I just updated to the latest alpha version v0.94.7 build #6986. When I start the program, none of the protocols could connect: GTalk, AIM, Yahoo. Only Facebook is able to connect but I get a sudden list of strange and unidentified contacts in my contact list like so:

Even after laboriously deleting them one by one, they come back again at the next restart of Miranda.
In addition, I'm also seeing a whole bunch of tabs in my message container which come back at every restart:

Does anyone have any idea what's happening and how I might get GTalk and the other protocols to connect again? I've tried using GTalk in Gmail web interface and everything works. I've also checked the account settings in Miranda and nothing has been changed.
Here is the log output for GTalk:
[11:08:02 JABBER_2] SetAwayMsg called, wParam=40072 lParam=Online
[11:08:02 JABBER_2] PS_SETSTATUS(40072)
[11:08:02 (NULL)] KeepStatus: assigning status 40072 to JABBER_2
[11:08:02 JABBER_2] Thread started: type=0
[11:08:02 JABBER_2] Connection request to talk.google.com:443 (Flags 0)....
[11:08:02 JABBER_2] (052726F1) Connecting to server talk.google.com:443....
[11:08:02 JABBER_2] (052726F1) Connecting to ip ....
[11:08:02 JABBER_2] (1460) Connected to talk.google.com:443
[11:08:02 JABBER_2] Thread type=0 server='talk.google.com' port='443'
[11:08:02 JABBER_2] Intializing SSL connection
[11:08:02 JABBER_2] (1460 talk.google.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[11:08:03 JABBER_2] (1460 talk.google.com) SSL negotiation successful
[11:08:03 JABBER_2] Stream is initializing after connect
[11:08:03 JABBER_2] (052726F1:1460) Data sent
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><stream:stream xmlns="jabber:client" to="gmail.com" xmlns:stream="http://etherx.jabber.org/streams" xml:lang="en" version="1.0">
[11:08:03 JABBER_2] Entering main recv loop
[11:08:03 JABBER_2] (052726F1:1460) Data received
<stream:stream from="gmail.com" id="68D4HV7D552JX5J3" version="1.0" xmlns:stream="http://etherx.jabber.org/streams" xmlns="jabber:client">
[11:08:03 JABBER_2] recvResult = 138
[11:08:03 JABBER_2] bytesParsed = 138
[11:08:03 JABBER_2] (052726F1:1460) Data received
<stream:features><mechanisms xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl"><mechanism>X-OAUTH2</mechanism><mechanism>X-GOOGLE-TOKEN</mechanism><mechanism>PLAIN</mechanism></mechanisms></stream:features>
[11:08:03 JABBER_2] recvResult = 197
[11:08:03 JABBER_2] bytesParsed = 197
[11:08:03 JABBER_2] (052726F1:1460) Data sent
<auth xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl" mechanism="PLAIN">AGdvf6w82HQKv4uK317OspwmbXFqdzY8OA==</auth>
[11:08:03 JABBER_2] (052726F1:1460) Data received
<failure xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl"><not-authorized/></failure>
[11:08:03 JABBER_2] recvResult = 77
[11:08:03 JABBER_2] bytesParsed = 77
[11:08:03 JABBER_2] (052726F1:1460) Data sent
<auth xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl" mechanism="PLAIN">Z29vZHdlYXRoZXjf070Sw937aWwuY29tAGdvb2R3ZWF0aGVyYm95AFLBC95qdzY8OA==</auth>
[11:08:03 JABBER_2] (052726F1:1460) Data received
[11:08:03 JABBER_2] recvResult = 16
[11:08:03 JABBER_2] bytesParsed = 0
[11:08:03 JABBER_2] Unknown state: bytesParsed=0, datalen=16, jabberNetworkBufferSize=2048
[11:08:03 (NULL)] SSL Server signaled SSL Shutdown
[11:08:03 JABBER_2] Connection closed gracefully
[11:08:03 JABBER_2] recvResult = 0
[11:08:03 JABBER_2] Thread ended: type=0 server='gmail.com'
[11:08:03 JABBER_2] (052726F1:1460) Connection closed internal
[11:08:03 JABBER_2] (052726F1:4294967295) Connection closed
[11:08:03 JABBER_2] Exiting ServerThread
Thanks for all and any help!