Author Topic: Steam protocol  (Read 466261 times)

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Offline ghazan

Re: Steam protocol
« Reply #555 on: 22 04 2020, 17:39:03 »
is that possible that you add me ( and send me these messages sometimes?
I have no idea why a link is eaten in the third case, cause Steam proto doesn't preprocess it. Do you see the same in the h++ history window, for example?

Offline Ratha

Re: Steam protocol
« Reply #556 on: 23 04 2020, 00:56:54 »
Sent you an invite.

I have not done a lot of testing when it comes to sending imgur gallery links from Miranda to someone using Steam, or even sending with Miranda to someone else using Miranda over the Steam protocol.

I -think- its more of a problem of Miranda being able to receive the links than being able to send them. It seems like something that Steam is doing isnt being transmitted properly to Miranda in this instance, possibly due to embedding the link on Steam's end. However it is strange that the incorrect (preview image) link is sent most of the time, except very rarely it will display the correct link if the message is formatted in a special way, and at other times it will not show the gallery or the preview link at all if formatted in a different way.

I do not believe that this is a problem with History++ as to the best of my recollection, history capture was displaying what was showing in the chat window (and what was in the netlog._ The problem was that Miranda was just not receiving the original message (likely due to Steam embedding the link on their end as a widget within the client rather than sending the link as text.)

(Someone with more knowledge using something like Wireshark would probably have to examine the incoming message from Steam in more detail as Miranda's netlog does not seem to capture enough useful information about whats going on as far as i can tell.)
« Last Edit: 23 04 2020, 01:06:41 by Ratha »

Offline Der Jude

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Re: Steam protocol
« Reply #557 on: 18 07 2020, 23:38:33 »
@ghazanI've sent you an invite as well, I've got quite some annoying steam protocol issues as well, maybe we can manage to figure out why they are happening.  :)

Offline Ratha

Re: Steam protocol
« Reply #558 on: 25 06 2022, 12:35:05 »
Anyone else been having the issue of Steam only staying connected for about 1-2 minutes at a time?
It may have something to do with the Steam sale starting, or an API change on the 23rd as the API was down for an extended time (~3 hours) on June 23rd, 2022.
Posted this as an issue on the tracker.


Offline Vulpix

Re: Steam protocol
« Reply #559 on: 25 06 2022, 12:46:24 »
Yeah it's really bad right now. Won't stay up at all.

Offline Maverick

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Re: Steam protocol
« Reply #560 on: 02 07 2022, 23:32:58 »

sometimes it takes 1-3 Minutes and the Plugin disconnects from Steam. A few Days ago i got even IP-Banned from Steam-Chat, because of the frequent re-connects... these happend every few Minutes. When i hover over the Steam Icon on the Statusbar (or by clicking it), it reconnects - just to get disconnected after a while again. (Hovering takes ~2 Seconds, i think its because of the Status Plugin that reconnects).

I did not update Miranda for a while, but im not sure, but this seam to happen since the last 2 or 3 Updates where Steam.dll got updated.

What happens always, that the Plugin disconnects silently from Steam. The Contactlist shows im Online, but im not. When i want to write something to a Contact, i get the Dialog that Steam is not Online. When gets this Bug fixed?
« Last Edit: 02 07 2022, 23:38:18 by Maverick »

Offline Maverick

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Re: Steam protocol
« Reply #561 on: 05 07 2022, 11:08:17 »
Nice, seems that nobody cares about Plugins anymore?

Offline dartraiden

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Offline Vulpix

Re: Steam protocol
« Reply #563 on: 10 07 2022, 16:57:24 »
This has been resolved.

Thank you very much, @ghazan

(that said, might be worth rewriting the plugin for websocket anyway, who knows? But I suppose implementation of a different protocol would be better to preserve Miranda's lifespan...)

Offline Ratha

Re: Steam protocol
« Reply #564 on: 11 07 2022, 19:06:42 »
What happens always, that the Plugin disconnects silently from Steam. The Contactlist shows im Online, but im not. When i want to write something to a Contact, i get the Dialog that Steam is not Online. When gets this Bug fixed?
The connection issue with the disconnects every 1-2 minutes has been fixed.

The issue where Steam protocol silently disconnects and still says you're online even when it will say you're not logged in when you try to send a message, and then will not set you offline; that has not been fixed. Its a bug i reported years ago. But cant seem to find it on the issue tracker at the moment.

Offline Vulpix

Re: Steam protocol
« Reply #565 on: 12 07 2022, 16:13:23 »
@ghazan / @Ratha

I logged a case for this wrong status of Steam. It happened to me now too and made me remember it does indeed happen from time to time.

Offline Ratha

Re: Steam protocol
« Reply #566 on: 19 04 2023, 23:56:47 »
Steam had a service disruption about 45 minutes ago and despite Steam community coming back online, Miranda is unable to log back in.

This behavior happens with an old install of Miranda (0.96.1 #24180) and a freshly updated one (0.96.3 #25537), tested with two different Steam accounts.

Posting this here first to see if anyone else can confirm (and giving Steam a little more time to correct the issue before submitting an official bug report.)

Preview of log:
<html><head><title>Not Found</title></head><body><h1>Not Found</h1>Interface 'ISteamWebUserPresenceOAuth' not found</body></html>

EDIT: Bug report:
« Last Edit: 20 04 2023, 04:08:16 by Ratha »

Offline Vulpix

Re: Steam protocol
« Reply #567 on: 20 04 2023, 01:18:44 »
Yeah, can confirm. Guess something changed in the protocol ...

Offline dartraiden

Re: Steam protocol
« Reply #568 on: 14 12 2024, 22:21:14 »
Fixed in dev version.

Offline KentKareless

Re: Steam protocol
« Reply #569 on: 16 12 2024, 17:49:30 »
Logging in and receiving messages worked fine after the first few commits/fixes, but it is broken again now (see attached netlog).
I am aware that there is still a lot of development ongoing, so this might just be something temporary.