Ok, now I've got some sort of translation workflow; it allows for slight increase in productivity and also some on-the-fly error checking.
Altough I've got a fair understanding how to translate most of those bland/technical terms, the manner of this langpack is user_comfort-oriented with a few common expressions that draw root from basic english and widespread computer syntax.
I don't think the document is erroneous by any means, I triple-checked it before 7zipping and made sure the terminology is consistent, too.
This is the basic (Miranda NG - core) translation with the jpgen.js ommit update. 77847 bytes in length, header included.
It can be downloaded
here for the next one-hundred days.
I wish to thank everyone supporting me on this topic, with particular gratitude towards:
- The Russian translation team (your verbose langpack was, and should remain of great assistance to this translation effort) ;
- Wishmaster, for showing me the ropes immediately after OP ;
- AnrDaemon, you made me remember what TortoiseSVN was, and why it had been there all along ;
- Robyer, for believing I couldn't find what I need, and finding what I believed I shouldn't need ;
- The original creator of Emacs, the everlasting assurance in the fact that you can pull off anything on your PC.
Since Miranda NG is packed with several "essential" plug-ins, the next update should feature, more or less (preferrably more), those translations in addition to this one. It's gonna be a looong ride; once I finish translating everything I'll try and give some notes for future reference on Miranda NG wikis, since I think they can benefit similar efforts in the future.