Author Topic: . . .  (Read 5860 times)

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Offline Nächste Generation

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« on: 13 08 2014, 13:27:58 »
. . .
« Last Edit: 19 08 2017, 22:22:11 by NextGeneration »

Offline Wishmaster

please read this and provide a crash report.

Offline Nächste Generation

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« Reply #2 on: 06 09 2014, 10:25:06 »
  . . .
« Last Edit: 19 08 2017, 22:21:49 by NextGeneration »

Offline Wishmaster

Yes, we knew that it was Modern Contact List too, but that alone isn't very helpful to find a bug in there :) The crash report told us the exact location of the crash and we fixed it (here). It will be in the next development and stable versions.

It most likely crashed due to some broken image in your skin. "Stable" just means that it has been intensely tested and no bugs are known, but we cannot test all possible skins.

PS: Use the attatchment system for the crash report in future, then you won't have a problem with the character limit.
« Last Edit: 14 09 2014, 14:29:30 by Wishmaster »