Author Topic: MSN protocol  (Read 61218 times)

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Offline leecher

Re: MSN protocol
« Reply #90 on: 02 07 2017, 09:46:54 »
I still have MSN-contacts online and working, but I mainly use it to communicate with Skype users.

Offline yvesson

Re: MSN protocol
« Reply #91 on: 02 07 2017, 09:53:15 »
Mine are old MSN contacts, I suppose they are logged in on skype with they old account, but I can't see those on miranda.
Is there any reason and something to do to see them again ?

Offline leecher

Re: MSN protocol
« Reply #92 on: 02 07 2017, 10:10:49 »
Originally I had a MSN-account and a Skype-account.
I used the MSN website to link these accounts and then all contacts appeared in my MSN account. Don't know if this is the reason why you don't see them, hard to guess :)

Offline yvesson

Re: MSN protocol
« Reply #93 on: 02 07 2017, 10:14:35 »
Of course it's hard to guess, some of them were still showing as far as march 2017 and even april, someone else disappeared in 2016 but was still connected when I checked on (skype on the Email site).

Offline yvesson

Re: MSN protocol
« Reply #94 on: 02 07 2017, 11:04:14 »
Well there is something clearly wrong with my account setting or whatever : on the "server list", there arn't any star, so I created a new profile and there is and empty contact list. :/
Don't know what I did wrong, but no idea how to correct that.

*edited* : in fact, I downloaded skype to check on that : the active old MSN contacts have somehow duplicated into one "messenger contact" and one "skype contact", and the ones I see on skype are the "skype contact", so I believe on miranda I see the "messenger contact" version which in a ghost of them. :(
« Last Edit: 02 07 2017, 11:17:01 by yvesson »

Offline yvesson

Re: MSN protocol
« Reply #95 on: 02 04 2018, 08:03:20 »
Are the stars in the server list tab still relevant ? After each reconnection,  the users all have a red star, but don't seem to be blocked. If I click the blue star, they will become blocked until I click the green star.
Apart from this, it works again like the old msn.

Offline leecher

Re: MSN protocol
« Reply #96 on: 02 04 2018, 10:32:01 »
You are right, this doesn't currently have any significance, I just wanted to get it working again.. Will look into this feature when I have time, meanwhile just ignore it plz.

Offline yvesson

Re: MSN protocol
« Reply #97 on: 06 04 2018, 21:13:31 »
Btw, seems I can't retrieve any avatar for contacts who have an avatar on skype or, in user's details it's updating forever.
Somehow some monthes ago, I managed to get an avatar for a contact who didn't have one on skype client or hotmail... but it disappeared now as well.
Could as well be a CL issue (or anything else) since my own avatars on ICQ (I have two accounts) are not updating when I change them. :/
« Last Edit: 06 04 2018, 21:20:26 by yvesson »

Offline yvesson

Re: MSN protocol
« Reply #98 on: 04 05 2018, 17:27:14 »
Today I can't login with the MSN plugin, it says : "MSN services are too busy, please try to connect later".
Seems weird that MSN servers are busy, maybe they shut off more servers with an old protocol or something ?

Offline leecher

Re: MSN protocol
« Reply #99 on: 04 05 2018, 21:51:45 »
This happens somteimes, there is a special error code issued by the server for it. Could be that there is maintenance on the servers near you.
Here in .at, services currently work fine.

Offline yvesson

Re: MSN protocol
« Reply #100 on: 06 05 2018, 09:58:34 »
Are you sure of that ? Because it's still the same, third day...
I'd like to change the connection setting, but what should I try ?
I attached my log just in case.
« Last Edit: 06 05 2018, 10:04:04 by yvesson »

Offline leecher

Re: MSN protocol
« Reply #101 on: 06 05 2018, 14:06:39 »
Aha, weird.. Maybe your tokens expired or something like that.
You can try to use DbEditor++, navigate to the MSN_1 subkey and delete all settings whose names end with Token (ans also their Expiretime).
Maybe it helps. As I don't have any connection problems myself, I can only guess...

Offline yvesson

Re: MSN protocol
« Reply #102 on: 06 05 2018, 16:24:38 »
Thanks, it worked !

Offline yvesson

Re: MSN protocol
« Reply #103 on: 06 05 2018, 19:27:45 »
And now I have a contact named like my skype account with fingerprint telling me it's on skype client ? Oo
My second MSN with my skype name doesn't work anymore either, btw, it says username or password is incorrect, though they are correct. :/
I attach my log if you can see whatever isn't right.
« Last Edit: 06 05 2018, 19:29:59 by yvesson »

Offline leecher