I was trying to test something with SkypeWeb today and it doesn't seem to be working:
[21:03:05 1D24] [WebSkypix] CSkypeProto::SetStatus: changing status from 40071 to 40078
[21:03:05 22E0] [WebSkypix] Send request to
https://api.skype.com/login/skypetoken[21:03:05 22E0] [WebSkypix] Connection request to api.skype.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[21:03:05 22E0] [WebSkypix] (045DDBB0) Connecting to server api.skype.com:443....
[21:03:05 22E0] [WebSkypix] (045DDBB0) Connecting to ip ....
[21:03:06 22E0] [WebSkypix] (756) Connected to api.skype.com:443
[21:03:06 22E0] [WebSkypix] (756 api.skype.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[21:03:07 22E0] SSL Negotiation failure recieving data (10054)
[21:03:07 22E0] [WebSkypix] (756 api.skype.com) Failure to negotiate SSL connection
[21:03:07 22E0] [WebSkypix] CSkypeProto::SetStatus: changing status from 1 to 40071