Author Topic: Bug fix update for 0.95.5?  (Read 4856 times)

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Offline Testertime

Bug fix update for 0.95.5?
« on: 29 06 2016, 15:15:26 »
Hello! Thank you for the latest Miranda NG update.

I have noticed some bugs like the duplicated contact list entries in the Jabber protocol, and I'm glad to see that this is already fixed in the development version. However, I would love to see if these fixes will reach the stable version in the near future. Some of my contacts were not shy to update to the latest Miranda NG version and are now effected by this as well. And I can't tell them to use a development version, as they are average users who want to use software which just works. So, I would like to kindly ask you if you (the developers of Miranda NG) could release a bug fix update for this update in the near future? Maybe a few weeks or two months? I'm sorry if you don't like to see requests like this, it's really only a friendly question.

Thank you! :)

Offline Robyer

Re: Bug fix update for 0.95.5?
« Reply #1 on: 30 06 2016, 08:42:36 »
I agree that some bugfix release for stable should be done in near future. And believe it will be :-)
I was developing mainly Facebook, Omegle, Steam, Dummy and MobileState plugins. Now I'm retired. Goodbye, everyone. ~ You can still find me on Facebook.

Offline Testertime

Re: Bug fix update for 0.95.5?
« Reply #2 on: 10 07 2016, 14:15:55 »
I have noticed there were some updates to the stable version, where I thought that this has been fixed now. It's quite strange, but in short, this isn't properly fixed. I have tested the development version as well, and it's the same there, the bug with duplicated contacts in Jabber is not fixed (Edit: I'm still figuring out how to reproduce it in a reliable way). At the same time while I tested it, I have even noticed a second bug where Miranda NG crashes when I delete a new contact (with a fresh Jabber account without any contacts). I think I'm going to open two tickets about this and will link them here or in the bug reports section when I'm done.
« Last Edit: 10 07 2016, 18:43:27 by Testertime »