Not sure how I missed that .. thank you.
A few things .. I'm using XMPlay ... also using/testing/trying this
MirLua script (the script does paste the information it gets properly)
'ListeningTo' by itself does not seem to provide any information in the %listening_*% variables. (in the variables testing window, or via the script.)
'ListeningTo' + xmp-msn does not seem to provide any information in the %listening_*% variables either. (in the variables testing window, or via the script.)
'ListeningTo' + 'Get info from WATrack plugin' also does not seem to provide any information in the %listening_*% variables. (in the variables testing window, or via the script.)
The only thing that seems to provide any information are the variables provided by 'WATrack'. (in the variables testing window, and via the script.)
It works properly with 'WATrack' alone, .. not sure what I'm missing, or what's going on .. or even what the intended function of 'ListeningTo' is supposed to be after all that ... ?
However, thanks again for the link, at least something is working.