Author Topic: Administrator privilages needed for portable Miranda NG.  (Read 16249 times)

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Offline watcher

Re: Administrator privilages needed for portable Miranda NG.
« Reply #15 on: 14 10 2014, 13:56:58 »
Miranda NG also works perfectly with it if you write your profile to AppData directories.

No need to write profile to APPDATA for portable installatin (unless you put it to UAC protected folders like Program Files).

Post Merge: 14 10 2014, 14:02:12
yoGhurt, Windows Server 2012 = windows 8 and UAC there is MUCH more restricted than in Vista/7, so i don't know what to tell you.  I only use Windows 7.
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Offline yoGhurt

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Re: Administrator privilages needed for portable Miranda NG.
« Reply #16 on: 14 10 2014, 21:59:29 »
No, UAC is a very useful protection against malware. Miranda NG also works perfectly with it if you write your profile to AppData directories.

Yup, also it's very useful in workspace environment to limit user permissions, because third party antyvir/firewall systems, wouldn't help in that case.

Anyway, back to the topic - watcher i see you've got in privilages authenticated users, so this is difference. What i also found out is, when i use portable Miranda extracted from .7z - it runs well BUT only on this account with which one i extracted those files ,so, i've got privilages as an owner. When i change account and try to run Miranda from this folder, problem comes back. In this case, it didn't matter if user was admin level or just standard user - this problem appeared in both ways.
I also tried this test with different portable programs and this problem didn't happen, so it's point for that it isn't Windows privilages related problem but Miranda related.
I'll try tomorrow on some Win7 virtual machine to check how it would work there because i don't really really remember what i was doing with Miranda back in early 2012.
« Last Edit: 14 10 2014, 22:09:15 by yoGhurt »

Offline Wishmaster

Re: Administrator privilages needed for portable Miranda NG.
« Reply #17 on: 15 10 2014, 08:18:09 »
yoGhurt,For obvious reasons, Miranda needs to create a profile file, and this is blocked by UAC.  How can it be a Miranda problem? What should Miranda do?

You can use mirandaboot.ini to put all profile data to %APPDATA%, so where is the problem? Would that solution be too simple?

Offline White-Tiger

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Re: Administrator privilages needed for portable Miranda NG.
« Reply #18 on: 15 10 2014, 09:14:24 »
Even without UAC, what he does wouldn't work ;) It's a file/folder permission problem^^ (ok maybe it works without UAC as he's then using the rights of an administrator and not user...)

The question is more like where the permission issues came from... either
  • he messed with his root folder
  • is using a harddrive that was once used with another version of Windows and wasn't new formated (such as, the current Windows has limited rights)
  • his archive program is using weird rights / rights set in Miranda archives don't work for him
  • or something else^^

I would just change the folders permissions recursive, including files, and it should work... even with updates.
« Last Edit: 15 10 2014, 09:20:34 by White-Tiger »


Offline Robyer

Re: Administrator privilages needed for portable Miranda NG.
« Reply #19 on: 16 10 2014, 07:26:46 »
I agree with White-Tiger.

And just random thought: Do you use shlext.dll or similar plugin, which requires admin privileges?
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Offline watcher

Re: Administrator privilages needed for portable Miranda NG.
« Reply #20 on: 16 10 2014, 08:31:59 »
The man presented VI - why ask what he uses?

Post Merge: 16 10 2014, 08:32:49
And i didn't find anything suspicious in it.
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Offline yoGhurt

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Re: Administrator privilages needed for portable Miranda NG.
« Reply #21 on: 16 10 2014, 09:33:58 »
To be clear, because some people mis-undesrtood my problem. I need to have portable version of Miranda to publish it for several users manually and also as RemoteApp. When it's normal instalaton, it just doesn't work because of permissions. Adding new permissions to folder for portable version shouldn't be a reason becasue, obviously it should work out-of-the-box everywhere for all users, especially it's main folder , not some specific folder with specific permissions.

Wishmaster, like i said, it's portable version so, how it would want to create profile in Appdata if this version supposed to be portable? This doesn't make sense.

White-Tiger, please read whole topic before you post, because all your suggestions or possibilites i wrote posts ago, aren't solutions for using Miranda in future - but i'll reapet that, it shouldn't be like that i every time need to change permissions if there are portable software that works fine with this folder permisions. Also, if you would read my VI, you would see it's WS 2012E so, it's obviously not a upgraded OS (one option would be WHS2011 but that didn't happen).


Offline White-Tiger

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Re: Administrator privilages needed for portable Miranda NG.
« Reply #22 on: 16 10 2014, 10:39:00 »
[...] Also, if you would read my VI, you would see it's WS 2012E so, it's obviously not a upgraded OS (one option would be WHS2011 but that didn't happen).
Your VI is unimportant ;) Same with the OS you use^^ I spoke about personal experience. As my Windows is on C: with 40GB and all my other stuff is on D: and E:. If I reinstall Windows which might happen once in a few years (well sometimes I've even reinstalled once a year xD) All rights on D: and E: are sometimes messed up. I cant write to it as a normal user and need to acquire admin rights.
In your case your folder rights are also messed up. Either because of the way you've extracted Miranda, or because the folder where Miranda is in is messed up... I don't know. I won't find out till I see it myself. All I know is that it's to 99% a rights issue and doesn't have that much to do with Miranda. Currently it's your PC.
Miranda itself is very portable, I never used it differently and of course never had any issue or had to change it's rights^^ Though I'm currently compiling Miranda myself (and also zipping it myself) so I'm not using the Archive provided by NG and thus can't keep their rights in cause that's problem.

P.S. I've also just tested the official development 7z archive, extracted using 7-zip didn't cause any trouble and Miranda can write to it.

edit: just to make it clear, if you fix our folder rights (of Miranda or better of the top level), you'll never need to worry again^^ And you should also be able to zip it and use it on another PC unless it's rights are also messed up^^
So it's a definite solution and not temporarily when done correctly.
« Last Edit: 16 10 2014, 10:44:25 by White-Tiger »


Offline yoGhurt

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Re: Administrator privilages needed for portable Miranda NG.
« Reply #23 on: 17 10 2014, 08:07:18 »
watcher, i had finally way to test this on Win 7 and i can confirm your test - on Win 7 Enterprise ,portable version works well on all accounts when you'll put Miranda in main folder on C: .That could limit problem to newer OS then Win 7 because of new permissions policy. But still it not explain why it can't work when another portable apps works fine.
« Last Edit: 17 10 2014, 19:44:35 by yoGhurt »

Offline White-Tiger

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Re: Administrator privilages needed for portable Miranda NG.
« Reply #24 on: 19 10 2014, 09:59:08 »
Like I said... file/folder permission problem...

btw. I'm on Win8.1


Offline yoGhurt

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Re: Administrator privilages needed for portable Miranda NG.
« Reply #25 on: 23 10 2014, 09:59:58 »
Ok, i'll give up for now. I tried to do some reverse engineering what Miranda installer do while installing portable version or how Miranda acts while it's just unpacked from .7z but i didn't found nothing interesting. I will need to change permissions for folder manually but i think problem still exists and this should work out-of-the-box in that scenario. Maybe i'll go back to this problem later to get some more informations that would helpfull here to resolve this problem.

btw. I'm on Win8.1
If you're on Win 8.1 you should know how permission to files changed according to ealier Windows versions, if not, please read articles about technet. Also because of that, you're wrong on many levels in your previous post, so technet would be helpfull here too.
« Last Edit: 23 10 2014, 10:02:54 by yoGhurt »