[14:39:12 1C78] [SKYPE_1] CSkypeProto::SetStatus: changing status from 40071 to 40072
[14:39:12 18A8] [SKYPE_1] Send request to
https://login.live.com/login.srf?wa=wsignin1.0&wp=MBI_SSL&wreply=https%3A%2F%2Flw.skype.com%2Flogin%2Foauth%2Fproxy%3Fsite_name%3Dlw.skype.com&cobrandid=90010[14:39:12 18A8] [SKYPE_1] Connection request to login.live.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[14:39:12 18A8] [SKYPE_1] (049B7A08) Connecting to server login.live.com:443....
[14:39:12 18A8] [SKYPE_1] (049B7A08) Connecting to ip ....
[14:39:12 1C78] KeepStatus: assigning status 40072 (40072, 0) to SKYPE_1
[14:39:12 18A8] [SKYPE_1] (1172) Connected to login.live.com:443
[14:39:12 18A8] [SKYPE_1] (1172 login.live.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[14:39:12 18A8] [SKYPE_1] (1172 login.live.com) SSL negotiation successful
[14:39:13 18A8] [SKYPE_1] (049B7A08:1172) Connection closed internal
[14:39:13 18A8] [SKYPE_1] (049B7A08:4294967295) Connection closed
[14:39:13 18A8] [SKYPE_1] Send request to
https://api.skype.com/users/self/profile/partial[14:39:13 18A8] [SKYPE_1] Connection request to api.skype.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[14:39:13 18A8] [SKYPE_1] (049B7A08) Connecting to server api.skype.com:443....
[14:39:13 18A8] [SKYPE_1] (049B7A08) Connecting to ip ....
[14:39:13 18A8] [SKYPE_1] (1580) Connected to api.skype.com:443
[14:39:13 18A8] [SKYPE_1] (1580 api.skype.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[14:39:13 18A8] SSL connection failure (80090326 377): The message received was unexpected or badly formatted.
[14:39:13 18A8] [SKYPE_1] (1580 api.skype.com) Failure to negotiate SSL connection
[14:39:13 18A8] [SKYPE_1] Send request to
https://login.live.com/ppsecure/post.srf?wa=wsignin1.0&wp=MBI_SSL&wreply=https%3A%2F%2Flw.skype.com%2Flogin%2Foauth%2Fproxy%3Fsite_name%3Dlw.skype.com&cobrandid=90010[14:39:13 18A8] [SKYPE_1] Connection request to login.live.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[14:39:13 18A8] [SKYPE_1] (049C2860) Connecting to server login.live.com:443....
[14:39:13 18A8] [SKYPE_1] (049C2860) Connecting to ip ....
[14:39:13 18A8] [SKYPE_1] (700) Connected to login.live.com:443
[14:39:13 18A8] [SKYPE_1] (700 login.live.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[14:39:14 18A8] [SKYPE_1] (700 login.live.com) SSL negotiation successful
[14:39:14 1C78] KeepStatus: assigning status 40072 (40072, 0) to SKYPE_2
[14:39:14 18A8] [SKYPE_1] (049C2860:700) Connection closed internal
[14:39:14 18A8] [SKYPE_1] (049C2860:4294967295) Connection closed
[14:39:14 18A8] [SKYPE_1] Send request to
https://login.skype.com/login/microsoft[14:39:14 18A8] [SKYPE_1] Connection request to login.skype.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[14:39:14 18A8] [SKYPE_1] (049C2860) Connecting to server login.skype.com:443....
[14:39:14 18A8] [SKYPE_1] (049C2860) Connecting to ip ....
[14:39:14 18A8] [SKYPE_1] (700) Connected to login.skype.com:443
[14:39:14 18A8] [SKYPE_1] (700 login.skype.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[14:39:14 18A8] SSL connection failure (80090326 377): The message received was unexpected or badly formatted.
[14:39:14 18A8] [SKYPE_1] (700 login.skype.com) Failure to negotiate SSL connection
[14:39:14 18A8] [SKYPE_1] CSkypeProto::SetStatus: changing status from 1 to 40071
[14:39:15 1C40] SSL connection failure (80090326 377): The message received was unexpected or badly formatted.
[14:39:17 1C40] SSL connection failure (80090326 377): The message received was unexpected or badly formatted.