Author Topic: MSN protocol  (Read 97197 times)

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Offline yvesson

Re: MSN protocol
« Reply #105 on: 20 12 2022, 15:32:05 »
Btw it's bad to remove the protocol because then you can't access your contacts and history and such, had to install an old miranda to have access to those. Same with yahoo.
Also seems there isn't anyone insterested in adapting the MSN protocol to connect to the escargot servers, I thought I was possible to use an old version of the client and modify it a bit, but seems I was wrong ?

Offline Vulpix

Re: MSN protocol
« Reply #106 on: 21 12 2022, 02:32:28 »
I thought in cases where a protocol is deprecated, it will allow you to convert into Dummy protocol automatically.

Was this not the case here?

Offline dartraiden

Re: MSN protocol
« Reply #107 on: 21 12 2022, 17:20:49 »
Yes, all contacts should be automatically converted to Dummy so history won't be lost.

Offline yvesson

Re: MSN protocol
« Reply #108 on: 22 12 2022, 18:45:46 »
Well can't remember, maybe I lost my history because the database convertion didn't work.
I wish I could read my old history with aMSN, but that's not the place here anyway.