Author Topic: ICQ and unofficial messengers?  (Read 181570 times)

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Offline dartraiden

Re: ICQ and unofficial messengers?
« Reply #15 on: 28 12 2018, 16:07:50 »
Unfortunately, our stupid IT laws cover messenger, not user. So, if user don't have phone, the messenger must refuse to service him.
Messengers will have to request data about subscribers from mobile operators. The operator must answer if there is a requested phone number in his database within 20 minutes.

If the subscriber number failed to check (for example, the operator did not have time to answer in 20 minutes, or the phone number was not in the database), the identification in the messenger should be considered as not passed.

Users who are not authenticated must be blocked.

Also, if messenger (even foreign like Facebook or Telegram) refuses to comply with the law, it will be blocked in Russia by all Russian network providers.

new Plugin is using the Webclient and no direct Server Connection?
Miranda use direct connection same as official client.

Will the Post delay get fixed?
Developers can't reproduce the delays, we don’t have them  ???
Can you provide netlog?

Offline ghazan

Re: ICQ and unofficial messengers?
« Reply #16 on: 28 12 2018, 16:51:18 »
you can still use your UIN without binding a phone. dunno for how long though :)

Will the Post delay get fixed?
perhaps, let me make a new build and upload to the server. try to update in an hour

Offline the Dark Lord

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Re: ICQ and unofficial messengers?
« Reply #17 on: 28 12 2018, 17:42:34 »
I downloaded the newest ICQ.dll but it isn't cooperating.
I don't even have access to the changing status scrollbar so I even cannot try to be online.

I have Miranda NG 0.94.9 final build

EDIT: for which version the newest ICQ protocol works?

EDIT2: how and where can I get elder versions of Miranda? The website directs me to download 0.95.10 which is claimed (few mesages ago) to not working with the newest ICQ protocol...
« Last Edit: 28 12 2018, 17:51:55 by the Dark Lord »

Offline ghazan

Re: ICQ and unofficial messengers?
« Reply #18 on: 28 12 2018, 18:06:43 »
the Dark Lord,
for which version the newest ICQ protocol works?
it works in the development build, you just need to switch an option in your Plugin Updater, which is the most preferrable way of receiving updates.
if you don't have Plugin Updater, you can download the installer or the archive here:
old versions are available here:

Offline dartraiden

Re: ICQ and unofficial messengers?
« Reply #19 on: 28 12 2018, 18:12:45 »
Or wait until we ship

New ICQ will be available only in and newest.

Offline the Dark Lord

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Re: ICQ and unofficial messengers?
« Reply #20 on: 28 12 2018, 19:46:07 »
Thanks for all the help... the actualisations are literally driving me crazy...

The auto-update turned my Miranda into Miranda NG Version: 0.95.10 build #21020
And it still looks and acts like MY Miranda...

What shall I do next? The ICQ isn't working and it is the only thing I use Miranda for...

I tried to download 0.95.11 directly and customise it... three times... but it turned out to be pain in the ass which has pain in the ass.
I was able to get online... but it was basicaly the only thing, that works. Everything else was turned upside down, nothing looked right, nothing acted right and I was unable to force the Miranda to by MY Miranda again.
« Last Edit: 28 12 2018, 19:49:04 by the Dark Lord »

Offline dartraiden

Re: ICQ and unofficial messengers?
« Reply #21 on: 28 12 2018, 19:55:11 »
You should choose development version in the updater settings (Settings → Plugin Updater). This turn your stable 0.95.10 into development 0.95.11. And you can login to ICQ.
Or just wait 1-2 days, and your stable 0.95.10 turns into stable (we plan release it before New Year)
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Offline the Dark Lord

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Re: ICQ and unofficial messengers?
« Reply #22 on: 28 12 2018, 20:02:26 »
Ah! Thanks...
I missed this setting...

Offline the Dark Lord

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Re: ICQ and unofficial messengers?
« Reply #23 on: 28 12 2018, 20:11:00 »
OK... that didn't work well...

My contacts are not working... I cannot open any single comunication... it is talking something about metacontact (what the hell is that) and conversion into metacontact isn't working either (it just fails).
Some contacts appeared in the different group than they are meant to be.
Some "conference" appeared in my contact list and I cannot get rid of it.
The comunication window look terribly... something huge appeared in its upper half, I don't know what it is.
And when I tried to turne it of... I couldn't. All windows closed, but in the system overviwe the program was still running.
« Last Edit: 28 12 2018, 20:15:59 by the Dark Lord »

Offline dartraiden

Re: ICQ and unofficial messengers?
« Reply #24 on: 28 12 2018, 20:51:05 »
Some contacts appeared in the different group than they are meant to be.
Old ICQ plugin have setting to sync your groups with server. If you all this years had it turned off, your groups were kept only in Miranda. The server does not know in which groups you have placed contacts over the years.
New ICQ plugin just load all contacts and groups from server.
It currently supports only sending and receiving messages

We will implement support for moving contacts and group management in future.

it is talking something about metacontact (what the hell is that)
Seems like you drag contact to another contact instead of moving contacts. If you trying to drag contact to another contact, Miranda suggests merging them into a metacontact. Metacontact merges contacts from the same or different protocols into one (so you can have all history from this subcontacts into one contact).

If you have metacontacts (they have special icons) you can edit every metacontact (right click) and remove all contacts ("Remove" button). This turn metacontact into separate contacts. After this you can completely turn off metacontacts support from Miranda main menu.

Some "conference" appeared in my contact list and I cannot get rid of it.
Conference is a group chat. Our protocol implementation still cannot work with conferences. We will implement support for conferences in future.

Offline the Dark Lord

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Re: ICQ and unofficial messengers?
« Reply #25 on: 28 12 2018, 21:04:58 »
No... it allows me to drag contacts and move them...
It just doesn't allow me to comunicate with them.

Anytime I upgrade my Mirandy into 0.95.11 it stops working.
From half of my contacts I got "new" message... two years old...
I cannot open comunication with any of them.
When I click on the contact by the right mouse button, there is no option like "send a message" only something about metacontacts...
I don't need those. I have only ICQ.
It offeres me there to join the contact with some else contact...
It offeres me to convert the contact into metacontact... but when I try it fails and do nothing...

When I double-click the contact, it does nothing
When I clicl on the contact and press Enter, it does nothing.

It doesn't alow me to use my NORMAL contacts... I cannot open any comunication window.

It gets me online... but it is useless. I cannot do a thing with it.
All I want is to open a comunication window and to send a message. But I cannot. It doesn't allow me.
« Last Edit: 28 12 2018, 21:06:45 by the Dark Lord »

Offline dartraiden

Re: ICQ and unofficial messengers?
« Reply #26 on: 28 12 2018, 21:05:10 »
The comunication window look terribly... something huge appeared in its upper half, I don't know what it is.
Could you provide screenshot?

When I click on the contact by the right mouse button, there is no option like "send a message" only something about metacontacts...
And screenshot this menu, please

Offline the Dark Lord

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Re: ICQ and unofficial messengers?
« Reply #27 on: 28 12 2018, 21:21:14 »
Here is the comunication window...
On the left side is the original... desired... intedended look of the comunication window.
On the right side is the new window of the same contact after I upgraded on the 0.95.11

By the way... I was able to open it only because of the "new" message... from august 2015
When I close it... I am no longer able to open it again.
Double-click isn't working
Click and Enter isn't working
Right-mouse-button-click isn't offering any option for that.

The right-mouse-button offer is the second image... i tried various possibilities of the last upgrade-session to get only the necessary changes to be online, thistime I tried full upgrade ofl the plugins.
- convert into metacontact
- join to already existing metacontact
- move to group
- always visible for contact
- always invisible for contact
- setting of comunication
- details of contact
- history
- modify in DBE++
- birthday
- import

Miranda NG Version: 0.95.11 alpha build #21101 (55e240d0dd) [running inside WOW64]
Build time: 28 Dec 2018 21:19:58
Profile: C:\Users\Diel\MIRANDA\Profile\MIR\MIR.dat
Profile size: 119717888 Bytes
Profile creation date: 28 Dec 2018 22:01:40
Language pack: Czech (CZ) [0405]
Service Mode: No

Active Plugins (22):
¤ AVS.dll v. [28 Dec 2018 21:20:00] - Avatar service
¤ Contacts.dll v. [28 Dec 2018 21:20:02] - Send/receive contacts
¤ CrashDumper.dll v. [28 Dec 2018 21:20:28] - Crash dumper
¤ Db_autobackups.dll v. [28 Dec 2018 21:20:08] - Db autobackuper
¤ DbEditorPP.dll v. [28 Dec 2018 21:20:26] - Database editor++
¤ Dbx_mdbx.dll v. [28 Dec 2018 21:21:18] - Miranda NG MDBX database driver
¤ Dbx_mmap.dll v. [28 Dec 2018 21:20:00] - Miranda NG mmap database driver
¤ Dummy.dll v. [28 Dec 2018 21:20:56] - Dummy protocol
¤ Folders.dll v. [28 Dec 2018 21:20:08] - Custom profile folders
¤ historypp.dll v. [28 Dec 2018 21:21:38] - History++
¤ ICQ.dll v. [28 Dec 2018 21:21:14] - Icq/2018 protocol
¤ Import.dll v. [28 Dec 2018 21:20:18] - Import contacts and messages
¤ MenuEx.dll v. [28 Dec 2018 21:20:08] - Menu item ext
¤ NewXstatusNotify.dll v. [28 Dec 2018 21:20:10] - xStatus notify
¤ PluginUpdater.dll v. [28 Dec 2018 21:20:32] - Plugin updater
¤ Popup.dll v. [28 Dec 2018 21:20:14] - Popup plus
¤ SkypeWeb.dll v. [28 Dec 2018 21:21:06] - Skype protocol (Web)
¤ SmileyAdd.dll v. [28 Dec 2018 21:20:30] - SmileyAdd
¤ SplashScreen.dll v. [28 Dec 2018 21:20:14] - Splash screen
¤ TabSRMM.dll v. [28 Dec 2018 21:20:08] - TabSRMM
¤ Variables.dll v. [28 Dec 2018 21:20:22] - Variables
¤ WhenWasIt.dll v. [28 Dec 2018 21:20:16] - Birthday reminder

Unloadable Plugins (3):
¤ NewStatusNotifyW.dll v. [19 Jul 2006 8:39:38] - <unknown>

¤ startup_sound.dll v. [11 Dec 2003 7:01:22] - <unknown>

¤ uptime.dll v. [3 Jul 2005 1:41:12] - <unknown>

Protocols and Accounts:
ICQ                      1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded

Icon Packs:
 desktop.ini [31 Dec 2013 1:43:31]
 HistoryPP_icons.dll [3 May 2008 9:05:06]
 main-icons.dll [16 Nov 2006 8:43:32]
 MIRANDA.EXE [11 Feb 2006 8:34:22]
 NOAVATAR.GIF [8 Mar 2006 8:35:16]
 proto_conn_facebook.dll [5 Mar 2011 19:37:52]
 Proto_Dummy.dll [28 Dec 2018 21:21:32]
 Proto_ICQ.dll [16 Nov 2004 8:11:32]
 Proto_MetaContacts.dll [28 Dec 2018 21:21:32]
 Proto_Skype.dll [25 May 2014 12:46:06]
 SecureIM_icons.dll [7 May 2009 9:21:14]
 SKP00.ico [25 May 2014 15:09:26]
 SKP01.ico [25 May 2014 15:10:27]
 SKP02.ico [25 May 2014 15:14:00]
 SKP03.ico [25 May 2014 15:11:20]
 SKP04.ico [25 May 2014 15:11:55]
 SKP05.ico [25 May 2014 15:12:15]
 SKP06.ico [25 May 2014 15:12:39]
 TabSRMM_icons.dll [2 Aug 2006 8:40:04]
 Thumbs.db [26 Feb 2012 17:00:42]
 Toolbar_icons.dll [16 Jun 2009 9:22:32]
 UInfoEx_icons.dll [28 Dec 2006 8:44:56]
 xstatus_icons.dll [16 Dec 2006 8:44:32]
 xStatus_ICQ.dll [7 Aug 2006 8:40:14]

When I turn the Miranda off through the main menu order "Exit" (as I always did), all windows related to the Miranda, including the contactlist, are gon.
But the exe file is still in the list of working processes in the computer. I have to shut it down by force in the Task Manager.
« Last Edit: 28 12 2018, 21:33:14 by the Dark Lord »

Offline dartraiden

Re: ICQ and unofficial messengers?
« Reply #28 on: 28 12 2018, 21:50:39 »
TabSRMM (comunication window):
open comunication window → right+click by title (Licia Ansi on screenshot) → Container options → Window layout → Uncheck "Show info panel"
go to Contact avatar and you can enable contact avatar and own avatar if you wish

Menu item: please check Miranda options → Customize → Menus → Contact menu
Maybe "Message" menu item is unchecked?

You can easily hide or show any menu item here.

But the exe file is still in the list of working processes in the computer.
This can happen sometimes due to new MDBX database driver.
Especially if profile stored in Dropbox or network drive...
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Offline the Dark Lord

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Re: ICQ and unofficial messengers?
« Reply #29 on: 28 12 2018, 22:01:10 »
Now I just need to find how can I open the comunication window... I can do it only when I have incomming message othervise I am unable to open it.
And I just realised I have the same problem with 0.95.10 and I cannot open the window.
No opetion in the right-button-click offer
No reaction on double-click
No reaction when i click on the contact and press enter

Thanks... I'll check the options...
It just... why it stoped react on the double-click on the contact?