Author Topic: Message wake up  (Read 4440 times)

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Offline Ondrasz

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Message wake up
« on: 08 04 2014, 07:33:35 »

Is there any plugin similar to "Message wake up"from Miranda IM? If not [well, I can't find it anyway], maybe is there someone who can "rewrite" it? It's so usefull, when You are not all the time sitting by the screen...

Offline bernis

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Re: Message wake up
« Reply #1 on: 27 02 2015, 16:51:38 »
Hello, anyone? Plugin was really useful and I wasn't able to find any alternatives either.
It notified for new message session when computer was idle. It played a sound for every 30 seconds until you opened/focused the message window. It was useful when you're not using computer actively but you wait for some IM. Repeated sound was useful, for when you're not constantly near the computer, you'll notice the new message sound even if you return to computer some time after message was received.

Offline watcher

Re: Message wake up
« Reply #2 on: 27 02 2015, 16:59:49 »
This plugin has no available source code, thus can't be adopted for Miranda NG.
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