Author Topic: Suggestions for AIM replacement  (Read 7386 times)

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Offline Keptan

Suggestions for AIM replacement
« on: 20 12 2017, 18:40:46 »
I need something to replace AIM. I only used it because my mom can handle is and I need to see when she's idle so I can do work on her PC. Facebook and MSN haven't worked and ICQ wont let me in my old account and is asking for mobile numbers for new accounts and I would rather not do that.

What do you all suggest for something that can replace AIM, that goes idle after a period of time and does not require anything with phones. Mom only has a landline.


Offline dartraiden

Re: Suggestions for AIM replacement
« Reply #1 on: 20 12 2017, 20:24:35 »
Hmm... Jabber?

Offline Keptan

Re: Suggestions for AIM replacement
« Reply #2 on: 21 12 2017, 08:44:09 »
Isn't Jabber a framework or something that other services make use of?

Okay, I guess it might be but you can also create accounts for just Jabber. I created an account at

« Last Edit: 21 12 2017, 08:58:28 by Keptan »

Offline dartraiden

Re: Suggestions for AIM replacement
« Reply #3 on: 21 12 2017, 11:45:11 »
It's a protocol.

The XMPP network uses a client–server architecture; clients do not talk directly to one another. The model is decentralized - anyone can run a server. By design, there is no central authoritative server as there is with services such as AOL Instant Messenger or Windows Live Messenger.

The principle is similar to email: many servers between which messages go.

Offline AnrDaemon

Re: Suggestions for AIM replacement
« Reply #4 on: 21 12 2017, 16:10:20 »
I need to see when she's idle so I can do work on her PC.
This is a client feature. Not protocol's.
If a client can detect system use and change status, you can use it. What protocol it uses is irrelevant.
I prefer Jabber(XMPP) since I can run my own Jabber server for in-company messaging as well as talk to the world using the same company account.

Offline dartraiden

Re: Suggestions for AIM replacement
« Reply #5 on: 21 12 2017, 17:16:52 »
You can use AdvancedAutoAway (StatusManager plugin). It's work with any Miranda protocol.
Set preferable account (Jabber), status (Away), conditions and time after which the protocol will go into Away