I'm trying to update the recently updated skypeweb.dll plugin through the update function but it absolutely does not detect there is an update. Two boxes show up at the same time and report no update. I've tried many times...

This is the connection info, in case it's useful:
TCP 64814 443 Inspiron660 https 20 6,343 Bytes 7,505 Bytes 13.2 KB/Sec 12/19/2024 7:46:27 PM:215 12/19/2024 7:46:27 PM
Edit: So meanwhile I took a look at the website, and saw that the "Development version" has been updated today, (not the Stable version) so I downloaded it and placed the two files in the folders manually, but then Skype won't work at all, accounts show up as red buttons saying it's disabled! 😢
BTW: Very interesting with the webpage (as I saw in Github) in the log! Now I see how you get that HTML page from the log, so I removed some text and was able to also pull up an HTML page, with the same incorrect login, but the user/login are actually correct... Why would one account work (where the login is with an email address work, but this one is with the skype name, and I also tried with the email address associated and same issue.)