Author Topic: Ugh, accidentally updated Miranda NG, now having issues  (Read 5813 times)

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Offline Brian012

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So, it's been awhile since I last had an update notification for Miranda NG when I opened it. But, I did this evening. And without thinking I clicked on Update. For some reason it updated to the development build, 0.96.1 alpha build #24359 (35928eb933) the 64-bit version, and now I can't access Discord at all. (Though all my contacts and message histories are there.)
I know there were issues with it and discord, but had forgotten about them entirely. -_-;

So, I can still log into discord via webpage, as I don't use their App. So that's good, but what do I do now? Do I need to uninstall Miranda NG completely and re-download the Stable version and do a fresh install? If so, what files do I absolutely need to copy/back-up before doing that so I keep my contacts and if possible, message history?
Lastly, how can I turn off the update notifier so I don't make this mistake again?

Thanks in advance for any advice!

EDIT: So, I did an uninstall and reinstalled Miranda NG after copying what I recalled copying to back up my info from the last time I had an issue. Form the appdata/roaming area of my hard drive.
Downloaded the discord protocol and installed it. I have everything back, although, when I click on the Rooms in Discord, nothing comes up. I can see the room names, but not the content of said rooms. Do I need an fresh invite to those rooms for Miranda NG, or is there some other setting I can tweak to fix this? Thanks!

« Last Edit: 04 02 2022, 12:49:34 by Brian012 »

Offline dartraiden

Re: Ugh, accidentally updated Miranda NG, now having issues
« Reply #1 on: 04 02 2022, 15:20:51 »
Enable guilds support in settings. Maybe it is disabled.

Discord support has been discontinued in the development version and will be discontinued in the next stable version too.
« Last Edit: 04 02 2022, 15:24:42 by dartraiden »

Offline Brian012

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Re: Ugh, accidentally updated Miranda NG, now having issues
« Reply #2 on: 05 02 2022, 02:43:02 »
Enable guilds support in settings. Maybe it is disabled. Discord support has been discontinued in the development version and will be discontinued in the next stable version too.
Thanks for the information! But it seems that guild support is enabled already. Weirdness that I can't access the rooms now... Though it's not like I used them much anyway.

As for the discord protocol being discontinued; I know there were login issues with Discord a few months back, as I had some and posted in a thread someone else started about them, but is that and the 2-step Auth issues the reason Discord is going to be dropped from Miranda NG? Will the Discord Protocol that currently exists work in future releases of Miranda NG, or will it be out-modded so that it won't work at all?
It'll be a real shame, I HATE using the discord app, it seems to conflict with some stuff I run on my PC. Plus it's a resource hog by comparison to Miranda NG. Sadly everyone I know uses discord, and I (reluctantly) switched over after AIM (Aol Instant Messenger) was executed. :-\
If Miranda NG's current discord protocol will still be usable but no longer updated, then that's fine with me and what I'd need it for. But if it's not going to work at all to access my discord contacts, I guess I'm going to have to try to find another simple, stream-lined 3rd party program that doesn't hog computer resources and will handle discord. Any suggestions? ^^;

Sorry for the additional questions, I'd like to have an idea about how long I can continue to use Miranda NG for Discord chats, and if I need to start looking for a new/different program for the future to use. Thank you again in advance!

Offline dartraiden

Re: Ugh, accidentally updated Miranda NG, now having issues
« Reply #3 on: 05 02 2022, 12:17:13 »
Install DbEditor plugin, open Main menu → Database → Database Editor, locate Facebook account, and change base proto to Facebook. Restart Miranda.

the reason Discord is going to be dropped from Miranda NG

Will the Discord Protocol that currently exists work in future releases of Miranda NG
Discord will be removed from the stable version when version 0.96 becomes stable. The only way for you to use Discord in Miranda is to stay on 0.95 and disable updates. Discord will work in 0.95 indefinitely until something breaks it from the server-side.

Any suggestions?
I only know about Ripcord.
« Last Edit: 05 02 2022, 12:29:58 by dartraiden »