Author Topic: Gmail Multiple Notifier  (Read 26511 times)

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Offline fikus

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Gmail Multiple Notifier
« on: 27 06 2014, 21:27:02 »
Hi, first of all great work guys for Miranda NG I'm just migrate today from Miranda IM.

I was waiting the porting of Gmail Multiple notifier and I saw the plugin on the list, I was trying to use it but it is super buggy.
It can't really check the email and not permit the login.

Please now that I tryed the NG I can't back to the IM but I need so much that plugin work.

Offline Wishmaster

Re: Gmail Multiple Notifier
« Reply #1 on: 28 06 2014, 08:13:16 »
We reverted the plugin to its previous state, please test it.

Offline watcher

Re: Gmail Multiple Notifier
« Reply #2 on: 28 06 2014, 08:36:11 »
This means that it used to work, but was broken recently.

Post Merge: 28 06 2014, 09:20:58
I've uploaded new nightly build with reverted and working version of this plugin.
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Offline fikus

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Re: Gmail Multiple Notifier
« Reply #3 on: 29 06 2014, 12:14:35 »
wow  :DRINK: thanks man, now is perfect !!!
last things: how can I have blinking icon also for the mail on the system icon near the clock?

that Miranda NG is amazing  8)

Offline Wishmaster

Re: Gmail Multiple Notifier
« Reply #4 on: 29 06 2014, 13:03:24 »
last things: how can I have blinking icon also for the mail on the system icon near the clock?
Options->Network->GMailNotifier, check "System tray".

Offline fikus

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Re: Gmail Multiple Notifier
« Reply #5 on: 29 06 2014, 13:21:12 »
I did, but was not working. The icon is in online mode (when 1mail) just in the list but there is no system tray icon blinking...

Post Merge: 29 06 2014, 14:56:51
ok... was my fault... from contact->ignore->online notification was selected by default
now its work :)

Post Merge: 30 06 2014, 09:18:42
mhhhh something strange happend... may be a bug?

all the time I close and open Miranda NG its automatically change the setting on "Ignore" and set ignore for online notification for all the Gmail icon and profile.

I set the chekbox in the Network setting for Gmail Notifier on show icon on Sys tray.
How can I do?

Tnx :)
« Last Edit: 30 06 2014, 09:18:42 by fikus »

Offline fikus

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Re: Gmail Multiple Notifier
« Reply #6 on: 01 07 2014, 14:49:31 »

Offline zmaster

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Re: Gmail Multiple Notifier
« Reply #7 on: 06 07 2014, 14:09:39 »
I've checked the option "use online contact when no new mail", but this contact is at the very bottom of all my online contacts. As far as i can see, gmail notifier is not a proper "account" so i can't place it wherever i want using the list in "contact list/options".

Is there another way that I'm missing, to place the contact where i want?

Offline fikus

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Re: Gmail Multiple Notifier
« Reply #8 on: 07 07 2014, 19:35:35 »
you can use the contact rate (righ click on the icon), or just put the mail address in a group.
if you use the contact rate after you can control the position option->contatct list->general->contact list sorting

Offline zmaster

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Re: Gmail Multiple Notifier
« Reply #9 on: 08 07 2014, 10:19:24 »
The contact rate did the trick, thanks.

Offline zmaster

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Re: Gmail Multiple Notifier
« Reply #10 on: 09 07 2014, 14:01:52 »
So far, this plugin is working fine, i just have a little problem with it, but i don't know if it working as intended (in that case it would be nice to have an option to change it), or maybe it's a gmail thingy in combination with the verification system the plugin uses. I don't know, u tell me.

The thing is when i double click the gmail notifier contact it opens the web browser (nothing rare), but before going to my mail, it asks me for my password (which is saved in the browser so i just have to click 1 button and i'm in). So i have this annoying window every time i wanna check emails.

So far, i'm using the Action Manager plugin for that. As suggested to me in this very same forum, i use an action which opens the url: "", and i go directly yo my inbox. No passwords asked, cause i'm already logged in, and i'm the only one using the  pc.

So, as i said, maybe it's a verification thing and can't be avoided (i reckon the action manager has no verification). Maybe it's worked as intended because security reasons. Maybe (hopefully) is something u can change, so if the account is already logged in, it doesn't prompt you for a password.

Offline Wishmaster

Re: Gmail Multiple Notifier
« Reply #11 on: 09 07 2014, 14:04:46 »
Well, it should automatically login when you double-click the contact, if I remember it correctly. You don't need Actman for that.

Offline zmaster

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Re: Gmail Multiple Notifier
« Reply #12 on: 09 07 2014, 16:20:22 »
If i use actman, i go directly to my inbox. If i use gmail notifier, it prompts me for my password first. Maybe cookies, or other firefox plugins may be interfering, dunno.

Offline fikus

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Re: Gmail Multiple Notifier
« Reply #13 on: 09 07 2014, 18:02:52 »
for me is the same, double click login page of gmail with the adress yet on the formbox and I've to digit the password

Offline Robyer

Re: Gmail Multiple Notifier
« Reply #14 on: 09 07 2014, 18:57:14 »
Notify.cpp line #138

It tries to login automatically (by sending login, pass as form data), but obviously Google changed format (name of fields, parameters, url) of that form and that's why it doesn't login automatically.

I don't use gmail or this plugin, so I won't dig into it, but it should be easy fix for some interested person...
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