on next stable release :P Do you use stable and don't want to use dev? (which I can understand^^)
I can compile it for stable if you want ;)
There is a popup when you try to connect the first time.
mistafist, could you try it with 32-bit version?
on next stable release :P Do you use stable and don't want to use dev? (which I can understand^^)
I can compile it for stable if you want ;)
Please, I would surely like a copy of stable Steam too. And I know one more who would :) :DRINK:
::EDIT:: btw, the version you compile is already stable enough for stable build I hope! ;)
I can compile it for stable if you want ;)
Being compiled for stable build doesn't make a component stable.How do you guys define the proper stability required for that tag? I was about to add a feature request on the new feedback page, for this info:
How do you guys define the proper stability required for that tag? I
* The requirements for considering it stable.We don't have strict guidelines for that. It's just informed guess. We (author of plugin) usually know how many (and how important) bugs or not working features are there, so it's ready when he decides it's ready :-)
* Criteria for allocation of resources to a given plugin.We have pretty much anarchy here. Everyone is doing on anything that he has mood for at that moment. We're only a few developers here. Each decides his own preferences.
* The process of determining the priority of the work on a plugin.
Being compiled for stable build doesn't make a component stable.
We have pretty much anarchy here. Everyone is doing on anything that he has mood for at that moment. We're only a few developers here. Each decides his own preferences.Looks like you guys are doing fantastically with this apporach, we really appreciate the work and effort. And now I know what to expect in terms of times (Valve time, aka "is ready when is ready").
Valve time, aka "is ready when is ready"Yep, as usually in open source projects :)
mistafist, No, we'll fix it. Thanks for report ;-)
Valve time, aka "is ready when is ready"Haha yes indeed. But maybe there was some internal roadmap defining work allocation.
Yep, as usually in open source projects :)
It works correctly in x64 version for me. So you had something else broken :-) (like wrong password/login - it doesn't show errors, and then it wouldn't let you login again, because there is some bug that sometimes needs restart after unsuccessful login).
But maybe there was some internal roadmap defining work allocation.
anyway :P If people wanna try (and I for myself can't say anything about the current state of the protocol as I'm not using it) here it is... compatible with current stable (well it should be :P)
Tried again. All login info 100% correct. No other connection attempts made, fresh install, freshly started the program. On connection attempt I receive an email from steam with the code I need to input. But the popup window does not show. I used an app I use sometimes and forced all windows created by Miranda NG to show and it's not one of them.
Hmm, you're right. It worked when I tried it while debugging in Visual Studio, but when I runned it without it, it didn't worked. Could you create a ticket on our tracker for this?
I just fixed it.
Nice one. Thanks for that. :THUMBS UP:
Any ideas when this protocol will go to official builds? I don't want to use nightly builds, but this stupid Steam chat starting to get on my nerves... :/
Any ideas when this protocol will go to official builds? I don't want to use nightly builds, but this stupid Steam chat starting to get on my nerves... :/Well, nightly builds shouldn't be used daily, but why don't you just download it and create a new profile with only Steam for a test? The whole purpose of this release policy is to test it and get feedback before it gets released to the public. If everyone is just waiting until it gets released it doesn't get us anywhere. Even if it just works for you, a little comment on that would be appreciated.
I taken "nightly builds only" just like that. I.e., I need to get this build and install Steam here. Is it wrong?
Umm... I taken "nightly builds only" just like that. I.e., I need to get this build and install Steam here.Yes, thats correct. You should be using it with a clean profile anyways.
Magic is not an art or religion. Magic is a craft.This message was cut after sending on words "into battle!", making it around 420 bytes.
Experience an amazing and unforgettable adventure set in a dark fantasy universe!
Spellcrafter will be an RPG game with deep tactical turn-based combat and a unique spell casting system. Explore the magical world, collect gold, interact with NPCs, take quests and make moral choices! Recruit heroes, assemble and summon powerful troops and send them into battle!
The unique feature of Spellcrafter will be the spell casting system.
В 1986 на Чернобыльской электростанции произошла худшая в мире ядерная катастрофа. Советские власти учредили 30км 'Запретную зону' вокруг этого ядерного пустыря, но в 2006 пораженный реактор потряс второй взрыв, уничтожая всех живых существ и заставляя границы Зоны разойтись.
So Russian symbols will always use more then 1 byte per character...Yeah, I guessed that. It's the big issue on Steam with reviews - it supposedly gives quite enough symbols to make decent review, but in Russian it actually hardly quarter of named amount. I hit this limit several times already, so I know...
I couldn't reproduce 1, 2, 3. Can you repeat them or it was only once?1. It was only once at work, and once at home. Now at home (on cable) it works always, but at work (on ADSL) it cannot detect when line is broken, and even after reconnect it says "I wasn't able to send" for any message - until I take protocol offline and back online.
4. In my case text only cut in miranda->steam direction.Hmm. It's always the same for me. Maybe I explained wrong? Let me try again to rephrase 4 and 5:
Vulpix, 8.8.2014 19:51:36:
And thank you for the flacpix~
<party B>, 19:51:42:
u for the flacpix~
<party B>, 19:51:56:
u for the flacpix~
<party B>, 20:54:02:
u for the flacpix~
<party B>, 20:54:16:
u for the flacpix~
Vulpix, 9.8.2014 0:42:51:
See you (probably a lot later)!
<party b>, 1:15:29:
a lot later)!
<party b>, 1:15:35:
a lot later)!
<party b>, 1:17:06:
a lot later)!
Vulpix, 9.8.2014 20:37:15:
How are you~
<party b>, 20:51:28:
How are you~
<party b>, 20:51:32:
w are you~
<party b>, 20:51:34:
w are you~
<party b>, 20:52:52:
are you~
<party b>, 20:52:52:
CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4765T CPU @ 2.00GHz [Intel64 Family 6 Model 60 Stepping 3] [DEP enabled] [8 CPUs]
Installed RAM: 16329 MBytes
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate Edition, 64-bit Service Pack 1 (build 7601)
Shell: explorer.exe
Internet Explorer: 8.0.7601.17514 (build 87601)
Administrator privileges: Yes
OS Languages: (UI | Locale (User/System)) : English/English | Czech/Czech
Free disk space on Miranda partition: 1211484 MBytes
Miranda path: D:\Programs\Programs\Miranda NG
Miranda NG version: 0.95.3 alpha build #10140 x64
Build time: 10 Aug 2014 5:52:48
Profile path: D:\Programs\Programs\Miranda NG\Profiles\Vulpix\Vulpix.dat
Profile size: 126528,00 KBytes
Profile creation date: 26 Oct 2013 17:24:40
Language pack: No language pack installed
Service Mode: No
Active Plugins (45):
AddContactPlus.dll v. [14 Feb 2014 6:47:44] - Add contact+
AdvaImg.dll v. [2 Jan 2014 6:45:32] - Miranda image services
AIM.dll v. [6 Aug 2014 5:43:44] - AIM protocol
AssocMgr.dll v. [6 Aug 2014 5:48:32] - File association manager
AuthState.dll v. [14 Feb 2014 6:46:26] - Authorization state
AvatarHistory.dll v. [6 Aug 2014 5:48:38] - Avatar history
AVS.dll v. [6 Aug 2014 5:43:28] - Avatar service
ClientChangeNotify.dll v. [8 Aug 2014 5:48:56] - Client change notify
Clist_modern.dll v. [6 Aug 2014 5:46:24] - Modern contact list
Contacts.dll v. [6 Aug 2014 5:44:42] - Send/receive contacts
CrashDumper.dll v. [1 Jul 2014 5:49:48] - Crash dumper
CSList.dll v. [16 Mar 2014 0:38:54] - Custom status list
DbEditorPP.dll v. [9 Aug 2014 5:45:02] - Database editor++
Dbx_mmap.dll v. [10 Aug 2014 5:45:38] - Miranda NG mmap database driver
FileAsMessage.dll v. [18 Jun 2014 12:59:54] - File as message
Fingerprint.dll v. [6 Aug 2014 5:48:28] - Fingerprint NG
Flags.dll v. [14 Feb 2014 6:46:34] - Country flags
Folders.dll v. [5 Mar 2014 6:43:36] - Custom profile folders
GTalkExt.dll v. [25 Apr 2014 5:47:18] - GTalk Extension
HistoryPP.dll v. [22 Jul 2014 11:48:30] - History++
ChangeKeyboardLayout.dll v. [13 Jun 2014 9:39:12] - Change keyboard layout
ICQ.dll v. [6 Aug 2014 5:44:12] - IcqOscarJ protocol
IEView.dll v. [6 Aug 2014 5:44:54] - IEView
IgnoreState.dll v. [23 May 2014 5:50:32] - Ignore state
Jabber.dll v. [6 Aug 2014 5:44:40] - Jabber protocol
KeepStatus.dll v. [12 Jun 2014 5:43:16] - Keep status
mTextControl.dll v. [12 Jun 2014 5:42:58] - Miranda text control
NewXstatusNotify.dll v. [6 Aug 2014 5:44:56] - xStatus notify
Nudge.dll v. [6 Aug 2014 5:44:58] - Nudge
OpenFolder.dll v. [29 Jun 2014 5:49:20] - Open Miranda folder
PluginUpdater.dll v. [6 Aug 2014 5:47:38] - Plugin updater
PManagerEx.dll v. [6 Aug 2014 5:47:42] - Miranda NG profile changer
Restart.dll v. [9 Jul 2013 6:56:52] - Restart
SeenPlugin.dll v. [6 Aug 2014 5:45:02] - Last seen
SimpleStatusMsg.dll v. [2 Jul 2014 5:43:44] - Simple status message
Skype.dll v. [7 Aug 2014 5:54:16] - Skype protocol
SmileyAdd.dll v. [6 Aug 2014 5:45:16] - SmileyAdd
StartPosition.dll v. [29 Jun 2014 5:50:44] - Start position
Steam.dll v. [25 Jul 2014 18:22:48] - Steam protocol
TabSRMM.dll v. [8 Aug 2014 5:46:46] - TabSRMM
TopToolBar.dll v. [6 Aug 2014 5:46:08] - TopToolBar
UInfoEx.dll v. [6 Aug 2014 5:45:40] - User info ext
Variables.dll v. [6 Aug 2014 5:51:02] - Variables
VersionInfo.dll v. [6 Aug 2014 5:47:16] - Version information
Yahoo.dll v. [6 Aug 2014 5:44:08] - Yahoo protocol
Unloadable Plugins (1):
ImportTXT.dll v. [27 Dec 2012 6:42:59] - <unknown>
Plugin statically links to missing dll file: pcre3.dll
Weather ini files:
I have a strange issue with the latest x64 steam plugin (not the one that you just posted, but the latest "normal" binary.
There is no point of using older version. It's not going back. Use latest version and report errors of it. You said you can't send messages - try to capture network log with it.
[...] sometimes, steam just goes offline because of steam servers going off (or whatever really) [...]xD That's normal ... if you set the original Steam client to not logon onto the friend list on startup, (so you need to manually go online) you'll also notice that Steam looses the connection about 10 times per day.. at least it's quite often and not uncommon^^ And you need to set your status manually back to online then... So even the original steam client isn't that good in a similar case xD
xD That's normal ... if you set the original Steam client to not logon onto the friend list on startup, (so you need to manually go online) you'll also notice that Steam looses the connection about 10 times per day.. at least it's quite often and not uncommon^^ And you need to set your status manually back to online then... So even the original steam client isn't that good in a similar case xDProblem is not that Steam goes offline. Problem is - Steam plugin doesn't detect this offline state. He simply stop updating, silently, without any warning or displaying "offline" status (as all other protocols do :). I have nothing against re-logging plugin - but I need to know that it is offline! :)
Black Sniper: тест = test
тест = test
Problem is not that Steam goes offline. Problem is - Steam plugin doesn't detect this offline state. He simply stop updating, silently, without any warning or displaying "offline" status (as all other protocols do :). I have nothing against re-logging plugin - but I need to know that it is offline! :)
Smiling Spectre, ok, provide me a network log, please :-) (and to be sure - a version - it should be me please how to make this log, and I'll provide it, of course.
Smiling Spectre, oh and if you mean Miranda crashes, then create also a useful crash report, thanks.Funny thing. After I installed latest () version of plugin _and_ started logging, Steam stopped to acting weird! I have no idea if it's quality of last update, or interaction with the logging itself. :)
[8:42:40 0A5C] [STEAM_1] (780) Connected to cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com:80That's all. Log stops here, and Miranda hangs.
[8:42:40 0A5C] [STEAM_1] (00C54C80:780) Connection closed internal
[8:42:40 0A5C] [STEAM_1] (00C54C80:4294967295) Connection closed
[8:42:41 0A5C] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::ExecuteRequest: http://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/avatars/8f/8fb87ccea9fc976f73458497a21587d8cdbbe57d_full.jpg
[8:42:41 0A5C] [STEAM_1] Connection request to cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com:80 (Flags 1)....
[8:42:41 0A5C] [STEAM_1] (00C54C80) Connecting to server cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com:80....
[8:42:41 0A5C] [STEAM_1] (00C54C80) Connecting to ip ....
[8:42:41 0A5C] [STEAM_1] (780) Connected to cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com:80
[8:42:41 0A5C] [STEAM_1] (00C54C80:780) Connection closed internal
[8:42:41 0A5C] [STEAM_1] (00C54C80:4294967295) Connection closed
[8:42:41 0A5C] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::ExecuteRequest: http://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/avatars/fe/fef49e7fa7e1997310d705b2a6158ff8dc1cdfeb_full.jpg
[8:42:41 0A5C] [STEAM_1] Connection request to cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com:80 (Flags 1)....
[8:42:41 0A5C] [STEAM_1] (00C54C80) Connecting to server cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com:80....
[8:42:41 0A5C] [STEAM_1] (00C54C80) Connecting to ip ....
[8:42:41 0A5C] [STEAM_1] (816) Connected to cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com:80
[8:42:41 0A5C] [STEAM_1] (00C54C80:816) Connection closed internal
[8:42:41 0A5C] [STEAM_1] (00C54C80:4294967295) Connection closed
[8:42:41 0A5C] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::ExecuteRequest: http://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/avatars/23/233dea6574c5335e4932075f9d73f1a46aaf74d6_full.jpg
[8:42:41 0A5C] [STEAM_1] Connection request to cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com:80 (Flags 1)....
[8:42:41 0A5C] [STEAM_1] (00C54C80) Connecting to server cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com:80....
[8:42:41 0A5C] [STEAM_1] (00C54C80) Connecting to ip ....
[8:42:41 0A5C] [STEAM_1] (816) Connected to cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com:80
[8:42:42 0A5C] [STEAM_1] (00C54C80:816) Connection closed internal
[8:42:42 0A5C] [STEAM_1] (00C54C80:4294967295) Connection closed
[8:42:42 0A5C] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::ExecuteRequest: http://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/avatars/ae/aef110b84eb7207d376aeedcd1201fc2808d71dc_full.jpg
[8:42:42 0A5C] [STEAM_1] Connection request to cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com:80 (Flags 1)....
[8:42:42 0A5C] [STEAM_1] (00C54C80) Connecting to server cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com:80....
[8:42:42 0A5C] [STEAM_1] (00C54C80) Connecting to ip ....
[8:42:42 0A5C] [STEAM_1] (644) Connected to cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com:80
[8:17:04 0C5C] [STEAM_1] (00C59AD8:792) Connection closed internal
[8:17:04 0C5C] [STEAM_1] (00C59AD8:4294967295) Connection closed
[8:17:04 0C5C] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::ExecuteRequest: http://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/avatars/60/60a1ebe089ed1a35de18b62053ace54e3bc544c4_full.jpg
[8:17:04 0C5C] [STEAM_1] Connection request to cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com:80 (Flags 1)....
[8:17:04 0C5C] [STEAM_1] (00C59AD8) Connecting to server cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com:80....
[8:17:04 0C5C] [STEAM_1] (00C59AD8) Connecting to ip ....
[8:17:04 0C5C] [STEAM_1] (736) Connected to cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com:80
[8:17:05 0C5C] [STEAM_1] (00C59AD8:736) Connection closed internal
[8:17:05 0C5C] [STEAM_1] (00C59AD8:4294967295) Connection closed
[8:17:05 0C5C] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::ExecuteRequest: http://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/avatars/05/05d65c7cd65f7575d2d6e37d0f1f6d7fcd67b9c3_full.jpg
[8:17:05 0C5C] [STEAM_1] Connection request to cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com:80 (Flags 1)....
[8:17:05 0C5C] [STEAM_1] (00C59AD8) Connecting to server cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com:80....
[8:17:05 0C5C] [STEAM_1] (00C59AD8) Connecting to ip ....
[8:17:05 0C5C] [STEAM_1] (780) Connected to cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com:80
[8:17:05 0C5C] [STEAM_1] (00C59AD8:780) Connection closed internal
[8:17:05 0C5C] [STEAM_1] (00C59AD8:4294967295) Connection closed
[8:17:05 0C5C] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::ExecuteRequest: http://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/avatars/27/275e9e5fad5e483b1aea67f279035e8b0d9f8180_full.jpg
[8:17:05 0C5C] [STEAM_1] Connection request to cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com:80 (Flags 1)....
[8:17:05 0C5C] [STEAM_1] (00C59AD8) Connecting to server cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com:80....
[8:17:05 0C5C] [STEAM_1] (00C59AD8) Connecting to ip ....
[8:17:05 0C5C] [STEAM_1] (792) Connected to cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com:80
[8:17:06 0C5C] [STEAM_1] (00C59AD8:792) Connection closed internal
[8:17:06 0C5C] [STEAM_1] (00C59AD8:4294967295) Connection closed
[8:17:06 0C5C] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::ExecuteRequest: http://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/avatars/5a/5a07d0559dfee245a35d9947788f49a092519acb_full.jpg
[8:17:06 0C5C] [STEAM_1] Connection request to cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com:80 (Flags 1)....
[8:17:06 0C5C] [STEAM_1] (00C59AD8) Connecting to server cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com:80....
[8:17:06 0C5C] [STEAM_1] (00C59AD8) Connecting to ip ....
[8:17:06 0C5C] [STEAM_1] (792) Connected to cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com:80
[8:17:06 0C5C] [STEAM_1] (00C59AD8:792) Connection closed internal
[8:17:06 0C5C] [STEAM_1] (00C59AD8:4294967295) Connection closed
Smiling Spectre, thanks for info. Unfortunately your logs are useless because it shows only process of downloading avatars, not cause of the problem.Yeah, I thought the same - about uselessness, but it worth to try, no? :)
Also please try to examine it like this, when freezing happens again: http://wiki.miranda-ng.org/index.php?title=Using_Process_Explorer_as_the_debugging_tool and send me some screenshots of that stack :-)Wow, I didn't know about this abilities of the Process Explorer. Ok, I'll try it too, thank you for the info! :)
Smiling Spectre, thanks for info. Unfortunately your logs are useless because it shows only process of downloading avatars, not cause of the problem. Next time feel free to upload whole log somewhere (or at least significant part of it, not only few last lines). That would be more helpful.
Also please try to examine it like this, when freezing happens again: http://wiki.miranda-ng.org/index.php?title=Using_Process_Explorer_as_the_debugging_tool and send me some screenshots of that stack :-)
Vulpix, you can do this ^ too. Thanks for report and info, I'll look at it ;-)
Smiling Spectre, Vulpix, now I finally fixed that disconnection issue. Lets wait for watcher to compile new binaries and then test it :-)
While we're at it, can you fix the message text limit issue? :p Currently it's so few characters I can't even paste most links :D
Is the fact that I'm using it not with nightly very crucial?
SneakyJoe, I can't reproduce that.I tested it just now. Obviously, there are 4 possible interactions with Steam:
1) Try it in development version of Miranda NG
2) If it persists, make scenario where you can reproduce it (check if it does some special message, etc.)
3) Try to reproduce it on https://steamcommunity.com/chat/ website which I use for testing
Man you are on fire! Interested in tox protocol? :DD I put up a bounty for that you know! :D
It would be a cool idea to put this into the miranda system log (when you check system history). Could you do that?
Smiling Spectre, aha, now I finally know what are you talking about.I fixed many things, see:It works! Oh, man, IT'S ALIVE! :D
SneakyJoe, they might be people playing game on same server as you, idk. To fix it I need to know when it happens - are they loaded at login or during playing or just chatting? And giving me netlog capturing that problem would be perfect :-)
CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4765T CPU @ 2.00GHz [Intel64 Family 6 Model 60 Stepping 3] [DEP Enabled] [8 CPUs]
Installed RAM: 16329 MBytes
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate Edition, 64-bit Service Pack 1 (build 7601)
Internet Explorer: 8.0.7601.17514 (build 87601)
Administrator privileges: Yes
Free disk space on Miranda partition: 965213 MBytes
Miranda NG Version: 0.95.3 alpha build #11275 x64
Build time: 8 Dec 2014 17:01:06
Profile: <cutoff>
Profile size: 207290368 Bytes
Profile creation date: 10 Oct 2014 10:52:56
Language pack: No language pack installed
Service Mode: No
Active Plugins (44):
AddContactPlus.dll v. [1 Dec 2014 9:52:00] - Add contact+
AdvaImg.dll v. [3 Dec 2014 5:43:08] - Miranda image services
AIM.dll v. [3 Dec 2014 5:42:04] - AIM protocol
AssocMgr.dll v. [6 Dec 2014 5:46:54] - File association manager
AuthState.dll v. [8 Dec 2014 16:53:10] - Authorization state
AvatarHistory.dll v. [3 Dec 2014 5:47:02] - Avatar history
AVS.dll v. [3 Dec 2014 5:41:48] - Avatar service
ChangeKeyboardLayout.dll v. [3 Dec 2014 5:44:18] - Change keyboard layout
ClientChangeNotify.dll v. [1 Dec 2014 9:52:02] - Client change notify
Clist_modern.dll v. [6 Dec 2014 5:44:34] - Modern contact list
Contacts.dll v. [1 Dec 2014 9:50:38] - Send/receive contacts
CrashDumper.dll v. [6 Dec 2014 5:45:16] - Crash dumper
CSList.dll v. [1 Dec 2014 9:50:44] - Custom status list
Db_autobackups.dll v. [8 Dec 2014 5:43:56] - Db autobackuper
DbEditorPP.dll v. [3 Dec 2014 5:45:24] - Database editor++
Dbx_mmap.dll v. [8 Dec 2014 16:52:10] - Miranda NG mmap database driver
Dummy.dll v. [3 Dec 2014 5:49:16] - Dummy protocol
FileAsMessage.dll v. [3 Dec 2014 5:44:44] - File as message
Fingerprint.dll v. [8 Dec 2014 5:47:50] - Fingerprint NG
Flags.dll v. [1 Dec 2014 9:50:40] - Country flags
Folders.dll v. [3 Dec 2014 5:43:06] - Custom profile folders
HistoryPP.dll v. [6 Sep 2014 13:30:16] - History++
ICQ.dll v. [6 Dec 2014 5:42:30] - IcqOscarJ protocol
IEView.dll v. [6 Dec 2014 5:43:06] - IEView
IgnoreState.dll v. [1 Dec 2014 9:50:52] - Ignore state
Import.dll v. [20 Oct 2014 4:41:12] - Import contacts and messages
KeepStatus.dll v. [1 Dec 2014 9:51:22] - Keep status
mTextControl.dll v. [6 Dec 2014 5:43:06] - Miranda text control
NewXstatusNotify.dll v. [1 Dec 2014 9:50:56] - xStatus notify
Nudge.dll v. [1 Dec 2014 9:50:56] - Nudge
OpenFolder.dll v. [1 Dec 2014 9:53:26] - Open Miranda folder
PluginUpdater.dll v. [3 Dec 2014 5:45:40] - Plugin updater
PManagerEx.dll v. [6 Aug 2014 4:47:42] - Miranda NG profile changer
Restart.dll v. [9 Jul 2013 5:56:52] - Restart
SeenPlugin.dll v. [1 Dec 2014 9:51:10] - Last seen
SimpleStatusMsg.dll v. [3 Dec 2014 5:44:12] - Simple status message
SmileyAdd.dll v. [3 Dec 2014 5:43:34] - SmileyAdd
StartPosition.dll v. [29 Jun 2014 4:50:44] - Start position
Steam.dll v. [8 Dec 2014 17:00:22] - Steam protocol
TabSRMM.dll v. [8 Dec 2014 5:42:56] - TabSRMM
TopToolBar.dll v. [1 Dec 2014 9:52:14] - TopToolBar
Tox.dll v. [28 Sep 2014 22:12:16] - Tox Protocol
UInfoEx.dll v. [6 Dec 2014 5:43:44] - User info ext
Variables.dll v. [1 Dec 2014 9:51:48] - Variables
Unloadable Plugins (2):
DbChecker.dll v. [8 Dec 2014 16:56:12] - <unknown>
ImportTXT.dll v. [27 Dec 2012 5:42:59] - <unknown>
Protocols and Accounts:
AIM 0 - Enabled 1 - Disabled Loaded
Dummy 8 - Enabled 0 - Disabled Loaded
ICQ 0 - Enabled 1 - Disabled Loaded
STEAM 1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled Loaded
TOX 1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled Loaded
MetaContacts 1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled Loaded
Icon Packs:
Flags_icons.dll [3 Dec 2014 5:47:24]
Fp_icons.dll [8 Dec 2014 5:47:54]
HistoryPP_icons.dll [7 Sep 2014 4:48:42]
Proto_AIM.dll [3 Dec 2014 5:44:24]
Proto_conn_Skype.dll [3 Oct 2013 6:33:22]
Proto_Dummy.dll [3 Dec 2014 5:49:16]
Proto_Facebook.dll [20 Sep 2014 14:36:06]
Proto_GG.dll [17 Sep 2014 4:48:40]
Proto_ICQ.dll [6 Dec 2014 5:44:20]
Proto_IRC.dll [17 Sep 2014 4:48:40]
Proto_Jabber.dll [24 Sep 2014 4:49:14]
Proto_MetaContacts.dll [8 Dec 2014 16:59:48]
Proto_MRA.dll [3 Dec 2014 5:44:22]
Proto_mRadio.dll [27 Oct 2014 5:51:22]
Proto_MSN.dll [17 Sep 2014 4:48:42]
Proto_NewsAggregator.dll [8 Dec 2014 5:47:32]
Proto_Omegle.dll [1 Dec 2014 9:54:06]
Proto_Quotes.dll [1 Dec 2014 9:54:46]
Proto_Skype.dll [7 Aug 2014 4:53:46]
Proto_Steam.dll [8 Dec 2014 17:00:16]
Proto_Tlen.dll [3 Dec 2014 5:46:10]
Proto_Tox.dll [4 Oct 2014 20:14:48]
Proto_Twitter.dll [3 Dec 2014 5:44:24]
Proto_Weather.dll [3 Dec 2014 5:46:36]
Proto_Yahoo.dll [17 Sep 2014 4:48:42]
Proto_YAMN.dll [3 Dec 2014 5:46:40]
SecureIM_icons.dll [3 Dec 2014 5:47:24]
TabSRMM_icons.dll [8 Dec 2014 5:47:06]
Toolbar_icons.dll [6 Dec 2014 5:44:24]
UInfoEx_icons.dll [6 Dec 2014 5:44:00]
Watrack_buttons.dll [1 Dec 2014 9:59:18]
Watrack_icons.dll [1 Dec 2014 9:59:18]
xStatus_ICQ.dll [6 Dec 2014 5:42:42]
xStatus_Jabber.dll [24 Sep 2014 4:47:40]
xStatus_MRA.dll [3 Dec 2014 5:44:08]
It's definitely steam and my crash dumper is set correctly.Ok, try to determine and tell me which commit # started it. (At least narrow it to few commit numbers).
The steam contacts who are set as N/A have no protocol icon shown next to them.I'm loading MirVer info, maybe it replaces your Client icon with blank icon? (Because in Fingerprint there is no Steam support yet)
Robyer, Hello Prompt, and the problem (http://forum.miranda-ng.org/index.php?topic=1222.msg6277#msg6277) was solved? After this incident, I am afraid to use the protocol ...Yes, I fixed it yesterday. But it's not serious problem, you can easily and quickly delete all that other people.
Ok, try to determine and tell me which commit # started it. (At least narrow it to few commit numbers).I believe I first had it happen after you fixed the loop, i.e. commit 11267.
I'm loading MirVer info, maybe it replaces your Client icon with blank icon? (Because in Fingerprint there is no Steam support yet)
I believe I first had it happen after you fixed the loop, i.e. commit 11267.Aha. No, but I guess (and hope) it is just because some race condition of more threads. I'll try to fix it.
Is it possible for int count = requestsQueue.getCount(); to be null or something like that?
When they're away, online, offline - it works just fine with the overlay, see pic below. Those two were set as NA.Oh you mean contact status icon. Yes, NA and other status icons are missing in proto_steam.dll. I have to create them :-)
(no, not Tox :-D )
After last auto-update Miranda doesn't see the Steam anymore. And it disappeared from the first post too. What the hell?
There is still many small things that could be done, but I'm pretty satisfied with it's current state and my work last days. I need to work on other projects now (no, not Tox :-D ) so I won't be so active here anymore. :)
For some unknown reason it couldn't be updated (I have no idea why, it haven't any special attributes, can be edited manually, and I was able to remove it after all). If I do "check for updates", it always found new Steam.dll, but not installs it.
But seriously, thank you for all the effort!You're welcome :-)
I also noticed that the people who are playing have a "gamepad" icon of sorts, but I can no longer see which game they are playing (it was showing me that as xstatus before). I have xstatus set as my 3rd row item in clist_modern. Should I change anything according to what you rewrote in the protocol?It should be in XStatus message, so it seems correct. Do you see xstatuses of other (icq?) people? Do you have enabled visibility of that 3rd line?
It should be in XStatus message, so it seems correct. Do you see xstatuses of other (icq?) people? Do you have enabled visibility of that 3rd line?
You can check with dbeditor - disconnect protocol, open dbeditor and open <contact>/Steam branch, then login and check if "XStatusMsg" key is filled. It is marked as "temporary", that's why you need to have opened DBEditor BEFORE that value is written/changed to see it.
Aldo sometomes Steam doesn't report name of playing game, that could be the case.
I'm saying this because I used to be able to see the game :D I have the 3rd row enabled and I have it set correctly to xstatus.
What's happening? :oIdk :) Try cleaning your profile with DbChecker.
Sorry I didn't have CrashDumper enabled when it happened, but Miranda crashed and all my Steam contacts were offline. I fixed it by added a new friend and had them send me a message.
Like an earlier poster mentioned, the incoming chat history is also getting corrupted, especially messages with URLs - don't know if it happened before the crash or after I ran dbchecker.
Unitwobble, did you check the option to convert old messages to utf format in dbchecker? I think that the corruptions only happened when I did that.Are these corruptions reproducable? Because it would mean Steam proto still saves messages to DB with wrong flag.
Unitwobble, did you check the option to convert old messages to utf format in dbchecker? I think that the corruptions only happened when I did that.
[23:27:50 1D78] [STEAM_1] (0000000010668328:860) Connection closed internal
[23:27:50 1D78] [STEAM_1] (0000000010668328:4294967295) Connection closed
[23:28:09 1168] [STEAM_1] (00000000106680C8:1796) Data received
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
[23:28:09 1168] [STEAM_1] (00000000106680C8:1796) Data received
date: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 22:27:53 GMT
expires: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 22:27:53 GMT
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
Content-Length: 56
[23:28:09 1168] [STEAM_1] (00000000106680C8:1796) Data received
"pollid": 0,
"sectimeout": 20,
"error": "Timeout"
[23:28:09 1168] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::PollingThread: https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamWebUserPresenceOAuth/Poll/v0001
[23:28:32 1168] [STEAM_1] (00000000106680C8:1796) Data received
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
[23:28:32 1168] [STEAM_1] (00000000106680C8:1796) Data received
date: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 22:28:13 GMT
expires: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 22:28:13 GMT
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
Content-Length: 56
[23:28:32 1168] [STEAM_1] (00000000106680C8:1796) Data received
"pollid": 0,
"sectimeout": 20,
"error": "Timeout"
[23:28:32 1168] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::PollingThread: https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamWebUserPresenceOAuth/Poll/v0001
[23:28:34 1168] SSL Server signaled SSL Shutdown
[23:28:34 1168] [STEAM_1] modules\netlib\netlibhttp.cpp 540: HttpPeekFirstResponseLine Failed (38 10)
[23:28:34 1168] [STEAM_1] modules\netlib\netlibhttp.cpp 540: HttpPeekFirstResponseLine Failed (38 9)
[23:28:34 1168] [STEAM_1] (00000000106680C8:1796) Connection closed internal
[23:28:34 1168] [STEAM_1] (00000000106680C8:4294967295) Connection closed
[23:28:34 1168] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::PollingThread: https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamWebUserPresenceOAuth/Poll/v0001
[23:28:34 1168] [STEAM_1] Connection request to api.steampowered.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[23:28:34 1168] [STEAM_1] (00000000106680C8) Connecting to server api.steampowered.com:443....
[23:28:34 1168] [STEAM_1] (00000000106680C8) Connecting to ip ....
[23:28:36 1168] [STEAM_1] (1796) Connected to api.steampowered.com:443
[23:28:36 1168] [STEAM_1] (1796 api.steampowered.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[23:28:37 1168] SSL Negotiation failure recieving data (10054)
[23:28:37 1168] [STEAM_1] (1796 api.steampowered.com) Failure to negotiate SSL connection
[23:28:37 1168] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::PollingThread: https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamWebUserPresenceOAuth/Poll/v0001
[23:28:37 1168] [STEAM_1] (00000000106680C8:1796) Connection closed internal
[23:28:37 1168] [STEAM_1] (00000000106680C8) Connecting to server api.steampowered.com:443....
[23:28:37 1168] [STEAM_1] (00000000106680C8) Connecting to ip ....
[23:28:37 1168] [STEAM_1] (1724) Connected to api.steampowered.com:443
[23:28:37 1168] [STEAM_1] (1724 api.steampowered.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[23:28:37 1168] SSL Negotiation failure recieving data (10054)
[23:28:37 1168] [STEAM_1] (1724 api.steampowered.com) Failure to negotiate SSL connection
[23:28:37 1168] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::PollingThread: leaving
[23:28:37 1168] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::PollingThread: unexpected termination; switching protocol to offline
[23:28:37 1168] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::SetStatus: changing status from 40072 to 40071
[23:28:37 1168] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::StopQueue: https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamWebUserPresenceOAuth/Logoff/v0001
[23:28:37 1168] [STEAM_1] Connection request to api.steampowered.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[23:28:37 1168] [STEAM_1] (00000000106680C8) Connecting to server api.steampowered.com:443....
[23:28:37 1168] [STEAM_1] (00000000106680C8) Connecting to ip ....
[23:28:38 1D78] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::QueueThread: leaving
[23:28:38 1168] [STEAM_1] (2736) Connected to api.steampowered.com:443
[23:28:38 1168] [STEAM_1] (2736 api.steampowered.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[23:28:38 1168] SSL Negotiation failure recieving data (10054)
[23:28:38 1168] [STEAM_1] (2736 api.steampowered.com) Failure to negotiate SSL connection
[23:28:39 0C40] KeepStatus: connection lost! (STEAM_1)
Any idea what the problem could be?No idea, maybe overload to steam servers during holidays? Nothing I can do about this.
No idea, maybe overload to steam servers during holidays? Nothing I can do about this.
[23:22:19 1168] [STEAM_1] (00000000106680C8:1796) Data received
"pollid": 0,
"messages": [
"type": "typing",
"timestamp": 765686523,
"utc_timestamp": 1420150922,
"steamid_from": "<cnsrd>",
"text": ""
"messagelast": 82,
"timestamp": 765686523,
"utc_timestamp": 1420150922,
"messagebase": 81,
"sectimeout": 6,
"error": "OK"
Last 2 days, I keep getting disconnected _very_ often.
@Robyer; while checking the message stream to see why I was getting disconnected, I saw this:Interesting. What client was used on the other side? Classic Steam? I can check that typing notifications ;-)
I assume that means the api exposes "is typing" notifications! Do you think you could implement that in the steam protocol, (to both send the 'is typing' notifications and receive them?)
[17:52:39 1A48] [STEAM_1] (000000000FF09EF8:1540) Data received
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
[17:52:39 1A48] [STEAM_1] (000000000FF09EF8:1540) Data received
Date: Mon, 02 Mar 2015 16:52:33 GMT
expires: Mon, 02 Mar 2015 16:52:33 GMT
content-type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
content-length: 356
[17:52:39 1A48] [STEAM_1] (000000000FF09EF8:1540) Data received
"pollid": 0,
"messages": [
"messagelast": 80,
"timestamp": 487499785,
"utc_timestamp": 1425315153,
"messagebase": 79,
"sectimeout": 5,
"error": "OK"
[17:52:39 1440] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::ExecuteRequest:
[17:52:39 1A48] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::PollingThread: https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamWebUserPresenceOAuth/Poll/v0001
[17:52:39 1440] [STEAM_1] Connection request to api.steampowered.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[17:52:39 1440] [STEAM_1] (000000000FF09DC8) Connecting to server api.steampowered.com:443....
[17:52:39 1440] [STEAM_1] (000000000FF09DC8) Connecting to ip ....
[17:52:39 1440] [STEAM_1] (632) Connected to api.steampowered.com:443
[17:52:39 1440] [STEAM_1] (632 api.steampowered.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[17:52:40 1A48] [STEAM_1] (000000000FF09EF8:1540) Data received
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
[17:52:40 1A48] [STEAM_1] (000000000FF09EF8:1540) Data received
Date: Mon, 02 Mar 2015 16:52:33 GMT
expires: Mon, 02 Mar 2015 16:52:33 GMT
content-type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
content-length: 12060
[17:52:40 1A48] [STEAM_1] (000000000FF09EF8:1540) Data received
"pollid": 0,
"messages": [
"type": "personastate",
"timestamp": 487499785,
"utc_timestamp": 1425315153,
<censored, but lots and lots of my friends listed here in the same way>
"messagelast": 142,
"timestamp": 487500378,
"utc_timestamp": 1425315153,
"messagebase": 80,
"sectimeout": 1,
"error": "OK"
[17:52:40 1A48] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::PollingThread: https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamWebUserPresenceOAuth/Poll/v0001
[17:52:40 1440] [STEAM_1] (632 api.steampowered.com) SSL negotiation successful
[17:52:40 1440] [STEAM_1] (000000000FF09DC8:632) Data received
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
[17:52:40 1440] [STEAM_1] (000000000FF09DC8:632) Data received
Date: Mon, 02 Mar 2015 16:52:34 GMT
expires: Mon, 02 Mar 2015 16:52:34 GMT
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
Content-Length: 23
[17:52:40 1440] [STEAM_1] (000000000FF09DC8:632) Data received
"players": [
[17:52:40 1440] [STEAM_1] (000000000FF09DC8:632) Connection closed internal
[17:52:40 1440] [STEAM_1] (000000000FF09DC8:4294967295) Connection closed
[17:52:40 1440] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::ExecuteRequest: @
[17:52:40 1440] [STEAM_1] Connection request to api.steampowered.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[17:52:40 1440] [STEAM_1] (000000000FF09DC8) Connecting to server api.steampowered.com:443....
[17:52:40 1440] [STEAM_1] (000000000FF09DC8) Connecting to ip ....
[17:52:40 1440] [STEAM_1] (632) Connected to api.steampowered.com:443
[17:52:40 1440] [STEAM_1] (632 api.steampowered.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[17:52:41 1440] [STEAM_1] (632 api.steampowered.com) SSL negotiation successful
[17:52:42 1440] [STEAM_1] (000000000FF09DC8:632) Data received
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
[17:52:42 1440] [STEAM_1] (000000000FF09DC8:632) Data received
Date: Mon, 02 Mar 2015 16:52:35 GMT
expires: Mon, 02 Mar 2015 16:52:35 GMT
content-type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
content-length: 46266
[17:52:42 1440] [STEAM_1] (000000000FF09DC8:632) Data received
"players": [
and again a bunch of my contacts here.
and it finishes with this:
[17:52:42 1440] [STEAM_1] (000000000FF09DC8:632) Connection closed internal
[17:52:42 1440] [STEAM_1] (000000000FF09DC8:4294967295) Connection closed
If you use the steam client and you start it whilst being logged in from Miranda, the miranda side enters a weird state of limbo where the protocol says it's online, but most contacts will suddenly appear offline, some will be online without status etc. I noticed that mostly users who refresh their status or otherwise do something will re-appear as online again.
Ever since I updated, I cannot log on anymore:
[12:47:00 20D4] [STEAM_1] (0051E8F8:1304) Connection closed internal
[12:47:00 20D4] [STEAM_1] (0051E8F8:4294967295) Connection closed
[12:47:00 20D4] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::ExecuteRequest: https://steamcommunity.com/mobilelogin/dologin
[12:47:00 20D4] [STEAM_1] Connection request to steamcommunity.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[12:47:00 20D4] [STEAM_1] (0051E8F8) Connecting to server steamcommunity.com:443....
[12:47:00 20D4] [STEAM_1] (0051E8F8) Connecting to ip ....
[12:47:00 20D4] [STEAM_1] (1440) Connected to steamcommunity.com:443
[12:47:00 20D4] [STEAM_1] (1440 steamcommunity.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[12:47:00 20D4] [STEAM_1] (1440 steamcommunity.com) SSL negotiation successful
[12:47:00 20D4] [STEAM_1] (0051E8F8:1440) Connection closed internal
[12:47:00 20D4] [STEAM_1] (0051E8F8:4294967295) Connection closed
[12:47:28 20D4] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::ExecuteRequest: https://steamcommunity.com/mobilelogin/dologin
[12:47:28 20D4] [STEAM_1] Connection request to steamcommunity.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[12:47:28 20D4] [STEAM_1] (0051E8F8) Connecting to server steamcommunity.com:443....
[12:47:28 20D4] [STEAM_1] (0051E8F8) Connecting to ip ....
[12:47:28 20D4] [STEAM_1] (1440) Connected to steamcommunity.com:443
[12:47:28 20D4] [STEAM_1] (1440 steamcommunity.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[12:47:28 20D4] [STEAM_1] (1440 steamcommunity.com) SSL negotiation successful
[12:47:28 20D4] [STEAM_1] (0051E8F8:1440) Connection closed internal
[12:47:28 20D4] [STEAM_1] (0051E8F8:4294967295) Connection closed
[12:47:28 20D4] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::ExecuteRequest: https://steamcommunity.com/mobileloginsucceeded
[12:47:28 20D4] [STEAM_1] Connection request to steamcommunity.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[12:47:28 20D4] [STEAM_1] (0051E8F8) Connecting to server steamcommunity.com:443....
[12:47:28 20D4] [STEAM_1] (0051E8F8) Connecting to ip ....
[12:47:28 20D4] [STEAM_1] (1440) Connected to steamcommunity.com:443
[12:47:28 20D4] [STEAM_1] (1440 steamcommunity.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[12:47:28 20D4] [STEAM_1] (1440 steamcommunity.com) SSL negotiation successful
[12:47:29 20D4] [STEAM_1] (0051E8F8:1440) Connection closed internal
[12:47:29 20D4] [STEAM_1] (0051E8F8:4294967295) Connection closed
[12:47:29 20D4] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::ExecuteRequest: https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamWebUserPresenceOAuth/Logon/v0001
[12:47:29 20D4] [STEAM_1] Connection request to api.steampowered.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[12:47:29 20D4] [STEAM_1] (0051E8F8) Connecting to server api.steampowered.com:443....
[12:47:29 20D4] [STEAM_1] (0051E8F8) Connecting to ip ....
[12:47:30 20D4] [STEAM_1] (1440) Connected to api.steampowered.com:443
[12:47:30 20D4] [STEAM_1] (1440 api.steampowered.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[12:47:30 20D4] [STEAM_1] (1440 api.steampowered.com) SSL negotiation successful
[12:47:31 20D4] [STEAM_1] (0051E8F8:1440) Connection closed internal
[12:47:31 20D4] [STEAM_1] (0051E8F8:4294967295) Connection closed
[12:47:31 20D4] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::SetStatus: changing status from 1 to 40071
[12:47:31 20D4] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::StopQueue: https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamWebUserPresenceOAuth/Logoff/v0001
[12:47:31 20D4] [STEAM_1] Connection request to api.steampowered.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[12:47:31 20D4] [STEAM_1] (0051E8F8) Connecting to server api.steampowered.com:443....
[12:47:31 20D4] [STEAM_1] (0051E8F8) Connecting to ip ....
[12:47:31 20D4] [STEAM_1] (1568) Connected to api.steampowered.com:443
[12:47:31 20D4] [STEAM_1] (1568 api.steampowered.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[12:47:31 20D4] [STEAM_1] (1568 api.steampowered.com) SSL negotiation successful
[12:47:32 20D4] [STEAM_1] (0051E8F8:1568) Connection closed internal
[12:47:32 20D4] [STEAM_1] (0051E8F8:4294967295) Connection closed
[12:47:32 20D4] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::QueueThread: leaving
Hmm, I am having trouble with the steam protocol. Due to the inherent unreliable nature of the steam servers, the service does often go down. That's fine and dandy! But when it does, and my steam starts reconnecting (due to keepstatus), it will cause miranda to freeze.Funny... I experienced exactly this problem since installed Steam protocol, half year ago (I believe, you can found my report about it somewhere there, but why? It's the same, logless freeze. Miranda also eaten whole one core for it each time). It was permanent error, and I had it every day with my ADSL connection. After some builds I got tired of it and installed crashdumper module in weak hope to catch anything - it was somewhere around December. Surprisingly enough, immediately after that problem gone and never returned anymore. I taken it as coincidence, of course.
Vulpix, do you have a netlog?
Can I fix it somehowJust switch your whole Miranda to the development version. Nothings wrong with it.
Sadly I didn't have it running for steam when it happened. I have it running now and will report if it happens again.
>.> so far it hasn't happened....
Black Sniper, yes, for a while, until unsane fixes it.until valve fix it :-X
Darn, after the Tuesday maintenance, my steam stopped working too.
Sorry, I realized that my fix for automatically deleting SecretToken when it expires is wrong and deletes it even if you try to login while you don't have internet connection or when timeout occurs for login request (e.g. steam servers are down).
Now I don't know how to determine properly that token is expired or not... Anyway, if you have profile backup, you can put there old SecretToken and it will work again without login. (Only login procedure for getting token is broken).
Can you make it so that the token is not deleted on regular DCs due to maintenance and such? :p Thanks!
Tried the plugin, it connects but doesn't show my contacts. This happens on both a clean install of 32, 64, stable and current releases. When I log in to the Steam client theres an icon by my avatar that says "online using the web". For some reason the Miranda icon still gives me notifications that someones signed in dispite me not being able to see them on my list.
jjamesville, can you make a netlog (http://wiki.miranda-ng.org/index.php?title=Network_log)?http://pastebin.com/rpVAZ8fE
Would it be possible to do something about token expiration on Tuesdays? When the whole steam is taken down for maintenance, my miranda always expires the token off meaning I have to re-authenticate myself. I mean, it works, but I don't want to have to enter a code every week on Tuesday. Would it be possible to put in some verification that will only remove the token if it detects that steam web api is NOT down? (like this site does: https://steamstat.us/ - it'll show when web api is down).
jjamesville, in log it seems it loads contacts correctly.This method worked, thank you
I guess it will be the bug with not creating group correctly. Look at Steam options what default group name is set there. Then create such group manually in your clist. Contacts are probably in your database, but they are just "hidden" in non-existing group.
[10:25:52 10B0] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::SetStatus: changing status from 40071 to 40072
[10:25:52 0CDC] [STEAM_1] Send request to https://steamcommunity.com/mobilelogin/getrsakey
[10:25:52 0CDC] [STEAM_1] Connection request to steamcommunity.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[10:25:52 0CDC] [STEAM_1] (0000000002C03178) Connecting to server steamcommunity.com:443..
[10:25:52 0CDC] [STEAM_1] (0000000002C03178) Connecting to ip ....
[10:25:52 0CDC] [STEAM_1] (2152) Connected to steamcommunity.com:443
[10:25:52 0CDC] [STEAM_1] (2152 steamcommunity.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[10:25:52 0CDC] [STEAM_1] (2152 steamcommunity.com) SSL negotiation successful
[10:25:53 0CDC] [STEAM_1] (0000000002C03178:2152) Connection closed internal
[10:25:53 0CDC] [STEAM_1] (0000000002C03178:4294967295) Connection closed
[10:25:53 0CDC] [STEAM_1] Send request to https://steamcommunity.com/mobilelogin/dologin/
[10:25:53 0CDC] [STEAM_1] Connection request to steamcommunity.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[10:25:53 0CDC] [STEAM_1] (0000000002C02DE8) Connecting to server steamcommunity.com:443..
[10:25:53 0CDC] [STEAM_1] (0000000002C02DE8) Connecting to ip ....
[10:25:53 0CDC] [STEAM_1] (2212) Connected to steamcommunity.com:443
[10:25:53 0CDC] [STEAM_1] (2212 steamcommunity.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[10:25:53 0CDC] [STEAM_1] (2212 steamcommunity.com) SSL negotiation successful
[10:25:54 0CDC] [STEAM_1] (0000000002C02DE8:2212) Connection closed internal
[10:25:54 0CDC] [STEAM_1] (0000000002C02DE8:4294967295) Connection closed
Wishmaster, yay! That worked. However, there is still the same problem with the "read away message" as I just realized you can also do that. Can you remove the functionality to read "X" message from steam altogether? Thanks!Why remove it?
Well, Steam has no status messages. It's just online, away, busy, etc... but you cannot actually write a custom status, so "reading x message" option for steam is useless altogether.
I'm not sure about that. Anyway, I'm using status message for special statuses like "Looking for trade" and "Looking for play". And it might be useful for some other info in future too. So I don't agree with removing status messages support. :)Should I revert it?
Should I revert it?
I may look at the icon problem though
Should I revert it?
Well, in that case, would it be possible to make the retrieve online message retrieve the xstatus message? Like for example if you want to copy the IP or something.
Can't connect to steam, log:Spoiler[15:05:29 1614] [STEAM_1] Connection request to steamcommunity.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[15:05:29 1614] [STEAM_1] (000000000A122D78) Connecting to server steamcommunity.com:443....
[15:05:29 1614] [STEAM_1] (000000000A122D78) Connecting to ip ....
[15:05:29 1614] [STEAM_1] (1192) Connected to steamcommunity.com:443
[15:05:29 1614] [STEAM_1] (1192 steamcommunity.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[15:05:29 1614] [STEAM_1] (1192 steamcommunity.com) SSL negotiation successful
[15:05:30 1614] SSL Server signaled SSL Shutdown
[15:05:30 1614] [STEAM_1] (000000000A122D78:1192) Connection closed internal
[15:05:30 1614] [STEAM_1] (000000000A122D78:4294967295) Connection closed
[15:05:30 1614] [STEAM_1] Send request to https://steamcommunity.com/mobilelogin/dologin/
[15:05:30 1614] [STEAM_1] Connection request to steamcommunity.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[15:05:30 1614] [STEAM_1] (0000000003097568) Connecting to server steamcommunity.com:443....
[15:05:30 1614] [STEAM_1] (0000000003097568) Connecting to ip ....
[15:05:30 1614] [STEAM_1] (1192) Connected to steamcommunity.com:443
[15:05:30 1614] [STEAM_1] (1192 steamcommunity.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[15:05:30 1614] [STEAM_1] (1192 steamcommunity.com) SSL negotiation successful
[15:05:30 1614] SSL Server signaled SSL Shutdown
[15:05:30 1614] [STEAM_1] (0000000003097568:1192) Connection closed internal
[15:05:30 1614] [STEAM_1] (0000000003097568:4294967295) Connection closed
[15:05:39 1614] [STEAM_1] Send request to https://steamcommunity.com/mobilelogin/getrsakey/
[15:05:39 1614] [STEAM_1] Connection request to steamcommunity.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[15:05:39 1614] [STEAM_1] (0000000003097568) Connecting to server steamcommunity.com:443....
[15:05:39 1614] [STEAM_1] (0000000003097568) Connecting to ip ....
[15:05:39 1614] [STEAM_1] (1444) Connected to steamcommunity.com:443
[15:05:39 1614] [STEAM_1] (1444 steamcommunity.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[15:05:39 1614] [STEAM_1] (1444 steamcommunity.com) SSL negotiation successful
[15:05:39 1614] [STEAM_1] (0000000003097568:1444) Connection closed internal
[15:05:39 1614] [STEAM_1] (0000000003097568:4294967295) Connection closed
[15:05:39 1614] [STEAM_1] Send request to https://steamcommunity.com/mobilelogin/dologin/
[15:05:39 1614] [STEAM_1] Connection request to steamcommunity.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[15:05:39 1614] [STEAM_1] (0000000003097568) Connecting to server steamcommunity.com:443....
[15:05:39 1614] [STEAM_1] (0000000003097568) Connecting to ip ....
[15:05:39 1614] [STEAM_1] (1444) Connected to steamcommunity.com:443
[15:05:39 1614] [STEAM_1] (1444 steamcommunity.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[15:05:39 1614] [STEAM_1] (1444 steamcommunity.com) SSL negotiation successful
[15:05:40 1614] SSL Server signaled SSL Shutdown
[15:05:40 1614] [STEAM_1] (0000000003097568:1444) Connection closed internal
[15:05:40 1614] [STEAM_1] (0000000003097568:4294967295) Connection closed
[15:05:40 1614] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::SetStatus: changing status from 1 to 40071
[15:05:40 0640] [STEAM_1] Send request to https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamWebUserPresenceOAuth/Logoff/v0001
[15:05:40 0640] [STEAM_1] Connection request to api.steampowered.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[15:05:40 0640] [STEAM_1] (0000000003097568) Connecting to server api.steampowered.com:443....
[15:05:40 0640] [STEAM_1] (0000000003097568) Connecting to ip ....
[15:05:40 0640] [STEAM_1] (1136) Connected to api.steampowered.com:443
[15:05:40 0640] [STEAM_1] (1136 api.steampowered.com) Starting SSL negotiation[close]
After entering Guard Code status is Offline.
[20:03:37 0A28] [STEAM_2] (01249508:2108) Connection closed internal
[20:03:37 0A28] [STEAM_2] (01249508:4294967295) Connection closed
[20:03:37 0A28] [STEAM_2] Send request to https://steamcommunity.com/mobilelogin/dologin/
[20:03:37 0A28] [STEAM_2] Connection request to steamcommunity.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[20:03:38 0A28] [STEAM_2] (01249508) Connecting to server steamcommunity.com:443....
[20:03:38 130C] [STEAM_2] (964) Connected to api.steampowered.com:443
[20:03:38 130C] [STEAM_2] (964 api.steampowered.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[20:03:38 0A28] [STEAM_2] (01249508) Connecting to ip ....
[20:03:39 0A28] [STEAM_2] (2108) Connected to steamcommunity.com:443
[20:03:39 0A28] [STEAM_2] (2108 steamcommunity.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[20:03:40 0C7C] SSL established with ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384
[20:03:40 130C] [STEAM_2] (964 api.steampowered.com) SSL negotiation successful
[20:03:40 130C] [STEAM_2] (0124A600:964) Connection closed internal
[20:03:40 130C] [STEAM_2] (0124A600:4294967295) Connection closed
[20:03:40 0C7C] SSL established with ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384
[20:03:40 0A28] [STEAM_2] (2108 steamcommunity.com) SSL negotiation successful
[20:03:42 0A28] [STEAM_2] (01249508:2108) Connection closed internal
[20:03:42 0A28] [STEAM_2] (01249508:4294967295) Connection closed
[20:03:42 0A28] [STEAM_2] Send request to https://steamcommunity.com/mobilelogin/dologin/
[20:03:42 0A28] [STEAM_2] Connection request to steamcommunity.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[20:03:42 0A28] [STEAM_2] (01249508) Connecting to server steamcommunity.com:443....
[20:03:42 0A28] [STEAM_2] (01249508) Connecting to ip ....
[20:03:42 0A28] [STEAM_2] (2232) Connected to steamcommunity.com:443
[20:03:42 0A28] [STEAM_2] (2232 steamcommunity.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[20:03:44 0C7C] SSL established with ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384
[20:03:44 0A28] [STEAM_2] (2232 steamcommunity.com) SSL negotiation successful
[20:03:45 0A28] [STEAM_2] (01249508:2232) Connection closed internal
[20:03:45 0A28] [STEAM_2] (01249508:4294967295) Connection closed
[20:03:46 0C7C] [STEAM_2] CSteamProto::SetStatus: changing status from 1 to 40071
[20:03:46 0C7C] CToxProto::SetStatus: changing status from 40072 to 40071
[20:03:46 1128] [STEAM_2] Send request to https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamWebUserPresenceOAuth/Logoff/v0001
[20:03:46 1128] [STEAM_2] Connection request to api.steampowered.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[20:03:46 15BC] CToxProto::PollingThread: leaving
[20:03:46 1128] [STEAM_2] src\netlibopenconn.cpp 727: connect() failed (0)
[20:03:46 0C7C] SSL failure recieving data (-1, 5, 10053)
[20:03:46 0C7C] SSL failure recieving data (-1, 5, 10058)
Likely cause of the crash plugin: Steam protocol
Exception: Access Violation at address 120821F7. Reading from address 00000000.
Stack Trace:
120821F7 (libjson 12080000): c:\program files (x86)\microsoft visual studio 10.0\vc\include\xstring (930): std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >::assign
12083C5D (libjson 12080000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\libs\libjson\src\libjson.cpp (93): JSONNode::parse
16E869D4 (Steam 16E80000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\protocols\steam\src\steam_login.cpp (84): CSteamProto::OnAuthorization
16E84826 (Steam 16E80000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\protocols\steam\src\steam_request.cpp (37): SteamHttpResponse
16E89947 (Steam 16E80000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\protocols\steam\src\request_queue.cpp (77): RequestQueue::Execute
16E899D1 (Steam 16E80000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\protocols\steam\src\request_queue.cpp (104): RequestQueue::WorkerThread
1224C516 (mir_core 12240000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\src\mir_core\src\threads.cpp (119): forkthread_r
78AFC3D4 (MSVCR100 78AA0000): (filename not available) (0): endthread
78AFC474 (MSVCR100 78AA0000): (filename not available) (0): endthread
7C80B729 (kernel32 7C800000): (filename not available) (0): GetModuleFileNameA
Likely cause of the crash plugin: Steam protocol
Exception: Access Violation at address 120821F7. Reading from address 00000000.
Stack Trace:
120821F7 (libjson 12080000): c:\program files (x86)\microsoft visual studio 10.0\vc\include\xstring (930): std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >::assign
12083C5D (libjson 12080000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\libs\libjson\src\libjson.cpp (93): JSONNode::parse
16EA6BBC (Steam 16EA0000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\protocols\steam\src\steam_login.cpp (23): CSteamProto::OnGotRsaKey
16EAAFEC (Steam 16EA0000): (filename not available) (0): _EH_epilog3_GS
78B2B65A (MSVCR100 78AA0000): (filename not available) (0): rand_s
7C839A90 (kernel32 7C800000): (filename not available) (0): ValidateLocale
[19:29:56 0A3C] [STEAM_2] (01230EC0:2916) Data received
"error": "Not Logged On"
[19:29:56 0A3C] [STEAM_2] (01230EC0:2916) Connection closed internal
[19:29:56 0A3C] [STEAM_2] (01230EC0:4294967295) Connection closed
[19:29:57 01E0] [STEAM_2] (01317CD8:2892) Connection closed internal
[19:29:57 01E0] [STEAM_2] (01317CD8:4294967295) Connection closed
[19:30:01 064C] [STEAM_2] (012FB1C0:2736) Data received
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
[19:30:01 064C] [STEAM_2] (012FB1C0:2736) Data received
date: Sun, 13 Sep 2015 16:29:57 GMT
expires: Sun, 13 Sep 2015 16:29:57 GMT
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
Content-Length: 56
[19:30:01 064C] [STEAM_2] (012FB1C0:2736) Data received
"pollid": 0,
"sectimeout": 30,
"error": "Timeout"
[19:30:02 0638] [STEAM_2] (011A1570:2804) Data received
"pollid": 0,
"sectimeout": 30,
"error": "Timeout"
Likely cause of the crash plugin: Steam protocol
Exception: Access Violation at address 120821F7. Reading from address 00000000.
Stack Trace:
120821F7 (libjson 12080000): c:\program files (x86)\microsoft visual studio 10.0\vc\include\xstring (930): std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >::assign
12083C5D (libjson 12080000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\libs\libjson\src\libjson.cpp (93): JSONNode::parse
16EA6AED (Steam 16EA0000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\protocols\steam\src\steam_login.cpp (84): CSteamProto::OnAuthorization
16EA4890 (Steam 16EA0000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\protocols\steam\src\steam_request.cpp (37): SteamHttpResponse
16EA9A43 (Steam 16EA0000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\protocols\steam\src\request_queue.cpp (77): RequestQueue::Execute
16EA9ACD (Steam 16EA0000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\protocols\steam\src\request_queue.cpp (104): RequestQueue::WorkerThread
1224C599 (mir_core 12240000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\src\mir_core\src\threads.cpp (119): forkthread_r
78AFC3D4 (MSVCR100 78AA0000): (filename not available) (0): endthread
78AFC474 (MSVCR100 78AA0000): (filename not available) (0): endthread
7C80B729 (kernel32 7C800000): (filename not available) (0): GetModuleFileNameA
Likely cause of the crash plugin: Steam protocol
Exception: Priveleged instruction executed at address 01234BAC.
Stack Trace:
01234BAC ((module-name not available) 00000000): (filename not available) (0): (function-name not available)
16EA6B37 (Steam 16EA0000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\protocols\steam\src\steam_login.cpp (94): CSteamProto::OnAuthorization
16EA4890 (Steam 16EA0000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\protocols\steam\src\steam_request.cpp (37): SteamHttpResponse
16EA9A43 (Steam 16EA0000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\protocols\steam\src\request_queue.cpp (77): RequestQueue::Execute
16EA9ACD (Steam 16EA0000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\protocols\steam\src\request_queue.cpp (104): RequestQueue::WorkerThread
1224C599 (mir_core 12240000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\src\mir_core\src\threads.cpp (119): forkthread_r
78AFC3D4 (MSVCR100 78AA0000): (filename not available) (0): endthread
78AFC474 (MSVCR100 78AA0000): (filename not available) (0): endthread
7C80B729 (kernel32 7C800000): (filename not available) (0): GetModuleFileNameA
Likely cause of the crash plugin: Steam protocol
Exception: Access Violation at address 120821F7. Reading from address 0148C000.
Stack Trace:
120821F7 (libjson 12080000): c:\program files (x86)\microsoft visual studio 10.0\vc\include\xstring (930): std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >::assign
12083BDE (libjson 12080000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\libs\libjson\src\libjson.cpp (100): json_parse
16EAA312 (Steam 16EA0000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\protocols\steam\src\steam_pooling.cpp (194): CSteamProto::PollingThread
1224C554 (mir_core 12240000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\src\mir_core\src\threads.cpp (154): forkthreadex_r
78AFC556 (MSVCR100 78AA0000): (filename not available) (0): endthreadex
78AFC600 (MSVCR100 78AA0000): (filename not available) (0): endthreadex
7C80B729 (kernel32 7C800000): (filename not available) (0): GetModuleFileNameA
[12:39:39 22F0] [STEAM_2] (0132AE00:4024) Data received
"pollid": 0,
"sectimeout": 30,
"error": "Timeout"
Likely cause of the crash plugin: Steam protocol
Exception: Access Violation at address 120821F7. Reading from address 014B4000.
Stack Trace:
120821F7 (libjson 12080000): c:\program files (x86)\microsoft visual studio 10.0\vc\include\xstring (930): std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >::assign
12083BDE (libjson 12080000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\libs\libjson\src\libjson.cpp (100): json_parse
16EA8F1B (Steam 16EA0000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\protocols\steam\src\steam_contacts.cpp (492): CSteamProto::OnGotUserSummaries
16EA4890 (Steam 16EA0000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\protocols\steam\src\steam_request.cpp (37): SteamHttpResponse
16EA9A51 (Steam 16EA0000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\protocols\steam\src\request_queue.cpp (77): RequestQueue::Execute
16EA9ADB (Steam 16EA0000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\protocols\steam\src\request_queue.cpp (104): RequestQueue::WorkerThread
1224C599 (mir_core 12240000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\src\mir_core\src\threads.cpp (119): forkthread_r
78AFC3D4 (MSVCR100 78AA0000): (filename not available) (0): endthread
78AFC474 (MSVCR100 78AA0000): (filename not available) (0): endthread
7C80B729 (kernel32 7C800000): (filename not available) (0): GetModuleFileNameA
Likely cause of the crash plugin: Steam protocol
Exception: Access Violation at address 120821F7. Reading from address 01527000.
Stack Trace:
120821F7 (libjson 12080000): c:\program files (x86)\microsoft visual studio 10.0\vc\include\xstring (930): std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >::assign
12083BDE (libjson 12080000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\libs\libjson\src\libjson.cpp (100): json_parse
16EAA312 (Steam 16EA0000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\protocols\steam\src\steam_pooling.cpp (194): CSteamProto::PollingThread
1224C554 (mir_core 12240000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\src\mir_core\src\threads.cpp (154): forkthreadex_r
78AFC556 (MSVCR100 78AA0000): (filename not available) (0): endthreadex
78AFC600 (MSVCR100 78AA0000): (filename not available) (0): endthreadex
7C80B729 (kernel32 7C800000): (filename not available) (0): GetModuleFileNameA
Likely cause of the crash plugin: Steam protocol
Exception: Access Violation at address 1224A03D. Reading from address 00000374.
Stack Trace:
1224A03D (mir_core 12240000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\src\mir_core\src\ui_utils.cpp (32): CompareDialogs
122504A7 (mir_core 12240000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\src\mir_core\src\lists.cpp (138): List_GetIndex
12250511 (mir_core 12240000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\src\mir_core\src\lists.cpp (56): List_Find
12249FFE (mir_core 12240000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\src\mir_core\src\ui_utils.cpp (276): CDlgBase::Find
1224A8CE (mir_core 12240000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\src\mir_core\src\ui_utils.cpp (238): CDlgBase::GlobalDlgProc
7E368734 (USER32 7E360000): (filename not available) (0): GetDC
7E373CE4 (USER32 7E360000): (filename not available) (0): EnumDisplaySettingsA
7E373B30 (USER32 7E360000): (filename not available) (0): EnumDisplaySettingsA
7E373D5C (USER32 7E360000): (filename not available) (0): DefDlgProcW
7E368734 (USER32 7E360000): (filename not available) (0): GetDC
7E368816 (USER32 7E360000): (filename not available) (0): GetDC
7E3689CD (USER32 7E360000): (filename not available) (0): GetWindowLongW
7E368A10 (USER32 7E360000): (filename not available) (0): DispatchMessageW
7E3774FF (USER32 7E360000): (filename not available) (0): IsDialogMessageW
7E37763C (USER32 7E360000): (filename not available) (0): CallMsgFilterW
7E3749C4 (USER32 7E360000): (filename not available) (0): GetCursorFrameInfo
7E374A06 (USER32 7E360000): (filename not available) (0): DialogBoxIndirectParamAorW
7E3747EA (USER32 7E360000): (filename not available) (0): DialogBoxParamW
1224A908 (mir_core 12240000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\src\mir_core\src\ui_utils.cpp (79): CDlgBase::DoModal
16EA62EC (Steam 16EA0000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\protocols\steam\src\steam_login.cpp (148): CSteamProto::OnAuthorizationError
16EA6B3C (Steam 16EA0000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\protocols\steam\src\steam_login.cpp (103): CSteamProto::OnAuthorization
78AB016A (MSVCR100 78AA0000): (filename not available) (0): free
CSteamProto::PollingThread" should be fixed.
Likely cause of the crash plugin: Steam protocol
Exception: Access Violation at address 1224F2FC. Reading from address 013DA000.
Stack Trace:
1224F2FC (mir_core 12240000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\src\mir_core\src\memory.cpp (152): mir_strdup
16EAA317 (Steam 16EA0000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\protocols\steam\src\steam_polling.cpp (188): CSteamProto::PollingThread
1224C554 (mir_core 12240000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\src\mir_core\src\threads.cpp (154): forkthreadex_r
78AFC556 (MSVCR100 78AA0000): (filename not available) (0): endthreadex
78AFC600 (MSVCR100 78AA0000): (filename not available) (0): endthreadex
7C80B729 (kernel32 7C800000): (filename not available) (0): GetModuleFileNameA
Likely cause of the crash plugin: Steam protocol
Exception: Access Violation at address 120821F7. Reading from address 0141A000.
Stack Trace:
120821F7 (libjson 12080000): c:\program files (x86)\microsoft visual studio 10.0\vc\include\xstring (930): std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >::assign
12083BDE (libjson 12080000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\libs\libjson\src\libjson.cpp (100): json_parse
16EA8F27 (Steam 16EA0000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\protocols\steam\src\steam_contacts.cpp (495): CSteamProto::OnGotUserSummaries
16EA4890 (Steam 16EA0000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\protocols\steam\src\steam_request.cpp (37): SteamHttpResponse
16EA9A63 (Steam 16EA0000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\protocols\steam\src\request_queue.cpp (77): RequestQueue::Execute
16EA9AED (Steam 16EA0000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\protocols\steam\src\request_queue.cpp (104): RequestQueue::WorkerThread
1224C599 (mir_core 12240000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\src\mir_core\src\threads.cpp (119): forkthread_r
78AFC3D4 (MSVCR100 78AA0000): (filename not available) (0): endthread
78AFC474 (MSVCR100 78AA0000): (filename not available) (0): endthread
7C80B729 (kernel32 7C800000): (filename not available) (0): GetModuleFileNameA
Well, yes.Yep tried it, however QS doesn't have any columns which could help me.
It's faster to do it via Quick Search Mod plugin, where you can select more contacts at once - and you can add some column with info that these contacts doesn't have authorization (are deleted on server), so you can sort by that column and then easily select all of them and delete them at once :-)
Bob348874389023, add your own column.I am very sorry for offtopic, but is it done in settings or only via DB editor?
You can use: db setting, type: timestamp, module: empty, setting: "DeletedTS" (non empty means date of contact deletion)
Or: db setting, type: byte, module: empty, setting: "Auth" (1 means deleted contact)
@Robyer, do you think it'd be possible to make the protocol more resilient to steam's crappy connectivity? To make it not give up so easily/quickly.
Also, if you could look into retrieval of offline messages, there could be some $$ in it for you :p (or whoever can make it work)Ok, I'll probably look at it later this week if unsane won't be faster :-)
I can't add contact. After when i add it in cl (only by id. searching by nick doesn't work) i select "ask authorisation" in context menu but that doesn't send any notification to the contact. And when contact try to add me, miranda crashes. So anyone added any contact to it? Which magic should i make?
Vulpix, hi, you can't compare with that plugin - AFAIK it is using "hacked" steam client, it's not web based. So, web based steam could be "crashing" more often than the native client. But it shouldn't be related to whether we keep persistent connection or (less efficiently) create new connection again at every request).
As of version 1.0 the (new) plugin will connect to Steam without Steam running via the Steam mobile API and thus works on Linux and OSX.
steam_poll(SteamAccount *sa, gboolean secure, guint message)
GString *post = g_string_new(NULL);
SteamMethod method = STEAM_METHOD_POST;
const gchar *url = "/ISteamWebUserPresenceOAuth/PollStatus/v0001";
if (secure == TRUE || purple_account_get_bool(sa->account, "always_use_https", FALSE))
[02:41:16 085C] [STEAM_1] (0E92B1E8:6620) Data received
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
[02:41:16 085C] [STEAM_1] (0E92B1E8:6620) Data received
date: Fri, 27 Nov 2015 01:41:03 GMT
expires: Fri, 27 Nov 2015 01:41:03 GMT
content-type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
content-length: 56
[02:41:16 085C] [STEAM_1] (0E92B1E8:6620) Data received
"pollid": 0,
"sectimeout": 30,
"error": "Timeout"
[02:41:16 085C] [STEAM_1] (0E92B1E8:6620) Connection closed internal
[02:41:16 085C] [STEAM_1] (0E92B1E8:4294967295) Connection closed
[02:41:16 085C] [STEAM_1] Send request to https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamWebUserPresenceOAuth/Poll/v0001
[02:41:16 085C] [STEAM_1] Connection request to api.steampowered.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[02:41:16 085C] [STEAM_1] (0E92AFA8) Connecting to server api.steampowered.com:443....
[02:41:16 085C] [STEAM_1] (0E92AFA8) Connecting to ip ....
[02:41:17 085C] [STEAM_1] (6812) Connected to api.steampowered.com:443
[02:41:17 085C] [STEAM_1] (6812 api.steampowered.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[02:41:17 085C] [STEAM_1] (6812 api.steampowered.com) SSL negotiation successful
[02:41:47 085C] [STEAM_1] (0E92AFA8:6812) Data received
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
[02:41:47 085C] [STEAM_1] (0E92AFA8:6812) Data received
Date: Fri, 27 Nov 2015 01:41:33 GMT
expires: Fri, 27 Nov 2015 01:41:33 GMT
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
content-length: 56
[02:41:47 085C] [STEAM_1] (0E92AFA8:6812) Data received
"pollid": 0,
"sectimeout": 30,
"error": "Timeout"
[02:41:47 085C] [STEAM_1] (0E92AFA8:6812) Connection closed internal
[02:41:47 085C] [STEAM_1] (0E92AFA8:4294967295) Connection closed
[02:41:47 085C] [STEAM_1] Send request to https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamWebUserPresenceOAuth/Poll/v0001
[02:41:47 085C] [STEAM_1] Connection request to api.steampowered.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[02:41:47 085C] [STEAM_1] (0E92B428) Connecting to server api.steampowered.com:443....
[02:41:47 085C] [STEAM_1] (0E92B428) Connecting to ip ....
[02:41:47 085C] [STEAM_1] (6416) Connected to api.steampowered.com:443
[02:41:47 085C] [STEAM_1] (6416 api.steampowered.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[02:41:47 085C] [STEAM_1] (6416 api.steampowered.com) SSL negotiation successful
[02:42:06 085C] [STEAM_1] (0E92B428:6416) Data received
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
[02:42:06 085C] [STEAM_1] (0E92B428:6416) Data received
Date: Fri, 27 Nov 2015 01:41:52 GMT
expires: Fri, 27 Nov 2015 01:41:52 GMT
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
content-length: 394
[02:42:06 085C] [STEAM_1] (0E92B428:6416) Data received
"pollid": 0,
"messages": [
"messagelast": 1155,
"timestamp": 177634636,
"utc_timestamp": 1448588512,
"messagebase": 1154,
"sectimeout": 18,
"error": "OK"
[02:42:06 085C] [STEAM_1] (0E92B428:6416) Connection closed internal
[02:42:06 085C] [STEAM_1] (0E92B428:4294967295) Connection closed
[02:42:06 21C8] [STEAM_1] Send request to https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamUserOAuth/GetUserSummaries/v0001?access_token=<censored>&steamids=<censored>
[02:42:06 085C] [STEAM_1] Send request to https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamWebUserPresenceOAuth/Poll/v0001
[02:42:06 21C8] [STEAM_1] Connection request to api.steampowered.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[02:42:06 085C] [STEAM_1] Connection request to api.steampowered.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[02:42:06 085C] [STEAM_1] (0E92B068) Connecting to server api.steampowered.com:443....
[02:42:06 21C8] [STEAM_1] (132576A0) Connecting to server api.steampowered.com:443....
[02:42:06 21C8] [STEAM_1] (132576A0) Connecting to ip ....
[02:42:06 085C] [STEAM_1] (0E92B068) Connecting to ip ....
[02:42:06 21C8] [STEAM_1] (2312) Connected to api.steampowered.com:443
[02:42:06 21C8] [STEAM_1] (2312 api.steampowered.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[02:42:06 085C] [STEAM_1] (6528) Connected to api.steampowered.com:443
[02:42:06 085C] [STEAM_1] (6528 api.steampowered.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[02:42:06 21C8] [STEAM_1] (2312 api.steampowered.com) SSL negotiation successful
[02:42:06 085C] [STEAM_1] (6528 api.steampowered.com) SSL negotiation successful
[02:42:06 21C8] [STEAM_1] (132576A0:2312) Data received
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
[02:42:06 21C8] [STEAM_1] (132576A0:2312) Data received
date: Fri, 27 Nov 2015 01:41:53 GMT
expires: Fri, 27 Nov 2015 01:41:53 GMT
content-type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
content-length: 822
[02:42:06 21C8] [STEAM_1] (132576A0:2312) Data received
"players": [
[02:42:06 21C8] [STEAM_1] (132576A0:2312) Connection closed internal
[02:42:06 21C8] [STEAM_1] (132576A0:4294967295) Connection closed
[02:42:23 085C] [STEAM_1] (0E92B068:6528) Data received
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
[02:42:23 085C] [STEAM_1] (0E92B068:6528) Data received
date: Fri, 27 Nov 2015 01:42:09 GMT
expires: Fri, 27 Nov 2015 01:42:09 GMT
content-type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
content-length: 387
[02:42:23 085C] [STEAM_1] (0E92B068:6528) Data received
"pollid": 0,
"messages": [
"messagelast": 1156,
"timestamp": 177651749,
"utc_timestamp": 1448588529,
"messagebase": 1155,
"sectimeout": 17,
"error": "OK"
[02:42:23 085C] [STEAM_1] (0E92B068:6528) Connection closed internal
[02:42:23 085C] [STEAM_1] (0E92B068:4294967295) Connection closed
[02:42:23 21C8] [STEAM_1] Send request to https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamUserOAuth/GetUserSummaries/v0001?access_token=<censored>&steamids=<censored>
[02:42:23 21C8] [STEAM_1] Connection request to api.steampowered.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[02:42:23 085C] [STEAM_1] Send request to https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamWebUserPresenceOAuth/Poll/v0001
[02:42:23 085C] [STEAM_1] Connection request to api.steampowered.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[02:42:23 21C8] [STEAM_1] (132573A0) Connecting to server api.steampowered.com:443....
[02:42:23 085C] [STEAM_1] (0E92B1E8) Connecting to server api.steampowered.com:443....
[02:42:23 21C8] [STEAM_1] (132573A0) Connecting to ip ....
[02:42:23 085C] [STEAM_1] (0E92B1E8) Connecting to ip ....
[02:42:23 085C] [STEAM_1] (6300) Connected to api.steampowered.com:443
[02:42:23 085C] [STEAM_1] (6300 api.steampowered.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[02:42:23 21C8] [STEAM_1] (5872) Connected to api.steampowered.com:443
[02:42:23 21C8] [STEAM_1] (5872 api.steampowered.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[02:42:23 085C] [STEAM_1] (6300 api.steampowered.com) SSL negotiation successful
[02:42:23 21C8] [STEAM_1] (5872 api.steampowered.com) SSL negotiation successful
[02:42:24 21C8] [STEAM_1] (132573A0:5872) Data received
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
[02:42:24 21C8] [STEAM_1] (132573A0:5872) Data received
Date: Fri, 27 Nov 2015 01:42:10 GMT
expires: Fri, 27 Nov 2015 01:42:10 GMT
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
content-length: 860
[02:42:24 21C8] [STEAM_1] (132573A0:5872) Data received
"players": [
[02:42:24 21C8] [STEAM_1] (132573A0:5872) Connection closed internal
[02:42:24 21C8] [STEAM_1] (132573A0:4294967295) Connection closed
[02:42:44 085C] [STEAM_1] (0E92B1E8:6300) Data received
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
[02:43:58 085C] [STEAM_1] (0E92B1E8:6300) Data received
Date: Fri, 27 Nov 2015 01:42:30 GMT
expires: Fri, 27 Nov 2015 01:42:30 GMT
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
content-length: 394
[02:43:58 085C] [STEAM_1] (0E92B1E8:6300) Data received
"pollid": 0,
"messages": [
"messagelast": 1157,
"timestamp": 177672794,
"utc_timestamp": 1448588550,
"messagebase": 1156,
"sectimeout": 21,
"error": "OK"
[02:43:58 085C] [STEAM_1] (0E92B1E8:6300) Connection closed internal
[02:43:58 085C] [STEAM_1] (0E92B1E8:4294967295) Connection closed
[02:43:58 21C8] [STEAM_1] Send request to https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamUserOAuth/GetUserSummaries/v0001?access_token=<censored>&steamids=<censored>
[02:43:58 085C] [STEAM_1] Send request to https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamWebUserPresenceOAuth/Poll/v0001
[02:43:58 085C] [STEAM_1] Connection request to api.steampowered.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[02:43:58 21C8] [STEAM_1] Connection request to api.steampowered.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[02:43:58 085C] [STEAM_1] (0E92B128) Connecting to server api.steampowered.com:443....
[02:43:58 21C8] [STEAM_1] (132575E0) Connecting to server api.steampowered.com:443....
[02:43:58 085C] [STEAM_1] (0E92B128) Connecting to ip ....
[02:43:58 21C8] [STEAM_1] (132575E0) Connecting to ip ....
[02:43:58 085C] [STEAM_1] (6964) Connected to api.steampowered.com:443
[02:43:58 085C] [STEAM_1] (6964 api.steampowered.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[02:43:58 21C8] [STEAM_1] (3824) Connected to api.steampowered.com:443
[02:43:58 21C8] [STEAM_1] (3824 api.steampowered.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[02:43:58 085C] [STEAM_1] (6964 api.steampowered.com) SSL negotiation successful
[02:43:58 21C8] [STEAM_1] (3824 api.steampowered.com) SSL negotiation successful
[02:43:59 085C] [STEAM_1] (0E92B128:6964) Data received
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
[02:43:59 085C] [STEAM_1] (0E92B128:6964) Data received
Date: Fri, 27 Nov 2015 01:43:45 GMT
expires: Fri, 27 Nov 2015 01:43:45 GMT
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
Content-Length: 61
[02:43:59 085C] [STEAM_1] (0E92B128:6964) Data received
"pollid": 0,
"sectimeout": 1,
"error": "Not Logged On"
[02:43:59 085C] [STEAM_1] (0E92B128:6964) Connection closed internal
[02:43:59 085C] [STEAM_1] (0E92B128:4294967295) Connection closed
[02:43:59 085C] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::PollingThread: Not Logged On (200)
[02:43:59 085C] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::PollingThread: Timeout is too low (1)
[02:43:59 085C] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::PollingThread: leaving
[02:43:59 085C] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::PollingThread: unexpected termination; switching protocol to offline
[02:43:59 085C] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::SetStatus: changing status from 40073 to 40071
[02:43:59 05A8] [STEAM_1] Send request to https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamWebUserPresenceOAuth/Logoff/v0001
[02:43:59 05A8] [STEAM_1] Connection request to api.steampowered.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[02:43:59 05A8] [STEAM_1] (13200B40) Connecting to server api.steampowered.com:443....
[02:43:59 05A8] [STEAM_1] (13200B40) Connecting to ip ....
[02:43:59 21C8] [STEAM_1] (132575E0:3824) Data received
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
[02:43:59 21C8] [STEAM_1] (132575E0:3824) Data received
Date: Fri, 27 Nov 2015 01:43:45 GMT
expires: Fri, 27 Nov 2015 01:43:45 GMT
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
Content-Length: 822
[02:43:59 21C8] [STEAM_1] (132575E0:3824) Data received
"players": [
[02:43:59 21C8] [STEAM_1] (132575E0:3824) Connection closed internal
[02:43:59 21C8] [STEAM_1] (132575E0:4294967295) Connection closed
[02:43:59 05A8] [STEAM_1] (6652) Connected to api.steampowered.com:443
[02:43:59 05A8] [STEAM_1] (6652 api.steampowered.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[02:43:59 05A8] [STEAM_1] (6652 api.steampowered.com) SSL negotiation successful
[02:44:00 05A8] [STEAM_1] (13200B40:6652) Data received
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
[02:44:00 05A8] [STEAM_1] (13200B40:6652) Data received
Date: Fri, 27 Nov 2015 01:43:46 GMT
expires: Fri, 27 Nov 2015 01:43:46 GMT
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
content-length: 29
[02:44:00 05A8] [STEAM_1] (13200B40:6652) Data received
"error": "Not Logged On"
[02:44:00 05A8] [STEAM_1] (13200B40:6652) Connection closed internal
[02:44:00 05A8] [STEAM_1] (13200B40:4294967295) Connection closed
Miranda NG Version: 0.95.5 alpha build #15796
Build time: 1 Dec 2015 8:58:40
Steam.dll v. [24 Nov 2015 16:03:56] - Steam protocol
Also cancel/killwindow button doesn't work as intended.And what is the expected and real behavior?
Likely cause of the crash plugin: Steam protocol
Exception: Access Violation at address 78B20F66. Reading from address 7065656B.
Stack Trace:
78B20F66 (MSVCR100 78AA0000): (filename not available) (0): stricmp_l
78B20FE7 (MSVCR100 78AA0000): (filename not available) (0): stricmp
120C14CA (mir_app 120A0000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\src\mir_app\src\netlibhttp.cpp (138): NetlibHttpFindHeader
120C2DBF (mir_app 120A0000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\src\mir_app\src\netlibhttp.cpp (882): NetlibHttpTransaction
1224EADA (mir_core 12240000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\src\mir_core\src\modules.cpp (543): CallService
16B8120A (Steam 16B80000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\protocols\steam\src\http_request.h (147): HttpRequest::Send
16B89A00 (Steam 16B80000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\protocols\steam\src\request_queue.cpp (75): RequestQueue::Execute
16B89AA2 (Steam 16B80000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\protocols\steam\src\request_queue.cpp (105): RequestQueue::WorkerThread
1224C57B (mir_core 12240000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\src\mir_core\src\threads.cpp (119): forkthread_r
7C80B729 (kernel32 7C800000): (filename not available) (0): GetModuleFileNameA
Der Jude, aha, ok then.
And what is the expected and real behavior?
This is really pissing off, after token expiration a steamguard window in miranda does pop up, however more times than not writting/copypasting the code does jackshit, the plugin fails and treats them as invalid codes and in turn gets my inbox spammed to death. Also cancel/killwindow button doesn't work as intended.
Everytime I do click cancel the Steam Guard window automatically re-pop ups, even that miranda is NOT trying to reconnect to the Steam account.
It seems, there was some strange profile settings in my developer-based profile, because it didn't work even after full reinstall everything except profile itself. Clean install worked.
Instead, I'm getting disconnected only about once a day, usually at night (i.e. when I wake up and check miranda, I'm logged out).
I've had some disconnects with steam recently; the problematic part is that the icon of the protocol stays lit up as if I were still connected. When I try to message someone, I instantly get a "message could not be sent" reply.
The stable version used to use the popup plugin for this.It shows notification - when popup/yapp plugin is installed and enabled, it shows Popup. When it's not, it shows MessageBox. How is that different from the stable version?
but often spams my screen with "unknown login error" windows after it disconnects and KeepStatus tries to reconnect.
For miranda steam db corruption, I don't know. I had an issue once and the "fix" was to never run the "aggressive" search; only mark all messages as read.This was already fixed. Problem is if you have some old messages with wrongly set flags -> then probably the aggresive search in DbChecker might cause corruption. But for new users there should be no problem at all, because new messages are saved correctly now. You can probably export your history, delete account, recreate it again, import history again and it should work.
tl;dr:What sorta works Status changing (status message is not present and state doesn't change instantly, a limitation of steam protocol for web api I think?)Mobile/Web API doesn't support changing statuses. It determines Away/Not Available automatically by idle time. So this uses the plugin, and by setting idle time it changes the status. It is not applied immediatelly but it shouldn't take more than about a minute, so it's not a problem and works similary like FB plugin in this way.
What does not work - Adding a user (has to be done from steam client as well)Searching for friends and requesting friendship works (at least I tried this now, approving might work too, but didn't tested), blocking users should work too. I have problem with adding my testing account though, but I wasn't able to add it via website either.
How does the plugin handle being logged into Steam and being logged into messenger at the same time? If you're logged in on both do you get messages sent to both? Or just to one or the other? I could see that being a problem, but a decent remedy would be to simply not log into the main client i suppose
The only thing that i dont like about it so far is that if you send a message through Miranda while Steam is open (but in offline mode) the plugin will still open a copy of the Steam chat window on your taskbar anyway. If i had to venture a guess at whats happening: When Steam is open, Miranda hooks into the Steam client and uses that to send the message. But when Steam is closed, it uses the mobile/web messenger protocol instead?
I also took the opportunity to try Metacontacts for the first time today but was disappointed to see that Metacontacts couldnt display the 'currently in a game' icon from the Steam plugin. Is this a limitation with Metacontacts, or a limitation with the Steam plugin, or perhaps because i still use the classic contact list?
Additionally, is there a way to disable Miranda from logging (and displaying) the [User] "closed chat session" status message whenever a Steam contact closes their Steam chat window?
Quote from: Ratha on Today at 00:36:26
The only thing that i dont like about it so far is that if you send a message through Miranda while Steam is open (but in offline mode) the plugin will still open a copy of the Steam chat window on your taskbar anyway. If i had to venture a guess at whats happening: When Steam is open, Miranda hooks into the Steam client and uses that to send the message. But when Steam is closed, it uses the mobile/web messenger protocol instead?
I don't know if you are talking about Steam client behavior or Miranda behavior. But if you send message from Miranda, it is always sent over mobile website. If Steam client opens the contact window anyway, that's his problem (or feature).
Quote from: Ratha on Today at 00:36:26
I also took the opportunity to try Metacontacts for the first time today but was disappointed to see that Metacontacts couldnt display the 'currently in a game' icon from the Steam plugin. Is this a limitation with Metacontacts, or a limitation with the Steam plugin, or perhaps because i still use the classic contact list?
The icon is classic "xstatus" icon, so, it's probably limitation of MetaContacts plugin. Or more likely it depends on your main and other subcontacts in the metacontact. I think it copies the extra icons only from the main subcontact? Ghazan could answer better (as he was implementing it to core), so you could ask him about this thing.
Quote from: Ratha on Today at 01:47:26
Additionally, is there a way to disable Miranda from logging (and displaying) the [User] "closed chat session" status message whenever a Steam contact closes their Steam chat window?
At the moment there is no way to disable it from user point of view. But someone (either myself, but not sooner than on weekend, or anybody else from devs) should add an option for it :-)
This is a Miranda + Steam Protocol behavior. Im not sure why sending a message with Miranda to another steam user causes Steam to open its own chat window. This happens when the Steam client's friends mode is set to online -or- offline though. It does not seem to happen if you send a message through your browser to another Steam user when Steam is open, only if you send a message to a Steam user using Miranda while Steam is open.Hmm, that's weird. But probably it's because Miranda is using Mobile API for communication, so you may check that (instead of only Web API). There is no direct support of running Steam client.
Having the option to disable the logging and display of that status message would certainly be a welcome addition for a future update.Commited (http://trac.miranda-ng.org/changeset/16288/).
I see that you committed this update, and confirmed that with a Miranda + Steam protocol update: Miranda 0.95.5 #16288 and Steam
A commit means that it is in the code, and whenever Watcher compiles it (usually 1x per day unless some big work is being done in core, in which case it is less often).
Please wait for tomorrow and check for updates then, you should get the compiled plugin which contains the newly committed code. :)
I made a backup of the older plugin before updating and because i forgot to remove .dll from the end of the file name, Miranda was attempting to load both the old and the new Steam protocol (I overlooked this when checking the protocol version, somehow.)
Would there be any interest in implementing a 'read Xstatus message' menu option at some point for the Steam protocol?I thought it works for Steam too, but I have no time to test it now. Make a ticket if it really doesn't work.
Additionally, a right-click menu item that took you to a Steam user's profile page would be really handy too i think.
I still cant quite figure out why Steam opens its own message window whenever i send someone a message -from- Miranda. Im not sure if this is a bug or if its intended behaviorIt's not intended and I answered this few posts back:
Hmm, that's weird. But probably it's because Miranda is using Mobile API for communication, so you may check that (instead of only Web API). There is no direct support of running Steam client.
Notably one bug which causes it not to display popups if you have an active TeamViewer connection, and another one which causes it not to display traytip popups.Isn't first problem related to enabled option "Don't show tips when in fullscreen mode" ( something like that, I'm guessing the name)? Try to disable it and try again.
as i dont think there is any other way to read xstatus messages for the Steam protocol at the moment is there? (And there seems to be no alternative to Tipper or so im told?)As a workaround you can show the xstatus as second/third line in Clist (clist_modern).
I agree, make a ticket please. I (or someone else) will implement it someday.
Quote from: Ratha on 05 03 2016, 19:38:50
Would there be any interest in implementing a 'read Xstatus message' menu option at some point for the Steam protocol?
I thought it works for Steam too, but I have no time to test it now. Make a ticket if it really doesn't work.
Quote from: Robyer on 05 03 2016, 20:43:36
This already works. Right click->Homepage
Quote from: Robyer on 17 02 2016, 04:12:06
Hmm, that's weird. But probably it's because Miranda is using Mobile API for communication, so you may check that (instead of only Web API). There is no direct support of running Steam client.
Quote from: Ratha on 05 03 2016, 19:38:50
Notably one bug which causes it not to display popups if you have an active TeamViewer connection, and another one which causes it not to display traytip popups.
Isn't first problem related to enabled option "Don't show tips when in fullscreen mode" ( something like that, I'm guessing the name)? Try to disable it and try again.
And there were some fixes to (not) displaying systray tips recently (some weeks/months back). Could you say it works better or worse than in latest stable version?
I use clist_modern. But I also use a few other addons so I am not sure which one of them might be doing this, but the option is there.Either clist_modern itself or UserInfoEx plugin does that.
As far as i can tell there are no options to select which method the protocol uses (Mobile/Web) or alter this (seemingly undesired?) behavior, so should i submit this as a bug report?I can do nothing about that. I mentioned it because you may try the mobile application (for Android I think) and compare Steam client behavior, so you can see it's (I expect) not Miranda related, but it is Steam itself doing that. Also you can try Pidgin and it's steam plugin that work similar to Miranda one, and again you can compare whether it behaves same.
I would post about that in the Tipper forum, but i cant seem to find it on the Miranda NG forums, would someone please provide a link for me?Looks like there is none, so feel free to create new Tipper topic by yourself.
If all behaves the same, there is no way to "fix" that.
[18:03.44 0C74] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::SetStatus: changing status from 40071 to 40072
[18:03.44 1CB0] [STEAM_1] Send request to https://steamcommunity.com/mobilelogin/getrsakey/
[18:03.44 1CB0] [STEAM_1] Connection request to steamcommunity.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[18:03.44 1CB0] [STEAM_1] (00000000031BDAA8) Connecting to server steamcommunity.com:443....
[18:03.44 1CB0] [STEAM_1] (00000000031BDAA8) Connecting to ip ....
[18:03.44 1CB0] [STEAM_1] (1132) Connected to steamcommunity.com:443
[18:03.44 1CB0] [STEAM_1] (1132 steamcommunity.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[18:03.44 1CB0] [STEAM_1] (1132 steamcommunity.com) SSL negotiation successful
[18:03.45 1CB0] [STEAM_1] (00000000031BDAA8:1132) Connection closed internal
[18:03.45 1CB0] [STEAM_1] (00000000031BDAA8:4294967295) Connection closed
[18:03.45 1CB0] [STEAM_1] Send request to https://steamcommunity.com/mobilelogin/dologin/
[18:03.45 1CB0] [STEAM_1] Connection request to steamcommunity.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[18:03.45 1CB0] [STEAM_1] (00000000031BD388) Connecting to server steamcommunity.com:443....
[18:03.45 1CB0] [STEAM_1] (00000000031BD388) Connecting to ip ....
[18:03.45 1CB0] [STEAM_1] (1428) Connected to steamcommunity.com:443
[18:03.45 1CB0] [STEAM_1] (1428 steamcommunity.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[18:03.45 1CB0] [STEAM_1] (1428 steamcommunity.com) SSL negotiation successful
[18:03.45 1CB0] [STEAM_1] (00000000031BD388:1428) Connection closed internal
[18:03.45 1CB0] [STEAM_1] (00000000031BD388:4294967295) Connection closed
Quote from: Robyer on 06 03 2016, 13:34:05
If all behaves the same, there is no way to "fix" that.
I tried it using the actual steam web chat, and messages sent by me appear in my opened steam client on my PC. Even if I'm completely signed out of the friends. Incoming messages don't appear in the client, so it's 100% the same behavior as when using miranda and is related to something steam does. Not fixable in miranda I'd say.
So today I installed this Steam plugin in Miranda. Took the Dev version. Filled in all the information and when I try to set it online simply nothing happens. No error not going online neither.
Does not even ask steam guard code but should.
I already tried to readd the account and reset and so on but nothing makes it work.
Steam named user group exist but is empty.
Have you tried running the updater after installing the Dev version? I had the same problem when i upgraded from 0.95.4 Stable. My update options were still set to the stable version, so after copying the new plugins and things in, and then updating, it was reverting me back to the old version, rather than the Dev version. Check to make sure that your updater is set to Dev Version, and that you've done an update. (Also, you should post your VersionInfo as well so that if thats not the fix, that someone can help figure out what might be going wrong.)
The option is under: Options > Services > Plugin Updater > File Source > Development Version (Less Stable)
Also, make sure that you've set your login name and password in your Main Menu > Account Settings > New Account > Click On Account > Fill in Username + Password
[10:08.56 080C] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::SetStatus: changing status from 40071 to 40072
[10:08.56 1EF8] [STEAM_1] Send request to https://steamcommunity.com/mobilelogin/getrsakey/
[10:08.56 1EF8] [STEAM_1] Connection request to steamcommunity.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[10:08.56 1EF8] [STEAM_1] (000000000324ACD8) Connecting to server steamcommunity.com:443....
[10:08.56 1EF8] [STEAM_1] (000000000324ACD8) Connecting to ip ....
[10:08.56 1EF8] [STEAM_1] (1144) Connected to steamcommunity.com:443
[10:08.56 1EF8] [STEAM_1] (1144 steamcommunity.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[10:08.56 1EF8] [STEAM_1] (1144 steamcommunity.com) SSL negotiation successful
[10:08.56 1EF8] [STEAM_1] (000000000324ACD8:1144) Connection closed internal
[10:08.56 1EF8] [STEAM_1] (000000000324ACD8:4294967295) Connection closed
[10:08.56 1EF8] [STEAM_1] Send request to https://steamcommunity.com/mobilelogin/dologin/
[10:08.56 1EF8] [STEAM_1] Connection request to steamcommunity.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[10:08.56 1EF8] [STEAM_1] (000000000324A488) Connecting to server steamcommunity.com:443....
[10:08.56 1EF8] [STEAM_1] (000000000324A488) Connecting to ip ....
[10:08.56 1EF8] [STEAM_1] (1444) Connected to steamcommunity.com:443
[10:08.56 1EF8] [STEAM_1] (1444 steamcommunity.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[10:08.56 1EF8] [STEAM_1] (1444 steamcommunity.com) SSL negotiation successful
[10:08.57 1EF8] [STEAM_1] (000000000324A488:1444) Connection closed internal
[10:08.57 1EF8] [STEAM_1] (000000000324A488:4294967295) Connection closed
Do you keep a changelog anywhere else? I like to check here from time to time to see if any features have been added but most posts are just error reporting.
So I checked and my username and password was present. So that can't be the issue.
I also checked and the Development Version (Less Stable) update option was selected.
So I removed the Steam Plugin once again. Made sure I have Development Version (Less Stable) selected then downloaded the Steam plugin again via plugin downloader. Checked for updates but no updates available. So currently the Steam plugin version is in Plugin list.
So I tried to set it online again but nothing happens. netlog is the following:
Please attach your Version Information (http://wiki.miranda-ng.org/index.php?title=Version_information) so that we can help figure out what is going on.
To make sure that your copy or settings in Miranda are not the cause of the problem:
1: Download a clean copy of Miranda NG 0.95.5 Dev
2: Install the Steam plugin (and the steam icons plugin?)
3: Add your Steam account to the accounts page, enter your username and password.
4: Run the updater and restart Miranda.
5: Try to go Online with Steam. It should pop up a box asking you to check your email for the authorization code.
6: Enter the auth code from your email into the Miranda popup that asks for it.
7: Successfully login?
[11:07.55 1440] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::SetStatus: changing status from 40071 to 40072
[11:07.55 1CC4] [STEAM_1] Send request to https://steamcommunity.com/mobilelogin/getrsakey/
[11:07.55 1CC4] [STEAM_1] Connection request to steamcommunity.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[11:07.55 1CC4] [STEAM_1] (0000000002565E58) Connecting to server steamcommunity.com:443....
[11:07.55 1CC4] [STEAM_1] (0000000002565E58) Connecting to ip ....
[11:07.55 1CC4] [STEAM_1] (1204) Connected to steamcommunity.com:443
[11:07.55 1CC4] [STEAM_1] (1204 steamcommunity.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[11:07.55 1CC4] [STEAM_1] (1204 steamcommunity.com) SSL negotiation successful
[11:07.56 1CC4] [STEAM_1] (0000000002565E58:1204) Connection closed internal
[11:07.56 1CC4] [STEAM_1] (0000000002565E58:4294967295) Connection closed
[11:07.56 1CC4] [STEAM_1] Send request to https://steamcommunity.com/mobilelogin/dologin/
[11:07.56 1CC4] [STEAM_1] Connection request to steamcommunity.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[11:07.56 1CC4] [STEAM_1] (000000000253C5F8) Connecting to server steamcommunity.com:443....
[11:07.56 1CC4] [STEAM_1] (000000000253C5F8) Connecting to ip ....
[11:07.56 1CC4] [STEAM_1] (1440) Connected to steamcommunity.com:443
[11:07.56 1CC4] [STEAM_1] (1440 steamcommunity.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[11:07.56 1CC4] [STEAM_1] (1440 steamcommunity.com) SSL negotiation successful
[11:07.57 1CC4] [STEAM_1] (000000000253C5F8:1440) Connection closed internal
[11:07.57 1CC4] [STEAM_1] (000000000253C5F8:4294967295) Connection closed
De7ilx, try to login via Pidgin (with their Steam plugin) and let me know if it works there.
De7ilx, so it doesn't work there. You can also try official Android application, or use web browser variant of Steam chat - https://steamcommunity.com/chat , maybe it will give you better error message or maybe it will work...Both Official Android app and web steam chat works just fine. Since they are made by steam.
[20:20:43 3284] [Steam_Ratha] CSteamProto::SetStatus: changing status from 40071 to 40072
[20:20:43 0D3C] [Steam_Ratha] Send request to https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamWebUserPresenceOAuth/Logon/v0001
[20:20:43 0D3C] [Steam_Ratha] Connection request to api.steampowered.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[20:20:43 0D3C] [Steam_Ratha] ([Removed]) Connecting to server api.steampowered.com:443....
[20:20:43 0D3C] [Steam_Ratha] ([Removed]) Connecting to ip ....
[20:20:43 0D3C] [Steam_Ratha] ([Removed]) Connected to api.steampowered.com:443
[20:20:43 0D3C] [Steam_Ratha] ([Removed] api.steampowered.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[20:20:43 0D3C] [Steam_Ratha] ([Removed] api.steampowered.com) SSL negotiation successful
[20:20:43 0D3C] [Steam_Ratha] ([Removed]:[Removed]) Data received
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
[20:20:43 0D3C] [Steam_Ratha] ([Removed]:[Removed]) Data received
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
Content-Length: 167
Expires: [Removed]
Date: [Removed]
Connection: close
- Perhaps theres a firewall or antivirus thats blocking the connection? You said Pidgin's Steam protocol didnt work either which makes me think its a system or network configuration problem of some sort? Assuming that the problem isnt directly related to windows 10 as im not sure if the protocol works on Win10.
De7ilx, heres a few things to look into:
- Perhaps theres a firewall or antivirus thats blocking the connection? You said Pidgin's Steam protocol didnt work either which makes me think its a system or network configuration problem of some sort? Assuming that the problem isnt directly related to windows 10 as im not sure if the protocol works on Win10.
- Are you trying to connect from home, or from a business / coffee shop / work that could be blocking your connection? Are you able to login to both the steam store page and the steam community from within your web browser? Do you have Steam installed? (I think you said the android app worked, but what about Steam itself?)
- Does your windows user folder use any special characters in its name? Any characters which are not A-Z + 0-9? Your version info mentioned: OS Languages: (UI | Locale (User/System)) : English/English | Estonian/Estonian and special characters in path/filenames have been known to cause odd sorts of problems in various programs. (Your Miranda profile does not look like its stored in your windows user folder so i wouldnt think that would cause the problem.)
Could the problem be caused by having mobile authorization enabled on his account? His netlog login is trying to connect to https://steamcommunity.com/mobilelogin/getrsakey/ where as mine tries to connect to https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamWebUserPresenceOAuth/Logon/v0001 . Currently i do not have mobile auth enabled for my steam profile settings. Is the popup / auth window somehow dependent upon not having mobile enabled? Just taking a wild guess at something that could have been overlooked since i cant confirm it myself.
(Below is a copy of a successful login from offline status using a previously steamguard-authorized connection. I didnt have time to log out completely and grab a netlog of the re-authorization process for comparison purposes, and i have sanitized any potentially sensitive information from this log by replacing with [Removed] )
EDIT: I have confirmed that the issue is indeed caused by the Mobile auth. I used my gf account who does not have the mobile auth enabled and for her account everything worked. So is it something that could be fixed? So the Steam protocol in Miranda could also work with mobile Auth ?
It's surely possible to implement the mobile authorization too, but as it doesn't work in Pidgin either, it would require some reverse engineering, and I don't know whether anyone has time for that now.
Could you disable your mobile authorization and try it only with e-mail authorization? Just to be really sure it's this problem :)
I removed the mobile auth and this time the Steam plugin asked for the confirmation code from the e-mail. I was able to log into steam after entering the code.
So that confirms that the Mobile auth is not working in the Steam Plugin in Miranda.
Also I noticed that even I had 3-4 people online in steam the Steam plugin showed no one online. Only thing it showed that one offline player was playing a game.. yet in steam that person was online and playing.
Quote from: Robyer on 10 03 2016, 21:01:09
It's surely possible to implement the mobile authorization too, but as it doesn't work in Pidgin either, it would require some reverse engineering, and I don't know whether anyone has time for that now.
Could you disable your mobile authorization and try it only with e-mail authorization? Just to be really sure it's this problem
I removed the mobile auth and this time the Steam plugin asked for the confirmation code from the e-mail. I was able to log into steam after entering the code.
So that confirms that the Mobile auth is not working in the Steam Plugin in Miranda.
Also I noticed that even I had 3-4 people online in steam the Steam plugin showed no one online. Only thing it showed that one offline player was playing a game.. yet in steam that person was online and playing.
A few days ago I moved to mobile Steam authWhat does this mean?
What does this mean?
CPU: AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 4200+ [x86 Family 15 Model 75 Stepping 2] [DEP Enabled] [2 CPUs]
Installed RAM: 3072 MBytes
Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition Dodatek Service Pack 3 (build 2600)
Internet Explorer: 8.0.6001.18702 (build 86001)
Administrator privileges: Yes
OS Languages: (UI | Locale (User/System)) : Polish/Polish | Polish/Polish
Free disk space on Miranda partition: 1981 MBytes
Miranda NG Version: 0.95.6 alpha build #17247
Build time: 28 Oct 2016 3:04:26
Profile: C:\Miranda IM\devmir\dobrabaza\Evaron\Evaron.dat (dbx mmap driver)
Profile size: 21561344 Bytes
Profile creation date: 31 Oct 2014 8:07:13
Language pack: No language pack installed
Service Mode: No
Active Plugins (25):
¤ AdvaImg.dll v. [19 Jul 2016 3:01:14] - Miranda image services
¤ AVS.dll v. [10 Oct 2016 3:00:08] - Avatar service
¤ CrashDumper.dll v. [20 Sep 2016 8:40:52] - Crash dumper
¤ Db_autobackups.dll v. [13 Sep 2016 17:27:32] - Db autobackuper
¤ DbEditorPP.dll v. [20 Sep 2016 8:40:54] - Database editor++
¤ Dbx_mmap.dll v. [28 Oct 2016 3:00:14] - Miranda NG mmap database driver
¤ Facebook.dll v. [10 Oct 2016 3:01:34] - Facebook RM
¤ GG.dll v. [30 Sep 2016 3:00:36] - Gadu-Gadu protocol
¤ HistoryPP.dll v. [3 Oct 2016 15:56:00] - History++
¤ HistorySweeperLight.dll v. [15 Sep 2016 8:50:46] - History sweeper light
¤ ICQ.dll v. [30 Sep 2016 3:00:38] - IcqOscarJ protocol
¤ Import.dll v. [20 Sep 2016 8:38:56] - Import contacts and messages
¤ IRC.dll v. [10 Oct 2016 3:00:24] - IRC protocol
¤ Jabber.dll v. [22 Oct 2016 3:00:40] - Jabber protocol
¤ MSN.dll v. [30 Sep 2016 3:00:46] - MSN protocol
¤ PluginUpdater.dll v. [28 Oct 2016 3:02:10] - Plugin updater
¤ QuickSearch.dll v. [10 Oct 2016 3:04:36] - Quick Search
¤ SkypeWeb.dll v. [28 Oct 2016 3:04:06] - Skype protocol (Web)
¤ StatusManager.dll v. [28 Oct 2016 3:04:12] - Status manager
¤ Steam.dll v. [30 Sep 2016 3:04:00] - Steam protocol
¤ TabSRMM.dll v. [28 Oct 2016 3:00:28] - TabSRMM
¤ Tox.dll v. [10 Oct 2016 3:04:06] - Tox protocol
¤ UInfoEx.dll v. [15 Sep 2016 8:51:18] - User info ext
¤ Variables.dll v. [13 Sep 2016 17:28:08] - Variables
¤ WhatsApp.dll v. [30 Sep 2016 3:03:58] - WhatsApp protocol
Unloadable Plugins (3):
¤ DbChecker.dll v. [28 Oct 2016 3:02:04] - <unknown>
¤ smsbox.dll v. [10 Jan 2008 21:43:36] - <unknown>
¤ updater.dll v. [19 Mar 2011 23:31:02] - <unknown>
Protocols and Accounts:
Facebook 2 - Enabled 0 - Disabled Loaded
GG 1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled Loaded
ICQ 1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled Loaded
IRC 1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled Loaded
JABBER 3 - Enabled 0 - Disabled Loaded
MSN 2 - Enabled 1 - Disabled Loaded
SKYPE 1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled Loaded
STEAM 2 - Enabled 0 - Disabled Loaded
TOX 1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled Loaded
WhatsApp 1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled Loaded
AIM 0 - Enabled 1 - Disabled Not Loaded
MetaContacts 1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled Loaded
YAHOO 0 - Enabled 1 - Disabled Not Loaded
Icon Packs:
HistoryPP_icons.dll [10 Oct 2016 3:02:16]
Proto_AIM.dll [6 Jun 2015 3:34:20]
Proto_Facebook.dll [6 Jun 2015 3:34:18]
Proto_GG.dll [6 Jun 2015 3:34:21]
Proto_ICQ.dll [6 Jun 2015 3:34:21]
Proto_IRC.dll [6 Jun 2015 3:34:21]
Proto_Jabber.dll [6 Jun 2015 3:34:22]
Proto_MetaContacts.dll [28 Oct 2016 3:03:42]
Proto_MSN.dll [6 Jun 2015 3:34:22]
Proto_Skype.dll [28 Oct 2016 3:03:54]
Proto_Steam.dll [30 Sep 2016 3:03:52]
Proto_Tox.dll [10 Oct 2016 3:03:58]
Proto_WhatsApp.dll [30 Sep 2016 3:03:50]
Proto_Yahoo.dll [6 Jun 2015 3:34:23]
TabSRMM_icons.dll [28 Oct 2016 3:02:16]
Toolbar_icons.dll [10 Oct 2016 3:01:40]
UInfoEx_icons.dll [15 Sep 2016 8:51:20]
xStatus_ICQ.dll [6 Jun 2015 3:32:32]
xStatus_Jabber.dll [6 Jun 2015 3:32:41]
That is strange. I know that WinXP had to use something extra to make its SSL work properly; but if that was broken, your skype wouldn't work either I think (since it uses ssl as well).
I tried to load OpenSSL, but got only "cannot load library".You have to install the OpenSSL binaries (http://wiki.miranda-ng.org/index.php?title=Plugin:OpenSSL/en).
You have to install the OpenSSL binaries (http://wiki.miranda-ng.org/index.php?title=Plugin:OpenSSL/en).Actually, I installed it already, of course, from this link (https://slproweb.com/products/Win32OpenSSL.html). Twice, "light", then, after some thoughts, "full" version. It didn't work.
CPU: AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 4200+ [x86 Family 15 Model 75 Stepping 2] [DEP Enabled] [2 CPUs]
Installed RAM: 3072 MBytes
Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition Dodatek Service Pack 3 (build 2600)
Internet Explorer: 8.0.6001.18702 (build 86001)
Administrator privileges: Yes
OS Languages: (UI | Locale (User/System)) : Polish/Polish | Polish/Polish
Free disk space on Miranda partition: 4022 MBytes
Miranda NG Version: 0.95.6 alpha build #17887(ed99a12)
Build time: 12 Mar 2017 4:04:36
Profile: C:\Miranda IM\devmir\dobrabaza\Evaron\Evaron.dat (dbx mmap driver)
Profile size: 21364736 Bytes
Profile creation date: 31 Oct 2014 8:07:13
Language pack: No language pack installed
Service Mode: No
Active Plugins (26):
¤ AdvaImg.dll v. [5 Jan 2017 4:01:20] - Miranda image services
¤ AVS.dll v. [20 Jan 2017 4:00:12] - Avatar service
¤ CrashDumper.dll v. [13 Jan 2017 20:28:56] - Crash dumper
¤ Db_autobackups.dll v. [20 Jan 2017 4:00:58] - Db autobackuper
¤ DbEditorPP.dll v. [5 Jan 2017 4:01:54] - Database editor++
¤ Dbx_mmap.dll v. [12 Mar 2017 4:00:14] - Miranda NG mmap database driver
¤ Facebook.dll v. [6 Mar 2017 4:01:36] - Facebook RM
¤ GG.dll v. [1 Feb 2017 4:00:40] - Gadu-Gadu protocol
¤ HistoryPP.dll v. [9 Feb 2017 18:55:12] - History++
¤ HistorySweeperLight.dll v. [20 Jan 2017 4:00:54] - History sweeper light
¤ ICQ.dll v. [6 Mar 2017 4:00:36] - IcqOscarJ protocol
¤ Import.dll v. [20 Jan 2017 4:00:10] - Import contacts and messages
¤ IRC.dll v. [12 Mar 2017 4:00:36] - IRC protocol
¤ Jabber.dll v. [12 Mar 2017 4:01:06] - Jabber protocol
¤ MSN.dll v. [6 Mar 2017 4:00:38] - MSN protocol
¤ OpenSSL.dll v. [6 Mar 2017 4:03:56] - OpenSSL SSL API module
¤ PluginUpdater.dll v. [13 Jan 2017 20:29:08] - Plugin updater
¤ QuickSearch.dll v. [20 Jan 2017 4:04:34] - Quick Search
¤ SkypeWeb.dll v. [12 Mar 2017 4:04:12] - Skype protocol (Web)
¤ StatusManager.dll v. [6 Mar 2017 4:04:18] - Status manager
¤ Steam.dll v. [20 Jan 2017 4:03:48] - Steam protocol
¤ TabSRMM.dll v. [12 Mar 2017 4:00:30] - TabSRMM
¤ Tox.dll v. [6 Mar 2017 4:04:08] - Tox protocol
¤ UInfoEx.dll v. [20 Jan 2017 4:01:22] - User info ext
¤ Variables.dll v. [20 Jan 2017 4:01:32] - Variables
¤ WhatsApp.dll v. [1 Feb 2017 4:03:52] - WhatsApp protocol
Unloadable Plugins (3):
¤ DbChecker.dll v. [12 Mar 2017 4:02:10] - <unknown>
¤ smsbox.dll v. [10 Jan 2008 21:43:36] - <unknown>
¤ updater.dll v. [19 Mar 2011 23:31:02] - <unknown>
Protocols and Accounts:
Facebook 2 - Enabled 0 - Disabled Loaded
GG 1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled Loaded
ICQ 1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled Loaded
IRC 1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled Loaded
JABBER 3 - Enabled 0 - Disabled Loaded
MSN 2 - Enabled 1 - Disabled Loaded
SKYPE 1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled Loaded
STEAM 2 - Enabled 0 - Disabled Loaded
TOX 1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled Loaded
WhatsApp 1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled Loaded
AIM 0 - Enabled 1 - Disabled Not Loaded
MetaContacts 1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled Loaded
YAHOO 0 - Enabled 1 - Disabled Not Loaded
Icon Packs:
HistoryPP_icons.dll [6 Mar 2017 4:02:14]
Proto_AIM.dll [6 Jun 2015 3:34:20]
Proto_Facebook.dll [6 Jun 2015 3:34:18]
Proto_GG.dll [6 Jun 2015 3:34:21]
Proto_ICQ.dll [6 Jun 2015 3:34:21]
Proto_IRC.dll [6 Jun 2015 3:34:21]
Proto_Jabber.dll [6 Jun 2015 3:34:22]
Proto_MetaContacts.dll [12 Mar 2017 4:03:48]
Proto_MSN.dll [6 Jun 2015 3:34:22]
Proto_Skype.dll [12 Mar 2017 4:04:02]
Proto_Steam.dll [20 Jan 2017 4:03:46]
Proto_Tox.dll [6 Mar 2017 4:04:00]
Proto_WhatsApp.dll [1 Feb 2017 4:03:40]
Proto_Yahoo.dll [6 Jun 2015 3:34:23]
TabSRMM_icons.dll [12 Mar 2017 4:02:22]
Toolbar_icons.dll [20 Jan 2017 4:01:40]
UInfoEx_icons.dll [20 Jan 2017 4:01:22]
xStatus_ICQ.dll [6 Jun 2015 3:32:32]
xStatus_Jabber.dll [6 Jun 2015 3:32:41]
Loaded Modules:
C:\Miranda IM\devmir\Miranda32.exe 00400000 - 00409000 v. [12 Mar 2017 4:04:36]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\ntdll.dll 7C900000 - 7C9B4000 v.5.1.2600.6055 [9 Dec 2010 16:15:25]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\kernel32.dll 7C800000 - 7C8FD000 v.5.1.2600.6293 [3 Oct 2012 5:58:10]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\USER32.dll 7E360000 - 7E3F1000 v.5.1.2600.5512 [14 Apr 2008 18:20:56]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\GDI32.dll 77F10000 - 77F59000 v.5.1.2600.5698 [23 Oct 2008 13:42:41]
C:\Miranda IM\devmir\MSVCR100.dll 78AA0000 - 78B5F000 v.10.0.40219.325 [11 Jun 2011 0:58:52]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\IMM32.DLL 76360000 - 7637D000 v.5.1.2600.5512 [14 Apr 2008 18:20:32]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\ADVAPI32.dll 77DC0000 - 77E6C000 v.5.1.2600.5755 [9 Feb 2009 11:53:44]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\RPCRT4.dll 77E70000 - 77F03000 v.5.1.2600.6022 [16 Aug 2010 9:45:09]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\Secur32.dll 77FE0000 - 77FF1000 v.5.1.2600.5834 [25 Jun 2009 9:27:54]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\LPK.DLL 62E70000 - 62E79000 v.5.1.2600.5512 [14 Apr 2008 18:20:34]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\USP10.dll 74D40000 - 74DAB000 v.1.420.2600.5969 [16 Apr 2010 16:38:53]
C:\Miranda IM\devmir\libs\mir_app.mir 12420000 - 124E4000 v. [12 Mar 2017 4:00:34]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\WINMM.dll 76B20000 - 76B4E000 v.5.1.2600.6160 [14 Oct 2011 15:47:23]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\SHLWAPI.dll 77F60000 - 77FD6000 v.6.0.2900.5912 [8 Dec 2009 10:25:45]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\msvcrt.dll 77C00000 - 77C58000 v.7.0.2600.5512 [14 Apr 2008 18:20:39]
C:\WINDOWS\WinSxS\x86_Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls_6595b64144ccf1df_6.0.2600.6028_x-ww_61e65202\COMCTL32.dll 773C0000 - 774C3000 v.6.0.2900.6028 [23 Aug 2010 17:12:53]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\WS2_32.dll 71A50000 - 71A67000 v.5.1.2600.5512 [14 Apr 2008 18:20:58]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\WS2HELP.dll 71A40000 - 71A48000 v.5.1.2600.5512 [14 Apr 2008 18:20:58]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\UxTheme.dll 5B1D0000 - 5B208000 v.6.0.2900.5512 [14 Apr 2008 18:20:56]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\COMDLG32.dll 76380000 - 763C9000 v.6.0.2900.5512 [14 Apr 2008 18:20:13]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\SHELL32.dll 7C9C0000 - 7D1DE000 v.6.0.2900.6242 [8 Jun 2012 15:25:47]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\ole32.dll 774D0000 - 7760E000 v.5.1.2600.6168 [1 Nov 2011 17:07:03]
C:\Miranda IM\devmir\libs\zlib.mir 126E0000 - 126F7000 v. [12 Mar 2017 4:00:12]
C:\Miranda IM\devmir\libs\mir_core.mir 125C0000 - 125E0000 [12 Mar 2017 4:00:18]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\VERSION.dll 77BF0000 - 77BF8000 v.5.1.2600.5512 [14 Apr 2008 18:20:57]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\timiditydrv.dll 10000000 - 1023C000 [17 Aug 2014 8:43:28]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\MSCTF.dll 746D0000 - 7471C000 v.5.1.2600.5512 [14 Apr 2008 18:20:36]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\msctfime.ime 75180000 - 751AE000 v.5.1.2600.5512 [14 Apr 2008 18:12:58]
C:\Miranda IM\devmir\Plugins\CrashDumper.dll 14980000 - 14990000 v. [13 Jan 2017 20:28:56]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\dbghelp.dll 59BC0000 - 59C61000 v.5.1.2600.5512 [14 Apr 2008 18:20:21]
C:\Miranda IM\devmir\Plugins\DbEditorPP.dll 14B00000 - 14B1D000 v. [5 Jan 2017 4:01:54]
C:\Miranda IM\devmir\Plugins\Dbx_mmap.dll 14B80000 - 14B91000 v. [12 Mar 2017 4:00:14]
C:\Miranda IM\devmir\Plugins\Import.dll 15740000 - 1574D000 v. [20 Jan 2017 4:00:10]
C:\Miranda IM\devmir\Core\stdcrypt.dll 13080000 - 1308B000 v. [12 Mar 2017 4:04:32]
C:\Miranda IM\devmir\Plugins\OpenSSL.dll 162E0000 - 162E7000 v. [6 Mar 2017 4:03:56]
C:\Miranda IM\devmir\libs\LIBEAY32.mir 12180000 - 122BD000 v. [16 Feb 2017 16:13:10]
C:\Miranda IM\devmir\libs\SSLEAY32.mir 12640000 - 12687000 v. [16 Feb 2017 16:13:12]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\CRYPT32.dll 77A70000 - 77B06000 v.5.131.2600.6239 [1 Jun 2012 17:50:20]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\MSASN1.dll 77B10000 - 77B22000 v.5.1.2600.5875 [4 Sep 2009 22:05:35]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\Msftedit.dll 4B440000 - 4B4C6000 v. [14 Apr 2008 18:20:38]
C:\Miranda IM\devmir\Plugins\AdvaImg.dll 142A0000 - 1432F000 v. [5 Jan 2017 4:01:20]
C:\Miranda IM\devmir\MSVCP100.dll 78050000 - 780B9000 v.10.0.40219.325 [11 Jun 2011 0:58:52]
C:\Miranda IM\devmir\Core\stdclist.dll 13060000 - 1306F000 v. [12 Mar 2017 4:04:34]
C:\Miranda IM\devmir\Plugins\AVS.dll 14500000 - 14512000 v. [20 Jan 2017 4:00:12]
C:\Miranda IM\devmir\Plugins\Db_autobackups.dll 02390000 - 023A5000 v. [20 Jan 2017 4:00:58]
C:\Miranda IM\devmir\Plugins\Facebook.dll 14CE0000 - 14D2F000 v. [6 Mar 2017 4:01:36]
C:\Miranda IM\devmir\libs\libjson.mir 12400000 - 1240C000 [12 Mar 2017 4:00:18]
C:\Miranda IM\devmir\Plugins\GG.dll 14FE0000 - 15023000 v. [1 Feb 2017 4:00:40]
C:\Miranda IM\devmir\Plugins\HistoryPP.dll 15100000 - 152EF000 v. [9 Feb 2017 18:55:12]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\oleaut32.dll 77110000 - 7719B000 v.5.1.2600.6341 [26 Jan 2013 4:55:40]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\msimg32.dll 76350000 - 76355000 v.5.1.2600.5512 [14 Apr 2008 18:20:38]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\winspool.drv 72F90000 - 72FB6000 v.5.1.2600.5512 [14 Apr 2008 18:21:56]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\RICHED20.DLL 74DE0000 - 74E4D000 v. [14 Apr 2008 18:20:45]
C:\Miranda IM\devmir\Plugins\HistorySweeperLight.dll 15580000 - 15588000 v. [20 Jan 2017 4:00:54]
C:\Miranda IM\devmir\Plugins\ICQ.dll 15620000 - 15673000 v. [6 Mar 2017 4:00:36]
C:\Miranda IM\devmir\Plugins\IRC.dll 15860000 - 158AE000 v. [12 Mar 2017 4:00:36]
C:\Miranda IM\devmir\Plugins\Jabber.dll 15900000 - 15991000 v. [12 Mar 2017 4:01:06]
C:\Miranda IM\devmir\libs\libaxolotl.mir 120A0000 - 120CC000 [12 Mar 2017 4:00:46]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\DNSAPI.dll 76F10000 - 76F37000 v.5.1.2600.6089 [3 Mar 2011 7:55:00]
C:\Miranda IM\devmir\Plugins\MSN.dll 15F00000 - 15F3E000 v. [6 Mar 2017 4:00:38]
C:\Miranda IM\devmir\Plugins\PluginUpdater.dll 16360000 - 16374000 v. [13 Jan 2017 20:29:08]
C:\Miranda IM\devmir\Plugins\QuickSearch.dll 164A0000 - 164D2000 [20 Jan 2017 4:04:34]
C:\Miranda IM\devmir\Plugins\SkypeWeb.dll 169A0000 - 169E6000 v. [12 Mar 2017 4:04:12]
C:\Miranda IM\devmir\Plugins\StatusManager.dll 16BE0000 - 16BFB000 v. [6 Mar 2017 4:04:18]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\WININET.dll 3FCF0000 - 3FDD7000 v.8.0.6001.23507 [8 Jun 2013 2:23:46]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\Normaliz.dll 02560000 - 02569000 v.6.0.5441.0 [7 Jan 2009 17:20:36]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\urlmon.dll 45330000 - 45464000 v.8.0.6001.23507 [7 Jun 2013 22:53:41]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\iertutil.dll 40390000 - 4057C000 v.8.0.6001.23507 [7 Jun 2013 22:53:27]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\IPHLPAPI.DLL 76D50000 - 76D69000 v.5.1.2600.5512 [14 Apr 2008 18:20:33]
C:\Miranda IM\devmir\Plugins\Steam.dll 025A0000 - 025BB000 v. [20 Jan 2017 4:03:48]
C:\Miranda IM\devmir\Plugins\TabSRMM.dll 16D40000 - 16DC6000 v. [12 Mar 2017 4:00:30]
C:\Miranda IM\devmir\Plugins\Tox.dll 16FA0000 - 16FCA000 v. [6 Mar 2017 4:04:08]
C:\Miranda IM\devmir\libs\libtox.dll 13D60000 - 13F42000 [24 Feb 2017 4:00:06]
C:\Miranda IM\devmir\Plugins\UInfoEx.dll 17040000 - 17092000 v. [20 Jan 2017 4:01:22]
C:\Miranda IM\devmir\Plugins\Variables.dll 17120000 - 17137000 v. [20 Jan 2017 4:01:32]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\pdh.dll 73F00000 - 73F57000 v.5.1.2600.5773 [6 Mar 2009 15:22:12]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\ODBC32.dll 74600000 - 7463D000 v.3.525.3012.0 [9 Nov 2010 15:52:35]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\odbcbcp.dll 59C70000 - 59C76000 v.2000.85.1132.0 [14 Apr 2008 18:20:43]
C:\Miranda IM\devmir\libs\Pcre16.mir 12600000 - 12617000 [12 Mar 2017 4:01:28]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\odbcint.dll 1F840000 - 1F858000 v.3.525.1117.0 [28 Mar 2007 13:54:30]
C:\Miranda IM\devmir\Plugins\WhatsApp.dll 17540000 - 17574000 v. [1 Feb 2017 4:03:52]
C:\Miranda IM\devmir\Core\stdauth.dll 13000000 - 13007000 v. [12 Mar 2017 4:04:32]
C:\Miranda IM\devmir\Core\stdfile.dll 130C0000 - 130CF000 v. [12 Mar 2017 4:04:32]
C:\Miranda IM\devmir\Core\stdhelp.dll 130E0000 - 130E6000 v. [12 Mar 2017 4:04:28]
C:\Miranda IM\devmir\Core\stdidle.dll 13100000 - 13107000 v. [12 Mar 2017 4:04:34]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\WTSAPI32.dll 76F40000 - 76F48000 v.5.1.2600.5512 [14 Apr 2008 18:20:59]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\WINSTA.dll 76330000 - 76340000 v.5.1.2600.5512 [14 Apr 2008 18:20:57]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\NETAPI32.dll 6FF40000 - 6FF95000 v.5.1.2600.6260 [6 Jul 2012 14:58:56]
C:\Miranda IM\devmir\Core\stdautoaway.dll 13020000 - 13026000 v. [12 Mar 2017 4:04:32]
C:\Miranda IM\devmir\Core\stduseronline.dll 131E0000 - 131E6000 v. [12 Mar 2017 4:04:30]
C:\Miranda IM\devmir\Core\stdaway.dll 13040000 - 13049000 v. [12 Mar 2017 4:04:30]
C:\WINDOWS\System32\mswsock.dll 719F0000 - 71A30000 v.5.1.2600.5625 [20 Jun 2008 17:04:23]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\rasadhlp.dll 76FB0000 - 76FB6000 v.5.1.2600.5512 [14 Apr 2008 18:20:44]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\hnetcfg.dll 66780000 - 667D8000 v.5.1.2600.5512 [14 Apr 2008 18:20:32]
C:\WINDOWS\System32\wshtcpip.dll 71A30000 - 71A38000 v.5.1.2600.5512 [14 Apr 2008 18:20:59]
C:\WINDOWS\System32\winrnr.dll 76FA0000 - 76FA8000 v.5.1.2600.5512 [14 Apr 2008 18:20:57]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\WLDAP32.dll 76F50000 - 76F7D000 v.5.1.2600.5512 [14 Apr 2008 18:20:57]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\rsaenh.dll 68000000 - 68036000 v.5.1.2600.5507 [13 Apr 2008 18:37:57]
C:\program files\powerstrip\pshook.dll 03E40000 - 03E4A000 v. [19 Mar 2012 2:38:04]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\mslbui.dll 60A60000 - 60A69000 v.5.1.2600.5512 [14 Apr 2008 18:20:39]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\CLBCATQ.DLL 76FC0000 - 7703F000 v.2001.12.4414.700 [14 Apr 2008 18:20:11]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\COMRes.dll 77040000 - 7710D000 v.2001.12.4414.700 [14 Apr 2008 18:20:14]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\oleacc.dll 61880000 - 618BA000 v.7.0.2600.6153 [26 Sep 2011 10:41:20]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\msls31.dll 05040000 - 05069000 v.3.10.349.0 [8 Mar 2009 3:22:38]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\SXS.DLL 7E690000 - 7E740000 v.5.1.2600.5512 [14 Apr 2008 18:20:56]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\appHelp.dll 77B30000 - 77B52000 v.5.1.2600.5512 [14 Apr 2008 18:19:59]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\ieframe.dll 40580000 - 4101D000 v.8.0.6001.23507 [7 Jun 2013 22:53:22]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\xpsp2res.dll 05CF0000 - 05FC2000 v.5.1.2600.5512 [13 Apr 2008 19:37:58]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\USERENV.dll 769A0000 - 76A55000 v.5.1.2600.5512 [14 Apr 2008 18:20:56]
CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3450 CPU @ 3.10GHz [Intel64 Family 6 Model 58 Stepping 9] [DEP Enabled] [4 CPUs]
Installed RAM: 3792 MBytes
Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate Edition, 64-bit Service Pack 1 (build 7601)
Internet Explorer: 9.11.9600.17801 (build 99600)
Administrator privileges: Yes
OS Languages: (UI | Locale (User/System)) : Italian/Italian | Italian/Italian
Free disk space on Miranda partition: 91557 MBytes
Miranda NG Version: 0.95.6 alpha build #17953 (75876f6) [running inside WOW64]
Build time: 22 Mar 2017 9:52:08
Profile: C:\Program Files (x86)\Miranda\Profiles\temp\temp.dat (dbx mmap driver)
Profile size: 131072 Bytes
Profile creation date: 22 Mar 2017 18:00:08
Language pack: No language pack installed
Service Mode: No
Active Plugins (16):
¤ AdvaImg.dll v. [13 Jan 2017 5:01:19] - Miranda image services
¤ AVS.dll v. [22 Mar 2017 9:47:36] - Avatar service
¤ Clist_modern.dll v. [22 Mar 2017 9:49:22] - Modern contact list
¤ CrashDumper.dll v. [13 Jan 2017 5:01:53] - Crash dumper
¤ DbEditorPP.dll v. [4 Jan 2017 8:36:36] - Database editor++
¤ Dbx_mmap.dll v. [22 Mar 2017 9:47:40] - Miranda NG mmap database driver
¤ HistoryPP.dll v. [9 Feb 2017 18:55:12] - History++
¤ Import.dll v. [18 Jan 2017 4:00:10] - Import contacts and messages
¤ NewXstatusNotify.dll v. [18 Jan 2017 4:01:00] - xStatus notify
¤ PluginUpdater.dll v. [13 Jan 2017 5:02:06] - Plugin updater
¤ Popup.dll v. [18 Jan 2017 4:01:10] - Popup plus
¤ SeenPlugin.dll v. [3 Dec 2016 4:01:06] - Last seen
¤ StatusManager.dll v. [12 Feb 2017 4:04:14] - Status manager
¤ Steam.dll v. [18 Jan 2017 4:03:58] - Steam protocol
¤ TabSRMM.dll v. [22 Mar 2017 9:47:52] - TabSRMM
¤ TopToolBar.dll v. [13 Jan 2017 5:01:35] - TopToolBar
Unloadable Plugins (1):
¤ DbChecker.dll v. [22 Mar 2017 9:49:38] - <unknown>
Protocols and Accounts:
STEAM 1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled Loaded
MetaContacts 1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled Loaded
Icon Packs:
HistoryPP_icons.dll [10 Feb 2017 4:02:16]
Proto_AIM.dll [22 Mar 2017 9:49:12]
Proto_Facebook.dll [22 Mar 2017 9:49:10]
Proto_GG.dll [31 Jan 2017 4:01:38]
Proto_ICQ.dll [21 Feb 2017 4:01:40]
Proto_IRC.dll [22 Mar 2017 9:49:12]
Proto_Jabber.dll [22 Mar 2017 9:49:12]
Proto_MetaContacts.dll [22 Mar 2017 9:51:20]
Proto_MSN.dll [22 Mar 2017 9:49:12]
Proto_Skype.dll [22 Mar 2017 9:51:34]
Proto_Steam.dll [18 Jan 2017 4:03:52]
Proto_Tox.dll [22 Mar 2017 9:51:36]
Proto_Yahoo.dll [23 Sep 2016 3:01:40]
Proto_YAMN.dll [14 Jan 2017 4:02:30]
TabSRMM_icons.dll [22 Mar 2017 9:49:54]
Toolbar_icons.dll [22 Mar 2017 9:49:12]
Watrack_buttons.dll [18 Jan 2017 4:04:42]
Watrack_icons.dll [18 Jan 2017 4:04:42]
xStatus_ICQ.dll [21 Feb 2017 4:00:32]
xStatus_Jabber.dll [22 Mar 2017 9:47:58]
Dbchecker is only loaded on a special start (when you restart miranda in database checker mode, or by using a startup parameter for the miranda executable). It's normal to see it unloaded.
Robyer, It's been 2 years and I'm still having the issue with steam guard window.
Today I had to type in 4 different steam guard codes and it only worked at 5th time - when I restarted miranda and entered yet another code.
Will you ever fix this bullshit? It's REAL pain in the ass.
It happens after running miranda for long time [Started timestamp: 12:34:05 2017-03-14]
See netlogsVersionInfo[close]
You can also use dbeditor++ to navigate to your steam account and doubleclick the password field to view it to make extra sure it is your, correct password.
SpinalBlood, do you have somehow special password? Special chars or length? Maybe try to change your password and re-verify if that makes any change in Miranda.
Vulpix, have you tried whole login from "clean" account? Does that work?
SpinalBlood, so you can login with exactly same username and password here? https://steamcommunity.com/mobilelogin/
Having trouble accessing a Steam Community Feature?
New accounts are limited from using all of Steam's community features. You'll have access to all of Steam's features once you've spent $5.00 USD in the Steam store or added $5.00 USD to your Steam Wallet. Some of the features that you won't be able to access are:
Adding friends on Steam
Buying or Selling items on the Steam Community Market
Creating a Group on Steam Community
Creating user reviews or rating artwork, screenshots, workshop content, or Greenlight submissions
Using Friends chat in your Browser or on a Mobile device
Without this "quick and dirty" workaround, all of the messages sent by you from miranda were shown twice.Ah. It was _this_ fix. Thank you for the info.
Steam plugin itself shouldn't delete any contacts or their history (at least as far as I remember). This may show some different problem, together with the crashes.This was only once so far, for two contacts, and yes, now I believe that it was more global Miranda problem then Steam - because history returned by itself after next miranda.exe update (they are too numerous this days, so I cannot say which exact update).
Anyway if you have crashes twice per day, try to disable steam for a day and check if it continue crashing.Well, I still hope that it will self-fixed... So far crashes became rarer (but still too frequent). But I'll explore your crash report suggestion, thank you.
Also install debug symbols and provide crash reports - make tickets on https://github.com/miranda-ng/miranda-ng/issues
7089B93F (LIBEAY32 70890000): (filename not available) (0): SHA512
7089207B (LIBEAY32 70890000): (filename not available) (0): CRYPTO_get_new_dynlockid
70898CC9 (LIBEAY32 70890000): (filename not available) (0): SHA512
70897B3C (LIBEAY32 70890000): (filename not available) (0): SHA1_Update
70898CC9 (LIBEAY32 70890000): (filename not available) (0): SHA512
70897B54 (LIBEAY32 70890000): (filename not available) (0): SHA1_Update
708FA25D (LIBEAY32 70890000): (filename not available) (0): RAND_SSLeay
708FB083 (LIBEAY32 70890000): (filename not available) (0): RAND_add
708FB3B3 (LIBEAY32 70890000): (filename not available) (0): RAND_egd_bytes
Ah. It was _this_ fix. Thank you for the info.
I seen something strange today. After start, Steam plugin deleted three of my friends from contact list, destroying history and group position. And right after that it added it back as "new" one, in "Steam" group and empty history. What happened?!
P.S. And I have too much crashes now in Miranda. :| It _was_ Steam-related before, but happened like 1-2 times per week, not counting channel issues. Now it's about twice per day. But I am not sure that it's _Steam_ fault, unfortunately. Maybe it's something other broken after update.
I have tested a program called Nox (Android emulator) and Pidgin. I can connect and talk successfully with both of them
It also works here: https://steamcommunity.com/mobilelogin/
It's then sure that there is no limitation on my account. But now I have tried Miranda again and it is still not connecting
My account still has this problem
Can you provide any additional information about your account that might be relevant: (A link to your non-private steam profile might be helpful.) You say your main account does not work in Miranda, but your other account does? What are the main differences between those accounts? Did you do stuff like re-check your login info entered into Miranda? Generally when connecting from a new machine/device with Steam Guard on you should get sent an email with a code to verify your login, are you getting this email / are you entering this information / are you seeing the password popup. Do you use any special ascii characters in your username or password or anything like that? Might be helpful to know some of these things to try and help solve the issue or figure out whats going on.
Edit: Also knowing which version of Miranda you're running as well as if you're using any other plugins would potentially be good too. Really old versions of Miranda had problems with steam accounts set to use Steam's Mobile Authenticator for example, but worked fine for Steam Guard accounts. (For versions that are over a year old anyway.)
Edit 2: I do experience an occasional issue where Miranda will say its connecting to Steam, but never actually connect. Im not sure if this is related to the Steam community servers being down (as usually i can log into the steam client just fine, but not Miranda) or if its some kind of bug in Miranda. To fix this usually i have to close Miranda and wait a few minutes so that any failed connection attempts have timed out, then open it again. --- The former 'bug' also often leads to an issue with the Steam protocol where if you log off and back on very quickly, sometimes Miranda will say you're online, but all of your contacts will still show as offline, yet some of them might have game symbols next to them. What I believe is happening is that Steam probably only sends Miranda a full contact list status update every so often, if you've already gotten one recently, Steam will only send updates to you when a contact changes their status (logs on / idles / starts a new game.) thus causing everyone to show as offline except anyone who has changed since. Logging off and then back on after 2-5 minutes will usually fix this, but sometimes I close the client anyway just to make sure its not some kind of memory leak.
- What do you mean non-private? That being private might be a problem for Miranda? Actually I did set my account as private, but I tried now to revert it to public and the login didn't work anyway
- The account where I can login is a brand new one, even though I can't add anyone since I didn't use any money in it, it can still be shown as "online", something that doesn't happen with my main account (there is the icon where the circle is loading, and it's stuck in that state)
- I'm always using latest miranda + plugin nightly versions
- I tried both with steam guard enabled and disabled. When this problem started, steam guard was enabled, and previously I would receive sometimes captcha codes (only once in a while, I don't know the reason for this) but once inserted I could login fine. Not anymore, and no error popups
- No special characters in the password, it's just a long one. But the problem started when the password was much simpler, changing it didn't resolve
- I remember the offline contacts problem, happened from time to time. Trying to login again just fixed it most of the times. On the other hand my account problem has 0% chance of success in login, but I can login with different programs (see previous post)
CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3450 CPU @ 3.10GHz [Intel64 Family 6 Model 58 Stepping 9] [DEP Enabled] [4 CPUs]
Installed RAM: 3792 MBytes
Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate Edition, 64-bit Service Pack 1 (build 7601)
Internet Explorer: 9.11.9600.17801 (build 99600)
Administrator privileges: Yes
OS Languages: (UI | Locale (User/System)) : Italian/Italian | Italian/Italian
Free disk space on Miranda partition: 402805 MBytes
Miranda NG Version: 0.95.8 alpha build #18897 (d1f75ef5d2) [running inside WOW64]
Build time: 3 Dec 2017 4:06:00
Profile: D:\New\miranda steam\Profiles\temp\temp.dat (dbx mmap driver)
Profile size: 65536 Bytes
Profile creation date: 3 Dec 2017 14:53:17
Language pack: No language pack installed
Service Mode: No
Active Plugins (18):
¤ AdvaImg.dll v. [3 Dec 2017 4:07:46] - Miranda image services
¤ AVS.dll v. [3 Dec 2017 4:06:08] - Avatar service
¤ Clist_modern.dll v. [3 Dec 2017 4:10:16] - Modern contact list
¤ CrashDumper.dll v. [3 Dec 2017 4:11:30] - Crash dumper
¤ DbEditorPP.dll v. [3 Dec 2017 4:11:28] - Database editor++
¤ Dbx_mmap.dll v. [3 Dec 2017 4:06:24] - Miranda NG mmap database driver
¤ Facebook.dll v. [3 Dec 2017 4:09:40] - Facebook RM
¤ GG.dll v. [3 Dec 2017 4:07:20] - Gadu-Gadu protocol
¤ ICQ.dll v. [3 Dec 2017 4:07:32] - IcqOscarJ protocol
¤ Import.dll v. [3 Dec 2017 4:06:20] - Import contacts and messages
¤ IRC.dll v. [3 Dec 2017 4:06:54] - IRC protocol
¤ Jabber.dll v. [3 Dec 2017 4:08:32] - Jabber protocol
¤ MSN.dll v. [3 Dec 2017 4:08:20] - MSN protocol
¤ PluginUpdater.dll v. [3 Dec 2017 4:12:46] - Plugin updater
¤ Popup.dll v. [3 Dec 2017 4:08:42] - Popup plus
¤ Steam.dll v. [3 Dec 2017 4:16:20] - Steam protocol
¤ TabSRMM.dll v. [3 Dec 2017 4:07:26] - TabSRMM
¤ TopToolBar.dll v. [3 Dec 2017 4:10:06] - TopToolBar
Unloadable Plugins (1):
¤ DbChecker.dll v. [3 Dec 2017 4:12:00] - <unknown>
Plugin statically linked to missing module: mir_core.mir
Plugin statically linked to missing module: mir_app.mir
Protocols and Accounts:
Facebook 0 - Enabled 0 - Disabled Loaded
GG 0 - Enabled 0 - Disabled Loaded
ICQ 0 - Enabled 0 - Disabled Loaded
IRC 0 - Enabled 0 - Disabled Loaded
JABBER 0 - Enabled 0 - Disabled Loaded
MSN 0 - Enabled 0 - Disabled Loaded
STEAM 1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled Loaded
MetaContacts 1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled Loaded
Icon Packs:
Proto_Facebook.dll [3 Dec 2017 4:21:54]
Proto_GG.dll [3 Dec 2017 4:21:56]
Proto_ICQ.dll [3 Dec 2017 4:21:54]
Proto_IRC.dll [3 Dec 2017 4:21:54]
Proto_Jabber.dll [3 Dec 2017 4:21:56]
Proto_MetaContacts.dll [3 Dec 2017 4:22:04]
Proto_MSN.dll [3 Dec 2017 4:21:56]
Proto_Steam.dll [3 Dec 2017 4:22:08]
TabSRMM_icons.dll [3 Dec 2017 4:22:00]
Toolbar_icons.dll [3 Dec 2017 4:21:52]
xStatus_ICQ.dll [3 Dec 2017 4:21:56]
xStatus_Jabber.dll [3 Dec 2017 4:21:58]
Netlog: attached; notice that at 15:09 I close Miranda. The password seems incorrect but it isn't (and yes I double checked in the database entry)
This is my profile (https://steamcommunity.com/id/spinalblood). I have not been banned for something, I don't even play that much, I only use it as a chat or I wouldn't be using it in miranda, I guess... ;D
A special character would be in the username since it was an email, so it has the "@" character. But I can login on https://steamcommunity.com/mobilelogin/ and same for Pigdin and Nox
1) Yes. The version info above shows a brand new updated profile/folder. I tried to connect before and after switching to debug symbol (for the netlog)
2) I don't remember if the Steam guard code has its own taskbar rectangle, but when the popup used to show up I could see it just fine. I never changed my resolution and it's the native one. I also tested the account on another pc on Windows XP so a problem like the popup is hidden is unlikely
3) I used to receive emails, but not after this problem started; now that the login seems rejected the captcha phase seems not reached at all. At the moment I have disabled steam guard though, but it didn't help when I re-enabled it
4) I don't know these names, and I also rarely install programs so I doubt something in particular is the culprit, especially considering I can login with the other programs
5) No, I only tried two desktops, in particular the one it always worked before
6) This list is empty
7) It's disabled
The friend request worked. I did send the request from the main account on the website, accepted it on the alt account on the website while I was connected in miranda (with the alt account), and miranda saw it. When the main account removed the alt account from the website, miranda saw this as well
--- This is an attempt to login to Steam using Miranda with an email address as the username.
[19:35:14 0B0C] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::SetStatus: changing status from 40071 to 40072
[19:35:14 14F0] [STEAM_1] Send request to https://steamcommunity.com/mobilelogin/getrsakey/
[19:35:14 14F0] [STEAM_1] Connection request to steamcommunity.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[19:35:14 14F0] [STEAM_1] (0000000003F6CBF0) Connecting to server steamcommunity.com:443....
[19:35:14 14F0] [STEAM_1] (0000000003F6CBF0) Connecting to ip ....
[19:35:14 14F0] [STEAM_1] (716) Connected to steamcommunity.com:443
[19:35:14 14F0] [STEAM_1] (716 steamcommunity.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[19:35:14 14F0] [STEAM_1] (716 steamcommunity.com) SSL negotiation successful
[19:35:14 14F0] SSL Server signaled SSL Shutdown
[19:35:14 14F0] [STEAM_1] (0000000003F6CBF0:716) Connection closed internal
[19:35:14 14F0] [STEAM_1] (0000000003F6CBF0:4294967295) Connection closed
[19:35:14 14F0] [STEAM_1] Send request to https://steamcommunity.com/mobilelogin/dologin/
[19:35:14 14F0] [STEAM_1] Connection request to steamcommunity.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[19:35:14 14F0] [STEAM_1] (0000000003F6CBF0) Connecting to server steamcommunity.com:443....
[19:35:14 14F0] [STEAM_1] (0000000003F6CBF0) Connecting to ip ....
[19:35:15 14F0] [STEAM_1] (716) Connected to steamcommunity.com:443
[19:35:15 14F0] [STEAM_1] (716 steamcommunity.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[19:35:15 14F0] [STEAM_1] (716 steamcommunity.com) SSL negotiation successful
[19:35:15 14F0] [STEAM_1] (0000000003F6CBF0:716) Connection closed internal
[19:35:15 14F0] [STEAM_1] (0000000003F6CBF0:4294967295) Connection closed
[19:35:15 14F0] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::OnAuthorizationError: The account name or password that you have entered is incorrect.
[19:35:15 14F0] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::OnAuthorizationError: clear password field
--- This is an attempt to login to a Steam account that does not exist while not using an email address as the username.
[22:21:20 1E3C] [FakeSteam] CSteamProto::SetStatus: changing status from 40071 to 40072
[22:21:20 198C] [FakeSteam] Send request to https://steamcommunity.com/mobilelogin/getrsakey/
[22:21:20 198C] [FakeSteam] Connection request to steamcommunity.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[22:21:20 198C] [FakeSteam] (00000000046DA390) Connecting to server steamcommunity.com:443....
[22:21:20 198C] [FakeSteam] (00000000046DA390) Connecting to ip ....
[22:21:20 198C] [FakeSteam] (740) Connected to steamcommunity.com:443
[22:21:20 198C] [FakeSteam] (740 steamcommunity.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[22:21:20 198C] [FakeSteam] (740 steamcommunity.com) SSL negotiation successful
[22:21:21 198C] SSL Server signaled SSL Shutdown
[22:21:21 198C] [FakeSteam] (00000000046DA390:740) Connection closed internal
[22:21:21 198C] [FakeSteam] (00000000046DA390:4294967295) Connection closed
[22:21:21 198C] [FakeSteam] Send request to https://steamcommunity.com/mobilelogin/dologin/
[22:21:21 198C] [FakeSteam] Connection request to steamcommunity.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[22:21:21 198C] [FakeSteam] (00000000046DA390) Connecting to server steamcommunity.com:443....
[22:21:21 198C] [FakeSteam] (00000000046DA390) Connecting to ip ....
[22:21:21 198C] [FakeSteam] (740) Connected to steamcommunity.com:443
[22:21:21 198C] [FakeSteam] (740 steamcommunity.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[22:21:21 198C] [FakeSteam] (740 steamcommunity.com) SSL negotiation successful
[22:21:21 198C] SSL Server signaled SSL Shutdown
[22:21:21 198C] [FakeSteam] (00000000046DA390:740) Connection closed internal
[22:21:21 198C] [FakeSteam] (00000000046DA390:4294967295) Connection closed
[22:21:21 198C] [FakeSteam] CSteamProto::OnAuthorizationError: The account name or password that you have entered is incorrect.
[22:21:21 198C] [FakeSteam] CSteamProto::SetStatus: changing status from 1 to 40071
[22:21:21 19D4] [FakeSteam] Send request to https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamWebUserPresenceOAuth/Logoff/v0001
[22:21:21 19D4] [FakeSteam] Connection request to api.steampowered.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[22:21:21 19D4] [FakeSteam] (00000000046DA390) Connecting to server api.steampowered.com:443....
[22:21:21 19D4] [FakeSteam] (00000000046DA390) Connecting to ip ....
[22:21:21 19D4] [FakeSteam] (960) Connected to api.steampowered.com:443
[22:21:21 19D4] [FakeSteam] (960 api.steampowered.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[22:21:22 19D4] [FakeSteam] (960 api.steampowered.com) SSL negotiation successful
[22:21:22 19D4] SSL Server signaled SSL Shutdown
[22:21:22 19D4] [FakeSteam] (00000000046DA390:960) Connection closed internal
[22:21:22 19D4] [FakeSteam] (00000000046DA390:4294967295) Connection closed
Ratha, good investigation. I just fixed the unending connection with "clear password field" error: https://github.com/miranda-ng/miranda-ng/commit/d00b3533e7d0529e8b47f5684d564d3c2ec25a4d
But cause of it is still unknown for me. To recapitulate - when user uses e-mail as login, then it won't work no matter what password user enters? If you use same password with non-e-mail login, then it connects without problems? So problem is with wrong login procedure or wrong hashing password in case user uses e-mail as login? I may check later how Pidgin does it and if we differ somehow.
SpinalBlood, Ratha, I commited some change to Steam password enryption, please check new build tomorrow. It probably won't change anything, but also there is slight chance that it will fix the issue for old accounts.
Netlog for testing new password encryption on Steam account that uses an email address as username on a SteamGuard protected account. - Miranda x64
[16:36:28 2E88] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::SetStatus: changing status from 40071 to 40072
[16:36:28 2E20] [STEAM_1] Send request to https://steamcommunity.com/mobilelogin/getrsakey/
[16:36:28 2E20] [STEAM_1] Connection request to steamcommunity.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[16:36:28 2E20] [STEAM_1] (0000000002B80920) Connecting to server steamcommunity.com:443....
[16:36:28 2E20] [STEAM_1] (0000000002B80920) Connecting to ip ....
[16:36:28 2E20] [STEAM_1] (528) Connected to steamcommunity.com:443
[16:36:28 2E20] [STEAM_1] (528 steamcommunity.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[16:36:28 2E20] [STEAM_1] (528 steamcommunity.com) SSL negotiation successful
[16:36:29 2E20] [STEAM_1] (0000000002B80920:528) Connection closed internal
[16:36:29 2E20] [STEAM_1] (0000000002B80920:4294967295) Connection closed
[16:36:29 2E20] [STEAM_1] Send request to https://steamcommunity.com/mobilelogin/dologin/
[16:36:29 2E20] [STEAM_1] Connection request to steamcommunity.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[16:36:29 2E20] [STEAM_1] (0000000002B80920) Connecting to server steamcommunity.com:443....
[16:36:29 2E20] [STEAM_1] (0000000002B80920) Connecting to ip ....
[16:36:29 2E20] [STEAM_1] (504) Connected to steamcommunity.com:443
[16:36:29 2E20] [STEAM_1] (504 steamcommunity.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[16:36:29 2E20] [STEAM_1] (504 steamcommunity.com) SSL negotiation successful
[16:36:29 2E20] [STEAM_1] (0000000002B80920:504) Connection closed internal
[16:36:29 2E20] [STEAM_1] (0000000002B80920:4294967295) Connection closed
[16:36:29 2E20] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::OnAuthorizationError: The account name or password that you have entered is incorrect.
[16:36:29 2E20] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::OnAuthorizationError: clear password field
[16:36:29 2E20] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::SetStatus: changing status from 1 to 40071
[16:36:29 0920] [STEAM_1] Send request to https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamWebUserPresenceOAuth/Logoff/v0001
[16:36:29 0920] [STEAM_1] Connection request to api.steampowered.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[16:36:29 0920] [STEAM_1] (0000000002B80920) Connecting to server api.steampowered.com:443....
[16:36:29 0920] [STEAM_1] (0000000002B80920) Connecting to ip ....
[16:36:29 0920] [STEAM_1] (768) Connected to api.steampowered.com:443
[16:36:29 0920] [STEAM_1] (768 api.steampowered.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[16:36:30 0920] [STEAM_1] (768 api.steampowered.com) SSL negotiation successful
[16:36:30 0920] [STEAM_1] (0000000002B80920:768) Connection closed internal
[16:36:30 0920] [STEAM_1] (0000000002B80920:4294967295) Connection closed
Ratha, allright, can you download Fiddler (https://www.telerik.com/download/fiddler) to sniff on HTTP communication going on between Miranda/Pidgin<->Steam and compare the login procedure requests what differs? Especially how Pidgin vs Miranda sends the login/password and whether it has same value or not. That would be helpful to know what is wrong in Miranda.
(Note: You must enable in Fiddler to decrypt HTTPS communication + use Fiddler's localhost address as proxy server in Miranda/Pidgin to be able to see the communication going)
Additional information from the log:
1: {"success":true,"publickey_mod":" [512 character encrypted string] ","publickey_exp":"010001","timestamp":"133261450000","token_gid":" [17 character string]"}
2: {"success":false,"requires_twofactor":false,"message":"The account name or password that you have entered is incorrect.","clear_password_field":true,"captcha_needed":false,"captcha_gid":-1}
3: <html><head><title>Unauthorized</title></head><body><h1>Unauthorized</h1>Access is denied. Retrying will not help. Please verify your <pre>key=</pre> parameter.</body></html>
Login problem fixed in: https://github.com/miranda-ng/miranda-ng/commit/420614f4a7aabd062ba5d40fa8f872e1160ea162 It was indeed caused by double encoding of username, where @ character was encoded twice, so then password was encrypted incorrectly and thus server throw invalid password error.
You can thank @Ratha for investigation and pointing me to correct way :-)
CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4670K CPU @ 3.40GHz [Intel64 Family 6 Model 60 Stepping 3] [DEP Enabled] [4 CPUs]
Installed RAM: 24521 MBytes
Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate Edition, 64-bit Service Pack 1 (build 7601)
Internet Explorer: 9.11.9600.18665 (build 99600)
Administrator privileges: Yes
OS Languages: (UI | Locale (User/System)) : English/English | English/English
Free disk space on Miranda partition: 111516 MBytes
Miranda NG Version: 0.95.8 alpha build #18995 (a8b69b3ba3) [running inside WOW64]
Build time: 16 Dec 2017 4:00:38
Profile: C:\Program Files (x86)\Miranda NG\Profiles\Ratha\Ratha.dat (dbx mmap driver)
Profile size: 84148224 Bytes
Profile creation date: 22 Nov 2017 18:26:54
Language pack: No language pack installed
Service Mode: No
Active Plugins (17):
¤ AdvaImg.dll v. [16 Dec 2017 4:02:20] - Miranda image services
¤ AVS.dll v. [16 Dec 2017 4:00:42] - Avatar service
¤ CrashDumper.dll v. [16 Dec 2017 4:03:12] - Crash dumper
¤ DbEditorPP.dll v. [16 Dec 2017 4:03:06] - Database editor++
¤ Dbx_mmap.dll v. [16 Dec 2017 4:00:56] - Miranda NG mmap database driver
¤ Discord.dll v. [16 Dec 2017 4:06:14] - Discord protocol
¤ HistoryPP.dll v. [11 Dec 2017 9:24:52] - History++
¤ ICQ.dll v. [16 Dec 2017 4:01:06] - IcqOscarJ protocol
¤ ImportTXT.dll v. [16 Dec 2017 4:06:40] - Import TXT
¤ PluginUpdater.dll v. [16 Dec 2017 4:03:44] - Plugin updater
¤ SeenPlugin.dll v. [16 Dec 2017 4:01:58] - Last seen
¤ SkypeWeb.dll v. [16 Dec 2017 4:06:00] - Skype protocol (Web)
¤ SpellChecker.dll v. [16 Dec 2017 4:03:08] - Spell checker
¤ Steam.dll v. [16 Dec 2017 4:05:38] - Steam protocol
¤ TabSRMM.dll v. [16 Dec 2017 4:00:56] - TabSRMM
¤ Tipper.dll v. [16 Dec 2017 4:01:58] - Tipper
¤ YAMN.dll v. [16 Dec 2017 4:03:58] - Mail Notifier
Unloadable Plugins (1):
¤ DbChecker.dll v. [16 Dec 2017 4:03:16] - <unknown>
Plugin statically linked to missing module: mir_core.mir
Plugin statically linked to missing module: mir_app.mir
Protocols and Accounts:
Discord 1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled Loaded
ICQ 1 - Enabled 1 - Disabled Loaded
SKYPE 1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled Loaded
STEAM 1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled Loaded
MetaContacts 1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled Loaded
YAMN 1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled Loaded
Icon Packs:
Flags_icons.dll [16 Dec 2017 4:06:30]
HistoryPP_icons.dll [16 Dec 2017 4:06:34]
Proto_Discord.dll [16 Dec 2017 4:06:36]
Proto_ICQ.dll [16 Dec 2017 4:06:30]
Proto_MetaContacts.dll [16 Dec 2017 4:06:34]
Proto_Skype.dll [16 Dec 2017 4:06:34]
Proto_Steam.dll [16 Dec 2017 4:06:34]
Proto_Yahoo.dll [13 Feb 2016 21:01:38]
Proto_YAMN.dll [16 Dec 2017 4:06:34]
TabSRMM_icons.dll [16 Dec 2017 4:06:34]
xStatus_ICQ.dll [16 Dec 2017 4:06:32]
Spoiler"players": [
"steamid": "[Stripped]",
"communityvisibilitystate": 3,
"profilestate": 1,
"personaname": "Ratha Wynter",
"lastlogoff": 1513581837,
"commentpermission": 1,
"profileurl": "[Stripped]",
"avatar": "https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/avatars/db/[Stripped].jpg",
"avatarmedium": "https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/avatars/db/[Stripped]_medium.jpg",
"avatarfull": "https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/avatars/db/[Stripped]_full.jpg",
"personastate": 1,
"primaryclanid": "103582791434905547",
"timecreated": 1192527721,
"personastateflags": 256,
"gameid": "252950",
"loccountrycode": "US"
Response format
Responses to the requests can come in three different formats: json, vdf, xml. The default and preferred format is json.
Sample request/response
Request URL
Response Format
Note that the {key} parameter is not filled in because it is a secret that you must provide.
[Info for user which didnt report gameextrainfo:] 'Cyb'
"response": {
"players": [
"steamid": "[Stripped]",
"communityvisibilitystate": 3,
"profilestate": 1,
"personaname": "[Stripped]",
"lastlogoff": 1513624742,
"profileurl": "[Stripped]",
"avatar": "https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/avatars/[Stripped].jpg",
"avatarmedium": "https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/avatars/[Stripped]_medium.jpg",
"avatarfull": "https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/avatars/[Stripped]_full.jpg",
"personastate": 1,
"primaryclanid": "[Stripped]",
"timecreated": 1144553331,
"personastateflags": 0,
"gameid": "271590"
[Info for user which reported gameextrainfo correctly] 'Run'
"response": {
"players": [
"steamid": "[Stripped]",
"communityvisibilitystate": 3,
"profilestate": 1,
"personaname": "[Stripped]",
"lastlogoff": 1513183292,
"profileurl": "[Stripped]",
"avatar": "https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/avatars/d5/[Stripped].jpg",
"avatarmedium": "https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/avatars/d5/[Stripped]_medium.jpg",
"avatarfull": "https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/avatars/d5/[Stripped]_full.jpg",
"personastate": 4,
"realname": "[Stripped]",
"primaryclanid": "[Stripped]",
"timecreated": 1091041227,
"personastateflags": 0,
"gameextrainfo": "Path of Exile",
"gameid": "238960",
"loccountrycode": "SE"
Ratha, what kind of info do you need?
If all playing contacts has gameid and name of the game is enough then we can get it fromCode: [Select]http://api.steampowered.com/ISteamApps/GetAppList/v0002/
Hi Unsane! It will work for steam games, however sometimes the contact is playing a non-steam game in which case its name will not come back from this api query. There has to be a way to get all of them because the web client can do it somehow.. hmm.
Hi Unsane! It will work for steam games, however sometimes the contact is playing a non-steam game in which case its name will not come back from this api query. There has to be a way to get all of them because the web client can do it somehow.. hmm.Ratha, Vulpix, is anyone has mobile version of steam (e.g. on android)?
Are we making new API calls (and if so what API calls)I've found new (actually old :D) api call (https://github.com/miranda-ng/miranda-ng/blob/0156ed41dceeef48f070adf67f14d4ba4c4f6d61/protocols/Steam/src/api/app_info.h) that returns simple data (appid, name ande some picture links). If contact info contain only game id it api will be called additionally.
CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4670K CPU @ 3.40GHz [Intel64 Family 6 Model 60 Stepping 3] [DEP Enabled] [4 CPUs]
Installed RAM: 24521 MBytes
Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate Edition, 64-bit Service Pack 1 (build 7601)
Internet Explorer: 9.11.9600.18665 (build 99600)
Administrator privileges: Yes
OS Languages: (UI | Locale (User/System)) : English/English | English/English
Free disk space on Miranda partition: 84982 MBytes
Miranda NG Version: 0.95.8 alpha build #19227 (f71ba68ef3) [running inside WOW64]
Build time: 27 Jan 2018 12:32:10
Profile: C:\Program Files (x86)\Miranda NG\Profiles\Ratha\Ratha.dat (dbx mmap driver)
Profile size: 85458944 Bytes
Profile creation date: 29 Dec 2017 15:51:49
Language pack: No language pack installed
Service Mode: No
Active Plugins (18):
¤ AdvaImg.dll v. [27 Jan 2018 12:33:32] - Miranda image services
¤ AVS.dll v. [27 Jan 2018 12:32:52] - Avatar service
¤ CrashDumper.dll v. [27 Jan 2018 12:32:42] - Crash dumper
¤ DbEditorPP.dll v. [27 Jan 2018 12:32:42] - Database editor++
¤ Dbx_mdbx.dll v. [27 Jan 2018 12:33:36] - Miranda NG MDBX database driver
¤ Dbx_mmap.dll v. [27 Jan 2018 12:32:14] - Miranda NG mmap database driver
¤ Discord.dll v. [27 Jan 2018 12:33:28] - Discord protocol
¤ HistoryPP.dll v. [11 Dec 2017 9:24:52] - History++
¤ ICQ.dll v. [27 Jan 2018 12:32:18] - IcqOscarJ protocol
¤ ImportTXT.dll v. [16 Dec 2017 4:06:40] - Import TXT
¤ PluginUpdater.dll v. [27 Jan 2018 12:32:42] - Plugin updater
¤ SeenPlugin.dll v. [27 Jan 2018 12:32:24] - Last seen
¤ SkypeWeb.dll v. [27 Jan 2018 12:33:28] - Skype protocol (Web)
¤ SpellChecker.dll v. [27 Jan 2018 12:33:10] - Spell checker
¤ Steam.dll v. [27 Jan 2018 12:33:20] - Steam protocol
¤ TabSRMM.dll v. [27 Jan 2018 12:32:58] - TabSRMM
¤ Tipper.dll v. [27 Jan 2018 12:32:54] - Tipper
¤ YAMN.dll v. [27 Jan 2018 12:32:50] - Mail Notifier
Unloadable Plugins (1):
¤ DbChecker.dll v. [27 Jan 2018 12:32:44] - <unknown>
Plugin statically linked to missing module: mir_core.mir
Plugin statically linked to missing module: mir_app.mir
Protocols and Accounts:
Discord 1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled Loaded
ICQ 1 - Enabled 1 - Disabled Loaded
SKYPE 1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled Loaded
STEAM 1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled Loaded
MetaContacts 1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled Not Loaded
YAMN 1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled Loaded
Icon Packs:
Flags_icons.dll [27 Jan 2018 12:34:30]
HistoryPP_icons.dll [16 Dec 2017 4:06:34]
Proto_Discord.dll [27 Jan 2018 12:34:32]
Proto_ICQ.dll [27 Jan 2018 12:34:30]
Proto_MetaContacts.dll [27 Jan 2018 12:34:32]
Proto_Skype.dll [27 Jan 2018 12:34:32]
Proto_Steam.dll [27 Jan 2018 12:34:32]
Proto_Yahoo.dll [13 Feb 2016 21:01:38]
Proto_YAMN.dll [27 Jan 2018 12:34:32]
TabSRMM_icons.dll [27 Jan 2018 12:34:32]
xStatus_ICQ.dll [27 Jan 2018 12:34:32]
CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4670K CPU @ 3.40GHz [Intel64 Family 6 Model 60 Stepping 3] [DEP Enabled] [4 CPUs]
Installed RAM: 24521 MBytes
Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate Edition, 64-bit Service Pack 1 (build 7601)
Internet Explorer: 9.11.9600.18665 (build 99600)
Administrator privileges: Yes
OS Languages: (UI | Locale (User/System)) : English/English | English/English
Free disk space on Miranda partition: 84422 MBytes
Miranda NG Version: 0.95.8 alpha build #19248 (7253436a88) [running inside WOW64]
Build time: 2 Feb 2018 2:01:06
Profile: C:\Users\Ratha\Desktop\Miranda test\Profiles\AltSteam\AltSteam.dat (MDBX database driver)
Profile size: 262144 Bytes
Profile creation date: 2 Feb 2018 0:04:33
Language pack: No language pack installed
Service Mode: No
Active Plugins (11):
¤ AdvaImg.dll v. [27 Jan 2018 12:33:32] - Miranda image services
¤ AVS.dll v. [27 Jan 2018 12:32:52] - Avatar service
¤ CrashDumper.dll v. [27 Jan 2018 12:32:42] - Crash dumper
¤ DbEditorPP.dll v. [27 Jan 2018 12:32:42] - Database editor++
¤ Dbx_mdbx.dll v. [2 Feb 2018 2:02:30] - Miranda NG MDBX database driver
¤ Dbx_mmap.dll v. [2 Feb 2018 2:01:10] - Miranda NG mmap database driver
¤ PluginUpdater.dll v. [27 Jan 2018 12:32:42] - Plugin updater
¤ SeenPlugin.dll v. [27 Jan 2018 12:32:24] - Last seen
¤ Steam.dll v. [2 Feb 2018 2:02:16] - Steam protocol
¤ TabSRMM.dll v. [27 Jan 2018 12:32:58] - TabSRMM
¤ Tipper.dll v. [27 Jan 2018 12:32:54] - Tipper
Unloadable Plugins (1):
¤ DbChecker.dll v. [2 Feb 2018 2:01:38] - <unknown>
Plugin statically linked to missing module: mir_core.mir
Plugin statically linked to missing module: mir_app.mir
Protocols and Accounts:
STEAM 1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled Loaded
MetaContacts 1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled Not Loaded
Icon Packs:
Flags_icons.dll [27 Jan 2018 12:34:30]
Proto_MetaContacts.dll [2 Feb 2018 2:03:36]
Proto_Steam.dll [2 Feb 2018 2:03:36]
TabSRMM_icons.dll [27 Jan 2018 12:34:32]
CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4670K CPU @ 3.40GHz [Intel64 Family 6 Model 60 Stepping 3] [DEP Enabled] [4 CPUs]
Installed RAM: 24521 MBytes
Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate Edition, 64-bit Service Pack 1 (build 7601)
Internet Explorer: 9.11.9600.18665 (build 99600)
Administrator privileges: Yes
OS Languages: (UI | Locale (User/System)) : English/English | English/English
Free disk space on Miranda partition: 89372 MBytes
Miranda NG Version: 0.95.8 alpha build #19258 (45780b4afd) [running inside WOW64]
Build time: 4 Feb 2018 15:44:34
Profile: C:\Program Files (x86)\Miranda NG\Profiles\Ratha\Ratha.dat (dbx mmap driver)
Profile size: 85655552 Bytes
Profile creation date: 29 Dec 2017 15:51:49
Language pack: No language pack installed
Service Mode: No
Active Plugins (18):
¤ AdvaImg.dll v. [27 Jan 2018 12:33:32] - Miranda image services
¤ AVS.dll v. [27 Jan 2018 12:32:52] - Avatar service
¤ CrashDumper.dll v. [27 Jan 2018 12:32:42] - Crash dumper
¤ DbEditorPP.dll v. [27 Jan 2018 12:32:42] - Database editor++
¤ Dbx_mdbx.dll v. [4 Feb 2018 15:46:00] - Miranda NG MDBX database driver
¤ Dbx_mmap.dll v. [4 Feb 2018 15:44:40] - Miranda NG mmap database driver
¤ Discord.dll v. [2 Feb 2018 2:02:22] - Discord protocol
¤ HistoryPP.dll v. [11 Dec 2017 9:24:52] - History++
¤ ICQ.dll v. [27 Jan 2018 12:32:18] - IcqOscarJ protocol
¤ ImportTXT.dll v. [16 Dec 2017 4:06:40] - Import TXT
¤ PluginUpdater.dll v. [27 Jan 2018 12:32:42] - Plugin updater
¤ SeenPlugin.dll v. [27 Jan 2018 12:32:24] - Last seen
¤ SkypeWeb.dll v. [2 Feb 2018 2:02:22] - Skype protocol (Web)
¤ SpellChecker.dll v. [27 Jan 2018 12:33:10] - Spell checker
¤ Steam.dll v. [4 Feb 2018 15:45:46] - Steam protocol
¤ TabSRMM.dll v. [27 Jan 2018 12:32:58] - TabSRMM
¤ Tipper.dll v. [27 Jan 2018 12:32:54] - Tipper
¤ YAMN.dll v. [27 Jan 2018 12:32:50] - Mail Notifier
Unloadable Plugins (1):
¤ DbChecker.dll v. [4 Feb 2018 15:45:10] - <unknown>
Plugin statically linked to missing module: mir_core.mir
Plugin statically linked to missing module: mir_app.mir
Protocols and Accounts:
Discord 1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled Loaded
ICQ 1 - Enabled 1 - Disabled Loaded
SKYPE 1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled Loaded
STEAM 1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled Loaded
MetaContacts 1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled Not Loaded
YAMN 1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled Loaded
Icon Packs:
Flags_icons.dll [27 Jan 2018 12:34:30]
HistoryPP_icons.dll [16 Dec 2017 4:06:34]
Proto_Discord.dll [2 Feb 2018 2:03:36]
Proto_ICQ.dll [27 Jan 2018 12:34:30]
Proto_MetaContacts.dll [4 Feb 2018 15:46:56]
Proto_Skype.dll [2 Feb 2018 2:03:36]
Proto_Steam.dll [4 Feb 2018 15:46:56]
Proto_Yahoo.dll [13 Feb 2016 21:01:38]
Proto_YAMN.dll [27 Jan 2018 12:34:32]
TabSRMM_icons.dll [27 Jan 2018 12:34:32]
xStatus_ICQ.dll [27 Jan 2018 12:34:32]
[10:50:18 2CF8] [Steam_Ratha] CSteamProto::SetStatus: changing status from 40071 to 40072
[10:50:18 2F04] [Steam_Ratha] Connection request to api.steampowered.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[10:50:18 2F04] [Steam_Ratha] (00567618) Connecting to server api.steampowered.com:443....
[10:50:18 2F04] [Steam_Ratha] (00567618) Connecting to ip ....
[10:50:18 2F04] [Steam_Ratha] (520) Connected to api.steampowered.com:443
[10:50:18 2F04] [Steam_Ratha] (520 api.steampowered.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[10:50:18 2F04] [Steam_Ratha] (520 api.steampowered.com) SSL negotiation successful
[10:50:18 2F04] [Steam_Ratha] (00567618:520) Data sent
POST /ISteamWebUserPresenceOAuth/Logon/v0001 HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
User-Agent: Miranda/
Accept-Encoding: deflate, gzip
Host: api.steampowered.com
Connection: Keep-Alive
Proxy-Connection: Keep-Alive
Content-Length: 57
access_token=[32 Character Access Token]&ui_mode=web
[10:50:19 2F04] SSL Server signaled SSL Shutdown
[10:50:19 2F04] [Steam_Ratha] (00567618:520) Data received
HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
Content-Length: 174
Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
Expires: Tue, 13 Feb 2018 17:50:18 GMT
Cache-Control: max-age=0, no-cache, no-store
Pragma: no-cache
Date: Tue, 13 Feb 2018 17:50:18 GMT
Connection: close
<html><head><title>Unauthorized</title></head><body><h1>Unauthorized</h1>Access is denied. Retrying will not help. Please verify your <pre>key=</pre> parameter.</body></html>
[10:50:19 2F04] [Steam_Ratha] (00567618:520) Connection closed internal
[10:50:19 2F04] [Steam_Ratha] (00567618:4294967295) Connection closed
[10:50:19 2F04] [Steam_Ratha] CSteamProto::OnLoggedOn: unknown login error
[10:50:19 2F04] [Steam_Ratha] CSteamProto::SetStatus: changing status from 1 to 40071
[10:50:19 2F04] [Steam_Ratha] Connection request to api.steampowered.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[10:50:19 2F04] [Steam_Ratha] (00567618) Connecting to server api.steampowered.com:443....
[10:50:19 2F04] [Steam_Ratha] (00567618) Connecting to ip ....
[10:50:19 2F04] [Steam_Ratha] (520) Connected to api.steampowered.com:443
[10:50:19 2F04] [Steam_Ratha] (520 api.steampowered.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[10:50:19 2F04] [Steam_Ratha] (520 api.steampowered.com) SSL negotiation successful
[10:50:19 2F04] [Steam_Ratha] (00567618:520) Data sent
POST /ISteamWebUserPresenceOAuth/Logoff/v0001 HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
User-Agent: Miranda/
Accept-Encoding: deflate, gzip
Host: api.steampowered.com
Connection: Keep-Alive
Proxy-Connection: Keep-Alive
Content-Length: 71
access_token=[32 Character Access Token]&umqid=[19 Character UMQID]
[10:50:19 2F04] SSL Server signaled SSL Shutdown
[10:50:19 2F04] [Steam_Ratha] (00567618:520) Data received
HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
Content-Length: 174
Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
Expires: Tue, 13 Feb 2018 17:50:18 GMT
Cache-Control: max-age=0, no-cache, no-store
Pragma: no-cache
Date: Tue, 13 Feb 2018 17:50:18 GMT
Connection: close
<html><head><title>Unauthorized</title></head><body><h1>Unauthorized</h1>Access is denied. Retrying will not help. Please verify your <pre>key=</pre> parameter.</body></html>
[10:50:19 2F04] [Steam_Ratha] (00567618:520) Connection closed internal
[10:50:19 2F04] [Steam_Ratha] (00567618:4294967295) Connection closed
CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4670K CPU @ 3.40GHz [Intel64 Family 6 Model 60 Stepping 3] [DEP Enabled] [4 CPUs]
Installed RAM: 24521 MBytes
Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate Edition, 64-bit Service Pack 1 (build 7601)
Internet Explorer: 9.11.9600.18665 (build 99600)
Administrator privileges: Yes
OS Languages: (UI | Locale (User/System)) : English/English | English/English
Free disk space on Miranda partition: 99728 MBytes
Miranda NG Version: 0.95.8 alpha build #19258 (45780b4afd) [running inside WOW64]
Build time: 4 Feb 2018 15:44:34
Profile: C:\Program Files (x86)\Miranda NG\Profiles\Ratha\Ratha.dat (dbx mmap driver)
Profile size: 85786624 Bytes
Profile creation date: 29 Dec 2017 15:51:49
Language pack: No language pack installed
Service Mode: No
Active Plugins (18):
¤ AdvaImg.dll v. [27 Jan 2018 12:33:32] - Miranda image services
¤ AVS.dll v. [27 Jan 2018 12:32:52] - Avatar service
¤ CrashDumper.dll v. [27 Jan 2018 12:32:42] - Crash dumper
¤ DbEditorPP.dll v. [27 Jan 2018 12:32:42] - Database editor++
¤ Dbx_mdbx.dll v. [4 Feb 2018 15:46:00] - Miranda NG MDBX database driver
¤ Dbx_mmap.dll v. [4 Feb 2018 15:44:40] - Miranda NG mmap database driver
¤ Discord.dll v. [2 Feb 2018 2:02:22] - Discord protocol
¤ HistoryPP.dll v. [11 Dec 2017 9:24:52] - History++
¤ ICQ.dll v. [27 Jan 2018 12:32:18] - IcqOscarJ protocol
¤ ImportTXT.dll v. [16 Dec 2017 4:06:40] - Import TXT
¤ PluginUpdater.dll v. [27 Jan 2018 12:32:42] - Plugin updater
¤ SeenPlugin.dll v. [27 Jan 2018 12:32:24] - Last seen
¤ SkypeWeb.dll v. [2 Feb 2018 2:02:22] - Skype protocol (Web)
¤ SpellChecker.dll v. [27 Jan 2018 12:33:10] - Spell checker
¤ Steam.dll v. [4 Feb 2018 15:45:46] - Steam protocol
¤ TabSRMM.dll v. [27 Jan 2018 12:32:58] - TabSRMM
¤ Tipper.dll v. [27 Jan 2018 12:32:54] - Tipper
¤ YAMN.dll v. [27 Jan 2018 12:32:50] - Mail Notifier
Unloadable Plugins (1):
¤ DbChecker.dll v. [4 Feb 2018 15:45:10] - <unknown>
Plugin statically linked to missing module: mir_core.mir
Plugin statically linked to missing module: mir_app.mir
Protocols and Accounts:
Discord 1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled Loaded
ICQ 1 - Enabled 1 - Disabled Loaded
SKYPE 1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled Loaded
STEAM 1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled Loaded
MetaContacts 1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled Not Loaded
YAMN 1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled Loaded
Icon Packs:
Flags_icons.dll [27 Jan 2018 12:34:30]
HistoryPP_icons.dll [16 Dec 2017 4:06:34]
Proto_Discord.dll [2 Feb 2018 2:03:36]
Proto_ICQ.dll [27 Jan 2018 12:34:30]
Proto_MetaContacts.dll [4 Feb 2018 15:46:56]
Proto_Skype.dll [2 Feb 2018 2:03:36]
Proto_Steam.dll [4 Feb 2018 15:46:56]
Proto_Yahoo.dll [13 Feb 2016 21:01:38]
Proto_YAMN.dll [27 Jan 2018 12:34:32]
TabSRMM_icons.dll [27 Jan 2018 12:34:32]
xStatus_ICQ.dll [27 Jan 2018 12:34:32]
CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4670K CPU @ 3.40GHz [Intel64 Family 6 Model 60 Stepping 3] [DEP Enabled] [4 CPUs]
Installed RAM: 24521 MBytes
Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate Edition, 64-bit Service Pack 1 (build 7601)
Internet Explorer: 9.11.9600.18665 (build 99600)
Administrator privileges: Yes
OS Languages: (UI | Locale (User/System)) : English/English | English/English
Free disk space on Miranda partition: 82546 MBytes
Miranda NG Version: 0.95.8 alpha build #19258 (45780b4afd) [running inside WOW64]
Build time: 4 Feb 2018 16:44:34
Profile: C:\Program Files (x86)\Miranda NG\Profiles\Ratha\Ratha.dat (dbx mmap driver)
Profile size: 87097344 Bytes
Profile creation date: 29 Dec 2017 16:51:49
Language pack: No language pack installed
Service Mode: No
Active Plugins (18):
¤ AdvaImg.dll v. [27 Jan 2018 13:33:32] - Miranda image services
¤ AVS.dll v. [27 Jan 2018 13:32:52] - Avatar service
¤ CrashDumper.dll v. [27 Jan 2018 13:32:42] - Crash dumper
¤ DbEditorPP.dll v. [27 Jan 2018 13:32:42] - Database editor++
¤ Dbx_mdbx.dll v. [4 Feb 2018 16:46:00] - Miranda NG MDBX database driver
¤ Dbx_mmap.dll v. [4 Feb 2018 16:44:40] - Miranda NG mmap database driver
¤ Discord.dll v. [2 Feb 2018 3:02:22] - Discord protocol
¤ HistoryPP.dll v. [11 Dec 2017 10:24:52] - History++
¤ ICQ.dll v. [27 Jan 2018 13:32:18] - IcqOscarJ protocol
¤ ImportTXT.dll v. [16 Dec 2017 5:06:40] - Import TXT
¤ PluginUpdater.dll v. [27 Jan 2018 13:32:42] - Plugin updater
¤ SeenPlugin.dll v. [27 Jan 2018 13:32:24] - Last seen
¤ SkypeWeb.dll v. [2 Feb 2018 3:02:22] - Skype protocol (Web)
¤ SpellChecker.dll v. [27 Jan 2018 13:33:10] - Spell checker
¤ Steam.dll v. [4 Feb 2018 16:45:46] - Steam protocol
¤ TabSRMM.dll v. [27 Jan 2018 13:32:58] - TabSRMM
¤ Tipper.dll v. [27 Jan 2018 13:32:54] - Tipper
¤ YAMN.dll v. [27 Jan 2018 13:32:50] - Mail Notifier
Unloadable Plugins (1):
¤ DbChecker.dll v. [4 Feb 2018 16:45:10] - <unknown>
Plugin statically linked to missing module: mir_core.mir
Plugin statically linked to missing module: mir_app.mir
Protocols and Accounts:
Discord 1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled Loaded
ICQ 1 - Enabled 1 - Disabled Loaded
SKYPE 1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled Loaded
STEAM 1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled Loaded
MetaContacts 1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled Not Loaded
YAMN 1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled Loaded
Icon Packs:
Flags_icons.dll [27 Jan 2018 13:34:30]
HistoryPP_icons.dll [16 Dec 2017 5:06:34]
Proto_Discord.dll [2 Feb 2018 3:03:36]
Proto_ICQ.dll [27 Jan 2018 13:34:30]
Proto_MetaContacts.dll [4 Feb 2018 16:46:56]
Proto_Skype.dll [2 Feb 2018 3:03:36]
Proto_Steam.dll [4 Feb 2018 16:46:56]
Proto_Yahoo.dll [13 Feb 2016 22:01:38]
Proto_YAMN.dll [27 Jan 2018 13:34:32]
TabSRMM_icons.dll [27 Jan 2018 13:34:32]
xStatus_ICQ.dll [27 Jan 2018 13:34:32]
[17:48:55 206C] [Steam_Ratha] CSteamProto::SetStatus: changing status from 40071 to 40072
[17:48:55 4384] [Steam_Ratha] Connection request to steamcommunity.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[17:48:55 4384] [Steam_Ratha] (006475A8) Connecting to server steamcommunity.com:443....
[17:48:55 4384] [Steam_Ratha] (006475A8) Connecting to ip ....
[17:48:55 4384] [Steam_Ratha] (1384) Connected to steamcommunity.com:443
[17:48:55 4384] [Steam_Ratha] (1384 steamcommunity.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[17:48:55 4384] [Steam_Ratha] (1384 steamcommunity.com) SSL negotiation successful
[17:48:56 4384] [Steam_Ratha] (006475A8:1384) Connection closed internal
[17:48:56 4384] [Steam_Ratha] (006475A8:4294967295) Connection closed
[17:48:56 4384] [Steam_Ratha] Connection request to steamcommunity.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[17:48:56 4384] [Steam_Ratha] (006475A8) Connecting to server steamcommunity.com:443....
[17:48:56 4384] [Steam_Ratha] (006475A8) Connecting to ip ....
[17:48:56 4384] [Steam_Ratha] (1384) Connected to steamcommunity.com:443
[17:48:56 4384] [Steam_Ratha] (1384 steamcommunity.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[17:48:56 4384] [Steam_Ratha] (1384 steamcommunity.com) SSL negotiation successful
[17:48:57 4384] SSL Server signaled SSL Shutdown
[17:48:57 4384] [Steam_Ratha] (006475A8:1384) Connection closed internal
[17:48:57 4384] [Steam_Ratha] (006475A8:4294967295) Connection closed
[17:48:57 4384] [Steam_Ratha] CSteamProto::OnAuthorizationError: requires twofactor
[17:49:01 4384] [Steam_Ratha] Connection request to steamcommunity.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[17:49:01 4384] [Steam_Ratha] (006475A8) Connecting to server steamcommunity.com:443....
[17:49:01 4384] [Steam_Ratha] (006475A8) Connecting to ip ....
[17:49:01 4384] [Steam_Ratha] (1560) Connected to steamcommunity.com:443
[17:49:01 4384] [Steam_Ratha] (1560 steamcommunity.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[17:49:01 4384] [Steam_Ratha] (1560 steamcommunity.com) SSL negotiation successful
[17:49:02 4384] SSL Server signaled SSL Shutdown
[17:49:02 4384] [Steam_Ratha] (006475A8:1560) Connection closed internal
[17:49:02 4384] [Steam_Ratha] (006475A8:4294967295) Connection closed
[17:49:02 4384] [Steam_Ratha] Connection request to steamcommunity.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[17:49:02 4384] [Steam_Ratha] (006475A8) Connecting to server steamcommunity.com:443....
[17:49:02 4384] [Steam_Ratha] (006475A8) Connecting to ip ....
[17:49:02 4384] [Steam_Ratha] (1132) Connected to steamcommunity.com:443
[17:49:02 4384] [Steam_Ratha] (1132 steamcommunity.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[17:49:02 4384] [Steam_Ratha] (1132 steamcommunity.com) SSL negotiation successful
[17:49:02 4384] [Steam_Ratha] (006475A8:1132) Connection closed internal
[17:49:02 4384] [Steam_Ratha] (006475A8:4294967295) Connection closed
[17:49:02 4384] [Steam_Ratha] Connection request to steamcommunity.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[17:49:02 4384] [Steam_Ratha] (006475A8) Connecting to server steamcommunity.com:443....
[17:49:02 4384] [Steam_Ratha] (006475A8) Connecting to ip ....
[17:49:03 4384] [Steam_Ratha] (1560) Connected to steamcommunity.com:443
[17:49:03 4384] [Steam_Ratha] (1560 steamcommunity.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[17:49:03 4384] [Steam_Ratha] (1560 steamcommunity.com) SSL negotiation successful
[17:49:03 4384] SSL Server signaled SSL Shutdown
[17:49:03 4384] [Steam_Ratha] (006475A8:1560) Data received
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: Apache
X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN
Content-Security-Policy: script-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval' https://steamcommunity-a.akamaihd.net/ https://api.steampowered.com/ *.google-analytics.com https://www.google.com https://www.gstatic.com https://apis.google.com; object-src 'none'; connect-src 'self' http://steamcommunity.com https://steamcommunity.com https://api.steampowered.com/ http://store.steampowered.com/ https://store.steampowered.com/ wss://community.steam-api.com/websocket/ ws://; frame-src 'self' steam: http://store.steampowered.com/ https://store.steampowered.com/ https://www.youtube.com https://www.google.com https://sketchfab.com https://player.vimeo.com;
Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT
Cache-Control: no-cache
Content-Length: 205
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2018 23:49:02 GMT
Connection: close
Set-Cookie: sessionid=[24 Character SessionID]; path=/
Set-Cookie: steamCountry=US%7C5df45420c7b316d73ddaf54ef7a22c85; path=/
{"success":true,"categories":[{"label":"Push Notifications","url":"https:\/\/steamcommunity.com\/mobilesettings\/community"},{"label":"Privacy Settings","url":"https:\/\/steamcommunity.com\/my\/privacy"}]}
[17:49:03 4384] [Steam_Ratha] (006475A8:1560) Data received
{"success":true,"categories":[{"label":"Push Notifications","url":"https:\/\/steamcommunity.com\/mobilesettings\/community"},{"label":"Privacy Settings","url":"https:\/\/steamcommunity.com\/my\/privacy"}]}
[17:49:03 4384] [Steam_Ratha] (006475A8:1560) Connection closed internal
[17:49:03 4384] [Steam_Ratha] (006475A8:4294967295) Connection closed
[17:49:03 4384] [Steam_Ratha] Connection request to api.steampowered.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[17:49:03 4384] [Steam_Ratha] (00647C20) Connecting to server api.steampowered.com:443....
[17:49:03 4384] [Steam_Ratha] (00647C20) Connecting to ip ....
[17:49:03 4384] [Steam_Ratha] (1560) Connected to api.steampowered.com:443
[17:49:03 4384] [Steam_Ratha] (1560 api.steampowered.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[17:49:04 4384] [Steam_Ratha] (1560 api.steampowered.com) SSL negotiation successful
[17:49:04 4384] [Steam_Ratha] (00647C20:1560) Data sent
POST /ISteamWebUserPresenceOAuth/Logon/v0001 HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
User-Agent: Miranda/
Accept-Encoding: deflate, gzip
Host: api.steampowered.com
Connection: Keep-Alive
Proxy-Connection: Keep-Alive
Content-Length: 57
access_token=[32 Character Token]&ui_mode=web
[17:49:34 4384] [Steam_Ratha] src\netlibhttp.cpp 523: HttpPeekFirstResponseLine Failed (1460 10)
[17:49:34 4384] [Steam_Ratha] (00647C20:1560) Connection closed internal
[17:49:34 4384] [Steam_Ratha] (00647C20:4294967295) Connection closed
[17:49:34 4384] [Steam_Ratha] CSteamProto::OnLoggedOn: unknown login error
[17:49:34 4384] [Steam_Ratha] CSteamProto::SetStatus: changing status from 1 to 40071
[17:49:34 4384] [Steam_Ratha] Connection request to api.steampowered.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[17:49:34 4384] [Steam_Ratha] (00647C20) Connecting to server api.steampowered.com:443....
[17:49:34 4384] [Steam_Ratha] (00647C20) Connecting to ip ....
[17:49:34 4384] [Steam_Ratha] (1560) Connected to api.steampowered.com:443
[17:49:34 4384] [Steam_Ratha] (1560 api.steampowered.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[17:49:34 4384] [Steam_Ratha] (1560 api.steampowered.com) SSL negotiation successful
[17:49:34 4384] [Steam_Ratha] (00647C20:1560) Data sent
POST /ISteamWebUserPresenceOAuth/Logoff/v0001 HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
User-Agent: Miranda/
Accept-Encoding: deflate, gzip
Host: api.steampowered.com
Connection: Keep-Alive
Proxy-Connection: Keep-Alive
Content-Length: 71
access_token=[32 Character Token]&umqid=[19 Character UMQID]
[17:49:40 4384] [Steam_Ratha] (00647C20:1560) Data received
HTTP/1.1 503 Service Unavailable
Server: AkamaiGHost
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/html
Content-Length: 272
Expires: Thu, 12 Apr 2018 23:49:39 GMT
Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2018 23:49:39 GMT
Connection: close
<TITLE>Service Unavailable</TITLE>
<H1>Service Unavailable - Zero size object</H1>
The server is temporarily unable to service your request. Please try again
Reference #15.1f081160.1523576979.b3b291
[17:49:40 4384] [Steam_Ratha] (00647C20:1560) Data received
<TITLE>Service Unavailable</TITLE>
<H1>Service Unavailable - Zero size object</H1>
The server is temporarily unable to service your request. Please try again
Reference #15.1f081160.1523576979.b3b291
[17:49:40 4384] [Steam_Ratha] (00647C20:1560) Connection closed internal
[17:49:40 4384] [Steam_Ratha] (00647C20:4294967295) Connection closed
[18:00:32 1294] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::SetStatus: changing status from 40071 to 40072
[18:00:32 2224] [STEAM_1] Connection request to api.steampowered.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[18:00:32 2224] [STEAM_1] (005B8290) Connecting to server api.steampowered.com:443....
[18:00:32 2224] [STEAM_1] (005B8290) Connecting to ip ....
[18:00:32 2224] [STEAM_1] (948) Connected to api.steampowered.com:443
[18:00:32 2224] [STEAM_1] (948 api.steampowered.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[18:00:32 2224] [STEAM_1] (948 api.steampowered.com) SSL negotiation successful
[18:00:32 2224] [STEAM_1] (005B8290:948) Data sent
POST /ISteamWebUserPresenceOAuth/Logon/v0001 HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
User-Agent: Miranda/
Accept-Encoding: deflate, gzip
Host: api.steampowered.com
Connection: Keep-Alive
Proxy-Connection: Keep-Alive
Content-Length: 57
access_token=[32 Character Token]&ui_mode=web
[18:00:35 2224] [STEAM_1] w:\miranda-build\src\mir_app\src\netlibhttp.cpp 523: HttpPeekFirstResponseLine Failed (1460 10)
[18:00:35 2224] [STEAM_1] (005B8290:948) Connection closed internal
[18:00:35 2224] [STEAM_1] (005B8290:4294967295) Connection closed
[18:00:35 2224] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::OnLoggedOn: unknown login error
[18:00:35 2224] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::SetStatus: changing status from 1 to 40071
[18:00:35 2224] [STEAM_1] Connection request to api.steampowered.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[18:00:35 2224] [STEAM_1] (005B8290) Connecting to server api.steampowered.com:443....
[18:00:35 2224] [STEAM_1] (005B8290) Connecting to ip ....
[18:00:35 2224] [STEAM_1] (848) Connected to api.steampowered.com:443
[18:00:35 2224] [STEAM_1] (848 api.steampowered.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[18:00:35 2224] [STEAM_1] (848 api.steampowered.com) SSL negotiation successful
[18:00:35 2224] [STEAM_1] (005B8290:848) Data sent
POST /ISteamWebUserPresenceOAuth/Logoff/v0001 HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
User-Agent: Miranda/
Accept-Encoding: deflate, gzip
Host: api.steampowered.com
Connection: Keep-Alive
Proxy-Connection: Keep-Alive
Content-Length: 71
access_token=[32 Character Token]&umqid=[19 Character UMQID]
[18:00:38 2224] [STEAM_1] w:\miranda-build\src\mir_app\src\netlibhttp.cpp 523: HttpPeekFirstResponseLine Failed (1460 10)
[18:00:38 2224] [STEAM_1] (005B8290:848) Connection closed internal
[18:00:38 2224] [STEAM_1] (005B8290:4294967295) Connection closed
CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700HQ CPU @ 2.60GHz [Intel64 Family 6 Model 94 Stepping 3] [DEP Enabled] [8 CPUs]
Installed RAM: 16317 MBytes
Microsoft Windows 10 , 64-bit (build 14393)
Internet Explorer: 9.11.14393.0 (build 914393)
Administrator privileges: No
OS Languages: (UI | Locale (User/System)) : Dutch/Dutch | Dutch/Dutch
Free disk space on Miranda partition: 131532 MBytes
Miranda NG Version: build #19977 (0d7a2e72d2) x64
Build time: 14 Jun 2018 0:09:42
Profile: C:\Tools\MirandaNG\Profiles\scrappy\scrappy.dat (MDBX database driver)
Profile size: 4194304 Bytes
Profile creation date: 25 May 2018 9:05:57
Language pack: No language pack installed
Service Mode: No
Active Plugins (60):
¤ AddContactPlus.dll v. [11 May 2018 22:29:44] - Add contact+
¤ AuthState.dll v. [11 May 2018 22:29:26] - Authorization state
¤ AutoShutdown.dll v. [11 May 2018 22:30:08] - Auto shutdown
¤ AvatarHistory.dll v. [11 May 2018 22:30:10] - Avatar history
¤ AVS.dll v. [11 May 2018 22:29:26] - Avatar service
¤ BASS_interface.dll v. [11 May 2018 22:30:08] - BASS Interface
¤ BossKey.dll v. [11 May 2018 22:29:26] - BossKey+
¤ ClientChangeNotify.dll v. [11 May 2018 22:29:50] - Client change notify
¤ Clist_nicer.dll v. [11 May 2018 22:29:32] - Clist nicer
¤ Cln_skinedit.dll v. [11 May 2018 22:29:26] - Skin editor for Clist nicer
¤ CrashDumper.dll v. [19 May 2018 14:15:16] - Crash dumper
¤ Db_autobackups.dll v. [11 May 2018 22:29:34] - Db autobackuper
¤ DbEditorPP.dll v. [11 May 2018 22:29:56] - Database editor++
¤ Dbx_mdbx.dll v. [14 Jun 2018 0:11:08] - Miranda NG MDBX database driver
¤ Dbx_mmap.dll v. [14 Jun 2018 0:09:48] - Miranda NG mmap database driver
¤ Dummy.dll v. [14 Jun 2018 0:10:52] - Dummy protocol
¤ Facebook.dll v. [5 Jun 2018 15:26:30] - Facebook
¤ Fingerprint.dll v. [14 Jun 2018 0:10:30] - Fingerprint NG
¤ GG.dll v. [11 May 2018 22:29:44] - Gadu-Gadu protocol
¤ historypp.dll v. [5 Jun 2018 15:27:36] - History++
¤ HTTPServer.dll v. [11 May 2018 22:30:12] - HTTPServer
¤ ICQ.dll v. [11 May 2018 22:29:32] - IcqOscarJ protocol
¤ IEView.dll v. [11 May 2018 22:29:36] - IEView
¤ Import.dll v. [14 Jun 2018 0:10:14] - Import contacts and messages
¤ IRC.dll v. [19 May 2018 14:14:50] - IRC protocol
¤ Jabber.dll v. [11 May 2018 22:29:56] - Jabber protocol
¤ KeyboardNotify.dll v. [11 May 2018 22:29:44] - Keyboard notify ext.
¤ LinkList.dll v. [11 May 2018 22:29:32] - History linklist plus
¤ ListeningTo.dll v. [11 May 2018 22:29:48] - ListeningTo
¤ MenuEx.dll v. [11 May 2018 22:29:40] - Menu item ext
¤ MobileState.dll v. [11 May 2018 22:30:04] - Mobile state
¤ mRadio.dll v. [5 May 2018 13:40:34] - mRadio Mod
¤ MSN.dll v. [5 Jun 2018 15:26:22] - MSN protocol
¤ mTextControl.dll v. [11 May 2018 22:29:34] - Miranda text control
¤ MyDetails.dll v. [11 May 2018 22:30:00] - My details
¤ NewEventNotify.dll v. [11 May 2018 22:29:50] - NewEventNotify
¤ NewXstatusNotify.dll v. [11 May 2018 22:29:36] - xStatus notify
¤ Nudge.dll v. [11 May 2018 22:29:34] - Nudge
¤ PackUpdater.dll v. [11 May 2018 22:30:06] - Pack updater
¤ PluginUpdater.dll v. [11 May 2018 22:30:02] - Plugin updater
¤ PManagerEx.dll v. [11 May 2018 22:30:00] - Miranda NG profile changer
¤ Popup.dll v. [19 May 2018 14:15:00] - Popup plus
¤ Restart.dll v. [11 May 2018 22:30:02] - Restart
¤ SeenPlugin.dll v. [11 May 2018 22:29:40] - Last seen
¤ SimpleStatusMsg.dll v. [5 Jun 2018 15:26:08] - Simple status message
¤ SkypeWeb.dll v. [11 May 2018 22:30:36] - Skype protocol (Web)
¤ SmileyAdd.dll v. [14 Jun 2018 0:10:24] - SmileyAdd
¤ SplashScreen.dll v. [11 May 2018 22:29:40] - Splash screen
¤ StatusManager.dll v. [5 Jun 2018 15:27:06] - Status manager
¤ Steam.dll v. [5 Jun 2018 15:27:00] - Steam protocol
¤ StopSpam.dll v. [11 May 2018 22:29:40] - StopSpam+
¤ TabSRMM.dll v. [5 Jun 2018 15:25:58] - TabSRMM
¤ Tipper.dll v. [11 May 2018 22:29:40] - Tipper
¤ TopToolBar.dll v. [11 May 2018 22:29:48] - TopToolBar
¤ Twitter.dll v. [11 May 2018 22:29:56] - Twitter protocol
¤ UserGuide.dll v. [11 May 2018 22:29:42] - User guide
¤ Variables.dll v. [11 May 2018 22:29:56] - Variables
¤ Watrack.dll v. [5 May 2018 13:40:36] - Winamp Track
¤ Weather.dll v. [11 May 2018 22:30:06] - Weather
¤ WhenWasIt.dll v. [11 May 2018 22:29:42] - Birthday reminder
Weather ini files:
Accu-Intl-XML.ini v. [6 Mar 2013 8:37:28] - AccuWeather Intl
gismeteo.ini v.2012.05.03 [12 Aug 2017 11:23:46] - GisMeteo
msn.ini v.2014-11-08 [12 Aug 2017 11:23:46] - MSN Weather (New Layout)
weatherxml.ini v. 2009-07-16 [12 Aug 2017 11:23:46] - WeatherXML
wundergrnd_intl.ini v.2011/02/13 [12 Aug 2017 11:23:46] - Weather Underground Int'l
wundergrnd_xml.ini v.2011/02/13 [12 Aug 2017 11:23:46] - Weather Underground XML
Protocols and Accounts:
AIM 0 - Enabled 1 - Disabled Loaded
Facebook 1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled Loaded
GG 1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled Loaded
ICQ 1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled Loaded
IRC 1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled Loaded
JABBER 1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled Loaded
MSN 0 - Enabled 1 - Disabled Loaded
SKYPE 1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled Loaded
STEAM 1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled Loaded
Twitter 1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled Loaded
WhatsApp 0 - Enabled 1 - Disabled Loaded
YAHOO 0 - Enabled 1 - Disabled Loaded
Icon Packs:
Fp_icons.dll [14 Jun 2018 0:11:28]
HistoryPP_icons.dll [5 Jun 2018 15:27:32]
Proto_AIM.dll [9 Nov 2017 12:52:10]
Proto_conn_Skype.dll [26 Sep 2013 11:25:58]
Proto_Dummy.dll [14 Jun 2018 0:11:28]
Proto_Facebook.dll [5 Jun 2018 15:27:30]
Proto_GG.dll [11 May 2018 22:31:00]
Proto_ICQ.dll [11 May 2018 22:31:00]
Proto_IRC.dll [19 May 2018 14:16:32]
Proto_Jabber.dll [11 May 2018 22:31:00]
Proto_MetaContacts.dll [14 Jun 2018 0:11:28]
Proto_mRadio.dll [5 May 2018 13:40:32]
Proto_MSN.dll [5 Jun 2018 15:27:32]
Proto_Skype.dll [11 May 2018 22:31:00]
Proto_Steam.dll [5 Jun 2018 15:27:32]
Proto_Twitter.dll [11 May 2018 22:31:00]
Proto_Weather.dll [11 May 2018 22:31:00]
Proto_WhatsApp.dll [9 Nov 2017 12:52:12]
Proto_Yahoo.dll [27 Sep 2016 17:46:06]
TabSRMM_icons.dll [5 Jun 2018 15:27:32]
Toolbar_icons.dll [11 May 2018 22:31:00]
Watrack_buttons.dll [5 May 2018 13:40:36]
Watrack_icons.dll [5 May 2018 13:40:36]
xStatus_ICQ.dll [11 May 2018 22:31:00]
xStatus_Jabber.dll [11 May 2018 22:31:00]
CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4670K CPU @ 3.40GHz [Intel64 Family 6 Model 60 Stepping 3] [DEP Enabled] [4 CPUs]
Installed RAM: 24521 MBytes
Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate Edition, 64-bit Service Pack 1 (build 7601)
Internet Explorer: 9.11.9600.18665 (build 99600)
Administrator privileges: Yes
OS Languages: (UI | Locale (User/System)) : English/English | English/English
Free disk space on Miranda partition: 123483 MBytes
Miranda NG Version: 0.95.8 alpha build #19890 (5d651e838c) [running inside WOW64]
Build time: 26 Apr 2018 2:01:02
Profile: C:\Program Files (x86)\Miranda NG\Profiles\Ratha\Ratha.dat (MDBX database driver)
Profile size: 120586240 Bytes
Profile creation date: 29 Dec 2017 16:51:49
Language pack: No language pack installed
Service Mode: No
Active Plugins (18):
¤ AVS.dll v. [26 Apr 2018 2:01:06] - Avatar service
¤ CrashDumper.dll v. [26 Apr 2018 2:01:34] - Crash dumper
¤ DbEditorPP.dll v. [26 Apr 2018 2:01:34] - Database editor++
¤ Dbx_mdbx.dll v. [26 Apr 2018 2:02:26] - Miranda NG MDBX database driver
¤ Dbx_mmap.dll v. [26 Apr 2018 2:01:14] - Miranda NG mmap database driver
¤ Discord.dll v. [26 Apr 2018 2:02:26] - Discord protocol
¤ historypp.dll v. [18 Apr 2018 22:19:56] - History++
¤ ICQ.dll v. [26 Apr 2018 2:01:10] - IcqOscarJ protocol
¤ ImportTXT.dll v. [26 Apr 2018 2:02:46] - Import TXT
¤ PluginUpdater.dll v. [26 Apr 2018 2:01:40] - Plugin updater
¤ SeenPlugin.dll v. [26 Apr 2018 2:01:22] - Last seen
¤ SkypeWeb.dll v. [26 Apr 2018 2:02:20] - Skype protocol (Web)
¤ SpellChecker.dll v. [26 Apr 2018 2:02:02] - Spell checker
¤ StatusManager.dll v. [2 May 2018 2:01:46] - Status manager
¤ Steam.dll v. [26 Apr 2018 2:02:16] - Steam protocol
¤ TabSRMM.dll v. [26 Apr 2018 2:01:12] - TabSRMM
¤ Tipper.dll v. [26 Apr 2018 2:01:22] - Tipper
¤ YAMN.dll v. [26 Apr 2018 2:01:42] - Mail Notifier
Protocols and Accounts:
Discord 1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled Loaded
ICQ 1 - Enabled 1 - Disabled Loaded
SKYPE 1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled Loaded
STEAM 1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled Loaded
MetaContacts 1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled Not Loaded
YAMN 1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled Loaded
Icon Packs:
Flags_icons.dll [26 Apr 2018 2:02:42]
HistoryPP_icons.dll [26 Apr 2018 2:02:44]
Proto_Discord.dll [26 Apr 2018 2:02:44]
Proto_ICQ.dll [26 Apr 2018 2:02:42]
Proto_MetaContacts.dll [26 Apr 2018 2:02:44]
Proto_Skype.dll [26 Apr 2018 2:02:44]
Proto_Steam.dll [26 Apr 2018 2:02:44]
Proto_Yahoo.dll [13 Feb 2016 22:01:38]
Proto_YAMN.dll [26 Apr 2018 2:02:44]
TabSRMM_icons.dll [26 Apr 2018 2:02:44]
xStatus_ICQ.dll [26 Apr 2018 2:02:44]
try to login via the browser, maybe it will say smth
After some Miranda updates (in last week) Steam plugin stopped to work.
It simply not connects. I see attempt to connect, then logout with pop-up window "Status error".
(I don't have log, and I forgot how to enable it, sorry :(
one thing that often works for me when steam refuses to connect or pop up a new authentication window for the mobile auth code is to clear the value under the following category if you have the Database Editor++ installed:I cleared all three, then plugin asked authentication, and after that worked. Great. :) Thank you for the tip!
Right Click Menu > Database > Database Editor++ > Settings > Steam_[Profilename] > TokenSecret
Occasionally i also clear the values for SessionID and UMQID as well if clearing just the TokenSecret didnt work.
I cleared all three, then plugin asked authentication, and after that worked. Great. :) Thank you for the tip!
https://imgur.com/gallery/vtqrco9 - Text
- Text
https://imgur.com/gallery/vtqrco9 + [ShiftEnter]
CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4670K CPU @ 3.40GHz [Intel64 Family 6 Model 60 Stepping 3] [DEP Enabled] [4 CPUs]
Installed RAM: 24521 MBytes
Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate Edition, 64-bit Service Pack 1 (build 7601)
Internet Explorer: 9.11.9600.18665 (build 99600)
Administrator privileges: Yes
OS Languages: (UI | Locale (User/System)) : English/English | English/English
Free disk space on Miranda partition: 43163 MBytes
Miranda NG Version: 0.95.12 alpha build #22710 (c3284222ed) [running inside WOW64]
Build time: 27 Mar 2020 2:00:42
Profile: C:\Program Files (x86)\Miranda NG\Profiles\Ratha\Ratha.dat
Profile size: 169869312 Bytes
Profile creation date: 24 Nov 2019 11:46:36
Language pack: No language pack installed
Service Mode: No
Active Plugins (20):
¤ AVS.dll v. [27 Mar 2020 2:00:48] - Avatar service
¤ CrashDumper.dll v. [27 Mar 2020 2:01:16] - Crash dumper
¤ Db_autobackups.dll v. [27 Mar 2020 2:00:54] - Db autobackuper
¤ DbEditorPP.dll v. [27 Mar 2020 2:01:16] - Database editor++
¤ Dbx_mdbx.dll v. [27 Mar 2020 2:02:14] - Miranda NG MDBX database driver
¤ Dbx_mmap.dll v. [27 Mar 2020 2:00:46] - Miranda NG mmap database driver
¤ Discord.dll v. [27 Mar 2020 2:01:54] - Discord protocol
¤ Dummy.dll v. [27 Mar 2020 2:01:46] - Dummy protocol
¤ historypp.dll v. [27 Mar 2020 2:02:30] - History++
¤ ICQ.dll v. [27 Mar 2020 2:02:02] - ICQ-WIM protocol
¤ Import.dll v. [27 Mar 2020 2:01:10] - Import contacts and messages
¤ PluginUpdater.dll v. [27 Mar 2020 2:01:18] - Plugin updater
¤ SeenPlugin.dll v. [27 Mar 2020 2:01:00] - Last seen
¤ SkypeWeb.dll v. [27 Mar 2020 2:02:00] - Skype protocol (Web)
¤ SpellChecker.dll v. [27 Mar 2020 2:01:46] - Spell checker
¤ StatusManager.dll v. [27 Mar 2020 2:01:54] - Status manager
¤ Steam.dll v. [27 Mar 2020 2:01:54] - Steam protocol
¤ TabSRMM.dll v. [27 Mar 2020 2:00:56] - TabSRMM
¤ Tipper.dll v. [27 Mar 2020 2:01:06] - Tipper
¤ YAMN.dll v. [27 Mar 2020 2:01:26] - Mail Notifier
Protocols and Accounts:
Discord 2 - Enabled 0 - Disabled Loaded
ICQ 1 - Enabled 1 - Disabled Loaded
SKYPE 1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled Loaded
STEAM 1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled Loaded
Icon Packs:
Flags_icons.dll [27 Mar 2020 2:02:24]
HistoryPP_icons.dll [27 Mar 2020 2:02:24]
Proto_Discord.dll [27 Mar 2020 2:02:24]
Proto_Dummy.dll [27 Mar 2020 2:02:24]
Proto_ICQ.dll [2 Jan 2019 14:26:42]
Proto_MetaContacts.dll [27 Mar 2020 2:02:24]
Proto_MRA.dll [27 Mar 2020 2:02:24]
Proto_Skype.dll [27 Mar 2020 2:02:24]
Proto_Steam.dll [27 Mar 2020 2:02:24]
Proto_Yahoo.dll [13 Feb 2016 22:01:38]
Proto_YAMN.dll [27 Mar 2020 2:02:24]
TabSRMM_icons.dll [27 Mar 2020 2:02:24]
xStatus_ICQ.dll [28 Dec 2018 3:02:08]
that stuff might depend on IEView behaviour, on your antivirus or IE plugins installed
Miranda doesn't display previews for urls itself
"https://imgur.com/gallery/vtqrco9 - Imgur Gallery Link"
What happens always, that the Plugin disconnects silently from Steam. The Contactlist shows im Online, but im not. When i want to write something to a Contact, i get the Dialog that Steam is not Online. When gets this Bug fixed?The connection issue with the disconnects every 1-2 minutes has been fixed.
well, in that log there was a problem with relogin, and it is definitely fixed.Yes, that's correct!
It might be related to the fact that i am have an authenticator connected to my steam account.Obviously, Steam required Miranda to validate your login attempt using TOTP code, but the code being sent doesn't make Steam happy.
а можно по-русски?вообще без проблем
Ваш вопрос в конце, извините, не понял.мысль простая - из сна миранда выезжает со всеми протоколами в оффлайне и начинает их подключать. как при этом стим может быть онлайн - я в упор не понимаю, а если он оффлайн, то он подключается без вопросов. я имею в виду вот этот текст - " Вот если я вручную перевожу его в офлайн" - как его можно перевести в оффлайн, если он и так в оффлайне и начал коннектиться
как его можно перевести в оффлайн, если он и так в оффлайне и начал коннектитьсяОчень просто. KeepStatus переводит его после пробуждения в состояние "начал коннектиться", но приконнектиться он не может - из этого зависшего состояния его только в офлайн и можно перевести.
« Last Edit: Today at 15:04:18 by ghazan »
KeepStatus переводит его после пробуждения в состояние "начал коннектиться",тогда он обязан появиться в нетворк логе, как минимум как запись StartupStatus о том, что начат коннект учетки. так не может быть, чтобы никаких вообще записей в логе не было
Прикрепил лог.ну там странно, конечно, что DNS отбивает хосты, которые стим присылает в качестве кандидатов на подключение, я такого ни разу не видел