NG is more bugged than IM? In what ways?
Post Merge: 31 12 2013, 19:12:23
We don't hate the question - we simply don't know, we haven't finished 0.94 yet, although it's almost finished, but if you are asking about stable 0.95 - could take months, 0.94 was cooking for 6 month at least. Main problem is - what was working in Miranda IM - only god knows whн it was working at all - code-wise, it's just scary how many clutches were and still are there - when you make a massive global change (fix those clutches), then even more than with most programs - something breaks (because of the abundant amateur approach to coding in Miranda IM plugins) . We need more and more reports about what is wrong, and most important - steps to repeat it.
Post Merge: 31 12 2013, 21:12:31
We made massive changes to the code (most of them absolutely unseen to user's eye, cause they internal) - Miranda IM was Unicode only on the paper, it had ANSI stuff all over it - all of it had to be rewritten and even if it seems not important now - it will have undoubted benefits in a near future, starting with a new database driver which wil support true metacontacts instead of a fake and dangerous that we have now.
Post Merge: 31 12 2013, 23:12:33
We chose a rough path and we have a long way to go - but for me Miranda NG is way better than Miranda IM ever was (and i'm an active user since 2002).