Author Topic: Facebook protocol  (Read 607456 times)

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Offline peci1

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Re: Facebook protocol
« Reply #780 on: 12 09 2019, 23:39:32 »
What about the "Could not load all required data" bug?

Offline ghazan

Re: Facebook protocol
« Reply #781 on: 13 09 2019, 19:39:34 »
it should have been fixed in the update, which plugin do you use for chats?

Offline peci1

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Re: Facebook protocol
« Reply #782 on: 13 09 2019, 20:00:40 »
It's not fixed for me. tabsrmm or ieview? I'm a bit lost in the UI plugins...

Offline dartraiden

Re: Facebook protocol
« Reply #783 on: 13 09 2019, 20:16:42 »
Message settings → Message log → Global message log display → IEView?

What about the "Could not load all required data" bug?
In private or group chat?

Seems like this is a regression in IEView, not Facebook. We trying to teach IEView and History++ to work in group chats.
« Last Edit: 13 09 2019, 20:19:41 by dartraiden »

Offline peci1

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Re: Facebook protocol
« Reply #784 on: 13 09 2019, 20:21:13 »
So it's IEview.

Offline riki

Re: Facebook protocol
« Reply #785 on: 18 09 2019, 14:37:37 »
Here we go again. Facebook account temporarily locked, forced password change, etc. I know the drill. Miranda was offline when I noticed. On the previous day, I had refused the update proposed by the updater plugin because I wanted to try the Vulpix approach (basically, updating while offline). In other words, I'm sure no Miranda update was involved this time.

I opened the n-th ticket in the Help section, with one more respectful message. Of course, no mention of Miranda or even "other browsers" this time. Here's a summary.

Why am I locked out blah blah, I didn't do anything suspicious blah blah. I do have "login with Facebook" on some legit sites with lots of ads (but no phishing!), maybe I should avoid FB authentication and make dedicated accounts? Please advise.

I hope my reports are useful. I don't want to be a nuisance!  ???

Offline peci1

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Re: Facebook protocol
« Reply #786 on: 22 09 2019, 21:34:19 »
Today, I got blocked by FB during normal Miranda usage. I went online, even received a few chat messages, and a few minutes later, I got blocked. No update involved.

Offline riki

Re: Facebook protocol
« Reply #787 on: 23 09 2019, 14:33:57 »
Same. Just happened again. Normal Miranda usage. I went online, sent a few chat messages, received the old ones which weren't in Miranda yet - and a few minutes later, I got blocked. No update involved. I think they're doing it on purpose. I sent another polite message to support.

EDIT (Sept 28) - again. I think what triggers it is simply logging in with Miranda. This time has been a little different, so I'll report.

Session open in browser, log in w/Miranda, send/receive some messages. Refresh browser, I'm locked out. I correct it immediately from the browser, change my password, and Miranda is still logged in! The FB protocol never went offline. I could send/receive more messages in Miranda without doing anything else.

I sent a message to FB again, but this time I googled "login issues", so I think the message went to a different support address, because the response was "you should receive an email shortly". Usually, it is "thank you, we try to improve".
« Last Edit: 28 09 2019, 14:25:37 by riki »

Offline VictorC

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Re: Facebook protocol
« Reply #788 on: 08 10 2019, 06:48:36 »
Today, cant login to Facebook with Miranda....
Code: [Select]
[8:45:01 8E98] [Facebook_1] === Beginning SetStatus process
[8:45:01 8E64] [Facebook_1] [8.10.2019] Using Facebook Protocol RM
[8:45:01 8E64] [Facebook_1] *** Beginning SignOn process
[8:45:01 8E64] [Facebook_1] *** Negotiating connection with Facebook
[8:45:01 8E64] [Facebook_1]  >> Entering login()
[8:45:01 8E64] [Facebook_1] @@@ Sending request to ''
[8:45:01 8E64] [Facebook_1] Send request to
[8:45:01 8E64] [Facebook_1] Connection request to (Flags 11)....
[8:45:01 8E64] [Facebook_1] (0BB97608) Connecting to server
[8:45:01 8E64] [Facebook_1] (0BB97608) Connecting to ip ....
[8:45:01 8E64] [Facebook_1] (2040) Connected to
[8:45:01 8E64] [Facebook_1] (2040 Starting SSL negotiation
[8:45:01 8E64] [Facebook_1] (2040 SSL negotiation successful
[8:45:01 8E64] [Facebook_1] @@@ Got response with code 200
[8:45:01 8E64] [Facebook_1] @@@ Sending request to ''
[8:45:01 8E64] [Facebook_1] Send request to
[8:45:01 8E64] [Facebook_1] Connection request to (Flags 11)....
[8:45:01 8E64] [Facebook_1] (0BB96A58) Connecting to server
[8:45:01 8E64] [Facebook_1] (0BB96A58) Connecting to ip ....
[8:45:01 8E64] [Facebook_1] (2020) Connected to
[8:45:01 8E64] [Facebook_1] (2020 Starting SSL negotiation
[8:45:01 8E64] [Facebook_1] (2020 SSL negotiation successful
[8:45:02 8E64] [Facebook_1] (0BB96A58:2020) Connection closed internal
[8:45:02 8E64] [Facebook_1] (0BB96A58:4294967295) Connection closed
[8:45:02 8E64] [Facebook_1] @@@ Got response with code 200
[8:45:02 8E64] [Facebook_1] !!! Login error: Unknown error
[8:45:02 8E64] [Facebook_1] !!! login(): Something with Facebook went wrong
[8:45:02 8E64] [Facebook_1] (0BB97608:2040) Connection closed internal
[8:45:02 8E64] [Facebook_1] (0BB97608:4294967295) Connection closed
[8:45:02 8E64] [Facebook_1] *** SignOn failed
I can login with browser with no problem..... With android too...
I have 2F auth enabled. Till yesterday everything worked...
Nothing updated

Offline ghazan

Re: Facebook protocol
« Reply #789 on: 08 10 2019, 16:47:59 »
if you have dbeditor++ plugin, try to open Settings / Facebook_1 and remove DeviceId setting, then try again
or launch a browser and log out all Facebook sessions from Firefox (Miranda identifies itself like FF)

Offline aekotra

Re: Facebook protocol
« Reply #790 on: 11 10 2019, 05:06:49 »
I have the same issue: can no longer log in.

Facebook frequently locks me out and forces password change.  Deleting DeviceID has worked for me at least 20 times over the past year to restore login from Miranda.  After I was forced to change my password today, I found this method has stopped working.  I have tried logging out in the browser as well.

It looks like it does log in successfully, data is received, but then attempts to reconnect and ends with this:

[23:28:55 0EBC] [Facebook_1] (0000000008B8AF00:1392) Data received
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Encoding: gzip
Content-Type: application/x-javascript; charset=utf-8
Cache-Control: private, no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate
Expires: Sat, 01 Jan 2000 00:00:00 GMT
Pragma: no-cache
Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=15552000; preload
Vary: Accept-Encoding
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
X-Frame-Options: DENY
X-FB-Debug: KvL6T0cjGcJ7nsObdk/hmUwJYB03xNB10Stw0LBKz1X4nn6Y9/S7hj6hAq7G+tREUrKp1k0zauDxuNrn3oKq8g==
Date: Fri, 11 Oct 2019 05:29:08 GMT
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Connection: keep-alive

for (;;);{"__ar":1,"error":1357005,"errorSummary":"Your Request Couldn't be Processed","errorDescription":"There was a problem with this request. We're working on getting it fixed as soon as we can.","payload":null,"bootloadable":{},"ixData":{},"bxData":{},"gkxData":{},"qexData":{},"lid":"6746410771841281358"}
[23:19:09 1194] [Facebook_1] @@@ Got response with code 200
[23:19:09 1194] [Facebook_1] !!! Received Facebook error: 1357005 -- There was a problem with this request. We're working on getting it fixed as soon as we can.
[23:19:09 1194] [Facebook_1] !!! reconnect(): Something with Facebook went wrong
[23:19:09 1194] [Facebook_1] === Beginning SetStatus process
[23:19:09 1194] [Facebook_1] (0000000008C648A0:1396) Connection closed internal
[23:19:09 1194] [Facebook_1] (0000000008C648A0:4294967295) Connection closed
[23:19:09 1194] [Facebook_1] *** SignOn failed
« Last Edit: 11 10 2019, 05:30:34 by aekotra »

Offline šegi

Re: Facebook protocol
« Reply #791 on: 11 10 2019, 07:12:24 »
Hi, I have the same issue.
I deleted the DeviceID withou change.
On facebook I see this connection on setting in part Where you are conected.
On the ende facebook recive error 1357005.

Code: [Select]
[8:38:21 7B34] [Facebook_1] === Beginning SetStatus process
[8:38:21 3384] [Facebook_1] [11.10.2019] Using Facebook Protocol RM
[8:38:21 3384] [Facebook_1] *** Beginning SignOn process
[8:38:21 3384] [Facebook_1] *** Negotiating connection with Facebook
[8:38:21 3384] [Facebook_1]  >> Entering login()
[8:38:21 3384] [Facebook_1] @@@ Sending request to ''
[8:38:21 3384] [Facebook_1] Send request to
[8:38:21 3384] [Facebook_1] Connection request to (Flags 11)....
[8:38:21 3384] [Facebook_1] (000000000C847D70) Connecting to server
[8:38:21 3384] [Facebook_1] (000000000C847D70) Connecting to ip ....
[8:38:21 3384] [Facebook_1] (2156) Connected to
[8:38:21 3384] [Facebook_1] (2156 Starting SSL negotiation
[8:38:21 3384] [Facebook_1] (2156 SSL negotiation successful
[8:38:21 3384] [Facebook_1] @@@ Got response with code 200
[8:38:21 3384] [Facebook_1] @@@ Sending request to ''
[8:38:21 3384] [Facebook_1] Send request to
[8:38:21 3384] [Facebook_1] Connection request to (Flags 11)....
[8:38:21 3384] [Facebook_1] (000000000C846C90) Connecting to server
[8:38:21 3384] [Facebook_1] (000000000C846C90) Connecting to ip ....
[8:38:21 3384] [Facebook_1] (2584) Connected to
[8:38:21 3384] [Facebook_1] (2584 Starting SSL negotiation
[8:38:21 3384] [Facebook_1] (2584 SSL negotiation successful
[8:38:22 3384] [Facebook_1] (000000000C846C90:2584) Connection closed internal
[8:38:22 3384] [Facebook_1] (000000000C846C90:4294967295) Connection closed
[8:38:22 3384] [Facebook_1] @@@ Got response with code 302
[8:38:22 3384] [Facebook_1]     Got self user id: 1203994519
[8:38:22 3384] [Facebook_1]  << Quitting login()
[8:38:22 3384] [Facebook_1]  >> Entering home()
[8:38:22 3384] [Facebook_1] @@@ Sending request to ''
[8:38:22 3384] [Facebook_1] Send request to
[8:38:22 3384] [Facebook_1] (000000000C847D70:2156) Connection closed internal
[8:38:22 3384] [Facebook_1] (000000000C847D70) Connecting to server
[8:38:22 3384] [Facebook_1] (000000000C847D70) Connecting to ip ....
[8:38:22 3384] [Facebook_1] (3020) Connected to
[8:38:22 3384] [Facebook_1] (3020 Starting SSL negotiation
[8:38:22 3384] [Facebook_1] (3020 SSL negotiation successful
[8:38:22 3384] [Facebook_1] (000000000C847D70:3020) Data sent
GET /profile/basic/intro/bio/ HTTP/1.1
Accept-Language: en,en-US;q=0.9
Accept: */*
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; rv:68.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/68.0
Cookie: ...
Accept-Encoding: deflate, gzip
Connection: Keep-Alive
Proxy-Connection: Keep-Alive

[8:38:22 3384] [Facebook_1] (000000000C847D70:3020) Data received
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Fri, 11 Oct 2019 06:38:22 GMT
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Connection: keep-alive

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//WAPFORUM//DTD XHTML Mobile 1.0//EN" ""><html xmlns=""><head><title>....</a></div></div></div></div></body></html>
[8:38:22 3384] [Facebook_1] @@@ Got response with code 200
[8:38:22 3384] [Facebook_1]     Got self dtsg
[8:38:22 3384] [Facebook_1] @@@ Sending request to ''
[8:38:22 3384] [Facebook_1] Send request to
[8:38:22 3384] [Facebook_1] (000000000C847D70:3020) Data sent
GET /profile.php?v=info HTTP/1.1
Accept-Language: en,en-US;q=0.9
Accept: */*
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; rv:68.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/68.0
Cookie: ...
Accept-Encoding: deflate, gzip
Connection: Keep-Alive
Proxy-Connection: Keep-Alive

[8:38:23 3384] [Facebook_1] (000000000C847D70:3020) Data received
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Cache-Control: private, no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate
Expires: Sat, 01 Jan 2000 00:00:00 GMT
Vary: Accept-Encoding
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
Pragma: no-cache
Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=15552000; preload; includeSubDomains
Content-Encoding: gzip
content-security-policy: default-src * data: blob: 'self';script-src * * * * * ** ** 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval' blob: data: 'self';style-src data: blob: 'unsafe-inline' *;connect-src * * * ** wss://*** ws://localhost:* blob: * 'self';
Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
X-Frame-Options: DENY
X-XSS-Protection: 0
X-FB-Debug: N8vErcCy3SgFPJn0cicYctP3p1jLGLQ01eJ6WVSHzgS9PtRRJA5gkKCrEC3plkxd3+CZKpM+dJqwsoK912IdQg==
Date: Fri, 11 Oct 2019 06:38:23 GMT
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Connection: keep-alive

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//WAPFORUM//DTD XHTML Mobile 1.0//EN" ""><html xmlns=""><head><title>....</a></td></tr></tbody></table><a class="fw" href="#header">Späť na začiatok stránky</a></div></div></div></div></body></html>
[8:38:23 3384] [Facebook_1] @@@ Got response with code 200
[8:38:23 3384] [Facebook_1]     Got self real name (nickname): Tomas 'šegi' Vanco ()
[8:38:23 3384] [Facebook_1]     Got self avatar: ....
[8:38:23 3384] [Facebook_1]     Got self logout hash:
[8:38:23 3384] [Facebook_1] !!! Empty nick/avatar/hash. Source code:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//WAPFORUM//DTD XHTML Mobile 1.0//EN" ""><html xmlns=""><head><title> .... </a></div></div></div></div></body></html>
[8:38:23 3384] [Facebook_1]  << Quitting home()
[8:38:23 3384] [Facebook_1]  >> Entering reconnect()
[8:38:23 3384] [Facebook_1] @@@ Sending request to ''
[8:38:23 3384] [Facebook_1] Send request to
[8:38:23 3384] [Facebook_1] (000000000C847D70:3020) Connection closed internal
[8:38:23 3384] [Facebook_1] (000000000C847D70) Connecting to server
[8:38:23 3384] [Facebook_1] (000000000C847D70) Connecting to ip ....
[8:38:23 3384] [Facebook_1] (3004) Connected to
[8:38:23 3384] [Facebook_1] (3004 Starting SSL negotiation
[8:38:23 3384] [Facebook_1] (3004 SSL negotiation successful
[8:38:23 3384] [Facebook_1] (000000000C847D70:3004) Data sent
GET /ajax/presence/reconnect.php?__a=1&__pc=PHASED%3ADEFAULT&__be=-1&reason=6&fb_dtsg=AQG7JxqvUxWv%3AAQECIOlsfLfR&__user=1203994519&__dyn=7AzkXxaA4ojgDxyLqzGomzEbHGbGey8WhLFwgoqwWhE98nwgUaoepovHyodEbbxW4E4u3ucDBwJx62i2PxOcG4K1Zxa2m4oqyUf8oCK251G6XDwnU567oeo5m4pHxC326U6OfBwHx&__req=1&__rev=3553943 HTTP/1.1
Accept-Language: en,en-US;q=0.9
Accept: */*
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; rv:68.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/68.0
Cookie: ...
Accept-Encoding: deflate, gzip
Connection: Keep-Alive
Proxy-Connection: Keep-Alive

[8:38:23 3384] [Facebook_1] (000000000C847D70:3004) Data received
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Encoding: gzip
Content-Type: application/x-javascript; charset=utf-8
Cache-Control: private, no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate
Expires: Sat, 01 Jan 2000 00:00:00 GMT
Pragma: no-cache
Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=15552000; preload
Vary: Accept-Encoding
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
X-Frame-Options: DENY
X-FB-Debug: 4wFcurdmtY/fVWi4K2Zdod5dtvTi+s8cTizBXs3d3jdtGNKZubr9hlKEFVOP4B2RZ0gAgjfqZh9HiEIJRySHGg==
Date: Fri, 11 Oct 2019 06:38:23 GMT
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Connection: keep-alive

for (;;);{"__ar":1,"error":1357005,"errorSummary":"Va\u0161u \u017eiados\u0165 nie je mo\u017en\u00e9 spracova\u0165","errorDescription":"S touto po\u017eiadavkou bol probl\u00e9m. Pracujeme na tom, aby sme ho \u010do najsk\u00f4r odstr\u00e1nili.","payload":null,"bootloadable":{},"ixData":{},"bxData":{},"gkxData":{},"qexData":{},"lid":"67464311336611?????"}
[8:38:23 3384] [Facebook_1] @@@ Got response with code 200
[8:38:23 3384] [Facebook_1] !!! Received Facebook error: 1357005 -- S touto požiadavkou bol problém. Pracujeme na tom, aby sme ho čo najskôr odstránili.
[8:38:23 3384] [Facebook_1] !!! reconnect(): Something with Facebook went wrong
[8:38:23 3384] [Facebook_1] === Beginning SetStatus process
[8:38:23 3384] [Facebook_1] (000000000C847D70:3004) Connection closed internal
[8:38:23 3384] [Facebook_1] (000000000C847D70:4294967295) Connection closed
[8:38:23 3384] [Facebook_1] *** SignOn failed
[8:38:23 33F4] [Facebook_1] ### Beginning SignOff process
[8:38:23 33F4] [Facebook_1]  >> Entering chat_state()
[8:38:23 33F4] [Facebook_1]  << Quitting chat_state()
[8:38:23 33F4] [Facebook_1]  >> Entering logout()
[8:38:23 33F4] [Facebook_1] ### SignOff complete
[8:38:23 3C1C] [Facebook_1] *** GetMyAvatar

Offline Myshor

Re: Facebook protocol
« Reply #792 on: 11 10 2019, 08:12:01 »
At least I see I am not alone with this problem... Is this means that facebook will be dead in Miranda NG? :P

Fear my anger, fear my power.
I'm Dark Angel undercover.

Offline šegi

Re: Facebook protocol
« Reply #793 on: 11 10 2019, 10:57:14 »
I found here that

Error: 1357005
User-provided request parameters do not match the types specified in param_get/param_post.

This error code give to me recorded in netlog.

Offline dartraiden

Re: Facebook protocol
« Reply #794 on: 11 10 2019, 11:01:08 »
Is this means that facebook will be dead in Miranda NG?
It seems that yes, at least for the near future
« Last Edit: 11 10 2019, 19:06:24 by dartraiden »