[10:44:00 4650] [Facebook_1] w:\miranda-build\src\mir_app\src\netlibhttp.cpp 523: HttpPeekFirstResponseLine Failed (1460 10)
[10:44:00 4650] [Facebook_1] (0000000009418600:1808) Connection closed internal
[10:44:00 4650] [Facebook_1] (0000000009418600:4294967295) Connection closed
[10:44:00 4650] [Facebook_1] !!! No response from server (time-out)
[10:44:00 4650] [Facebook_1] !!! channel(): Something with Facebook went wrong
1460 really means the timeout error, meaning that a connection with Facebook cannot be established in 30 seconds.
maybe something blocks an access to the social networks in your LAN, or FB blocks access from an unusual location.
try to enter the site from a browser, what would it say?