Author Topic: Trillian Astra support?  (Read 4922 times)

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Offline dabb

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Trillian Astra support?
« on: 19 10 2017, 03:56:01 »
With AIM dying soon, a lot of my friends are moving to the Trillian Astra network.  Does Miranda NG have any support for that network?  I currently use NG for AIM, GoogleTalk, and Yahoo IM and would have to have to install another IM client.


Offline dabb

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Re: Trillian Astra support?
« Reply #1 on: 21 10 2017, 18:24:46 »
fwiw here is the IMPP standard if any Miranda developers ever get the urge to implement it.

Offline dabb

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Re: Trillian Astra support?
« Reply #2 on: 01 12 2017, 05:03:18 »
If there are any developers interested in adding Trillian IMPP support, I'm willing to pay.   Please reach out if interested.