Author Topic: YAMN causes multiple errors and crashes  (Read 11875 times)

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Offline makiao

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YAMN causes multiple errors and crashes
« on: 15 07 2015, 15:07:21 »
Hi, is there an alternative for yamn?
i use it with 10 mail accounts, and it is crashing miranda from 1-10 times a day ;(
Used it on several PC and also wiith a fresh instalation of miranda ng, with only yamn installed.
I like the funktion of yamn, but with this crashes i get angry day by day, and i will be happy not angry ;)
(Not angry at you here who make so great work!!! Angry about the crashes itself.)

edit: Deleted wrong crashlog
« Last Edit: 19 07 2015, 16:25:44 by makiao »

Offline Wishmaster

Re: YAMN causes multiple errors and crashes
« Reply #1 on: 15 07 2015, 16:33:27 »
Please read this, download the debug symbols and create a proper crash report.

Offline makiao

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Re: YAMN causes multiple errors and crashes
« Reply #2 on: 19 07 2015, 16:03:07 »
Thanx, i had deleted some accounts, no it was ok for some days, but now it starts the same. Hope this is now the right crashlog.
Code: [Select]
Miranda Crash Report from 19 Jul 2015 17:54:27. Crash Dumper v.

Likely cause of the crash plugin: Mail Notifier

Exception: c0000008 at address 774CCC70.

Stack Trace:
774CCC70 (ntdll 77450000): (filename not available) (0): RtlDestroyMemoryBlockLookaside
7746DE0B (ntdll 77450000): (filename not available) (0): RtlInterlockedPushEntrySList
7746DE35 (ntdll 77450000): (filename not available) (0): RtlInterlockedPushEntrySList
17AC1F87 (YAMN 17AC0000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\plugins\yamn\src\account.cpp (983): WriteAccountsToFileSvc
121CDC3E (mir_core 121C0000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\src\mir_core\src\modules.cpp (543): CallService
17ACC0E3 (YAMN 17AC0000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\plugins\yamn\src\proto\pop3\pop3comm.cpp (344): WritePOP3Accounts
17AC8E39 (YAMN 17AC0000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\plugins\yamn\src\browser\mailbrowser.cpp (2559): MailBrowser
121CBED0 (mir_core 121C0000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\src\mir_core\src\threads.cpp (119): forkthread_r
5A7AC3D4 (MSVCR100 5A750000): (filename not available) (0): endthread
5A7AC474 (MSVCR100 5A750000): (filename not available) (0): endthread
74C87C04 (KERNEL32 74C70000): (filename not available) (0): BaseThreadInitThunk
774AAD1F (ntdll 77450000): (filename not available) (0): RtlInitializeExceptionChain
774AACEA (ntdll 77450000): (filename not available) (0): RtlInitializeExceptionChain

CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4720HQ CPU @ 2.60GHz [Intel64 Family 6 Model 60 Stepping 3] [DEP Enabled] [8 CPUs]
Installed RAM: 16308 MBytes
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 8.1 , 64-bit (build 9600)
Internet Explorer: 9.11.9600.17905 (build 99600)
Administrator privileges: No
OS Languages: (UI | Locale (User/System)) : German/German | German/German

Miranda NG Version: 0.95.5 alpha build #14580 [running inside WOW64]
Build time: 17 Jul 2015 5:52:36
Profile: C:\Meine Programme\Miranda Mail\Profiles\mikitil\mikitil.dat
Language pack: No language pack installed
Service Mode: No

Active Plugins (11):
  AdvaImg.dll v. [15 Jul 2015 5:31:52] - Miranda image services
  AVS.dll v. [15 Jul 2015 5:30:52] - Avatar service
  Clist_modern.dll v. [15 Jul 2015 5:39:06] - Modern contact list
  CrashDumper.dll v. [15 Jul 2015 5:39:28] - Crash dumper
  Dbx_mmap.dll v. [17 Jul 2015 5:30:52] - Miranda NG mmap database driver
  Import.dll v. [15 Jul 2015 5:30:54] - Import contacts and messages
  PluginUpdater.dll v. [15 Jul 2015 5:41:18] - Plugin updater
  Popup.dll v. [15 Jul 2015 5:37:24] - Popup plus
  TabSRMM.dll v. [15 Jul 2015 5:31:42] - TabSRMM
  TopToolBar.dll v. [15 Jul 2015 5:38:44] - TopToolBar
  YAMN.dll v. [15 Jul 2015 5:44:14] - Mail Notifier

Loaded Modules:
C:\Meine Programme\Miranda Mail\Miranda32.exe  00400000 - 00409000 v. [17 Jul 2015 5:52:36]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll  77450000 - 775BE000 v.6.3.9600.17736 [23 Mar 2015 23:58:58]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\KERNEL32.DLL  74C70000 - 74DB0000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 3:58:23]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\KERNELBASE.dll  74FF0000 - 750C7000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 4:03:15]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\USER32.dll  764F0000 - 76643000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 3:04:35]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ADVAPI32.dll  76950000 - 769CC000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 5:06:13]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\SHELL32.dll  75240000 - 764ED000 v.6.3.9600.17824 [7 May 2015 18:53:12]
C:\Meine Programme\Miranda Mail\MSVCR100.dll  5A750000 - 5A80F000 v.10.0.40219.325 [11 Jun 2011 2:58:52]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\GDI32.dll  769D0000 - 76ADF000 v.6.3.9600.17902 [10 Jun 2015 18:13:06]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\msvcrt.dll  76DC0000 - 76E83000 v.7.0.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 5:06:28]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\sechost.dll  74F00000 - 74F41000 v.6.3.9600.17734 [23 Mar 2015 23:45:04]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\RPCRT4.dll  772C0000 - 7737A000 v.6.3.9600.17919 [27 Jun 2015 18:42:34]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\combase.dll  77050000 - 771CD000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 5:10:01]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\SHLWAPI.dll  76CD0000 - 76D15000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 5:10:54]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\SspiCli.dll  74C50000 - 74C6E000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 3:06:04]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\CRYPTBASE.dll  74C40000 - 74C4A000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 5:05:14]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\bcryptPrimitives.dll  74BE0000 - 74C34000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 5:15:36]
C:\Windows\system32\IMM32.DLL  76E90000 - 76EB7000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 3:59:49]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\MSCTF.dll  767A0000 - 768B2000 v.6.3.9600.17706 [14 Mar 2015 10:13:50]
C:\Meine Programme\Miranda Mail\libs\mir_app.mir  12020000 - 120E1000 v. [17 Jul 2015 5:31:20]
C:\Windows\WinSxS\\COMCTL32.dll  70D00000 - 70F06000 v.6.10.9600.17810 [25 Apr 2015 4:34:26]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\WS2_32.dll  768C0000 - 76910000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 5:05:15]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\UxTheme.dll  70C10000 - 70CFD000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 2:48:28]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\COMDLG32.dll  766A0000 - 7673B000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 3:14:54]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ole32.dll  74DB0000 - 74ED9000 v.6.3.9600.17905 [16 Jun 2015 7:36:44]
C:\Meine Programme\Miranda Mail\libs\zlib.mir  12240000 - 12257000 v. [17 Jul 2015 5:30:36]
C:\Meine Programme\Miranda Mail\libs\mir_core.mir  121C0000 - 121DD000 [17 Jul 2015 5:30:40]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\VERSION.dll  74750000 - 74758000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 5:10:54]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\Secur32.dll  73440000 - 7344A000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 3:06:19]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\WINMM.dll  70B90000 - 70BB3000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 5:07:01]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\NSI.dll  74EE0000 - 74EE7000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 5:05:14]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\SHCORE.DLL  74040000 - 740CB000 v.6.3.9600.17666 [23 Jan 2015 7:02:33]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\WINMMBASE.dll  70980000 - 709A3000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 5:07:01]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\cfgmgr32.dll  76910000 - 7694C000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 5:18:47]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\DEVOBJ.dll  72480000 - 724A1000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 5:18:41]
C:\Program Files (x86)\RocketDock\RocketDock.dll  10000000 - 10012000 [2 Sep 2007 14:57:36]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\PSAPI.DLL  76650000 - 76656000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 5:18:42]
C:\Program Files\Acer\Acer Power Management\CBT_DLL.dll  70960000 - 7096E000 v.7.0.8106.0 [22 Jul 2014 14:58:48]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\dwmapi.dll  6F390000 - 6F3AA000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 5:12:03]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\kernel.appcore.dll  73450000 - 73459000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 5:18:46]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\clbcatq.dll  76D30000 - 76DBD000 v.2001.12.10530.17415 [29 Oct 2014 5:10:01]
C:\Windows\system32\explorerframe.dll  554F0000 - 55788000 v.6.3.9600.17824 [7 May 2015 18:12:22]
C:\Windows\system32\DUser.dll  55470000 - 554EF000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 2:51:39]
C:\Windows\system32\DUI70.dll  55300000 - 55469000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 2:52:31]
C:\Meine Programme\Miranda Mail\Plugins\CrashDumper.dll  14C60000 - 14C71000 v. [15 Jul 2015 5:39:28]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\dbghelp.dll  6FF10000 - 70051000 v.6.3.9600.17787 [1 Apr 2015 4:31:00]
C:\Meine Programme\Miranda Mail\Plugins\Dbx_mmap.dll  14E40000 - 14E51000 v. [17 Jul 2015 5:30:52]
C:\Meine Programme\Miranda Mail\Core\stdcrypt.dll  130E0000 - 130EC000 v. [17 Jul 2015 5:52:40]
C:\Meine Programme\Miranda Mail\Core\stdssl.dll  131C0000 - 131C7000 v. [17 Jul 2015 5:52:10]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\CRYPT32.dll  76EC0000 - 77048000 v.6.3.9600.17475 [31 Oct 2014 1:38:56]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\WSOCK32.dll  74840000 - 74848000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 3:59:50]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\MSASN1.dll  76D20000 - 76D2E000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 5:15:32]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\Msftedit.dll  676B0000 - 6790F000 v.6.3.9600.17809 [23 Apr 2015 17:16:22]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\MSIMG32.dll  70F10000 - 70F16000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 3:05:50]
C:\Meine Programme\Miranda Mail\Plugins\AdvaImg.dll  14540000 - 145D0000 v. [15 Jul 2015 5:31:52]
C:\Meine Programme\Miranda Mail\MSVCP100.dll  5A6E0000 - 5A749000 v.10.0.40219.325 [11 Jun 2011 2:58:52]
C:\Meine Programme\Miranda Mail\Plugins\Clist_modern.dll  149C0000 - 14A36000 v. [15 Jul 2015 5:39:06]
C:\Windows\WinSxS\\gdiplus.dll  5A570000 - 5A6E0000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 2:59:34]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\WindowsCodecs.dll  67410000 - 6757B000 v.6.3.9600.17669 [29 Jan 2015 20:34:45]
C:\Meine Programme\Miranda Mail\Plugins\AVS.dll  147C0000 - 147D2000 v. [15 Jul 2015 5:30:52]
C:\Meine Programme\Miranda Mail\Plugins\Import.dll  15A00000 - 15A0D000 v. [15 Jul 2015 5:30:54]
C:\Meine Programme\Miranda Mail\Plugins\PluginUpdater.dll  166E0000 - 166F5000 v. [15 Jul 2015 5:41:18]
C:\Meine Programme\Miranda Mail\Plugins\Popup.dll  16740000 - 1677C000 v. [15 Jul 2015 5:37:24]
C:\Meine Programme\Miranda Mail\Plugins\TabSRMM.dll  170A0000 - 1712A000 v. [15 Jul 2015 5:31:42]
C:\Meine Programme\Miranda Mail\Plugins\TopToolBar.dll  172A0000 - 172AD000 v. [15 Jul 2015 5:38:44]
C:\Meine Programme\Miranda Mail\Plugins\YAMN.dll  17AC0000 - 17ADE000 v. [15 Jul 2015 5:44:14]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\OLEAUT32.dll  74F50000 - 74FE5000 v.6.3.9600.17560 [19 Dec 2014 10:25:28]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\SETUPAPI.dll  76AE0000 - 76C91000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 5:18:47]
C:\Windows\system32\c_iscii.dll  60060000 - 60067000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 3:06:19]
C:\Windows\system32\c_is2022.dll  5FF50000 - 5FF57000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 3:05:28]
C:\Windows\system32\c_g18030.dll  5A530000 - 5A56B000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 3:05:29]
C:\Meine Programme\Miranda Mail\Core\stduserinfo.dll  13220000 - 1322C000 v. [17 Jul 2015 5:52:18]
C:\Meine Programme\Miranda Mail\Core\stdurl.dll  13200000 - 13209000 v. [17 Jul 2015 5:52:38]
C:\Meine Programme\Miranda Mail\Core\stdemail.dll  13100000 - 13106000 v. [17 Jul 2015 5:52:30]
C:\Meine Programme\Miranda Mail\Core\stdauth.dll  13000000 - 13007000 v. [17 Jul 2015 5:52:10]
C:\Meine Programme\Miranda Mail\Core\stdfile.dll  13120000 - 13130000 v. [17 Jul 2015 5:52:38]
C:\Meine Programme\Miranda Mail\Core\stdhelp.dll  13140000 - 13146000 v. [17 Jul 2015 5:52:30]
C:\Meine Programme\Miranda Mail\Core\stduihist.dll  131E0000 - 131E7000 v. [17 Jul 2015 5:52:22]
C:\Meine Programme\Miranda Mail\Core\stdidle.dll  13160000 - 13167000 v. [17 Jul 2015 5:52:30]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\WTSAPI32.dll  72BC0000 - 72BCF000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 5:10:07]
C:\Meine Programme\Miranda Mail\Core\stdautoaway.dll  13020000 - 13026000 v. [17 Jul 2015 5:52:22]
C:\Meine Programme\Miranda Mail\Core\stduseronline.dll  13240000 - 13246000 v. [17 Jul 2015 5:52:22]
C:\Meine Programme\Miranda Mail\Core\stdaway.dll  13040000 - 13049000 v. [17 Jul 2015 5:52:14]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\CRYPTSP.dll  73CE0000 - 73CF9000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 5:15:31]
C:\Windows\system32\rsaenh.dll  73CB0000 - 73CE0000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 5:15:36]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\bcrypt.dll  73C90000 - 73CAE000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 3:05:46]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\oleacc.dll  70BC0000 - 70C10000 v.7.2.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 2:58:05]
C:\Windows\system32\mswsock.dll  731B0000 - 731FB000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 3:06:17]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\DNSAPI.dll  74440000 - 744BE000 v.6.3.9600.17481 [5 Nov 2014 3:20:42]
C:\Windows\System32\rasadhlp.dll  723B0000 - 723B8000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 3:05:32]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\IPHLPAPI.DLL  74420000 - 74440000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 5:05:14]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\WINNSI.DLL  74110000 - 74118000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 5:05:14]
C:\Windows\System32\fwpuclnt.dll  723C0000 - 72406000 v.6.3.9600.17485 [10 Nov 2014 3:09:42]
C:\Windows\system32\napinsp.dll  72C60000 - 72C71000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 3:58:10]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\schannel.dll  6F170000 - 6F1CC000 v.6.3.9600.17810 [1 May 2015 0:48:28]
C:\Windows\system32\pnrpnsp.dll  72C40000 - 72C56000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 3:04:22]
C:\Windows\system32\NLAapi.dll  72C20000 - 72C34000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 3:01:56]
C:\Windows\System32\winrnr.dll  72C10000 - 72C1A000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 3:59:49]
C:\Windows\system32\wshbth.dll  72C00000 - 72C10000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 3:00:32]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ncrypt.dll  72460000 - 7247F000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 5:15:36]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\NTASN1.dll  72430000 - 72459000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 5:15:37]
C:\Windows\system32\ncryptsslp.dll  6F150000 - 6F168000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 5:15:36]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\MMDevAPI.DLL  6C260000 - 6C2B3000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 5:07:01]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\wdmaud.drv  6C190000 - 6C1C6000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 2:53:17]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ksuser.dll  6C180000 - 6C187000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 5:07:01]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\AVRT.dll  6C170000 - 6C17A000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 5:11:32]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\AUDIOSES.DLL  6C110000 - 6C170000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 5:07:09]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\powrprof.dll  732A0000 - 732E0000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 5:18:44]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\msacm32.drv  6C100000 - 6C109000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 3:54:31]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\MSACM32.dll  6C0E0000 - 6C0F7000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 5:07:01]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\midimap.dll  6C0D0000 - 6C0D8000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 3:58:22]

Offline makiao

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Re: YAMN causes multiple errors and crashes
« Reply #3 on: 22 07 2015, 11:52:12 »
Most of the time when it crashes, the then is corrupted, and i have to put back a older version (which i learned to save from time to time). really weird this Problem?

Offline Wishmaster

Re: YAMN causes multiple errors and crashes
« Reply #4 on: 22 07 2015, 12:47:25 »
Well, I supposed something like that, as it crashes in the WriteAccountsToFileSvc function, as you can see in the crash report above, but I have no idea what causes it  ???

What exactly means "corrupted"?

Offline makiao

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Re: YAMN causes multiple errors and crashes
« Reply #5 on: 22 07 2015, 12:56:20 »
I think Miranda say at the next start something like: The Profile-file is corrupted. (Will write the full Message, when it crashes again) Then the .book is much thinner then it should be, and a check for the mails does no more work. So i stop miranda, put my backuped .book in and start, and then it works again, sometime for 2 Minutes sometime for 2 Days. But also many Time it crashes, and i can easy restart miranda and it works without change the .book (sorry for my bad english, hope you understand)

Offline makiao

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Re: YAMN causes multiple errors and crashes
« Reply #6 on: 22 07 2015, 13:06:39 »
So i put now the Profiles Folder on whitelist of avast scanner. ofcourse it scanns it befor its finished writing or somthing.

My .book is (now with 6 gmx accounts 16MB (Yes i should clean them up) ;) The 4 accounts i still use in my main miranda i use less, its only 1MB,
i think its crashed no more, or much much less.

I had them all in one miranda before, then i tested, if it stops crashing if i use only yamn in a seperate miranda, but its not better like you see.
« Last Edit: 22 07 2015, 13:08:20 by makiao »

Offline Wishmaster

Re:YAMN causes multiple errors and crashes
« Reply #7 on: 22 07 2015, 13:48:22 »
Please post the full path to that file.

You can also use the german section if your german is better ;)

Offline makiao

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Odp: YAMN causes multiple errors and crashes
« Reply #8 on: 22 07 2015, 14:04:50 »
Its saved in Miranda/Profiles/"profilename"/"xxx".book

Ja Deutsch spech ich schon besser denk ich ;)
So should i open a new Topic there?

Offline Wishmaster

Re: YAMN causes multiple errors and crashes
« Reply #9 on: 22 07 2015, 14:07:36 »
There is a german section:

And I want to have the fullpath, without any editing

Offline makiao

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Re: YAMN causes multiple errors and crashes
« Reply #10 on: 22 07 2015, 14:10:30 »
C:\Meine Programme\Miranda Mail\Profiles\mikitil\

So the error message, when the .book is broken is:

YAMN (internal POP3) read error
Error reading account file. Account file corrupted.
« Last Edit: 22 07 2015, 14:28:05 by makiao »

Offline Wishmaster

Re: YAMN causes multiple errors and crashes
« Reply #11 on: 22 07 2015, 15:02:09 »
Hm, it may be issue with UAC. In general, it's a very bad idea to put user data in "C:\Meine Programme".  :PUNISH:

You can edit mirandaboot.ini and set the value
ProfileDir=%APPDATA%\Miranda NG

then move everything from C:\Meine Programme\Miranda Mail\Profiles into %APPDATA%\Miranda NG.
Tell me if it helps.

Offline makiao

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Re: YAMN causes multiple errors and crashes
« Reply #12 on: 22 07 2015, 15:10:16 »
Okay, and %appdata% is c:/program files/ ? the normal place for programs?

Ah sorry, i should first think about it ;) i think i understand now. Will test it, thanx!
« Last Edit: 22 07 2015, 15:16:13 by makiao »

Offline Wishmaster

Re: YAMN causes multiple errors and crashes
« Reply #13 on: 22 07 2015, 15:15:52 »
Nope. Enter %APPDATA% in the adress bar of the windows explorer and click enter. It is like "C:\Users\xx\AppData\Roaming\Miranda NG".

"C:\Program Files\" (not "C:\Meine Programme") is the normal place for programs, not for program data. Programs don't have any write access to "C:\Program Files\" for security reasons (UAC), and I'm quite surprised Miranda NG even starts without admin priviledges. :)

PS: I'm not sure why you keep your Programs in "C:\Meine Programme" instead of "C:\Program Files\"

Offline White-Tiger

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Re: YAMN causes multiple errors and crashes
« Reply #14 on: 22 07 2015, 16:28:23 »
because there's no UAC maybe?