Author Topic: Twitter messages open message window after upgrade  (Read 2668 times)

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Offline BigMike


I upgraded Miranda from 0.95.10 to 0.95.11 yesterday.
With the new version, a Tweet opens a  message window. This wasn't the case with the old version.

I've enabled the option to treat Tweets as messages. The option was already enabled in 0.95.10.
If I disable this option, no message window will be opened, but Tweets won't be saved to the history anymore.

How can I set up Miranda 0.95.11 to behave like 0.95.10
- Display a popup on a new Tweet (still working)
- Don't open a message window on a new Tweet (not working anymore without settings change)
- Log the Tweet to history (if I disable treat Tweets as messages, no message window is shown anymore, but the Tweets aren't logged in history anymore)

Offline ghazan

Re: Twitter messages open message window after upgrade
« Reply #1 on: 23 02 2020, 11:51:12 »
if you disable "Tweets as messages" option, you still can collect histories using group chat logging capability (Options - Message settings - Group chats - Logging directory).

if you enable this option, you can disable notifications for the Twitter account, if you don't wanna see popups & tray icon blinking

Offline BigMike

Re: Twitter messages open message window after upgrade
« Reply #2 on: 23 02 2020, 16:21:49 »
Thank you for the workaround.
It's not as comfortable as logging to the "default history", but I guess, I can live with that.