Is this plugin built on an old source of the original Miranda IM plugin?
I'm asking, because it's missing options compared to the Miranda IM version (seems to be the case for other plugins as well).
Particularly, I notice that the option to set the contact list name is missing.
Also, the plugin is extremely buggy for me.
Here's some of the issues that I'm having with it:
* "Login using default browser" doesn't work, it always launches IE.
* Getting the "Use online contacts when no new mail" option to work is tricky.
Think I finally got it working by checking/unchecking it, and restarting Miranda NG a few times (btw; the contact rate workaround won't work for me, because I don't use groups).
* The "Checking inbox" notification in my contact list only works on very rare occasions.
(Windows 8.1 Pro [x64] / Miranda NG v0.95.3 [x64] / Gmail Multiple Notifier v0.3.1.1 [x64])