Author Topic: Facebook - Connection failed with error code 406  (Read 10696 times)

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Facebook - Connection failed with error code 406
« on: 27 09 2023, 20:38:00 »

For several weeks Facebook blocked my account for several days, claiming that someone had hacked my account, I always had to appeal - the reason was Miranda.

So I turned on 2-step verification on Facebook - it helped for a week, then Facebook again started claiming that someone had hacked my account, changing the password helped and I could log in to Miranda again.

Unfortunately, today it completely blocked my access to Miranda.

I cannot log in in any way - when I try to connect, I get the message - "Connection failed with error code 406".
I checked the method of deleting the DeviceID key and changing the password - it doesn't work.

Is there anything else that can be done, or will it be like with Discord - that won't be able to use these protocols anymore?

Offline ghazan

Re: Facebook - Connection failed with error code 406
« Reply #1 on: 28 09 2023, 14:49:45 »
dunno, we currently have ~75K of Facebook users, so far so good (despite the problems with embedded files etc)
Discord works pretty good, btw, if you have their paid services and live in Europe/USA.

1. Could you make a network log for Facebook + core? It will contain the error message.

2. Are you sure that Miranda uses the same IP address as a browser (it might be caused by VPN etc)


Re: Facebook - Connection failed with error code 406
« Reply #2 on: 04 10 2023, 17:00:27 »
I'm sorry that I'm replying after such a long time, but your previous post gave me an idea what might be wrong and I needed time to check it.

Namely, my profile in Miranda NG is about 17-18 years old, I have all the history from various protocols saved there, ICQ, GG, FB.
The profile is almost 200MB.

I use Miranda at home and at work.

In order not to lose the history, every day I copied the profile at home to Google drive, then restored it at work, after the end of the working day I copied it to Google drive, restored it at home, etc.

Perhaps this is the problem?

Because since the last few days since I wrote the post and I haven't copied profile, I haven't been blocked on FB.

If so, how can I save my conversation history without copying and restoring my profile in two places every day?

Alternatively, it is possible to copy the profile and restore it with some setting so that Facebook does not treat it as unauthorized access?


Re: Facebook - Connection failed with error code 406
« Reply #3 on: 04 10 2023, 17:02:13 »
Discord works pretty good, btw, if you have their paid services and live in Europe/USA.

What do you mean?

Discord didn't work in Miranda, the plugin was removed.

Offline dartraiden

Re: Facebook - Connection failed with error code 406
« Reply #4 on: 04 10 2023, 21:13:14 »
Plugin is still present in the repo and can be built manually. It simply lacks our official support, is not being developed and is not available via PluginUpdater.

Intended for experienced users who are not afraid of blocking.
« Last Edit: 04 10 2023, 21:18:18 by dartraiden »

Offline dartraiden

Re: Facebook - Connection failed with error code 406
« Reply #6 on: 04 10 2023, 23:52:43 »


Re: Facebook - Connection failed with error code 406
« Reply #7 on: 06 10 2023, 18:22:37 »
I use Miranda at home and at work.

In order not to lose the history, every day I copied the profile at home to Google drive, then restored it at work, after the end of the working day I copied it to Google drive, restored it at home, etc.

Perhaps this is the problem?

Because since the last few days since I wrote the post and I haven't copied profile, I haven't been blocked on FB.

If so, how can I save my conversation history without copying and restoring my profile in two places every day?

Alternatively, it is possible to copy the profile and restore it with some setting so that Facebook does not treat it as unauthorized access?

Any info?

Offline dartraiden

Re: Facebook - Connection failed with error code 406
« Reply #8 on: 07 10 2023, 18:45:23 »
Facebook blocked me once, we have not yet been able to understand why this is happening


Re: Facebook - Connection failed with error code 406
« Reply #9 on: 18 10 2023, 21:37:31 »
I'm sorry for delay. But I did the test.

If I follow the steps below, Facebook does not block me.

Computer A
01. I use Miranda NG in location A
02. I close Miranda NG
03. I copy the Profile to the Cloud (Google drive)

Computer B
04. I restore the profile from the Cloud in location B
05. I turn off the network card in the device manager
06. I turn on Miranda NG (cannot connect because there is no Internet, because I turned off the network card)
07. I close Miranda
08. I turn on Miranda NG (it cannot connect because there is no Internet, because I turned off the network card)
09. With the Miranda NG program turned on, I turn on the card network in the device manager
10. I turn off Miranda
11. I turn on Miranda - everything works and I am not blocked by Facebook from time to time
12. Before leaving location B, I turn off Miranda and copy the profile to the Cloud

Computer A
13. I restore the profile from the Cloud in location A
14. I turn off the network card in the device manager
15. I turn on Mirande NG (it cannot connect because there is no Internet, because I turned off the network card)
16. I close Miranda
17.I turn on Mirande NG (it cannot connect because there is no Internet, because I disabled the network card)
18. With the Miranda NG program turned on, I turn on the network card in the device manager
19. I turn off Miranda
20. I turn on Miranda - everything works and I am not blocked by Facebook from time to time
21. Before leaving location A, I turn off Miranda and copy Cloud profile

and so on...

Is there a way I don't have to do these activities every day?
If I understood correctly from previous statements, the computer ID is saved in the profile, would it help, for example when closing Miranda, to clear automatic this ID?

If so, would you add such an option?


Re: Facebook - Connection failed with error code 406
« Reply #10 on: 16 11 2023, 12:55:45 »
I sincerely apologize for the confusion.

After several weeks of testing, it turned out that it was not the Miranda NG that was causing the problem.

Just a web browser that I used in a specific way.
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