Author Topic: Steam protocol  (Read 300691 times)

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Offline Corak

Re: Steam protocol
« Reply #330 on: 04 12 2015, 15:39:47 »
Fresh crash (Stream or core):

http_request.h (147): HttpRequest::Send
Code: [Select]
Likely cause of the crash plugin: Steam protocol

Exception: Access Violation at address 78B20F66. Reading from address 7065656B.

Stack Trace:
78B20F66 (MSVCR100 78AA0000): (filename not available) (0): stricmp_l
78B20FE7 (MSVCR100 78AA0000): (filename not available) (0): stricmp
120C14CA (mir_app 120A0000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\src\mir_app\src\netlibhttp.cpp (138): NetlibHttpFindHeader
120C2DBF (mir_app 120A0000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\src\mir_app\src\netlibhttp.cpp (882): NetlibHttpTransaction
1224EADA (mir_core 12240000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\src\mir_core\src\modules.cpp (543): CallService
16B8120A (Steam 16B80000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\protocols\steam\src\http_request.h (147): HttpRequest::Send
16B89A00 (Steam 16B80000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\protocols\steam\src\request_queue.cpp (75): RequestQueue::Execute
16B89AA2 (Steam 16B80000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\protocols\steam\src\request_queue.cpp (105): RequestQueue::WorkerThread
1224C57B (mir_core 12240000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\src\mir_core\src\threads.cpp (119): forkthread_r
7C80B729 (kernel32 7C800000): (filename not available) (0): GetModuleFileNameA

Offline Der Jude

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Re: Steam protocol
« Reply #331 on: 09 12 2015, 02:26:34 »
Der Jude, aha, ok then.
And what is the expected and real behavior?

Everytime I do click cancel the Steam Guard window automatically re-pop ups, even that miranda is NOT trying to reconnect to the Steam account.

Offline Robyer

Re: Steam protocol
« Reply #332 on: 12 12 2015, 06:41:16 »
This is really pissing off, after token expiration a steamguard window in miranda does pop up, however more times than not writting/copypasting the code does jackshit, the plugin fails and treats them as invalid codes and in turn gets my inbox spammed to death. Also cancel/killwindow button doesn't work as intended.

Everytime I do click cancel the Steam Guard window automatically re-pop ups, even that miranda is NOT trying to reconnect to the Steam account.

I can't reproduce any of your problems. I tried both 32 bit and 64 bit versions of clean Miranda, on Windows 10, and both works correctly.
* Pasting correct code correctly logs in.
* Pasting incorrect code and pressing ok tries to login, but because code is incorrect, it shows new Steam Guard window again
* Pressing cancel or closing Steam Guard window results in stopping logging in

Maybe some other plugin is messing with your Miranda.

But as I see different comment (see below), maybe that is similar to you, so I recommend deleting Steam account in Miranda and creating new one. (Or deleting related data via Database Editor++)

It seems, there was some strange profile settings in my developer-based profile, because it didn't work even after full reinstall everything except profile itself. Clean install worked.
I was developing mainly Facebook, Omegle, Steam, Dummy and MobileState plugins. Now I'm retired. Goodbye, everyone. ~ You can still find me on Facebook.

Offline Robyer

Re: Steam protocol
« Reply #333 on: 19 12 2015, 22:44:17 »
Instead, I'm getting disconnected only about once a day, usually at night (i.e. when I wake up and check miranda, I'm logged out).

Implemented attempt to auto reconnect in such situation, will be available in tomorrow build as many other new features and fixes. (as you already saw in svn log, but just to inform the other users here too :P )
I was developing mainly Facebook, Omegle, Steam, Dummy and MobileState plugins. Now I'm retired. Goodbye, everyone. ~ You can still find me on Facebook.

Offline Robyer

Re: Steam protocol
« Reply #334 on: 21 12 2015, 10:56:38 »
Just finalized my Christmas' batch of bugfixes and new features for Steam protocol. Enjoy! :-)
I was developing mainly Facebook, Omegle, Steam, Dummy and MobileState plugins. Now I'm retired. Goodbye, everyone. ~ You can still find me on Facebook.
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Offline Smiling Spectre

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Re: Steam protocol
« Reply #335 on: 23 12 2015, 06:01:19 »
Thank you for all your hard work, Robyer!

Unfortunately, yesterday I observed the whole range of never-seen-before problems. But maybe it connected to Steam sale though and consequent overload. So don't get it too seriously for now. I'll watch it, and leave this message just for record now.

- Steam plugin connects much longer now. And sometime never connects at all. (I waited for two hours yesterday. No luck. Today at work it connected after minute of haggling with network).
- Even when it connects, it works not exactly right. I had to disable/enable it once to get my contacts back (list obviously didn't update at all, just as conversations). At the other cases it received all my contact's messages, but wasn't able to send any of my own.

On the plus side, when problem got rid of, client suddenly retrieved full history. Pleasant surprise. Thank you! :)

Offline Robyer

Re: Steam protocol
« Reply #336 on: 23 12 2015, 07:52:28 »
Smiling Spectre, Hi, in yesterday version there has been problems with loading offline messages - it internally freezed whole plugin (that's why didn't worked reconnect without Miranda restart).

In today version the problems should be fixed. :-)
I was developing mainly Facebook, Omegle, Steam, Dummy and MobileState plugins. Now I'm retired. Goodbye, everyone. ~ You can still find me on Facebook.

Offline Corak

Re: Steam protocol
« Reply #337 on: 24 12 2015, 11:22:32 »
Fresh crash on Steam "http_request.h (151): HttpRequest::Send" and core "memory.cpp (225): mir_vsnprintf". On debug build now:

http_request.h (151): HttpRequest::Send"
Likely cause of the crash plugin: Steam protocol

Exception: Access Violation at address 102E14CF. Reading from address DDDDDDDD.

Stack Trace:
102E14CF (MSVCR100D 10200000): (filename not available) (0): vcwprintf_s_l
1026D3D8 (MSVCR100D 10200000): (filename not available) (0): vsnprintf_l
1026D46C (MSVCR100D 10200000): (filename not available) (0): vsnprintf
008FE68D (mir_core 008F0000): d:\soft\network\im\miranda\src\trunk\src\mir_core\src\memory.cpp (225): mir_vsnprintf
10078594 (mir_app 10000000): d:\soft\network\im\miranda\src\trunk\src\mir_app\src\netlibhttp.cpp (100): AppendToCharBuffer
10077BA3 (mir_app 10000000): d:\soft\network\im\miranda\src\trunk\src\mir_app\src\netlibhttp.cpp (544): NetlibHttpSendRequest
100795C2 (mir_app 10000000): d:\soft\network\im\miranda\src\trunk\src\mir_app\src\netlibhttp.cpp (914): NetlibHttpTransaction
009003D8 (mir_core 008F0000): d:\soft\network\im\miranda\src\trunk\src\mir_core\src\modules.cpp (543): CallService
04582E03 (Steam 04580000): d:\soft\network\im\miranda\src\trunk\protocols\steam\src\http_request.h (151): HttpRequest::Send
0459BA28 (Steam 04580000): d:\soft\network\im\miranda\src\trunk\protocols\steam\src\steam_polling.cpp (194): CSteamProto::PollingThread
00909524 (mir_core 008F0000): d:\soft\network\im\miranda\src\trunk\src\mir_core\src\threads.cpp (159): forkthreadex_r
7C80B729 (kernel32 7C800000): (filename not available) (0): GetModuleFileNameA

Error very close to but another...
« Last Edit: 24 12 2015, 11:24:22 by Corak »

Offline Vulpix

Re: Steam protocol
« Reply #338 on: 27 12 2015, 04:43:21 »
I've had some disconnects with steam recently; the problematic part is that the icon of the protocol stays lit up as if I were still connected. When I try to message someone, I instantly get a "message could not be sent" reply.

Below is a log of one of those disconnects.

[03:06:41 11A0] [STEAM_1] Connection request to (Flags 11)....
[03:06:41 1788] [STEAM_1] Connection request to (Flags 11)....
[03:06:41 1788] [STEAM_1] (13CFB090) Connecting to server
[03:06:41 11A0] [STEAM_1] (13CFBC90) Connecting to server
[03:06:41 1788] [STEAM_1] (13CFB090) Connecting to ip ....
[03:06:41 11A0] [STEAM_1] (13CFBC90) Connecting to ip ....
[03:06:41 11A0] [STEAM_1] (5864) Connected to
[03:06:41 11A0] [STEAM_1] (5864 Starting SSL negotiation
[03:06:41 1788] [STEAM_1] (5224) Connected to
[03:06:41 1788] [STEAM_1] (5224 Starting SSL negotiation
[03:06:41 11A0] [STEAM_1] (5864 SSL negotiation successful
[03:06:41 1788] [STEAM_1] (5224 SSL negotiation successful

[03:07:01 11A0] [STEAM_1] (13CFBC90:5864) Data received
HTTP/1.1 504 Gateway Time-out

[03:07:01 11A0] [STEAM_1] (13CFBC90:5864) Data received
Server: AkamaiGHost
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/html
Content-Length: 176
Expires: Sun, 27 Dec 2015 02:06:57 GMT
Date: Sun, 27 Dec 2015 02:06:57 GMT
Connection: close

[03:07:01 11A0] [STEAM_1] (13CFBC90:5864) Data received
An error occurred while processing your request.<p>
Reference #97.f89b5ecc.1451182017.2420a35e

[03:07:01 11A0] [STEAM_1] (13CFBC90:5864) Connection closed internal
[03:07:01 11A0] [STEAM_1] (13CFBC90:4294967295) Connection closed
[03:07:16 1788] [STEAM_1] src\netlibhttp.cpp 559: HttpPeekFirstResponseLine Failed (1460 10)
[03:07:16 1788] [STEAM_1] (13CFB090:5224) Connection closed internal
[03:07:16 1788] [STEAM_1] (13CFB090:4294967295) Connection closed
[03:07:16 1788] [STEAM_1] Send request to
[03:07:16 1788] [STEAM_1] Connection request to (Flags 11)....
[03:07:16 1788] [STEAM_1] (13CFBA50) Connecting to server
[03:07:16 1788] [STEAM_1] (13CFBA50) Connecting to ip ....
[03:07:16 1788] [STEAM_1] (5636) Connected to
[03:07:16 1788] [STEAM_1] (5636 Starting SSL negotiation
[03:07:16 1788] [STEAM_1] (5636 SSL negotiation successful

[03:07:37 1788] [STEAM_1] (13CFBA50:5636) Data received
HTTP/1.1 504 Gateway Time-out

[03:07:37 1788] [STEAM_1] (13CFBA50:5636) Data received
Server: AkamaiGHost
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/html
Content-Length: 175
Expires: Sun, 27 Dec 2015 02:07:33 GMT
Date: Sun, 27 Dec 2015 02:07:33 GMT
Connection: close

[03:07:37 1788] [STEAM_1] (13CFBA50:5636) Data received
An error occurred while processing your request.<p>
Reference #97.dd9b5ecc.1451182052.ecee816

[03:07:37 1788] [STEAM_1] (13CFBA50:5636) Connection closed internal
[03:07:37 1788] [STEAM_1] (13CFBA50:4294967295) Connection closed
[03:07:37 1788] [STEAM_1] Send request to
[03:07:37 1788] [STEAM_1] Connection request to (Flags 11)....
[03:07:37 1788] [STEAM_1] (13CFB750) Connecting to server
[03:07:37 1788] [STEAM_1] (13CFB750) Connecting to ip ....
[03:07:37 1788] [STEAM_1] (5640) Connected to
[03:07:37 1788] [STEAM_1] (5640 Starting SSL negotiation
[03:07:37 1788] [STEAM_1] (5640 SSL negotiation successful

[03:07:57 1788] [STEAM_1] (13CFB750:5640) Data received
HTTP/1.1 504 Gateway Time-out

[03:07:57 1788] [STEAM_1] (13CFB750:5640) Data received
Server: AkamaiGHost
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/html
Content-Length: 176
Expires: Sun, 27 Dec 2015 02:07:53 GMT
Date: Sun, 27 Dec 2015 02:07:53 GMT
Connection: close

[03:07:57 1788] [STEAM_1] (13CFB750:5640) Data received
An error occurred while processing your request.<p>
Reference #97.e29b5ecc.1451182073.60b6603d

[03:07:57 1788] [STEAM_1] (13CFB750:5640) Connection closed internal
[03:07:57 1788] [STEAM_1] (13CFB750:4294967295) Connection closed
[03:07:57 1788] [STEAM_1] Send request to
[03:07:57 1788] [STEAM_1] Connection request to (Flags 11)....
[03:07:57 1788] [STEAM_1] (13CFB090) Connecting to server
[03:07:57 1788] [STEAM_1] (13CFB090) Connecting to ip ....
[03:07:57 1788] [STEAM_1] (5328) Connected to
[03:07:57 1788] [STEAM_1] (5328 Starting SSL negotiation
[03:07:57 1788] [STEAM_1] (5328 SSL negotiation successful

[03:08:17 1788] [STEAM_1] (13CFB090:5328) Data received
HTTP/1.1 504 Gateway Time-out

[03:08:17 1788] [STEAM_1] (13CFB090:5328) Data received
Server: AkamaiGHost
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/html
Content-Length: 176
Expires: Sun, 27 Dec 2015 02:08:13 GMT
Date: Sun, 27 Dec 2015 02:08:13 GMT
Connection: close

[03:08:17 1788] [STEAM_1] (13CFB090:5328) Data received
An error occurred while processing your request.<p>
Reference #97.e89b5ecc.1451182093.14cf1a30

[03:08:17 1788] [STEAM_1] (13CFB090:5328) Connection closed internal
[03:08:17 1788] [STEAM_1] (13CFB090:4294967295) Connection closed
[03:08:17 1788] [STEAM_1] Send request to
[03:08:17 1788] [STEAM_1] Connection request to (Flags 11)....
[03:08:17 1788] [STEAM_1] (13CFBE10) Connecting to server
[03:08:17 1788] [STEAM_1] (13CFBE10) Connecting to ip ....
[03:08:17 1788] [STEAM_1] (5344) Connected to
[03:08:17 1788] [STEAM_1] (5344 Starting SSL negotiation
[03:08:18 1788] [STEAM_1] (5344 SSL negotiation successful

[03:08:38 1788] [STEAM_1] (13CFBE10:5344) Data received
HTTP/1.1 504 Gateway Time-out

[03:08:38 1788] [STEAM_1] (13CFBE10:5344) Data received
Server: AkamaiGHost
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/html
Content-Length: 176
Expires: Sun, 27 Dec 2015 02:08:34 GMT
Date: Sun, 27 Dec 2015 02:08:34 GMT
Connection: close

[03:08:38 1788] [STEAM_1] (13CFBE10:5344) Data received
An error occurred while processing your request.<p>
Reference #97.fb9b5ecc.1451182113.1abf2561

[03:08:38 1788] [STEAM_1] (13CFBE10:5344) Connection closed internal
[03:08:38 1788] [STEAM_1] (13CFBE10:4294967295) Connection closed
[03:08:38 1788] [STEAM_1] Send request to
[03:08:38 1788] [STEAM_1] Connection request to (Flags 11)....
[03:08:38 1788] [STEAM_1] (13CFBC90) Connecting to server
[03:08:38 1788] [STEAM_1] (13CFBC90) Connecting to ip ....
[03:08:38 1788] [STEAM_1] (4880) Connected to
[03:08:38 1788] [STEAM_1] (4880 Starting SSL negotiation
[03:08:38 1788] [STEAM_1] (4880 SSL negotiation successful

[03:08:58 1788] [STEAM_1] (13CFBC90:4880) Data received
HTTP/1.1 504 Gateway Time-out

[03:08:58 1788] [STEAM_1] (13CFBC90:4880) Data received
Server: AkamaiGHost
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/html
Content-Length: 175
Expires: Sun, 27 Dec 2015 02:08:54 GMT
Date: Sun, 27 Dec 2015 02:08:54 GMT
Connection: close

[03:08:58 1788] [STEAM_1] (13CFBC90:4880) Data received
An error occurred while processing your request.<p>
Reference #97.f79b5ecc.1451182134.3d40112

[03:08:58 1788] [STEAM_1] (13CFBC90:4880) Connection closed internal
[03:08:58 1788] [STEAM_1] (13CFBC90:4294967295) Connection closed
[03:08:58 1788] [STEAM_1] Send request to
[03:08:58 1788] [STEAM_1] Connection request to (Flags 11)....
[03:08:58 1788] [STEAM_1] (13CFB750) Connecting to server
[03:08:58 1788] [STEAM_1] (13CFB750) Connecting to ip ....
[03:08:58 1788] [STEAM_1] (4984) Connected to
[03:08:58 1788] [STEAM_1] (4984 Starting SSL negotiation
[03:08:58 1788] [STEAM_1] (4984 SSL negotiation successful

[03:09:19 1788] [STEAM_1] (13CFB750:4984) Data received
HTTP/1.1 504 Gateway Time-out

[03:09:19 1788] [STEAM_1] (13CFB750:4984) Data received
Server: AkamaiGHost
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/html
Content-Length: 176
Expires: Sun, 27 Dec 2015 02:09:14 GMT
Date: Sun, 27 Dec 2015 02:09:14 GMT
Connection: close

[03:09:19 1788] [STEAM_1] (13CFB750:4984) Data received
An error occurred while processing your request.<p>
Reference #97.f89b5ecc.1451182154.242376f8

[03:09:19 1788] [STEAM_1] (13CFB750:4984) Connection closed internal
[03:09:19 1788] [STEAM_1] (13CFB750:4294967295) Connection closed
[03:09:19 1788] [STEAM_1] Send request to
[03:09:19 1788] [STEAM_1] Connection request to (Flags 11)....
[03:09:19 1788] [STEAM_1] (13CFBD50) Connecting to server
[03:09:19 1788] [STEAM_1] (13CFBD50) Connecting to ip ....
[03:09:19 1788] [STEAM_1] (6032) Connected to
[03:09:19 1788] [STEAM_1] (6032 Starting SSL negotiation
[03:09:19 1788] [STEAM_1] (6032 SSL negotiation successful

[03:09:39 1788] [STEAM_1] (13CFBD50:6032) Data received
HTTP/1.1 504 Gateway Time-out

[03:09:39 1788] [STEAM_1] (13CFBD50:6032) Data received
Server: AkamaiGHost
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/html
Content-Length: 176
Expires: Sun, 27 Dec 2015 02:09:35 GMT
Date: Sun, 27 Dec 2015 02:09:35 GMT
Connection: close

[03:09:39 1788] [STEAM_1] (13CFBD50:6032) Data received
An error occurred while processing your request.<p>
Reference #97.f89b5ecc.1451182175.2423e10c

[03:09:39 1788] [STEAM_1] (13CFBD50:6032) Connection closed internal
[03:09:39 1788] [STEAM_1] (13CFBD50:4294967295) Connection closed
[03:09:39 1788] [STEAM_1] CSteamProto::PollingThread: leaving

I don't mind the disconnects, it seems like the steam server went haywire, but the protocol state should switch to offline when that happens.

Offline Robyer

Re: Steam protocol
« Reply #339 on: 27 12 2015, 08:32:36 »
I've had some disconnects with steam recently; the problematic part is that the icon of the protocol stays lit up as if I were still connected. When I try to message someone, I instantly get a "message could not be sent" reply.

Thanks, fixed ;)
I was developing mainly Facebook, Omegle, Steam, Dummy and MobileState plugins. Now I'm retired. Goodbye, everyone. ~ You can still find me on Facebook.

Offline Corak

Re: Steam protocol
« Reply #340 on: 31 12 2015, 08:08:13 »
Hi! Got Steam (or Core) crash on start of miranda:

Core: crash on "netliblog.cpp (366): NetlibLogf" / Steam: crash on "http_request.h (151): HttpRequest::Send"
Likely cause of the crash plugin: Steam protocol

Exception: Access Violation at address 121BD8F9. Reading from address DDDDDE51.

Stack Trace:
121BD8F9 (mir_app 12140000): d:\soft\network\im\miranda\src\trunk\src\mir_app\src\netliblog.cpp (366): NetlibLogf
121C0774 (mir_app 12140000): d:\soft\network\im\miranda\src\trunk\src\mir_app\src\netlibopenconn.cpp (568): my_connectIPv6
121C0430 (mir_app 12140000): d:\soft\network\im\miranda\src\trunk\src\mir_app\src\netlibopenconn.cpp (669): my_connect
121BF395 (mir_app 12140000): d:\soft\network\im\miranda\src\trunk\src\mir_app\src\netlibopenconn.cpp (709): NetlibDoConnect
121C0FDE (mir_app 12140000): d:\soft\network\im\miranda\src\trunk\src\mir_app\src\netlibopenconn.cpp (859): NetlibOpenConnection
121B897C (mir_app 12140000): d:\soft\network\im\miranda\src\trunk\src\mir_app\src\netlibhttp.cpp (220): NetlibHttpProcessUrl
121B9471 (mir_app 12140000): d:\soft\network\im\miranda\src\trunk\src\mir_app\src\netlibhttp.cpp (872): NetlibHttpTransaction
123F03D8 (mir_core 123E0000): d:\soft\network\im\miranda\src\trunk\src\mir_core\src\modules.cpp (543): CallService
15252E03 (Steam 15250000): d:\soft\network\im\miranda\src\trunk\protocols\steam\src\http_request.h (151): HttpRequest::Send
1526BA28 (Steam 15250000): d:\soft\network\im\miranda\src\trunk\protocols\steam\src\steam_polling.cpp (194): CSteamProto::PollingThread
123F9524 (mir_core 123E0000): d:\soft\network\im\miranda\src\trunk\src\mir_core\src\threads.cpp (159): forkthreadex_r
7C80B729 (kernel32 7C800000): (filename not available) (0): GetModuleFileNameA


Offline Vulpix

Re: Steam protocol
« Reply #341 on: 31 12 2015, 08:20:49 »
How are you doing this. How! :D How are you getting all these crashes? I've seen you post maybe 20-30 of those on several protocols :D How! I've gotten maybe 3 of such crashes during the past year.

Offline Corak

Re: Steam protocol
« Reply #342 on: 31 12 2015, 09:10:36 »
LoL. I just use Windows XP, installed almost all protocols and use them ALL at time (11 minimum), using almost ALL functions i need, and built debug version of Miranda, using only it now... My profile is 3-4 years old... That's why, i think...
Maybe also great bad luck, and it's crashing every day with 3-5 different crashes that really THERE still not fixed in miranda :D
And they getting fixed then)
And i live in Russia)
It's falling without a big deal, still.

Here all my reports that still not fixed:!closed&reporter=Corak&desc=1&order=id
« Last Edit: 31 12 2015, 09:50:15 by Corak »

Offline Wishmaster

Re: Steam protocol
« Reply #343 on: 31 12 2015, 10:36:41 »
Corak: No, the crashes all have the same origin, you just post them over and over again.. :(

Offline Corak

Re: Steam protocol
« Reply #344 on: 31 12 2015, 10:50:53 »
Wishmaster: Nope. Origin mostly not the same. Ask Ghazan - different protocols, different origins, different problems

>you just post them over and over again..
it's a lie from you, I would never do such. If I have a REALLY new problem i create new ticket and post it in different thread. If it was the same i got some time ago - i go to original thread and add there - "still not fixed" (and new logs)
« Last Edit: 31 12 2015, 10:54:43 by Corak »