Author Topic: Scriver's message log changed after last update  (Read 4748 times)

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Offline calabar

Scriver's message log changed after last update
« on: 14 10 2020, 16:32:14 »
After the last update (0.95.12 build #23274), the message log inside the scriver's windows changed, becoming similar to the one of the history window (I use history++ plugin).

In "options -> message sessions -> event log" tab there is still a preview showing the log as it should be, the settings in the panel don't seems to work anymore.

In short: before and after.

Is this a bug? Any idea on how to come back to the previous view?

Offline ghazan

Re: Scriver's message log changed after last update
« Reply #1 on: 15 10 2020, 16:33:33 »
look at the Options - Message sessions - Log viewer, you can choose a plugin that provides a log window now

Offline calabar

Re: Scriver's message log changed after last update
« Reply #2 on: 15 10 2020, 19:15:39 »
Thanks, that solved the problem.  :)
And answer the question why the log was so similar to history++ one... history++ was the other choice in the "Log Viewer" tab, and it was selected!
Very strange I didn't found it, I sift through all the options looking for something useful before asking here!   ???