on win 7 in the last updated version of miranda ng: gg connects (with enabled ssl in data base editor++) with disabled ssl gg not connecting.
but MSN not connecting .
MSN NetLog
[22:58:53 ч. 2BEC] [MSN] PS_SETSTATUS(40072,0)
[22:58:53 ч. 2BEC] KeepStatus: assigning status 40072 (40072, 0) to MSN
[22:58:53 ч. 407C] [MSN] Starting thread 0000407C (0245C963)
[22:58:53 ч. 407C] [MSN] Thread started: server='s.gateway.messenger.live.com:443', type=0
[22:58:53 ч. 407C] [MSN] Connection request to s.gateway.messenger.live.com:443 (Flags 10)....
[22:58:53 ч. 407C] [MSN] (002A9210) Connecting to server s.gateway.messenger.live.com:443....
[22:58:53 ч. 407C] [MSN] w:\miranda-build\src\mir_app\src\netlibopenconn.cpp 553: getaddrinfo() for host s.gateway.messenger.live.com failed (11004)
[22:58:53 ч. 407C] [MSN] w:\miranda-build\src\mir_app\src\netlibopenconn.cpp 718: connect() failed (11004)
[22:58:53 ч. 407C] [MSN] Connection Failed (11004) server='s.gateway.messenger.live.com:443'
[22:58:53 ч. 407C] [MSN] Thread [0000407C] ending now
[22:58:53 ч. 407C] [MSN] Leaving thread 0000407C (0245C963)
[22:58:54 ч. 2BEC] KeepStatus: status for MSN differs: stored = 40072, real = 40071
[22:58:54 ч. 2BEC] KeepStatus: assigning status 40072 (40072, 40072) to MSN
[22:58:54 ч. 2BEC] [MSN] PS_SETSTATUS(40072,0)
[22:58:54 ч. 29B0] [MSN] Starting thread 000029B0 (0245C963)
[22:58:54 ч. 29B0] [MSN] Thread started: server='s.gateway.messenger.live.com:443', type=0
[22:58:54 ч. 29B0] [MSN] Connection request to s.gateway.messenger.live.com:443 (Flags 10)....
[22:58:54 ч. 29B0] [MSN] (002A9210) Connecting to server s.gateway.messenger.live.com:443....
[22:58:54 ч. 29B0] [MSN] w:\miranda-build\src\mir_app\src\netlibopenconn.cpp 553: getaddrinfo() for host s.gateway.messenger.live.com failed (11004)
[22:58:54 ч. 29B0] [MSN] w:\miranda-build\src\mir_app\src\netlibopenconn.cpp 718: connect() failed (11004)
[22:58:54 ч. 29B0] [MSN] Connection Failed (11004) server='s.gateway.messenger.live.com:443'
[22:58:54 ч. 29B0] [MSN] Thread [000029B0] ending now
[22:58:54 ч. 29B0] [MSN] Leaving thread 000029B0 (0245C963)
the same copy of miranda ng on win xp: msn connects, GG with disabled ssl not connecting. with enabled ssl i will see in monday.
long time ago i moved from miranda im to miranda ng. then it was a special program convertor that converted miranda im to miranda ng. that program convertor leaved in me impression that i will be able to use miranda im plugins. But it was possible that tis was my mistaken impression.