i wanted to tell you about a (maybe old) Bug in the Sametime-Plugin.
I was glad to see that you have migrated this Plugin in Miranda NG too.
Thanks for that
The Problem is: somtimes (often) when i try to connect to the Sametimeserver it goes offline instantly.
Everytime that happened i noticed that the Serverentry in Options was deleted.
When i put this Entry back and save the Options and try to reconnect it goes offline instantly again and also the Serverentry was deleted again too.
Mostly the first Connect is sucsessful. But when i have to Reconnect because (for Example) global ISP Disconnect or Miranda Crash that Bug happens.
Im using the newest Dev-Version of Miranda.
I know this Bug from the old Miranda (before NG).
So maybe some others know that Bug too?
If its nessary i can make a netlog later too.