Author Topic: ListeningTo  (Read 5765 times)

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Offline xaos

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« on: 17 09 2015, 09:15:07 »
Is there a list of programs that the ListeningTo plugin is able to get now playing information from? ... or is it possible to specify which program?
« Last Edit: 18 09 2015, 09:41:56 by xaos »

Offline White-Tiger

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Re: ListeningTo
« Reply #1 on: 18 09 2015, 12:18:14 »
Here's a list:

EDIT by Robyer: Added /en sufix to url
« Last Edit: 18 09 2015, 14:33:34 by Robyer »


Offline xaos

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Re: ListeningTo
« Reply #2 on: 19 09 2015, 01:28:18 »
Not sure how I missed that .. thank you.

A few things .. I'm using XMPlay ... also using/testing/trying this MirLua script (the script does paste the information it gets properly)

'ListeningTo' by itself does not seem to provide any information in the %listening_*% variables. (in the variables testing window, or via the script.)

'ListeningTo' + xmp-msn does not seem to provide any information in the %listening_*% variables either. (in the variables testing window, or via the script.)

'ListeningTo' + 'Get info from WATrack plugin' also does not seem to provide any information in the %listening_*% variables. (in the variables testing window, or via the script.)

The only thing that seems to provide any information are the variables provided by 'WATrack'. (in the variables testing window, and via the script.)

It works properly with 'WATrack' alone, .. not sure what I'm missing, or what's going on .. or even what the intended function of 'ListeningTo' is supposed to be after all that ... ?

However, thanks again for the link, at least something is working.

Offline White-Tiger

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Re: ListeningTo
« Reply #3 on: 19 09 2015, 10:18:48 »
You didn't miss that.. I've just added that information xD
This is also why XMPlay is listed there.. because that's also the player I'm using (since it is actually the best player out there, especially on resource usage. Though AIMP would likely work as well.. is based on the same architecture)

Well... I didn't test the xmp-msn plugin, but I've looked at it and it sends the listening information the way MSN? wanted it and ListeningTo is capable of receiving it... (I've looked at both source)
Though you might need to tell ListeningTo that it should listen to Windows Media Player... since that is what xmp-msn does.. sending the information to "MSN" like WMP would do.

IIRC, WATrack got direct support for XMPlay through other means (though XMPlay isn't listed on its wiki page)
« Last Edit: 19 09 2015, 10:20:29 by White-Tiger »


Offline xaos

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Re: ListeningTo
« Reply #4 on: 20 09 2015, 04:37:02 »
Ah. well, still, thanx.

[complete edit]

It seems the option for ListeningTo to get it's information from WATrack is broken.

ListeningTo + xmp-msn .. for XMPlay ..
 .. after playing with it some more .. it does indeed use 'Windows Media Player' checked on the 'Players' page.

%listening_title% ----- gets " 'artist - track title' "
%listening_type% ---- gets "MUSIC"
%listening_player% -- gets "WindosMediaPlayer"

..the rest of the variables remain empty.

I guess one could ask Ian over at XMPlay if he'd be willing to modify xmp-msn to send the information separated into it's other various information bits. (or see if there's someone ambitious enough to write a new plugin)

Looking a little more, it appears XMPlay already makes the information available; it seems WATrack gleans it's information directly from the application itself via knowing it's application class and a/the set of flags that probably correspond to tag information ... could be that ListeningTo merely needs to be pointed similarly in that direction.


WATrack works well. Provides all the information in all the nice variables.
ListeningTo + xmp-msn provides just the basics mentioned above.

WATrack ..
 ...  the 'Disable WATrack' main menu item doesn't do anything other than set the database setting "WATrack/disableplugin" to zero , and the database setting itself doesn't seem to affect anything either.
..also ..options -> Winamp Track -> Templates : Export text template - is stripping all spaces on export.

(edit: apparently WATrack is on a back burner with no dev .. hm)
« Last Edit: 20 09 2015, 11:23:19 by xaos »