Author Topic: IM won't start; import results in "account cannot be mapped"  (Read 8041 times)

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Offline mszr

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Hi there,

I'm using the latest version of Miranda NG, including these versions of libs delivered by automatic update.
today I tried to start my IM, but no window appeared (I have only one profile). No crash logs were created.
I did a backup of my profile and started experiments:

1) running fixme.cmd lead to empty profile (no accounts, no contacts, no settings - just like after creating new profile);
2) creating a new profile and importing profile from backup (before fixme.cmd") resulted in "account X cannot be mapped" messages - no contacts were imported;
3) creating a new profile and impoting profile "fixed" by fixme.cmd resulted in "skipping contact with no protocol" messages - result as in point 2.

Miranda NG x64, profile size ~220 MB, mdbx format.

Despite I have a backup of the profile from a few months ago ;), it would be nice to repair it.
Any other ways to make it alive?
« Last Edit: 23 01 2019, 21:52:52 by mszr »

Offline Vulpix

How big is the profile, and what platform are you on? There are some limitations for the 32bit version of miranda as far as profile size goes. (I am not sure how much but it's around 430 MB? or something like that)

Offline mszr

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Sorry, I forgot to include this information in original post, but appended it there. It's not an issue with profile too big for x86.

Offline ghazan

try to run 2) in the service mode, i.e. in the profile creation dialog check 'service mode' option and choose 'Import' in the combo box
that error 'account X cannot be mapped' is meaningless in the total mode (you need to choose the uppermost radiobutton in the mode dialog)

Offline mszr

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Hi ghazan,

I've checked "Start in service mode mode with... Import.dll" and retried import, but a result is the same.
What exactly did you mean by "uppermost radiobutton"? Is this "Import all settings, contacts and all messages" in the import mode step?

Offline ghazan

yes, total import to create a copy of previous profile
seems that a profile is really damaged somehow

Offline mszr

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So no option to "manually" analyze/export data from profile db?

Offline AnrDaemon

Not if it is damage beyond certain tolerance level.

Offline mszr

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Thanks your your replies. I'm really disappointed about a new db format. My fault I haven't checked any feedback, regarding conversion and wasn't aware of risks that it may lead to... Luckily I have a working backup with very small amount of conversations lost. Please consider moving back to old, but good format without so high data corruption risk.

Offline Vulpix

Re: IM won't start; import results in "account cannot be mapped"
« Reply #10 on: 29 01 2019, 22:00:15 »
Yeah, me too..

Best I can say, turn on automatic backups for your db and set them to maybe 1 hour intervals.. and keep a lot of those files somewhere, compressed. :/

Or try sqlite! It's pretty fast nowadays. There was one issue with it which I'm not sure if @unsane fixed yet.