Author Topic: Facebook stickers/emoticons  (Read 13136 times)

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Offline Brad303

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Facebook stickers/emoticons
« on: 09 07 2016, 18:41:35 »
Brand new Miranda-ng user here. I was a long-time user of Trillian, but lack of Skype and OTR drove me elsewhere. I tried pidgin for a few months, but it doesn't seem to work well on Windows and couldn't stay connected.

So, I'm trying Miranda-ng. So far so good.

How do I get Facebook stickers/emoticons to show up? I've seen what appears to be conflicting information on the forum (IEview, smileypack), but those posts are a bit long in the tooth.

Offline Robyer

Re: Facebook stickers/emoticons
« Reply #1 on: 10 07 2016, 09:44:24 »
There are 3 ways how to show stickers:

1) Via SmileyAdd's "Custom smileys" - you need to enable it in FB account options, but it won't work very good.
* it works only for single conversations
* it works only for incomming messages
* it works only occasionally - somehow it just won't show anything, I'm not sure why.
* it works only on newly received messages, it usually won't show historical stickers for history messages (after Miranda restart)

It's because how it is implemented in SmileyAdd. Could be improved in future, but we need someone to do it (in SmileyAdd).

2) Via IEView
* you need to use (or create) ieview template that has javascript code for transforming urls to images (thumbnails)
   * as I'm showing also image URL in sticker message, you don't need some special template to work with stickers, as it usually transform all URLs to image thumbnails
* this won't work in group chats, because ieview is not supported there

3) Via custom smileypack
* you need to prepare own smileypack
   * you define [[sticker:123456789]] as smiley string (with different numeric ids) and attach wanted image (manually download it)
* you will see only stickers defined in your smileypack (but as classic smileys = will work all the time)
* you can also send stickers (by sending the above mentioned string as whole message - without other text)

EDIT: I also just wrote it to wiki -
« Last Edit: 10 07 2016, 09:49:14 by Robyer »
I was developing mainly Facebook, Omegle, Steam, Dummy and MobileState plugins. Now I'm retired. Goodbye, everyone. ~ You can still find me on Facebook.

Offline fikus

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Re: Facebook stickers/emoticons
« Reply #2 on: 04 02 2017, 12:46:19 »
May be I'm stupid but I'm not able to see the "like FB stickers"

I followed what u sayed but I'm still receiving this message instead of any emojii

How can I fix? Tnx

Offline Robyer

Re: Facebook stickers/emoticons
« Reply #3 on: 04 02 2017, 14:35:06 »
fikus, make sure you have enabled "Use custom smileys" in SmileyAdd options.
Other than that I can't help. Somehow it doesn't work for unknown reason.
I was developing mainly Facebook, Omegle, Steam, Dummy and MobileState plugins. Now I'm retired. Goodbye, everyone. ~ You can still find me on Facebook.

Offline fikus

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Re: Facebook stickers/emoticons
« Reply #4 on: 05 02 2017, 11:12:31 »
Mhhh this is mine config...

Offline Robyer

Re: Facebook stickers/emoticons
« Reply #5 on: 05 02 2017, 11:34:31 »
fikus, right, you have unchecked "disable custom smileys", that should be correct then.
I was developing mainly Facebook, Omegle, Steam, Dummy and MobileState plugins. Now I'm retired. Goodbye, everyone. ~ You can still find me on Facebook.

Offline fikus

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Re: Facebook stickers/emoticons
« Reply #6 on: 05 02 2017, 11:45:36 »
and is with this config that is not working ...
there is no way to say to miranda to convert this


to a smile? normally is the only one ppl are used often.

ah I'm using Tabsrmm.
« Last Edit: 05 02 2017, 12:28:08 by fikus »

Offline Robyer

Re: Facebook stickers/emoticons
« Reply #7 on: 05 02 2017, 15:40:01 »
fikus, you can download the image and edit your smileypack and add it there as the [[sticker:369239263222822]] then you would be able to see it and also send it by selecting it from smileys (if your sent message is exactly only this without any other text, then it is sent as sticker).
I was developing mainly Facebook, Omegle, Steam, Dummy and MobileState plugins. Now I'm retired. Goodbye, everyone. ~ You can still find me on Facebook.

Offline thosrtanner

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Re: Facebook stickers/emoticons
« Reply #8 on: 05 11 2017, 10:50:40 »
I realise this is somewhat akin to necromancy but...

I managed to perform the above instructions for a smiley, and now instead of getting [[sticker:xxxxxx]] i get the sticker (though sadly rather tiny). However I still get the huge URL in the front. Is there any way of (a) making the sticker a bit larger and (b) removing the url?

Offline Goraf

Odp: Facebook stickers/emoticons
« Reply #9 on: 05 11 2017, 12:11:38 »
(b) Maybe regular expressions could help with the URL part

Considering that syntax is

Smiley = "resourcefile", recourceindex, R"smiley regular expression", "insert text", "tooltip text"

If the URL is always in one line and the number in the next one then for [[sticker:369239263222822]] you could try sth like
Code: [Select]
https:\/\/scontent\S*\n\[\[sticker:369239263222822\]\]as a regular expression. So partially you will end up with
Code: [Select]
Smiley = "resourcefile", recourceindex, R"https:\/\/scontent\S*\n\[\[sticker:369239263222822\]\]", "[[sticker:369239263222822]]", "tooltip text"Just replace the numbers of stickers.

I'm not using it so it could not work. It's just a quick try. Try it, test it. Regular expression could be not as precise as it should be yet so it would need adjustments.

(a) Are "maximum/minimum smiley height" options in "Options>Smileys>Display" changing anything? I think that "Scale smiley to text height" could interfere too

Offline thosrtanner

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Re: Facebook stickers/emoticons
« Reply #10 on: 06 11 2017, 18:13:18 »
Ah, ok, thanks. The regex idea works. By the way, I think there's a bug in the regex parser as it fails to load the file when supplied with this:


It says it has logged the error, but not anywhere I can find :-(

I turned of the scaling and now I get a full sized sticker. Fortunately the other emoticons seem about the right size, which had worried me earlier. Well, a bit larger but close enough.

Now all that remains is those very odd ones that don't display due to the change in creators update (at least I think it's due to that).
« Last Edit: 06 11 2017, 18:23:25 by thosrtanner »

Offline Goraf

Re: Facebook stickers/emoticons
« Reply #11 on: 06 11 2017, 19:59:27 »
Do you mean this error message? (the only one I could find in sourcecode)
There were problems loading smiley pack (it should be corrected).
See network log for details.
If you have Console plugin then it could be displayed in its window.

Offline thosrtanner

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Re: Facebook stickers/emoticons
« Reply #12 on: 06 11 2017, 21:08:39 »
that's the message, yes. i'll try getting the console plugin then

Somewhat later:

[21:43:20 2194] [SmileyAdd] Regular expression "https:\/\/scontent-[^[]+\[\[sticker:582402791770700\]\]" in smiley pack "blah\Pack.asl" malformed.

Though the same regex in an online tester matches correctly
« Last Edit: 06 11 2017, 21:48:06 by thosrtanner »

Offline Goraf

Re: Facebook stickers/emoticons
« Reply #13 on: 07 11 2017, 00:11:35 »
Maybe you have to escape the inner [
Code: [Select]
SmileyAd uses non-standard, non-maintained regex. And code for pattern is not even the latest available version so sth might not work
« Last Edit: 07 11 2017, 00:34:38 by Goraf »