamid_from": "<cnsrd>",
"text": ""
"messagelast": 82,
"timestamp": 765686523,
"utc_timestamp": 1420150922,
"messagebase": 81,
"sectimeout": 6,
"error": "OK"

I assume that means the api exposes "is typing" notifications! Do you think you could implement that in the steam protocol, (to both send the 'is typing' notifications and receive them?)

Thanks! ^_^
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: unitwobble on 04 01 2015, 08:23:01
Last 2 days, I keep getting disconnected _very_ often.

The Steam Web API goes down alot especially during holidays. You can check the server statuses using: http://steamstat.us/
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Robyer on 06 02 2015, 08:37:37
I have some time now so you can bring me new issues/feature requests :-)

@Robyer; while checking the message stream to see why I was getting disconnected, I saw this:
I assume that means the api exposes "is typing" notifications! Do you think you could implement that in the steam protocol, (to both send the 'is typing' notifications and receive them?)
Interesting. What client was used on the other side? Classic Steam? I can check that typing notifications ;-)
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Vulpix on 06 02 2015, 18:01:35
Hello Robyer!

Yep it was the classic steam, and from netlog, the event looks like this:

[19:00:44 1E1C] [STEAM_1] (000000001059CB98:1752) Data received
   "pollid": 0,
   "messages": [
         "type": "typing",
         "timestamp": 236970703,
         "utc_timestamp": 1423245626,
         "steamid_from": "the_actual_steam_id_goes_here",
         "text": ""
   "messagelast": 82,
   "timestamp": 236970703,
   "utc_timestamp": 1423245626,
   "messagebase": 81,
   "sectimeout": 6,
   "error": "OK"
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Robyer on 07 02 2015, 13:32:39
Vulpix, implemented (http://trac.miranda-ng.org/changeset/12040/) :-)
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Vulpix on 07 02 2015, 16:46:11
Awesome! Are we also sending typing notifications (miranda users ?).

Also, offline messages - I can send an offline message but if I sign in and there are some offline messages waiting for me, I don't receive them (I can "check them out" by opening the actual steam client and clicking "unread messages")
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Robyer on 07 02 2015, 17:05:26
No, only receiving. We're using combination of web and mobile API (that's also why users from Miranda are marked as on mobile client). And it is very limited, there is missing many methods and thus features - like sending typing notifications, changing statuses, probably also that loading offline messages.

Right now I can do only what is possible on Steam web chat and there are no such features (at least when I last checked).
I found there exists an alternative, reverse-engineered Steam client, which could be used and could provide more features (maybe all from the classic Steam client), but it would require rewriting whole plugin again and I'm not sure what disadvantages are related to it (except of course using "unofficial"/"hacked" communication base).
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Vulpix on 02 03 2015, 15:21:31
Hello Robyer!

I have one more (or you could say last) issue with the Steam protocol.

If you use the steam client and you start it whilst being logged in from Miranda, the miranda side enters a weird state of limbo where the protocol says it's online, but most contacts will suddenly appear offline, some will be online without status etc. I noticed that mostly users who refresh their status or otherwise do something will re-appear as online again.

If you log off and log back in (just by going offline->online in MIRANDA), then you get the protocol working like normal.

I have my friends section set to not log me in; but for some reason Steam still logs you in initially (I guess to check for offline messages?) and that always messes up Miranda, causing me to have to go offline->online to remedy the situation.

Fixing this would be highly appreciated :)
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Robyer on 02 03 2015, 16:25:51
Vulpix, could you post netlog capturing that connection of steam? Maybe there will be some helpful info  ;)
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Vulpix on 02 03 2015, 17:01:09
I checked the network log and it really looks like a generic "login" attempt in a way.... Nothing else specific that I can see.

Once fully logged into miranda, I logged into the steam client and checked the log.

The log has:

[17:52:39 1A48] [STEAM_1] (000000000FF09EF8:1540) Data received
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
[17:52:39 1A48] [STEAM_1] (000000000FF09EF8:1540) Data received
Date: Mon, 02 Mar 2015 16:52:33 GMT
expires: Mon, 02 Mar 2015 16:52:33 GMT
content-type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
content-length: 356

[17:52:39 1A48] [STEAM_1] (000000000FF09EF8:1540) Data received
   "pollid": 0,
   "messages": [
   "messagelast": 80,
   "timestamp": 487499785,
   "utc_timestamp": 1425315153,
   "messagebase": 79,
   "sectimeout": 5,
   "error": "OK"
[17:52:39 1440] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::ExecuteRequest: 
[17:52:39 1A48] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::PollingThread: https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamWebUserPresenceOAuth/Poll/v0001
[17:52:39 1440] [STEAM_1] Connection request to api.steampowered.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[17:52:39 1440] [STEAM_1] (000000000FF09DC8) Connecting to server api.steampowered.com:443....
[17:52:39 1440] [STEAM_1] (000000000FF09DC8) Connecting to ip ....
[17:52:39 1440] [STEAM_1] (632) Connected to api.steampowered.com:443
[17:52:39 1440] [STEAM_1] (632 api.steampowered.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[17:52:40 1A48] [STEAM_1] (000000000FF09EF8:1540) Data received
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
[17:52:40 1A48] [STEAM_1] (000000000FF09EF8:1540) Data received
Date: Mon, 02 Mar 2015 16:52:33 GMT
expires: Mon, 02 Mar 2015 16:52:33 GMT
content-type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
content-length: 12060

[17:52:40 1A48] [STEAM_1] (000000000FF09EF8:1540) Data received
   "pollid": 0,
   "messages": [
         "type": "personastate",
         "timestamp": 487499785,
         "utc_timestamp": 1425315153,
<censored, but lots and lots of my friends listed here in the same way>

   "messagelast": 142,
   "timestamp": 487500378,
   "utc_timestamp": 1425315153,
   "messagebase": 80,
   "sectimeout": 1,
   "error": "OK"
[17:52:40 1A48] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::PollingThread: https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamWebUserPresenceOAuth/Poll/v0001
[17:52:40 1440] [STEAM_1] (632 api.steampowered.com) SSL negotiation successful
[17:52:40 1440] [STEAM_1] (000000000FF09DC8:632) Data received
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
[17:52:40 1440] [STEAM_1] (000000000FF09DC8:632) Data received
Date: Mon, 02 Mar 2015 16:52:34 GMT
expires: Mon, 02 Mar 2015 16:52:34 GMT
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
Content-Length: 23

[17:52:40 1440] [STEAM_1] (000000000FF09DC8:632) Data received
   "players": [

[17:52:40 1440] [STEAM_1] (000000000FF09DC8:632) Connection closed internal
[17:52:40 1440] [STEAM_1] (000000000FF09DC8:4294967295) Connection closed
[17:52:40 1440] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::ExecuteRequest: @
[17:52:40 1440] [STEAM_1] Connection request to api.steampowered.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[17:52:40 1440] [STEAM_1] (000000000FF09DC8) Connecting to server api.steampowered.com:443....
[17:52:40 1440] [STEAM_1] (000000000FF09DC8) Connecting to ip ....
[17:52:40 1440] [STEAM_1] (632) Connected to api.steampowered.com:443
[17:52:40 1440] [STEAM_1] (632 api.steampowered.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[17:52:41 1440] [STEAM_1] (632 api.steampowered.com) SSL negotiation successful
[17:52:42 1440] [STEAM_1] (000000000FF09DC8:632) Data received
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
[17:52:42 1440] [STEAM_1] (000000000FF09DC8:632) Data received
Date: Mon, 02 Mar 2015 16:52:35 GMT
expires: Mon, 02 Mar 2015 16:52:35 GMT
content-type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
content-length: 46266

[17:52:42 1440] [STEAM_1] (000000000FF09DC8:632) Data received
   "players": [

and again a bunch of my contacts here.

and it finishes with this:

[17:52:42 1440] [STEAM_1] (000000000FF09DC8:632) Connection closed internal
[17:52:42 1440] [STEAM_1] (000000000FF09DC8:4294967295) Connection closed

Afterwards, I see generic log messages like when someone updates their status etc.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Vulpix on 04 03 2015, 10:45:49
Actually I remembered one more thing that's missing. Offline messages; they don't show up for Steam :o To get them, one would need to start steam client too. Is this possible with the web api?
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Robyer on 04 03 2015, 12:04:12
Could you compare both 2 things with webpage? I think offline messages aren't possible there.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Vulpix on 04 03 2015, 16:08:57
Okay, I tested both with the webchat.

The "contacts appear as offline on steam client login" => happens with webchat too, but webchat then properly shows state of all contacts again, within ~10 seconds or so. But effect is exactly the same.

The "offline messages don't work" -> this works with webchat. I left myself some offline messages from a separate steam account, and webchat correctly showed them when I logged in.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Robyer on 04 03 2015, 16:47:20
Okay, then I'll look at both issues when I'll have some time :-)
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Vulpix on 04 03 2015, 16:52:11
Thanks! Lemme know when I can check into it :)
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Robyer on 05 03 2015, 11:43:32
If you use the steam client and you start it whilst being logged in from Miranda, the miranda side enters a weird state of limbo where the protocol says it's online, but most contacts will suddenly appear offline, some will be online without status etc. I noticed that mostly users who refresh their status or otherwise do something will re-appear as online again.

I was going to say that I can't reproduce it, but then I checked it once again in my network logs and I found the reason (http://trac.miranda-ng.org/changeset/12321/)!

I saw how loading of history messages are done (per contact) but determining which contact has some old messages requires more work (probably parsing it from that webpage or maybe find it in some request). I won't do that now.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Vulpix on 06 03 2015, 06:27:04
Ever since I updated, I cannot log on anymore:

[7:23:35 1BC4] KeepStatus: Setting STEAM_1 offline before making a new connection attempt
[7:23:35 1BC4] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::SetStatus: changing status from 1 to 40071
[7:23:35 1BC4] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::StopQueue: https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamWebUserPresenceOAuth/Logoff/v0001
[7:23:35 1BC4] [STEAM_1] Connection request to api.steampowered.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[7:23:35 1BC4] [STEAM_1] (000000000E47A148) Connecting to server api.steampowered.com:443....
[7:23:35 1BC4] [STEAM_1] (000000000E47A148) Connecting to ip ....
[7:23:35 1BC4] [STEAM_1] (684) Connected to api.steampowered.com:443
[7:23:35 1BC4] [STEAM_1] (684 api.steampowered.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[7:23:35 1BC4] [STEAM_1] (684 api.steampowered.com) SSL negotiation successful
[7:23:36 1BC4] [STEAM_1] (000000000E47A148:684) Data received
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
[7:23:36 1BC4] [STEAM_1] (000000000E47A148:684) Data received
Date: Fri, 06 Mar 2015 06:23:18 GMT
expires: Fri, 06 Mar 2015 06:23:18 GMT
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
content-length: 29

[7:23:36 1BC4] [STEAM_1] (000000000E47A148:684) Data received
   "error": "Not Logged On"
[7:23:36 1BC4] [STEAM_1] (000000000E47A148:684) Connection closed internal
[7:23:36 1BC4] [STEAM_1] (000000000E47A148:4294967295) Connection closed
[7:23:36 1BC4] KeepStatus: assigning status 40072 to STEAM_1
[7:23:36 1BC4] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::SetStatus: changing status from 40071 to 40072
[7:23:36 1BC4] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::SetStatus: changing status from 1 to 40071
[7:23:36 1BC4] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::StopQueue: https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamWebUserPresenceOAuth/Logoff/v0001
[7:23:36 1BC4] [STEAM_1] Connection request to api.steampowered.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[7:23:36 1BC4] [STEAM_1] (000000000E47A148) Connecting to server api.steampowered.com:443....
[7:23:36 1BC4] [STEAM_1] (000000000E47A148) Connecting to ip ....
[7:23:36 1BC4] [STEAM_1] (684) Connected to api.steampowered.com:443
[7:23:36 1BC4] [STEAM_1] (684 api.steampowered.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[7:23:37 1BC4] [STEAM_1] (684 api.steampowered.com) SSL negotiation successful
[7:23:37 1BC4] [STEAM_1] (000000000E47A148:684) Data received
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
[7:23:37 1BC4] [STEAM_1] (000000000E47A148:684) Data received
Date: Fri, 06 Mar 2015 06:23:20 GMT
expires: Fri, 06 Mar 2015 06:23:20 GMT
content-type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
content-length: 29

[7:23:37 1BC4] [STEAM_1] (000000000E47A148:684) Data received
   "error": "Not Logged On"
[7:23:37 1BC4] [STEAM_1] (000000000E47A148:684) Connection closed internal
[7:23:37 1BC4] [STEAM_1] (000000000E47A148:4294967295) Connection closed
[7:23:37 024C] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::QueueThread: entering
[7:23:37 024C] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::QueueThread: leaving

Reverting to the previous version of steam protocol makes it work again
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Robyer on 06 03 2015, 08:42:51
Ever since I updated, I cannot log on anymore:

Oops, fixed.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Vulpix on 06 03 2015, 11:08:47
Thanks! Watcher compiled it for me and I checked it, it works just fine.

And the bug with being DCd after logging in with the official client is fixed too!  :THUMBS UP: It now works just like the webchat :)

The last thing remaining now is the offline messages thing, but as you said that requires more work so it's okay if you do it whenever you have time and mood for that.

Thanks for the updates!
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Robyer on 06 03 2015, 16:18:16
Vulpix, damn you! ;D

I said to myself "ok, lets quickly implement the offline messages" but I end up doing other cool stuff as I found repository with different steam plugin for inspiration... and then I had no more time for doing the offline messages. And also I procrastinated my other work by doing this, sigh :D

New version highlights:
 * Support for setting Away and N/A statuses
 * Being marked as connected from website, not from Mobile client anymore
 * FingerprintNG support (especially client overlays - web, mobile)
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Smiling Spectre on 07 03 2015, 09:22:26
Can I ask for two connected enhancements, please? I believe, it's not very hard to make, but it make me crazy in current state.

1. Just as Steam, your plugin have two levels of sorting. One is "normal" "sort by alphabet", and second is steam-invented "sort by activity". It's crazy! I have 5 different friend statuses, and I have no any idea what is my friend doing in result, because there are, in fact, 5 different lists. :( And when Steam have at least "seek" function, plugin... oh, have it too? Fun, invisible functionality! :D Nevermind, it's still not very handy.

Can you fix it to be in line with every other protocol that I have: one list for "offline" friends, and one list for "online", regardless of other statuses? Please?

2. Sorting by alphabet is good, but only while it not goes to "Capital/non-capital" difference. Because it's _another_ two lists again, and 'acrobat' with 'catwomen' and 'zorro' goes first, while... - ah, sorry, checked it, fortunately, this is only in Steam it's not exist anymore. Good. :)
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Robyer on 07 03 2015, 09:33:13
Smiling Spectre, sorry, but I don't understand you at all. Probably you're talking about functionality of contact list plugin, not Steam plugin itself. Can you provide screenshots to help me understand what you really want and how it is actually? :)

Probably this is what you're looking for? https://www.dropbox.com/s/dpmt942nsz90jy8/Screenshot%202015-03-07%2010.46.51.png?dl=0
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Smiling Spectre on 10 03 2015, 05:18:24
It is. Counter-intuitive, "Sorting by name" instead "by status" really sorts online and offline contacts separately, just as I want it. %)

Great thank you for the advice, and sorry for misleading!
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Robyer on 10 03 2015, 07:39:29
Smiling Spectre, for separating online and offline contacts there is also other option (maybe on some other tab), something like: "Move offline contacts to the end of list"
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: palmface on 13 03 2015, 11:59:45
Today I added the steam plugin the first time.
After entering the Steam Guard code steam protocol stays offline. When I want to set steam to online the Steam Guard window appears again and I get the email again.
I tried the steam protocol with my current miranda settings, current stable version and development version 32-/64-bit with steam stable/unstable versions. All of them have the same problem.

Code: [Select]
[12:47:00 20D4] [STEAM_1] (0051E8F8:1304) Connection closed internal
[12:47:00 20D4] [STEAM_1] (0051E8F8:4294967295) Connection closed
[12:47:00 20D4] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::ExecuteRequest: https://steamcommunity.com/mobilelogin/dologin
[12:47:00 20D4] [STEAM_1] Connection request to steamcommunity.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[12:47:00 20D4] [STEAM_1] (0051E8F8) Connecting to server steamcommunity.com:443....
[12:47:00 20D4] [STEAM_1] (0051E8F8) Connecting to ip ....
[12:47:00 20D4] [STEAM_1] (1440) Connected to steamcommunity.com:443
[12:47:00 20D4] [STEAM_1] (1440 steamcommunity.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[12:47:00 20D4] [STEAM_1] (1440 steamcommunity.com) SSL negotiation successful
[12:47:00 20D4] [STEAM_1] (0051E8F8:1440) Connection closed internal
[12:47:00 20D4] [STEAM_1] (0051E8F8:4294967295) Connection closed
[12:47:28 20D4] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::ExecuteRequest: https://steamcommunity.com/mobilelogin/dologin
[12:47:28 20D4] [STEAM_1] Connection request to steamcommunity.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[12:47:28 20D4] [STEAM_1] (0051E8F8) Connecting to server steamcommunity.com:443....
[12:47:28 20D4] [STEAM_1] (0051E8F8) Connecting to ip ....
[12:47:28 20D4] [STEAM_1] (1440) Connected to steamcommunity.com:443
[12:47:28 20D4] [STEAM_1] (1440 steamcommunity.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[12:47:28 20D4] [STEAM_1] (1440 steamcommunity.com) SSL negotiation successful
[12:47:28 20D4] [STEAM_1] (0051E8F8:1440) Connection closed internal
[12:47:28 20D4] [STEAM_1] (0051E8F8:4294967295) Connection closed
[12:47:28 20D4] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::ExecuteRequest: https://steamcommunity.com/mobileloginsucceeded
[12:47:28 20D4] [STEAM_1] Connection request to steamcommunity.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[12:47:28 20D4] [STEAM_1] (0051E8F8) Connecting to server steamcommunity.com:443....
[12:47:28 20D4] [STEAM_1] (0051E8F8) Connecting to ip ....
[12:47:28 20D4] [STEAM_1] (1440) Connected to steamcommunity.com:443
[12:47:28 20D4] [STEAM_1] (1440 steamcommunity.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[12:47:28 20D4] [STEAM_1] (1440 steamcommunity.com) SSL negotiation successful
[12:47:29 20D4] [STEAM_1] (0051E8F8:1440) Connection closed internal
[12:47:29 20D4] [STEAM_1] (0051E8F8:4294967295) Connection closed
[12:47:29 20D4] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::ExecuteRequest: https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamWebUserPresenceOAuth/Logon/v0001
[12:47:29 20D4] [STEAM_1] Connection request to api.steampowered.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[12:47:29 20D4] [STEAM_1] (0051E8F8) Connecting to server api.steampowered.com:443....
[12:47:29 20D4] [STEAM_1] (0051E8F8) Connecting to ip ....
[12:47:30 20D4] [STEAM_1] (1440) Connected to api.steampowered.com:443
[12:47:30 20D4] [STEAM_1] (1440 api.steampowered.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[12:47:30 20D4] [STEAM_1] (1440 api.steampowered.com) SSL negotiation successful
[12:47:31 20D4] [STEAM_1] (0051E8F8:1440) Connection closed internal
[12:47:31 20D4] [STEAM_1] (0051E8F8:4294967295) Connection closed
[12:47:31 20D4] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::SetStatus: changing status from 1 to 40071
[12:47:31 20D4] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::StopQueue: https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamWebUserPresenceOAuth/Logoff/v0001
[12:47:31 20D4] [STEAM_1] Connection request to api.steampowered.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[12:47:31 20D4] [STEAM_1] (0051E8F8) Connecting to server api.steampowered.com:443....
[12:47:31 20D4] [STEAM_1] (0051E8F8) Connecting to ip ....
[12:47:31 20D4] [STEAM_1] (1568) Connected to api.steampowered.com:443
[12:47:31 20D4] [STEAM_1] (1568 api.steampowered.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[12:47:31 20D4] [STEAM_1] (1568 api.steampowered.com) SSL negotiation successful
[12:47:32 20D4] [STEAM_1] (0051E8F8:1568) Connection closed internal
[12:47:32 20D4] [STEAM_1] (0051E8F8:4294967295) Connection closed
[12:47:32 20D4] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::QueueThread: leaving
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Robyer on 13 03 2015, 14:48:29
palmface, it's currently broken due to API changes on Steam side. Nobody can login for now if they weren't logged in already (if they don't have "session id" in database).

Maybe unsane will look at it during weekend or myself some day next week... Sorry for trouble.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: watcher on 16 03 2015, 08:21:14
palmface, try today's build, supposed to be fixed.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: palmface on 17 03 2015, 10:54:36
Looks like it's working. Thank you!
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Vulpix on 27 03 2015, 09:02:42
Hmm, I am having trouble with the steam protocol. Due to the inherent unreliable nature of the steam servers, the service does often go down. That's fine and dandy! But when it does, and my steam starts reconnecting (due to keepstatus), it will cause miranda to freeze. No crashlog, unfortunately. And my steam logs were not on at the time, but this happened 2x already so I'm inclined to believe that it's steam's fault, because when I do get to the miranda window, I always see the other two protocols running fine and steam trying to connect.

Any ideas what this could be? Must be something in the code with reconnecting, quite possibly also something that was added recently as a part of the api fixes (i.e. to make it work after you connect from official client and so on).

I've turned on steam logging so in case it happens again (which it likely will), I should have something.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Robyer on 27 03 2015, 09:19:31
Vulpix, there is one recent "problem" that disconnecting happens in same main thread as Miranda. Which means when you switch protocol to offline, you can experience the 1-2s freeze of whole Miranda. I'm not sure whether it is related to your problem or not, but maybe when Steam servers are down, Miranda tries to disconnect and waits until timeout... and then again and again. Is it permanent freeze or does it unfreeze after some time?

Btw for debugging freezes use http://wiki.miranda-ng.org/index.php?title=Using_Process_Explorer_as_the_debugging_tool
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Vulpix on 27 03 2015, 12:29:51
It's a permanent freeze. The disconnect(s) usually happen when I'm asleep, but I wake up and miranda is just like that; frozen, unresponsive. Clicking on anything gets you the "this application has stopped responding".

I have seen steam try to disconnect and reconnect a few times when I was at the computer but nothing strange happened, it worked as expected.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: unsane on 27 03 2015, 13:34:19
Vulpix, do you have a netlog?
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Smiling Spectre on 27 03 2015, 14:08:36
Hmm, I am having trouble with the steam protocol. Due to the inherent unreliable nature of the steam servers, the service does often go down. That's fine and dandy! But when it does, and my steam starts reconnecting (due to keepstatus), it will cause miranda to freeze.
Funny... I experienced exactly this problem since installed Steam protocol, half year ago (I believe, you can found my report about it somewhere there, but why? It's the same, logless freeze. Miranda also eaten whole one core for it each time). It was permanent error, and I had it every day with my ADSL connection. After some builds I got tired of it and installed crashdumper module in weak hope to catch anything - it was somewhere around December. Surprisingly enough, immediately after that problem gone and never returned anymore. I taken it as coincidence, of course.

But I am using the latest Steam protocol build ( under the development build of Miranda (#12495). So it's either some combination of the old Miranda/Steam - or maybe crasdumper really prevents it from happen? :)
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Vulpix on 27 03 2015, 16:02:36
Vulpix, do you have a netlog?

Sadly I didn't have it running for steam when it happened. I have it running now and will report if it happens again.

>.> so far it hasn't happened....
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Smiling Spectre on 14 04 2015, 16:59:59
Recently I tried to integrate Steam into my main Miranda. Unsuccessfully. :( Current cannot login, giving me infinity loop with "enter the security code".

Simultaneously, development build with works just fine.

Can I fix it somehow, or it's impossible until new stable version will appear?
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Goraf on 14 04 2015, 20:26:50
Can I fix it somehow
Just switch your whole Miranda to the development version. Nothings wrong with it.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Smiling Spectre on 22 04 2015, 17:03:11
Good news! :) With today update Steam plugin works right in the official Miranda NG!

Bad news. While unofficial version works just right (if groups as users are right :), the same version in the official version a) doesn't see any groups at all and b) didn't recognize 12 users from my list. I see only profile number instead name, and no info in the profile at all.

This is Trashbot between my contacts, for example: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198141338674/

I see only 76561198141338674 as name, and nothing in the profile.

Chatting with this contacts is allright though.

Is there something wrong with the build - or something wrong with my settings? :(
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Vulpix on 24 04 2015, 19:22:46
Sadly I didn't have it running for steam when it happened. I have it running now and will report if it happens again.

>.> so far it hasn't happened....

It happened again today! Miranda just froze (stopped responding). I tried checking the stack using the debug symbols but it wasn't working well for some reason; and I didn't get a crash dump as always.

Anyway, here's the netlog:

[20:02:02 1270] [STEAM_1] Send request to https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamWebUserPresenceOAuth/Poll/v0001
[20:02:02 1270] [STEAM_1] Connection request to api.steampowered.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[20:02:02 1270] [STEAM_1] (000000006A91E978) Connecting to server api.steampowered.com:443....
[20:02:02 1270] [STEAM_1] (000000006A91E978) Connecting to ip ....
[20:02:02 1270] [STEAM_1] (306848) Connected to api.steampowered.com:443
[20:02:02 1270] [STEAM_1] (306848 api.steampowered.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[20:02:03 1270] [STEAM_1] (306848 api.steampowered.com) SSL negotiation successful
[20:02:33 1270] [STEAM_1] (000000006A91E978:306848) Data received
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
[20:02:33 1270] [STEAM_1] (000000006A91E978:306848) Data received
Date: Fri, 24 Apr 2015 18:02:27 GMT
expires: Fri, 24 Apr 2015 18:02:27 GMT
content-type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
content-length: 56

[20:02:33 1270] [STEAM_1] (000000006A91E978:306848) Data received
   "pollid": 0,
   "sectimeout": 30,
   "error": "Timeout"
[20:02:33 1270] [STEAM_1] Send request to https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamWebUserPresenceOAuth/Poll/v0001
[20:02:33 1270] [STEAM_1] Connection request to api.steampowered.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[20:02:33 1270] [STEAM_1] (000000006A91F1C8) Connecting to server api.steampowered.com:443....
[20:02:33 1270] [STEAM_1] (000000006A91F1C8) Connecting to ip ....
[20:02:33 1270] [STEAM_1] (306880) Connected to api.steampowered.com:443
[20:02:33 1270] [STEAM_1] (306880 api.steampowered.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[20:02:34 1270] [STEAM_1] (306880 api.steampowered.com) SSL negotiation successful
[20:03:09 1270] [STEAM_1] modules\netlib\netlibhttp.cpp 540: HttpPeekFirstResponseLine Failed (1460 10)
[20:03:09 1270] [STEAM_1] (000000006A91F1C8:306880) Connection closed internal
[20:03:09 1270] [STEAM_1] (000000006A91F1C8:4294967295) Connection closed
[20:03:09 1270] [STEAM_1] Send request to https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamWebUserPresenceOAuth/Poll/v0001
[20:03:09 1270] [STEAM_1] Connection request to api.steampowered.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[20:03:09 1270] [STEAM_1] (000000006A91F1C8) Connecting to server api.steampowered.com:443....
[20:03:09 1270] [STEAM_1] (000000006A91F1C8) Connecting to ip ....
[20:03:09 1270] [STEAM_1] (306884) Connected to api.steampowered.com:443
[20:03:09 1270] [STEAM_1] (306884 api.steampowered.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[20:03:09 1270] [STEAM_1] (306884 api.steampowered.com) SSL negotiation successful
[20:03:44 1270] [STEAM_1] modules\netlib\netlibhttp.cpp 540: HttpPeekFirstResponseLine Failed (1460 10)
[20:03:44 1270] [STEAM_1] (000000006A91F1C8:306884) Connection closed internal
[20:03:44 1270] [STEAM_1] (000000006A91F1C8:4294967295) Connection closed
[20:03:44 1270] [STEAM_1] Send request to https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamWebUserPresenceOAuth/Poll/v0001
[20:03:44 1270] [STEAM_1] Connection request to api.steampowered.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[20:03:44 1270] [STEAM_1] (000000006A91F1C8) Connecting to server api.steampowered.com:443....
[20:03:44 1270] [STEAM_1] (000000006A91F1C8) Connecting to ip ....
[20:03:45 1270] [STEAM_1] (306884) Connected to api.steampowered.com:443
[20:03:45 1270] [STEAM_1] (306884 api.steampowered.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[20:03:45 1270] [STEAM_1] (306884 api.steampowered.com) SSL negotiation successful
[20:04:20 1270] [STEAM_1] modules\netlib\netlibhttp.cpp 540: HttpPeekFirstResponseLine Failed (1460 10)
[20:04:20 1270] [STEAM_1] (000000006A91F1C8:306884) Connection closed internal
[20:04:20 1270] [STEAM_1] (000000006A91F1C8:4294967295) Connection closed
[20:04:20 1270] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::PollingThread: leaving
[20:04:20 1270] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::PollingThread: unexpected termination; switching protocol to offline
[20:04:20 1270] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::SetStatus: changing status from 40072 to 40071
[20:04:20 1270] [STEAM_1] Send request to https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamWebUserPresenceOAuth/Logoff/v0001
[20:04:20 1270] [STEAM_1] Connection request to api.steampowered.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[20:04:20 1270] [STEAM_1] (000000006A91F1C8) Connecting to server api.steampowered.com:443....
[20:04:20 1270] [STEAM_1] (000000006A91F1C8) Connecting to ip ....
[20:04:20 1270] [STEAM_1] (306884) Connected to api.steampowered.com:443
[20:04:20 1270] [STEAM_1] (306884 api.steampowered.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[20:04:21 1244] KeepStatus: connection lost! (STEAM_1)
[20:04:21 1270] [STEAM_1] (306884 api.steampowered.com) SSL negotiation successful
[20:04:21 1AA8] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::QueueThread: leaving

This is where the log ends, miranda freezes.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Robyer on 25 04 2015, 23:06:30
Vulpix, I commited some more logging info which should help understand the problem. I probably know where it freezed, but I don't understand how is that possible. So I'm waiting for your next log, hopefully it will happen again soon :-)
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Vulpix on 26 04 2015, 14:22:35

Updated. Now let's hope for a crash :D last time it took like almost a month or so :/
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Smiling Spectre on 26 04 2015, 18:37:01
Try to make it artificially? Like, plug out network during login? :)
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Robyer on 26 04 2015, 20:55:45
If it's what I think it is then more things need need to happen at once - plugin must try to disconnect when there are still some queued requests. Perhaps I can simulate this also programatically, but I'd rather wait for netlog. Anyway feel free to try to make reproduce the problem anyhow :)
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: devcline on 03 05 2015, 16:03:39
finnaly managed to get a plugin work, the list of users is synchronized well. Needed to recreate a group Steam to see everyone.
But i cant send anyone a messages...

UPDATE: restarted a client and now it seems to work
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Vulpix on 12 05 2015, 22:41:09
I _think_ steam caused my miranda to freeze.

Used PSExplorer to debug since it wasn't a crash - but a freeze.



[23:37:21 228C] [STEAM_1] (00000000102F6C38:22592) Connection closed internal
[23:37:21 228C] [STEAM_1] (00000000102F6C38:4294967295) Connection closed
[23:37:21 228C] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::ExecuteRequest: leaving
[23:37:56 2EA0] [STEAM_1] modules\netlib\netlibhttp.cpp 540: HttpPeekFirstResponseLine Failed (1460 10)
[23:37:56 2EA0] [STEAM_1] (00000000102F6D68:22596) Connection closed internal
[23:37:56 2EA0] [STEAM_1] (00000000102F6D68:4294967295) Connection closed
[23:37:56 2EA0] [STEAM_1] Send request to https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamWebUserPresenceOAuth/Poll/v0001
[23:37:56 2EA0] [STEAM_1] Connection request to api.steampowered.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[23:37:56 2EA0] [STEAM_1] (00000000102F6D68) Connecting to server api.steampowered.com:443....
[23:37:56 2EA0] [STEAM_1] (00000000102F6D68) Connecting to ip ....
[23:38:17 2EA0] [STEAM_1] modules\netlib\netlibopenconn.cpp 720: connect() failed (10060)
[23:38:17 2EA0] [STEAM_1] Send request to https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamWebUserPresenceOAuth/Poll/v0001
[23:38:17 2EA0] [STEAM_1] Connection request to api.steampowered.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[23:38:17 2EA0] [STEAM_1] (00000000102F6D68) Connecting to server api.steampowered.com:443....
[23:38:17 2EA0] [STEAM_1] (00000000102F6D68) Connecting to ip ....
[23:38:38 2EA0] [STEAM_1] modules\netlib\netlibopenconn.cpp 720: connect() failed (10060)
[23:38:38 2EA0] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::PollingThread: leaving
[23:38:38 2EA0] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::PollingThread: unexpected termination; switching protocol to offline
[23:38:38 2EA0] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::SetStatus: changing status from 40072 to 40071
[23:38:38 2EA0] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::StopQueue: entering
[23:38:38 2EA0] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::StopQueue: requestsQueue contains 0 items
[23:38:38 2EA0] [STEAM_1] Send request to https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamWebUserPresenceOAuth/Logoff/v0001
[23:38:38 2EA0] [STEAM_1] Connection request to api.steampowered.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[23:38:38 2EA0] [STEAM_1] (00000000102F6D68) Connecting to server api.steampowered.com:443....
[23:38:38 2EA0] [STEAM_1] (00000000102F6D68) Connecting to ip ....
[23:38:38 228C] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::QueueThread: leaving
[23:38:39 2660] KeepStatus: connection lost! (STEAM_1)

Happened during steam's "routine" tuesday downtime/maintenance.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Robyer on 13 05 2015, 07:45:21
Vulpix, thanks, that makes a sense a bit. Did you try to let it rest for about one minute or more? Because theoretically it was just waiting for response from server on main thread (which caused whole Miranda to freeze), and because server was down, it would wait until timeout (which is probably 30 seconds).

(this logout request on main thread should be fixed anyway)
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Vulpix on 13 05 2015, 08:03:42
I left it on overnight, it didn't recover as it was still frozen this morning. Had to force-close it and then start miranda again.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Vulpix on 14 05 2015, 14:27:02
@Robyer, as per your request I tested this (Pretty much involuntarily) by having some connectivity issues - everytime I would get disconnected from the internet, Miranda would freeze. I also had one crash from Tox plugin, but that was a crash and not freeze; freeze is/was related to Steam. Do you need any more details for this?
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Robyer on 14 05 2015, 23:52:10
Vulpix, thanks, that's the info I needed. Actually unsane reworked the requests queue to use the skypeweb version now, so maybe that fixes this issue by itself. But it's in own branch and need to be tested first, before merge.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Black Sniper on 17 05 2015, 16:58:32
The second day I can not enter a verification code. I enter as in the picture, and does not accept. Am I doing something wrong?
Vi profile
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Robyer on 17 05 2015, 17:30:57
Black Sniper, typing in captcha is broken for unknown reason...
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Black Sniper on 17 05 2015, 17:38:12
Robyer, Sadness. As they now enjoy? disconnect?
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: watcher on 17 05 2015, 18:00:21
Black Sniper, your last post doesn't make any sense. Who enjoys what?
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Black Sniper on 17 05 2015, 18:16:01
watcher, sorry.
The protocol is unusable, constantly pops CAPTCHA. Disable protocol?
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: watcher on 17 05 2015, 18:59:25
Black Sniper, yes, for a while, until unsane fixes it.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: unsane on 18 05 2015, 10:33:34
Black Sniper, yes, for a while, until unsane fixes it.
until valve fix it  :-X
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Naith on 19 05 2015, 17:10:21
got the same problem,

what's the problem on valves side? :/
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Robyer on 19 05 2015, 17:50:30
Naith, nothing. It's something on Miranda's side, using login request wrongly or giving wrong parameters...
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Vulpix on 20 05 2015, 06:30:57
Darn, after the Tuesday maintenance, my steam stopped working too. It's in a loop of constantly asking for the captcha like a few people mentioned :(
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Robyer on 20 05 2015, 08:08:34
Darn, after the Tuesday maintenance, my steam stopped working too.

Sorry, I realized that my fix for automatically deleting SecretToken when it expires is wrong and deletes it even if you try to login while you don't have internet connection or when timeout occurs for login request (e.g. steam servers are down).

Now I don't know how to determine properly that token is expired or not... Anyway, if you have profile backup, you can put there old SecretToken and it will work again without login. (Only login procedure for getting token is broken).
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Vulpix on 20 05 2015, 10:10:21
Sorry, I realized that my fix for automatically deleting SecretToken when it expires is wrong and deletes it even if you try to login while you don't have internet connection or when timeout occurs for login request (e.g. steam servers are down).

Now I don't know how to determine properly that token is expired or not... Anyway, if you have profile backup, you can put there old SecretToken and it will work again without login. (Only login procedure for getting token is broken).

Thanks! Loaded my old DB backup and copied the "TokenSecret" variable, created a new unicode variable TokenSecret in my current DB and pasted the value there. Works again!

Can you make it so that the token is not deleted on regular DCs due to maintenance and such? :p Thanks!
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Robyer on 20 05 2015, 12:15:42
Can you make it so that the token is not deleted on regular DCs due to maintenance and such? :p Thanks!

Yep, done (http://trac.miranda-ng.org/changeset/13714/). Now it's not being deleted at all again (not even when it's really expired) :D

But now I at least know how to diferentiate it from clasic timeout, so... soon. But the login error is weird, I hope unsane will find the problem...
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Vulpix on 27 05 2015, 11:07:06
I see the new steam from Unsane's branch got merged. Looks solid, works here, no issues. Thanks!

Since we're now running on the new and improved (hehe), would it be possible to take a second look at offline messages?

To recap, I do not receive offline messages when I log in with miranda steam. When I use the regular steam web chat, I receive them, so it should be possible.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Robyer on 27 05 2015, 11:46:10
I think we should primarily fix the login procedure, as no one is able to use the plugin (unless has saved old cookie) at the moment. We're probably sending wrongly encrypted password...
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Vulpix on 27 05 2015, 11:58:24
Fair enough. But when that is done, please don't forget to take a peek at offline messages too :)
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Robyer on 28 05 2015, 06:11:30
Funny... I woke up and started trying to fix the Steam.

I did some changes, compiled it, test it - and whoa! It worked!
Ok, let's check what part of my change really fixed it.
So I remove some part of it, compiled it, test it - ok, still works, so it was the second thing I changed.
Just to be sure, let's revert it all back to the original and test it. Hm... it still works.
Probably I copied the wrong file or compiled file stayed the same.
I clean and recompile it all, copy again. And -- it still works. Wut? Even with original file from Plugin Updater it works.
Hm, so perhaps Steam servers got update and fixed their own issue. Ok, good.

... then I looked into the SVN log and saw unsane's commit from the night with message "Steam: reworked login".  ;D

Anyway, thanks unsane for fixing it  :THUMBS UP:
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Vulpix on 28 05 2015, 07:18:05
 :D well then. Time to look into offline message retrieval? *hint hint* but yeah, I bet you were pretty surprised huh?
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Robyer on 28 05 2015, 07:48:07
Vulpix, I still have the offline messages (and few other things) in my TODO list, but I won't do any promises on time now. But if it will take "too long" (few weeks?), then feel free to remind me again :D
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Vulpix on 28 05 2015, 08:24:07
Hehe, yeah. Thanks though!

On a related note though - message sequencing is off when you send a message, close the window and receive a reply. Not sure if it's related to your PC's clock being ahead/behind, but basically the reproduction scenario is simple:

You: Good night *close the chat window*

Them: Yep, good night!

 *you get blinking tray notification that you have a new message, so you open it and:*

Them: Yep, good night!
You: Good night

=> their messages are placed in front of yours, even in history log. The timestamps are just in front of whatever it is you said to them before you closed the chat window.

When you keep the chat window open, this doesn't occur, messages are properly chronologically. This happens all the time and causes log to be sliiiightly confusing.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Robyer on 28 05 2015, 09:10:17
Vulpix, so timestamp for sent message is before the received message? Sent message probably uses local time, received server time. I can fix this if that's the problem. But your description seems bit confusing for me.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Vulpix on 28 05 2015, 09:19:21
I'll try to re-describe it...

Assume two people (A,B) are chatting and they both post a sequence of numbers each with 1 second delay.

A: 1
A: 2
A: 3
B: 4
B: 5
B: 6

this is what it looks like in message history and in  the chat window, if you leave it open during the entire conversation.

Now the situation I'm describing:


*at this point, A closes the chat window*

B sends its messages. A gets the "new messages" notification in tray, so he clicks it and the chat window opens, and in it:


as well as in the history itself (when you open chat history).

A's clock is slightly fast in comparison to UTC, (say 5 seconds).

Does that make sense now? I think it's exactly the issue you have in mind.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Vulpix on 28 05 2015, 13:46:17
Something is wrong with Steam now.

When I message my friend, he complains that he sees a lot of empty messages from me.

Demonstration below:

3:34 PM - Vulpix: for the past I dunno how many weeks
3:34 PM - Vulpix:
3:34 PM - Vulpix:
3:34 PM - Vulpix:
3:34 PM - Vulpix:
3:34 PM - Vulpix:
3:34 PM - Vulpix:
3:34 PM - Vulpix:
3:34 PM - Vulpix:
3:34 PM - Vulpix:
3:34 PM - Vulpix:
3:34 PM - Vulpix:
3:34 PM - Vulpix:
3:34 PM - Vulpix:
3:34 PM - Vulpix:
3:34 PM - Vulpix:
3:34 PM - Vulpix: I don't know why they always have to do this in the morning, at like 6am x3
3:34 PM - Vulpix:
3:34 PM - Vulpix:
3:34 PM - Vulpix:
3:34 PM - Vulpix:
3:34 PM - Vulpix:
3:34 PM - Vulpix:
3:34 PM - Vulpix:
3:34 PM - Vulpix:
3:34 PM - Vulpix:
3:34 PM - Vulpix:
3:34 PM - Vulpix:
3:34 PM - Vulpix:
3:34 PM - Vulpix:
3:34 PM - Vulpix:
3:34 PM - Vulpix:
3:35 PM - Test: There seems to be a problem with your chat program
3:34 PM - Vulpix:
3:35 PM - Vulpix:
3:35 PM - Vulpix:
3:35 PM - Vulpix:
3:35 PM - Vulpix:
3:35 PM - Test: It keeps sending empty messages
3:35 PM - Vulpix:
3:35 PM - Vulpix:
3:35 PM - Vulpix:
3:35 PM - Vulpix:
3:35 PM - Vulpix:
3:35 PM - Vulpix:
3:35 PM - Vulpix:
3:35 PM - Vulpix:
3:35 PM - Vulpix:
3:35 PM - Vulpix:
3:35 PM - Vulpix:
3:35 PM - Vulpix:
3:35 PM - Vulpix:
3:35 PM - Vulpix:
3:35 PM - Vulpix:

Will share netlog with robyer if required.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Robyer on 28 05 2015, 15:11:42
Vulpix, that's weird, I don't see any problem with my configuration. Netlog would be good.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Der Jude on 09 06 2015, 23:42:54
My steam token expired, upon relogging a window tittled steam guard popped up, i went to pick up new code from my mailbox, copy-pasted it however the steam-guard window showed again, new code arrived at mail. Tried to paste it as well but it still didn't accept it, in result i've got 6 emails from steam with same code and can't do anything with the plugin.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Robyer on 10 06 2015, 04:48:30
Der Jude, are you using stable or development version of plugin? In stable it's broken.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Corak on 10 06 2015, 22:35:34
Got strange errors with connection to steam, no users are added to contact list:



Always ending with:
(00FB9910:2156) Connection closed internal
(00FB9910:4294967295) Connection closed

(00FA1FC0:2396) Data received
   "pollid": 0,
   "sectimeout": 30,
   "error": "Timeout"
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Robyer on 11 06 2015, 05:18:31
Corak, log looks okay.

Look at Your steam settings in Miranda, specifically what "Group" (or "Default group") is set there. Then try to create the group manually in your contact list.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Vulpix on 12 06 2015, 00:08:46
Not sure if it was confirmed beforehand or not but hey, re-authorizing now works! My token expired, steam protocol asked me to input a new one, I got it in an e-mail, put it in, and voila, I'm now logged in again! Good job!
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Vulpix on 12 06 2015, 11:30:13
Steam just started behaving very strangely. Actually I think tox and steam together do this somehow. It happened 2x on steam and 1x on tox already.

I sent a longer message to a friend on Tox
Then I switched contact to talk to a friend on Steam (both via miranda)

And miranda then started sending the TOX MESSAGE to my STEAM FRIEND! D: With every message.

I only saw it because I was also connected from the official steam client at the same time - none of those messages with the ping were visible in miranda.

Message to my tox contact:

Vulpix, 12.6.2015 13:23:18:
  1    <1 ms    <1 ms    <1 ms  FortressTL-WDR3600.lan []
  2     *        *        *     Request timed out.
  3    10 ms     8 ms     6 ms  static-84-242-127-1.net.upcbroadband.cz []
  4    12 ms    12 ms    12 ms  cz-prg01a-ra4-vla2109.net.upc.cz []
  5    11 ms    11 ms    12 ms  84-116-130-230.aorta.net []
  6    12 ms    12 ms    11 ms  cz-prg01a-ra1-ge-0-0-0-v50.aorta.net []
  7    12 ms    12 ms    15 ms  prag-bb1-link.telia.net []
  8    50 ms    25 ms    25 ms  ffm-bb1-link.telia.net []
  9    23 ms    26 ms    23 ms  ffm-b10-link.telia.net []
 10     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 11     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 12     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 13     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 14     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 15     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 16     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 17     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 18     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 19     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 20     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 21     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 22     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 23     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 24     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 25     *      414 ms     *
 26     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 27     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 28     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 29     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 30     *        *        *     Request timed out.

Next, chat with my steam contact (copied from steam client since in miranda it looked normal!)

13:23 - Some: It would be like in the stone age!
But seriously, people would make sure that the internet comes back again :p
13:23 - Vulpix: x3 yeah
13:23 - Vulpix: *     Request timed out.
 24     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 25     *      414 ms     *
 26     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 27     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 28     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 29     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 30     *        *        *     Request timed out.
13:23 - Vulpix: *     Request timed out.
 24     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 25     *      414 ms     *
 26     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 27     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 28     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 29     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 30     *        *        *     Request timed out.
13:23 - Vulpix: Everything depends on it :3
13:23 - Vulpix: *     Request timed out.
 24     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 25     *      414 ms     *
 26     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 27     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 28     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 29     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 30     *        *        *     Request timed out.
13:23 - Vulpix: *     Request timed out.
 24     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 25     *      414 ms     *
 26     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 27     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 28     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 29     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 30     *        *        *     Request timed out.
13:23 - Vulpix: *     Request timed out.
 24     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 25     *      414 ms     *
 26     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 27     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 28     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 29     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 30     *        *        *     Request timed out.
13:23 - Vulpix: *     Request timed out.
 24     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 25     *      414 ms     *
 26     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 27     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 28     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 29     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 30     *        *        *     Request timed out.
13:23 - Vulpix: *     Request timed out.
 24     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 25     *      414 ms     *
 26     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 27     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 28     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 29     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 30     *        *        *     Request timed out.
13:23 - Vulpix: Wow you just got some random messages didn't you O_o
13:23 - Vulpix: *     Request timed out.
 24     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 25     *      414 ms     *
 26     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 27     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 28     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 29     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 30     *        *        *     Request timed out.
13:23 - Vulpix: *     Request timed out.
 24     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 25     *      414 ms     *
 26     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 27     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 28     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 29     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 30     *        *        *     Request timed out.
13:24 - Vulpix: *     Request timed out.
 24     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 25     *      414 ms     *
 26     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 27     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 28     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 29     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 30     *        *        *     Request timed out.
13:24 - Vulpix: whoa
13:24 - Vulpix: and again
13:24 - Vulpix: I gotta log off
13:24 - Vulpix: something is messed up.
13:24 - Some: Yup, something broke X3

I have full netlog from this. It's the second time this happened and it is genuinely a problem.

I noticed it happens with long messages that are autosplit, but it might be a coincidence.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: jjamesville on 23 06 2015, 20:48:03
Tried the plugin, it connects but doesn't show my contacts. This happens on both a clean install of 32, 64, stable and current releases. When I log in to the Steam client theres an icon by my avatar that says "online using the web".  For some reason the Miranda icon still gives me notifications that someones signed in dispite me not being able to see them on my list.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Vulpix on 24 06 2015, 09:01:48
Tried the plugin, it connects but doesn't show my contacts. This happens on both a clean install of 32, 64, stable and current releases. When I log in to the Steam client theres an icon by my avatar that says "online using the web".  For some reason the Miranda icon still gives me notifications that someones signed in dispite me not being able to see them on my list.

Steam protocol only works in the dev branch as far as I'm aware. You need to use dev version of miranda (which is stable enough though, I've been using nothing else but dev miranda for the past two years or so :p).


Would it be possible to do something about token expiration on Tuesdays? When the whole steam is taken down for maintenance, my miranda always expires the token off meaning I have to re-authenticate myself. I mean, it works, but I don't want to have to enter a code every week on Tuesday. Would it be possible to put in some verification that will only remove the token if it detects that steam web api is NOT down? (like this site does: https://steamstat.us/  - it'll show when web api is down).

That way we will keep the token, because if the plugin checks steam web api and sees "aha web api is down", then it will know to keep the secret token instead of removing it from db; but it will still remove it from db if it sees that web api is running and that we are unable to connect - because at that point it will be due to the token being expired.

Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: unsane on 24 06 2015, 09:21:20
jjamesville, can you make a netlog (http://wiki.miranda-ng.org/index.php?title=Network_log)?
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: jjamesville on 25 06 2015, 05:16:18
jjamesville, can you make a netlog (http://wiki.miranda-ng.org/index.php?title=Network_log)?

Also I tried it with the development version and it still doesn't display my contacts
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Robyer on 25 06 2015, 07:20:22
jjamesville, in log it seems it loads contacts correctly.

I guess it will be the bug with not creating group correctly. Look at Steam options what default group name is set there. Then create such group manually in your clist. Contacts are probably in your database, but they are just "hidden" in non-existing group.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Robyer on 25 06 2015, 07:23:02

Would it be possible to do something about token expiration on Tuesdays? When the whole steam is taken down for maintenance, my miranda always expires the token off meaning I have to re-authenticate myself. I mean, it works, but I don't want to have to enter a code every week on Tuesday. Would it be possible to put in some verification that will only remove the token if it detects that steam web api is NOT down? (like this site does: https://steamstat.us/  - it'll show when web api is down).

No need to do this complications with steamstat.us. We can easily understand whether token is expired or website is down. But it wasn't easily possible with the way unsane wrote the requests queue manager. I'm not sure how it works in actual version, I wasn't checking sources yet...
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: jjamesville on 26 06 2015, 00:27:56
jjamesville, in log it seems it loads contacts correctly.

I guess it will be the bug with not creating group correctly. Look at Steam options what default group name is set there. Then create such group manually in your clist. Contacts are probably in your database, but they are just "hidden" in non-existing group.
This method worked, thank you
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Schumi on 30 07 2015, 15:16:24
I had same issue as jjamesville. Create 'Steam' group. Now all ok.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: jjamesville on 02 08 2015, 00:17:11
So after some testing it looks like when you send a message to someone offline, it does go to their unread messages notification in steam. However, when they reply to you and you're offline, you don't receive the messages sent to you via the plugin. Is there any way to fix this?
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Robyer on 02 08 2015, 08:22:56
jjamesville, It's possible, but I had no time for that yet.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Schumi on 05 08 2015, 07:27:51
After installing steam native client for windows, stop working miranda plugin. Can't connect - always see progress circle near steam icon. Do not see any error messages.
I see in log:

Code: [Select]
[10:25:52 10B0] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::SetStatus: changing status from 40071 to 40072
[10:25:52 0CDC] [STEAM_1] Send request to https://steamcommunity.com/mobilelogin/getrsakey

[10:25:52 0CDC] [STEAM_1] Connection request to steamcommunity.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[10:25:52 0CDC] [STEAM_1] (0000000002C03178) Connecting to server steamcommunity.com:443..

[10:25:52 0CDC] [STEAM_1] (0000000002C03178) Connecting to ip ....
[10:25:52 0CDC] [STEAM_1] (2152) Connected to steamcommunity.com:443
[10:25:52 0CDC] [STEAM_1] (2152 steamcommunity.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[10:25:52 0CDC] [STEAM_1] (2152 steamcommunity.com) SSL negotiation successful
[10:25:53 0CDC] [STEAM_1] (0000000002C03178:2152) Connection closed internal
[10:25:53 0CDC] [STEAM_1] (0000000002C03178:4294967295) Connection closed
[10:25:53 0CDC] [STEAM_1] Send request to https://steamcommunity.com/mobilelogin/dologin/
[10:25:53 0CDC] [STEAM_1] Connection request to steamcommunity.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[10:25:53 0CDC] [STEAM_1] (0000000002C02DE8) Connecting to server steamcommunity.com:443..

[10:25:53 0CDC] [STEAM_1] (0000000002C02DE8) Connecting to ip ....
[10:25:53 0CDC] [STEAM_1] (2212) Connected to steamcommunity.com:443
[10:25:53 0CDC] [STEAM_1] (2212 steamcommunity.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[10:25:53 0CDC] [STEAM_1] (2212 steamcommunity.com) SSL negotiation successful
[10:25:54 0CDC] [STEAM_1] (0000000002C02DE8:2212) Connection closed internal
[10:25:54 0CDC] [STEAM_1] (0000000002C02DE8:4294967295) Connection closed
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Robyer on 05 08 2015, 10:09:28
Schumi, try to delete TokenSecret in your steam account section via Database Editor++. And then try to login again.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Vulpix on 10 08 2015, 07:26:25
Sometimes I get an error saying "Failed to establish a TRouter connection". Do I need to reconnect to the protocol, or what is the significance of this error message?


Oops I put this in a wrong tab D: my bad. I had skypeweb and steam opened in separate tabs. Thanks @unsane!
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: unsane on 10 08 2015, 09:19:17
First, you're in wrong topic. TRouter is a SkypeWeb stuff. ;)
Second, trouter notify you about incoming call. So, if you need those notifications you should reconnect.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Vulpix on 12 08 2015, 18:51:39
The "read online message" feature for Steam doesn't work. It sort of makes sense since there are no online messages, but it is more broken for steam than for other protocols as when you right-click a steam contact, the icon (shown next to the "read online message") will be the protocol icon of the previous protocol you had selected. I.e. if you tried to call up the right-click menu for a jabber contact and then did it for a steam one, the icon will be the jabber icon.

Either remove this feature for steam protocol (as it makes no sense?) or check why it behaves so strangely.

@robyer/@unsane, did you have time to peek at offline messages on steam?

Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Wishmaster on 12 08 2015, 19:36:46
Vulpix, I fixed online status messages
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Vulpix on 13 08 2015, 07:13:28
Wishmaster, yay! That worked. However, there is still the same problem with the "read away message" as I just realized you can also do that. Can you remove the functionality to read "X" message from steam altogether? Thanks!
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Wishmaster on 13 08 2015, 09:18:39
Wishmaster, yay! That worked. However, there is still the same problem with the "read away message" as I just realized you can also do that. Can you remove the functionality to read "X" message from steam altogether? Thanks!
Why remove it?
There are status messages for other status then away, aren't there?

It is rather a problem with the icons, it seems?
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Vulpix on 13 08 2015, 09:24:41
Well, Steam has no status messages. It's just online, away, busy, etc... but you cannot actually write a custom status, so "reading x message" option for steam is useless altogether.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Robyer on 13 08 2015, 13:35:37
Well, Steam has no status messages. It's just online, away, busy, etc... but you cannot actually write a custom status, so "reading x message" option for steam is useless altogether.

I'm not sure about that. Anyway, I'm using status message for special statuses like "Looking for trade" and "Looking for play". And it might be useful for some other info in future too. So I don't agree with removing status messages support. :)

And I have no time for offline messages (actually no time for whole Miranda), sorry.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Wishmaster on 13 08 2015, 13:43:31
I'm not sure about that. Anyway, I'm using status message for special statuses like "Looking for trade" and "Looking for play". And it might be useful for some other info in future too. So I don't agree with removing status messages support. :)
Should I revert it?

I may look at the icon problem though
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Vulpix on 13 08 2015, 13:58:54
Should I revert it?

I may look at the icon problem though

If it is supported (I just tested it), then it should work properly - or not be offered (?).

For example, looking for trade is seen as "out to lunch" and retrieving the actual status message comes up with "not supported".

Since retrieving the actual message should return like... a string (right?), I don't think such implementation makes sense, all things considered.

I.e. disabling status MESSAGE retrieval is a good thing as it would disable the option and stop being confusing, but disabling the actual status is not what I had in mind; that should stay the way it is.

I just checked and I see how you do it - the status is the generic stuff, such as "playing" or "online", and then the xstatus message is what, for example playing on server <IP>. Well, in that case, would it be possible to make the retrieve online message retrieve the xstatus message? Like for example if you want to copy the IP or something.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Robyer on 13 08 2015, 16:06:31
Should I revert it?
Well, in that case, would it be possible to make the retrieve online message retrieve the xstatus message? Like for example if you want to copy the IP or something.

Done in 14940 (http://trac.miranda-ng.org/changeset/14940/). It didn't worked because GetAwayMsg method wasn't implemented in Steam protocol.

Btw ICQ has also a similar dialog - "Read XStatus message". Perhaps it would be good to have such service in core, same as the "Read status message". Then other plugins could use it correctly, and not doing what I've done now - to show XStatus message in "Read status message" when status message isn't present. :)

Btw about icon for that menu item - I always see an ICQ icon there (even for Jabber contacts). It's surely broken somehow :)
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Vulpix on 14 08 2015, 07:22:47
Hey it works now! :) Properly retrieves the xstatus message, so I can copy it.

The icon is still broken but as you said it's probably something else that's causing this. Thanks!
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Bear on 21 08 2015, 05:17:43

Can't connect to steam, log:

[15:05:29 1614] [STEAM_1] Connection request to steamcommunity.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[15:05:29 1614] [STEAM_1] (000000000A122D78) Connecting to server steamcommunity.com:443....
[15:05:29 1614] [STEAM_1] (000000000A122D78) Connecting to ip ....
[15:05:29 1614] [STEAM_1] (1192) Connected to steamcommunity.com:443
[15:05:29 1614] [STEAM_1] (1192 steamcommunity.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[15:05:29 1614] [STEAM_1] (1192 steamcommunity.com) SSL negotiation successful
[15:05:30 1614] SSL Server signaled SSL Shutdown
[15:05:30 1614] [STEAM_1] (000000000A122D78:1192) Connection closed internal
[15:05:30 1614] [STEAM_1] (000000000A122D78:4294967295) Connection closed
[15:05:30 1614] [STEAM_1] Send request to https://steamcommunity.com/mobilelogin/dologin/
[15:05:30 1614] [STEAM_1] Connection request to steamcommunity.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[15:05:30 1614] [STEAM_1] (0000000003097568) Connecting to server steamcommunity.com:443....
[15:05:30 1614] [STEAM_1] (0000000003097568) Connecting to ip ....
[15:05:30 1614] [STEAM_1] (1192) Connected to steamcommunity.com:443
[15:05:30 1614] [STEAM_1] (1192 steamcommunity.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[15:05:30 1614] [STEAM_1] (1192 steamcommunity.com) SSL negotiation successful
[15:05:30 1614] SSL Server signaled SSL Shutdown
[15:05:30 1614] [STEAM_1] (0000000003097568:1192) Connection closed internal
[15:05:30 1614] [STEAM_1] (0000000003097568:4294967295) Connection closed
[15:05:39 1614] [STEAM_1] Send request to https://steamcommunity.com/mobilelogin/getrsakey/
[15:05:39 1614] [STEAM_1] Connection request to steamcommunity.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[15:05:39 1614] [STEAM_1] (0000000003097568) Connecting to server steamcommunity.com:443....
[15:05:39 1614] [STEAM_1] (0000000003097568) Connecting to ip ....
[15:05:39 1614] [STEAM_1] (1444) Connected to steamcommunity.com:443
[15:05:39 1614] [STEAM_1] (1444 steamcommunity.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[15:05:39 1614] [STEAM_1] (1444 steamcommunity.com) SSL negotiation successful
[15:05:39 1614] [STEAM_1] (0000000003097568:1444) Connection closed internal
[15:05:39 1614] [STEAM_1] (0000000003097568:4294967295) Connection closed
[15:05:39 1614] [STEAM_1] Send request to https://steamcommunity.com/mobilelogin/dologin/
[15:05:39 1614] [STEAM_1] Connection request to steamcommunity.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[15:05:39 1614] [STEAM_1] (0000000003097568) Connecting to server steamcommunity.com:443....
[15:05:39 1614] [STEAM_1] (0000000003097568) Connecting to ip ....
[15:05:39 1614] [STEAM_1] (1444) Connected to steamcommunity.com:443
[15:05:39 1614] [STEAM_1] (1444 steamcommunity.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[15:05:39 1614] [STEAM_1] (1444 steamcommunity.com) SSL negotiation successful
[15:05:40 1614] SSL Server signaled SSL Shutdown
[15:05:40 1614] [STEAM_1] (0000000003097568:1444) Connection closed internal
[15:05:40 1614] [STEAM_1] (0000000003097568:4294967295) Connection closed
[15:05:40 1614] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::SetStatus: changing status from 1 to 40071
[15:05:40 0640] [STEAM_1] Send request to https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamWebUserPresenceOAuth/Logoff/v0001
[15:05:40 0640] [STEAM_1] Connection request to api.steampowered.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[15:05:40 0640] [STEAM_1] (0000000003097568) Connecting to server api.steampowered.com:443....
[15:05:40 0640] [STEAM_1] (0000000003097568) Connecting to ip ....
[15:05:40 0640] [STEAM_1] (1136) Connected to api.steampowered.com:443
[15:05:40 0640] [STEAM_1] (1136 api.steampowered.com) Starting SSL negotiation

After entering Guard Code status is Offline.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Naith on 21 08 2015, 09:58:54

Can't connect to steam, log:

[15:05:29 1614] [STEAM_1] Connection request to steamcommunity.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[15:05:29 1614] [STEAM_1] (000000000A122D78) Connecting to server steamcommunity.com:443....
[15:05:29 1614] [STEAM_1] (000000000A122D78) Connecting to ip ....
[15:05:29 1614] [STEAM_1] (1192) Connected to steamcommunity.com:443
[15:05:29 1614] [STEAM_1] (1192 steamcommunity.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[15:05:29 1614] [STEAM_1] (1192 steamcommunity.com) SSL negotiation successful
[15:05:30 1614] SSL Server signaled SSL Shutdown
[15:05:30 1614] [STEAM_1] (000000000A122D78:1192) Connection closed internal
[15:05:30 1614] [STEAM_1] (000000000A122D78:4294967295) Connection closed
[15:05:30 1614] [STEAM_1] Send request to https://steamcommunity.com/mobilelogin/dologin/
[15:05:30 1614] [STEAM_1] Connection request to steamcommunity.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[15:05:30 1614] [STEAM_1] (0000000003097568) Connecting to server steamcommunity.com:443....
[15:05:30 1614] [STEAM_1] (0000000003097568) Connecting to ip ....
[15:05:30 1614] [STEAM_1] (1192) Connected to steamcommunity.com:443
[15:05:30 1614] [STEAM_1] (1192 steamcommunity.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[15:05:30 1614] [STEAM_1] (1192 steamcommunity.com) SSL negotiation successful
[15:05:30 1614] SSL Server signaled SSL Shutdown
[15:05:30 1614] [STEAM_1] (0000000003097568:1192) Connection closed internal
[15:05:30 1614] [STEAM_1] (0000000003097568:4294967295) Connection closed
[15:05:39 1614] [STEAM_1] Send request to https://steamcommunity.com/mobilelogin/getrsakey/
[15:05:39 1614] [STEAM_1] Connection request to steamcommunity.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[15:05:39 1614] [STEAM_1] (0000000003097568) Connecting to server steamcommunity.com:443....
[15:05:39 1614] [STEAM_1] (0000000003097568) Connecting to ip ....
[15:05:39 1614] [STEAM_1] (1444) Connected to steamcommunity.com:443
[15:05:39 1614] [STEAM_1] (1444 steamcommunity.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[15:05:39 1614] [STEAM_1] (1444 steamcommunity.com) SSL negotiation successful
[15:05:39 1614] [STEAM_1] (0000000003097568:1444) Connection closed internal
[15:05:39 1614] [STEAM_1] (0000000003097568:4294967295) Connection closed
[15:05:39 1614] [STEAM_1] Send request to https://steamcommunity.com/mobilelogin/dologin/
[15:05:39 1614] [STEAM_1] Connection request to steamcommunity.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[15:05:39 1614] [STEAM_1] (0000000003097568) Connecting to server steamcommunity.com:443....
[15:05:39 1614] [STEAM_1] (0000000003097568) Connecting to ip ....
[15:05:39 1614] [STEAM_1] (1444) Connected to steamcommunity.com:443
[15:05:39 1614] [STEAM_1] (1444 steamcommunity.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[15:05:39 1614] [STEAM_1] (1444 steamcommunity.com) SSL negotiation successful
[15:05:40 1614] SSL Server signaled SSL Shutdown
[15:05:40 1614] [STEAM_1] (0000000003097568:1444) Connection closed internal
[15:05:40 1614] [STEAM_1] (0000000003097568:4294967295) Connection closed
[15:05:40 1614] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::SetStatus: changing status from 1 to 40071
[15:05:40 0640] [STEAM_1] Send request to https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamWebUserPresenceOAuth/Logoff/v0001
[15:05:40 0640] [STEAM_1] Connection request to api.steampowered.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[15:05:40 0640] [STEAM_1] (0000000003097568) Connecting to server api.steampowered.com:443....
[15:05:40 0640] [STEAM_1] (0000000003097568) Connecting to ip ....
[15:05:40 0640] [STEAM_1] (1136) Connected to api.steampowered.com:443
[15:05:40 0640] [STEAM_1] (1136 api.steampowered.com) Starting SSL negotiation

After entering Guard Code status is Offline.

Same here :(
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Corak on 27 08 2015, 17:08:04
Same problem. Can't connect to steam after Guard code (tried both netlib and openssl):

Code: [Select]
[20:03:37 0A28] [STEAM_2] (01249508:2108) Connection closed internal
[20:03:37 0A28] [STEAM_2] (01249508:4294967295) Connection closed
[20:03:37 0A28] [STEAM_2] Send request to https://steamcommunity.com/mobilelogin/dologin/
[20:03:37 0A28] [STEAM_2] Connection request to steamcommunity.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[20:03:38 0A28] [STEAM_2] (01249508) Connecting to server steamcommunity.com:443....
[20:03:38 130C] [STEAM_2] (964) Connected to api.steampowered.com:443
[20:03:38 130C] [STEAM_2] (964 api.steampowered.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[20:03:38 0A28] [STEAM_2] (01249508) Connecting to ip ....
[20:03:39 0A28] [STEAM_2] (2108) Connected to steamcommunity.com:443
[20:03:39 0A28] [STEAM_2] (2108 steamcommunity.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[20:03:40 0C7C] SSL established with ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384
[20:03:40 130C] [STEAM_2] (964 api.steampowered.com) SSL negotiation successful
[20:03:40 130C] [STEAM_2] (0124A600:964) Connection closed internal
[20:03:40 130C] [STEAM_2] (0124A600:4294967295) Connection closed
[20:03:40 0C7C] SSL established with ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384
[20:03:40 0A28] [STEAM_2] (2108 steamcommunity.com) SSL negotiation successful
[20:03:42 0A28] [STEAM_2] (01249508:2108) Connection closed internal
[20:03:42 0A28] [STEAM_2] (01249508:4294967295) Connection closed
[20:03:42 0A28] [STEAM_2] Send request to https://steamcommunity.com/mobilelogin/dologin/
[20:03:42 0A28] [STEAM_2] Connection request to steamcommunity.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[20:03:42 0A28] [STEAM_2] (01249508) Connecting to server steamcommunity.com:443....
[20:03:42 0A28] [STEAM_2] (01249508) Connecting to ip ....
[20:03:42 0A28] [STEAM_2] (2232) Connected to steamcommunity.com:443
[20:03:42 0A28] [STEAM_2] (2232 steamcommunity.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[20:03:44 0C7C] SSL established with ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384
[20:03:44 0A28] [STEAM_2] (2232 steamcommunity.com) SSL negotiation successful
[20:03:45 0A28] [STEAM_2] (01249508:2232) Connection closed internal
[20:03:45 0A28] [STEAM_2] (01249508:4294967295) Connection closed
[20:03:46 0C7C] [STEAM_2] CSteamProto::SetStatus: changing status from 1 to 40071
[20:03:46 0C7C] CToxProto::SetStatus: changing status from 40072 to 40071
[20:03:46 1128] [STEAM_2] Send request to https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamWebUserPresenceOAuth/Logoff/v0001
[20:03:46 1128] [STEAM_2] Connection request to api.steampowered.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[20:03:46 15BC] CToxProto::PollingThread: leaving
[20:03:46 1128] [STEAM_2] src\netlibopenconn.cpp 727: connect() failed (0)
[20:03:46 0C7C] SSL failure recieving data (-1, 5, 10053)
[20:03:46 0C7C] SSL failure recieving data (-1, 5, 10058)

Also got some crash:
Code: [Select]
Likely cause of the crash plugin: Steam protocol

Exception: Access Violation at address 120821F7. Reading from address 00000000.

Stack Trace:
120821F7 (libjson 12080000): c:\program files (x86)\microsoft visual studio 10.0\vc\include\xstring (930): std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >::assign
12083C5D (libjson 12080000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\libs\libjson\src\libjson.cpp (93): JSONNode::parse
16E869D4 (Steam 16E80000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\protocols\steam\src\steam_login.cpp (84): CSteamProto::OnAuthorization
16E84826 (Steam 16E80000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\protocols\steam\src\steam_request.cpp (37): SteamHttpResponse
16E89947 (Steam 16E80000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\protocols\steam\src\request_queue.cpp (77): RequestQueue::Execute
16E899D1 (Steam 16E80000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\protocols\steam\src\request_queue.cpp (104): RequestQueue::WorkerThread
1224C516 (mir_core 12240000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\src\mir_core\src\threads.cpp (119): forkthread_r
78AFC3D4 (MSVCR100 78AA0000): (filename not available) (0): endthread
78AFC474 (MSVCR100 78AA0000): (filename not available) (0): endthread
7C80B729 (kernel32 7C800000): (filename not available) (0): GetModuleFileNameA
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Robyer on 27 08 2015, 21:19:13
Yes, I can confirm there was some change on Steam server side and it needs fix/adaptation of Steam protocol plugin...

@unsane, could you please look at it? It returns wrong data on the login request (looks like it tries to redirect to website validation instead of mobile validation). Looks similar like the problem of few months ago.

EDIT: Perhaps this is the solution: https://github.com/EionRobb/pidgin-opensteamworks/commit/8e85c5e4f7569e419f199881a1d6de400707ea09
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: unitwobble on 08 09 2015, 13:22:04
Are there any updates on the fixing of the plugin?
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Bob348874389023 on 13 09 2015, 11:39:40
Please fix  :)

Nevermind it just updated actually and it's working. Thanks a lot!
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Robyer on 13 09 2015, 15:45:14
Yes, unsane fixed it in r15338 (http://trac.miranda-ng.org/changeset/15338/). :-)
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Corak on 13 09 2015, 16:33:39
Thanks. Steam seems connecting now.. but almost (contact list is almost empty)
Got crash after some reconnection (when entire network on/off), and it's not connecting anymore and key that sending to my mail doesnt work.

Crash On Steam Reconnection
Code: [Select]
Likely cause of the crash plugin: Steam protocol

Exception: Access Violation at address 120821F7. Reading from address 00000000.

Stack Trace:
120821F7 (libjson 12080000): c:\program files (x86)\microsoft visual studio 10.0\vc\include\xstring (930): std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >::assign
12083C5D (libjson 12080000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\libs\libjson\src\libjson.cpp (93): JSONNode::parse
16EA6BBC (Steam 16EA0000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\protocols\steam\src\steam_login.cpp (23): CSteamProto::OnGotRsaKey
16EAAFEC (Steam 16EA0000): (filename not available) (0): _EH_epilog3_GS
78B2B65A (MSVCR100 78AA0000): (filename not available) (0): rand_s
7C839A90 (kernel32 7C800000): (filename not available) (0): ValidateLocale

And Errors in netlog like
Got errors like
Code: [Select]
[19:29:56 0A3C] [STEAM_2] (01230EC0:2916) Data received
"error": "Not Logged On"
[19:29:56 0A3C] [STEAM_2] (01230EC0:2916) Connection closed internal
[19:29:56 0A3C] [STEAM_2] (01230EC0:4294967295) Connection closed
[19:29:57 01E0] [STEAM_2] (01317CD8:2892) Connection closed internal
[19:29:57 01E0] [STEAM_2] (01317CD8:4294967295) Connection closed
[19:30:01 064C] [STEAM_2] (012FB1C0:2736) Data received
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
[19:30:01 064C] [STEAM_2] (012FB1C0:2736) Data received
date: Sun, 13 Sep 2015 16:29:57 GMT
expires: Sun, 13 Sep 2015 16:29:57 GMT
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
Content-Length: 56

[19:30:01 064C] [STEAM_2] (012FB1C0:2736) Data received
"pollid": 0,
"sectimeout": 30,
"error": "Timeout"

[19:30:02 0638] [STEAM_2] (011A1570:2804) Data received
"pollid": 0,
"sectimeout": 30,
"error": "Timeout"

Another crash when trying to close miranda when SteamGuard window asking for key is on top.. (and not closing)
Crash StreamGuard/Closing Miranda
Code: [Select]
Likely cause of the crash plugin: Steam protocol

Exception: Access Violation at address 120821F7. Reading from address 00000000.

Stack Trace:
120821F7 (libjson 12080000): c:\program files (x86)\microsoft visual studio 10.0\vc\include\xstring (930): std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >::assign
12083C5D (libjson 12080000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\libs\libjson\src\libjson.cpp (93): JSONNode::parse
16EA6AED (Steam 16EA0000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\protocols\steam\src\steam_login.cpp (84): CSteamProto::OnAuthorization
16EA4890 (Steam 16EA0000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\protocols\steam\src\steam_request.cpp (37): SteamHttpResponse
16EA9A43 (Steam 16EA0000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\protocols\steam\src\request_queue.cpp (77): RequestQueue::Execute
16EA9ACD (Steam 16EA0000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\protocols\steam\src\request_queue.cpp (104): RequestQueue::WorkerThread
1224C599 (mir_core 12240000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\src\mir_core\src\threads.cpp (119): forkthread_r
78AFC3D4 (MSVCR100 78AA0000): (filename not available) (0): endthread
78AFC474 (MSVCR100 78AA0000): (filename not available) (0): endthread
7C80B729 (kernel32 7C800000): (filename not available) (0): GetModuleFileNameA

...Also every time on reconnection - token of steam are "getting old" and have to enter key in SteamGuard again. But it's not working.

Also crashing if I disable steam account (in account manager) when this key must be entered and I press "cancel" of "ok" in SteamGuard window:

Crash StreamGuard/Disabled Steam Acc
Code: [Select]
Likely cause of the crash plugin: Steam protocol

Exception: Priveleged instruction executed at address 01234BAC.

Stack Trace:
01234BAC ((module-name not available) 00000000): (filename not available) (0): (function-name not available)
16EA6B37 (Steam 16EA0000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\protocols\steam\src\steam_login.cpp (94): CSteamProto::OnAuthorization
16EA4890 (Steam 16EA0000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\protocols\steam\src\steam_request.cpp (37): SteamHttpResponse
16EA9A43 (Steam 16EA0000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\protocols\steam\src\request_queue.cpp (77): RequestQueue::Execute
16EA9ACD (Steam 16EA0000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\protocols\steam\src\request_queue.cpp (104): RequestQueue::WorkerThread
1224C599 (mir_core 12240000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\src\mir_core\src\threads.cpp (119): forkthread_r
78AFC3D4 (MSVCR100 78AA0000): (filename not available) (0): endthread
78AFC474 (MSVCR100 78AA0000): (filename not available) (0): endthread
7C80B729 (kernel32 7C800000): (filename not available) (0): GetModuleFileNameA
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Corak on 15 09 2015, 09:43:03
Got another crash on steam:

Code: [Select]
Likely cause of the crash plugin: Steam protocol

Exception: Access Violation at address 120821F7. Reading from address 0148C000.

Stack Trace:
120821F7 (libjson 12080000): c:\program files (x86)\microsoft visual studio 10.0\vc\include\xstring (930): std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >::assign
12083BDE (libjson 12080000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\libs\libjson\src\libjson.cpp (100): json_parse
16EAA312 (Steam 16EA0000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\protocols\steam\src\steam_pooling.cpp (194): CSteamProto::PollingThread
1224C554 (mir_core 12240000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\src\mir_core\src\threads.cpp (154): forkthreadex_r
78AFC556 (MSVCR100 78AA0000): (filename not available) (0): endthreadex
78AFC600 (MSVCR100 78AA0000): (filename not available) (0): endthreadex
7C80B729 (kernel32 7C800000): (filename not available) (0): GetModuleFileNameA

Latest netlog event:

Code: [Select]
[12:39:39 22F0] [STEAM_2] (0132AE00:4024) Data received
"pollid": 0,
"sectimeout": 30,
"error": "Timeout"
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Wishmaster on 15 09 2015, 12:41:54
Fixed. Please upgrade Miranda NG to the latest version.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Corak on 16 09 2015, 08:44:12
Not fixed, I'm already at latest alpha update and getting such crashes:

1. http://forum.miranda-ng.org/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=1222.0;attach=1660
Code: [Select]
Likely cause of the crash plugin: Steam protocol

Exception: Access Violation at address 120821F7. Reading from address 014B4000.

Stack Trace:
120821F7 (libjson 12080000): c:\program files (x86)\microsoft visual studio 10.0\vc\include\xstring (930): std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >::assign
12083BDE (libjson 12080000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\libs\libjson\src\libjson.cpp (100): json_parse
16EA8F1B (Steam 16EA0000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\protocols\steam\src\steam_contacts.cpp (492): CSteamProto::OnGotUserSummaries
16EA4890 (Steam 16EA0000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\protocols\steam\src\steam_request.cpp (37): SteamHttpResponse
16EA9A51 (Steam 16EA0000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\protocols\steam\src\request_queue.cpp (77): RequestQueue::Execute
16EA9ADB (Steam 16EA0000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\protocols\steam\src\request_queue.cpp (104): RequestQueue::WorkerThread
1224C599 (mir_core 12240000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\src\mir_core\src\threads.cpp (119): forkthread_r
78AFC3D4 (MSVCR100 78AA0000): (filename not available) (0): endthread
78AFC474 (MSVCR100 78AA0000): (filename not available) (0): endthread
7C80B729 (kernel32 7C800000): (filename not available) (0): GetModuleFileNameA

+ With debug mode netlog
Code: [Select]
Likely cause of the crash plugin: Steam protocol

Exception: Access Violation at address 120821F7. Reading from address 01527000.

Stack Trace:
120821F7 (libjson 12080000): c:\program files (x86)\microsoft visual studio 10.0\vc\include\xstring (930): std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >::assign
12083BDE (libjson 12080000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\libs\libjson\src\libjson.cpp (100): json_parse
16EAA312 (Steam 16EA0000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\protocols\steam\src\steam_pooling.cpp (194): CSteamProto::PollingThread
1224C554 (mir_core 12240000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\src\mir_core\src\threads.cpp (154): forkthreadex_r
78AFC556 (MSVCR100 78AA0000): (filename not available) (0): endthreadex
78AFC600 (MSVCR100 78AA0000): (filename not available) (0): endthreadex
7C80B729 (kernel32 7C800000): (filename not available) (0): GetModuleFileNameA

3. http://forum.miranda-ng.org/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=1222.0;attach=1662
Code: [Select]
Likely cause of the crash plugin: Steam protocol

Exception: Access Violation at address 1224A03D. Reading from address 00000374.

Stack Trace:
1224A03D (mir_core 12240000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\src\mir_core\src\ui_utils.cpp (32): CompareDialogs
122504A7 (mir_core 12240000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\src\mir_core\src\lists.cpp (138): List_GetIndex
12250511 (mir_core 12240000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\src\mir_core\src\lists.cpp (56): List_Find
12249FFE (mir_core 12240000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\src\mir_core\src\ui_utils.cpp (276): CDlgBase::Find
1224A8CE (mir_core 12240000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\src\mir_core\src\ui_utils.cpp (238): CDlgBase::GlobalDlgProc
7E368734 (USER32 7E360000): (filename not available) (0): GetDC
7E373CE4 (USER32 7E360000): (filename not available) (0): EnumDisplaySettingsA
7E373B30 (USER32 7E360000): (filename not available) (0): EnumDisplaySettingsA
7E373D5C (USER32 7E360000): (filename not available) (0): DefDlgProcW
7E368734 (USER32 7E360000): (filename not available) (0): GetDC
7E368816 (USER32 7E360000): (filename not available) (0): GetDC
7E3689CD (USER32 7E360000): (filename not available) (0): GetWindowLongW
7E368A10 (USER32 7E360000): (filename not available) (0): DispatchMessageW
7E3774FF (USER32 7E360000): (filename not available) (0): IsDialogMessageW
7E37763C (USER32 7E360000): (filename not available) (0): CallMsgFilterW
7E3749C4 (USER32 7E360000): (filename not available) (0): GetCursorFrameInfo
7E374A06 (USER32 7E360000): (filename not available) (0): DialogBoxIndirectParamAorW
7E3747EA (USER32 7E360000): (filename not available) (0): DialogBoxParamW
1224A908 (mir_core 12240000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\src\mir_core\src\ui_utils.cpp (79): CDlgBase::DoModal
16EA62EC (Steam 16EA0000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\protocols\steam\src\steam_login.cpp (148): CSteamProto::OnAuthorizationError
16EA6B3C (Steam 16EA0000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\protocols\steam\src\steam_login.cpp (103): CSteamProto::OnAuthorization
78AB016A (MSVCR100 78AA0000): (filename not available) (0): free
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Wishmaster on 16 09 2015, 09:17:56
It's a completly different crash!

Please stop putting different crash logs in description and in the attatchment! Stop mixing them together!
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Corak on 16 09 2015, 11:15:08
>It's a completly different crash!
>Please stop putting different crash logs in description and in the attatchment! Stop mixing them together!


I know it's three different crashes related with Steam, so I put it there in DIFFERENT spoilers and different files in attach. But they ALL happened in latest day and CrashLogs for them are matched. I'm not "mixing" them - just look in attach and you will find they all Match the text in spoiler.
 So I dont understand why you are so surprised and angry.
I always doing this way if I got many different crashes on one protocol.
They all Related to Steam. Where and HOW to put them then? Give an example how you prefer.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Wishmaster on 16 09 2015, 17:02:25
Well, please keep them in this forum, it is very confusing if some are on the tracker but some are on the forum. Also in #1011 (http://trac.miranda-ng.org/ticket/1011#comment:4), you put two different crashes together, and it seems you created quite some duplicates on the tracker. Also, if a crash doesn't get fixed, it's not quite helpful to post the same log again.

I'll see if I can fix anything :)
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Corak on 16 09 2015, 17:20:31
I place on tracker depending on a protocol or a core. I know that someone reads about crashes only there and always will answer only there, about core I'm writing to bug tracker, about those protocols - to forum.

#1011 - ок, I will create another ticket for this crash too (it's just very simpilar to that I already had).

And I dont really create duplicates on tracker:
If there once was such "duplicates" - i found them easy , and just give a link to this ticket (in both tickets comments) and close one (if it's just mine duplicate tickets).

>Also, if a crash doesn't get fixed, it's not quite helpful to post the same log again.

But I don't post the same log.

Yes, I know, and understand. But it's seems "different" crashes but they have some simpilarities so I wrote "it's not fixed"... Anyway it just happened, so I posted it here. I dont understand why you are so angry about it...

Also.. One thing - If I cannot enter a key - it just dont works. When SSL are falled, and it keeps asking and asking me a Key. I pressing "cancel" button - and it opens window again. Is there any way to REALLY cancel? I even tried to place protocol offline - and it didnt helps - Steam Guard window opens again and again..
The only way to stop this madness is seems to disable plugin or steam account in account manager or restart Miranda.

Log in when triying to connect with real key on mail

It's happening every time when my entire network connection failed - and just cannot login anymore.. Only restarting miranda seems helps and it authorises.

+If I disable it in account manager when this window opened i got such core crash (DestroyServiceFunction):

Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Wishmaster on 16 09 2015, 17:49:11
Hi, I tried to fix the crashes in Stream, will read the rest later.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Corak on 16 09 2015, 17:53:31

* Unsane gave me some code to build, to make steam plugin create dumps in netlog (without "NLHRF_NODUMPSEND"):

Code: [Select]

I built this dll and using it now.
And just now I got one of the crashes and  here's netlog and crashdump on it (related with "CSteamProto::PollingThread")


If it helps somehow
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Wishmaster on 16 09 2015, 18:18:14
Well, thats useless, its build r15363, wait for r15365 (my fix) and post new crash report with that. "CSteamProto::PollingThread" should be fixed.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Corak on 16 09 2015, 19:04:21
Thanks!  :THUMBS UP:
I will build them now from svn sources and write if some crash repeated or it's fixed.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Corak on 17 09 2015, 05:08:28
CSteamProto::PollingThread" should be fixed.

Just got another crash on CSteamProto::PollingThread
Protocol plugin is latest build.

Yes. This is the only crash repeated twice today - one on my build with "dump" from latest svn.. another one on latest update from nightly build (also updated through updater today). So it's not fixed still...
Both crashes after network connection falled and restored.

But most other crashes seems not repeating now.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Wishmaster on 17 09 2015, 19:19:50
Should be fixed as well :)
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Corak on 18 09 2015, 18:03:42
* "PollingThread" crash just repeated. Reopened.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Wishmaster on 18 09 2015, 19:04:53
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Corak on 18 09 2015, 19:35:56
Thanks. Updating.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Corak on 19 09 2015, 05:05:50
+ New Crash on  "PollingThread"


steam_polling.cpp: PollingThread / memory.cpp: mir_strdup
Code: [Select]
Likely cause of the crash plugin: Steam protocol

Exception: Access Violation at address 1224F2FC. Reading from address 013DA000.

Stack Trace:
1224F2FC (mir_core 12240000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\src\mir_core\src\memory.cpp (152): mir_strdup
16EAA317 (Steam 16EA0000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\protocols\steam\src\steam_polling.cpp (188): CSteamProto::PollingThread
1224C554 (mir_core 12240000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\src\mir_core\src\threads.cpp (154): forkthreadex_r
78AFC556 (MSVCR100 78AA0000): (filename not available) (0): endthreadex
78AFC600 (MSVCR100 78AA0000): (filename not available) (0): endthreadex
7C80B729 (kernel32 7C800000): (filename not available) (0): GetModuleFileNameA
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Wishmaster on 19 09 2015, 08:09:05
I give it up then :(

Can you try without OpenSSL?
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Corak on 19 09 2015, 08:27:17
I'm not using OpenSSL (@ultramage using it). I'm now oon pure netlib.

No, It really-really helps, and now crashes much rarely now. Not fundamentally but situately. Just some rare new crashes are appearing still not fixed.
I will personally not give up) I just wanted some special protocols to work more stable - for Miranda NG project cause.

+ New crash on "OnGotUserSummaries"


Code: [Select]
Likely cause of the crash plugin: Steam protocol

Exception: Access Violation at address 120821F7. Reading from address 0141A000.

Stack Trace:
120821F7 (libjson 12080000): c:\program files (x86)\microsoft visual studio 10.0\vc\include\xstring (930): std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >::assign
12083BDE (libjson 12080000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\libs\libjson\src\libjson.cpp (100): json_parse
16EA8F27 (Steam 16EA0000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\protocols\steam\src\steam_contacts.cpp (495): CSteamProto::OnGotUserSummaries
16EA4890 (Steam 16EA0000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\protocols\steam\src\steam_request.cpp (37): SteamHttpResponse
16EA9A63 (Steam 16EA0000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\protocols\steam\src\request_queue.cpp (77): RequestQueue::Execute
16EA9AED (Steam 16EA0000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\protocols\steam\src\request_queue.cpp (104): RequestQueue::WorkerThread
1224C599 (mir_core 12240000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\src\mir_core\src\threads.cpp (119): forkthread_r
78AFC3D4 (MSVCR100 78AA0000): (filename not available) (0): endthread
78AFC474 (MSVCR100 78AA0000): (filename not available) (0): endthread
7C80B729 (kernel32 7C800000): (filename not available) (0): GetModuleFileNameA
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Bob348874389023 on 12 10 2015, 12:50:45
How do I clean up the contact list automatically? I removed 40 friends via web interface, launched miranda, got 40 popups and now have to find and delete those 40 dudes manually again?
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Robyer on 12 10 2015, 14:03:09
Well, yes.

It's faster to do it via Quick Search Mod plugin, where you can select more contacts at once - and you can add some column with info that these contacts doesn't have authorization (are deleted on server), so you can sort by that column and then easily select all of them and delete them at once :-)
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Bob348874389023 on 12 10 2015, 16:41:37
Well, yes.

It's faster to do it via Quick Search Mod plugin, where you can select more contacts at once - and you can add some column with info that these contacts doesn't have authorization (are deleted on server), so you can sort by that column and then easily select all of them and delete them at once :-)
Yep tried it, however QS doesn't have any columns which could help me.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Robyer on 12 10 2015, 17:47:05
Bob348874389023, add your own column.

You can use: db setting, type: timestamp, module: empty, setting: "DeletedTS" (non empty means date of contact deletion)
Or: db setting, type: byte, module: empty, setting: "Auth" (1 means deleted contact)
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Bob348874389023 on 12 10 2015, 17:54:35
Bob348874389023, add your own column.

You can use: db setting, type: timestamp, module: empty, setting: "DeletedTS" (non empty means date of contact deletion)
Or: db setting, type: byte, module: empty, setting: "Auth" (1 means deleted contact)
I am very sorry for offtopic, but is it done in settings or only via DB editor?

In settings I can only add/remove columns but can't edit them. Is it a bug on my side?
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Robyer on 12 10 2015, 18:04:12
Bob348874389023, it's badly designed GUI. Notice vertical "button" on right side of the options. And click on it. It should show you edit panel for the selected column.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Dimsok on 13 10 2015, 19:15:40
I can't add contact. After when i add it in cl (only by id. searching by nick doesn't work) i select "ask authorisation" in context menu but that doesn't send any notification to the contact. And when contact try to add me, miranda crashes. So anyone added any contact to it? Which magic should i make?
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Vulpix on 09 11 2015, 15:05:40
I keep getting disconnected from Steam a lot.

I understand steam (as a protocol) is inherently fragile, but it's incredibly annoying having to relog all the time, especially since sometimes you log in without seeing a single contact online, and you just have to log out and wait some time for the whole session to "time out", before you can log in and see others.

@Robyer, do you think it'd be possible to make the protocol more resilient to steam's crappy connectivity? To make it not give up so easily/quickly.

See below a log of the connection dying:

15:57:25 1358] [STEAM_1] Send request to https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamWebUserPresenceOAuth/Poll/v0001
[15:57:25 0FE0] [STEAM_1] Connection request to api.steampowered.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[15:57:25 0FE0] [STEAM_1] (000000000F020DB8) Connecting to server api.steampowered.com:443....
[15:57:25 0FE0] [STEAM_1] (000000000F020DB8) Connecting to ip ....
[15:57:36 1358] SSL Server signaled SSL Shutdown
[15:57:36 1358] [STEAM_1] (000000000F021AC8:21544) Data received
HTTP/1.1 408 Request Timeout
[15:57:36 1358] [STEAM_1] (000000000F021AC8:21544) Data received
Content-Length: 104
Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
Date: Mon, 09 Nov 2015 14:57:35 GMT
expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT
cache-control: no-cache,must-revalidate

[15:57:36 1358] [STEAM_1] Send request to https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamWebUserPresenceOAuth/Poll/v0001
[15:57:36 1358] [STEAM_1] (000000000F021AC8:21544) Connection closed internal
[15:57:36 1358] [STEAM_1] (000000000F021AC8) Connecting to server api.steampowered.com:443....
[15:57:36 1358] [STEAM_1] (000000000F021AC8) Connecting to ip ....
[15:57:46 0FE0] [STEAM_1] src\netlibopenconn.cpp 727: connect() failed (10060)
[15:57:57 1358] [STEAM_1] src\netlibopenconn.cpp 727: connect() failed (10060)
[15:57:57 1358] [STEAM_1] (000000000F021AC8:4294967295) Connection closed
[15:57:57 1358] [STEAM_1] Send request to https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamWebUserPresenceOAuth/Poll/v0001
[15:57:57 1358] [STEAM_1] Connection request to api.steampowered.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[15:57:57 1358] [STEAM_1] (000000000F021998) Connecting to server api.steampowered.com:443....
[15:57:57 1358] [STEAM_1] (000000000F021998) Connecting to ip ....
[15:58:18 1358] [STEAM_1] src\netlibopenconn.cpp 727: connect() failed (10060)
[15:58:18 1358] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::PollingThread: leaving
[15:58:18 1358] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::PollingThread: unexpected termination; switching protocol to offline
[15:58:18 1358] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::SetStatus: changing status from 40072 to 40071
[15:58:18 18A4] [STEAM_1] Send request to https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamWebUserPresenceOAuth/Logoff/v0001
[15:58:18 18A4] [STEAM_1] Connection request to api.steampowered.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[15:58:18 18A4] [STEAM_1] (000000000F021608) Connecting to server api.steampowered.com:443....
[15:58:18 18A4] [STEAM_1] (000000000F021608) Connecting to ip ....
[15:58:39 18A4] [STEAM_1] src\netlibopenconn.cpp 727: connect() failed (10060)

Also, if you could look into retrieval of offline messages, there could be some $$ in it for you :p (or whoever can make it work)
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Robyer on 09 11 2015, 22:09:35
@Robyer, do you think it'd be possible to make the protocol more resilient to steam's crappy connectivity? To make it not give up so easily/quickly.

You can see that it doesn't give up that easily - it tries 3 times before giving up.
Anyway, I commited hidden setting to specify number of retries manually (and raised default value from 3 to 5). It's key "PollingErrorsLimit" (byte). There is nothing else I can do about that...

Also, if you could look into retrieval of offline messages, there could be some $$ in it for you :p (or whoever can make it work)
Ok, I'll probably look at it later this week if unsane won't be faster :-)
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Robyer on 10 11 2015, 08:00:44
I can't add contact. After when i add it in cl (only by id. searching by nick doesn't work) i select "ask authorisation" in context menu but that doesn't send any notification to the contact. And when contact try to add me, miranda crashes. So anyone added any contact to it? Which magic should i make?

Please make ticket(s) for your problem(s) to our tracker so it won't be forgotten.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Vulpix on 10 11 2015, 09:22:22

What  happened here?

[10:16:56 1A54] [STEAM_1] (00000000132DF9C8:2244) Data received
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
[10:16:56 1A54] [STEAM_1] (00000000132DF9C8:2244) Data received
Date: Tue, 10 Nov 2015 09:16:56 GMT
expires: Tue, 10 Nov 2015 09:16:56 GMT
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
content-length: 56

[10:16:56 1A54] [STEAM_1] (00000000132DF9C8:2244) Data received
        "pollid": 0,
        "sectimeout": 30,
        "error": "Timeout"
[10:16:56 1A54] [STEAM_1] Send request to https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamWebUserPresenceOAuth/Poll/v0001
[10:17:27 1A54] [STEAM_1] (00000000132DF9C8:2244) Data received
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
[10:17:34 1A54] SSL Server signaled SSL Shutdown
[10:17:39 1A54] [STEAM_1] (00000000132DF9C8:2244) Data received
Date: Tue, 10 Nov 2015 09:17:26 GMT
expires: Tue, 10 Nov 2015 09:17:26 GMT
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
content-length: 56

[10:17:44 1A54] [STEAM_1] (00000000132DF9C8:2244) Data received
        "pollid": 0,
        "sectimeout": 30,
        "error": "Timeout"
[10:17:48 1A54] [STEAM_1] Send request to https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamWebUserPresenceOAuth/Poll/v0001
[10:17:53 1A54] [STEAM_1] (00000000132DF9C8:2244) Connection closed internal
[10:17:57 1A54] [STEAM_1] (00000000132DF9C8) Connecting to server api.steampowered.com:443....
[10:17:58 1A54] [STEAM_1] (00000000132DF9C8) Connecting to ip ....
[10:17:58 1A54] [STEAM_1] (10344) Connected to api.steampowered.com:443
[10:17:58 1A54] [STEAM_1] (10344 api.steampowered.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[10:17:59 1A54] [STEAM_1] (10344 api.steampowered.com) SSL negotiation successful
[10:17:59 1A54] [STEAM_1] (00000000132DF9C8:10344) Data received
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
[10:17:59 1A54] [STEAM_1] (00000000132DF9C8:10344) Data received
Date: Tue, 10 Nov 2015 09:17:59 GMT
expires: Tue, 10 Nov 2015 09:17:59 GMT
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
content-length: 61

[10:17:59 1A54] [STEAM_1] (00000000132DF9C8:10344) Data received
        "pollid": 0,
        "sectimeout": 1,
        "error": "Not Logged On"
[10:17:59 1A54] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::PollingThread: Not Logged On (200)
[10:17:59 1A54] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::PollingThread: Timeout is too low (1)
[10:17:59 1A54] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::PollingThread: leaving

[10:17:59 1A54] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::PollingThread: unexpected termination; switching protocol to offline
[10:17:59 1A54] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::SetStatus: changing status from 40072 to 40071
[10:17:59 1CE4] [STEAM_1] Send request to https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamWebUserPresenceOAuth/Logoff/v0001
[10:17:59 1CE4] [STEAM_1] Connection request to api.steampowered.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[10:17:59 1CE4] [STEAM_1] (000000001039B528) Connecting to server api.steampowered.com:443....
[10:17:59 1CE4] [STEAM_1] (000000001039B528) Connecting to ip ....
[10:17:59 1CE4] [STEAM_1] (10336) Connected to api.steampowered.com:443
[10:17:59 1CE4] [STEAM_1] (10336 api.steampowered.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[10:17:59 1CE4] [STEAM_1] (10336 api.steampowered.com) SSL negotiation successful
[10:18:00 1CE4] [STEAM_1] (000000001039B528:10336) Data received
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
[10:18:00 1CE4] [STEAM_1] (000000001039B528:10336) Data received
Date: Tue, 10 Nov 2015 09:17:59 GMT
expires: Tue, 10 Nov 2015 09:17:59 GMT
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
content-length: 29

[10:18:00 1CE4] [STEAM_1] (000000001039B528:10336) Data received
        "error": "Not Logged On"
[10:18:00 1CE4] [STEAM_1] (000000001039B528:10336) Connection closed internal
[10:18:00 1CE4] [STEAM_1] (000000001039B528:4294967295) Connection closed

I don't see any reconnection attempts. What's this signalled shutdown?
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Mataes on 12 11 2015, 06:04:34
hi! i have a crash: http://pastebin.com/n5mzPdyT
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Vulpix on 12 11 2015, 16:27:29
@robyer/unsane I was trying some other stuff and I tried pidgin (the plugin for steam uses this: https://github.com/eionrobb/pidgin-opensteamworks ). It stayed connected all day without disconnecting.

I was watching conntrack on my router and I noticed one thing - where Miranda has a single "main" thread in which it polls, pidgin always closes the old one and opens a new one when the 30sec timeout period expires.

I.e. there is a single connection for miranda that's always open (ESTABLISHED) and all that happens to it is the timeout timer is reset when miranda polls the steam webapi. Whereas the one I linked above always closes the previous connection when the polling period (30sec) expires and opens a brand new one.

I'm going to test it for longer to make sure it wasn't a fluke, but where miranda disconnects within an hour, 100% of the time, pidgin has remained connected all day today.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Robyer on 13 11 2015, 05:13:02
Vulpix, hi, you can't compare with that plugin - AFAIK it is using "hacked" steam client, it's not web based. So, web based steam could be "crashing" more often than the native client. But it shouldn't be related to whether we keep persistent connection or (less efficiently) create new connection again at every request).

I forgot to reply to your last message - your last log is different from the previous one I was talking about in my reply. I can perhaps solve issue from the last one by trying to reconnect whole steam (as it is saying that you're not logged anymore).
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Vulpix on 13 11 2015, 06:35:53
Vulpix, hi, you can't compare with that plugin - AFAIK it is using "hacked" steam client, it's not web based. So, web based steam could be "crashing" more often than the native client. But it shouldn't be related to whether we keep persistent connection or (less efficiently) create new connection again at every request).

@Robyer, I actually made sure not to post something like that if it was incomparable, but you are wrong (I assume you haven't checked the link? :P)

The plugin uses the same api that our plugin does.


As of version 1.0 the (new) plugin will connect to Steam without Steam running via the Steam mobile API and thus works on Linux and OSX.

for example a part of the poll method:

steam_poll(SteamAccount *sa, gboolean secure, guint message)
   GString *post = g_string_new(NULL);
   SteamMethod method = STEAM_METHOD_POST;
   const gchar *url = "/ISteamWebUserPresenceOAuth/PollStatus/v0001";
   if (secure == TRUE || purple_account_get_bool(sa->account, "always_use_https", FALSE))

You can clearly see it uses the web api :p

It didn't DC all day whereas miranda went down 11 times.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Robyer on 13 11 2015, 22:45:44
Vulpix, oops, you're right, I guessed just by opensteamworks in URL :-)

Ok, then would be interesting to compare how our request is different from theirs (except the not-persistent connection)... I hope they are just reconnecting and it's not something magic somewhere inside :-)
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Vulpix on 14 11 2015, 09:53:59
It would  certainly be awesome if you could go over it and check it ! :D It really doesn't disconnect. I'm using pidgin for steam atm instead of miranda. Oh, and a bonus - they also have offline message retrieval~
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Smiling Spectre on 16 11 2015, 06:12:47
Hello, Robyer.

Today for some reason Steam decided to forget my Steam credentials for Miranda plugin (it worked yesterday!)

Oh, and I got "Steam guard" window. That doesn't work. After receiving confirmation e-mail I enter code, and after that Steam goes offline. And ask for code in the next attempt. New code.

It worked for me before, long ago, in developer version. But not now, obviously. Can you try to fix it, please?

Oh, and I tried developer version too. It doesn't even give me the Steam Guard window now. *sigh*
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Robyer on 24 11 2015, 18:15:28
Smiling Spectre, I just tested it and it works correctly in development version (32 bit) - it shows guard window and when typing code from e-mail it correctly connects me. In stable it indeed will be broken so I recommend switching to development.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Smiling Spectre on 26 11 2015, 11:10:48
It seems, there was some strange profile settings in my developer-based profile, because it didn't work even after full reinstall everything except profile itself. Clean install worked.

Thank you! :)

Can I ask why it doesn't work in stable release? Will it work after next Miranda version will go stable?
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Robyer on 26 11 2015, 11:42:08
Smiling Spectre, it would be enough to just delete and create new Steam account in Miranda. No need for whole clean profile.

And yes, it will work in next stable. Problem is that actual stable is old. And there were changes on Steam server, which were fixed only in development builds. And these changes wasn't backported to actual stable.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Smiling Spectre on 26 11 2015, 22:56:57
Ah, got it. Thank you again for the explanations! :) (I hope for a new stable release now... :)
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Vulpix on 27 11 2015, 11:14:32
Hello Robyer!

The fix you put in indeed worked, I'm no longer getting blocked by steam servers.

Instead, I'm getting disconnected only about once a day, usually at night (i.e. when I wake up and check miranda, I'm logged out).

The error is something completely different. Unlike before when I'm literally blocked from the site, here the connection just suddenly says that it had timed out and that I'm not logged on.

Here's the log (only a part of it, nothing suspicious in the previous sections):

Code: [Select]
[02:41:16 085C] [STEAM_1] (0E92B1E8:6620) Data received
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
[02:41:16 085C] [STEAM_1] (0E92B1E8:6620) Data received
date: Fri, 27 Nov 2015 01:41:03 GMT
expires: Fri, 27 Nov 2015 01:41:03 GMT
content-type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
content-length: 56

[02:41:16 085C] [STEAM_1] (0E92B1E8:6620) Data received
        "pollid": 0,
        "sectimeout": 30,
        "error": "Timeout"
[02:41:16 085C] [STEAM_1] (0E92B1E8:6620) Connection closed internal
[02:41:16 085C] [STEAM_1] (0E92B1E8:4294967295) Connection closed
[02:41:16 085C] [STEAM_1] Send request to https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamWebUserPresenceOAuth/Poll/v0001
[02:41:16 085C] [STEAM_1] Connection request to api.steampowered.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[02:41:16 085C] [STEAM_1] (0E92AFA8) Connecting to server api.steampowered.com:443....
[02:41:16 085C] [STEAM_1] (0E92AFA8) Connecting to ip ....
[02:41:17 085C] [STEAM_1] (6812) Connected to api.steampowered.com:443
[02:41:17 085C] [STEAM_1] (6812 api.steampowered.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[02:41:17 085C] [STEAM_1] (6812 api.steampowered.com) SSL negotiation successful
[02:41:47 085C] [STEAM_1] (0E92AFA8:6812) Data received
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
[02:41:47 085C] [STEAM_1] (0E92AFA8:6812) Data received
Date: Fri, 27 Nov 2015 01:41:33 GMT
expires: Fri, 27 Nov 2015 01:41:33 GMT
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
content-length: 56

[02:41:47 085C] [STEAM_1] (0E92AFA8:6812) Data received
        "pollid": 0,
        "sectimeout": 30,
        "error": "Timeout"
[02:41:47 085C] [STEAM_1] (0E92AFA8:6812) Connection closed internal
[02:41:47 085C] [STEAM_1] (0E92AFA8:4294967295) Connection closed
[02:41:47 085C] [STEAM_1] Send request to https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamWebUserPresenceOAuth/Poll/v0001
[02:41:47 085C] [STEAM_1] Connection request to api.steampowered.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[02:41:47 085C] [STEAM_1] (0E92B428) Connecting to server api.steampowered.com:443....
[02:41:47 085C] [STEAM_1] (0E92B428) Connecting to ip ....
[02:41:47 085C] [STEAM_1] (6416) Connected to api.steampowered.com:443
[02:41:47 085C] [STEAM_1] (6416 api.steampowered.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[02:41:47 085C] [STEAM_1] (6416 api.steampowered.com) SSL negotiation successful
[02:42:06 085C] [STEAM_1] (0E92B428:6416) Data received
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
[02:42:06 085C] [STEAM_1] (0E92B428:6416) Data received
Date: Fri, 27 Nov 2015 01:41:52 GMT
expires: Fri, 27 Nov 2015 01:41:52 GMT
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
content-length: 394

[02:42:06 085C] [STEAM_1] (0E92B428:6416) Data received
        "pollid": 0,
        "messages": [
        "messagelast": 1155,
        "timestamp": 177634636,
        "utc_timestamp": 1448588512,
        "messagebase": 1154,
        "sectimeout": 18,
        "error": "OK"
[02:42:06 085C] [STEAM_1] (0E92B428:6416) Connection closed internal
[02:42:06 085C] [STEAM_1] (0E92B428:4294967295) Connection closed
[02:42:06 21C8] [STEAM_1] Send request to https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamUserOAuth/GetUserSummaries/v0001?access_token=<censored>&steamids=<censored>
[02:42:06 085C] [STEAM_1] Send request to https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamWebUserPresenceOAuth/Poll/v0001
[02:42:06 21C8] [STEAM_1] Connection request to api.steampowered.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[02:42:06 085C] [STEAM_1] Connection request to api.steampowered.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[02:42:06 085C] [STEAM_1] (0E92B068) Connecting to server api.steampowered.com:443....
[02:42:06 21C8] [STEAM_1] (132576A0) Connecting to server api.steampowered.com:443....
[02:42:06 21C8] [STEAM_1] (132576A0) Connecting to ip ....
[02:42:06 085C] [STEAM_1] (0E92B068) Connecting to ip ....
[02:42:06 21C8] [STEAM_1] (2312) Connected to api.steampowered.com:443
[02:42:06 21C8] [STEAM_1] (2312 api.steampowered.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[02:42:06 085C] [STEAM_1] (6528) Connected to api.steampowered.com:443
[02:42:06 085C] [STEAM_1] (6528 api.steampowered.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[02:42:06 21C8] [STEAM_1] (2312 api.steampowered.com) SSL negotiation successful
[02:42:06 085C] [STEAM_1] (6528 api.steampowered.com) SSL negotiation successful
[02:42:06 21C8] [STEAM_1] (132576A0:2312) Data received
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
[02:42:06 21C8] [STEAM_1] (132576A0:2312) Data received
date: Fri, 27 Nov 2015 01:41:53 GMT
expires: Fri, 27 Nov 2015 01:41:53 GMT
content-type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
content-length: 822

[02:42:06 21C8] [STEAM_1] (132576A0:2312) Data received
        "players": [

[02:42:06 21C8] [STEAM_1] (132576A0:2312) Connection closed internal
[02:42:06 21C8] [STEAM_1] (132576A0:4294967295) Connection closed
[02:42:23 085C] [STEAM_1] (0E92B068:6528) Data received
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
[02:42:23 085C] [STEAM_1] (0E92B068:6528) Data received
date: Fri, 27 Nov 2015 01:42:09 GMT
expires: Fri, 27 Nov 2015 01:42:09 GMT
content-type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
content-length: 387

[02:42:23 085C] [STEAM_1] (0E92B068:6528) Data received
        "pollid": 0,
        "messages": [
        "messagelast": 1156,
        "timestamp": 177651749,
        "utc_timestamp": 1448588529,
        "messagebase": 1155,
        "sectimeout": 17,
        "error": "OK"
[02:42:23 085C] [STEAM_1] (0E92B068:6528) Connection closed internal
[02:42:23 085C] [STEAM_1] (0E92B068:4294967295) Connection closed
[02:42:23 21C8] [STEAM_1] Send request to https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamUserOAuth/GetUserSummaries/v0001?access_token=<censored>&steamids=<censored>
[02:42:23 21C8] [STEAM_1] Connection request to api.steampowered.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[02:42:23 085C] [STEAM_1] Send request to https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamWebUserPresenceOAuth/Poll/v0001
[02:42:23 085C] [STEAM_1] Connection request to api.steampowered.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[02:42:23 21C8] [STEAM_1] (132573A0) Connecting to server api.steampowered.com:443....
[02:42:23 085C] [STEAM_1] (0E92B1E8) Connecting to server api.steampowered.com:443....
[02:42:23 21C8] [STEAM_1] (132573A0) Connecting to ip ....
[02:42:23 085C] [STEAM_1] (0E92B1E8) Connecting to ip ....
[02:42:23 085C] [STEAM_1] (6300) Connected to api.steampowered.com:443
[02:42:23 085C] [STEAM_1] (6300 api.steampowered.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[02:42:23 21C8] [STEAM_1] (5872) Connected to api.steampowered.com:443
[02:42:23 21C8] [STEAM_1] (5872 api.steampowered.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[02:42:23 085C] [STEAM_1] (6300 api.steampowered.com) SSL negotiation successful
[02:42:23 21C8] [STEAM_1] (5872 api.steampowered.com) SSL negotiation successful
[02:42:24 21C8] [STEAM_1] (132573A0:5872) Data received
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
[02:42:24 21C8] [STEAM_1] (132573A0:5872) Data received
Date: Fri, 27 Nov 2015 01:42:10 GMT
expires: Fri, 27 Nov 2015 01:42:10 GMT
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
content-length: 860

[02:42:24 21C8] [STEAM_1] (132573A0:5872) Data received
        "players": [

[02:42:24 21C8] [STEAM_1] (132573A0:5872) Connection closed internal
[02:42:24 21C8] [STEAM_1] (132573A0:4294967295) Connection closed
[02:42:44 085C] [STEAM_1] (0E92B1E8:6300) Data received
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
[02:43:58 085C] [STEAM_1] (0E92B1E8:6300) Data received
Date: Fri, 27 Nov 2015 01:42:30 GMT
expires: Fri, 27 Nov 2015 01:42:30 GMT
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
content-length: 394

[02:43:58 085C] [STEAM_1] (0E92B1E8:6300) Data received
        "pollid": 0,
        "messages": [
        "messagelast": 1157,
        "timestamp": 177672794,
        "utc_timestamp": 1448588550,
        "messagebase": 1156,
        "sectimeout": 21,
        "error": "OK"
[02:43:58 085C] [STEAM_1] (0E92B1E8:6300) Connection closed internal
[02:43:58 085C] [STEAM_1] (0E92B1E8:4294967295) Connection closed
[02:43:58 21C8] [STEAM_1] Send request to https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamUserOAuth/GetUserSummaries/v0001?access_token=<censored>&steamids=<censored>
[02:43:58 085C] [STEAM_1] Send request to https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamWebUserPresenceOAuth/Poll/v0001
[02:43:58 085C] [STEAM_1] Connection request to api.steampowered.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[02:43:58 21C8] [STEAM_1] Connection request to api.steampowered.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[02:43:58 085C] [STEAM_1] (0E92B128) Connecting to server api.steampowered.com:443....
[02:43:58 21C8] [STEAM_1] (132575E0) Connecting to server api.steampowered.com:443....
[02:43:58 085C] [STEAM_1] (0E92B128) Connecting to ip ....
[02:43:58 21C8] [STEAM_1] (132575E0) Connecting to ip ....
[02:43:58 085C] [STEAM_1] (6964) Connected to api.steampowered.com:443
[02:43:58 085C] [STEAM_1] (6964 api.steampowered.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[02:43:58 21C8] [STEAM_1] (3824) Connected to api.steampowered.com:443
[02:43:58 21C8] [STEAM_1] (3824 api.steampowered.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[02:43:58 085C] [STEAM_1] (6964 api.steampowered.com) SSL negotiation successful
[02:43:58 21C8] [STEAM_1] (3824 api.steampowered.com) SSL negotiation successful
[02:43:59 085C] [STEAM_1] (0E92B128:6964) Data received
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
[02:43:59 085C] [STEAM_1] (0E92B128:6964) Data received
Date: Fri, 27 Nov 2015 01:43:45 GMT
expires: Fri, 27 Nov 2015 01:43:45 GMT
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
Content-Length: 61

[02:43:59 085C] [STEAM_1] (0E92B128:6964) Data received
        "pollid": 0,
        "sectimeout": 1,
        "error": "Not Logged On"
[02:43:59 085C] [STEAM_1] (0E92B128:6964) Connection closed internal
[02:43:59 085C] [STEAM_1] (0E92B128:4294967295) Connection closed
[02:43:59 085C] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::PollingThread: Not Logged On (200)
[02:43:59 085C] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::PollingThread: Timeout is too low (1)
[02:43:59 085C] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::PollingThread: leaving
[02:43:59 085C] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::PollingThread: unexpected termination; switching protocol to offline
[02:43:59 085C] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::SetStatus: changing status from 40073 to 40071
[02:43:59 05A8] [STEAM_1] Send request to https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamWebUserPresenceOAuth/Logoff/v0001
[02:43:59 05A8] [STEAM_1] Connection request to api.steampowered.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[02:43:59 05A8] [STEAM_1] (13200B40) Connecting to server api.steampowered.com:443....
[02:43:59 05A8] [STEAM_1] (13200B40) Connecting to ip ....
[02:43:59 21C8] [STEAM_1] (132575E0:3824) Data received
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
[02:43:59 21C8] [STEAM_1] (132575E0:3824) Data received
Date: Fri, 27 Nov 2015 01:43:45 GMT
expires: Fri, 27 Nov 2015 01:43:45 GMT
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
Content-Length: 822

[02:43:59 21C8] [STEAM_1] (132575E0:3824) Data received
        "players": [

[02:43:59 21C8] [STEAM_1] (132575E0:3824) Connection closed internal
[02:43:59 21C8] [STEAM_1] (132575E0:4294967295) Connection closed
[02:43:59 05A8] [STEAM_1] (6652) Connected to api.steampowered.com:443
[02:43:59 05A8] [STEAM_1] (6652 api.steampowered.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[02:43:59 05A8] [STEAM_1] (6652 api.steampowered.com) SSL negotiation successful
[02:44:00 05A8] [STEAM_1] (13200B40:6652) Data received
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
[02:44:00 05A8] [STEAM_1] (13200B40:6652) Data received
Date: Fri, 27 Nov 2015 01:43:46 GMT
expires: Fri, 27 Nov 2015 01:43:46 GMT
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
content-length: 29

[02:44:00 05A8] [STEAM_1] (13200B40:6652) Data received
        "error": "Not Logged On"
[02:44:00 05A8] [STEAM_1] (13200B40:6652) Connection closed internal
[02:44:00 05A8] [STEAM_1] (13200B40:4294967295) Connection closed

It feels as though there are two threads checking something at the same time, which causes an issue with the timeout or I dunno :o but it's a completely different problem, because I can actually "talk" to the server when this happens. I just get a bad reply.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Der Jude on 01 12 2015, 08:24:48
This is really pissing off, after token expiration a steamguard window in miranda does pop up, however more times than not writting/copypasting the code does jackshit, the plugin fails and treats them as invalid codes and in turn gets my inbox spammed to death. Also cancel/killwindow button doesn't work as intended.

Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Robyer on 01 12 2015, 10:12:15
Der Jude, make sure you're using development version (of whole Miranda!). In stable it is unfortunately broken...
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Der Jude on 03 12 2015, 17:03:20
Robyer I am always on the dev build channel

Code: [Select]
Miranda NG Version: 0.95.5 alpha build #15796
Build time: 1 Dec 2015 8:58:40
Steam.dll v. [24 Nov 2015 16:03:56] - Steam protocol

The plugin's steamguard authentication does bug after running miranda for a long time, if it asks for it right after starting miranda then it does work as intended.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Robyer on 03 12 2015, 19:28:19
Der Jude, aha, ok then.

Also cancel/killwindow button doesn't work as intended.
And what is the expected and real behavior?
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Corak on 04 12 2015, 15:39:47
Fresh crash (Stream or core):

http_request.h (147): HttpRequest::Send
Code: [Select]
Likely cause of the crash plugin: Steam protocol

Exception: Access Violation at address 78B20F66. Reading from address 7065656B.

Stack Trace:
78B20F66 (MSVCR100 78AA0000): (filename not available) (0): stricmp_l
78B20FE7 (MSVCR100 78AA0000): (filename not available) (0): stricmp
120C14CA (mir_app 120A0000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\src\mir_app\src\netlibhttp.cpp (138): NetlibHttpFindHeader
120C2DBF (mir_app 120A0000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\src\mir_app\src\netlibhttp.cpp (882): NetlibHttpTransaction
1224EADA (mir_core 12240000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\src\mir_core\src\modules.cpp (543): CallService
16B8120A (Steam 16B80000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\protocols\steam\src\http_request.h (147): HttpRequest::Send
16B89A00 (Steam 16B80000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\protocols\steam\src\request_queue.cpp (75): RequestQueue::Execute
16B89AA2 (Steam 16B80000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\protocols\steam\src\request_queue.cpp (105): RequestQueue::WorkerThread
1224C57B (mir_core 12240000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\src\mir_core\src\threads.cpp (119): forkthread_r
7C80B729 (kernel32 7C800000): (filename not available) (0): GetModuleFileNameA
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Der Jude on 09 12 2015, 02:26:34
Der Jude, aha, ok then.
And what is the expected and real behavior?

Everytime I do click cancel the Steam Guard window automatically re-pop ups, even that miranda is NOT trying to reconnect to the Steam account.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Robyer on 12 12 2015, 06:41:16
This is really pissing off, after token expiration a steamguard window in miranda does pop up, however more times than not writting/copypasting the code does jackshit, the plugin fails and treats them as invalid codes and in turn gets my inbox spammed to death. Also cancel/killwindow button doesn't work as intended.

Everytime I do click cancel the Steam Guard window automatically re-pop ups, even that miranda is NOT trying to reconnect to the Steam account.

I can't reproduce any of your problems. I tried both 32 bit and 64 bit versions of clean Miranda, on Windows 10, and both works correctly.
* Pasting correct code correctly logs in.
* Pasting incorrect code and pressing ok tries to login, but because code is incorrect, it shows new Steam Guard window again
* Pressing cancel or closing Steam Guard window results in stopping logging in

Maybe some other plugin is messing with your Miranda.

But as I see different comment (see below), maybe that is similar to you, so I recommend deleting Steam account in Miranda and creating new one. (Or deleting related data via Database Editor++)

It seems, there was some strange profile settings in my developer-based profile, because it didn't work even after full reinstall everything except profile itself. Clean install worked.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Robyer on 19 12 2015, 22:44:17
Instead, I'm getting disconnected only about once a day, usually at night (i.e. when I wake up and check miranda, I'm logged out).

Implemented attempt to auto reconnect in such situation, will be available in tomorrow build as many other new features and fixes. (as you already saw in svn log, but just to inform the other users here too :P )
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Robyer on 21 12 2015, 10:56:38
Just finalized my Christmas' batch of bugfixes and new features (http://trac.miranda-ng.org/log/trunk/protocols/Steam/src?action=stop_on_copy&mode=stop_on_copy&rev=15923&stop_rev=15892&limit=100&verbose=on) for Steam protocol. Enjoy! :-)
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Smiling Spectre on 23 12 2015, 06:01:19
Thank you for all your hard work, Robyer!

Unfortunately, yesterday I observed the whole range of never-seen-before problems. But maybe it connected to Steam sale though and consequent overload. So don't get it too seriously for now. I'll watch it, and leave this message just for record now.

- Steam plugin connects much longer now. And sometime never connects at all. (I waited for two hours yesterday. No luck. Today at work it connected after minute of haggling with network).
- Even when it connects, it works not exactly right. I had to disable/enable it once to get my contacts back (list obviously didn't update at all, just as conversations). At the other cases it received all my contact's messages, but wasn't able to send any of my own.

On the plus side, when problem got rid of, client suddenly retrieved full history. Pleasant surprise. Thank you! :)
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Robyer on 23 12 2015, 07:52:28
Smiling Spectre, Hi, in yesterday version there has been problems with loading offline messages - it internally freezed whole plugin (that's why didn't worked reconnect without Miranda restart).

In today version the problems should be fixed. :-)
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Corak on 24 12 2015, 11:22:32
Fresh crash on Steam "http_request.h (151): HttpRequest::Send" and core "memory.cpp (225): mir_vsnprintf". On debug build now:


http_request.h (151): HttpRequest::Send"
Likely cause of the crash plugin: Steam protocol

Exception: Access Violation at address 102E14CF. Reading from address DDDDDDDD.

Stack Trace:
102E14CF (MSVCR100D 10200000): (filename not available) (0): vcwprintf_s_l
1026D3D8 (MSVCR100D 10200000): (filename not available) (0): vsnprintf_l
1026D46C (MSVCR100D 10200000): (filename not available) (0): vsnprintf
008FE68D (mir_core 008F0000): d:\soft\network\im\miranda\src\trunk\src\mir_core\src\memory.cpp (225): mir_vsnprintf
10078594 (mir_app 10000000): d:\soft\network\im\miranda\src\trunk\src\mir_app\src\netlibhttp.cpp (100): AppendToCharBuffer
10077BA3 (mir_app 10000000): d:\soft\network\im\miranda\src\trunk\src\mir_app\src\netlibhttp.cpp (544): NetlibHttpSendRequest
100795C2 (mir_app 10000000): d:\soft\network\im\miranda\src\trunk\src\mir_app\src\netlibhttp.cpp (914): NetlibHttpTransaction
009003D8 (mir_core 008F0000): d:\soft\network\im\miranda\src\trunk\src\mir_core\src\modules.cpp (543): CallService
04582E03 (Steam 04580000): d:\soft\network\im\miranda\src\trunk\protocols\steam\src\http_request.h (151): HttpRequest::Send
0459BA28 (Steam 04580000): d:\soft\network\im\miranda\src\trunk\protocols\steam\src\steam_polling.cpp (194): CSteamProto::PollingThread
00909524 (mir_core 008F0000): d:\soft\network\im\miranda\src\trunk\src\mir_core\src\threads.cpp (159): forkthreadex_r
7C80B729 (kernel32 7C800000): (filename not available) (0): GetModuleFileNameA

Error very close to but another...
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Vulpix on 27 12 2015, 04:43:21
I've had some disconnects with steam recently; the problematic part is that the icon of the protocol stays lit up as if I were still connected. When I try to message someone, I instantly get a "message could not be sent" reply.

Below is a log of one of those disconnects.

[03:06:41 11A0] [STEAM_1] Connection request to api.steampowered.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[03:06:41 1788] [STEAM_1] Connection request to api.steampowered.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[03:06:41 1788] [STEAM_1] (13CFB090) Connecting to server api.steampowered.com:443....
[03:06:41 11A0] [STEAM_1] (13CFBC90) Connecting to server api.steampowered.com:443....
[03:06:41 1788] [STEAM_1] (13CFB090) Connecting to ip ....
[03:06:41 11A0] [STEAM_1] (13CFBC90) Connecting to ip ....
[03:06:41 11A0] [STEAM_1] (5864) Connected to api.steampowered.com:443
[03:06:41 11A0] [STEAM_1] (5864 api.steampowered.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[03:06:41 1788] [STEAM_1] (5224) Connected to api.steampowered.com:443
[03:06:41 1788] [STEAM_1] (5224 api.steampowered.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[03:06:41 11A0] [STEAM_1] (5864 api.steampowered.com) SSL negotiation successful
[03:06:41 1788] [STEAM_1] (5224 api.steampowered.com) SSL negotiation successful

[03:07:01 11A0] [STEAM_1] (13CFBC90:5864) Data received
HTTP/1.1 504 Gateway Time-out

[03:07:01 11A0] [STEAM_1] (13CFBC90:5864) Data received
Server: AkamaiGHost
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/html
Content-Length: 176
Expires: Sun, 27 Dec 2015 02:06:57 GMT
Date: Sun, 27 Dec 2015 02:06:57 GMT
Connection: close

[03:07:01 11A0] [STEAM_1] (13CFBC90:5864) Data received
An error occurred while processing your request.<p>
Reference #97.f89b5ecc.1451182017.2420a35e

[03:07:01 11A0] [STEAM_1] (13CFBC90:5864) Connection closed internal
[03:07:01 11A0] [STEAM_1] (13CFBC90:4294967295) Connection closed
[03:07:16 1788] [STEAM_1] src\netlibhttp.cpp 559: HttpPeekFirstResponseLine Failed (1460 10)
[03:07:16 1788] [STEAM_1] (13CFB090:5224) Connection closed internal
[03:07:16 1788] [STEAM_1] (13CFB090:4294967295) Connection closed
[03:07:16 1788] [STEAM_1] Send request to https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamWebUserPresenceOAuth/Poll/v0001
[03:07:16 1788] [STEAM_1] Connection request to api.steampowered.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[03:07:16 1788] [STEAM_1] (13CFBA50) Connecting to server api.steampowered.com:443....
[03:07:16 1788] [STEAM_1] (13CFBA50) Connecting to ip ....
[03:07:16 1788] [STEAM_1] (5636) Connected to api.steampowered.com:443
[03:07:16 1788] [STEAM_1] (5636 api.steampowered.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[03:07:16 1788] [STEAM_1] (5636 api.steampowered.com) SSL negotiation successful

[03:07:37 1788] [STEAM_1] (13CFBA50:5636) Data received
HTTP/1.1 504 Gateway Time-out

[03:07:37 1788] [STEAM_1] (13CFBA50:5636) Data received
Server: AkamaiGHost
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/html
Content-Length: 175
Expires: Sun, 27 Dec 2015 02:07:33 GMT
Date: Sun, 27 Dec 2015 02:07:33 GMT
Connection: close

[03:07:37 1788] [STEAM_1] (13CFBA50:5636) Data received
An error occurred while processing your request.<p>
Reference #97.dd9b5ecc.1451182052.ecee816

[03:07:37 1788] [STEAM_1] (13CFBA50:5636) Connection closed internal
[03:07:37 1788] [STEAM_1] (13CFBA50:4294967295) Connection closed
[03:07:37 1788] [STEAM_1] Send request to https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamWebUserPresenceOAuth/Poll/v0001
[03:07:37 1788] [STEAM_1] Connection request to api.steampowered.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[03:07:37 1788] [STEAM_1] (13CFB750) Connecting to server api.steampowered.com:443....
[03:07:37 1788] [STEAM_1] (13CFB750) Connecting to ip ....
[03:07:37 1788] [STEAM_1] (5640) Connected to api.steampowered.com:443
[03:07:37 1788] [STEAM_1] (5640 api.steampowered.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[03:07:37 1788] [STEAM_1] (5640 api.steampowered.com) SSL negotiation successful

[03:07:57 1788] [STEAM_1] (13CFB750:5640) Data received
HTTP/1.1 504 Gateway Time-out

[03:07:57 1788] [STEAM_1] (13CFB750:5640) Data received
Server: AkamaiGHost
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/html
Content-Length: 176
Expires: Sun, 27 Dec 2015 02:07:53 GMT
Date: Sun, 27 Dec 2015 02:07:53 GMT
Connection: close

[03:07:57 1788] [STEAM_1] (13CFB750:5640) Data received
An error occurred while processing your request.<p>
Reference #97.e29b5ecc.1451182073.60b6603d

[03:07:57 1788] [STEAM_1] (13CFB750:5640) Connection closed internal
[03:07:57 1788] [STEAM_1] (13CFB750:4294967295) Connection closed
[03:07:57 1788] [STEAM_1] Send request to https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamWebUserPresenceOAuth/Poll/v0001
[03:07:57 1788] [STEAM_1] Connection request to api.steampowered.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[03:07:57 1788] [STEAM_1] (13CFB090) Connecting to server api.steampowered.com:443....
[03:07:57 1788] [STEAM_1] (13CFB090) Connecting to ip ....
[03:07:57 1788] [STEAM_1] (5328) Connected to api.steampowered.com:443
[03:07:57 1788] [STEAM_1] (5328 api.steampowered.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[03:07:57 1788] [STEAM_1] (5328 api.steampowered.com) SSL negotiation successful

[03:08:17 1788] [STEAM_1] (13CFB090:5328) Data received
HTTP/1.1 504 Gateway Time-out

[03:08:17 1788] [STEAM_1] (13CFB090:5328) Data received
Server: AkamaiGHost
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/html
Content-Length: 176
Expires: Sun, 27 Dec 2015 02:08:13 GMT
Date: Sun, 27 Dec 2015 02:08:13 GMT
Connection: close

[03:08:17 1788] [STEAM_1] (13CFB090:5328) Data received
An error occurred while processing your request.<p>
Reference #97.e89b5ecc.1451182093.14cf1a30

[03:08:17 1788] [STEAM_1] (13CFB090:5328) Connection closed internal
[03:08:17 1788] [STEAM_1] (13CFB090:4294967295) Connection closed
[03:08:17 1788] [STEAM_1] Send request to https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamWebUserPresenceOAuth/Poll/v0001
[03:08:17 1788] [STEAM_1] Connection request to api.steampowered.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[03:08:17 1788] [STEAM_1] (13CFBE10) Connecting to server api.steampowered.com:443....
[03:08:17 1788] [STEAM_1] (13CFBE10) Connecting to ip ....
[03:08:17 1788] [STEAM_1] (5344) Connected to api.steampowered.com:443
[03:08:17 1788] [STEAM_1] (5344 api.steampowered.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[03:08:18 1788] [STEAM_1] (5344 api.steampowered.com) SSL negotiation successful

[03:08:38 1788] [STEAM_1] (13CFBE10:5344) Data received
HTTP/1.1 504 Gateway Time-out

[03:08:38 1788] [STEAM_1] (13CFBE10:5344) Data received
Server: AkamaiGHost
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/html
Content-Length: 176
Expires: Sun, 27 Dec 2015 02:08:34 GMT
Date: Sun, 27 Dec 2015 02:08:34 GMT
Connection: close

[03:08:38 1788] [STEAM_1] (13CFBE10:5344) Data received
An error occurred while processing your request.<p>
Reference #97.fb9b5ecc.1451182113.1abf2561

[03:08:38 1788] [STEAM_1] (13CFBE10:5344) Connection closed internal
[03:08:38 1788] [STEAM_1] (13CFBE10:4294967295) Connection closed
[03:08:38 1788] [STEAM_1] Send request to https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamWebUserPresenceOAuth/Poll/v0001
[03:08:38 1788] [STEAM_1] Connection request to api.steampowered.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[03:08:38 1788] [STEAM_1] (13CFBC90) Connecting to server api.steampowered.com:443....
[03:08:38 1788] [STEAM_1] (13CFBC90) Connecting to ip ....
[03:08:38 1788] [STEAM_1] (4880) Connected to api.steampowered.com:443
[03:08:38 1788] [STEAM_1] (4880 api.steampowered.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[03:08:38 1788] [STEAM_1] (4880 api.steampowered.com) SSL negotiation successful

[03:08:58 1788] [STEAM_1] (13CFBC90:4880) Data received
HTTP/1.1 504 Gateway Time-out

[03:08:58 1788] [STEAM_1] (13CFBC90:4880) Data received
Server: AkamaiGHost
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/html
Content-Length: 175
Expires: Sun, 27 Dec 2015 02:08:54 GMT
Date: Sun, 27 Dec 2015 02:08:54 GMT
Connection: close

[03:08:58 1788] [STEAM_1] (13CFBC90:4880) Data received
An error occurred while processing your request.<p>
Reference #97.f79b5ecc.1451182134.3d40112

[03:08:58 1788] [STEAM_1] (13CFBC90:4880) Connection closed internal
[03:08:58 1788] [STEAM_1] (13CFBC90:4294967295) Connection closed
[03:08:58 1788] [STEAM_1] Send request to https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamWebUserPresenceOAuth/Poll/v0001
[03:08:58 1788] [STEAM_1] Connection request to api.steampowered.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[03:08:58 1788] [STEAM_1] (13CFB750) Connecting to server api.steampowered.com:443....
[03:08:58 1788] [STEAM_1] (13CFB750) Connecting to ip ....
[03:08:58 1788] [STEAM_1] (4984) Connected to api.steampowered.com:443
[03:08:58 1788] [STEAM_1] (4984 api.steampowered.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[03:08:58 1788] [STEAM_1] (4984 api.steampowered.com) SSL negotiation successful

[03:09:19 1788] [STEAM_1] (13CFB750:4984) Data received
HTTP/1.1 504 Gateway Time-out

[03:09:19 1788] [STEAM_1] (13CFB750:4984) Data received
Server: AkamaiGHost
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/html
Content-Length: 176
Expires: Sun, 27 Dec 2015 02:09:14 GMT
Date: Sun, 27 Dec 2015 02:09:14 GMT
Connection: close

[03:09:19 1788] [STEAM_1] (13CFB750:4984) Data received
An error occurred while processing your request.<p>
Reference #97.f89b5ecc.1451182154.242376f8

[03:09:19 1788] [STEAM_1] (13CFB750:4984) Connection closed internal
[03:09:19 1788] [STEAM_1] (13CFB750:4294967295) Connection closed
[03:09:19 1788] [STEAM_1] Send request to https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamWebUserPresenceOAuth/Poll/v0001
[03:09:19 1788] [STEAM_1] Connection request to api.steampowered.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[03:09:19 1788] [STEAM_1] (13CFBD50) Connecting to server api.steampowered.com:443....
[03:09:19 1788] [STEAM_1] (13CFBD50) Connecting to ip ....
[03:09:19 1788] [STEAM_1] (6032) Connected to api.steampowered.com:443
[03:09:19 1788] [STEAM_1] (6032 api.steampowered.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[03:09:19 1788] [STEAM_1] (6032 api.steampowered.com) SSL negotiation successful

[03:09:39 1788] [STEAM_1] (13CFBD50:6032) Data received
HTTP/1.1 504 Gateway Time-out

[03:09:39 1788] [STEAM_1] (13CFBD50:6032) Data received
Server: AkamaiGHost
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/html
Content-Length: 176
Expires: Sun, 27 Dec 2015 02:09:35 GMT
Date: Sun, 27 Dec 2015 02:09:35 GMT
Connection: close

[03:09:39 1788] [STEAM_1] (13CFBD50:6032) Data received
An error occurred while processing your request.<p>
Reference #97.f89b5ecc.1451182175.2423e10c

[03:09:39 1788] [STEAM_1] (13CFBD50:6032) Connection closed internal
[03:09:39 1788] [STEAM_1] (13CFBD50:4294967295) Connection closed
[03:09:39 1788] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::PollingThread: leaving

I don't mind the disconnects, it seems like the steam server went haywire, but the protocol state should switch to offline when that happens.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Robyer on 27 12 2015, 08:32:36
I've had some disconnects with steam recently; the problematic part is that the icon of the protocol stays lit up as if I were still connected. When I try to message someone, I instantly get a "message could not be sent" reply.

Thanks, fixed (http://trac.miranda-ng.org/changeset/15943/) ;)
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Corak on 31 12 2015, 08:08:13
Hi! Got Steam (or Core) crash on start of miranda:


Core: crash on "netliblog.cpp (366): NetlibLogf" / Steam: crash on "http_request.h (151): HttpRequest::Send"
Likely cause of the crash plugin: Steam protocol

Exception: Access Violation at address 121BD8F9. Reading from address DDDDDE51.

Stack Trace:
121BD8F9 (mir_app 12140000): d:\soft\network\im\miranda\src\trunk\src\mir_app\src\netliblog.cpp (366): NetlibLogf
121C0774 (mir_app 12140000): d:\soft\network\im\miranda\src\trunk\src\mir_app\src\netlibopenconn.cpp (568): my_connectIPv6
121C0430 (mir_app 12140000): d:\soft\network\im\miranda\src\trunk\src\mir_app\src\netlibopenconn.cpp (669): my_connect
121BF395 (mir_app 12140000): d:\soft\network\im\miranda\src\trunk\src\mir_app\src\netlibopenconn.cpp (709): NetlibDoConnect
121C0FDE (mir_app 12140000): d:\soft\network\im\miranda\src\trunk\src\mir_app\src\netlibopenconn.cpp (859): NetlibOpenConnection
121B897C (mir_app 12140000): d:\soft\network\im\miranda\src\trunk\src\mir_app\src\netlibhttp.cpp (220): NetlibHttpProcessUrl
121B9471 (mir_app 12140000): d:\soft\network\im\miranda\src\trunk\src\mir_app\src\netlibhttp.cpp (872): NetlibHttpTransaction
123F03D8 (mir_core 123E0000): d:\soft\network\im\miranda\src\trunk\src\mir_core\src\modules.cpp (543): CallService
15252E03 (Steam 15250000): d:\soft\network\im\miranda\src\trunk\protocols\steam\src\http_request.h (151): HttpRequest::Send
1526BA28 (Steam 15250000): d:\soft\network\im\miranda\src\trunk\protocols\steam\src\steam_polling.cpp (194): CSteamProto::PollingThread
123F9524 (mir_core 123E0000): d:\soft\network\im\miranda\src\trunk\src\mir_core\src\threads.cpp (159): forkthreadex_r
7C80B729 (kernel32 7C800000): (filename not available) (0): GetModuleFileNameA

Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Vulpix on 31 12 2015, 08:20:49
How are you doing this. How! :D How are you getting all these crashes? I've seen you post maybe 20-30 of those on several protocols :D How! I've gotten maybe 3 of such crashes during the past year.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Corak on 31 12 2015, 09:10:36
LoL. I just use Windows XP, installed almost all protocols and use them ALL at time (11 minimum), using almost ALL functions i need, and built debug version of Miranda, using only it now... My profile is 3-4 years old... That's why, i think...
Maybe also great bad luck, and it's crashing every day with 3-5 different crashes that really THERE still not fixed in miranda :D
And they getting fixed then)
And i live in Russia)
It's falling without a big deal, still.

Here all my reports that still not fixed:
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Wishmaster on 31 12 2015, 10:36:41
Corak: No, the crashes all have the same origin, you just post them over and over again.. :(
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Corak on 31 12 2015, 10:50:53
Wishmaster: Nope. Origin mostly not the same. Ask Ghazan - different protocols, different origins, different problems

>you just post them over and over again..
it's a lie from you, I would never do such. If I have a REALLY new problem i create new ticket and post it in different thread. If it was the same i got some time ago - i go to original thread and add there - "still not fixed" (and new logs)
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Goraf on 31 12 2015, 13:10:05
Corak: so first guess will be: don't build Miranda by yourself, use provided one and then compare the ruslts
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Wishmaster on 31 12 2015, 13:21:00
Corak: For example: here (http://forum.miranda-ng.org/index.php?topic=1222.msg15460#msg15460) and here (http://forum.miranda-ng.org/index.php?topic=1222.msg15394#msg15394) and here (http://trac.miranda-ng.org/ticket/1103): All are the result of a memory corruption somewhere in Steam. This can result in crashes in different places. And all have HttpRequest::Send in common.

And yes, as goraf said, please try officially released build.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Corak on 31 12 2015, 13:28:03
Goraf, Wishmaster:

I moved to debug build (with stop points) because I'm using Visual Studio, with sources, attach to process and investigate - Ghazan asked me to do it to investigate, so I don't go to official builds, when there still crashes and new errors. When there will be no more - i will return to official build. And some OLD ones you described - are now fixed, and dont repeat anymore.
And I'm always updating from SVN sources, when I see some commit/update of bug that "seems" fixed. So all is organized, and there is no false alarms.

> All are the result of a memory corruption somewhere in Steam. This can result in crashes in different places. And all have HttpRequest::Send in common.

Ok, then they need to be linked between (have link) if u are SURE they are the SAME source of problem. But still they are independant  - some appeared long time ago, some are appearing only now and old ones are not repeated.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Wishmaster on 31 12 2015, 13:29:55
Okay, then ghazan can look into it :)
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Corak on 31 12 2015, 13:34:20
Yep, I'm waiting for him, when he will pass from celebrating  :DRINK: :D

Why it's a problem for you if I post there some certain proctocol related tickets/bugreports that can be fixed?
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Redeemer on 13 01 2016, 14:38:25
I really appreciate the work on this plugin. However, the current stable version is no longer working as of January 3rd (why is there a download link then anyway?). The development version (which only works in development versions) genereally works, but often spams my screen with "unknown login error" windows after it disconnects and KeepStatus tries to reconnect. The stable version used to use the popup plugin for this. These messages are annoying because as we all know, Steam servers are down more often than they are available.
I would really appreciate if you would just remove that pointless error window again.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Robyer on 13 01 2016, 14:46:41
The stable version used to use the popup plugin for this.
It shows notification - when popup/yapp plugin is installed and enabled, it shows Popup. When it's not, it shows MessageBox. How is that different from the stable version?

And sure we can tweak this function, but I think it's important to notify user that connection failed for some reason.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Vulpix on 13 01 2016, 21:09:00
but often spams my screen with "unknown login error" windows after it disconnects and KeepStatus tries to reconnect.

Out of curiosity, do you get disconnected a lot? Ever since the latest updates to steam in dev, I only really get disconnected once a week - on tuesdays, when steam goes down for maintenance and well nobody can do anything about that, of course.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Ratha on 06 02 2016, 22:57:36
How stable is the Steam protocol in its current version? Are there any known issues that one should be aware of before trying it? Does it play nicely on a machine which has steam installed and running, or does it only work nicely for someone who isnt actively logged into their steam account?

I've been wanting to try this for awhile, as its incredibly problematic using Steam for messaging and very inconvenient to try and log steam chats, however i've had concerns of crashing, dropped messages, and miranda database corruption among other things. Would love any additional information that any of you could provide about this plugin's stability, features, and pitfalls (any known issues?) I wasnt able to find any documentation regarding how to use it, its version history/updates, or reliability.

Where does one get the latest version of the Steam protocol? Is it from the http://wiki.miranda-ng.org/index.php?title=Plugin:Steam/en page, or through the client (it looked like there was only an icon pack through the client unless im mistaken.)
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Vulpix on 07 02 2016, 00:55:07
For me:

It works great. Offline messages are working! (retrieval and sending of course). You cannot add anyone though, so friend add/removal should be handled from within the normal steam client.

I don't have any issues with disconnects. I mean, steam itself is not a very stable "chat" protocol so it does go off from time to time, but no biggie. Tuesday (periodical maintenance for valve) is a notable example.

You can get it from the client as well as from the page - make sure to get the development version (and you will need dev version of miranda for it too). You need to scroll down past the icon packs to see plugins, it's there.

I can recommend it; as long as you can live with having to add people via the normal client.

For miranda steam db corruption, I don't know. I had an issue once and the "fix" was to never run the "aggressive" search; only mark all messages as read. Been using steam for months now without any major issues though so... :)


What works:
Message sending/receiving
Offline message sending/receiving
Userpage visibility
View of the game+server the user is currently playing (if any)
Steam guard login

What sorta works

Status changing (status message is not present and state doesn't change instantly, a limitation of steam protocol for web api I think?)

What does not work
Changing avatar (has to be done from steam client)
Adding a user (has to be done from steam client as well)
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Ratha on 07 02 2016, 08:27:38
Thanks for the fairly comprehensive response, thats basically the sort of information that I was looking for. The corruption issue is probably my main concern.. and i might consider running a separate client just for that reason. Disconnects are expected, and having to add/update steam settings from within the main client is hardly an issue for my needs. Realistically i just need logs and history in a much more friendly (and usable) form factor than steam provides (IE: Miranda / logging / hotkeys / customized interface), and that wont corrupt the rest of my 70 meg miranda chat history, and that hopefully wont drop/lose messages either.

How does the plugin handle being logged into Steam and being logged into messenger at the same time? If you're logged in on both do you get messages sent to both? Or just to one or the other? I could see that being a problem, but a decent remedy would be to simply not log into the main client i suppose. Ive not used the standard web client enough while logged into the friends client to know how that works.. but friends who swap back and forth between main client and web client do seem to drop/lose messages sometimes. Who knows whether thats the fault of mobile, or a closed window, or what. Guess the only way to really know is to use it for a couple of months and see.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Robyer on 07 02 2016, 11:05:08
For miranda steam db corruption, I don't know. I had an issue once and the "fix" was to never run the "aggressive" search; only mark all messages as read.
This was already fixed. Problem is if you have some old messages with wrongly set flags -> then probably the aggresive search in DbChecker might cause corruption. But for new users there should be no problem at all, because new messages are saved correctly now. You can probably export your history, delete account, recreate it again, import history again and it should work.

tl;dr:What sorta works Status changing (status message is not present and state doesn't change instantly, a limitation of steam protocol for web api I think?)
Mobile/Web API doesn't support changing statuses. It determines Away/Not Available automatically by idle time. So this uses the plugin, and by setting idle time it changes the status. It is not applied immediatelly but it shouldn't take more than about a minute, so it's not a problem and works similary like FB plugin in this way.

What does not work - Adding a user (has to be done from steam client as well)
Searching for friends and requesting friendship works (at least I tried this now, approving might work too, but didn't tested), blocking users should work too. I have problem with adding my testing account though, but I wasn't able to add it via website either.
One thing to note - when searching/adding by ID, you can't put there the login, but you need to use the NUMERIC id, which you can see in URL of that user profile. But searching by nickname/name works...

Also, it should be ok to use the Steam plugin with running Steam client - messages should be received/sent (synced) correctly. You can test it by yourself, but I don't remember any issues related to this.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Vulpix on 07 02 2016, 18:28:24
How does the plugin handle being logged into Steam and being logged into messenger at the same time? If you're logged in on both do you get messages sent to both? Or just to one or the other? I could see that being a problem, but a decent remedy would be to simply not log into the main client i suppose

No issue there, they work perfectly fine side-by-side.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Ratha on 15 02 2016, 00:36:26
Ive had the plugin installed for a few hours, but so far the Steam plugin seems like it works fairly well. (However it did take a few hours to actually get it installed due to a misunderstanding / bug with how the Miranda updater works.. I copied the new Dev version of Miranda into my portable folder, ran it, then 'updated' my plugins. I didnt realize it at the time, but because my updater was set to 'stable only' it checked, found a 'new' stable update, and then downloaded that over the top of the dev version i had just made.. thus reverting them back to 0.95.4 which was causing the steam plugin not to properly pass Steam guard.)

The only thing that i dont like about it so far is that if you send a message through Miranda while Steam is open (but in offline mode) the plugin will still open a copy of the Steam chat window on your taskbar anyway. If i had to venture a guess at whats happening: When Steam is open, Miranda hooks into the Steam client and uses that to send the message. But when Steam is closed, it uses the mobile/web messenger protocol instead?

I also took the opportunity to try Metacontacts for the first time today but was disappointed to see that Metacontacts couldnt display the 'currently in a game' icon from the Steam plugin. Is this a limitation with Metacontacts, or a limitation with the Steam plugin, or perhaps because i still use the classic contact list?
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Ratha on 15 02 2016, 01:47:26
Additionally, is there a way to disable Miranda from logging (and displaying) the [User] "closed chat session" status message whenever a Steam contact closes their Steam chat window? I have friends who send one message and then close their window, so the conversation log becomes a bit difficult to read with every 2nd or 3rd line saying "closed chat session."

Im using TabSRMM and history++ for what thats worth, but i cant seem to find an option in there that actually disables either the display or the logging of that message. My setting for 'Global message log display' is: "Internal message log."

When viewing the history through History++ it seems to think that "closed chat session" is a [status change]. However, my option in TabSRMM > General tab > Other Options section > "Log status changes" is unchecked. Yahoo and ICQ dont display these kinds of status messages though so im wondering if this is a bug? Or is there an option somewhere that maybe i missed?
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Robyer on 15 02 2016, 02:14:06
The only thing that i dont like about it so far is that if you send a message through Miranda while Steam is open (but in offline mode) the plugin will still open a copy of the Steam chat window on your taskbar anyway. If i had to venture a guess at whats happening: When Steam is open, Miranda hooks into the Steam client and uses that to send the message. But when Steam is closed, it uses the mobile/web messenger protocol instead?

I don't know if you are talking about Steam client behavior or Miranda behavior. But if you send message from Miranda, it is always sent over mobile website. If Steam client opens the contact window anyway, that's his problem (or feature).

I also took the opportunity to try Metacontacts for the first time today but was disappointed to see that Metacontacts couldnt display the 'currently in a game' icon from the Steam plugin. Is this a limitation with Metacontacts, or a limitation with the Steam plugin, or perhaps because i still use the classic contact list?

The icon is classic "xstatus" icon, so, it's probably limitation of MetaContacts plugin. Or more likely it depends on your main and other subcontacts in the metacontact. I think it copies the extra icons only from the main subcontact? Ghazan could answer better (as he was implementing it to core), so you could ask him about this thing.

Additionally, is there a way to disable Miranda from logging (and displaying) the [User] "closed chat session" status message whenever a Steam contact closes their Steam chat window?

At the moment there is no way to disable it from user point of view. But someone (either myself, but not sooner than on weekend, or anybody else from devs) should add an option for it :-)
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Ratha on 15 02 2016, 07:15:28
Quote from: Ratha on Today at 00:36:26

    The only thing that i dont like about it so far is that if you send a message through Miranda while Steam is open (but in offline mode) the plugin will still open a copy of the Steam chat window on your taskbar anyway. If i had to venture a guess at whats happening: When Steam is open, Miranda hooks into the Steam client and uses that to send the message. But when Steam is closed, it uses the mobile/web messenger protocol instead?

I don't know if you are talking about Steam client behavior or Miranda behavior. But if you send message from Miranda, it is always sent over mobile website. If Steam client opens the contact window anyway, that's his problem (or feature).

This is a Miranda + Steam Protocol behavior. Im not sure why sending a message with Miranda to another steam user causes Steam to open its own chat window. This happens when the Steam client's friends mode is set to online -or- offline though. It does not seem to happen if you send a message through your browser to another Steam user when Steam is open, only if you send a message to a Steam user using Miranda while Steam is open. (Windows 7 x64 / Miranda 0.95.5 #16275).

Quote from: Ratha on Today at 00:36:26

    I also took the opportunity to try Metacontacts for the first time today but was disappointed to see that Metacontacts couldnt display the 'currently in a game' icon from the Steam plugin. Is this a limitation with Metacontacts, or a limitation with the Steam plugin, or perhaps because i still use the classic contact list?

The icon is classic "xstatus" icon, so, it's probably limitation of MetaContacts plugin. Or more likely it depends on your main and other subcontacts in the metacontact. I think it copies the extra icons only from the main subcontact? Ghazan could answer better (as he was implementing it to core), so you could ask him about this thing.

Thanks for the info. I couldnt seem to find much information about the Metacontacts plugin on the NG forums, but i will try to track him down to ask him when i get a little more free time. :)

Quote from: Ratha on Today at 01:47:26

    Additionally, is there a way to disable Miranda from logging (and displaying) the [User] "closed chat session" status message whenever a Steam contact closes their Steam chat window?

At the moment there is no way to disable it from user point of view. But someone (either myself, but not sooner than on weekend, or anybody else from devs) should add an option for it :-)

Having the option to disable the logging and display of that status message would certainly be a welcome addition for a future update. :)

Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Robyer on 17 02 2016, 04:12:06
This is a Miranda + Steam Protocol behavior. Im not sure why sending a message with Miranda to another steam user causes Steam to open its own chat window. This happens when the Steam client's friends mode is set to online -or- offline though. It does not seem to happen if you send a message through your browser to another Steam user when Steam is open, only if you send a message to a Steam user using Miranda while Steam is open.
Hmm, that's weird. But probably it's because Miranda is using Mobile API for communication, so you may check that (instead of only Web API). There is no direct support of running Steam client.

Having the option to disable the logging and display of that status message would certainly be a welcome addition for a future update.
Commited (http://trac.miranda-ng.org/changeset/16288/).
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Ratha on 17 02 2016, 08:19:20

EDIT: Problem resolved.. Thanks Robyer, much appreciated!

I see that you committed this update, and confirmed that with a Miranda + Steam protocol update: Miranda 0.95.5 #16288 and Steam
But with that said, I was unable to find the option to disable the chat events and confirmed that they were still both logging and displaying in the history and the chat window by default. My (admittedly somewhat limited) ability to read and understand the commits suggests that the intention was to create an option just beneath the 'show bigger avatars' checkbox in the Steam protocol options window but it does not appear there for me. (Turns out that i was loading two different steam protocols, whoops.)

Am i perhaps looking in the wrong place for the option? (Also, thanks for being so quick in trying to implement this feature.)
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Vulpix on 17 02 2016, 08:32:56
I see that you committed this update, and confirmed that with a Miranda + Steam protocol update: Miranda 0.95.5 #16288 and Steam

A commit means that it is in the code, and whenever Watcher compiles it (usually 1x per day unless some big work is being done in core, in which case it is less often).

Please wait for tomorrow and check for updates then, you should get the compiled plugin which contains the newly committed code. :)


I can see it there.

Miranda options->Network->steam's account name->right there.

Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Ratha on 17 02 2016, 08:41:33
A commit means that it is in the code, and whenever Watcher compiles it (usually 1x per day unless some big work is being done in core, in which case it is less often).

Please wait for tomorrow and check for updates then, you should get the compiled plugin which contains the newly committed code. :)

Edit, my apologies, i am in fact an idiot.. I made a backup of the older plugin before updating and because i forgot to remove .dll from the end of the file name, Miranda was attempting to load both the old and the new Steam protocol (I overlooked this when checking the protocol version, somehow.) After -properly- backing up / removing the old plugin, the new option now shows and appears to be working as intended. Thanks guys.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Vulpix on 17 02 2016, 09:17:26
I made a backup of the older plugin before updating and because i forgot to remove .dll from the end of the file name, Miranda was attempting to load both the old and the new Steam protocol (I overlooked this when checking the protocol version, somehow.)

Since (not sure which version), you don't actually need to do this.

Miranda will make plugin backups automatically during plugin updates; you can find the previous versions of the plugins in "<miranda_base_folder>\Plugin Updates\Backups\Plugins\". You can just grab the old versions from there when you find something breaks after you update. That way you can avoid what just happened to you, hehe.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Ratha on 05 03 2016, 19:38:50
Im using Tipper to get on-hover popups with status text when someone is playing a game, but Tipper has some bugs which cause it not to display popups in the current Dev builds of Miranda NG. Notably one bug which causes it not to display popups if you have an active TeamViewer connection, and another one which causes it not to display traytip popups. This can make seeing which games people are in quite difficult as i dont think there is any other way to read xstatus messages for the Steam protocol at the moment is there? (And there seems to be no alternative to Tipper or so im told?)

Would there be any interest in implementing a 'read Xstatus message' menu option at some point for the Steam protocol? With ICQ and Yahoo you can right click a user and read their online/away status messages even for contacts who dont have a status message set. Seems like this would useful functionality for the Steam protocol to have as well.

Additionally, a right-click menu item that took you to a Steam user's profile page would be really handy too i think. (Right now i think the only way to get to a user's profile is to right click the user, go to user details, select background info tab, and then click on the link?) Simplifying this process to Right-click > 'View Steam Profile' would make an excellent addition to the contact list menu.

I still cant quite figure out why Steam opens its own message window whenever i send someone a message -from- Miranda. Im not sure if this is a bug or if its intended behavior, but if its intended id be curious what function it serves. It does not seem like its necessary since it does not happen if steam completely closed, but it will happen when the Steam client is open and set to online or offline. With that said though, you guys seem to have done a pretty good job with the protocol so far. Im impressed with how well it works overall.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Robyer on 05 03 2016, 20:43:36
Would there be any interest in implementing a 'read Xstatus message' menu option at some point for the Steam protocol?
I thought it works for Steam too, but I have no time to test it now. Make a ticket if it really doesn't work.

Additionally, a right-click menu item that took you to a Steam user's profile page would be really handy too i think.
I agree, make a ticket please. I (or someone else) will implement it someday.  See Vulpix's answer below.

I still cant quite figure out why Steam opens its own message window whenever i send someone a message -from- Miranda. Im not sure if this is a bug or if its intended behavior
It's not intended and I answered this few posts back:

Hmm, that's weird. But probably it's because Miranda is using Mobile API for communication, so you may check that (instead of only Web API). There is no direct support of running Steam client.

These should be better discussed in Tipper's thread. I'll answer quickly here, but for future discussion about tipper use it's thread please :)

Notably one bug which causes it not to display popups if you have an active TeamViewer connection, and another one which causes it not to display traytip popups.
Isn't first problem related to enabled option "Don't show tips when in fullscreen mode" ( something like that, I'm guessing the name)? Try to disable it and try again.
And there were some fixes to (not) displaying systray tips recently (some weeks/months back). Could you say it works better or worse than in latest stable version?

as i dont think there is any other way to read xstatus messages for the Steam protocol at the moment is there? (And there seems to be no alternative to Tipper or so im told?)
As a workaround you can show the xstatus as second/third line in Clist (clist_modern).
And there is no alternative to Tipper but that's not needed as it's better to fix bugs there (if you report them and someone has time to do it) :-)
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Vulpix on 05 03 2016, 21:05:23
I agree, make a ticket please. I (or someone else) will implement it someday.

This already works. Right click->Homepage :)

Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Ratha on 06 03 2016, 06:03:16
Quote from: Ratha on 05 03 2016, 19:38:50

    Would there be any interest in implementing a 'read Xstatus message' menu option at some point for the Steam protocol?

I thought it works for Steam too, but I have no time to test it now. Make a ticket if it really doesn't work.

As far as i can tell, theres no option to read an x-status message for Steam like there is with other protocols to read online/away/busy messages. Ill try to post a bug report / feature request? about this soon.

Quote from: Robyer on 05 03 2016, 20:43:36

This already works. Right click->Homepage

Regarding right click to visit homepage: Is this perhaps not a feature of ClistClassic? I cannot seem to find an option to enable this anywhere. I do have two options in my Contact List Menu settings which are "&Show Profile" which call Service: 8f9b16c6ab534242be90e24aa5738832. I cant actually turn either of them on in the Dev build. (Upon further testing by looking at my old 95.4 client, both of these options used to show up as: Yahoo_Username/Yahoo_Username/YahooShowProfileCommand, so thats perhaps a different bug entirely.

My old Miranda 95.4 #13028 (Stable?) had an option for "/SRUrl/SendCommand" "Web page address (&URL)" under the Customize > Menus > Contact Menu section. This option seems to be missing from my profile in Miranda 0.95.5 #16380 Dev and a clean install of 0.95.5 #16436 Dev. What version of Miranda are you using where you have this option for Steam?

Quote from: Robyer on 17 02 2016, 04:12:06

    Hmm, that's weird. But probably it's because Miranda is using Mobile API for communication, so you may check that (instead of only Web API). There is no direct support of running Steam client.

Regarding Steam client opening its own message windows when sending through Miranda: Didnt realize you had answered, i didnt see anyone else confirm that this was also happening to them, so i thought you were just taking a wild guess when you said it was weird. As far as i can tell there are no options to select which method the protocol uses (Mobile/Web) or alter this (seemingly undesired?) behavior, so should i submit this as a bug report?

Quote from: Ratha on 05 03 2016, 19:38:50

    Notably one bug which causes it not to display popups if you have an active TeamViewer connection, and another one which causes it not to display traytip popups.

Isn't first problem related to enabled option "Don't show tips when in fullscreen mode" ( something like that, I'm guessing the name)? Try to disable it and try again.
And there were some fixes to (not) displaying systray tips recently (some weeks/months back). Could you say it works better or worse than in latest stable version?

I couldnt find this option that you were talking about unless you were talking about Customize > Tooltips > Appearance > Window > Show if list not focused, in which case i have tried that option on and off with no change in this behavior. Ive tried fiddling with basically every option in Tipper in the 0.95.5 Dev builds and have had no luck in solving the tray mouse-hover disappearing issue. I made a bug report #1185 (http://trac.miranda-ng.org/ticket/1185) about this already however.

EDIT: I managed to figure out what causes the Contact List hover-tooltip to break in Tipper. It is specifically related to hiding the toolbar menu in an active connection of TeamViewer 11 on Windows 7. Updated my bug report with that information and a picture of the toolbar/hide button that causes it to break. The tray tooltip problem still remains a mystery, but that is not related to the Steam protocol or my issues here in any way. I would post about that in the Tipper forum, but i cant seem to find it on the Miranda NG forums, would someone please provide a link for me?
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Vulpix on 06 03 2016, 11:47:36
I use clist_modern. But I also use a few other addons so I am not sure which one of them might be doing this, but the option is there.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Robyer on 06 03 2016, 11:54:29
I use clist_modern. But I also use a few other addons so I am not sure which one of them might be doing this, but the option is there.
Either clist_modern itself or UserInfoEx plugin does that.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Robyer on 06 03 2016, 13:34:05
As far as i can tell there are no options to select which method the protocol uses (Mobile/Web) or alter this (seemingly undesired?) behavior, so should i submit this as a bug report?
I can do nothing about that. I mentioned it because you may try the mobile application (for Android I think) and compare Steam client behavior, so you can see it's (I expect) not Miranda related, but it is Steam itself doing that. Also you can try Pidgin and it's steam plugin that work similar to Miranda one, and again you can compare whether it behaves same.

If all behaves the same, there is no way to "fix" that.

I would post about that in the Tipper forum, but i cant seem to find it on the Miranda NG forums, would someone please provide a link for me?
Looks like there is none, so feel free to create new Tipper topic by yourself.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Vulpix on 06 03 2016, 13:47:02
If all behaves the same, there is no way to "fix" that.

I tried it using the actual steam web chat, and messages sent by me appear in my opened steam client on my PC. Even if I'm completely signed out of the friends. Incoming messages don't appear in the client, so it's 100% the same behavior as when using miranda and is related to something steam does. Not fixable in miranda I'd say.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: De7ilx on 06 03 2016, 16:05:31
So today I installed this Steam plugin in Miranda. Took the Dev version. Filled in all the information and when I try to set it online simply nothing happens. No error not going online neither.
Does not even ask steam guard code but should.
I already tried to readd the account and reset and so on but nothing makes it work.
Steam named user group exist but is empty.

Netlog is following:
[18:03.44 0C74] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::SetStatus: changing status from 40071 to 40072
[18:03.44 1CB0] [STEAM_1] Send request to https://steamcommunity.com/mobilelogin/getrsakey/
[18:03.44 1CB0] [STEAM_1] Connection request to steamcommunity.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[18:03.44 1CB0] [STEAM_1] (00000000031BDAA8) Connecting to server steamcommunity.com:443....
[18:03.44 1CB0] [STEAM_1] (00000000031BDAA8) Connecting to ip ....
[18:03.44 1CB0] [STEAM_1] (1132) Connected to steamcommunity.com:443
[18:03.44 1CB0] [STEAM_1] (1132 steamcommunity.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[18:03.44 1CB0] [STEAM_1] (1132 steamcommunity.com) SSL negotiation successful
[18:03.45 1CB0] [STEAM_1] (00000000031BDAA8:1132) Connection closed internal
[18:03.45 1CB0] [STEAM_1] (00000000031BDAA8:4294967295) Connection closed
[18:03.45 1CB0] [STEAM_1] Send request to https://steamcommunity.com/mobilelogin/dologin/
[18:03.45 1CB0] [STEAM_1] Connection request to steamcommunity.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[18:03.45 1CB0] [STEAM_1] (00000000031BD388) Connecting to server steamcommunity.com:443....
[18:03.45 1CB0] [STEAM_1] (00000000031BD388) Connecting to ip ....
[18:03.45 1CB0] [STEAM_1] (1428) Connected to steamcommunity.com:443
[18:03.45 1CB0] [STEAM_1] (1428 steamcommunity.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[18:03.45 1CB0] [STEAM_1] (1428 steamcommunity.com) SSL negotiation successful
[18:03.45 1CB0] [STEAM_1] (00000000031BD388:1428) Connection closed internal
[18:03.45 1CB0] [STEAM_1] (00000000031BD388:4294967295) Connection closed
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Ratha on 07 03 2016, 02:04:51
Quote from: Robyer on 06 03 2016, 13:34:05

    If all behaves the same, there is no way to "fix" that.

I tried it using the actual steam web chat, and messages sent by me appear in my opened steam client on my PC. Even if I'm completely signed out of the friends. Incoming messages don't appear in the client, so it's 100% the same behavior as when using miranda and is related to something steam does. Not fixable in miranda I'd say.

Looks like you're right. I could have sworn that i tested this a couple of weeks ago when i first noticed the behavior, but it looks like i must have had steam closed when i did. Just tested it again now and noticed that sending through the web client does indeed cause steam to open its own message window. Makes me wonder why it does that, such a strange behavior.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Ratha on 07 03 2016, 02:09:58
So today I installed this Steam plugin in Miranda. Took the Dev version. Filled in all the information and when I try to set it online simply nothing happens. No error not going online neither.
Does not even ask steam guard code but should.
I already tried to readd the account and reset and so on but nothing makes it work.
Steam named user group exist but is empty.

Have you tried running the updater after installing the Dev version? I had the same problem when i upgraded from 0.95.4 Stable. My update options were still set to the stable version, so after copying the new plugins and things in, and then updating, it was reverting me back to the old version, rather than the Dev version. Check to make sure that your updater is set to Dev Version, and that you've done an update. (Also, you should post your VersionInfo as well so that if thats not the fix, that someone can help figure out what might be going wrong.)

The option is under: Options > Services > Plugin Updater > File Source > Development Version (Less Stable)

Also, make sure that you've set your login name and password in your Main Menu > Account Settings > New Account > Click On Account > Fill in Username + Password
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: De7ilx on 07 03 2016, 08:10:44
Have you tried running the updater after installing the Dev version? I had the same problem when i upgraded from 0.95.4 Stable. My update options were still set to the stable version, so after copying the new plugins and things in, and then updating, it was reverting me back to the old version, rather than the Dev version. Check to make sure that your updater is set to Dev Version, and that you've done an update. (Also, you should post your VersionInfo as well so that if thats not the fix, that someone can help figure out what might be going wrong.)

The option is under: Options > Services > Plugin Updater > File Source > Development Version (Less Stable)

Also, make sure that you've set your login name and password in your Main Menu > Account Settings > New Account > Click On Account > Fill in Username + Password


So I checked and my username and password was present. So that can't be the issue.
I also checked and the Development Version (Less Stable) update option was selected.

So I removed the Steam Plugin once again. Made sure I have Development Version (Less Stable) selected then downloaded the Steam plugin again via plugin downloader. Checked for updates but no updates available. So currently the Steam plugin version is in Plugin list.
So I tried to set it online again but nothing happens. netlog is the following:
[10:08.56 080C] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::SetStatus: changing status from 40071 to 40072
[10:08.56 1EF8] [STEAM_1] Send request to https://steamcommunity.com/mobilelogin/getrsakey/
[10:08.56 1EF8] [STEAM_1] Connection request to steamcommunity.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[10:08.56 1EF8] [STEAM_1] (000000000324ACD8) Connecting to server steamcommunity.com:443....
[10:08.56 1EF8] [STEAM_1] (000000000324ACD8) Connecting to ip ....
[10:08.56 1EF8] [STEAM_1] (1144) Connected to steamcommunity.com:443
[10:08.56 1EF8] [STEAM_1] (1144 steamcommunity.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[10:08.56 1EF8] [STEAM_1] (1144 steamcommunity.com) SSL negotiation successful
[10:08.56 1EF8] [STEAM_1] (000000000324ACD8:1144) Connection closed internal
[10:08.56 1EF8] [STEAM_1] (000000000324ACD8:4294967295) Connection closed
[10:08.56 1EF8] [STEAM_1] Send request to https://steamcommunity.com/mobilelogin/dologin/
[10:08.56 1EF8] [STEAM_1] Connection request to steamcommunity.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[10:08.56 1EF8] [STEAM_1] (000000000324A488) Connecting to server steamcommunity.com:443....
[10:08.56 1EF8] [STEAM_1] (000000000324A488) Connecting to ip ....
[10:08.56 1EF8] [STEAM_1] (1444) Connected to steamcommunity.com:443
[10:08.56 1EF8] [STEAM_1] (1444 steamcommunity.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[10:08.56 1EF8] [STEAM_1] (1444 steamcommunity.com) SSL negotiation successful
[10:08.57 1EF8] [STEAM_1] (000000000324A488:1444) Connection closed internal
[10:08.57 1EF8] [STEAM_1] (000000000324A488:4294967295) Connection closed
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: jjamesville on 08 03 2016, 02:53:57
Do you keep a changelog anywhere else? I like to check here from time to time to see if any features have been added but most posts are just error reporting.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Vulpix on 08 03 2016, 07:10:11
Do you keep a changelog anywhere else? I like to check here from time to time to see if any features have been added but most posts are just error reporting.

Here: http://trac.miranda-ng.org/log/trunk/protocols/Steam
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Ratha on 08 03 2016, 07:59:14

So I checked and my username and password was present. So that can't be the issue.
I also checked and the Development Version (Less Stable) update option was selected.

So I removed the Steam Plugin once again. Made sure I have Development Version (Less Stable) selected then downloaded the Steam plugin again via plugin downloader. Checked for updates but no updates available. So currently the Steam plugin version is in Plugin list.
So I tried to set it online again but nothing happens. netlog is the following:

Please attach your Version Information (http://wiki.miranda-ng.org/index.php?title=Version_information) so that we can help figure out what is going on.

To make sure that your copy or settings in Miranda are not the cause of the problem:
1: Download a clean copy of Miranda NG 0.95.5 Dev
2: Install the Steam plugin (and the steam icons plugin?)
3: Add your Steam account to the accounts page, enter your username and password.
4: Run the updater and restart Miranda.
5: Try to go Online with Steam. It should pop up a box asking you to check your email for the authorization code.
6: Enter the auth code from your email into the Miranda popup that asks for it.
7: Successfully login?
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: De7ilx on 08 03 2016, 09:15:41
Please attach your Version Information (http://wiki.miranda-ng.org/index.php?title=Version_information) so that we can help figure out what is going on.

To make sure that your copy or settings in Miranda are not the cause of the problem:
1: Download a clean copy of Miranda NG 0.95.5 Dev
2: Install the Steam plugin (and the steam icons plugin?)
3: Add your Steam account to the accounts page, enter your username and password.
4: Run the updater and restart Miranda.
5: Try to go Online with Steam. It should pop up a box asking you to check your email for the authorization code.
6: Enter the auth code from your email into the Miranda popup that asks for it.
7: Successfully login?

So first of all I am posting my normal Miranda installation version in attachments here.

Then I did all steps from 1 to 5 but no box popped up. netlog is exactly the same as main installation has.
So clean install and old install has exactly the same issue.
Just in case adding the netlog aswell:
[11:07.55 1440] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::SetStatus: changing status from 40071 to 40072
[11:07.55 1CC4] [STEAM_1] Send request to https://steamcommunity.com/mobilelogin/getrsakey/
[11:07.55 1CC4] [STEAM_1] Connection request to steamcommunity.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[11:07.55 1CC4] [STEAM_1] (0000000002565E58) Connecting to server steamcommunity.com:443....
[11:07.55 1CC4] [STEAM_1] (0000000002565E58) Connecting to ip ....
[11:07.55 1CC4] [STEAM_1] (1204) Connected to steamcommunity.com:443
[11:07.55 1CC4] [STEAM_1] (1204 steamcommunity.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[11:07.55 1CC4] [STEAM_1] (1204 steamcommunity.com) SSL negotiation successful
[11:07.56 1CC4] [STEAM_1] (0000000002565E58:1204) Connection closed internal
[11:07.56 1CC4] [STEAM_1] (0000000002565E58:4294967295) Connection closed
[11:07.56 1CC4] [STEAM_1] Send request to https://steamcommunity.com/mobilelogin/dologin/
[11:07.56 1CC4] [STEAM_1] Connection request to steamcommunity.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[11:07.56 1CC4] [STEAM_1] (000000000253C5F8) Connecting to server steamcommunity.com:443....
[11:07.56 1CC4] [STEAM_1] (000000000253C5F8) Connecting to ip ....
[11:07.56 1CC4] [STEAM_1] (1440) Connected to steamcommunity.com:443
[11:07.56 1CC4] [STEAM_1] (1440 steamcommunity.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[11:07.56 1CC4] [STEAM_1] (1440 steamcommunity.com) SSL negotiation successful
[11:07.57 1CC4] [STEAM_1] (000000000253C5F8:1440) Connection closed internal
[11:07.57 1CC4] [STEAM_1] (000000000253C5F8:4294967295) Connection closed
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Robyer on 08 03 2016, 12:55:38
De7ilx, try to login via Pidgin (with their Steam plugin) and let me know if it works there.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: De7ilx on 08 03 2016, 13:18:36
De7ilx, try to login via Pidgin (with their Steam plugin) and let me know if it works there.

Ok I tried and it says de7ilx disconnected Connection timed out.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Robyer on 08 03 2016, 14:53:36
De7ilx, so it doesn't work there. You can also try official Android application, or use web browser variant of Steam chat - https://steamcommunity.com/chat , maybe it will give you better error message or maybe it will work...
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: De7ilx on 08 03 2016, 16:11:42
De7ilx, so it doesn't work there. You can also try official Android application, or use web browser variant of Steam chat - https://steamcommunity.com/chat , maybe it will give you better error message or maybe it will work...
Both Official Android app and web steam chat works just fine. Since they are made by steam.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Ratha on 10 03 2016, 04:16:36
De7ilx, heres a few things to look into:

- Perhaps theres a firewall or antivirus thats blocking the connection? You said Pidgin's Steam protocol didnt work either which makes me think its a system or network configuration problem of some sort? Assuming that the problem isnt directly related to windows 10 as im not sure if the protocol works on Win10.

- Are you trying to connect from home, or from a business / coffee shop / work that could be blocking your connection? Are you able to login to both the steam store page and the steam community from within your web browser? Do you have Steam installed? (I think you said the android app worked, but what about Steam itself?)

- Does your windows user folder use any special characters in its name? Any characters which are not A-Z + 0-9? Your version info mentioned: OS Languages: (UI | Locale (User/System)) : English/English | Estonian/Estonian and special characters in path/filenames have been known to cause odd sorts of problems in various programs. (Your Miranda profile does not look like its stored in your windows user folder so i wouldnt think that would cause the problem.)

Could the problem be caused by having mobile authorization enabled on his account? His netlog login is trying to connect to https://steamcommunity.com/mobilelogin/getrsakey/ where as mine tries to connect to https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamWebUserPresenceOAuth/Logon/v0001 . Currently i do not have mobile auth enabled for my steam profile settings. Is the popup / auth window somehow dependent upon not having mobile enabled? Just taking a wild guess at something that could have been overlooked since i cant confirm it myself.

(Below is a copy of a successful login from offline status using a previously steamguard-authorized connection. I didnt have time to log out completely and grab a netlog of the re-authorization process for comparison purposes, and i have sanitized any potentially sensitive information from this log by replacing with [Removed] )
[20:20:43 3284] [Steam_Ratha] CSteamProto::SetStatus: changing status from 40071 to 40072
[20:20:43 0D3C] [Steam_Ratha] Send request to https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamWebUserPresenceOAuth/Logon/v0001
[20:20:43 0D3C] [Steam_Ratha] Connection request to api.steampowered.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[20:20:43 0D3C] [Steam_Ratha] ([Removed]) Connecting to server api.steampowered.com:443....
[20:20:43 0D3C] [Steam_Ratha] ([Removed]) Connecting to ip ....
[20:20:43 0D3C] [Steam_Ratha] ([Removed]) Connected to api.steampowered.com:443
[20:20:43 0D3C] [Steam_Ratha] ([Removed] api.steampowered.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[20:20:43 0D3C] [Steam_Ratha] ([Removed] api.steampowered.com) SSL negotiation successful
[20:20:43 0D3C] [Steam_Ratha] ([Removed]:[Removed]) Data received
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
[20:20:43 0D3C] [Steam_Ratha] ([Removed]:[Removed]) Data received
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
Content-Length: 167
Expires: [Removed]
Date: [Removed]
Connection: close
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Vulpix on 10 03 2016, 07:27:57
- Perhaps theres a firewall or antivirus thats blocking the connection? You said Pidgin's Steam protocol didnt work either which makes me think its a system or network configuration problem of some sort? Assuming that the problem isnt directly related to windows 10 as im not sure if the protocol works on Win10.

I use w10, steam works here without any issues.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: De7ilx on 10 03 2016, 08:08:46
De7ilx, heres a few things to look into:

- Perhaps theres a firewall or antivirus thats blocking the connection? You said Pidgin's Steam protocol didnt work either which makes me think its a system or network configuration problem of some sort? Assuming that the problem isnt directly related to windows 10 as im not sure if the protocol works on Win10.

- Are you trying to connect from home, or from a business / coffee shop / work that could be blocking your connection? Are you able to login to both the steam store page and the steam community from within your web browser? Do you have Steam installed? (I think you said the android app worked, but what about Steam itself?)

- Does your windows user folder use any special characters in its name? Any characters which are not A-Z + 0-9? Your version info mentioned: OS Languages: (UI | Locale (User/System)) : English/English | Estonian/Estonian and special characters in path/filenames have been known to cause odd sorts of problems in various programs. (Your Miranda profile does not look like its stored in your windows user folder so i wouldnt think that would cause the problem.)

Could the problem be caused by having mobile authorization enabled on his account? His netlog login is trying to connect to https://steamcommunity.com/mobilelogin/getrsakey/ where as mine tries to connect to https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamWebUserPresenceOAuth/Logon/v0001 . Currently i do not have mobile auth enabled for my steam profile settings. Is the popup / auth window somehow dependent upon not having mobile enabled? Just taking a wild guess at something that could have been overlooked since i cant confirm it myself.

(Below is a copy of a successful login from offline status using a previously steamguard-authorized connection. I didnt have time to log out completely and grab a netlog of the re-authorization process for comparison purposes, and i have sanitized any potentially sensitive information from this log by replacing with [Removed] )

Okay to go thru the points:
- I added firewall exception and it did not fix the issue.
- I am trying to connect from the home and as far as I know nothing is blocking the connection. I use Windows 10 Pro.
- No my folder uses all English characters and nothing special.
- I do have mobile authorization enabled on my account. So when I log in thru web browser I take my code from the mobile app to enter. Not by e-mail.
Also normal steam works on my machine. And I can also log into steam from browser.

Most probable guess is that the issue could be that I have the mobile auth enabled on my account and the steam protocol on Miranda simply does not know how to handle the pop up for mobile auth.

EDIT: I have confirmed that the issue is indeed caused by the Mobile auth. I used my gf account who does not have the mobile auth enabled and for her account everything worked. So is it something that could be fixed? So the Steam protocol in Miranda could also work with mobile Auth ?
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Robyer on 10 03 2016, 21:01:09
EDIT: I have confirmed that the issue is indeed caused by the Mobile auth. I used my gf account who does not have the mobile auth enabled and for her account everything worked. So is it something that could be fixed? So the Steam protocol in Miranda could also work with mobile Auth ?

It's surely possible to implement the mobile authorization too, but as it doesn't work in Pidgin either, it would require some reverse engineering, and I don't know whether anyone has time for that now.

Could you disable your mobile authorization and try it only with e-mail authorization? Just to be really sure it's this problem :)
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: De7ilx on 10 03 2016, 21:57:29
It's surely possible to implement the mobile authorization too, but as it doesn't work in Pidgin either, it would require some reverse engineering, and I don't know whether anyone has time for that now.

Could you disable your mobile authorization and try it only with e-mail authorization? Just to be really sure it's this problem :)

I removed the mobile auth and this time the Steam plugin asked for the confirmation code from the e-mail. I was able to log into steam after entering the code.
So that confirms that the Mobile auth is not working in the Steam Plugin in Miranda.

Also I noticed that even I had 3-4 people online in steam the Steam plugin showed no one online. Only thing it showed that one offline player was playing a game.. yet in steam that person was online and playing.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Ratha on 12 03 2016, 20:38:10
I removed the mobile auth and this time the Steam plugin asked for the confirmation code from the e-mail. I was able to log into steam after entering the code.
So that confirms that the Mobile auth is not working in the Steam Plugin in Miranda.

Also I noticed that even I had 3-4 people online in steam the Steam plugin showed no one online. Only thing it showed that one offline player was playing a game.. yet in steam that person was online and playing.

Ive noticed that occasionally the plugin reports that some people are offline, but shows that they're playing a game. Logging out and back in typically fixes this. Hard to say if its a steam error, or a connection/reconnection error, or a bug at this point. Ive not noticed any pattern to it yet. Typically its not -all- of my steam list being offline though, its just a few people that i know are actually online.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Vulpix on 12 03 2016, 20:58:16
Could either be: http://forum.miranda-ng.org/index.php?topic=4436.msg16290#new ; so just a display thing - or it could be a protocol thing - I noticed it sometimes does that if you sign out and in quickly in a row. It will show only very few people online, but if they change state or do anything, the next time the polling thread gets all the info, they will show up online. So, eventually, everyone who is online will show up online.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Ratha on 22 06 2016, 00:22:35
Quote from: Robyer on 10 03 2016, 21:01:09

    It's surely possible to implement the mobile authorization too, but as it doesn't work in Pidgin either, it would require some reverse engineering, and I don't know whether anyone has time for that now.

    Could you disable your mobile authorization and try it only with e-mail authorization? Just to be really sure it's this problem

I removed the mobile auth and this time the Steam plugin asked for the confirmation code from the e-mail. I was able to log into steam after entering the code.
So that confirms that the Mobile auth is not working in the Steam Plugin in Miranda.

Also I noticed that even I had 3-4 people online in steam the Steam plugin showed no one online. Only thing it showed that one offline player was playing a game.. yet in steam that person was online and playing.

A few days ago I moved to mobile Steam auth, and today after downtime on Steam, (presumably after my session expired) Miranda no longer pops up a dialogue box asking for the 5 digit authorization code to login. I believe that this is the same issue that De7ilx posted about back in march. Has there been any progress made in understanding the cause of this bug?
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Robyer on 22 06 2016, 06:23:13
A few days ago I moved to mobile Steam auth
What does this mean?
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Ratha on 22 06 2016, 19:24:43
What does this mean?

I started using Steam's Guard's Mobile Authenticator instead of Steam Guard Email notifications. (Due to the 15 day market restrictions that are placed on people who dont use the Mobile Authenticator.)
https://support.steampowered.com/kb_article.php?ref=8625-WRAH-9030 - Steam Guard Mobile Authenticator

The problem seems to be that that users who are setup to use Mobile auth from their Steam account settings are not receiving the dialogue popup in Miranda to enter their mobile authenticator passcode.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Ratha on 30 06 2016, 02:25:19
Its starting to look like users who have Mobile Auth enabled for their Steam accounts may have to disable/remove/re-add their mobile auth about every 5-7 days in order to be able to log back in via Miranda. (This is problematic because Steam imposes a trade restriction on your account if you've not had Mobile Auth enabled for more than 7 days.)

As a temporary workaround while we wait for a solution to this problem, would it be possible to manually enter the authorization code/data into Miranda's database via Database Editor++?

It is possible to extract Steam login data from browser cookies and paste it into other 3rd party steam-related programs which sometimes allow/require manual authorization, IdleMaster (https://github.com/jshackles/idle_master) being a notable example of programs that allow you to do this. Doing so requires the data from the "sessionid" and "steamLogin" browser cookies. These two values appear to contain enough information to log into your Steam account, so manually imputting these into Miranda after getting a fresh login cookie -should- work.

The "sessionid" cookie contains a unique 24 digit alphanumeric code.
The "steamLogin" cookie contains a static 17 digit User-ID, separated by "%7C%7C" and followed by another unique 40 digit alphanumeric code.
Example of steamLogin cookie: 7656119xxxxxxxxxx%7C%7Cxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Miranda has a database entry for "SessionID" which (also) contains a 24 character alphanumeric code like the 'sessionid' cookie.
Miranda has a database entry for "SteamID" which matches the 17 digit prefix data from the "steamLogin" cookie.

The only information that i do not see an entry in the database for is the 40 digit 'steamLogin' suffix code. If i knew where this entry was stored i could test whether or not its possible to manually log into Steam chat by pasting the cookie-based data into Miranda and possibly get around the need to constantly disable and then re-enable Mobile Auth in order to log back in when the token expires.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Robyer on 30 06 2016, 06:20:38
Ratha, with Steam plugin it is bit more complicated, as we use BOTH website and also mobile api (each one complements some features to other). So theoretically you could use some cookie from browser, but you will lose part of the features anyway.

I'll try to enable mobile auth for my account and see what I can do :-)
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Robyer on 30 06 2016, 08:34:27
Mobile authorization done (http://trac.miranda-ng.org/changeset/17052/trunk/protocols/Steam) :-)

You can wait for next build (tomorrow), or here I compiled it for you: https://www.dropbox.com/s/h9sxi1pw6cv15yk/Steam.7z?dl=1
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Vulpix on 30 06 2016, 09:25:49
Now if only there was a fearless programmer who would make adding/accepting friend requests work on steam again.... hmmmhmm  ::)

x3 thank you for your great work as always though :)
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Ratha on 30 06 2016, 11:41:25
Many thanks! I downloaded the copy from dropbox and it looks like you've got it working! :)     (Did you mean to include the .PDB files in that package?)


While testing the new login functionality I noticed an odd behavior which may have been reported before, but I couldnt find where it'd been talked about so I'll mention it again here just because it might be relevant to something at some point:

With two different copies of Miranda open at the same time and both connected to the same Steam account: The client that logged in most recently does not retrieve the online status of contacts, showing them as offline until their status changes. Oddly, the list is updated on login to show whether or not they are in game. Additionally, if you then go offline on the most recently logged-in client, Miranda fails to update the game status of the people on its contact list (still showing them as playing a game even though you're now offline and shouldnt be able to see their status.) This behavior (only?) seems to happen when there are two accounts connected to the same Steam profile at the same time.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Vulpix on 30 06 2016, 11:51:41
Yeah, I mentioned this behavior somewhere during the steamweb development too. It also happens if you get disconnected and reconnect too quickly.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Robyer on 30 06 2016, 12:44:12
Please make separate tickets on our bug tracker (http://trac.miranda-ng.org) for all these problems :)
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: sloppdawop on 11 08 2016, 18:12:18
how often am i supposed to enter the auth code? Seems like every couple of days. Is that normal? Why is that so?

Thanks for developing this plugin.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Vulpix on 11 08 2016, 21:00:43
I rarely have to enter it more than once a month, sometimes not even that. It can happen if a) you change ip address (dynamic IP from your provider) or b) you try to reconnect many times on tuesday (addons like KeepStatus) - I think there is a bit of code in steam proto which deletes the connection token if you try it and it fails too many times in a row or something. And tuesdays are always with that one downtime due to steam maintenance.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Der Jude on 30 10 2016, 14:56:21
Since 2-3 days I cannot log in at steam protocol in miranda.
Netlog shows this
[15:45:02 14290] [STEAM_1] (79076 api.steampowered.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[15:45:02 14290] SSL connection failure (80090326 377): Odebrano nieoczekiwany lub nieprawidłowo sformatowany komunikat.
[15:45:02 14290] [STEAM_1] (79076 api.steampowered.com) Failure to negotiate SSL connection

I'm using newest 32bit dev builds on win xp sp3
CPU: AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 4200+ [x86 Family 15 Model 75 Stepping 2] [DEP Enabled] [2 CPUs]
Installed RAM: 3072 MBytes
Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition Dodatek Service Pack 3 (build 2600)
Internet Explorer: 8.0.6001.18702 (build 86001)
Administrator privileges: Yes
OS Languages: (UI | Locale (User/System)) : Polish/Polish | Polish/Polish
Free disk space on Miranda partition: 1981 MBytes

Miranda NG Version: 0.95.6 alpha build #17247
Build time: 28 Oct 2016 3:04:26
Profile: C:\Miranda IM\devmir\dobrabaza\Evaron\Evaron.dat (dbx mmap driver)
Profile size: 21561344 Bytes
Profile creation date: 31 Oct 2014 8:07:13
Language pack: No language pack installed
Service Mode: No

Active Plugins (25):
¤ AdvaImg.dll v. [19 Jul 2016 3:01:14] - Miranda image services
¤ AVS.dll v. [10 Oct 2016 3:00:08] - Avatar service
¤ CrashDumper.dll v. [20 Sep 2016 8:40:52] - Crash dumper
¤ Db_autobackups.dll v. [13 Sep 2016 17:27:32] - Db autobackuper
¤ DbEditorPP.dll v. [20 Sep 2016 8:40:54] - Database editor++
¤ Dbx_mmap.dll v. [28 Oct 2016 3:00:14] - Miranda NG mmap database driver
¤ Facebook.dll v. [10 Oct 2016 3:01:34] - Facebook RM
¤ GG.dll v. [30 Sep 2016 3:00:36] - Gadu-Gadu protocol
¤ HistoryPP.dll v. [3 Oct 2016 15:56:00] - History++
¤ HistorySweeperLight.dll v. [15 Sep 2016 8:50:46] - History sweeper light
¤ ICQ.dll v. [30 Sep 2016 3:00:38] - IcqOscarJ protocol
¤ Import.dll v. [20 Sep 2016 8:38:56] - Import contacts and messages
¤ IRC.dll v. [10 Oct 2016 3:00:24] - IRC protocol
¤ Jabber.dll v. [22 Oct 2016 3:00:40] - Jabber protocol
¤ MSN.dll v. [30 Sep 2016 3:00:46] - MSN protocol
¤ PluginUpdater.dll v. [28 Oct 2016 3:02:10] - Plugin updater
¤ QuickSearch.dll v. [10 Oct 2016 3:04:36] - Quick Search
¤ SkypeWeb.dll v. [28 Oct 2016 3:04:06] - Skype protocol (Web)
¤ StatusManager.dll v. [28 Oct 2016 3:04:12] - Status manager
¤ Steam.dll v. [30 Sep 2016 3:04:00] - Steam protocol
¤ TabSRMM.dll v. [28 Oct 2016 3:00:28] - TabSRMM
¤ Tox.dll v. [10 Oct 2016 3:04:06] - Tox protocol
¤ UInfoEx.dll v. [15 Sep 2016 8:51:18] - User info ext
¤ Variables.dll v. [13 Sep 2016 17:28:08] - Variables
¤ WhatsApp.dll v. [30 Sep 2016 3:03:58] - WhatsApp protocol

Unloadable Plugins (3):
¤ DbChecker.dll v. [28 Oct 2016 3:02:04] - <unknown>

¤ smsbox.dll v. [10 Jan 2008 21:43:36] - <unknown>

¤ updater.dll v. [19 Mar 2011 23:31:02] - <unknown>

Protocols and Accounts:
Facebook                 2 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded
GG                       1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded
ICQ                      1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded
IRC                      1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded
JABBER                   3 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded
MSN                      2 - Enabled 1 - Disabled  Loaded
SKYPE                    1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded
STEAM                    2 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded
TOX                      1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded
WhatsApp                 1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded
AIM                      0 - Enabled 1 - Disabled  Not Loaded
MetaContacts             1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded
YAHOO                    0 - Enabled 1 - Disabled  Not Loaded

Icon Packs:
 HistoryPP_icons.dll [10 Oct 2016 3:02:16]
 Proto_AIM.dll [6 Jun 2015 3:34:20]
 Proto_Facebook.dll [6 Jun 2015 3:34:18]
 Proto_GG.dll [6 Jun 2015 3:34:21]
 Proto_ICQ.dll [6 Jun 2015 3:34:21]
 Proto_IRC.dll [6 Jun 2015 3:34:21]
 Proto_Jabber.dll [6 Jun 2015 3:34:22]
 Proto_MetaContacts.dll [28 Oct 2016 3:03:42]
 Proto_MSN.dll [6 Jun 2015 3:34:22]
 Proto_Skype.dll [28 Oct 2016 3:03:54]
 Proto_Steam.dll [30 Sep 2016 3:03:52]
 Proto_Tox.dll [10 Oct 2016 3:03:58]
 Proto_WhatsApp.dll [30 Sep 2016 3:03:50]
 Proto_Yahoo.dll [6 Jun 2015 3:34:23]
 TabSRMM_icons.dll [28 Oct 2016 3:02:16]
 Toolbar_icons.dll [10 Oct 2016 3:01:40]
 UInfoEx_icons.dll [15 Sep 2016 8:51:20]
 xStatus_ICQ.dll [6 Jun 2015 3:32:32]
 xStatus_Jabber.dll [6 Jun 2015 3:32:41]

Please help :(
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Vulpix on 30 10 2016, 15:16:13
That is strange. I know that WinXP had to use something extra to make its SSL work properly; but if that was broken, your skype wouldn't work either I think (since it uses ssl as well).
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Der Jude on 30 10 2016, 19:00:19
That is strange. I know that WinXP had to use something extra to make its SSL work properly; but if that was broken, your skype wouldn't work either I think (since it uses ssl as well).

I'm connected on Skypenet plugin all the time without any issue.
Steam protocol just stopped working silently 3~ days ago so whatever is happening it is due to recent steam api changes.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Vulpix on 30 10 2016, 20:15:37
That is strange. I use steamweb and it works fine for me.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Der Jude on 31 10 2016, 19:07:41
Ok it works again after I put in OpenSSL plugin, just hope that Miranda gets better support of OpenSSL as it does cause high cpu usage while messaging.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Smiling Spectre on 16 11 2016, 05:54:20
Obviously, after interface change Steam changed SSL encription as well.

So I cannot access https://store.steampowered.com anymore with my old Opera 12.17 in Windows XP SP3 (as I discovered right now, after vacations). At home (with Win10) it still works.

Same issue happened with Steam plugin, obviously. And it still works at home.

I tried to load OpenSSL, but got only "cannot load library".

Any ideas?
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Wishmaster on 18 11 2016, 22:23:23
I tried to load OpenSSL, but got only "cannot load library".
You have to install the OpenSSL binaries (http://wiki.miranda-ng.org/index.php?title=Plugin:OpenSSL/en).
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Smiling Spectre on 21 11 2016, 05:26:23
You have to install the OpenSSL binaries (http://wiki.miranda-ng.org/index.php?title=Plugin:OpenSSL/en).
Actually, I installed it already, of course, from this link (https://slproweb.com/products/Win32OpenSSL.html). Twice, "light", then, after some thoughts, "full" version. It didn't work.

No wonder, as I still didn't have both needed files, as it seems. *shrugs* Re-installed it from the second link, "pre-compiled libraries". Worked this time.

Thank you! :)
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Vulpix on 21 11 2016, 16:43:42
I am not sure if steam changed something or if it's because of some update, but when someone starts typing to me (via steam), miranda starts hogging a ton of CPU and the netlog is showing a lot of API requests. Is there something wrong with Steam api? Skype doesn't do this.

When I look at the log it looks as if all of the requests are duplicated. Example below:

[17:41:28 1D1C] [Steampix] Connection request to api.steampowered.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[17:41:28 1D1C] [Steampix] (135E1200) Connecting to server api.steampowered.com:443....
[17:41:28 1D1C] [Steampix] (135E1200) Connecting to ip ....
[17:41:28 1D1C] [Steampix] (3496) Connected to api.steampowered.com:443
[17:41:28 1D1C] [Steampix] (3496 api.steampowered.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[17:41:28 1D1C] [Steampix] (3496 api.steampowered.com) SSL negotiation successful

[17:41:28 1D1C] [Steampix] (135E1200:3496) Data received
HTTP/1.1 200 OK

[17:41:28 1D1C] [Steampix] (135E1200:3496) Data received
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
Content-Length: 48
Expires: Mon, 21 Nov 2016 16:41:26 GMT
Date: Mon, 21 Nov 2016 16:41:26 GMT
Connection: close

   "utc_timestamp": 1479746486,
   "error": "OK"

[17:41:28 1D1C] [Steampix] (135E1200:3496) Data received
   "utc_timestamp": 1479746486,
   "error": "OK"

[17:41:28 1D1C] [Steampix] (135E1200:3496) Connection closed internal
[17:41:28 1D1C] [Steampix] (135E1200:4294967295) Connection closed

[17:41:45 1F34] [Steampix] (135E1598:4012) Data received
HTTP/1.1 200 OK

[17:41:45 1F34] [Steampix] (135E1598:4012) Data received
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
Content-Length: 56
Expires: Mon, 21 Nov 2016 16:41:42 GMT
Date: Mon, 21 Nov 2016 16:41:42 GMT
Connection: close

   "pollid": 0,
   "sectimeout": 30,
   "error": "Timeout"

[17:41:45 1F34] [Steampix] (135E1598:4012) Data received
   "pollid": 0,
   "sectimeout": 30,
   "error": "Timeout"

[17:41:45 1F34] [Steampix] (135E1598:4012) Connection closed internal
[17:41:45 1F34] [Steampix] (135E1598:4294967295) Connection closed
[17:41:45 1F34] [Steampix] Send request to https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamWebUserPresenceOAuth/Poll/v0001

[17:41:45 1F34] [Steampix] Connection request to api.steampowered.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[17:41:45 1F34] [Steampix] (135E0CF8) Connecting to server api.steampowered.com:443....
[17:41:45 1F34] [Steampix] (135E0CF8) Connecting to ip ....
[17:41:45 1F34] [Steampix] (4012) Connected to api.steampowered.com:443
[17:41:45 1F34] [Steampix] (4012 api.steampowered.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[17:41:45 1F34] [Steampix] (4012 api.steampowered.com) SSL negotiation successful

[17:42:15 1F34] [Steampix] (135E0CF8:4012) Data received
HTTP/1.1 200 OK

[17:42:15 1F34] [Steampix] (135E0CF8:4012) Data received
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
Content-Length: 56
Expires: Mon, 21 Nov 2016 16:42:12 GMT
Date: Mon, 21 Nov 2016 16:42:12 GMT
Connection: close

   "pollid": 0,
   "sectimeout": 30,
   "error": "Timeout"

[17:42:15 1F34] [Steampix] (135E0CF8:4012) Data received
   "pollid": 0,
   "sectimeout": 30,
   "error": "Timeout"

[17:42:15 1F34] [Steampix] (135E0CF8:4012) Connection closed internal
[17:42:15 1F34] [Steampix] (135E0CF8:4294967295) Connection closed
[17:42:15 1F34] [Steampix] Send request to https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamWebUserPresenceOAuth/Poll/v0001

[17:42:15 1F34] [Steampix] Connection request to api.steampowered.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[17:42:15 1F34] [Steampix] (135E0DB0) Connecting to server api.steampowered.com:443....
[17:42:15 1F34] [Steampix] (135E0DB0) Connecting to ip ....
[17:42:15 1F34] [Steampix] (3496) Connected to api.steampowered.com:443
[17:42:15 1F34] [Steampix] (3496 api.steampowered.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[17:42:15 1F34] [Steampix] (3496 api.steampowered.com) SSL negotiation successful

[17:42:17 1F34] [Steampix] (135E0DB0:3496) Data received
HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Vulpix on 21 11 2016, 17:05:51
Actually I have a better netlog which shows that clearly something is wrong with how typing events are being polled. Not sure if it's Miranda's fault or the API's but check this:

Clearly I am not really in need of so many typing notifications within like 5 seconds. This is one person just typing a word, but I get like 20 notifications.

[17:57:45 0A70] [Steampix] (2356 api.steampowered.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[17:57:45 0A70] [Steampix] (2356 api.steampowered.com) SSL negotiation successful
[17:57:45 0A70] SSL Server signaled SSL Shutdown
[17:57:45 0A70] [Steampix] (135F7850:2356) Data received
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
[17:57:45 0A70] [Steampix] (135F7850:2356) Data received
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
Vary: Accept-Encoding
Content-Encoding: gzip
Expires: Mon, 21 Nov 2016 16:57:43 GMT
Date: Mon, 21 Nov 2016 16:57:43 GMT
Content-Length: 231
Connection: close

[17:57:45 0A70] [Steampix] (135F7850:2356) Data received
   "pollid": 0,
   "messages": [
         "type": "typing",
         "timestamp": 108808608,
         "utc_timestamp": 1479747461,
         "steamid_from": "76561198018130239",
         "text": ""
         "type": "typing",
         "timestamp": 108808844,
         "utc_timestamp": 1479747461,
         "steamid_from": "76561198018130239",
         "text": ""
         "type": "typing",
         "timestamp": 108808988,
         "utc_timestamp": 1479747462,
         "steamid_from": "76561198018130239",
         "text": ""
         "type": "typing",
         "timestamp": 108809199,
         "utc_timestamp": 1479747462,
         "steamid_from": "76561198018130239",
         "text": ""
         "type": "typing",
         "timestamp": 108809393,
         "utc_timestamp": 1479747462,
         "steamid_from": "76561198018130239",
         "text": ""
         "type": "typing",
         "timestamp": 108809656,
         "utc_timestamp": 1479747462,
         "steamid_from": "76561198018130239",
         "text": ""
   "messagelast": 137,
   "timestamp": 108809846,
   "utc_timestamp": 1479747462,
   "messagebase": 131,
   "sectimeout": 1,
   "error": "OK"
[17:57:45 0A70] [Steampix] (135F7850:2356) Connection closed internal
[17:57:45 0A70] [Steampix] (135F7850:4294967295) Connection closed
[17:57:47 0A70] [Steampix] Send request to https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamWebUserPresenceOAuth/Poll/v0001
[17:57:47 0A70] [Steampix] Connection request to api.steampowered.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[17:57:47 0A70] [Steampix] (135F71D8) Connecting to server api.steampowered.com:443....
[17:57:47 0A70] [Steampix] (135F71D8) Connecting to ip ....
[17:57:47 0A70] [Steampix] (2788) Connected to api.steampowered.com:443
[17:57:47 0A70] [Steampix] (2788 api.steampowered.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[17:57:47 0A70] [Steampix] (2788 api.steampowered.com) SSL negotiation successful
[17:57:47 0A70] SSL Server signaled SSL Shutdown
[17:57:47 0A70] [Steampix] (135F71D8:2788) Data received
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
[17:57:47 0A70] [Steampix] (135F71D8:2788) Data received
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
Vary: Accept-Encoding
Content-Encoding: gzip
Expires: Mon, 21 Nov 2016 16:57:44 GMT
Date: Mon, 21 Nov 2016 16:57:44 GMT
Content-Length: 267
Connection: close

[17:57:47 0A70] [Steampix] (135F71D8:2788) Data received
   "pollid": 0,
   "messages": [
         "type": "typing",
         "timestamp": 108809911,
         "utc_timestamp": 1479747462,
         "steamid_from": "76561198018130239",
         "text": ""
         "type": "typing",
         "timestamp": 108810190,
         "utc_timestamp": 1479747463,
         "steamid_from": "76561198018130239",
         "text": ""
         "type": "typing",
         "timestamp": 108810398,
         "utc_timestamp": 1479747463,
         "steamid_from": "76561198018130239",
         "text": ""
         "type": "typing",
         "timestamp": 108811041,
         "utc_timestamp": 1479747464,
         "steamid_from": "76561198018130239",
         "text": ""
         "type": "typing",
         "timestamp": 108811346,
         "utc_timestamp": 1479747464,
         "steamid_from": "76561198018130239",
         "text": ""
   "messagelast": 143,
   "timestamp": 108811689,
   "utc_timestamp": 1479747464,
   "messagebase": 137,
   "sectimeout": 1,
   "error": "OK"
[17:57:47 0A70] [Steampix] (135F71D8:2788) Connection closed internal
[17:57:47 0A70] [Steampix] (135F71D8:4294967295) Connection closed
[17:57:48 0A70] [Steampix] Send request to https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamWebUserPresenceOAuth/Poll/v0001
[17:57:48 0A70] [Steampix] Connection request to api.steampowered.com:443 (Flags 11)....

Relevant github issue logged as https://github.com/miranda-ng/miranda-ng/issues/633
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: unitwobble on 08 12 2016, 09:15:40
The "Show chat state events" setting has been causing my contact list to show everyone as offline but with in-game icons displaying correctly. Contact list is broken even on a clean new profile. Somehow fixed by turning it off. (On new profiles it's off by default but I had to turn it on, apply, then off to get it to work.)

Blind luck! Setting not related. It works sometimes when reconnecting.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Robyer on 08 12 2016, 09:25:06
unitwobble, Please make a ticket on our GitHub bug tracker (https://github.com/miranda-ng/miranda-ng/issues/).
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Der Jude on 16 03 2017, 02:50:56
Robyer, It's been 2 years and I'm still having the issue with steam guard window.
Today I had to type in 4 different steam guard codes and it only worked at 5th time - when I restarted miranda and entered yet another code.
Will you ever fix this bullshit? It's REAL pain in the ass.
It happens after running miranda for long time [Started timestamp: 12:34:05   2017-03-14]
See netlogs
CPU: AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 4200+ [x86 Family 15 Model 75 Stepping 2] [DEP Enabled] [2 CPUs]
Installed RAM: 3072 MBytes
Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition Dodatek Service Pack 3 (build 2600)
Internet Explorer: 8.0.6001.18702 (build 86001)
Administrator privileges: Yes
OS Languages: (UI | Locale (User/System)) : Polish/Polish | Polish/Polish
Free disk space on Miranda partition: 4022 MBytes

Miranda NG Version: 0.95.6 alpha build #17887(ed99a12)
Build time: 12 Mar 2017 4:04:36
Profile: C:\Miranda IM\devmir\dobrabaza\Evaron\Evaron.dat (dbx mmap driver)
Profile size: 21364736 Bytes
Profile creation date: 31 Oct 2014 8:07:13
Language pack: No language pack installed
Service Mode: No

Active Plugins (26):
¤ AdvaImg.dll v. [5 Jan 2017 4:01:20] - Miranda image services
¤ AVS.dll v. [20 Jan 2017 4:00:12] - Avatar service
¤ CrashDumper.dll v. [13 Jan 2017 20:28:56] - Crash dumper
¤ Db_autobackups.dll v. [20 Jan 2017 4:00:58] - Db autobackuper
¤ DbEditorPP.dll v. [5 Jan 2017 4:01:54] - Database editor++
¤ Dbx_mmap.dll v. [12 Mar 2017 4:00:14] - Miranda NG mmap database driver
¤ Facebook.dll v. [6 Mar 2017 4:01:36] - Facebook RM
¤ GG.dll v. [1 Feb 2017 4:00:40] - Gadu-Gadu protocol
¤ HistoryPP.dll v. [9 Feb 2017 18:55:12] - History++
¤ HistorySweeperLight.dll v. [20 Jan 2017 4:00:54] - History sweeper light
¤ ICQ.dll v. [6 Mar 2017 4:00:36] - IcqOscarJ protocol
¤ Import.dll v. [20 Jan 2017 4:00:10] - Import contacts and messages
¤ IRC.dll v. [12 Mar 2017 4:00:36] - IRC protocol
¤ Jabber.dll v. [12 Mar 2017 4:01:06] - Jabber protocol
¤ MSN.dll v. [6 Mar 2017 4:00:38] - MSN protocol
¤ OpenSSL.dll v. [6 Mar 2017 4:03:56] - OpenSSL SSL API module
¤ PluginUpdater.dll v. [13 Jan 2017 20:29:08] - Plugin updater
¤ QuickSearch.dll v. [20 Jan 2017 4:04:34] - Quick Search
¤ SkypeWeb.dll v. [12 Mar 2017 4:04:12] - Skype protocol (Web)
¤ StatusManager.dll v. [6 Mar 2017 4:04:18] - Status manager
¤ Steam.dll v. [20 Jan 2017 4:03:48] - Steam protocol
¤ TabSRMM.dll v. [12 Mar 2017 4:00:30] - TabSRMM
¤ Tox.dll v. [6 Mar 2017 4:04:08] - Tox protocol
¤ UInfoEx.dll v. [20 Jan 2017 4:01:22] - User info ext
¤ Variables.dll v. [20 Jan 2017 4:01:32] - Variables
¤ WhatsApp.dll v. [1 Feb 2017 4:03:52] - WhatsApp protocol

Unloadable Plugins (3):
¤ DbChecker.dll v. [12 Mar 2017 4:02:10] - <unknown>

¤ smsbox.dll v. [10 Jan 2008 21:43:36] - <unknown>

¤ updater.dll v. [19 Mar 2011 23:31:02] - <unknown>

Protocols and Accounts:
Facebook                 2 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded
GG                       1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded
ICQ                      1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded
IRC                      1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded
JABBER                   3 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded
MSN                      2 - Enabled 1 - Disabled  Loaded
SKYPE                    1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded
STEAM                    2 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded
TOX                      1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded
WhatsApp                 1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded
AIM                      0 - Enabled 1 - Disabled  Not Loaded
MetaContacts             1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded
YAHOO                    0 - Enabled 1 - Disabled  Not Loaded

Icon Packs:
 HistoryPP_icons.dll [6 Mar 2017 4:02:14]
 Proto_AIM.dll [6 Jun 2015 3:34:20]
 Proto_Facebook.dll [6 Jun 2015 3:34:18]
 Proto_GG.dll [6 Jun 2015 3:34:21]
 Proto_ICQ.dll [6 Jun 2015 3:34:21]
 Proto_IRC.dll [6 Jun 2015 3:34:21]
 Proto_Jabber.dll [6 Jun 2015 3:34:22]
 Proto_MetaContacts.dll [12 Mar 2017 4:03:48]
 Proto_MSN.dll [6 Jun 2015 3:34:22]
 Proto_Skype.dll [12 Mar 2017 4:04:02]
 Proto_Steam.dll [20 Jan 2017 4:03:46]
 Proto_Tox.dll [6 Mar 2017 4:04:00]
 Proto_WhatsApp.dll [1 Feb 2017 4:03:40]
 Proto_Yahoo.dll [6 Jun 2015 3:34:23]
 TabSRMM_icons.dll [12 Mar 2017 4:02:22]
 Toolbar_icons.dll [20 Jan 2017 4:01:40]
 UInfoEx_icons.dll [20 Jan 2017 4:01:22]
 xStatus_ICQ.dll [6 Jun 2015 3:32:32]
 xStatus_Jabber.dll [6 Jun 2015 3:32:41]

Loaded Modules:
C:\Miranda IM\devmir\Miranda32.exe  00400000 - 00409000 v. [12 Mar 2017 4:04:36]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\ntdll.dll  7C900000 - 7C9B4000 v.5.1.2600.6055 [9 Dec 2010 16:15:25]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\kernel32.dll  7C800000 - 7C8FD000 v.5.1.2600.6293 [3 Oct 2012 5:58:10]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\USER32.dll  7E360000 - 7E3F1000 v.5.1.2600.5512 [14 Apr 2008 18:20:56]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\GDI32.dll  77F10000 - 77F59000 v.5.1.2600.5698 [23 Oct 2008 13:42:41]
C:\Miranda IM\devmir\MSVCR100.dll  78AA0000 - 78B5F000 v.10.0.40219.325 [11 Jun 2011 0:58:52]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\IMM32.DLL  76360000 - 7637D000 v.5.1.2600.5512 [14 Apr 2008 18:20:32]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\ADVAPI32.dll  77DC0000 - 77E6C000 v.5.1.2600.5755 [9 Feb 2009 11:53:44]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\RPCRT4.dll  77E70000 - 77F03000 v.5.1.2600.6022 [16 Aug 2010 9:45:09]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\Secur32.dll  77FE0000 - 77FF1000 v.5.1.2600.5834 [25 Jun 2009 9:27:54]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\LPK.DLL  62E70000 - 62E79000 v.5.1.2600.5512 [14 Apr 2008 18:20:34]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\USP10.dll  74D40000 - 74DAB000 v.1.420.2600.5969 [16 Apr 2010 16:38:53]
C:\Miranda IM\devmir\libs\mir_app.mir  12420000 - 124E4000 v. [12 Mar 2017 4:00:34]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\WINMM.dll  76B20000 - 76B4E000 v.5.1.2600.6160 [14 Oct 2011 15:47:23]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\SHLWAPI.dll  77F60000 - 77FD6000 v.6.0.2900.5912 [8 Dec 2009 10:25:45]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\msvcrt.dll  77C00000 - 77C58000 v.7.0.2600.5512 [14 Apr 2008 18:20:39]
C:\WINDOWS\WinSxS\x86_Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls_6595b64144ccf1df_6.0.2600.6028_x-ww_61e65202\COMCTL32.dll  773C0000 - 774C3000 v.6.0.2900.6028 [23 Aug 2010 17:12:53]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\WS2_32.dll  71A50000 - 71A67000 v.5.1.2600.5512 [14 Apr 2008 18:20:58]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\WS2HELP.dll  71A40000 - 71A48000 v.5.1.2600.5512 [14 Apr 2008 18:20:58]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\UxTheme.dll  5B1D0000 - 5B208000 v.6.0.2900.5512 [14 Apr 2008 18:20:56]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\COMDLG32.dll  76380000 - 763C9000 v.6.0.2900.5512 [14 Apr 2008 18:20:13]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\SHELL32.dll  7C9C0000 - 7D1DE000 v.6.0.2900.6242 [8 Jun 2012 15:25:47]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\ole32.dll  774D0000 - 7760E000 v.5.1.2600.6168 [1 Nov 2011 17:07:03]
C:\Miranda IM\devmir\libs\zlib.mir  126E0000 - 126F7000 v. [12 Mar 2017 4:00:12]
C:\Miranda IM\devmir\libs\mir_core.mir  125C0000 - 125E0000 [12 Mar 2017 4:00:18]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\VERSION.dll  77BF0000 - 77BF8000 v.5.1.2600.5512 [14 Apr 2008 18:20:57]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\timiditydrv.dll  10000000 - 1023C000 [17 Aug 2014 8:43:28]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\MSCTF.dll  746D0000 - 7471C000 v.5.1.2600.5512 [14 Apr 2008 18:20:36]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\msctfime.ime  75180000 - 751AE000 v.5.1.2600.5512 [14 Apr 2008 18:12:58]
C:\Miranda IM\devmir\Plugins\CrashDumper.dll  14980000 - 14990000 v. [13 Jan 2017 20:28:56]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\dbghelp.dll  59BC0000 - 59C61000 v.5.1.2600.5512 [14 Apr 2008 18:20:21]
C:\Miranda IM\devmir\Plugins\DbEditorPP.dll  14B00000 - 14B1D000 v. [5 Jan 2017 4:01:54]
C:\Miranda IM\devmir\Plugins\Dbx_mmap.dll  14B80000 - 14B91000 v. [12 Mar 2017 4:00:14]
C:\Miranda IM\devmir\Plugins\Import.dll  15740000 - 1574D000 v. [20 Jan 2017 4:00:10]
C:\Miranda IM\devmir\Core\stdcrypt.dll  13080000 - 1308B000 v. [12 Mar 2017 4:04:32]
C:\Miranda IM\devmir\Plugins\OpenSSL.dll  162E0000 - 162E7000 v. [6 Mar 2017 4:03:56]
C:\Miranda IM\devmir\libs\LIBEAY32.mir  12180000 - 122BD000 v. [16 Feb 2017 16:13:10]
C:\Miranda IM\devmir\libs\SSLEAY32.mir  12640000 - 12687000 v. [16 Feb 2017 16:13:12]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\CRYPT32.dll  77A70000 - 77B06000 v.5.131.2600.6239 [1 Jun 2012 17:50:20]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\MSASN1.dll  77B10000 - 77B22000 v.5.1.2600.5875 [4 Sep 2009 22:05:35]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\Msftedit.dll  4B440000 - 4B4C6000 v. [14 Apr 2008 18:20:38]
C:\Miranda IM\devmir\Plugins\AdvaImg.dll  142A0000 - 1432F000 v. [5 Jan 2017 4:01:20]
C:\Miranda IM\devmir\MSVCP100.dll  78050000 - 780B9000 v.10.0.40219.325 [11 Jun 2011 0:58:52]
C:\Miranda IM\devmir\Core\stdclist.dll  13060000 - 1306F000 v. [12 Mar 2017 4:04:34]
C:\Miranda IM\devmir\Plugins\AVS.dll  14500000 - 14512000 v. [20 Jan 2017 4:00:12]
C:\Miranda IM\devmir\Plugins\Db_autobackups.dll  02390000 - 023A5000 v. [20 Jan 2017 4:00:58]
C:\Miranda IM\devmir\Plugins\Facebook.dll  14CE0000 - 14D2F000 v. [6 Mar 2017 4:01:36]
C:\Miranda IM\devmir\libs\libjson.mir  12400000 - 1240C000 [12 Mar 2017 4:00:18]
C:\Miranda IM\devmir\Plugins\GG.dll  14FE0000 - 15023000 v. [1 Feb 2017 4:00:40]
C:\Miranda IM\devmir\Plugins\HistoryPP.dll  15100000 - 152EF000 v. [9 Feb 2017 18:55:12]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\oleaut32.dll  77110000 - 7719B000 v.5.1.2600.6341 [26 Jan 2013 4:55:40]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\msimg32.dll  76350000 - 76355000 v.5.1.2600.5512 [14 Apr 2008 18:20:38]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\winspool.drv  72F90000 - 72FB6000 v.5.1.2600.5512 [14 Apr 2008 18:21:56]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\RICHED20.DLL  74DE0000 - 74E4D000 v. [14 Apr 2008 18:20:45]
C:\Miranda IM\devmir\Plugins\HistorySweeperLight.dll  15580000 - 15588000 v. [20 Jan 2017 4:00:54]
C:\Miranda IM\devmir\Plugins\ICQ.dll  15620000 - 15673000 v. [6 Mar 2017 4:00:36]
C:\Miranda IM\devmir\Plugins\IRC.dll  15860000 - 158AE000 v. [12 Mar 2017 4:00:36]
C:\Miranda IM\devmir\Plugins\Jabber.dll  15900000 - 15991000 v. [12 Mar 2017 4:01:06]
C:\Miranda IM\devmir\libs\libaxolotl.mir  120A0000 - 120CC000 [12 Mar 2017 4:00:46]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\DNSAPI.dll  76F10000 - 76F37000 v.5.1.2600.6089 [3 Mar 2011 7:55:00]
C:\Miranda IM\devmir\Plugins\MSN.dll  15F00000 - 15F3E000 v. [6 Mar 2017 4:00:38]
C:\Miranda IM\devmir\Plugins\PluginUpdater.dll  16360000 - 16374000 v. [13 Jan 2017 20:29:08]
C:\Miranda IM\devmir\Plugins\QuickSearch.dll  164A0000 - 164D2000 [20 Jan 2017 4:04:34]
C:\Miranda IM\devmir\Plugins\SkypeWeb.dll  169A0000 - 169E6000 v. [12 Mar 2017 4:04:12]
C:\Miranda IM\devmir\Plugins\StatusManager.dll  16BE0000 - 16BFB000 v. [6 Mar 2017 4:04:18]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\WININET.dll  3FCF0000 - 3FDD7000 v.8.0.6001.23507 [8 Jun 2013 2:23:46]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\Normaliz.dll  02560000 - 02569000 v.6.0.5441.0 [7 Jan 2009 17:20:36]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\urlmon.dll  45330000 - 45464000 v.8.0.6001.23507 [7 Jun 2013 22:53:41]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\iertutil.dll  40390000 - 4057C000 v.8.0.6001.23507 [7 Jun 2013 22:53:27]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\IPHLPAPI.DLL  76D50000 - 76D69000 v.5.1.2600.5512 [14 Apr 2008 18:20:33]
C:\Miranda IM\devmir\Plugins\Steam.dll  025A0000 - 025BB000 v. [20 Jan 2017 4:03:48]
C:\Miranda IM\devmir\Plugins\TabSRMM.dll  16D40000 - 16DC6000 v. [12 Mar 2017 4:00:30]
C:\Miranda IM\devmir\Plugins\Tox.dll  16FA0000 - 16FCA000 v. [6 Mar 2017 4:04:08]
C:\Miranda IM\devmir\libs\libtox.dll  13D60000 - 13F42000 [24 Feb 2017 4:00:06]
C:\Miranda IM\devmir\Plugins\UInfoEx.dll  17040000 - 17092000 v. [20 Jan 2017 4:01:22]
C:\Miranda IM\devmir\Plugins\Variables.dll  17120000 - 17137000 v. [20 Jan 2017 4:01:32]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\pdh.dll  73F00000 - 73F57000 v.5.1.2600.5773 [6 Mar 2009 15:22:12]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\ODBC32.dll  74600000 - 7463D000 v.3.525.3012.0 [9 Nov 2010 15:52:35]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\odbcbcp.dll  59C70000 - 59C76000 v.2000.85.1132.0 [14 Apr 2008 18:20:43]
C:\Miranda IM\devmir\libs\Pcre16.mir  12600000 - 12617000 [12 Mar 2017 4:01:28]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\odbcint.dll  1F840000 - 1F858000 v.3.525.1117.0 [28 Mar 2007 13:54:30]
C:\Miranda IM\devmir\Plugins\WhatsApp.dll  17540000 - 17574000 v. [1 Feb 2017 4:03:52]
C:\Miranda IM\devmir\Core\stdauth.dll  13000000 - 13007000 v. [12 Mar 2017 4:04:32]
C:\Miranda IM\devmir\Core\stdfile.dll  130C0000 - 130CF000 v. [12 Mar 2017 4:04:32]
C:\Miranda IM\devmir\Core\stdhelp.dll  130E0000 - 130E6000 v. [12 Mar 2017 4:04:28]
C:\Miranda IM\devmir\Core\stdidle.dll  13100000 - 13107000 v. [12 Mar 2017 4:04:34]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\WTSAPI32.dll  76F40000 - 76F48000 v.5.1.2600.5512 [14 Apr 2008 18:20:59]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\WINSTA.dll  76330000 - 76340000 v.5.1.2600.5512 [14 Apr 2008 18:20:57]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\NETAPI32.dll  6FF40000 - 6FF95000 v.5.1.2600.6260 [6 Jul 2012 14:58:56]
C:\Miranda IM\devmir\Core\stdautoaway.dll  13020000 - 13026000 v. [12 Mar 2017 4:04:32]
C:\Miranda IM\devmir\Core\stduseronline.dll  131E0000 - 131E6000 v. [12 Mar 2017 4:04:30]
C:\Miranda IM\devmir\Core\stdaway.dll  13040000 - 13049000 v. [12 Mar 2017 4:04:30]
C:\WINDOWS\System32\mswsock.dll  719F0000 - 71A30000 v.5.1.2600.5625 [20 Jun 2008 17:04:23]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\rasadhlp.dll  76FB0000 - 76FB6000 v.5.1.2600.5512 [14 Apr 2008 18:20:44]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\hnetcfg.dll  66780000 - 667D8000 v.5.1.2600.5512 [14 Apr 2008 18:20:32]
C:\WINDOWS\System32\wshtcpip.dll  71A30000 - 71A38000 v.5.1.2600.5512 [14 Apr 2008 18:20:59]
C:\WINDOWS\System32\winrnr.dll  76FA0000 - 76FA8000 v.5.1.2600.5512 [14 Apr 2008 18:20:57]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\WLDAP32.dll  76F50000 - 76F7D000 v.5.1.2600.5512 [14 Apr 2008 18:20:57]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\rsaenh.dll  68000000 - 68036000 v.5.1.2600.5507 [13 Apr 2008 18:37:57]
C:\program files\powerstrip\pshook.dll  03E40000 - 03E4A000 v. [19 Mar 2012 2:38:04]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\mslbui.dll  60A60000 - 60A69000 v.5.1.2600.5512 [14 Apr 2008 18:20:39]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\CLBCATQ.DLL  76FC0000 - 7703F000 v.2001.12.4414.700 [14 Apr 2008 18:20:11]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\COMRes.dll  77040000 - 7710D000 v.2001.12.4414.700 [14 Apr 2008 18:20:14]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\oleacc.dll  61880000 - 618BA000 v.7.0.2600.6153 [26 Sep 2011 10:41:20]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\msls31.dll  05040000 - 05069000 v.3.10.349.0 [8 Mar 2009 3:22:38]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\SXS.DLL  7E690000 - 7E740000 v.5.1.2600.5512 [14 Apr 2008 18:20:56]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\appHelp.dll  77B30000 - 77B52000 v.5.1.2600.5512 [14 Apr 2008 18:19:59]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\ieframe.dll  40580000 - 4101D000 v.8.0.6001.23507 [7 Jun 2013 22:53:22]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\xpsp2res.dll  05CF0000 - 05FC2000 v.5.1.2600.5512 [13 Apr 2008 19:37:58]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\USERENV.dll  769A0000 - 76A55000 v.5.1.2600.5512 [14 Apr 2008 18:20:56]
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: SpinalBlood on 22 03 2017, 15:53:40
Since some days, I cannot connect to steam, no matter what I do. Even with a new miranda profile, and even with a wrong password, I don't have any feedback, it will keep trying connecting forever. I can connect on the original website, though.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Vulpix on 22 03 2017, 16:34:20
Can you post the details?

miranda version info+netlog?

It's working fine for me so maybe it's something specific to your account or operating system. Otherwise please log a github ticket (but with the info I requested as well!)

Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: SpinalBlood on 22 03 2017, 17:26:10
CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3450 CPU @ 3.10GHz [Intel64 Family 6 Model 58 Stepping 9] [DEP Enabled] [4 CPUs]
Installed RAM: 3792 MBytes
Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate Edition, 64-bit Service Pack 1 (build 7601)
Internet Explorer: 9.11.9600.17801 (build 99600)
Administrator privileges: Yes
OS Languages: (UI | Locale (User/System)) : Italian/Italian | Italian/Italian
Free disk space on Miranda partition: 91557 MBytes

Miranda NG Version: 0.95.6 alpha build #17953 (75876f6) [running inside WOW64]
Build time: 22 Mar 2017 9:52:08
Profile: C:\Program Files (x86)\Miranda\Profiles\temp\temp.dat (dbx mmap driver)
Profile size: 131072 Bytes
Profile creation date: 22 Mar 2017 18:00:08
Language pack: No language pack installed
Service Mode: No

Active Plugins (16):
¤ AdvaImg.dll v. [13 Jan 2017 5:01:19] - Miranda image services
¤ AVS.dll v. [22 Mar 2017 9:47:36] - Avatar service
¤ Clist_modern.dll v. [22 Mar 2017 9:49:22] - Modern contact list
¤ CrashDumper.dll v. [13 Jan 2017 5:01:53] - Crash dumper
¤ DbEditorPP.dll v. [4 Jan 2017 8:36:36] - Database editor++
¤ Dbx_mmap.dll v. [22 Mar 2017 9:47:40] - Miranda NG mmap database driver
¤ HistoryPP.dll v. [9 Feb 2017 18:55:12] - History++
¤ Import.dll v. [18 Jan 2017 4:00:10] - Import contacts and messages
¤ NewXstatusNotify.dll v. [18 Jan 2017 4:01:00] - xStatus notify
¤ PluginUpdater.dll v. [13 Jan 2017 5:02:06] - Plugin updater
¤ Popup.dll v. [18 Jan 2017 4:01:10] - Popup plus
¤ SeenPlugin.dll v. [3 Dec 2016 4:01:06] - Last seen
¤ StatusManager.dll v. [12 Feb 2017 4:04:14] - Status manager
¤ Steam.dll v. [18 Jan 2017 4:03:58] - Steam protocol
¤ TabSRMM.dll v. [22 Mar 2017 9:47:52] - TabSRMM
¤ TopToolBar.dll v. [13 Jan 2017 5:01:35] - TopToolBar

Unloadable Plugins (1):
¤ DbChecker.dll v. [22 Mar 2017 9:49:38] - <unknown>

Protocols and Accounts:
STEAM                    1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded
MetaContacts             1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded

Icon Packs:
 HistoryPP_icons.dll [10 Feb 2017 4:02:16]
 Proto_AIM.dll [22 Mar 2017 9:49:12]
 Proto_Facebook.dll [22 Mar 2017 9:49:10]
 Proto_GG.dll [31 Jan 2017 4:01:38]
 Proto_ICQ.dll [21 Feb 2017 4:01:40]
 Proto_IRC.dll [22 Mar 2017 9:49:12]
 Proto_Jabber.dll [22 Mar 2017 9:49:12]
 Proto_MetaContacts.dll [22 Mar 2017 9:51:20]
 Proto_MSN.dll [22 Mar 2017 9:49:12]
 Proto_Skype.dll [22 Mar 2017 9:51:34]
 Proto_Steam.dll [18 Jan 2017 4:03:52]
 Proto_Tox.dll [22 Mar 2017 9:51:36]
 Proto_Yahoo.dll [23 Sep 2016 3:01:40]
 Proto_YAMN.dll [14 Jan 2017 4:02:30]
 TabSRMM_icons.dll [22 Mar 2017 9:49:54]
 Toolbar_icons.dll [22 Mar 2017 9:49:12]
 Watrack_buttons.dll [18 Jan 2017 4:04:42]
 Watrack_icons.dll [18 Jan 2017 4:04:42]
 xStatus_ICQ.dll [21 Feb 2017 4:00:32]
 xStatus_Jabber.dll [22 Mar 2017 9:47:58]

Network log attached;

(at 18:16:33 I manually close Miranda)

I notice these:

[18:16:16 05FC] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::OnAuthorizationError: The account name or password that you have entered is incorrect.
[18:16:16 05FC] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::OnAuthorizationError: clear password field

but, the password is NOT incorrect

(on a side/offtopic note I wonder why DbChecker.dll cannot be loaded...)
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Vulpix on 22 03 2017, 17:36:57
Dbchecker is only loaded on a special start (when you restart miranda in database checker mode, or by using a startup parameter for the miranda executable). It's normal to see it unloaded.

Do you use anything special on your account? Maybe the mobile guard or something like that?
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: SpinalBlood on 22 03 2017, 18:03:11
I have the send Steam Guard codes to email option enabled, but I had it since years and it wasn't a problem before. Now I have disabled Steam Guard, but it still isn't working.

Dbchecker is only loaded on a special start (when you restart miranda in database checker mode, or by using a startup parameter for the miranda executable). It's normal to see it unloaded.

Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Vulpix on 22 03 2017, 18:14:39
Regular steam guard should be working, I use it too. Well, I guess you will have to log an issue for this.

You can also use dbeditor++ to navigate to your steam account and doubleclick the password field to view it to make extra sure it is your, correct password.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Robyer on 23 03 2017, 19:47:13
SpinalBlood, do you have somehow special password? Special chars or length? Maybe try to change your password and re-verify if that makes any change in Miranda.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Robyer on 23 03 2017, 19:50:06
Robyer, It's been 2 years and I'm still having the issue with steam guard window.
Today I had to type in 4 different steam guard codes and it only worked at 5th time - when I restarted miranda and entered yet another code.
Will you ever fix this bullshit? It's REAL pain in the ass.
It happens after running miranda for long time [Started timestamp: 12:34:05   2017-03-14]
See netlogs

Well, in your logs is many times noted "<h1>Internal Server Error</h1>Failed to forward request message to internal server" so that doesn't seem to be problem in Miranda, but rather on Steam server. Even once in the "success" log. Are you sure it is problem in plugin and not some coincidence?
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: SpinalBlood on 23 03 2017, 22:25:08
You can also use dbeditor++ to navigate to your steam account and doubleclick the password field to view it to make extra sure it is your, correct password.

Thanks, I tried but it was the correct one

SpinalBlood, do you have somehow special password? Special chars or length? Maybe try to change your password and re-verify if that makes any change in Miranda.

I had a pretty simple password. Now I have changed it in a more complex one (a range of 15-20 chars but no special ones) since I already wanted to regardless, but still didn't help. But if the password was the problem then it wouldn't have happened earlier with the simpler one, that always worked for a while. Both old and new passwords worked in the website login
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Robyer on 23 03 2017, 23:00:26
SpinalBlood, so you can login with exactly same username and password here? https://steamcommunity.com/mobilelogin/

Vulpix, have you tried whole login from "clean" account? Does that work?
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Vulpix on 23 03 2017, 23:17:11
Vulpix, have you tried whole login from "clean" account? Does that work?

I don't have a problem with Steam though. But I actually tried this just now (with a clean miranda where I never had any steam accounts ever before) - it correctly logged me in (after I entered the steam guard key which arrived in an e-mail almost instantly after the login attempt).
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: SpinalBlood on 26 03 2017, 23:54:25
SpinalBlood, so you can login with exactly same username and password here? https://steamcommunity.com/mobilelogin/

Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Robyer on 28 03 2017, 20:57:50
SpinalBlood, that's just weird. In any case, make a ticket on Github (https://github.com/miranda-ng/miranda-ng/issues), co se won't forget that. I don't have much time for Miranda lately...
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: SpinalBlood on 28 03 2017, 23:51:58
I'll try tomorrow on another pc but I doubt that will change something, after that I will open the ticket

Also, I know another user who has the same problem
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: SpinalBlood on 29 03 2017, 13:43:12
I have tried in Windows XP and it doesn't work, but this time I got an error message that for some reason I don't get in Windows 7 (Steam just doesn't work, without showing messages):

SSL connection failure (80090326 377): Il messaggio ricevuto era imprevisto o con formattazione scorretta.

(it says the received message was unexpected or with wrong formatting)
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Robyer on 29 03 2017, 18:45:46
Do you use OpenSSL plugin?
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: SpinalBlood on 29 03 2017, 18:49:23
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Robyer on 05 05 2017, 16:47:18
Could you try stable Miranda version if it behave differently there? I think there is some network issue in core, affecting at least Facebook's sending messages. So it might be related to this too (or it's completely unrelated).
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: SpinalBlood on 08 05 2017, 21:35:57
I have tested the stable version, but same problem
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: SpinalBlood on 22 05 2017, 20:43:06
So far Steam cannot be used at all with this problem...  :(

Seems like not every account is affected, but I know at least another user that has this problem...
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Robyer on 23 05 2017, 10:37:28
SpinalBlood, so you said it doesn't work on Windows XP, but only for some Steam accounts? And on Windows 7 it works for these accounts? Can you try OpenSSL plugin (you said you don't use it currently) on Windows XP?
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: SpinalBlood on 12 08 2017, 23:15:26
Well I only asked another contact I know and he has the same problem in his Windows 7, like me.

I try tomorrow with OpenSSL in Windows XP

(by the way, as of today I can't see the posts in this topic unless i post a new message, where it shows a preview of the last messages...   ???
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: SpinalBlood on 13 08 2017, 10:12:33
Tried in WinXP and now the formatting error message is gone, but like in windows 7, keeps on trying connecting.

I could tell OpenSSL worked though because now Tox can connect (it had the same message as steam)

So steam is still broken.  :(
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: SpinalBlood on 22 08 2017, 16:18:19
Ok, I tried to register a new Steam account. Looks like I can connect on this new one.

I have tried to add some friends in the original website (just to be safe, if I recall there were some problems in Miranda doing that), to see if I can see them in Miranda later too. But looks like I can't because:

Having trouble accessing a Steam Community Feature?
New accounts are limited from using all of Steam's community features. You'll have access to all of Steam's features once you've spent $5.00 USD in the Steam store or added $5.00 USD to your Steam Wallet. Some of the features that you won't be able to access are:

    Adding friends on Steam
    Buying or Selling items on the Steam Community Market
    Creating a Group on Steam Community
    Creating user reviews or rating artwork, screenshots, workshop content, or Greenlight submissions
    Using Friends chat in your Browser or on a Mobile device


So it looks like I'm reported as online, so it's probably working.

Why my main account can't connect, but I can on the new one?  :(
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Robyer on 23 08 2017, 22:13:47
SpinalBlood, about that quote - that was showed for the newly created account? And yet you can login and be seen as online correctly? Weird. I would expect that is the problem of your old account (that you are not allowed to use chat in browser, as mentioned in that quote).
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: SpinalBlood on 27 08 2017, 21:48:07
It was shown when I tried to add a friend from the original website

The fact is that this 5 $ thing is not recent but seems from 2015, while my Steam was working fine until march

Also, this only applies for the "new" accounts, because my account is very old it doesn't have this limitation

In the meanwihle I made another person test his own account in Miranda (he created it in 2016 and he has payed for a game); works fine

I can understand new accounts might have problems because of this new limitation; but they still connect, while my account doesn't reach the online status at all
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Vulpix on 27 08 2017, 21:53:05
Do you have two-factor authentication? Steam guard? Anything different in terms of authentication?
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: SpinalBlood on 27 08 2017, 22:05:47
Not that I know of. Never tried Steam on any phone. The account security section only shows Steam Guard and it's disabled

It was enabled earlier (https://forum.miranda-ng.org/index.php?topic=1222.msg19506#msg19506) but the result is the same
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Robyer on 28 08 2017, 06:33:13
SpinalBlood, as I said before, you should try other Steam clients whether they work for you or not. Namely Steam app for mobile phones, Pidgin with Steam plugin.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: SpinalBlood on 28 08 2017, 12:56:32
I have tested a program called Nox (Android emulator) and Pidgin. I can connect and talk successfully with both of them

It also works here: https://steamcommunity.com/mobilelogin/

It's then sure that there is no limitation on my account. But now I have tried Miranda again and it is still not connecting
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Robyer on 28 08 2017, 13:09:20
Alright, so it sounds like bug in Miranda's Steam plugin. I can look at it when I have some time.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Smiling Spectre on 31 08 2017, 20:38:43
Hello, Robyer

After long streak mostly good versions (random crash was here all this time on Steam timeouts, but was quite rare), Miranda was updated - and today Steam plugin updated and got new bug. I have version since today, BTW.

Bug is: every message from my Miranda successfully transferred into Steam and shown in Steam chat window. Every friend reply shown in Steam chat, just as in Miranda window too. But every _my_ message made in Steam chat got lost - it never appears in Miranda Steam window.

Can it be fixed? It worked just yesterday!
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Vulpix on 31 08 2017, 21:22:59
It is most definitely because of https://github.com/miranda-ng/miranda-ng/commit/de62bd9aed937611d196639eb9f1c52487557d16 (https://github.com/miranda-ng/miranda-ng/commit/de62bd9aed937611d196639eb9f1c52487557d16)

Without this "quick and dirty" workaround, all of the messages sent by you from miranda were shown twice. But the unfortunate side effect of it is that messages sent from outside miranda are not shown at all.

Robyer will probably look at this when he has time.. until then, you'll have to revert and chat only from outside miranda, or keep the current version and only chat from within miranda.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Smiling Spectre on 03 09 2017, 09:37:07
Without this "quick and dirty" workaround, all of the messages sent by you from miranda were shown twice.
Ah. It was _this_ fix. Thank you for the info.

I seen something strange today. After start, Steam plugin deleted three of my friends from contact list, destroying history and group position. And right after that it added it back as "new" one, in "Steam" group and empty history. What happened?!

P.S. And I have too much crashes now in Miranda. :| It _was_ Steam-related before, but happened like 1-2 times per week, not counting channel issues. Now it's about twice per day. But I am not sure that it's _Steam_ fault, unfortunately. Maybe it's something other broken after update.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Vulpix on 03 09 2017, 09:48:29
That could have been caused by https://github.com/miranda-ng/miranda-ng/commit/fdf4ca9cfb31f8a2776849c33b7321af3c979b3b .

Miranda for some reason used to create duplicate contacts. Do you have netlog from the issue you encountered?
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Robyer on 03 09 2017, 12:21:10
Steam plugin itself shouldn't delete any contacts or their history (at least as far as I remember). This may show some different problem, together with the crashes.

Anyway if you have crashes twice per day, try to disable steam for a day and check if it continue crashing.
Also install debug symbols and provide crash reports - make tickets on https://github.com/miranda-ng/miranda-ng/issues
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Smiling Spectre on 11 09 2017, 16:31:57
Steam plugin itself shouldn't delete any contacts or their history (at least as far as I remember). This may show some different problem, together with the crashes.
This was only once so far, for two contacts, and yes, now I believe that it was more global Miranda problem then Steam - because history returned by itself after next miranda.exe update (they are too numerous this days, so I cannot say which exact update).
Anyway if you have crashes twice per day, try to disable steam for a day and check if it continue crashing.
Also install debug symbols and provide crash reports - make tickets on https://github.com/miranda-ng/miranda-ng/issues
Well, I still hope that it will self-fixed... So far crashes became rarer (but still too frequent). But I'll explore your crash report suggestion, thank you.
Update: It seems, I had crash reports already. But without debug symbols. I installed it... but it did nothing, it seems. Maybe I did something wrong. :(

All reports, including today, looks like that (it's always about libeay32, but sometimes others are here too). This quote is everything before machine info:
Code: [Select]
7089B93F (LIBEAY32 70890000): (filename not available) (0): SHA512
7089207B (LIBEAY32 70890000): (filename not available) (0): CRYPTO_get_new_dynlockid
70898CC9 (LIBEAY32 70890000): (filename not available) (0): SHA512
70897B3C (LIBEAY32 70890000): (filename not available) (0): SHA1_Update
70898CC9 (LIBEAY32 70890000): (filename not available) (0): SHA512
70897B54 (LIBEAY32 70890000): (filename not available) (0): SHA1_Update
708FA25D (LIBEAY32 70890000): (filename not available) (0): RAND_SSLeay
708FB083 (LIBEAY32 70890000): (filename not available) (0): RAND_add
708FB3B3 (LIBEAY32 70890000): (filename not available) (0): RAND_egd_bytes

I opened issue on GitHub (https://github.com/miranda-ng/miranda-ng/issues/927) with that log.

UPD2: Oh, it seems, I forgot Miranda32.pdb. It's not in plugins, so I overlooked it...
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Smiling Spectre on 14 09 2017, 16:00:06
I got answer from some dartraiden on Github. He suggested to remove OpenSSL from the plugins.

Unfortunately, I installed it first time exactly because I need Steam in my Miranda on WinXP! :)

So most probably it's not Steam. But it connected with Steam. And it seems there is no simple solution for this. *sigh*
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Ratha on 26 11 2017, 09:49:37
Ah. It was _this_ fix. Thank you for the info.

I seen something strange today. After start, Steam plugin deleted three of my friends from contact list, destroying history and group position. And right after that it added it back as "new" one, in "Steam" group and empty history. What happened?!

P.S. And I have too much crashes now in Miranda. :| It _was_ Steam-related before, but happened like 1-2 times per week, not counting channel issues. Now it's about twice per day. But I am not sure that it's _Steam_ fault, unfortunately. Maybe it's something other broken after update.

I just recently updated to 0.95.8 #18808 and noticed that none of the messages i type into the steam window show up in the miranda log anymore. I guess this would explain why I've been losing chats and history lately.

Does anyone have the steam.dll from before the Aug 30 update that would work with the new version of Miranda, or is there a backup or snapshot of Miranda from before that update available somewhere?

The issue that appeared on around 2017-08-29 with the dual messages showing up in the Steam chat history was actually an issue with Steam / the Steam servers themselves as far as I could tell. It took about 2 days for the problem to resolve itself, but it went away for me without the need to update Miranda. Someone might want to check into this and or possibly issue a reversion if Miranda no longer logs dual messages. (Im fairly sure that it wont as the previous version i had been using was from June 2017 and i wasnt getting or sending duplicates.)

EDIT: I found a backup that I had made and copied the old steam.dll from 2017-06-20 back into my plugins directory. Messages sent and received are not duplicated, and messages typed into the steam chat window properly show up in the miranda log. Unless theres still a reason to keep the duplicate message fix, i think a reversion to restore functionality might be the way to go?
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Vulpix on 26 11 2017, 09:58:39
I'm sure the commit I referenced earlier ( https://github.com/miranda-ng/miranda-ng/commit/de62bd9aed937611d196639eb9f1c52487557d16 ) is the cause of this, perhaps a better way of handling it is required - but I don't know if Robyer has time to work on it.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Ratha on 26 11 2017, 10:15:51
I updated my previous post with a confirmation that testing an older .dll file does not cause duplicate messages to be sent, or logged. (As far as I can observe as a user anyway.) and also restores the functionality of logging messages sent from the Steam window.

If anyone needs it, i've attached my old steam.dll incase its useful. Its a bit of a 'use at your own risk' as I dont know if it might cause other issues with the new Miranda, but seems to work fine with only a few minutes of testing. In case anyone is worried about viruses, heres a VirusTotal report: https://www.virustotal.com/en/file/e487ff40ce7456a7ec4f974818ce3876ba0b3dfa8f16a8de540709f7bed3a4d6/analysis/1511691013/

This brings up a bit of an important issue: Does Miranda have nightly snapshots of the dev builds backed up anywhere incase of this very sort of problem? On more than one occasion I've thought that it'd be a good idea to have an archive for those of us who cant compile our own versions. It'd give us the ability to test different versions to narrow down where a problem came from anyway. (But as noted we already know where this one stems from.)
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Robyer on 26 11 2017, 10:42:28
Ratha, ok, I reverted that commit, so it should work again now (in next development build, tomorrow).
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: SpinalBlood on 26 11 2017, 20:15:08
I have tested a program called Nox (Android emulator) and Pidgin. I can connect and talk successfully with both of them

It also works here: https://steamcommunity.com/mobilelogin/

It's then sure that there is no limitation on my account. But now I have tried Miranda again and it is still not connecting

My account still has this problem
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Ratha on 26 11 2017, 21:25:26
My account still has this problem

Can you provide any additional information about your account that might be relevant: (A link to your non-private steam profile might be helpful.) You say your main account does not work in Miranda, but your other account does? What are the main differences between those accounts? Did you do stuff like re-check your login info entered into Miranda? Generally when connecting from a new machine/device with Steam Guard on you should get sent an email with a code to verify your login, are you getting this email / are you entering this information / are you seeing the password popup. Do you use any special ascii characters in your username or password or anything like that? Might be helpful to know some of these things to try and help solve the issue or figure out whats going on.

Edit: Also knowing which version of Miranda you're running as well as if you're using any other plugins would potentially be good too. Really old versions of Miranda had problems with steam accounts set to use Steam's Mobile Authenticator for example, but worked fine for Steam Guard accounts. (For versions that are over a year old anyway.)

Edit 2: I do experience an occasional issue where Miranda will say its connecting to Steam, but never actually connect. Im not sure if this is related to the Steam community servers being down (as usually i can log into the steam client just fine, but not Miranda) or if its some kind of bug in Miranda. To fix this usually i have to close Miranda and wait a few minutes so that any failed connection attempts have timed out, then open it again. --- The former 'bug' also often leads to an issue with the Steam protocol where if you log off and back on very quickly, sometimes Miranda will say you're online, but all of your contacts will still show as offline, yet some of them might have game symbols next to them. What I believe is happening is that Steam probably only sends Miranda a full contact list status update every so often, if you've already gotten one recently, Steam will only send updates to you when a contact changes their status (logs on / idles / starts a new game.) thus causing everyone to show as offline except anyone who has changed since. Logging off and then back on after 2-5 minutes will usually fix this, but sometimes I close the client anyway just to make sure its not some kind of memory leak.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Ratha on 29 11 2017, 06:49:26
EDIT - And just as quickly as it started, it seems to have stopped again before I could update and setup the logging process. From the time I noticed it to the time it had stopped was around 25 minutes.


Looks like Steam servers just started with its duplicate messages thing again (showing duplicate sent and received messages in history, but not seemingly sending duplicate messages to other Steam clients.) Seems to have started within the last 15-90 minutes. Pretty terrible timing for this to show back up again right after issuing a reversion to the patch that was supposed to fix that problem.

Will try and get a netlog and see if I cant provide some useful information about whats actually going on. Gotta perform a backup and update to the newest client before doing that however. (I hadnt even updated to the latest build with the reversion in it yet and was still using the June 20 Steam.dll and it had been working fine, so have to assume its once again a random / intermittent issue with the Steam servers.)

A side note: For those of you who are getting duplicate messages, running DbChecker will remove them from history.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: SpinalBlood on 03 12 2017, 00:43:32
Can you provide any additional information about your account that might be relevant: (A link to your non-private steam profile might be helpful.) You say your main account does not work in Miranda, but your other account does? What are the main differences between those accounts? Did you do stuff like re-check your login info entered into Miranda? Generally when connecting from a new machine/device with Steam Guard on you should get sent an email with a code to verify your login, are you getting this email / are you entering this information / are you seeing the password popup. Do you use any special ascii characters in your username or password or anything like that? Might be helpful to know some of these things to try and help solve the issue or figure out whats going on.

Edit: Also knowing which version of Miranda you're running as well as if you're using any other plugins would potentially be good too. Really old versions of Miranda had problems with steam accounts set to use Steam's Mobile Authenticator for example, but worked fine for Steam Guard accounts. (For versions that are over a year old anyway.)

Edit 2: I do experience an occasional issue where Miranda will say its connecting to Steam, but never actually connect. Im not sure if this is related to the Steam community servers being down (as usually i can log into the steam client just fine, but not Miranda) or if its some kind of bug in Miranda. To fix this usually i have to close Miranda and wait a few minutes so that any failed connection attempts have timed out, then open it again. --- The former 'bug' also often leads to an issue with the Steam protocol where if you log off and back on very quickly, sometimes Miranda will say you're online, but all of your contacts will still show as offline, yet some of them might have game symbols next to them. What I believe is happening is that Steam probably only sends Miranda a full contact list status update every so often, if you've already gotten one recently, Steam will only send updates to you when a contact changes their status (logs on / idles / starts a new game.) thus causing everyone to show as offline except anyone who has changed since. Logging off and then back on after 2-5 minutes will usually fix this, but sometimes I close the client anyway just to make sure its not some kind of memory leak.

- What do you mean non-private? That being private might be a problem for Miranda? Actually I did set my account as private, but I tried now to revert it to public and the login didn't work anyway
- The account where I can login is a brand new one, even though I can't add anyone since I didn't use any money in it, it can still be shown as "online", something that doesn't happen with my main account (there is the icon where the circle is loading, and it's stuck in that state)
- I'm always using latest miranda + plugin nightly versions
- I tried both with steam guard enabled and disabled. When this problem started, steam guard was enabled, and previously I would receive sometimes captcha codes (only once in a while, I don't know the reason for this) but once inserted I could login fine. Not anymore, and no error popups
- No special characters in the password, it's just a long one. But the problem started when the password was much simpler, changing it didn't resolve
- I remember the offline contacts problem, happened from time to time. Trying to login again just fixed it most of the times. On the other hand my account problem has 0% chance of success in login, but I can login with different programs (see previous post)
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Ratha on 03 12 2017, 01:53:49
- What do you mean non-private? That being private might be a problem for Miranda? Actually I did set my account as private, but I tried now to revert it to public and the login didn't work anyway
- The account where I can login is a brand new one, even though I can't add anyone since I didn't use any money in it, it can still be shown as "online", something that doesn't happen with my main account (there is the icon where the circle is loading, and it's stuck in that state)
- I'm always using latest miranda + plugin nightly versions
- I tried both with steam guard enabled and disabled. When this problem started, steam guard was enabled, and previously I would receive sometimes captcha codes (only once in a while, I don't know the reason for this) but once inserted I could login fine. Not anymore, and no error popups
- No special characters in the password, it's just a long one. But the problem started when the password was much simpler, changing it didn't resolve
- I remember the offline contacts problem, happened from time to time. Trying to login again just fixed it most of the times. On the other hand my account problem has 0% chance of success in login, but I can login with different programs (see previous post)

I asked for a  non-private account link just so that we could be sure that there was nothing on the account that might cause it to be blocked from logging in, or any weird anomalies like having 7000 friends or being community banned or having special characters in the name that could potentially cause problems or.. anything really. Since we dont know the cause, having as much available information to research might have helped figure the problem out. (Additionally a Version Information Report would be helpful, that will tell us OS / Version / Plugins and some other useful data.)

1: Have you tried a brand new install of the portable version of Miranda, using a new profile, to try and login with? This might help determine if you might have some setting, corruption, or addon somewhere that could be causing the failure to login in your main client.

2: Do you run any odd resolutions or multi-monitor setup that might cause Miranda's steam guard code entry box to appear off screen or beneath other applications? (Occasionally mine does not seem to show up when expected either due to server issues, or possibly due to the client needing to be closed and re-opened. Have never figured out why sometimes it does not want to connect.)

3: Can you confirm that all emails and guard authentications are sent to your email and or your phone?

4: Do you run any programs that might interfere with the login like ASF card farm or trade bots?

5: Are you trying to use any other remote computer / connections or are you attempting to login with encryption plugins, or are you using a proxy server to connect with?

6: Have you visited the device login management to make sure that you dont have any unauthorized or unknown devices linked to your account / have you tried removing any of them to see if that fixes the problem? https://store.steampowered.com/account/managedevices

7: Are you trying to family share the account with yourself? There are some family sharing settings that can disable access to "friends, chat and groups" http://store.steampowered.com/parental/set

Those are a few things to look at I guess, but a profile link, a Version Info report, and for the devs, a connection log of Steam's attempt to connect to the server might help us figure out whats going on.

Edit:" Additionally you could send a friend request from your main account to your alt account. Your alt account should be able to add friends if they are -sent- a friend request, unless they changed that in the last year or so. That would help ya confirm whether or not your alt account can actually login properly. And if it cannot, then maybe something is firewalling Miranda and stopping it from connecting to Steam? Do you use Miranda with any other messengers successfully?
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: SpinalBlood on 03 12 2017, 15:10:14
CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3450 CPU @ 3.10GHz [Intel64 Family 6 Model 58 Stepping 9] [DEP Enabled] [4 CPUs]
Installed RAM: 3792 MBytes
Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate Edition, 64-bit Service Pack 1 (build 7601)
Internet Explorer: 9.11.9600.17801 (build 99600)
Administrator privileges: Yes
OS Languages: (UI | Locale (User/System)) : Italian/Italian | Italian/Italian
Free disk space on Miranda partition: 402805 MBytes

Miranda NG Version: 0.95.8 alpha build #18897 (d1f75ef5d2) [running inside WOW64]
Build time: 3 Dec 2017 4:06:00
Profile: D:\New\miranda steam\Profiles\temp\temp.dat (dbx mmap driver)
Profile size: 65536 Bytes
Profile creation date: 3 Dec 2017 14:53:17
Language pack: No language pack installed
Service Mode: No

Active Plugins (18):
¤ AdvaImg.dll v. [3 Dec 2017 4:07:46] - Miranda image services
¤ AVS.dll v. [3 Dec 2017 4:06:08] - Avatar service
¤ Clist_modern.dll v. [3 Dec 2017 4:10:16] - Modern contact list
¤ CrashDumper.dll v. [3 Dec 2017 4:11:30] - Crash dumper
¤ DbEditorPP.dll v. [3 Dec 2017 4:11:28] - Database editor++
¤ Dbx_mmap.dll v. [3 Dec 2017 4:06:24] - Miranda NG mmap database driver
¤ Facebook.dll v. [3 Dec 2017 4:09:40] - Facebook RM
¤ GG.dll v. [3 Dec 2017 4:07:20] - Gadu-Gadu protocol
¤ ICQ.dll v. [3 Dec 2017 4:07:32] - IcqOscarJ protocol
¤ Import.dll v. [3 Dec 2017 4:06:20] - Import contacts and messages
¤ IRC.dll v. [3 Dec 2017 4:06:54] - IRC protocol
¤ Jabber.dll v. [3 Dec 2017 4:08:32] - Jabber protocol
¤ MSN.dll v. [3 Dec 2017 4:08:20] - MSN protocol
¤ PluginUpdater.dll v. [3 Dec 2017 4:12:46] - Plugin updater
¤ Popup.dll v. [3 Dec 2017 4:08:42] - Popup plus
¤ Steam.dll v. [3 Dec 2017 4:16:20] - Steam protocol
¤ TabSRMM.dll v. [3 Dec 2017 4:07:26] - TabSRMM
¤ TopToolBar.dll v. [3 Dec 2017 4:10:06] - TopToolBar

Unloadable Plugins (1):
¤ DbChecker.dll v. [3 Dec 2017 4:12:00] - <unknown>
    Plugin statically linked to missing module: mir_core.mir
    Plugin statically linked to missing module: mir_app.mir

Protocols and Accounts:
Facebook                 0 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded
GG                       0 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded
ICQ                      0 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded
IRC                      0 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded
JABBER                   0 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded
MSN                      0 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded
STEAM                    1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded
MetaContacts             1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded

Icon Packs:
 Proto_Facebook.dll [3 Dec 2017 4:21:54]
 Proto_GG.dll [3 Dec 2017 4:21:56]
 Proto_ICQ.dll [3 Dec 2017 4:21:54]
 Proto_IRC.dll [3 Dec 2017 4:21:54]
 Proto_Jabber.dll [3 Dec 2017 4:21:56]
 Proto_MetaContacts.dll [3 Dec 2017 4:22:04]
 Proto_MSN.dll [3 Dec 2017 4:21:56]
 Proto_Steam.dll [3 Dec 2017 4:22:08]
 TabSRMM_icons.dll [3 Dec 2017 4:22:00]
 Toolbar_icons.dll [3 Dec 2017 4:21:52]
 xStatus_ICQ.dll [3 Dec 2017 4:21:56]
 xStatus_Jabber.dll [3 Dec 2017 4:21:58]

Netlog: attached; notice that at 15:09 I close Miranda. The password seems incorrect but it isn't (and yes I double checked in the database entry)

This is my profile (https://steamcommunity.com/id/spinalblood). I have not been banned for something, I don't even play that much, I only use it as a chat or I wouldn't be using it in miranda, I guess...  ;D
A special character would be in the username since it was an email, so it has the "@" character. But I can login on https://steamcommunity.com/mobilelogin/  and same for Pigdin and Nox

1) Yes. The version info above shows a brand new updated profile/folder. I tried to connect before and after switching to debug symbol (for the netlog)
2) I don't remember if the Steam guard code has its own taskbar rectangle, but when the popup used to show up I could see it just fine. I never changed my resolution and it's the native one. I also tested the account on another pc on Windows XP so a problem like the popup is hidden is unlikely
3) I used to receive emails, but not after this problem started; now that the login seems rejected the captcha phase seems not reached at all. At the moment I have disabled steam guard though, but it didn't help when I re-enabled it
4) I don't know these names, and I also rarely install programs so I doubt something in particular is the culprit, especially considering I can login with the other programs
5) No, I only tried two desktops, in particular the one it always worked before
6) This list is empty
7) It's disabled

The friend request worked. I did send the request from the main account on the website, accepted it on the alt account on the website while I was connected in miranda (with the alt account), and miranda saw it. When the main account removed the alt account from the website, miranda saw this as well
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Ratha on 04 12 2017, 02:29:34

Netlog: attached; notice that at 15:09 I close Miranda. The password seems incorrect but it isn't (and yes I double checked in the database entry)

This is my profile (https://steamcommunity.com/id/spinalblood). I have not been banned for something, I don't even play that much, I only use it as a chat or I wouldn't be using it in miranda, I guess...  ;D
A special character would be in the username since it was an email, so it has the "@" character. But I can login on https://steamcommunity.com/mobilelogin/  and same for Pigdin and Nox

1) Yes. The version info above shows a brand new updated profile/folder. I tried to connect before and after switching to debug symbol (for the netlog)
2) I don't remember if the Steam guard code has its own taskbar rectangle, but when the popup used to show up I could see it just fine. I never changed my resolution and it's the native one. I also tested the account on another pc on Windows XP so a problem like the popup is hidden is unlikely
3) I used to receive emails, but not after this problem started; now that the login seems rejected the captcha phase seems not reached at all. At the moment I have disabled steam guard though, but it didn't help when I re-enabled it
4) I don't know these names, and I also rarely install programs so I doubt something in particular is the culprit, especially considering I can login with the other programs
5) No, I only tried two desktops, in particular the one it always worked before
6) This list is empty
7) It's disabled

The friend request worked. I did send the request from the main account on the website, accepted it on the alt account on the website while I was connected in miranda (with the alt account), and miranda saw it. When the main account removed the alt account from the website, miranda saw this as well

EDIT: Everything below this point is irrelevant as I now believe the problem is based on having a username with special characters in it. ("@" "-" and ".") See my next post for relevant information.

I can confirm that an email address with special characters [@ - .] can be used in a Steam login name, and that login names are NOT case sensitive. I dont know if Italian characters are allowed, but you indicated that the login was likely an email address so id assume you didnt use any of those.

I have to admit that im a bit out of ideas so the next set of questions is going to be a bit far reaching. It seems to me like if you're able to use Miranda to login to your new account, but not your old account and your old account's netlog is reporting bad account name or password; I'd be inclined to think thats the problem? Is there any chance that your browser is using a different login name or password than Miranda? You wouldnt get the popup or the Steam guard emails if either of those were incorrectly entered into Miranda (though you did indicate that you even checked the DBEditor to confirm that they were correct.)

If you are logged into either your Steam client or your browser, you should see your -login name- in the upper right corner of the browser while on any Steam page or the Steam client. Make sure that you're using your -login name- (In this case, likely a very old email address) into Miranda and not your community name.

1: Just to confirm: Is your Version Info from your main Miranda client, or a newly downloaded test client? VI indicates that you're using Popup Plus, is there a chance this could be interfering with the Steam popup? Popup does not come with the latest development build https://miranda-ng.org/distr/miranda-ng-alpha-latest_x64.7z but yet your profile was named "temp" This leads me to believe that you tested a new profile on an previously configured copy of Miranda? Could you also be sure to test a completely clean copy of Miranda with both your old and your new Steam account. (Both accounts should be setup with the same Steam Guard settings, either on or off, but preferably on.) Try comparing your netlog from the successful login with the netlog from the failed login to see whats different.

2: Does your login name in Miranda have a space in it? If so thats possibly an indicator that you're trying to login with a community name. (Though in this case your community name does not have a space so is unlikely.))

3: When was the last time you personally entered your password into your browser to log in with. (To make sure that you're not using a password manager / auto login service / browser saved data that has a different password.)

4: When was the last time that you logged into your main account on the Steam client and signed into your friends list? Or any other unofficial client on that account? I checked the profile page and it says "Last Online" 97 days ago. (Granted thats only a measurement of the last time you were "online" on the friends list. Additionally, the last time you played a game on the account seems to be back in 2014. That seems somewhat inactive and unused for an account that you'd said you could login using Pidgin and Nox with.

5: If you try to log into the account using a different browser you should get sent a steamguard email if steamguard is enabled. Are you getting this email? (Confirms that Steam is processing your attempts to login to that account and that the manually typed password is correct. When i go to the mobile login page using your link, Firefox has both my username and password saved for that page.)

6: If you're using an email address to login with, be sure that its the original login-email-address and not the new email address you have linked to your Steam account. (I personally have an account that used an email address for a login ~12 years ago, but it has a different 'contact email address' now.)

Essentially at this point all I can think of is related to trying to confirm that someone didnt hack your account and change the password or email address, and or that when you changed your password some time ago that you didnt mistype it perhaps and that the only valid login for the account is the browser with old credentials.) I dont know if Steam or Miranda have a password size limit, but if you're using a super-long password via a password manager, theres a small possibility that Miranda might not be transmitting the entire thing.

Give me a couple of hours and I will test to see if i can login to my old account (with the email address login) using a brand new copy of Miranda. Theres a tiny possibility that Miranda is having an issue with an email-based username. I can atleast help ya rule that possibility out.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Ratha on 04 12 2017, 02:48:02
My old Steam account uses an email address as a login as well. I decided to attempt to log into that account with Miranda and I am also unable to connect. (Netlog shows a username/password error.) The spinner just sits there spinning forever (10+ minutes) without popping up any kind of error, prompt, or Steam guard auth box.

This almost certainly means that one of two things is happening:

1: Either Miranda cant handle usernames with an email address as the login name. (with the symbols "@" "-" and ".") I can confirm the password and username are correct via the database editor, is this a retrieval problem?
2: Miranda's Steam Guard login is broken. (I use Mobile Auth on my main account, old email-address account still uses Steam Guard.)

Things to try:
A: If you have a phone to link your Steam account to, you could try enabling Mobile Auth and see if that allows you to login.

I seem to recall in the past that there were some issues with both the Steam Guard login, and Mobile Auth logins with Miranda. Its possible that one of  the fixes to the Mobile Auth for Steam broke the Steam Guard login. I am seeing if i can get one of my friends to help me rule out the Steam Guard problem.

EDIT: Had a friend help me test Miranda with Steam Guard based authentication and he was able to login successfully. He was not using an email address as a login name. So that makes me think that Miranda is not properly transmitting the email address-based username / or that its its stripping or omitting the special symbols perhaps.

EDIT2: Added a second netlog. First one is for a Steam account that has an email address as a username. Second one (FakeSteam) is for an account that does not exist and does not use an email address for login. The second account stops trying to connect and closes the connection after a second or two, while the first account with the email address continues to spin the connection icon.

EDIT3: Seems like Miranda is getting stuck at the "CSteamProto::OnAuthorizationError: clear password field" when its unable to login properly according to the netlog. It only seems to get stuck on that message if the account is valid and the password is incorrect. It does not get stuck if the Steam account does not exist. (Tested using both a fake email account name, and a fake non-email account name for the login.) I could be wrong, but this makes me think that Miranda is messing up the password somehow, but only when an email address is used as the username. So.. a database retrieval problem, or a problem in the way Miranda transmits the Username/Password?

Seems like usernames that contain an email address do not appear to be able to login through Miranda. (I tested with Steam Guard, SpinalBlood tested both with and without Steam Guard.) Now I guess its on the Devs to figure out why as thats a bit beyond my ability.

Code: [Select]
--- This is an attempt to login to Steam using Miranda with an email address as the username.

[19:35:14 0B0C] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::SetStatus: changing status from 40071 to 40072
[19:35:14 14F0] [STEAM_1] Send request to https://steamcommunity.com/mobilelogin/getrsakey/
[19:35:14 14F0] [STEAM_1] Connection request to steamcommunity.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[19:35:14 14F0] [STEAM_1] (0000000003F6CBF0) Connecting to server steamcommunity.com:443....
[19:35:14 14F0] [STEAM_1] (0000000003F6CBF0) Connecting to ip ....
[19:35:14 14F0] [STEAM_1] (716) Connected to steamcommunity.com:443
[19:35:14 14F0] [STEAM_1] (716 steamcommunity.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[19:35:14 14F0] [STEAM_1] (716 steamcommunity.com) SSL negotiation successful
[19:35:14 14F0] SSL Server signaled SSL Shutdown
[19:35:14 14F0] [STEAM_1] (0000000003F6CBF0:716) Connection closed internal
[19:35:14 14F0] [STEAM_1] (0000000003F6CBF0:4294967295) Connection closed
[19:35:14 14F0] [STEAM_1] Send request to https://steamcommunity.com/mobilelogin/dologin/
[19:35:14 14F0] [STEAM_1] Connection request to steamcommunity.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[19:35:14 14F0] [STEAM_1] (0000000003F6CBF0) Connecting to server steamcommunity.com:443....
[19:35:14 14F0] [STEAM_1] (0000000003F6CBF0) Connecting to ip ....
[19:35:15 14F0] [STEAM_1] (716) Connected to steamcommunity.com:443
[19:35:15 14F0] [STEAM_1] (716 steamcommunity.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[19:35:15 14F0] [STEAM_1] (716 steamcommunity.com) SSL negotiation successful
[19:35:15 14F0] [STEAM_1] (0000000003F6CBF0:716) Connection closed internal
[19:35:15 14F0] [STEAM_1] (0000000003F6CBF0:4294967295) Connection closed
[19:35:15 14F0] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::OnAuthorizationError: The account name or password that you have entered is incorrect.
[19:35:15 14F0] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::OnAuthorizationError: clear password field


Code: [Select]
--- This is an attempt to login to a Steam account that does not exist while not using an email address as the username.

[22:21:20 1E3C] [FakeSteam] CSteamProto::SetStatus: changing status from 40071 to 40072
[22:21:20 198C] [FakeSteam] Send request to https://steamcommunity.com/mobilelogin/getrsakey/
[22:21:20 198C] [FakeSteam] Connection request to steamcommunity.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[22:21:20 198C] [FakeSteam] (00000000046DA390) Connecting to server steamcommunity.com:443....
[22:21:20 198C] [FakeSteam] (00000000046DA390) Connecting to ip ....
[22:21:20 198C] [FakeSteam] (740) Connected to steamcommunity.com:443
[22:21:20 198C] [FakeSteam] (740 steamcommunity.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[22:21:20 198C] [FakeSteam] (740 steamcommunity.com) SSL negotiation successful
[22:21:21 198C] SSL Server signaled SSL Shutdown
[22:21:21 198C] [FakeSteam] (00000000046DA390:740) Connection closed internal
[22:21:21 198C] [FakeSteam] (00000000046DA390:4294967295) Connection closed
[22:21:21 198C] [FakeSteam] Send request to https://steamcommunity.com/mobilelogin/dologin/
[22:21:21 198C] [FakeSteam] Connection request to steamcommunity.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[22:21:21 198C] [FakeSteam] (00000000046DA390) Connecting to server steamcommunity.com:443....
[22:21:21 198C] [FakeSteam] (00000000046DA390) Connecting to ip ....
[22:21:21 198C] [FakeSteam] (740) Connected to steamcommunity.com:443
[22:21:21 198C] [FakeSteam] (740 steamcommunity.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[22:21:21 198C] [FakeSteam] (740 steamcommunity.com) SSL negotiation successful
[22:21:21 198C] SSL Server signaled SSL Shutdown
[22:21:21 198C] [FakeSteam] (00000000046DA390:740) Connection closed internal
[22:21:21 198C] [FakeSteam] (00000000046DA390:4294967295) Connection closed
[22:21:21 198C] [FakeSteam] CSteamProto::OnAuthorizationError: The account name or password that you have entered is incorrect.
[22:21:21 198C] [FakeSteam] CSteamProto::SetStatus: changing status from 1 to 40071
[22:21:21 19D4] [FakeSteam] Send request to https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamWebUserPresenceOAuth/Logoff/v0001
[22:21:21 19D4] [FakeSteam] Connection request to api.steampowered.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[22:21:21 19D4] [FakeSteam] (00000000046DA390) Connecting to server api.steampowered.com:443....
[22:21:21 19D4] [FakeSteam] (00000000046DA390) Connecting to ip ....
[22:21:21 19D4] [FakeSteam] (960) Connected to api.steampowered.com:443
[22:21:21 19D4] [FakeSteam] (960 api.steampowered.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[22:21:22 19D4] [FakeSteam] (960 api.steampowered.com) SSL negotiation successful
[22:21:22 19D4] SSL Server signaled SSL Shutdown
[22:21:22 19D4] [FakeSteam] (00000000046DA390:960) Connection closed internal
[22:21:22 19D4] [FakeSteam] (00000000046DA390:4294967295) Connection closed
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: SpinalBlood on 05 12 2017, 12:34:51
You did some serious research! Thank you. Seems like I don't have to answer your marked questions
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Robyer on 05 12 2017, 13:08:39
Ratha, good investigation. I just fixed the unending connection with "clear password field" error: https://github.com/miranda-ng/miranda-ng/commit/d00b3533e7d0529e8b47f5684d564d3c2ec25a4d

But cause of it is still unknown for me. To recapitulate - when user uses e-mail as login, then it won't work no matter what password user enters? If you use same password with non-e-mail login, then it connects without problems? So problem is with wrong login procedure or wrong hashing password in case user uses e-mail as login? I may check later how Pidgin does it and if we differ somehow.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Ratha on 05 12 2017, 18:07:23
Ratha, good investigation. I just fixed the unending connection with "clear password field" error: https://github.com/miranda-ng/miranda-ng/commit/d00b3533e7d0529e8b47f5684d564d3c2ec25a4d

But cause of it is still unknown for me. To recapitulate - when user uses e-mail as login, then it won't work no matter what password user enters? If you use same password with non-e-mail login, then it connects without problems? So problem is with wrong login procedure or wrong hashing password in case user uses e-mail as login? I may check later how Pidgin does it and if we differ somehow.

EDIT: To clarify something that might not be clear: Very old Steam accounts (~10-13+ years) allowed (and possibly required?) people to use an email address for their login name. So a steam account either has a username, -or- an email address as its login name. An account can only have one login name, and it cant be changed. (Just to be clear that you cant login with both your current email address and your username. You can only login with your username, and if you have an old account, its probably an email address.)

@SpinalBlood: Correct, you dont need to answer any of the strike-through text questions, however can you confirm that the (new) account that you can login properly with does not use an email address as the login name, but that the one that you cant login with (the old one) does? And can you list all of the special characters that are in that login name? Is it just an @, or is there also a period, or anything else?

@Robyer: It seems that when using a valid email login name with a valid password, that the plugin reports both "CSteamProto::OnAuthorizationError: The account name or password that you have entered is incorrect." and "CSteamProto::OnAuthorizationError: clear password field" (This almost makes me think that the server is waiting for the user to input a new password but theres no password popup from Miranda to satisfy it, so it just sits there indefinitely. Could the solution be as simple as needing to transmit the username first and then the password, instead of sending them both together? Or to perhaps re-transmit the password once that field has popped up?)

(I believe that this is indicating an invalid password has been transmitted, and not an invalid account name because according to my testing, an invalid account name always seems to properly terminate the connection, so if Miranda wasnt sending the email account name properly, I'd expect it to come back as an invalid account and close the connection. However, both an email address login with the correct password, and a non-email address login with the wrong password seem to get stuck with the "CSteamProto::OnAuthorizationError: clear password field" message as the last message in the netlog.

Quick recap:
1: Tested same password on separate email and non-email Steam accounts. (Completely unable to login to account with email username using Miranda.)
2: Valid account (regular login), wrong password = stuck.
3: Valid account (email login), correct password = stuck.
4: Non-valid account = not stuck.

Without making a whole bunch of new accounts to test logging in with, here are the errors for 4 different non-existing accounts. (I dont believe any of these 'got stuck' though i did trigger a captcha warning and had to stop testing.) The only thing that stands out to me as relevant was that when logging in with a valid email-based username, it stops at the "clear password field" error. This makes me think its transmitting the username correctly, because all of the invalid accounts below dont stop with that error. So the problem -seems- to be the password portion of the transmission, but.. only when an email address is used as the username.

"ThisAccountDoesNotExist1" ========== [2DB0] CSteamProto::OnAuthorizationError: The account name or password that you have entered is incorrect.
"ThisAccountDoesNotExist1.com" ======= [161C] CSteamProto::OnAuthorizationError: The account name or password that you have entered is incorrect. (Triggered "captcha needed" too many login attempts.)
"ThisAccountDoesNotExist1@google" ==== [2E74] CSteamProto::OnAuthorizationError: Incorrect account name or password.  Remember that your email address may not match your account name.
"ThisAccountDoesNotExist1@google.com" = [2E74] CSteamProto::OnAuthorizationError: Incorrect account name or password.  Remember that your email address may not match your account name.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Robyer on 05 12 2017, 19:27:45
Ratha, hmm, I didn't know about that old accounts with e-mail as username. As I looked into plugin sources, we doesn't send password directly but rather we use rsa encryption and only send the encrypted password. So there might be some difference between what server expects as password - so when you use old e-mail account, it might expect different encryption algorithm or something.

I think SpinalBlood already verified that in Pidgin it works, but can you check the Pidgin too? I saw commit for Pidgin Steam plugin where they commented out win32 rsa api for some reason - https://github.com/EionRobb/pidgin-opensteamworks/commit/c542694b0a9a6460a7d17ca366b995ba2b9a0cb6  ... perhaps our plugin wrongly hashes that password and that's why it doesn't work?
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Ratha on 05 12 2017, 19:50:19
I dont use pidgin, but if i get a bit of free time in the next day or two i'll try my email account with it and see if it works. He has a very old account like I do so i assume that if it works for him that it'd also work for me.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Robyer on 05 12 2017, 21:51:26
SpinalBlood, Ratha, I commited some change to Steam password enryption, please check new build tomorrow. It probably won't change anything, but also there is slight chance that it will fix the issue for old accounts.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Ratha on 07 12 2017, 00:11:26
SpinalBlood, Ratha, I commited some change to Steam password enryption, please check new build tomorrow. It probably won't change anything, but also there is slight chance that it will fix the issue for old accounts.

Steam-related notes: Miranda x64
- Change to fix the 'stuck at clear password field' now terminate the connection attempt.
- Changes made to password encryption do not seem to have any immediately noticeable effect on attempting to login with an email-based username with SteamGuard, or a standard username with MobileAuth.
- Pidgin: Confirmed successful login attempt with email-based username using this plugin: https://github.com/seishun/SteamPP/releases

Code: [Select]
Netlog for testing new password encryption on Steam account that uses an email address as username on a SteamGuard protected account. - Miranda x64
[16:36:28 2E88] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::SetStatus: changing status from 40071 to 40072
[16:36:28 2E20] [STEAM_1] Send request to https://steamcommunity.com/mobilelogin/getrsakey/
[16:36:28 2E20] [STEAM_1] Connection request to steamcommunity.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[16:36:28 2E20] [STEAM_1] (0000000002B80920) Connecting to server steamcommunity.com:443....
[16:36:28 2E20] [STEAM_1] (0000000002B80920) Connecting to ip ....
[16:36:28 2E20] [STEAM_1] (528) Connected to steamcommunity.com:443
[16:36:28 2E20] [STEAM_1] (528 steamcommunity.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[16:36:28 2E20] [STEAM_1] (528 steamcommunity.com) SSL negotiation successful
[16:36:29 2E20] [STEAM_1] (0000000002B80920:528) Connection closed internal
[16:36:29 2E20] [STEAM_1] (0000000002B80920:4294967295) Connection closed
[16:36:29 2E20] [STEAM_1] Send request to https://steamcommunity.com/mobilelogin/dologin/
[16:36:29 2E20] [STEAM_1] Connection request to steamcommunity.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[16:36:29 2E20] [STEAM_1] (0000000002B80920) Connecting to server steamcommunity.com:443....
[16:36:29 2E20] [STEAM_1] (0000000002B80920) Connecting to ip ....
[16:36:29 2E20] [STEAM_1] (504) Connected to steamcommunity.com:443
[16:36:29 2E20] [STEAM_1] (504 steamcommunity.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[16:36:29 2E20] [STEAM_1] (504 steamcommunity.com) SSL negotiation successful
[16:36:29 2E20] [STEAM_1] (0000000002B80920:504) Connection closed internal
[16:36:29 2E20] [STEAM_1] (0000000002B80920:4294967295) Connection closed
[16:36:29 2E20] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::OnAuthorizationError: The account name or password that you have entered is incorrect.
[16:36:29 2E20] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::OnAuthorizationError: clear password field
[16:36:29 2E20] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::SetStatus: changing status from 1 to 40071
[16:36:29 0920] [STEAM_1] Send request to https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamWebUserPresenceOAuth/Logoff/v0001
[16:36:29 0920] [STEAM_1] Connection request to api.steampowered.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[16:36:29 0920] [STEAM_1] (0000000002B80920) Connecting to server api.steampowered.com:443....
[16:36:29 0920] [STEAM_1] (0000000002B80920) Connecting to ip ....
[16:36:29 0920] [STEAM_1] (768) Connected to api.steampowered.com:443
[16:36:29 0920] [STEAM_1] (768 api.steampowered.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[16:36:30 0920] [STEAM_1] (768 api.steampowered.com) SSL negotiation successful
[16:36:30 0920] [STEAM_1] (0000000002B80920:768) Connection closed internal
[16:36:30 0920] [STEAM_1] (0000000002B80920:4294967295) Connection closed
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Robyer on 07 12 2017, 08:25:34
Ratha, allright, can you download Fiddler (https://www.telerik.com/download/fiddler) to sniff on HTTP communication going on between Miranda/Pidgin<->Steam and compare the login procedure requests what differs? Especially how Pidgin vs Miranda sends the login/password and whether it has same value or not. That would be helpful to know what is wrong in Miranda.

(Note: You must enable in Fiddler to decrypt HTTPS communication + use Fiddler's localhost address as proxy server in Miranda/Pidgin to be able to see the communication going)

Not needed anymore, I found the problem ;-)
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Robyer on 07 12 2017, 14:44:38
Login problem fixed in: https://github.com/miranda-ng/miranda-ng/commit/420614f4a7aabd062ba5d40fa8f872e1160ea162 It was indeed caused by double encoding of username, where @ character was encoded twice, so then password was encrypted incorrectly and thus server throw invalid password error.

You can thank @Ratha for investigation and pointing me to correct way :-)
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Ratha on 07 12 2017, 15:08:27
Ratha, allright, can you download Fiddler (https://www.telerik.com/download/fiddler) to sniff on HTTP communication going on between Miranda/Pidgin<->Steam and compare the login procedure requests what differs? Especially how Pidgin vs Miranda sends the login/password and whether it has same value or not. That would be helpful to know what is wrong in Miranda.

(Note: You must enable in Fiddler to decrypt HTTPS communication + use Fiddler's localhost address as proxy server in Miranda/Pidgin to be able to see the communication going)

I spent about 4 hours this morning trying to figure out how to use Fiddler. I believe that i successfully got it setup to capture Miranda traffic, but i couldnt specifically find any information that seemed relevant to the problem. Miranda seems to be transmitting the correct username. The password its sending is a 344 character string. I dont know if it matters, but it seems to be sending the username in one request, waiting for a reply, then sending both the password and the username again. (The password before the username in the string.) Honestly since i dont have anything to compare to / since i didnt try my main account because it was in use at the time, im not sure what i should be focusing on. If you have any more specific directions on how i should use the program, and more specifically which tabs i should focus on, that'd be quite helpful.

I was not able to figure out how to get it to work with pidgin at all. Pidgin refused to connect to steam when it was active and monitoring connections. When i had first begun trying to figure out how to configure it, it said: "Fiddler's HTTPS Decryption feature is enabled, but this specific tunnel was configured not to be decrypted." however that appears to have gone away and yet it still refuses to capture pidgin traffic other than to tell me that its trying to tunnel, and then fails to tunnel. The very first time i tried pidgin i got more data/errors, but now im just not getting anything and im not sure what i did differently. After about three hours i gave up. I set "HTTP" and port 8888 for pidgin's proxy and have 'decode HTTPs' set in Fiddler. (Oddly Pidgin did not have an HTTPS option for its proxy, but i assume HTTP/HTTPS is interchangeable there.)

Code: [Select]
Additional information from the log:
1: {"success":true,"publickey_mod":" [512 character encrypted string] ","publickey_exp":"010001","timestamp":"133261450000","token_gid":" [17 character string]"}

2: {"success":false,"requires_twofactor":false,"message":"The account name or password that you have entered is incorrect.","clear_password_field":true,"captcha_needed":false,"captcha_gid":-1}

3: <html><head><title>Unauthorized</title></head><body><h1>Unauthorized</h1>Access is denied. Retrying will not help. Please verify your <pre>key=</pre> parameter.</body></html>
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Ratha on 07 12 2017, 15:27:49
Login problem fixed in: https://github.com/miranda-ng/miranda-ng/commit/420614f4a7aabd062ba5d40fa8f872e1160ea162 It was indeed caused by double encoding of username, where @ character was encoded twice, so then password was encrypted incorrectly and thus server throw invalid password error.

You can thank @Ratha for investigation and pointing me to correct way :-)

Glad to be of some help. Sorry the other information didnt reach ya in time to be useful, but happy to hear that my previous testing and general intuition had helped to pinpoint the password as being the component that needed looking into. I dont think i could have added much more given that the password was still encrypted in some form in the output from Fiddler, but the username transmissions looked right, even though it was odd to see them transmitted two separate times.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: SpinalBlood on 08 12 2017, 13:37:14
The first update didn't work but I didn't post in time, the second update indeed worked. Thank you guys!  :THUMBS UP:

Ratha: period was present indeed too, and the secondary account had a standard username (no email)

I honestly can't remember if at the time the mail as username was a must, but it might have been since normally I would prefer a standard username... I think I created Steam in september 2003 (I guess not long after Steam itself was created, lol)
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Ratha on 16 12 2017, 10:06:26
Has anyone else noticed that Miranda has had trouble showing what game someone is playing when you hover over their name/controller icon in the playlist? (Classic Clist + Tipper) (Probably affects modern too)

I tested old versions going back to Build and updated to just to make sure it wasnt a bug in a recent version (it didnt seem to be) but now most of my contacts seem to display this problem. I dont remember ever having this issue on such a large scale in the past except for when someone was playing multiple games at a time. (I asked and a few friends and they were not running two games at once.) I had 14 contacts that were in a game, and only 4 of them showed any XStatus message that was more than just "XStatus: Playing" to indicate either what game they were playing OR what server they were on. (None of the contacts that showed what server they were on also showed what game they were playing, and most contacts didnt even show the game at all.)

I tried capturing a netlog, but it does not update with new info when i hover over one of my contacts to get data about what they're playing. Either for a contact that does display properly or a contact that does not. I checked with a contact that displays properly and one that does not and they're both using the non-beta steam client. They're both using Mobile Auth on their accounts. I've tried logging off and then back onto Steam via Miranda and the same contact still shows what hes playing while everyone else pretty much does not. Ive checked the database to compare entries and the GameID always matches the XStatusId. The "Status" is sometimes different but does not seem to be an indicator of working versus not working, neither does the "State Code" Miranda seems to be able to see the GameID for each contact, its just not updating the XStatusMsg with the game's name thats linked to the ID.

The contact whose game does display properly seems to update properly, and the contact who does not display game data does not update properly, even if he plays the same game as the one that updates properly, and even if he logs on/off and or restarts steam. The Steam client and the Steam website both seem to show what they're playing without any issue. I have some very unorganized netlogs but have not determined if they contain useful information / am not sure that I captured the contact who seems to update their game message when he was transitioning from game to game, versus one who didnt. (Its difficult to get that when they're busy playing.)

Do any of you have any ideas of what else to test / capture to try and diagnose this issue? Can anyone else confirm that they have this issue?

Part of the Database entry for contact that properly displays (Name: Run):
Status 0x9c88 (40072) [40072 appears to mean "Online"]
XStatusId 0x0003A570 (238960)
XStatusMsg Path of Exile
XStatusName Playing

Part of the Database entry for the contact that does not show properly (Name: Vae):
Status 0x9C89 (40073) [40073 appears to mean "Away", but contact was "Online" during testing.]
XStatusId 0x0005E77C (386940)
XStatusMsg [no xstatus message being displayed, should show "Ultimate Chicken Horse"]
XStatusName Playing

CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4670K CPU @ 3.40GHz [Intel64 Family 6 Model 60 Stepping 3] [DEP Enabled] [4 CPUs]
Installed RAM: 24521 MBytes
Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate Edition, 64-bit Service Pack 1 (build 7601)
Internet Explorer: 9.11.9600.18665 (build 99600)
Administrator privileges: Yes
OS Languages: (UI | Locale (User/System)) : English/English | English/English
Free disk space on Miranda partition: 111516 MBytes

Miranda NG Version: 0.95.8 alpha build #18995 (a8b69b3ba3) [running inside WOW64]
Build time: 16 Dec 2017 4:00:38
Profile: C:\Program Files (x86)\Miranda NG\Profiles\Ratha\Ratha.dat (dbx mmap driver)
Profile size: 84148224 Bytes
Profile creation date: 22 Nov 2017 18:26:54
Language pack: No language pack installed
Service Mode: No

Active Plugins (17):
¤ AdvaImg.dll v. [16 Dec 2017 4:02:20] - Miranda image services
¤ AVS.dll v. [16 Dec 2017 4:00:42] - Avatar service
¤ CrashDumper.dll v. [16 Dec 2017 4:03:12] - Crash dumper
¤ DbEditorPP.dll v. [16 Dec 2017 4:03:06] - Database editor++
¤ Dbx_mmap.dll v. [16 Dec 2017 4:00:56] - Miranda NG mmap database driver
¤ Discord.dll v. [16 Dec 2017 4:06:14] - Discord protocol
¤ HistoryPP.dll v. [11 Dec 2017 9:24:52] - History++
¤ ICQ.dll v. [16 Dec 2017 4:01:06] - IcqOscarJ protocol
¤ ImportTXT.dll v. [16 Dec 2017 4:06:40] - Import TXT
¤ PluginUpdater.dll v. [16 Dec 2017 4:03:44] - Plugin updater
¤ SeenPlugin.dll v. [16 Dec 2017 4:01:58] - Last seen
¤ SkypeWeb.dll v. [16 Dec 2017 4:06:00] - Skype protocol (Web)
¤ SpellChecker.dll v. [16 Dec 2017 4:03:08] - Spell checker
¤ Steam.dll v. [16 Dec 2017 4:05:38] - Steam protocol
¤ TabSRMM.dll v. [16 Dec 2017 4:00:56] - TabSRMM
¤ Tipper.dll v. [16 Dec 2017 4:01:58] - Tipper
¤ YAMN.dll v. [16 Dec 2017 4:03:58] - Mail Notifier

Unloadable Plugins (1):
¤ DbChecker.dll v. [16 Dec 2017 4:03:16] - <unknown>
    Plugin statically linked to missing module: mir_core.mir
    Plugin statically linked to missing module: mir_app.mir

Protocols and Accounts:
Discord                  1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded
ICQ                      1 - Enabled 1 - Disabled  Loaded
SKYPE                    1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded
STEAM                    1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded
MetaContacts             1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded
YAMN                     1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded

Icon Packs:
 Flags_icons.dll [16 Dec 2017 4:06:30]
 HistoryPP_icons.dll [16 Dec 2017 4:06:34]
 Proto_Discord.dll [16 Dec 2017 4:06:36]
 Proto_ICQ.dll [16 Dec 2017 4:06:30]
 Proto_MetaContacts.dll [16 Dec 2017 4:06:34]
 Proto_Skype.dll [16 Dec 2017 4:06:34]
 Proto_Steam.dll [16 Dec 2017 4:06:34]
 Proto_Yahoo.dll [13 Feb 2016 21:01:38]
 Proto_YAMN.dll [16 Dec 2017 4:06:34]
 TabSRMM_icons.dll [16 Dec 2017 4:06:34]
 xStatus_ICQ.dll [16 Dec 2017 4:06:32]
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Vulpix on 16 12 2017, 18:22:58
Yeah, I noticed this recently as well. All of my contacts show "Playing" with no game, where previously I could see the game.. not sure what caused this, but none of my contacts now show correct game names, all of them are just playing.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Ratha on 18 12 2017, 10:48:16
I used Miranda on an alt account to log myself as i started to play a game. Here was what seemed to be transmitted (stripped of non relevant personal detail.)

   "players": [
         "steamid": "[Stripped]",
         "communityvisibilitystate": 3,
         "profilestate": 1,
         "personaname": "Ratha Wynter",
         "lastlogoff": 1513581837,
         "commentpermission": 1,
         "profileurl": "[Stripped]",
         "avatar": "https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/avatars/db/[Stripped].jpg",
         "avatarmedium": "https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/avatars/db/[Stripped]_medium.jpg",
         "avatarfull": "https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/avatars/db/[Stripped]_full.jpg",
         "personastate": 1,
         "primaryclanid": "103582791434905547",
         "timecreated": 1192527721,
         "personastateflags": 256,
         "gameid": "252950",
         "loccountrycode": "US"

What seeems to be missing are the entries for: "gameextrainfo": and or "gameserverip":
Currently im not sure if Steam is just not transmitting this data or if Miranda is asking for it incorrectly due to a change in formatting. It seems strange that it would sometimes show up, and (mainly?) for certain contacts and not others.)

I had 8 contacts who were playing games. All 8 them report the gameid but only one of them reported gameextrainfo (the name of the game). A different one reported gameid and gameserverip (the game's server), but not the gameextrainfo. Worth noting is that the two that reported additional information were two of the same people who had done so previously. ('Run' reported gameextrainfo and 'Sir' reported gameserverip, but neither included both.)

I suspect someone with more knowledge about the API is going to need to check into this. I attempted to login to Pidgin to see if it also had issues reporting this information, however i've been -completely- unable to get Pidgin to log me in on either of my accounts using the plugin that i successfully used a few days ago since my attempts to use Fiddler. I even uninstalled Pidgin, and Fiddler, deleted Pidgin's settings in the userfolder, reinstalled, and still have been unable to login. *Update I was able to get a different plugin to work with pidgin. However when I launch a game on my main account while looking at it from my alt, it does not seem to make any indication that im playing a game at all. (I was fairly sure that the other plugin did, but i could be wrong, will have to try and get it working again but so far cant figure out why it stopped.) Spinal Blood might know however, so if he could comment about whether Pidgin shows what game is being played for his contacts we could maybe narrow down the problem to whether its an issue with the Steam API or a problem with Miranda.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Vulpix on 18 12 2017, 11:19:27
It seems to me that the "getusersummaries" (which we use) does not provide this data anymore.
Instead, "getplayersummaries" does; but I have not found a way to query this data using the oauth interface. I'll have another look when I'm home.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Ratha on 18 12 2017, 11:43:51
While i was searching about earlier I stumbled across this page. http://steamwebapi.azurewebsites.net/ I dont know if it has any information that would be useful to what you're looking into but it does seem to contain a fair amount of API information related to commands. It says that there are two versions of getplayersummaries, with v2 being limited to 100 requests/responses only? Im not quite sure how to read that. Info from the top of the page below and theres a specific section for "getplayersummaries" in there. (I wasnt able to find any mention of "getusersummaries") however.

Response format
Responses to the requests can come in three different formats: json, vdf, xml. The default and preferred format is json.
Sample request/response

Request URL
Response Format

Note that the {key} parameter is not filled in because it is a secret that you must provide.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Ratha on 18 12 2017, 15:48:34
I can say for certain that i saw one of my contacts show that they were playing Warframe an hour or so ago, and now when i checked again it just says they're "Playing". So.. its intermittent although tending to fall on the side of not displaying. The only thing that I can think to cause an intermittent issue like that is some kind of rate-limiting from the API or as you suggested maybe the query method. But then you'd expect to see more/different contacts display their game title properly, especially in the case where a user has a very small friends list. (List on my alt account is about 10, where as its 115 on my main.) Sadly i didnt get a log to be able to compare update calls or see what was different.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Vulpix on 18 12 2017, 16:00:00
It is very strange. Nonetheless if you literally grab the oauth token+api command from the netlog of the steam proto and paste it into your browser, you will get exactly this type of reply - without the game listed. It could be an intermittent issue on the side of the API itself, but normal clients that use the other method I mentioned do not have this issue.

Actually the getusersummaries api has almost 0 documentation, and the only valve sanctioned mention of it can be found here: https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Steam_Web_API/Feedback in the feedback section.

However, getplayersummaries seems to require the api key instead of the oauth token; but it also seems like it would be a more reliable way of getting said info:

Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Ratha on 18 12 2017, 19:54:43
I tested "getplayersummaries" by entering it into my browser using http://api.steampowered.com/ISteamUser/GetPlayerSummaries/v0002/?key=[https://steamcommunity.com/dev/apikey]&steamids=[17 Digit Friend ID]

The information that it returned did not include the expected "gameextrainfo" **Edit: However it did return that info for the one user on my steam list who seems to report that info reliably and correctly.

[Info for user which didnt report gameextrainfo:] 'Cyb'
   "response": {
      "players": [
            "steamid": "[Stripped]",
            "communityvisibilitystate": 3,
            "profilestate": 1,
            "personaname": "[Stripped]",
            "lastlogoff": 1513624742,
            "profileurl": "[Stripped]",
            "avatar": "https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/avatars/[Stripped].jpg",
            "avatarmedium": "https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/avatars/[Stripped]_medium.jpg",
            "avatarfull": "https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/avatars/[Stripped]_full.jpg",
            "personastate": 1,
            "primaryclanid": "[Stripped]",
            "timecreated": 1144553331,
            "personastateflags": 0,
            "gameid": "271590"

[Info for user which reported gameextrainfo correctly] 'Run'
   "response": {
      "players": [
            "steamid": "[Stripped]",
            "communityvisibilitystate": 3,
            "profilestate": 1,
            "personaname": "[Stripped]",
            "lastlogoff": 1513183292,
            "profileurl": "[Stripped]",
            "avatar": "https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/avatars/d5/[Stripped].jpg",
            "avatarmedium": "https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/avatars/d5/[Stripped]_medium.jpg",
            "avatarfull": "https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/avatars/d5/[Stripped]_full.jpg",
            "personastate": 4,
            "realname": "[Stripped]",
            "primaryclanid": "[Stripped]",
            "timecreated": 1091041227,
            "personastateflags": 0,
            "gameextrainfo": "Path of Exile",
            "gameid": "238960",
            "loccountrycode": "SE"
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: unsane on 19 12 2017, 07:19:06
Ratha, what kind of info do you need?
If all playing contacts has gameid and name of the game is enough then we can get it from
Code: [Select]
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Vulpix on 19 12 2017, 08:10:42
Hi Unsane! It will work for steam games, however sometimes the contact is playing a non-steam game in which case its name will not come back from this api query. There has to be a way to get all of them because the web client can do it somehow.. hmm.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Ratha on 19 12 2017, 08:51:19
Ratha, what kind of info do you need?
If all playing contacts has gameid and name of the game is enough then we can get it from
Code: [Select]

To be honest, i think just having the game name of Steam games displaying again properly is probably enough for me.

Hi Unsane! It will work for steam games, however sometimes the contact is playing a non-steam game in which case its name will not come back from this api query. There has to be a way to get all of them because the web client can do it somehow.. hmm.

I read on a forum somewhere that back in 2014 or 2015 there was a change that removed custom games from displaying through normal API calls. I believe I even posted in that thread to see if anyone could help us with our current problem, however had not gotten any reply. Im fairly sure that custom games did show up in Miranda until about a year ago though.. so i dont know if that had been fixed / reverted or what. Im honestly not sure where to look for more information about that specifically however.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Ratha on 19 12 2017, 10:15:46
I dont have any clue how Miranda is programmed specifically, but wouldnt referencing that applist for the gameid be cumbersome? The file itself is 4+ megs. (Big enough that it locked up Firefox trying to display it, and locked up chrome while trying to copy paste it. Thankfully it seems you can "save" it after it loads in chrome. Seems odd that we still have these kinds of problems loading text files in 2017. Or maybe its just me!

Im also not aware if its possible to just reference a single line of that file and not have to download the whole thing itself, but seems like a new module would have to be written that would download (and update) that list occasionally, but not too frequently?

Alternatively if there was a way to query the API specifically for each of the players on your list that were not displaying 'gameextrainfo' that Miranda would potentially need to be making a lot of calls to the API every time someone updated their status, which may or may not be an issue. (I believe that there is a limit on the number of API accesses per hour that a client/address can perform, though i dont specifically know the number offhand.) Dont know if this is relevant or currently accurate: https://www.reddit.com/r/Steam/comments/304dft/steam_store_api_is_there_a_throttling_limit_on/ but Jshakles has developed a number of Steam-related programs and browser addons, so id assume the information he posted was fairly accurate at the time.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: unsane on 19 12 2017, 15:47:44
Hi Unsane! It will work for steam games, however sometimes the contact is playing a non-steam game in which case its name will not come back from this api query. There has to be a way to get all of them because the web client can do it somehow.. hmm.
Ratha, Vulpix, is anyone has mobile version of steam (e.g. on android)?
If it work in mobile version i probably can catch traffic and find a way to realize it in miranda.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Ratha on 19 12 2017, 16:33:24
I have an account that uses mobile auth (with a desktop activator), and an account that uses email auth, but i do not have a mobile phone / mobile version of Steam.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: unsane on 28 12 2017, 18:29:12
Ratha, i've made a commit today that should show game name if appid is exists.

To all.  Guys, i made global rafactoring of code, so if something will not work please tell to me about it)
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Vulpix on 28 12 2017, 19:50:15
Sounds great, @unsane ! I saw the refactor commit. Can't wait for it to be compiled :) Thanks for the hard work!

Nice! I can see the steamID'd games now!
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Vulpix on 29 12 2017, 09:11:17
I noticed that the new steam seems to consume an unusually large amount of CPU. (Normally <0.5% , with the new steam logged on, it's at least 6-7%, constant). Nothing jumps at me in the logs so I don't know why this is, but it's definitely because of Steam.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Ratha on 29 12 2017, 22:51:10
I can confirm that whatever was done during the refactoring seems to have fixed the display of game names. I'd be quite curious to know what was done to fix that. I tried reading the commit but it was bit over my head admittedly. Are we making new API calls (and if so what API calls) or are we now manually checking the GameID for each API response since steam (seems) to have stopped providing that through the old API calls?

I can also confirm the exceptionally high Steam CPU usage as of Miranda NG Seems to only exist while Steam is in online mode and stays at 25% (one core) worth of CPU usage for about 10 seconds solid before dipping for about half a second and then going right back up to maximum again. I let the process run until it'd burned 3 minutes of CPU time before logging off which immediately lowered the CPU usage. Looks like the build I was testing was the build prior to the CPUfix update (c4759940cd). Will revert to a previous version for now and try updating again tomorrow to see if its fixed, should better be able to do a before/after comparison then too.

Thanks for all the hard work you guys have been putting into the Steam protocol lately. Not being able to easily see what game friends have been playing during the holiday break has made me realize just how much I used to rely on that feature. Will be great to have it up and running again once all the kinks are worked out.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Vulpix on 30 12 2017, 12:56:57
CPU utilization is fixed but I am not able to send any messages. Rather, tabsrmm complains they are not sent - but they actually do get sent correctly. They do not appear in my history. My contacts can see them, and I also retrieve incoming messages without issues. Spoke to unsane about it, hopefully he can fix it soon :)
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: unsane on 30 12 2017, 16:58:45
Are we making new API calls (and if so what API calls)
I've found new (actually old  :D) api call (https://github.com/miranda-ng/miranda-ng/blob/0156ed41dceeef48f070adf67f14d4ba4c4f6d61/protocols/Steam/src/api/app_info.h) that returns simple data (appid, name ande some picture links). If contact info contain only game id it api will be called additionally.

Vulpix, bug has already been fixed  :-X
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Vulpix on 30 12 2017, 18:35:36
Awesome! :D thanks, can't wait for it to be compiled :3
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Lizard on 31 12 2017, 12:51:17
is there a smiley pack for Steam?  8)
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Ratha on 01 02 2018, 07:22:21
I recently updated to the new Steam build after the refactoring and have noticed that some contacts are showing that they're playing a game when they're not until logging off and back onto Steam again. Can anyone else confirm this? I believe that friends -were- playing said game, but that the plugin didnt update to show that they'd stopped. This leads me to believe that the method in which contacts are being updated is possibly not being done frequently enough, or that Miranda might be missing out on some of the contact updates such as when someone starts/exits a game and more importantly when someone goes on or offline.

Another possibility is that Miranda could have been disconnected from the network and thus isnt receiving updates but still shows that it is online / retained the old data from before it got disconnected. (I should have sent someone a test message to see whether that was the case, or if sending a message would have caused the list to re-update but didnt think about it before logging off/on to fix the game/status issue.)

CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4670K CPU @ 3.40GHz [Intel64 Family 6 Model 60 Stepping 3] [DEP Enabled] [4 CPUs]
Installed RAM: 24521 MBytes
Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate Edition, 64-bit Service Pack 1 (build 7601)
Internet Explorer: 9.11.9600.18665 (build 99600)
Administrator privileges: Yes
OS Languages: (UI | Locale (User/System)) : English/English | English/English
Free disk space on Miranda partition: 84982 MBytes

Miranda NG Version: 0.95.8 alpha build #19227 (f71ba68ef3) [running inside WOW64]
Build time: 27 Jan 2018 12:32:10
Profile: C:\Program Files (x86)\Miranda NG\Profiles\Ratha\Ratha.dat (dbx mmap driver)
Profile size: 85458944 Bytes
Profile creation date: 29 Dec 2017 15:51:49
Language pack: No language pack installed
Service Mode: No

Active Plugins (18):
¤ AdvaImg.dll v. [27 Jan 2018 12:33:32] - Miranda image services
¤ AVS.dll v. [27 Jan 2018 12:32:52] - Avatar service
¤ CrashDumper.dll v. [27 Jan 2018 12:32:42] - Crash dumper
¤ DbEditorPP.dll v. [27 Jan 2018 12:32:42] - Database editor++
¤ Dbx_mdbx.dll v. [27 Jan 2018 12:33:36] - Miranda NG MDBX database driver
¤ Dbx_mmap.dll v. [27 Jan 2018 12:32:14] - Miranda NG mmap database driver
¤ Discord.dll v. [27 Jan 2018 12:33:28] - Discord protocol
¤ HistoryPP.dll v. [11 Dec 2017 9:24:52] - History++
¤ ICQ.dll v. [27 Jan 2018 12:32:18] - IcqOscarJ protocol
¤ ImportTXT.dll v. [16 Dec 2017 4:06:40] - Import TXT
¤ PluginUpdater.dll v. [27 Jan 2018 12:32:42] - Plugin updater
¤ SeenPlugin.dll v. [27 Jan 2018 12:32:24] - Last seen
¤ SkypeWeb.dll v. [27 Jan 2018 12:33:28] - Skype protocol (Web)
¤ SpellChecker.dll v. [27 Jan 2018 12:33:10] - Spell checker
¤ Steam.dll v. [27 Jan 2018 12:33:20] - Steam protocol
¤ TabSRMM.dll v. [27 Jan 2018 12:32:58] - TabSRMM
¤ Tipper.dll v. [27 Jan 2018 12:32:54] - Tipper
¤ YAMN.dll v. [27 Jan 2018 12:32:50] - Mail Notifier

Unloadable Plugins (1):
¤ DbChecker.dll v. [27 Jan 2018 12:32:44] - <unknown>
    Plugin statically linked to missing module: mir_core.mir
    Plugin statically linked to missing module: mir_app.mir

Protocols and Accounts:
Discord                  1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded
ICQ                      1 - Enabled 1 - Disabled  Loaded
SKYPE                    1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded
STEAM                    1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded
MetaContacts             1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Not Loaded
YAMN                     1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded

Icon Packs:
 Flags_icons.dll [27 Jan 2018 12:34:30]
 HistoryPP_icons.dll [16 Dec 2017 4:06:34]
 Proto_Discord.dll [27 Jan 2018 12:34:32]
 Proto_ICQ.dll [27 Jan 2018 12:34:30]
 Proto_MetaContacts.dll [27 Jan 2018 12:34:32]
 Proto_Skype.dll [27 Jan 2018 12:34:32]
 Proto_Steam.dll [27 Jan 2018 12:34:32]
 Proto_Yahoo.dll [13 Feb 2016 21:01:38]
 Proto_YAMN.dll [27 Jan 2018 12:34:32]
 TabSRMM_icons.dll [27 Jan 2018 12:34:32]
 xStatus_ICQ.dll [27 Jan 2018 12:34:32]
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Vulpix on 01 02 2018, 09:34:45
I believe this actually used to be the case before the major changes as well; I'd see people playing even long after they existed the game. I am able to make the comparison because I have some contacts on Discord and Steam at the same time, and I can easily see the discrepancies.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Ratha on 01 02 2018, 18:05:34
I had the opposite experience where it'd update pretty much instantly when someone started playing or stopped playing for me, just couldnt see the game titles back then.

Edit: After spending a bit more time simply observing how Miranda updates the Steam contact list over the course of the day, it seems that the only time the Miranda updates what game someone is playing is when Miranda first logs in, or when the person on your contact list goes offline. It no longer seems to update to show when they've started a game, or when they quit a game.

Since my last login about 12 hours ago it seems like no new 'playing game' notifications have been created and old ones have only been removed by the players logging off and back on again. Definitely appears that things are a bit broken at the moment / that Miranda is not receiving or interpreting updates to gameplay status.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Ratha on 02 02 2018, 08:47:01
I updated to the latest build of Miranda and used an alt Steam account to log what happens to my main account when it starts and stops playing a game. I saved this under Steam_Game_Start_And_Stop_No_SSL.txt. It appears that no game info is being logged on starting or stopping a game from what I can tell by the included logs. (Or if it is, its being done over SSL which I didnt record.)

Additionally, my observation so far is that no game information is logged when a user goes offline and then back online, even while they're still in a game. (I attempted to capture this as well, but the logs looked essentially identical to the one above and so I didnt include it.)

Statuses such as Online, Offline, Away, and Busy seem to be updated on Miranda instantly, although these status changes do not seem to appear in the logs either (like they used to) and are presumably being transmitted over SSL now and thus probably why they dont show up in the logs either.)


CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4670K CPU @ 3.40GHz [Intel64 Family 6 Model 60 Stepping 3] [DEP Enabled] [4 CPUs]
Installed RAM: 24521 MBytes
Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate Edition, 64-bit Service Pack 1 (build 7601)
Internet Explorer: 9.11.9600.18665 (build 99600)
Administrator privileges: Yes
OS Languages: (UI | Locale (User/System)) : English/English | English/English
Free disk space on Miranda partition: 84422 MBytes

Miranda NG Version: 0.95.8 alpha build #19248 (7253436a88) [running inside WOW64]
Build time: 2 Feb 2018 2:01:06
Profile: C:\Users\Ratha\Desktop\Miranda test\Profiles\AltSteam\AltSteam.dat (MDBX database driver)
Profile size: 262144 Bytes
Profile creation date: 2 Feb 2018 0:04:33
Language pack: No language pack installed
Service Mode: No

Active Plugins (11):
¤ AdvaImg.dll v. [27 Jan 2018 12:33:32] - Miranda image services
¤ AVS.dll v. [27 Jan 2018 12:32:52] - Avatar service
¤ CrashDumper.dll v. [27 Jan 2018 12:32:42] - Crash dumper
¤ DbEditorPP.dll v. [27 Jan 2018 12:32:42] - Database editor++
¤ Dbx_mdbx.dll v. [2 Feb 2018 2:02:30] - Miranda NG MDBX database driver
¤ Dbx_mmap.dll v. [2 Feb 2018 2:01:10] - Miranda NG mmap database driver
¤ PluginUpdater.dll v. [27 Jan 2018 12:32:42] - Plugin updater
¤ SeenPlugin.dll v. [27 Jan 2018 12:32:24] - Last seen
¤ Steam.dll v. [2 Feb 2018 2:02:16] - Steam protocol
¤ TabSRMM.dll v. [27 Jan 2018 12:32:58] - TabSRMM
¤ Tipper.dll v. [27 Jan 2018 12:32:54] - Tipper

Unloadable Plugins (1):
¤ DbChecker.dll v. [2 Feb 2018 2:01:38] - <unknown>
    Plugin statically linked to missing module: mir_core.mir
    Plugin statically linked to missing module: mir_app.mir

Protocols and Accounts:
STEAM                    1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded
MetaContacts             1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Not Loaded

Icon Packs:
 Flags_icons.dll [27 Jan 2018 12:34:30]
 Proto_MetaContacts.dll [2 Feb 2018 2:03:36]
 Proto_Steam.dll [2 Feb 2018 2:03:36]
 TabSRMM_icons.dll [27 Jan 2018 12:34:32]
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: unsane on 02 02 2018, 19:43:39
It seems that event ("type": "personastate") arrives for any changes in profile. There is one change in message: status_flags changed from 9055 to 13151 and back.
Ratha, can you check relations between playing or stopped playing event and changes of status_flags?

Post Merge: 02 02 2018, 20:36:47
Anyway, i've revert summary updates when protocol gets "personastate" event.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Ratha on 02 02 2018, 21:26:11
I dont know much about whats going on under the hood in Miranda, however when i log onto steam on my main profile, only 3 of my contacts show 13151 as their status, and all 3 of them are in games.. but when I manually count how many friends are playing games it shows 9 of them are.. and the other 6 of those people have 9055 as their status_flags. But with that said, if i start a game and then quit a game, my status changes from 9055 to 13151 and then back to 9055 again based on the log. So.. im not sure what to make of that.

A quick check of the logs seems to indicate persona states are related to the following:
0 = offline
1 = online
2 = busy
3 = away
4 = not available (long away)
5 = looking to trade
6 = looking to play
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Ratha on 02 02 2018, 22:16:48
I noticed an issue on the tracker earlier and was wondering if it might be related to another issue im seeing: I added a new contact to my list recently (through the Steam client) and while they show up on my Miranda contact list and i can send messages to them, they never show an avatar, or a homepage icon in the contact list like the rest of my Steam friends do. Is that related to the following issue by chance? https://github.com/miranda-ng/miranda-ng/issues/1114

It seems like the proper permissions are being sent as otherwise I shouldnt be able to converse with the new contact, however the fact that im never able to see their avatar, and that their homepage icon never updates or shows up makes me think that adding the contact never creates the proper database entries for those things to be stored and displayed perhaps?

Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Ratha on 04 02 2018, 18:19:39
Seems as if Commit https://github.com/miranda-ng/miranda-ng/commit/5c145450b7aa7d4a59a7565d196fe67cec4f8880 may have fixed the Steam game xstatus updating issue.

Will need to do a bit more testing perhaps, and aside from being unable to report people who are "In non-Steam game" seems like ya got that functionality working again. :)

Out of curiosity, what was the polling error rate limit fix/addition for?
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: unsane on 04 02 2018, 18:37:39
Ratha, it's for maintenance tuesday: it's count of unsuccessful attempts to get poll data before logout.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Ratha on 06 02 2018, 23:21:03
*Possible* bug in the Steam protocol when Miranda cannot contact the Steam servers due to community going offline for maintenance (according to the Steam client itself anyway.)  When Miranda lost connection to Steam i attempted to log back on (my contacts still showed they were playing games even though they were all offline.) Logging back on didnt work after 15 seconds so I tried to log off entirely first with the intent to log back on.) After trying to log off to clear the gameplay markers, Miranda locked up for ~4 minutes with no CPU usage or anything, just a complete hang, no crash. Had to kill with task manager.

Anyone else experience anything like that recently?

CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4670K CPU @ 3.40GHz [Intel64 Family 6 Model 60 Stepping 3] [DEP Enabled] [4 CPUs]
Installed RAM: 24521 MBytes
Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate Edition, 64-bit Service Pack 1 (build 7601)
Internet Explorer: 9.11.9600.18665 (build 99600)
Administrator privileges: Yes
OS Languages: (UI | Locale (User/System)) : English/English | English/English
Free disk space on Miranda partition: 89372 MBytes

Miranda NG Version: 0.95.8 alpha build #19258 (45780b4afd) [running inside WOW64]
Build time: 4 Feb 2018 15:44:34
Profile: C:\Program Files (x86)\Miranda NG\Profiles\Ratha\Ratha.dat (dbx mmap driver)
Profile size: 85655552 Bytes
Profile creation date: 29 Dec 2017 15:51:49
Language pack: No language pack installed
Service Mode: No

Active Plugins (18):
¤ AdvaImg.dll v. [27 Jan 2018 12:33:32] - Miranda image services
¤ AVS.dll v. [27 Jan 2018 12:32:52] - Avatar service
¤ CrashDumper.dll v. [27 Jan 2018 12:32:42] - Crash dumper
¤ DbEditorPP.dll v. [27 Jan 2018 12:32:42] - Database editor++
¤ Dbx_mdbx.dll v. [4 Feb 2018 15:46:00] - Miranda NG MDBX database driver
¤ Dbx_mmap.dll v. [4 Feb 2018 15:44:40] - Miranda NG mmap database driver
¤ Discord.dll v. [2 Feb 2018 2:02:22] - Discord protocol
¤ HistoryPP.dll v. [11 Dec 2017 9:24:52] - History++
¤ ICQ.dll v. [27 Jan 2018 12:32:18] - IcqOscarJ protocol
¤ ImportTXT.dll v. [16 Dec 2017 4:06:40] - Import TXT
¤ PluginUpdater.dll v. [27 Jan 2018 12:32:42] - Plugin updater
¤ SeenPlugin.dll v. [27 Jan 2018 12:32:24] - Last seen
¤ SkypeWeb.dll v. [2 Feb 2018 2:02:22] - Skype protocol (Web)
¤ SpellChecker.dll v. [27 Jan 2018 12:33:10] - Spell checker
¤ Steam.dll v. [4 Feb 2018 15:45:46] - Steam protocol
¤ TabSRMM.dll v. [27 Jan 2018 12:32:58] - TabSRMM
¤ Tipper.dll v. [27 Jan 2018 12:32:54] - Tipper
¤ YAMN.dll v. [27 Jan 2018 12:32:50] - Mail Notifier

Unloadable Plugins (1):
¤ DbChecker.dll v. [4 Feb 2018 15:45:10] - <unknown>
    Plugin statically linked to missing module: mir_core.mir
    Plugin statically linked to missing module: mir_app.mir

Protocols and Accounts:
Discord                  1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded
ICQ                      1 - Enabled 1 - Disabled  Loaded
SKYPE                    1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded
STEAM                    1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded
MetaContacts             1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Not Loaded
YAMN                     1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded

Icon Packs:
 Flags_icons.dll [27 Jan 2018 12:34:30]
 HistoryPP_icons.dll [16 Dec 2017 4:06:34]
 Proto_Discord.dll [2 Feb 2018 2:03:36]
 Proto_ICQ.dll [27 Jan 2018 12:34:30]
 Proto_MetaContacts.dll [4 Feb 2018 15:46:56]
 Proto_Skype.dll [2 Feb 2018 2:03:36]
 Proto_Steam.dll [4 Feb 2018 15:46:56]
 Proto_Yahoo.dll [13 Feb 2016 21:01:38]
 Proto_YAMN.dll [27 Jan 2018 12:34:32]
 TabSRMM_icons.dll [27 Jan 2018 12:34:32]
 xStatus_ICQ.dll [27 Jan 2018 12:34:32]
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Ratha on 13 02 2018, 18:03:12
Bit of an oddity: Steam kicked me offline on Miranda about 45 minutes ago, however im able to log in and out of Friends and Community with my browser and with the Steam client. (And even the webchat works in browser. Uncertain as to why Miranda wouldnt be able to connect. Could possibly be related to making too many API calls perhaps? Will try changing IP addresses and seeing if im able to reconnect afterward.

My alt account (with an email username) seems to be able to login just fine.

- IP change had no effect.
- Was able to login using a 'test' copy of Miranda, same version, fewer plugins, no profile. Makes me suspect database corruption or an expired token of some kind?
- Was still unable to login to main account using main profile after successfully logged in with other client.
- Ran the DB Checker with aggressive check. Still unable to login.
- Ran Database Editor++, cleared the Steam Account entry for "TokenSecret" (Token didnt *appear* to be corrupted, but hard to know for sure.)
- After clearing the 32 digit TokenSecret entry, I was prompted to re-enter my Mobile Auth (was not getting that before) and I am now able to login again.

Starting in offline mode, a Miranda netlog grabs this:
[10:50:18 2CF8] [Steam_Ratha] CSteamProto::SetStatus: changing status from 40071 to 40072
[10:50:18 2F04] [Steam_Ratha] Connection request to api.steampowered.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[10:50:18 2F04] [Steam_Ratha] (00567618) Connecting to server api.steampowered.com:443....
[10:50:18 2F04] [Steam_Ratha] (00567618) Connecting to ip ....
[10:50:18 2F04] [Steam_Ratha] (520) Connected to api.steampowered.com:443
[10:50:18 2F04] [Steam_Ratha] (520 api.steampowered.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[10:50:18 2F04] [Steam_Ratha] (520 api.steampowered.com) SSL negotiation successful
[10:50:18 2F04] [Steam_Ratha] (00567618:520) Data sent
POST /ISteamWebUserPresenceOAuth/Logon/v0001 HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
User-Agent: Miranda/
Accept-Encoding: deflate, gzip
Host: api.steampowered.com
Connection: Keep-Alive
Proxy-Connection: Keep-Alive
Content-Length: 57

access_token=[32 Character Access Token]&ui_mode=web
[10:50:19 2F04] SSL Server signaled SSL Shutdown
[10:50:19 2F04] [Steam_Ratha] (00567618:520) Data received
HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
Content-Length: 174
Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
Expires: Tue, 13 Feb 2018 17:50:18 GMT
Cache-Control: max-age=0, no-cache, no-store
Pragma: no-cache
Date: Tue, 13 Feb 2018 17:50:18 GMT
Connection: close

<html><head><title>Unauthorized</title></head><body><h1>Unauthorized</h1>Access is denied. Retrying will not help. Please verify your <pre>key=</pre> parameter.</body></html>
[10:50:19 2F04] [Steam_Ratha] (00567618:520) Connection closed internal
[10:50:19 2F04] [Steam_Ratha] (00567618:4294967295) Connection closed
[10:50:19 2F04] [Steam_Ratha] CSteamProto::OnLoggedOn: unknown login error
[10:50:19 2F04] [Steam_Ratha] CSteamProto::SetStatus: changing status from 1 to 40071
[10:50:19 2F04] [Steam_Ratha] Connection request to api.steampowered.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[10:50:19 2F04] [Steam_Ratha] (00567618) Connecting to server api.steampowered.com:443....
[10:50:19 2F04] [Steam_Ratha] (00567618) Connecting to ip ....
[10:50:19 2F04] [Steam_Ratha] (520) Connected to api.steampowered.com:443
[10:50:19 2F04] [Steam_Ratha] (520 api.steampowered.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[10:50:19 2F04] [Steam_Ratha] (520 api.steampowered.com) SSL negotiation successful
[10:50:19 2F04] [Steam_Ratha] (00567618:520) Data sent
POST /ISteamWebUserPresenceOAuth/Logoff/v0001 HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
User-Agent: Miranda/
Accept-Encoding: deflate, gzip
Host: api.steampowered.com
Connection: Keep-Alive
Proxy-Connection: Keep-Alive
Content-Length: 71

access_token=[32 Character Access Token]&umqid=[19 Character UMQID]
[10:50:19 2F04] SSL Server signaled SSL Shutdown
[10:50:19 2F04] [Steam_Ratha] (00567618:520) Data received
HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
Content-Length: 174
Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
Expires: Tue, 13 Feb 2018 17:50:18 GMT
Cache-Control: max-age=0, no-cache, no-store
Pragma: no-cache
Date: Tue, 13 Feb 2018 17:50:18 GMT
Connection: close

<html><head><title>Unauthorized</title></head><body><h1>Unauthorized</h1>Access is denied. Retrying will not help. Please verify your <pre>key=</pre> parameter.</body></html>
[10:50:19 2F04] [Steam_Ratha] (00567618:520) Connection closed internal
[10:50:19 2F04] [Steam_Ratha] (00567618:4294967295) Connection closed

CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4670K CPU @ 3.40GHz [Intel64 Family 6 Model 60 Stepping 3] [DEP Enabled] [4 CPUs]
Installed RAM: 24521 MBytes
Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate Edition, 64-bit Service Pack 1 (build 7601)
Internet Explorer: 9.11.9600.18665 (build 99600)
Administrator privileges: Yes
OS Languages: (UI | Locale (User/System)) : English/English | English/English
Free disk space on Miranda partition: 99728 MBytes

Miranda NG Version: 0.95.8 alpha build #19258 (45780b4afd) [running inside WOW64]
Build time: 4 Feb 2018 15:44:34
Profile: C:\Program Files (x86)\Miranda NG\Profiles\Ratha\Ratha.dat (dbx mmap driver)
Profile size: 85786624 Bytes
Profile creation date: 29 Dec 2017 15:51:49
Language pack: No language pack installed
Service Mode: No

Active Plugins (18):
¤ AdvaImg.dll v. [27 Jan 2018 12:33:32] - Miranda image services
¤ AVS.dll v. [27 Jan 2018 12:32:52] - Avatar service
¤ CrashDumper.dll v. [27 Jan 2018 12:32:42] - Crash dumper
¤ DbEditorPP.dll v. [27 Jan 2018 12:32:42] - Database editor++
¤ Dbx_mdbx.dll v. [4 Feb 2018 15:46:00] - Miranda NG MDBX database driver
¤ Dbx_mmap.dll v. [4 Feb 2018 15:44:40] - Miranda NG mmap database driver
¤ Discord.dll v. [2 Feb 2018 2:02:22] - Discord protocol
¤ HistoryPP.dll v. [11 Dec 2017 9:24:52] - History++
¤ ICQ.dll v. [27 Jan 2018 12:32:18] - IcqOscarJ protocol
¤ ImportTXT.dll v. [16 Dec 2017 4:06:40] - Import TXT
¤ PluginUpdater.dll v. [27 Jan 2018 12:32:42] - Plugin updater
¤ SeenPlugin.dll v. [27 Jan 2018 12:32:24] - Last seen
¤ SkypeWeb.dll v. [2 Feb 2018 2:02:22] - Skype protocol (Web)
¤ SpellChecker.dll v. [27 Jan 2018 12:33:10] - Spell checker
¤ Steam.dll v. [4 Feb 2018 15:45:46] - Steam protocol
¤ TabSRMM.dll v. [27 Jan 2018 12:32:58] - TabSRMM
¤ Tipper.dll v. [27 Jan 2018 12:32:54] - Tipper
¤ YAMN.dll v. [27 Jan 2018 12:32:50] - Mail Notifier

Unloadable Plugins (1):
¤ DbChecker.dll v. [4 Feb 2018 15:45:10] - <unknown>
    Plugin statically linked to missing module: mir_core.mir
    Plugin statically linked to missing module: mir_app.mir

Protocols and Accounts:
Discord                  1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded
ICQ                      1 - Enabled 1 - Disabled  Loaded
SKYPE                    1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded
STEAM                    1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded
MetaContacts             1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Not Loaded
YAMN                     1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded

Icon Packs:
 Flags_icons.dll [27 Jan 2018 12:34:30]
 HistoryPP_icons.dll [16 Dec 2017 4:06:34]
 Proto_Discord.dll [2 Feb 2018 2:03:36]
 Proto_ICQ.dll [27 Jan 2018 12:34:30]
 Proto_MetaContacts.dll [4 Feb 2018 15:46:56]
 Proto_Skype.dll [2 Feb 2018 2:03:36]
 Proto_Steam.dll [4 Feb 2018 15:46:56]
 Proto_Yahoo.dll [13 Feb 2016 21:01:38]
 Proto_YAMN.dll [27 Jan 2018 12:34:32]
 TabSRMM_icons.dll [27 Jan 2018 12:34:32]
 xStatus_ICQ.dll [27 Jan 2018 12:34:32]
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Ratha on 13 04 2018, 00:12:37
EDIT: Took about 2 hours, but seems to have resolved itself. Still unsure why Miranda couldnt login but the other webclient and main client could, maybe the logs below will be of some use.

Anyone else having trouble logging into Steam via Miranda?
Both the webclient using Firefox, and Friends list through the Steam client seem to be working.

Miranda 0.95.8 #19258 (45780b4afd) with UserName and Mobile Auth fails to login even after clearing the TokenSecret DB entry which often fixes the unable to login issue.
Miranda 0.95.8 #19778 (b342481c3a) with UserName and Mobile Auth fails to login.
Miranda 0.95.8 #19778 (b342481c3a) with EmailName and Email Auth fails to login. (No netlog provided.)

CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4670K CPU @ 3.40GHz [Intel64 Family 6 Model 60 Stepping 3] [DEP Enabled] [4 CPUs]
Installed RAM: 24521 MBytes
Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate Edition, 64-bit Service Pack 1 (build 7601)
Internet Explorer: 9.11.9600.18665 (build 99600)
Administrator privileges: Yes
OS Languages: (UI | Locale (User/System)) : English/English | English/English
Free disk space on Miranda partition: 82546 MBytes

Miranda NG Version: 0.95.8 alpha build #19258 (45780b4afd) [running inside WOW64]
Build time: 4 Feb 2018 16:44:34
Profile: C:\Program Files (x86)\Miranda NG\Profiles\Ratha\Ratha.dat (dbx mmap driver)
Profile size: 87097344 Bytes
Profile creation date: 29 Dec 2017 16:51:49
Language pack: No language pack installed
Service Mode: No

Active Plugins (18):
¤ AdvaImg.dll v. [27 Jan 2018 13:33:32] - Miranda image services
¤ AVS.dll v. [27 Jan 2018 13:32:52] - Avatar service
¤ CrashDumper.dll v. [27 Jan 2018 13:32:42] - Crash dumper
¤ DbEditorPP.dll v. [27 Jan 2018 13:32:42] - Database editor++
¤ Dbx_mdbx.dll v. [4 Feb 2018 16:46:00] - Miranda NG MDBX database driver
¤ Dbx_mmap.dll v. [4 Feb 2018 16:44:40] - Miranda NG mmap database driver
¤ Discord.dll v. [2 Feb 2018 3:02:22] - Discord protocol
¤ HistoryPP.dll v. [11 Dec 2017 10:24:52] - History++
¤ ICQ.dll v. [27 Jan 2018 13:32:18] - IcqOscarJ protocol
¤ ImportTXT.dll v. [16 Dec 2017 5:06:40] - Import TXT
¤ PluginUpdater.dll v. [27 Jan 2018 13:32:42] - Plugin updater
¤ SeenPlugin.dll v. [27 Jan 2018 13:32:24] - Last seen
¤ SkypeWeb.dll v. [2 Feb 2018 3:02:22] - Skype protocol (Web)
¤ SpellChecker.dll v. [27 Jan 2018 13:33:10] - Spell checker
¤ Steam.dll v. [4 Feb 2018 16:45:46] - Steam protocol
¤ TabSRMM.dll v. [27 Jan 2018 13:32:58] - TabSRMM
¤ Tipper.dll v. [27 Jan 2018 13:32:54] - Tipper
¤ YAMN.dll v. [27 Jan 2018 13:32:50] - Mail Notifier

Unloadable Plugins (1):
¤ DbChecker.dll v. [4 Feb 2018 16:45:10] - <unknown>
    Plugin statically linked to missing module: mir_core.mir
    Plugin statically linked to missing module: mir_app.mir

Protocols and Accounts:
Discord                  1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded
ICQ                      1 - Enabled 1 - Disabled  Loaded
SKYPE                    1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded
STEAM                    1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded
MetaContacts             1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Not Loaded
YAMN                     1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded

Icon Packs:
 Flags_icons.dll [27 Jan 2018 13:34:30]
 HistoryPP_icons.dll [16 Dec 2017 5:06:34]
 Proto_Discord.dll [2 Feb 2018 3:03:36]
 Proto_ICQ.dll [27 Jan 2018 13:34:30]
 Proto_MetaContacts.dll [4 Feb 2018 16:46:56]
 Proto_Skype.dll [2 Feb 2018 3:03:36]
 Proto_Steam.dll [4 Feb 2018 16:46:56]
 Proto_Yahoo.dll [13 Feb 2016 22:01:38]
 Proto_YAMN.dll [27 Jan 2018 13:34:32]
 TabSRMM_icons.dll [27 Jan 2018 13:34:32]
 xStatus_ICQ.dll [27 Jan 2018 13:34:32]

0.95.8 #19258 (45780b4afd) - Netlog after TokenSecret entry was cleared
[17:48:55 206C] [Steam_Ratha] CSteamProto::SetStatus: changing status from 40071 to 40072
[17:48:55 4384] [Steam_Ratha] Connection request to steamcommunity.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[17:48:55 4384] [Steam_Ratha] (006475A8) Connecting to server steamcommunity.com:443....
[17:48:55 4384] [Steam_Ratha] (006475A8) Connecting to ip ....
[17:48:55 4384] [Steam_Ratha] (1384) Connected to steamcommunity.com:443
[17:48:55 4384] [Steam_Ratha] (1384 steamcommunity.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[17:48:55 4384] [Steam_Ratha] (1384 steamcommunity.com) SSL negotiation successful
[17:48:56 4384] [Steam_Ratha] (006475A8:1384) Connection closed internal
[17:48:56 4384] [Steam_Ratha] (006475A8:4294967295) Connection closed
[17:48:56 4384] [Steam_Ratha] Connection request to steamcommunity.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[17:48:56 4384] [Steam_Ratha] (006475A8) Connecting to server steamcommunity.com:443....
[17:48:56 4384] [Steam_Ratha] (006475A8) Connecting to ip ....
[17:48:56 4384] [Steam_Ratha] (1384) Connected to steamcommunity.com:443
[17:48:56 4384] [Steam_Ratha] (1384 steamcommunity.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[17:48:56 4384] [Steam_Ratha] (1384 steamcommunity.com) SSL negotiation successful
[17:48:57 4384] SSL Server signaled SSL Shutdown
[17:48:57 4384] [Steam_Ratha] (006475A8:1384) Connection closed internal
[17:48:57 4384] [Steam_Ratha] (006475A8:4294967295) Connection closed
[17:48:57 4384] [Steam_Ratha] CSteamProto::OnAuthorizationError: requires twofactor
[17:49:01 4384] [Steam_Ratha] Connection request to steamcommunity.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[17:49:01 4384] [Steam_Ratha] (006475A8) Connecting to server steamcommunity.com:443....
[17:49:01 4384] [Steam_Ratha] (006475A8) Connecting to ip ....
[17:49:01 4384] [Steam_Ratha] (1560) Connected to steamcommunity.com:443
[17:49:01 4384] [Steam_Ratha] (1560 steamcommunity.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[17:49:01 4384] [Steam_Ratha] (1560 steamcommunity.com) SSL negotiation successful
[17:49:02 4384] SSL Server signaled SSL Shutdown
[17:49:02 4384] [Steam_Ratha] (006475A8:1560) Connection closed internal
[17:49:02 4384] [Steam_Ratha] (006475A8:4294967295) Connection closed
[17:49:02 4384] [Steam_Ratha] Connection request to steamcommunity.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[17:49:02 4384] [Steam_Ratha] (006475A8) Connecting to server steamcommunity.com:443....
[17:49:02 4384] [Steam_Ratha] (006475A8) Connecting to ip ....
[17:49:02 4384] [Steam_Ratha] (1132) Connected to steamcommunity.com:443
[17:49:02 4384] [Steam_Ratha] (1132 steamcommunity.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[17:49:02 4384] [Steam_Ratha] (1132 steamcommunity.com) SSL negotiation successful
[17:49:02 4384] [Steam_Ratha] (006475A8:1132) Connection closed internal
[17:49:02 4384] [Steam_Ratha] (006475A8:4294967295) Connection closed
[17:49:02 4384] [Steam_Ratha] Connection request to steamcommunity.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[17:49:02 4384] [Steam_Ratha] (006475A8) Connecting to server steamcommunity.com:443....
[17:49:02 4384] [Steam_Ratha] (006475A8) Connecting to ip ....
[17:49:03 4384] [Steam_Ratha] (1560) Connected to steamcommunity.com:443
[17:49:03 4384] [Steam_Ratha] (1560 steamcommunity.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[17:49:03 4384] [Steam_Ratha] (1560 steamcommunity.com) SSL negotiation successful
[17:49:03 4384] SSL Server signaled SSL Shutdown
[17:49:03 4384] [Steam_Ratha] (006475A8:1560) Data received
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: Apache
X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN
Content-Security-Policy: script-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval' https://steamcommunity-a.akamaihd.net/ https://api.steampowered.com/ *.google-analytics.com https://www.google.com https://www.gstatic.com https://apis.google.com; object-src 'none'; connect-src 'self' http://steamcommunity.com https://steamcommunity.com https://api.steampowered.com/ http://store.steampowered.com/ https://store.steampowered.com/ wss://community.steam-api.com/websocket/ ws://; frame-src 'self' steam: http://store.steampowered.com/ https://store.steampowered.com/ https://www.youtube.com https://www.google.com https://sketchfab.com https://player.vimeo.com;
Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT
Cache-Control: no-cache
Content-Length: 205
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2018 23:49:02 GMT
Connection: close
Set-Cookie: sessionid=[24 Character SessionID]; path=/
Set-Cookie: steamCountry=US%7C5df45420c7b316d73ddaf54ef7a22c85; path=/

{"success":true,"categories":[{"label":"Push Notifications","url":"https:\/\/steamcommunity.com\/mobilesettings\/community"},{"label":"Privacy Settings","url":"https:\/\/steamcommunity.com\/my\/privacy"}]}
[17:49:03 4384] [Steam_Ratha] (006475A8:1560) Data received
{"success":true,"categories":[{"label":"Push Notifications","url":"https:\/\/steamcommunity.com\/mobilesettings\/community"},{"label":"Privacy Settings","url":"https:\/\/steamcommunity.com\/my\/privacy"}]}
[17:49:03 4384] [Steam_Ratha] (006475A8:1560) Connection closed internal
[17:49:03 4384] [Steam_Ratha] (006475A8:4294967295) Connection closed
[17:49:03 4384] [Steam_Ratha] Connection request to api.steampowered.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[17:49:03 4384] [Steam_Ratha] (00647C20) Connecting to server api.steampowered.com:443....
[17:49:03 4384] [Steam_Ratha] (00647C20) Connecting to ip ....
[17:49:03 4384] [Steam_Ratha] (1560) Connected to api.steampowered.com:443
[17:49:03 4384] [Steam_Ratha] (1560 api.steampowered.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[17:49:04 4384] [Steam_Ratha] (1560 api.steampowered.com) SSL negotiation successful
[17:49:04 4384] [Steam_Ratha] (00647C20:1560) Data sent
POST /ISteamWebUserPresenceOAuth/Logon/v0001 HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
User-Agent: Miranda/
Accept-Encoding: deflate, gzip
Host: api.steampowered.com
Connection: Keep-Alive
Proxy-Connection: Keep-Alive
Content-Length: 57

access_token=[32 Character Token]&ui_mode=web
[17:49:34 4384] [Steam_Ratha] src\netlibhttp.cpp 523: HttpPeekFirstResponseLine Failed (1460 10)
[17:49:34 4384] [Steam_Ratha] (00647C20:1560) Connection closed internal
[17:49:34 4384] [Steam_Ratha] (00647C20:4294967295) Connection closed
[17:49:34 4384] [Steam_Ratha] CSteamProto::OnLoggedOn: unknown login error
[17:49:34 4384] [Steam_Ratha] CSteamProto::SetStatus: changing status from 1 to 40071
[17:49:34 4384] [Steam_Ratha] Connection request to api.steampowered.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[17:49:34 4384] [Steam_Ratha] (00647C20) Connecting to server api.steampowered.com:443....
[17:49:34 4384] [Steam_Ratha] (00647C20) Connecting to ip ....
[17:49:34 4384] [Steam_Ratha] (1560) Connected to api.steampowered.com:443
[17:49:34 4384] [Steam_Ratha] (1560 api.steampowered.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[17:49:34 4384] [Steam_Ratha] (1560 api.steampowered.com) SSL negotiation successful
[17:49:34 4384] [Steam_Ratha] (00647C20:1560) Data sent
POST /ISteamWebUserPresenceOAuth/Logoff/v0001 HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
User-Agent: Miranda/
Accept-Encoding: deflate, gzip
Host: api.steampowered.com
Connection: Keep-Alive
Proxy-Connection: Keep-Alive
Content-Length: 71

access_token=[32 Character Token]&umqid=[19 Character UMQID]
[17:49:40 4384] [Steam_Ratha] (00647C20:1560) Data received
HTTP/1.1 503 Service Unavailable
Server: AkamaiGHost
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/html
Content-Length: 272
Expires: Thu, 12 Apr 2018 23:49:39 GMT
Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2018 23:49:39 GMT
Connection: close

<TITLE>Service Unavailable</TITLE>
<H1>Service Unavailable - Zero size object</H1>
The server is temporarily unable to service your request.  Please try again
Reference #15.1f081160.1523576979.b3b291
[17:49:40 4384] [Steam_Ratha] (00647C20:1560) Data received
<TITLE>Service Unavailable</TITLE>
<H1>Service Unavailable - Zero size object</H1>
The server is temporarily unable to service your request.  Please try again
Reference #15.1f081160.1523576979.b3b291
[17:49:40 4384] [Steam_Ratha] (00647C20:1560) Connection closed internal
[17:49:40 4384] [Steam_Ratha] (00647C20:4294967295) Connection closed

0.95.8 #19778 (b342481c3a) - Netlog using existing TokenSecret
[18:00:32 1294] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::SetStatus: changing status from 40071 to 40072
[18:00:32 2224] [STEAM_1] Connection request to api.steampowered.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[18:00:32 2224] [STEAM_1] (005B8290) Connecting to server api.steampowered.com:443....
[18:00:32 2224] [STEAM_1] (005B8290) Connecting to ip ....
[18:00:32 2224] [STEAM_1] (948) Connected to api.steampowered.com:443
[18:00:32 2224] [STEAM_1] (948 api.steampowered.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[18:00:32 2224] [STEAM_1] (948 api.steampowered.com) SSL negotiation successful
[18:00:32 2224] [STEAM_1] (005B8290:948) Data sent
POST /ISteamWebUserPresenceOAuth/Logon/v0001 HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
User-Agent: Miranda/
Accept-Encoding: deflate, gzip
Host: api.steampowered.com
Connection: Keep-Alive
Proxy-Connection: Keep-Alive
Content-Length: 57

access_token=[32 Character Token]&ui_mode=web
[18:00:35 2224] [STEAM_1] w:\miranda-build\src\mir_app\src\netlibhttp.cpp 523: HttpPeekFirstResponseLine Failed (1460 10)
[18:00:35 2224] [STEAM_1] (005B8290:948) Connection closed internal
[18:00:35 2224] [STEAM_1] (005B8290:4294967295) Connection closed
[18:00:35 2224] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::OnLoggedOn: unknown login error
[18:00:35 2224] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::SetStatus: changing status from 1 to 40071
[18:00:35 2224] [STEAM_1] Connection request to api.steampowered.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[18:00:35 2224] [STEAM_1] (005B8290) Connecting to server api.steampowered.com:443....
[18:00:35 2224] [STEAM_1] (005B8290) Connecting to ip ....
[18:00:35 2224] [STEAM_1] (848) Connected to api.steampowered.com:443
[18:00:35 2224] [STEAM_1] (848 api.steampowered.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[18:00:35 2224] [STEAM_1] (848 api.steampowered.com) SSL negotiation successful
[18:00:35 2224] [STEAM_1] (005B8290:848) Data sent
POST /ISteamWebUserPresenceOAuth/Logoff/v0001 HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
User-Agent: Miranda/
Accept-Encoding: deflate, gzip
Host: api.steampowered.com
Connection: Keep-Alive
Proxy-Connection: Keep-Alive
Content-Length: 71

access_token=[32 Character Token]&umqid=[19 Character UMQID]
[18:00:38 2224] [STEAM_1] w:\miranda-build\src\mir_app\src\netlibhttp.cpp 523: HttpPeekFirstResponseLine Failed (1460 10)
[18:00:38 2224] [STEAM_1] (005B8290:848) Connection closed internal
[18:00:38 2224] [STEAM_1] (005B8290:4294967295) Connection closed
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: ghazan on 15 04 2018, 20:15:23
error 1460 means timeout
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Vulpix on 15 04 2018, 20:21:01
There was some kind of issue with steam at that time I believe. Mine was down as well. Might be that the site is running closer to the server so it was not affected (maybe because of a routing issue), or simply that it uses a different API than miranda (which it does for some calls)... but yeah your guess is as good as mine.

Picture of the outage:

Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Ratha on 10 05 2018, 08:10:48
Is it possible for TabSRMM to display Steam game's Xstatus message in the message window / container titlebar?

My current titlebar setting is: %n (%s) I've tried using %m, %x, and %t, but none of those seem to cover the 'playing game' message.

Right now (as far as im aware) the only way within Miranda to find out what game a friend is playing seems to be to find them in your contact list and then hover over their gameplay icon to find out. (This assumes of course that you have extra icons enabled and Tipper installed / configured to display Xstatus in a popup.

Was thinking that being able to see what game someone is playing just by glancing at the titlebar while you were talking to them might be useful. (While hovering over the gameplay icon on the contact list can be a very useful feature, it is also a little time consuming when you have hundreds of people in your contact list, many of which are often hidden behind different groups and subgroups.)
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Ratha on 12 05 2018, 20:57:41
I posted a new issue to the tracker regarding adding new Steam users to your contact list:

Why new users sometimes dont show up after being added:
- You have "Hide Empty Groups" and have an empty "Unsorted" group. (New contacts are not counted as users, they wont make the group appear.)
- User might be offline and might have been added to your contact list under their 18 digit SteamID instead of their username.

Why new users new users sometimes disappear from the contact list:
- Disabling / Re-enabling groups, Hiding offline users, and Hiding empty groups (things that sort the contact list?) seem to cause them to disappear.

Why new users sometimes reappear:
- When they change status modes, or when you log off and back on they may reappear (only if they are online when you log on?) (They may also may reappear when they send you a message.)

- Close and restart Miranda after adding the new contact to your list. New users should now count in group totals, and should not disappear anymore.

Additional issue to keep in mind, possibly related to why some 'lost' contacts may occasionally reappear:
- There is a bug with the Steam protocol that causes some Steam friends to appear offline when they are not. This seems to be the result of losing connection and being reconnected (without receiving a full / periodic contact list update?) The list will slowly repopulate over time as users change their statuses, but the only way to know for sure who is actually online is often to log out and back in. Seems like this issue may be the result of only updating the contact list on user state changes, but fails to account for brief periods of disconnection where the protocol does not go fully offline, thus any state changes that happened while you were not receiving them are lost. (Strangely this usually manifests itself as most contacts being offline when they are actually online. Its like the protocol notices that you were disconnected and sets everyone offline, but then it only does a partial state update when reconnecting instead of a full status update.) (As of posting I dont know if this issue is being tracked. Is there a way to browse/sort open/closed issues by protocol?)
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Vulpix on 12 05 2018, 21:02:52
First of all, awesome :D you really work hard :)

As for the steam issue with "sometimes getting wrong offline state" and then "updating only if people change their status", this has been an issue for a long time:


But then it got resolved... I guess it came back. I have actually noticed it myself some time ago, but was too busy to log a ticket and then forgot..
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Ratha on 12 05 2018, 22:44:02
Thanks, the 'new user does not show up' problem has been a thorn in my side for a very long time, i finally sort of figured out what was going on when i noticed that newly added users were  not being shown as actual full contacts / that they didnt count as part of a group. That explained a bunch of the different problems that i had been having, so once i understood that was an issue it became a lot easier to sit down and diagnose the problem. Still took like 8 hours worth of testing and checking different things to document the problem to that point though. Its not a complete picture, but I think i've narrowed it down far enough that someone might be able to figure out. :)

Regarding the 'sometimes wrong offline state' issue. I have not noticed the problem with 'logging on and off too quickly' in quite awhile, not since nearish to the Steam refactoring update anyway. That part of it -seems- to have been resolved as far as my recent experiences are concerned. I manually tested logging off and on 3 times in a row (in under 10 seconds) and didnt have any issues, more testing might be needed though. The remaining issue feels like its got more due to some sort of internal automatic reconnection thread not downloading the full contact list update after an automated reconnect.

Question: Is there a place where the developers working on Miranda tend to have active discussions about bugs, changes, and updates? I read the commits every couple of days, but there tend to be some really big changes happening (like protocol removals and the database update) and yet i cant find much discussion of those things on the forums. Miranda forums largely appear to be dead most of the time, though I admit that i cant read the russian threads. The reason I ask is because it'd be nice to stay informed about the changes happening, and sometimes when im trying to diagnose or track down an issue it would be helpful to be able to talk to a few of the people who are involved a little more directly.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Vulpix on 12 05 2018, 22:52:51
I think there is a telegram group :D but I don't use telegram (cause it's not supported in Miranda :p) so... no idea. I generally just talk to the devs directly when they have time.

And I agree it has something to do with the internal reconnection - because Steam as a chat protocol is so unstable, this reconnection is not a rare occurrence, and as such this kind of "wrong offline state" issue happens fairly often. I usually notice it when I see too few people online in my contact list, and I relog to get the actual state. Obviously not ideal and should be fixed.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Ratha on 12 05 2018, 23:14:24
Thats exactly when I notice it has happened as well. I have a contact who is -always- online, and when i see them offline, I know something is wrong. Logging out and back in seems to resolve the issue instantly, and i know from looking at the logs that the protocol downloads quite a bit of contact information each time you manually reconnect, which is why i believe that mini-disconnects or auto-reconnects might not be performing the same download of data.

Recently (2 weeks ago) i started using Status Manager to help with the 'random disconnects' that seemed to be occurring with Steam, Skype, and Discord. Since starting to use it, I have noticed an increase in the number of 'Steam user is actually online but shows as offline' errors compared to when i was not using it. I dont remember having it as frequently before using it, but then i'd probably be disconnected for 30-45 minutes before noticing that i was offline in the past, allowing any network issues time to resolve itself before manually reconnecting.

If the issue is due to Steam's servers, that -might- explain the disconnections as well as why we're not getting a full Steam status updates sometimes. (Such as reconnecting to the service before the server is capable of sending full status updates again?) As far as I know, my connection is pretty solid, wired, and im not having any problems with my router (that im aware of.) Ive never -felt- any disconnections happening when my messengers randomly go offline though and i browse and play games often enough that major connection issues would be easily noticed.

But so far I've not been able to specifically link it to a network problem on their end (or mine), and scrubbing a network log from Steam of personal information over a 24 hour period in an attempt to catch the issue happening would be an exceptional amount of work. I have a feeling it would be a 30-50 meg log file and it took me 45 minutes just to read and scrub a 50k log file last time around. Doing that to a log that was 500-1000 times the size without knowing what i was looking for would be exceedingly painful. :P
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: SpinalBlood on 03 06 2018, 11:06:56
I doubt it, but just to be sure, this doesn't involve Miranda, right?

Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Vulpix on 03 06 2018, 11:08:08
Yep, not at all. We're polling the steam web API, we do not use any of the client libraries or anything like that.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Ratha on 12 06 2018, 20:14:46
Just a quick heads up that there may be some major changes coming to the client and web-based Steam chat in the next couple of weeks or months: https://steamcommunity.com/updates/chatupdate

Not sure how or if this is going to affect Miranda, but anyone who relies on the current version of chat in Miranda to do Steam chat with may need to be prepared for a possible disruption if/when they deploy the update to everyone.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: unsane on 13 06 2018, 18:35:17
Hmm, i suppose it shouldn't affects Miranda. Of course if they not disable old api  :)
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Vulpix on 13 06 2018, 18:47:06
I actually thought of this too. If it does break the API, I do use steam in Miranda a lot so that would be very sad :p
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Scrappy on 20 06 2018, 08:50:57
...well i can not connect anymore with steam chat, is there a sollution on the way or is this the end (yet another protocol dead ?  :'( )...
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Ratha on 20 06 2018, 09:38:46
When you say you're unable to connect, what does that mean? Does that mean you try and theres an error, whats the error? Does that mean you try and nothing happens, does that mean you try but that the mobile authenticator does not pop up asking you for a token? Did you check to see if you can login via Steam friends? Did you check the web chat to see if it was working? You'll have to provide a bit more information, especially things like your Version Info report and a Netlog of you trying to connect in order to get the best help.

Im having no trouble connecting using Miranda (Couple months old developer build.) However it does seem like Steam has had some connectivity issues according to the graph here: https://steamstat.us/ and https://twitter.com/SteamStatus

If you're able to connect via the webchat https://steamcommunity.com/chat/ then you might want to try quitting Miranda, waiting 15 minutes and then launching and trying to reconnect again.

If you're using mobile auth and attempting to connect but not getting a popup asking you for your authenticator code, then you might try:
- Close Miranda, make a backup of your profile.
- Install / Run Miranda's Database Editor++ plugin.
- Find the Settings > Steam_[Username] category.
- Search for and open the "TokenSecret" entry.
- Clear the 32 digit number in the entry, hit okay, close the editor.
- Restart Miranda and attempt to reconnect.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Scrappy on 20 06 2018, 15:16:11
CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700HQ CPU @ 2.60GHz [Intel64 Family 6 Model 94 Stepping 3] [DEP Enabled] [8 CPUs]
Installed RAM: 16317 MBytes
Microsoft Windows 10 , 64-bit (build 14393)
Internet Explorer: 9.11.14393.0 (build 914393)
Administrator privileges: No
OS Languages: (UI | Locale (User/System)) : Dutch/Dutch | Dutch/Dutch
Free disk space on Miranda partition: 131532 MBytes

Miranda NG Version: build #19977 (0d7a2e72d2) x64
Build time: 14 Jun 2018 0:09:42
Profile: C:\Tools\MirandaNG\Profiles\scrappy\scrappy.dat (MDBX database driver)
Profile size: 4194304 Bytes
Profile creation date: 25 May 2018 9:05:57
Language pack: No language pack installed
Service Mode: No

Active Plugins (60):
¤ AddContactPlus.dll v. [11 May 2018 22:29:44] - Add contact+
¤ AuthState.dll v. [11 May 2018 22:29:26] - Authorization state
¤ AutoShutdown.dll v. [11 May 2018 22:30:08] - Auto shutdown
¤ AvatarHistory.dll v. [11 May 2018 22:30:10] - Avatar history
¤ AVS.dll v. [11 May 2018 22:29:26] - Avatar service
¤ BASS_interface.dll v. [11 May 2018 22:30:08] - BASS Interface
¤ BossKey.dll v. [11 May 2018 22:29:26] - BossKey+
¤ ClientChangeNotify.dll v. [11 May 2018 22:29:50] - Client change notify
¤ Clist_nicer.dll v. [11 May 2018 22:29:32] - Clist nicer
¤ Cln_skinedit.dll v. [11 May 2018 22:29:26] - Skin editor for Clist nicer
¤ CrashDumper.dll v. [19 May 2018 14:15:16] - Crash dumper
¤ Db_autobackups.dll v. [11 May 2018 22:29:34] - Db autobackuper
¤ DbEditorPP.dll v. [11 May 2018 22:29:56] - Database editor++
¤ Dbx_mdbx.dll v. [14 Jun 2018 0:11:08] - Miranda NG MDBX database driver
¤ Dbx_mmap.dll v. [14 Jun 2018 0:09:48] - Miranda NG mmap database driver
¤ Dummy.dll v. [14 Jun 2018 0:10:52] - Dummy protocol
¤ Facebook.dll v. [5 Jun 2018 15:26:30] - Facebook
¤ Fingerprint.dll v. [14 Jun 2018 0:10:30] - Fingerprint NG
¤ GG.dll v. [11 May 2018 22:29:44] - Gadu-Gadu protocol
¤ historypp.dll v. [5 Jun 2018 15:27:36] - History++
¤ HTTPServer.dll v. [11 May 2018 22:30:12] - HTTPServer
¤ ICQ.dll v. [11 May 2018 22:29:32] - IcqOscarJ protocol
¤ IEView.dll v. [11 May 2018 22:29:36] - IEView
¤ Import.dll v. [14 Jun 2018 0:10:14] - Import contacts and messages
¤ IRC.dll v. [19 May 2018 14:14:50] - IRC protocol
¤ Jabber.dll v. [11 May 2018 22:29:56] - Jabber protocol
¤ KeyboardNotify.dll v. [11 May 2018 22:29:44] - Keyboard notify ext.
¤ LinkList.dll v. [11 May 2018 22:29:32] - History linklist plus
¤ ListeningTo.dll v. [11 May 2018 22:29:48] - ListeningTo
¤ MenuEx.dll v. [11 May 2018 22:29:40] - Menu item ext
¤ MobileState.dll v. [11 May 2018 22:30:04] - Mobile state
¤ mRadio.dll v. [5 May 2018 13:40:34] - mRadio Mod
¤ MSN.dll v. [5 Jun 2018 15:26:22] - MSN protocol
¤ mTextControl.dll v. [11 May 2018 22:29:34] - Miranda text control
¤ MyDetails.dll v. [11 May 2018 22:30:00] - My details
¤ NewEventNotify.dll v. [11 May 2018 22:29:50] - NewEventNotify
¤ NewXstatusNotify.dll v. [11 May 2018 22:29:36] - xStatus notify
¤ Nudge.dll v. [11 May 2018 22:29:34] - Nudge
¤ PackUpdater.dll v. [11 May 2018 22:30:06] - Pack updater
¤ PluginUpdater.dll v. [11 May 2018 22:30:02] - Plugin updater
¤ PManagerEx.dll v. [11 May 2018 22:30:00] - Miranda NG profile changer
¤ Popup.dll v. [19 May 2018 14:15:00] - Popup plus
¤ Restart.dll v. [11 May 2018 22:30:02] - Restart
¤ SeenPlugin.dll v. [11 May 2018 22:29:40] - Last seen
¤ SimpleStatusMsg.dll v. [5 Jun 2018 15:26:08] - Simple status message
¤ SkypeWeb.dll v. [11 May 2018 22:30:36] - Skype protocol (Web)
¤ SmileyAdd.dll v. [14 Jun 2018 0:10:24] - SmileyAdd
¤ SplashScreen.dll v. [11 May 2018 22:29:40] - Splash screen
¤ StatusManager.dll v. [5 Jun 2018 15:27:06] - Status manager
¤ Steam.dll v. [5 Jun 2018 15:27:00] - Steam protocol
¤ StopSpam.dll v. [11 May 2018 22:29:40] - StopSpam+
¤ TabSRMM.dll v. [5 Jun 2018 15:25:58] - TabSRMM
¤ Tipper.dll v. [11 May 2018 22:29:40] - Tipper
¤ TopToolBar.dll v. [11 May 2018 22:29:48] - TopToolBar
¤ Twitter.dll v. [11 May 2018 22:29:56] - Twitter protocol
¤ UserGuide.dll v. [11 May 2018 22:29:42] - User guide
¤ Variables.dll v. [11 May 2018 22:29:56] - Variables
¤ Watrack.dll v. [5 May 2018 13:40:36] - Winamp Track
¤ Weather.dll v. [11 May 2018 22:30:06] - Weather
¤ WhenWasIt.dll v. [11 May 2018 22:29:42] - Birthday reminder

Weather ini files:
 Accu-Intl-XML.ini v. [6 Mar 2013 8:37:28] - AccuWeather Intl
 gismeteo.ini v.2012.05.03 [12 Aug 2017 11:23:46] - GisMeteo
 msn.ini v.2014-11-08 [12 Aug 2017 11:23:46] - MSN Weather (New Layout)
 weatherxml.ini v. 2009-07-16 [12 Aug 2017 11:23:46] - WeatherXML
 wundergrnd_intl.ini v.2011/02/13 [12 Aug 2017 11:23:46] - Weather Underground Int'l
 wundergrnd_xml.ini v.2011/02/13 [12 Aug 2017 11:23:46] - Weather Underground XML

Protocols and Accounts:
AIM                      0 - Enabled 1 - Disabled  Loaded
Facebook                 1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded
GG                       1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded
ICQ                      1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded
IRC                      1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded
JABBER                   1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded
MSN                      0 - Enabled 1 - Disabled  Loaded
SKYPE                    1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded
STEAM                    1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded
Twitter                  1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded
WhatsApp                 0 - Enabled 1 - Disabled  Loaded
YAHOO                    0 - Enabled 1 - Disabled  Loaded

Icon Packs:
 Fp_icons.dll [14 Jun 2018 0:11:28]
 HistoryPP_icons.dll [5 Jun 2018 15:27:32]
 Proto_AIM.dll [9 Nov 2017 12:52:10]
 Proto_conn_Skype.dll [26 Sep 2013 11:25:58]
 Proto_Dummy.dll [14 Jun 2018 0:11:28]
 Proto_Facebook.dll [5 Jun 2018 15:27:30]
 Proto_GG.dll [11 May 2018 22:31:00]
 Proto_ICQ.dll [11 May 2018 22:31:00]
 Proto_IRC.dll [19 May 2018 14:16:32]
 Proto_Jabber.dll [11 May 2018 22:31:00]
 Proto_MetaContacts.dll [14 Jun 2018 0:11:28]
 Proto_mRadio.dll [5 May 2018 13:40:32]
 Proto_MSN.dll [5 Jun 2018 15:27:32]
 Proto_Skype.dll [11 May 2018 22:31:00]
 Proto_Steam.dll [5 Jun 2018 15:27:32]
 Proto_Twitter.dll [11 May 2018 22:31:00]
 Proto_Weather.dll [11 May 2018 22:31:00]
 Proto_WhatsApp.dll [9 Nov 2017 12:52:12]
 Proto_Yahoo.dll [27 Sep 2016 17:46:06]
 TabSRMM_icons.dll [5 Jun 2018 15:27:32]
 Toolbar_icons.dll [11 May 2018 22:31:00]
 Watrack_buttons.dll [5 May 2018 13:40:36]
 Watrack_icons.dll [5 May 2018 13:40:36]
 xStatus_ICQ.dll [11 May 2018 22:31:00]
 xStatus_Jabber.dll [11 May 2018 22:31:00]

it just doesn't connect, no popups, no error msg, nothing. I dit had an update of the steam software and the original steam chat software works.

i will try the option of clearing the tokensecret entry.....

Well that did the trick, its working again THX !!!  :THUMBS UP: :DRINK:

Bud why did it reset ?? Was that something Steam did ??
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Ratha on 20 06 2018, 16:14:23
Couldnt tell you what causes it to break, only that sometimes it does. Happens once every couple of months for me. My guess is that Steam forces the authentication token to expire occasionally but Miranda does not know how to interpret the login error, so it just keeps trying without realizing it needs to ask the user to re-authenticate for a new token.

Would be nice if there were an option to force reauthentication / clear the token without having to use the editor as currently thats the only way I know of to fix the issue where you just cant login, short of creating a new Miranda profile anyway. Would also be great if Miranda reported login errors with notification windows to more easily diagnose whats going on instead of just watching it try to connect and then having it stop. But thats probably quite a bit of additional work especially given how few developers there are to work on the project as is. We're probably just lucky that it stays working as well as it does, as I cant even imagine having to go back to using the Steam client again, Miranda is just so much more useful and usable.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Goraf on 20 06 2018, 17:30:10
Ratha, if you think of something as simple as just a button in options which will clear token entry in database then it should be fairly easy to implement. And feel free to spam issue tracker with every enhancement you can think of. Even if noone will be able to implement them in the near future, is much easier to track them there.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Ratha on 20 07 2018, 01:38:25
This may or may not be relevant in the future:


"The Steam Beta Client has been updated with the following changes:
New Steam Chat
Changed Steam Chat to load from a new dedicated domain. NOTE: This will reset many Chat UI settings to their defaults, such as open chat windows, chat room member list collapsing, and voice settings. This is a one-time reset when you update."
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Ratha on 25 07 2018, 23:35:53
EDIT: Steam patched the 'offline/invisible mode overrides other clients bug' Here (https://steamcommunity.com/groups/SteamClientBeta#announcements/detail/1721949565417100410) "Fixed invisible mode being set per client so you can have one client that is always in invisible mode regardless of the state of other connected clients."

Steam has published the new chat client to the main branch. So far here are my observations with regard to how it interacts (buggily) with Miranda, and a few tips for anyone who is having problems:

Buggy Behavior with New Steam Client: (How New Steam Client settings affect Miranda)
- If your status in the Steam client is set to Offline (via right click System Tray icon) you will appear Offline to all your friends even if Miranda says you are Online.
- If your status in the Steam client is set to Invisible (via Friends List) you will appear Offline even if Miranda says you are Online.

Ideally, Miranda will probably need to be updated so that it reports as online to the webchat protocol again and overrides the Steam client's Offline and Invisible setting (assuming thats possible.)

Temporary Workaround:
Launching "Steam.exe -nochatui -nofriendsui" will revert the friends list update and allow you to properly set yourself as offline on the Steam client while showing up as Online/Mobile in Miranda.
NOTE: To fix "away" status: Launch Steam with these settings, log into Friends, change your status to online (twice), and then log back out again. Then you need to log off and back in with Miranda.

Old Steam Client Behavior: (Same as -nochatui -nofriendsui)
- Steam client set to offline, Miranda set to Online: You appear as Online/Web to your friends. Setting Online in the Steam client overrides Miranda and allows game info to be displayed. (Desired behavior.)

New Steam Client Behavior: (Steam Client Info Only)
- If you set yourself to Offline, you will receive popup notifications, chat windows, and sounds through Steam. (Steam treats this mode like Online, except it shows you as Offline, even when you're not.)
- If you set yourself to Invisible, you will not receive popup notifications, chat windows, or sounds, unless you have a Steam chat window open with the person who is sending the message. (Steam treats this mode as 'quiet mode' + offline.)

The new Steam chat does not appear to have a proper offline mode. This might be a bug / oversight with the Steam client however. 'Offline' mode behaves identically to Online mode (Showing popups, chat windows, and sounds) except that you appear offline. (Invisible mode behaves closer to the old Offline mode.) The only way to access the fake 'Offline' mode is through the System Tray, but because the new Steam client still has you connected to Friends even when in 'Offline' mode, thats likely why it overrides Miranda's settings.

CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4670K CPU @ 3.40GHz [Intel64 Family 6 Model 60 Stepping 3] [DEP Enabled] [4 CPUs]
Installed RAM: 24521 MBytes
Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate Edition, 64-bit Service Pack 1 (build 7601)
Internet Explorer: 9.11.9600.18665 (build 99600)
Administrator privileges: Yes
OS Languages: (UI | Locale (User/System)) : English/English | English/English
Free disk space on Miranda partition: 123483 MBytes

Miranda NG Version: 0.95.8 alpha build #19890 (5d651e838c) [running inside WOW64]
Build time: 26 Apr 2018 2:01:02
Profile: C:\Program Files (x86)\Miranda NG\Profiles\Ratha\Ratha.dat (MDBX database driver)
Profile size: 120586240 Bytes
Profile creation date: 29 Dec 2017 16:51:49
Language pack: No language pack installed
Service Mode: No

Active Plugins (18):
¤ AVS.dll v. [26 Apr 2018 2:01:06] - Avatar service
¤ CrashDumper.dll v. [26 Apr 2018 2:01:34] - Crash dumper
¤ DbEditorPP.dll v. [26 Apr 2018 2:01:34] - Database editor++
¤ Dbx_mdbx.dll v. [26 Apr 2018 2:02:26] - Miranda NG MDBX database driver
¤ Dbx_mmap.dll v. [26 Apr 2018 2:01:14] - Miranda NG mmap database driver
¤ Discord.dll v. [26 Apr 2018 2:02:26] - Discord protocol
¤ historypp.dll v. [18 Apr 2018 22:19:56] - History++
¤ ICQ.dll v. [26 Apr 2018 2:01:10] - IcqOscarJ protocol
¤ ImportTXT.dll v. [26 Apr 2018 2:02:46] - Import TXT
¤ PluginUpdater.dll v. [26 Apr 2018 2:01:40] - Plugin updater
¤ SeenPlugin.dll v. [26 Apr 2018 2:01:22] - Last seen
¤ SkypeWeb.dll v. [26 Apr 2018 2:02:20] - Skype protocol (Web)
¤ SpellChecker.dll v. [26 Apr 2018 2:02:02] - Spell checker
¤ StatusManager.dll v. [2 May 2018 2:01:46] - Status manager
¤ Steam.dll v. [26 Apr 2018 2:02:16] - Steam protocol
¤ TabSRMM.dll v. [26 Apr 2018 2:01:12] - TabSRMM
¤ Tipper.dll v. [26 Apr 2018 2:01:22] - Tipper
¤ YAMN.dll v. [26 Apr 2018 2:01:42] - Mail Notifier

Protocols and Accounts:
Discord                  1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded
ICQ                      1 - Enabled 1 - Disabled  Loaded
SKYPE                    1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded
STEAM                    1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded
MetaContacts             1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Not Loaded
YAMN                     1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded

Icon Packs:
 Flags_icons.dll [26 Apr 2018 2:02:42]
 HistoryPP_icons.dll [26 Apr 2018 2:02:44]
 Proto_Discord.dll [26 Apr 2018 2:02:44]
 Proto_ICQ.dll [26 Apr 2018 2:02:42]
 Proto_MetaContacts.dll [26 Apr 2018 2:02:44]
 Proto_Skype.dll [26 Apr 2018 2:02:44]
 Proto_Steam.dll [26 Apr 2018 2:02:44]
 Proto_Yahoo.dll [13 Feb 2016 22:01:38]
 Proto_YAMN.dll [26 Apr 2018 2:02:44]
 TabSRMM_icons.dll [26 Apr 2018 2:02:44]
 xStatus_ICQ.dll [26 Apr 2018 2:02:44]
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Smiling Spectre on 17 08 2018, 22:39:22

All last time (last half-year at least) Steam protocol have two mostly harmless but annoying errors:

1. Time to time protocol "silently" goes offline. It appears online, and I see my contacts as it was on moment of disconnect (but not see any change in status, obviously), but if I try to send any message to anyone, I receive "You are not logged in" error. Disconnect/connect usually solve this error.

2. If network disappears during work of Steam plugin (going to hybernation is most common case for me), plugin reacts as if all my contacts disappeared. I got a ton of message pop-ups "ignir deleted from your contacts", "ivanov deleted from your contacts", and so on, until I lost everyone (all 100+ men). Again, if I am exit Miranda (as I have no patience to click thru 100+ popups) and start it again, plugin returns all contacts back - and I _had_ to click all this 100+ popups, only this time they said "ignir returned to your contacts", etc. *sigh*.

Case is not restricted to hybernation, of course. True network problems - Steam Summer sale recently, for example - ends the same.

Also, after Steam update client, and Miranda updated base format, another unexpected problem appeared (I dunno if base only is responsible, or Steam side too):

3.1. If I synch my "mobile" Miranda base with "fixed" one. (It happens mostly if I forgot to bring up USB-stick and had to work with fixed copy for some time).

3.2. And if I talked in Steam with someone during this period.

3.3. Then after I login into Steam with new, combined mobile database, all messages that was made during "fixed" period (that was added to DB) will be pulled again from Steam, giving me DB with all Steam messages duplicated.

Also, I have no idea how to fix results of error #3. There is no more way to fix duplicate errors as old base could, right?
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Vulpix on 17 08 2018, 22:49:14
Yeah I feel you. I sometimes get that "disappeared from your contact list" "is back in your contact list" thing as well and it really sucks. The steam plugin could use some updates like.. support for invisible mode and such! :D I think best approach might be to create a ticket on github for each issue you have separately, with as many details as possible (but only related to the issue / feature request).
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Ratha on 17 08 2018, 23:03:33
The Steam outages a couple of days ago resulted in me 'losing' my entire Steam contact list about 5 times, which meant 120 clicks to acknowledge removed and then another 120 clicks to acknowledge that they were 'back in my contact list' over the course of the day. Was a bit troublesome, but thankfully didnt seem to cause any major issues that I was aware of.

Having the notification that a user has been removed from your list is very handy to know when someone has removed you, so it'd be a bit problematic to have that feature removed, however we probably could use a 'dismiss all similar prompts' option / okay to all function. Or maybe even just a smart detection of when the steam friends servers are offline and not responding to avoid that problem in the future. It seems a little strange that just because it cant query the server that it would report friends as removed. Makes me wonder if Steam itself was incorrectly reporting no contacts for the account instead of some other kind of error. Better handling of that would certainly be handy, but reproducing the server state that caused the 'mass removal' might be tricky.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Smiling Spectre on 22 04 2019, 06:41:59
After some Miranda updates (in last week) Steam plugin stopped to work.

It simply not connects. I see attempt to connect, then logout with pop-up window "Status error".

(I don't have log, and I forgot how to enable it, sorry :(
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: ghazan on 24 04 2019, 14:45:26
Smiling Spectre,
try to login via the browser, maybe it will say smth
as for me, the protocol itself works ok
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Vulpix on 24 04 2019, 14:50:34
I use the steam proto on a daily basis and it works for me as well (though it is perhaps a bit less stable than the others; disconnects often... but that is a steam problem rather than miranda one I feel)
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Smiling Spectre on 25 04 2019, 05:43:39
try to login via the browser, maybe it will say smth

I tried before. Nothing unusual. Tried right now - it have my last chats, in Friday and Sunday, and last one was with non-worked Miranda already, but still nothing unusual. Tried to logout/login, tried to change saved password, nothing changed... I have no idea what it wants. :(

How can I see what happens actually? I seen in this thread that people can check full connection logs - what am I need for that?
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Vulpix on 25 04 2019, 06:06:07
https://wiki.miranda-ng.org/Network_log this describes how to enable and configure netlog.

Make sure to give your netlog a look before you post it here, it can contain your login tokens and such.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Ratha on 25 04 2019, 08:09:36
After some Miranda updates (in last week) Steam plugin stopped to work.

It simply not connects. I see attempt to connect, then logout with pop-up window "Status error".

(I don't have log, and I forgot how to enable it, sorry :(

Its rare for Steam to have issues that persist multiple days, and im not running the same version you are most likely, but one thing that often works for me when steam refuses to connect or pop up a new authentication window for the mobile auth code is to clear the value under the following category if you have the Database Editor++ installed:
Right Click Menu > Database > Database Editor++ > Settings > Steam_[Profilename] > TokenSecret

Occasionally i also clear the values for SessionID and UMQID as well if clearing just the TokenSecret didnt work. Then close Miranda, wait a minute or two, open it again, and it'll usually allow me to reconnect / ask me for my auth token. For reference my version  is 0.95.11 alpha build #21135. Ive never seen a "Status error" popup of any kind for Steam in all the time i've used the plugin. Am guessing thats something new or has something to do with other plugins you're using.

Providing full version info text as well as network logs from the Options > Network > Logging > menu may allow someone to help diagnose your trouble. (You will want to scrub any sensitive information thats in these logs first though. Best way is to start Miranda clean, dont log into any services, log only Steam and Miranda, try to login. It should fail quickly so then you can turn off logging and it wont be so massive you cant clean it up.)

Additionally, something to try: Backup your client, create a new user profile, and or try to sign into Steam using a completely new (portable) install and profile. If you can login, close the new program and fire up your old version and see if it you still have the same problem. If so its something related to either your version, plugins, or profile.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Smiling Spectre on 26 04 2019, 09:10:02
one thing that often works for me when steam refuses to connect or pop up a new authentication window for the mobile auth code is to clear the value under the following category if you have the Database Editor++ installed:
Right Click Menu > Database > Database Editor++ > Settings > Steam_[Profilename] > TokenSecret

Occasionally i also clear the values for SessionID and UMQID as well if clearing just the TokenSecret didnt work.
I cleared all three, then plugin asked authentication, and after that worked. Great. :) Thank you for the tip!
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Ratha on 26 04 2019, 09:41:42
I cleared all three, then plugin asked authentication, and after that worked. Great. :) Thank you for the tip!

Glad to hear it, not entirely sure what causes this problem, sometimes it seems like i can go months without having it, and other times it'll happen a few times a month. Its almost like either the token expires and Miranda cant figure out how to refresh it or isnt programmed to recognize when it has expired via Steam's response to trying to use it, or perhaps Steam just stops responding to login requests from a certain token or ID after awhile or after too many connection attempts.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Der Jude on 10 07 2019, 05:25:24
Seriously someone should fix the issues with this plugin:
1) When Steam chat servers go for down for maintenance, more often than not all your contacts will get removed and readded to your list, the plugin needs a code to automatically detect such mass-removal and mass-readdition of the contacts and ignore it instead of queueing dozens/hundreds of dialog windows "X has been removed from your contact list" "X has been added back to your contact list", SERIOUSLY!
2) Very similar issue, MULTIPLE TIMES A DAY the displayed status of all Steam contacts will change to Offline, despite that they are online, and remain like that until they update their own status to Away/DND, or you change your own status to offline -> online, basically relogging into Steam chat. Plugin should detect and ignore the status change for contacts if suddenly a lot of them change to offline simulatenously.
3) Steam Guard! Sometimes plugin fails to clean inputted Steam Guard Token key from previous one [if the one that you did input goes invalid], and the plugin seems to be not clearing SessionID automatically upon reinputting the Steam Guard Token key.
4) Steam Guard -> Keep Status inter-issue, both Steam protocol plugin and Keep Status should have a special case in code to STOP trying to RECONNECT to the Steam account IF Steam Guard window has been prompted in Miranda. This can lead to waking up in the morning with 50-100 Steam Guard windows in Miranda when Steam decides to invalidate your session overnight! Argh!

There are also more issues, like the Steam plugin getting stuck in, what I assume is, a disconnected state, but thinking it's still connected, when it doesn't update anymore statuses of the people [online/away/offline etc] and you cannot send messages to anyone/receive messages until you manually go offline and online [basically relog] yourself.
At the current state the support for Steam protocol is quite broken. :( >:(
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Ratha on 10 07 2019, 08:37:28
With over 3 years of experience using the plugin, I can personally confirm all of those issues and that the Steam protocol struggles with error handling. The issue of being disconnected and then not being able to reconnect due to expired tokens often requires manual intervention through editing the database. The plugin is also semi unreliable in that it may say you are online when you are not, meaning you cannot receive or send messages, and you wont know until you try to do so. Conversely there are times where it says that most of your contact list offline when they are actually online leading you to think that your friends are not around to chat with. Notably there are also many times when Miranda will fail to login (without any kind of feedback) despite being able to successfully login to chat from both the web browser, and from the Steam client itself. Would be great if the plugin had some error handling verbosity and would tell you the reason why it stopped trying to connect for example.

I do not remember if those bugs are being tracked on Github, but I've experienced pretty much every one of them myself and despite a lot of effort trying to troubleshoot them, still do not know how to duplicate them on command to be able to submit useful debugging data. Some of these issues may belong to problems with the Steam API itself, maintenance on Steam's side, the user's local connection, and even to how Miranda handles errors (or does not handle them in some cases.) Its unclear if any of the current developers actually use the plugin themselves as I talked to someone awhile back who was working on issues and he had said he didnt, and someone else who had been working on the plugin I believe retired from the Miranda project all together.

While i wouldnt call the plugin 'broken' it does need quite a bit of work to become reliable. The truth is that i feel like a lot of protocol plugins are under developed, and or have seen major issues crop up over the years due to lack of maintenance and large changes in the underlying services. Theres only so much you can do with pretty limited numbers of active developers working on Miranda though, especially if none of them actually use the services that they're expected to try and update / fix.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Vulpix on 10 07 2019, 09:53:03
Pretty much everything Ratha said is correct.

I understand your frustration and I actually use the Steam plugin myself and thus I have of course been subject to all of the bugs. But as noted the resources are limited. I actually use the plugin to chat to a friend of mine on a daily basis, and I wouldn't say the plugin is completely broken. Yes, it has frustrating issues (especially the "removed from contact list" and "back in your contact list"), but in general this doesn't happen as often.

It might be a good idea if we could at least log tracking issues on github for all of the errors so the devs (ghazan really) are aware.

As noted previously, most of the people who ever worked on miranda have done so in their free time, free of charge. I have "sponsored" various tickets or implementations (i.e. tox protocol, or discord protocol).

I suppose the main reason for these protocols being not fixed (other than the lack of active devs and thus lack of manpower) is - as noted - the fact that steam protocol is not actively used by any of them I believe.

So, tl;dr... use latest nightly build, enable logging for all the modules and when an issue occurs, create an issue report on github. It does not guarantee the issue being fixed, but at least there will be something to go on rather than "old wives' tales" as we have right now :D.

The reason I've not logged a ticket for those problems myself is that they're rare enough that the pain of submitting a report is lower than the pain of just "dealing with it".

I've also not had the "X has been removed, X is back in your contact list" issue for a very long time now.

It was related to https://github.com/miranda-ng/miranda-ng/issues/816 in a way....

I suppose there might be an easy workaround for it - instead of showing a billion windows which you have to manually confirm, it could be done via log or popup that times out on its own. (Well obviously fixing it is the best course but that could take a while).

I will speak with the dev and see what kinda time he has or not.

If you post issues, I might put up a bounty for him to improve motivation :p
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Ratha on 10 07 2019, 10:51:41
I would support the idea of a copyable dialogue / report that contained a full list users who had been added/removed instead of individual boxes, would be more of a bandaid to an uncommon problem than a fix, but a full list would make much more sense than hundreds of little boxes, if of course the plugin could somehow process the data in such a manner. I had that bug happen about a month or two ago at last occurrence, had been quite some time since the last. I also tend to just give up and wait 45 minutes when i know Steam is having a problem with Miranda anymore rather than trying to force it to connect and risk running into issues like that.

It would be nice to get logs of all of these events along with detailed descriptions of what is going on so they can be submitted, traced, and eventually processed by someone who has the ability to do so. There are currently a few caveats however: I do not believe that Miranda can trim log files to a certain size, meaning that before long you'd end up with unreasonably large log files if you didnt purge them manually every day. Possibly in the hundreds of megs after a few days. Many text editors struggle to open or edit text files even in the 5-10 meg range in my experience.

Additionally, the last time I did any major logging of anything, the logs contained sensitive unencrypted information like usernames, logins, passwords, token data and so on. Possibly even full conversational texts, so parsing those logs and stripping out private info to provide safe and useful data with the right timestamps may be both tedious, and difficult. This issue was opened over a year ago for example: https://github.com/miranda-ng/miranda-ng/issues/1313

Making good bug reports that will last over the many months needed to fix them is sadly pretty time consuming too. I find that in the past I have tended to spend between 6 and 8 hours per issue most of the time between taking screenshots, writing reports, providing sanitized logs and other such info, not to include testing it on multiple versions and in different environments just to be sure they could be duplicated reliably later on.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Ratha on 30 03 2020, 02:00:50
Imgur gallery links have always been problematic in the Steam protocol while using Miranda, but have noticed a new behavior after updating recently. In the past when receiving a link to an Imgur GALLERY, Miranda would show a single image preview link instead of the actual link to the gallery. For example, depending on how the following link / message is formatted you may get 3 different results when sending: https://imgur.com/gallery/vtqrco9

Case #1 - Miranda displays: https://i.imgur.com/WLANJIt.jpg?fb (This will happen if the link is sent by itself.) (Old behavior where link to a gallery is shown as the first image preview)
Case #2 - The link fails to show up at all, but any additional text is received. (This will happen if the link is sent with additional text on the same line.) (New behavior?)
Case #3 - The link shows as normal. (This only happens if the link formatted in a specific way by the sender using the Steam client.)

Case #1 - Input in Steam client: - Link sent by itself.
Code: [Select]
Output on Miranda: - Miranda displays preview image for gallery, but not link to gallery.


Case #2 - Input in Steam client: - Link sent including text on the same line.
Code: [Select]
https://imgur.com/gallery/vtqrco9 - Text
Output on Miranda: - Miranda ignores link, outputs only the text component.
- Text


The following method seems to force the gallery link to display in Miranda: The person sending the link from the Steam client must include 2 hard returns after the link (Link + ShiftEnter + ShiftEnter + Text.) (A copy paste will not work.)

Case #3 - Input in Steam client: - (Required for Miranda to display Imgur gallery link properly.)
Code: [Select]
https://imgur.com/gallery/vtqrco9 + [ShiftEnter]

Output on Miranda:



I was fairly sure that I had posted about this somewhere before, but couldnt find the ticket on GIT. After doing more behavior testing today I figured this might be useful to someone either as a workaround or as something that can help with protocol development.

CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4670K CPU @ 3.40GHz [Intel64 Family 6 Model 60 Stepping 3] [DEP Enabled] [4 CPUs]
Installed RAM: 24521 MBytes
Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate Edition, 64-bit Service Pack 1 (build 7601)
Internet Explorer: 9.11.9600.18665 (build 99600)
Administrator privileges: Yes
OS Languages: (UI | Locale (User/System)) : English/English | English/English
Free disk space on Miranda partition: 43163 MBytes

Miranda NG Version: 0.95.12 alpha build #22710 (c3284222ed) [running inside WOW64]
Build time: 27 Mar 2020 2:00:42
Profile: C:\Program Files (x86)\Miranda NG\Profiles\Ratha\Ratha.dat
Profile size: 169869312 Bytes
Profile creation date: 24 Nov 2019 11:46:36
Language pack: No language pack installed
Service Mode: No

Active Plugins (20):
¤ AVS.dll v. [27 Mar 2020 2:00:48] - Avatar service
¤ CrashDumper.dll v. [27 Mar 2020 2:01:16] - Crash dumper
¤ Db_autobackups.dll v. [27 Mar 2020 2:00:54] - Db autobackuper
¤ DbEditorPP.dll v. [27 Mar 2020 2:01:16] - Database editor++
¤ Dbx_mdbx.dll v. [27 Mar 2020 2:02:14] - Miranda NG MDBX database driver
¤ Dbx_mmap.dll v. [27 Mar 2020 2:00:46] - Miranda NG mmap database driver
¤ Discord.dll v. [27 Mar 2020 2:01:54] - Discord protocol
¤ Dummy.dll v. [27 Mar 2020 2:01:46] - Dummy protocol
¤ historypp.dll v. [27 Mar 2020 2:02:30] - History++
¤ ICQ.dll v. [27 Mar 2020 2:02:02] - ICQ-WIM protocol
¤ Import.dll v. [27 Mar 2020 2:01:10] - Import contacts and messages
¤ PluginUpdater.dll v. [27 Mar 2020 2:01:18] - Plugin updater
¤ SeenPlugin.dll v. [27 Mar 2020 2:01:00] - Last seen
¤ SkypeWeb.dll v. [27 Mar 2020 2:02:00] - Skype protocol (Web)
¤ SpellChecker.dll v. [27 Mar 2020 2:01:46] - Spell checker
¤ StatusManager.dll v. [27 Mar 2020 2:01:54] - Status manager
¤ Steam.dll v. [27 Mar 2020 2:01:54] - Steam protocol
¤ TabSRMM.dll v. [27 Mar 2020 2:00:56] - TabSRMM
¤ Tipper.dll v. [27 Mar 2020 2:01:06] - Tipper
¤ YAMN.dll v. [27 Mar 2020 2:01:26] - Mail Notifier

Protocols and Accounts:
Discord                  2 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded
ICQ                      1 - Enabled 1 - Disabled  Loaded
SKYPE                    1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded
STEAM                    1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded

Icon Packs:
 Flags_icons.dll [27 Mar 2020 2:02:24]
 HistoryPP_icons.dll [27 Mar 2020 2:02:24]
 Proto_Discord.dll [27 Mar 2020 2:02:24]
 Proto_Dummy.dll [27 Mar 2020 2:02:24]
 Proto_ICQ.dll [2 Jan 2019 14:26:42]
 Proto_MetaContacts.dll [27 Mar 2020 2:02:24]
 Proto_MRA.dll [27 Mar 2020 2:02:24]
 Proto_Skype.dll [27 Mar 2020 2:02:24]
 Proto_Steam.dll [27 Mar 2020 2:02:24]
 Proto_Yahoo.dll [13 Feb 2016 22:01:38]
 Proto_YAMN.dll [27 Mar 2020 2:02:24]
 TabSRMM_icons.dll [27 Mar 2020 2:02:24]
 xStatus_ICQ.dll [28 Dec 2018 3:02:08]
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: ghazan on 31 03 2020, 16:21:52
that stuff might depend on IEView behaviour, on your antivirus or IE plugins installed
Miranda doesn't display previews for urls itself
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Ratha on 01 04 2020, 05:00:51
that stuff might depend on IEView behaviour, on your antivirus or IE plugins installed
Miranda doesn't display previews for urls itself

I dont use IEView, antiviruses, or IE/plugins or anything like that. Im glad Miranda does not display previews. I hate previews, embedded data, and extra unnecessary text clogging up the chat (like with what the Discord protocol does to links.) The only thing i want to see is EXACTLY what was typed into the message window as it was sent.

The problem here is that Miranda isnt displaying the link thats being sent at all, or if it does, its displaying the incorrect link (a single image preview instead of the link to the gallery) in the case where it does display a link. This only seems to happen with Imgur "GALLERY" links and is probably related to how Steam embeds them.


While doing additional testing to take screenshots i noticed different behavior today than when previously testing. I was not able to get the link to transmit at all, where as a couple of days ago using Case 3 method in the previous post, i was able to get it to transmit every time. Today Case 3 was behaving like Case 1 did a few days ago. (Today it was translating the link to the gallery into an image preview instead of displaying the full link and the text.)

Also found something that i had not noticed before:
In Case 1, instead of displaying the imgur gallery link in Miranda's message window, Miranda instead deletes the last character of the previous message from the message window. This coincides with a blank line appearing in history++ where the link should be. This was caused by sending a line of text in the Steam client. And then sending the imgur gallery link with no text from the Steam client. (Was able to reliably duplicate this behavior.)

See attached image for additional details.
Note: The time discrepancy between Case 1 and the empty line following it was probably my fault. I typed "Case 1" and then had to go find the link again, and pasted it a few minutes later.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: ghazan on 03 04 2020, 09:44:07
a piece of network log would be far more helpful in this case, instead of screenshots
attach please snippets for all three cases
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Ratha on 03 04 2020, 17:51:22
#1 - Sending the following line from Steam to Miranda: (This one isnt shown in the screenshot) No link was transmitted via the network log when the link was sent before text. (But the text was)
"https://imgur.com/gallery/vtqrco9 - Imgur Gallery Link"
[10:53:47 0AB4] [STEAM_1] (0000000007AFB590:1080) Data received
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
Content-Length: 269
Expires: Fri, 03 Apr 2020 16:53:47 GMT
Date: Fri, 03 Apr 2020 16:53:47 GMT
Connection: close

{"pollid":0,"messages":[{"type":"saytext","timestamp":12029879,"utc_timestamp":1585932827,"steamid_from":"***REDACTED***","text":" - Imgur Gallery Link"}],"messagelast":39,"timestamp":12029879,"utc_timestamp":1585932827,"messagebase":38,"sectimeout":12,"error":"OK"}
[10:53:47 0AB4] [STEAM_1] (0000000007AFB590:1080) Data received
{"pollid":0,"messages":[{"type":"saytext","timestamp":12029879,"utc_timestamp":1585932827,"steamid_from":"***REDACTED***","text":" - Imgur Gallery Link"}],"messagelast":39,"timestamp":12029879,"utc_timestamp":1585932827,"messagebase":38,"sectimeout":12,"error":"OK"}
[10:53:47 0AB4] [STEAM_1] (0000000007AFB590:1080) Connection closed internal
[10:53:47 0AB4] [STEAM_1] (0000000007AFB590:4294967295) Connection closed
[10:53:47 0AB4] [STEAM_1] Connection request to api.steampowered.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[10:53:47 0AB4] [STEAM_1] (0000000007AFC1F0) Connecting to server api.steampowered.com:443....
[10:53:47 0AB4] [STEAM_1] (0000000007AFC1F0) Connecting to ip ....
[10:53:47 0AB4] [STEAM_1] (1080) Connected to api.steampowered.com:443
[10:53:47 0AB4] [STEAM_1] (1080 api.steampowered.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[10:53:47 0AB4] [STEAM_1] (1080 api.steampowered.com) SSL negotiation successful
[10:53:47 0AB4] [STEAM_1] (0000000007AFC1F0:1080) Data sent
POST /ISteamWebUserPresenceOAuth/Poll/v0001 HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
User-Agent: Miranda/ (x64)
Accept-Encoding: deflate, gzip
Host: api.steampowered.com
Connection: Keep-Alive
Proxy-Connection: Keep-Alive
Content-Length: 110


#2 - Sending the following lines in a single message from Steam to Miranda: (Sandwiching the link between text (sometimes) causes the link to show up in Miranda.)


[11:08:04 0AB4] [STEAM_1] (0000000007AFC310:1184) Data received
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
Content-Length: 297
Expires: Fri, 03 Apr 2020 17:08:04 GMT
Date: Fri, 03 Apr 2020 17:08:04 GMT
Connection: close

[11:08:04 0AB4] [STEAM_1] (0000000007AFC310:1184) Data received
[11:08:04 0AB4] [STEAM_1] (0000000007AFC310:1184) Connection closed internal
[11:08:04 0AB4] [STEAM_1] (0000000007AFC310:4294967295) Connection closed
[11:08:04 0AB4] [STEAM_1] Connection request to api.steampowered.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[11:08:04 0AB4] [STEAM_1] (0000000007AFC310) Connecting to server api.steampowered.com:443....
[11:08:04 0AB4] [STEAM_1] (0000000007AFC310) Connecting to ip ....
[11:08:04 0AB4] [STEAM_1] (1184) Connected to api.steampowered.com:443
[11:08:04 0AB4] [STEAM_1] (1184 api.steampowered.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[11:08:04 0AB4] [STEAM_1] (1184 api.steampowered.com) SSL negotiation successful
[11:08:04 0AB4] [STEAM_1] (0000000007AFC310:1184) Data sent
POST /ISteamWebUserPresenceOAuth/Poll/v0001 HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
User-Agent: Miranda/ (x64)
Accept-Encoding: deflate, gzip
Host: api.steampowered.com
Connection: Keep-Alive
Proxy-Connection: Keep-Alive
Content-Length: 110


#3 - Sending the following lines in a single message from Steam to Miranda: (This one does not display the link in Miranda)
[11:08:04 0AB4] [STEAM_1] (0000000007AFC310:1184) Data received
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
Content-Length: 297
Expires: Fri, 03 Apr 2020 17:08:04 GMT
Date: Fri, 03 Apr 2020 17:08:04 GMT
Connection: close

[11:08:04 0AB4] [STEAM_1] (0000000007AFC310:1184) Data received
[11:08:04 0AB4] [STEAM_1] (0000000007AFC310:1184) Connection closed internal
[11:08:04 0AB4] [STEAM_1] (0000000007AFC310:4294967295) Connection closed
[11:08:04 0AB4] [STEAM_1] Connection request to api.steampowered.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[11:08:04 0AB4] [STEAM_1] (0000000007AFC310) Connecting to server api.steampowered.com:443....
[11:08:04 0AB4] [STEAM_1] (0000000007AFC310) Connecting to ip ....
[11:08:04 0AB4] [STEAM_1] (1184) Connected to api.steampowered.com:443
[11:08:04 0AB4] [STEAM_1] (1184 api.steampowered.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[11:08:04 0AB4] [STEAM_1] (1184 api.steampowered.com) SSL negotiation successful
[11:08:04 0AB4] [STEAM_1] (0000000007AFC310:1184) Data sent
POST /ISteamWebUserPresenceOAuth/Poll/v0001 HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
User-Agent: Miranda/ (x64)
Accept-Encoding: deflate, gzip
Host: api.steampowered.com
Connection: Keep-Alive
Proxy-Connection: Keep-Alive
Content-Length: 110


Spoilers #2 and #3 are shown in the screenshot.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: ghazan on 22 04 2020, 17:39:03
is that possible that you add me (https://steamcommunity.com/id/ghazan1) and send me these messages sometimes?
I have no idea why a link is eaten in the third case, cause Steam proto doesn't preprocess it. Do you see the same in the h++ history window, for example?
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Ratha on 23 04 2020, 00:56:54
Sent you an invite.

I have not done a lot of testing when it comes to sending imgur gallery links from Miranda to someone using Steam, or even sending with Miranda to someone else using Miranda over the Steam protocol.

I -think- its more of a problem of Miranda being able to receive the links than being able to send them. It seems like something that Steam is doing isnt being transmitted properly to Miranda in this instance, possibly due to embedding the link on Steam's end. However it is strange that the incorrect (preview image) link is sent most of the time, except very rarely it will display the correct link if the message is formatted in a special way, and at other times it will not show the gallery or the preview link at all if formatted in a different way.

I do not believe that this is a problem with History++ as to the best of my recollection, history capture was displaying what was showing in the chat window (and what was in the netlog._ The problem was that Miranda was just not receiving the original message (likely due to Steam embedding the link on their end as a widget within the client rather than sending the link as text.)

(Someone with more knowledge using something like Wireshark would probably have to examine the incoming message from Steam in more detail as Miranda's netlog does not seem to capture enough useful information about whats going on as far as i can tell.)
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Der Jude on 18 07 2020, 23:38:33
@ghazanI've sent you an invite as well, I've got quite some annoying steam protocol issues as well, maybe we can manage to figure out why they are happening.  :)
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Ratha on 25 06 2022, 12:35:05
Anyone else been having the issue of Steam only staying connected for about 1-2 minutes at a time?
It may have something to do with the Steam sale starting, or an API change on the 23rd as the API was down for an extended time (~3 hours) on June 23rd, 2022.
Posted this as an issue on the tracker.


Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Vulpix on 25 06 2022, 12:46:24
Yeah it's really bad right now. Won't stay up at all.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Maverick on 02 07 2022, 23:32:58

sometimes it takes 1-3 Minutes and the Plugin disconnects from Steam. A few Days ago i got even IP-Banned from Steam-Chat, because of the frequent re-connects... these happend every few Minutes. When i hover over the Steam Icon on the Statusbar (or by clicking it), it reconnects - just to get disconnected after a while again. (Hovering takes ~2 Seconds, i think its because of the Status Plugin that reconnects).

I did not update Miranda for a while, but im not sure, but this seam to happen since the last 2 or 3 Updates where Steam.dll got updated.

What happens always, that the Plugin disconnects silently from Steam. The Contactlist shows im Online, but im not. When i want to write something to a Contact, i get the Dialog that Steam is not Online. When gets this Bug fixed?
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Maverick on 05 07 2022, 11:08:17
Nice, seems that nobody cares about Plugins anymore?
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: dartraiden on 05 07 2022, 15:42:07
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Vulpix on 10 07 2022, 16:57:24
This has been resolved.

Thank you very much, @ghazan

(that said, might be worth rewriting the plugin for websocket anyway, who knows? But I suppose implementation of a different protocol would be better to preserve Miranda's lifespan...)
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Ratha on 11 07 2022, 19:06:42
What happens always, that the Plugin disconnects silently from Steam. The Contactlist shows im Online, but im not. When i want to write something to a Contact, i get the Dialog that Steam is not Online. When gets this Bug fixed?
The connection issue with the disconnects every 1-2 minutes has been fixed.

The issue where Steam protocol silently disconnects and still says you're online even when it will say you're not logged in when you try to send a message, and then will not set you offline; that has not been fixed. Its a bug i reported years ago. But cant seem to find it on the issue tracker at the moment.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Vulpix on 12 07 2022, 16:13:23
@ghazan / @Ratha


I logged a case for this wrong status of Steam. It happened to me now too and made me remember it does indeed happen from time to time.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Ratha on 19 04 2023, 23:56:47
Steam had a service disruption about 45 minutes ago and despite Steam community coming back online, Miranda is unable to log back in.

This behavior happens with an old install of Miranda (0.96.1 #24180) and a freshly updated one (0.96.3 #25537), tested with two different Steam accounts.

Posting this here first to see if anyone else can confirm (and giving Steam a little more time to correct the issue before submitting an official bug report.)

Preview of log:
<html><head><title>Not Found</title></head><body><h1>Not Found</h1>Interface 'ISteamWebUserPresenceOAuth' not found</body></html>

EDIT: Bug report: https://github.com/miranda-ng/miranda-ng/issues/3498
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Vulpix on 20 04 2023, 01:18:44
Yeah, can confirm. Guess something changed in the protocol ...
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: dartraiden on 14 12 2024, 22:21:14
Fixed in dev version.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: KentKareless on 16 12 2024, 17:49:30
Logging in and receiving messages worked fine after the first few commits/fixes, but it is broken again now (see attached netlog).
I am aware that there is still a lot of development ongoing, so this might just be something temporary.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: dartraiden on 17 12 2024, 13:40:42
Try the last build.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: KentKareless on 18 12 2024, 10:18:16
I am using Commit https://github.com/miranda-ng/miranda-ng/commit/4c3d77032316bc8814cddc00d020ba00d4533999 (see attached version info) and it still does not work for me.
I also tried deleting the existing AccessToken, RefreshToken and SessionId keys in the DB but still no dice.

If i remember correctly the commit that broke it for me was: https://github.com/miranda-ng/miranda-ng/commit/4d6ff1f6d3a818998364004e032d640675918ce7
But i am not 100% sure about that.

Does it still work fine for you?
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: ghazan on 18 12 2024, 15:50:01
well, in that log there was a problem with relogin, and it is definitely fixed.
you cannot send messages, that's true, bug Miranda is already able to receive them
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: KentKareless on 18 12 2024, 16:59:18
well, in that log there was a problem with relogin, and it is definitely fixed.
Yes, that's correct!
I now get a completely different netlog (see attachment).
Login still does not work though.

It might be related to the fact that i am have an authenticator connected to my steam account.

P.S.: Thank you very much for working on Steam chat integration!
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: ghazan on 18 12 2024, 17:10:24
It might be related to the fact that i am have an authenticator connected to my steam account.
Obviously, Steam required Miranda to validate your login attempt using TOTP code, but the code being sent doesn't make Steam happy.
BTW, are you sure that this code is only 5 chars long? I have read somewhere, that only email notification code has 5 letters, while TOTP code is longer
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: ghazan on 18 12 2024, 17:45:34
I've uploaded a build with more error info, please make this log again
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: KentKareless on 18 12 2024, 17:55:31
I just did!
Here it is (see attachment).

The TOTP code is definitely only 5 characters long!
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: ghazan on 18 12 2024, 17:59:00
Okay, now it's possible to see the error code
DuplicateRequest = 29 - wtf does it mean?... very interesting

// Observed results can be InvalidLoginAuthCode, TwoFactorCodeMismatch, Expired, DuplicateRequest.
// DuplicateRequest happens when accepting the prompt in the mobile app, and then trying to send guard code here,
// we do not throw on it here because authentication will succeed on the next poll.

Okay, let's ignore this trash, next build will be available in 30 minutes
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: KentKareless on 18 12 2024, 19:27:58
Logging in works fine now!
Thanks for the quick fix!  :)
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: KentKareless on 20 12 2024, 16:34:22
I have an idea of why the "Duplicate request" error happens:

It might be related to the fact, that i am running the builtin Steam chat and then connecting with Miranda NG.
Even right now with the fix that just ignores the error, the builtin Steam chat is disconnected when Miranda NG connects.

It would be really nice if it would be possible to be connected with Miranda NG and the builtin chat client, but i am not sure if that is technically possible.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Thug on 28 01 2025, 01:36:52
The protocol has an issue with auto reconnecting after waking up PC from a sleep mode. It unsuccessfully tries to reconnect for eternity untill you manually set it offline and online - then it connects succesfully.  It needs to stay in a sleep mode for some time, immediate waking up will not reproduce the bug. Perhaps it is related to the dynamic IP change because I can reproduce it by turning the router off and on - in this case you won't be able to reproduce it on a static IP.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: ghazan on 30 01 2025, 10:12:39
no problems at all here, after resume all protocols come in the offline mode, and after reconnect all of them get successfully connected
please make a network log (Steam + Core) since the moment of suspension to the going online

the main question - how could your Miranda return back from sleep mode with the Steam protocol being connected
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Thug on 31 01 2025, 09:27:43
ghazan, а можно по-русски? Все протоколы после вывода компьютера из сна без проблем возвращаются в онлайн благодаря функции KeepStatus, а стим не хочет. Но это только если комп пробыл во сне некоторое время. В нетлог у меня при этом абсолютно ничего не пишется, поэтому показывать нечего. Вот если я вручную перевожу его в офлайн, а потом обратно в онлайн, то в нетлоге появляются записи KeepsStatus, а так просто крутится значок переподключения без всяких записей. Ваш вопрос в конце, извините, не понял.
Ещё один способ воспроизвести баг - рубануть подключение по локальной сети и подключить обратно. Ещё проще - выдернуть интернет-кабель из компа и воткнуть обратно после того, как все протоколы отвалятся.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: ghazan on 31 01 2025, 15:02:39
а можно по-русски?
вообще без проблем

Ваш вопрос в конце, извините, не понял.
мысль простая - из сна миранда выезжает со всеми протоколами в оффлайне и начинает их подключать. как при этом стим может быть онлайн - я в упор не понимаю, а если он оффлайн, то он подключается без вопросов. я имею в виду вот этот текст - " Вот если я вручную перевожу его в офлайн" - как его можно перевести в оффлайн, если он и так в оффлайне и начал коннектиться
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Thug on 31 01 2025, 22:00:16
как его можно перевести в оффлайн, если он и так в оффлайне и начал коннектиться
« Last Edit: Today at 15:04:18 by ghazan »
Очень просто. KeepStatus переводит его после пробуждения в состояние "начал коннектиться", но приконнектиться он не может - из этого зависшего состояния его только в офлайн и можно перевести.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: ghazan on 01 02 2025, 11:48:48
KeepStatus переводит его после пробуждения в состояние "начал коннектиться",
тогда он обязан появиться в нетворк логе, как минимум как запись StartupStatus о том, что начат коннект учетки. так не может быть, чтобы никаких вообще записей в логе не было
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Thug on 01 02 2025, 21:49:09
ghazan, StartupStatus - такого почему-то нет. Отключил все протоколы кроме стима, чтобы записать чистый нетлог, и воспроизвёл баг, отключив и подключив сетевое подключение обратно. Почему-то, пока я не поотключал протоколы, у меня автоматические попытки переподключения вообще не логировались. Теперь в конце файла видно много безуспешных попыток подключения. Прикрепил лог.
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: ghazan on 02 02 2025, 10:38:09
Прикрепил лог.
ну там странно, конечно, что DNS отбивает хосты, которые стим присылает в качестве кандидатов на подключение, я такого ни разу не видел
поправил, щас выльется
Title: Re: Steam protocol
Post by: Thug on 02 02 2025, 19:45:58
ghazan, проблема ушла, спасибо!