Author Topic: Stability of libmdbx  (Read 5729 times)

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Offline BigMike

Stability of libmdbx
« on: 27 05 2019, 13:01:17 »

libmdbx caused a lot of pain and headache, when it replaced dbx_mmap.
After having lost my database once, I downgraded Miranda and stayed with dbx_mmap until now.

I didn't read about problems with the new database plugin for a long time.
Is it quite stable now? Or did people just get used to the methods of restoring their data after a crash?

Offline Vulpix

Re: Stability of libmdbx
« Reply #1 on: 27 05 2019, 19:22:29 »
I think there is some planned effort to migrate to sqlite; so I wouldn't hurry forward with libmdbx just yet.

That said, I have not had any issues for quite a few weeks already, yeah.

Offline BigMike

Re: Stability of libmdbx
« Reply #2 on: 01 06 2019, 20:19:32 »
Ok, thank you. Then, I'll wait some more time.

Offline Vulpix

Re: Stability of libmdbx
« Reply #3 on: 10 06 2019, 06:10:17 »
It looks like the sqlite fixes / improvements (to get it ready for stable?) are being pushed in, thanks to the effort of sss123. Many new commits happening quite often recently, so I suppose it might be ready soon. As a note, the old sqlite and new (after current rework) sqlite plugin will not be compatible so it is highly recommended that if you are using the old sqlite at the moment, migrate it to libmdbx (make sure to have backups at every step), and then back to sqlite after upgrading miranda.

The time for that has not come yet though, I suspect there will be an official word from the likes of Ghazan or Dartraiden when this is the case.

Offline Vulpix

Re: Stability of libmdbx
« Reply #4 on: 13 06 2019, 14:44:00 »
I am now testing sqlite fulltime. Migration of mdbx to sqlite was successful. I lost some events but it was because there was some corruption (which I knew about already) in my mdbx profile. I used json export to reimport the data that was missing.

I'll report back here if I see any issues but so far so good.

The database size is approximately 15-20% larger than mdbx.


« Last Edit: 13 06 2019, 15:08:13 by Vulpix »

Offline BigMike

Re: Stability of libmdbx
« Reply #5 on: 13 06 2019, 17:52:46 »
Thank you for doing the tests for me