Original code:
MIR_APP_DLL(int) Srmm_RemoveButton(BBButton *bbdi)
if (!bbdi)
return 1;
CustomButtonData *pFound = nullptr;
mir_cslock lck(csToolBar);
for (auto &cbd : arButtonsList.rev_iter())
if (!mir_strcmp(cbd->m_pszModuleName, bbdi->pszModuleName) && cbd->m_dwButtonID == bbdi->dwButtonID)
pFound = arButtonsList.removeItem(&cbd);
if (pFound)
WindowList_Broadcast(g_hWindowList, WM_CBD_REMOVED, pFound->m_dwButtonCID, (LPARAM)pFound);
delete pFound;
return 0;
In my opinion this is not needed. We should not clear memory from buttons while program works.
Meenwhile there is sets of buttons, not an solo buttons.
Also there is build-in Windows instruments to manage GUI elements.