Ok, feedback.

I got v.095.1 build #9651 with Steam protocol only
1. Right after starting Steam it correctly asked for approval code from Steam, taken it and went online, displaying contacts with statuses. But I wasn't able to send anything to anyone - "there was error sending this message". Hmm. I went offline and entered Steam through browser chat - it works as usual. Ok, went online in Miranda - _now_ it works allright. Closed browser and Miranda, restarted Miranda, error not returned. I have no idea, if error was connected with browser or first initialization of Steam protocol.
2. I can change my status in two places - global (that one with hotkeys Ctrl+0/Ctrl+1) and by protocol. Global works as intended, protocol changing doesn't work right at all:
- From the first attempt it correctly made Steam offline, but when I went online, it did nothing. I.e. status in Miranda changed to "online", but all contacts remained invisible. No more fiddling with online/offline made it back, so I went "globally" offline/online. It worked.
- From the second attempt it was just reverse: regardless of my Miranda status contacts was connected.
- From the third attempt (trice in row, actually, so technically it was tries 3-6) Miranda hangs, eating one processor core completely. (Also in first time, when I closed one opened chat window from this Miranda, it closed program altogether - but that's quite common for Miranda in general, I seen this behavior quite often when Miranda hangs. There wasn't opened windows in attempts #2-3). I was forced to kill the process.
In my Russian Steam I see now 4 statuses in my friend list: online, away, sleeping and offline. But in my Russian Miranda "sleeping" status named "lunch" ("Обедаю"). I am not sure, if it wrong Russian translation or wrong status recognition. Hmm, seems, I am totally wrong here. Ok, again: "Lunch" is status for "Friends in game" actually. Is it work as intended?

Otherwise everything seems work so far. Thank you!

Only one problem, non-Steam-related: I used stdclist.dll, and I see no way to add groups to contact list. Menu "groups" exists, but there are nothing here, except "<root group>" entry. Can I add groups somehow?
4. Client silently cutting messages both way. English is longer, Russian is must shorter. Examples:
4.1. (English text for review for Greenlight game
Magic is not an art or religion. Magic is a craft.
Experience an amazing and unforgettable adventure set in a dark fantasy universe!
Spellcrafter will be an RPG game with deep tactical turn-based combat and a unique spell casting system. Explore the magical world, collect gold, interact with NPCs, take quests and make moral choices! Recruit heroes, assemble and summon powerful troops and send them into battle!
The unique feature of Spellcrafter will be the spell casting system.
This message was cut after sending on words "into battle!", making it around 420 bytes.
Test sending the full review in Steam browser client hadn't issues.
4.2. And moreover, it mirrored in Miranda - but had last bytes cut (review ends with words "challenging title!", but in my history I see only "challenging titl"). Full length of resulting message in Miranda history is 1 320 bytes.
When I tried the same with Russian text, I got resulting "mirror" message of 1 126 bytes. So it seems like the different issue, not the same as 4.3.
4.3. Russian messages suffered much more. Here is
В 1986 на Чернобыльской электростанции произошла худшая в мире ядерная катастрофа. Советские власти учредили 30км 'Запретную зону' вокруг этого ядерного пустыря, но в 2006 пораженный реактор потряс второй взрыв, уничтожая всех живых существ и заставляя границы Зоны разойтись.
Receiver got it only to "2006 пораженны", making mere 181 byte.