Why is it in German if you don't understand it? Do you have German langpack that you don't use?
This is probably communicate that your profile is in unsupported format. Could it be that conversion of your profile went wrong?? Do you remember from which version were you upgrading? Did you or do you have "Import" and "dbx_mdbx" plugins in your Plugins subfolder?
Would be good to see your
VersionInfo at least from before update. Did you revert your installation already? You should have all files in /Plugin Updates/Backups. But if you don't have any backups of your profile or installation then better would be to start with just a copy of your current installation, the whole folder (just in case) and your profile folder too if you don't keep it in the same place.
If you don't have those backups from /Plugin Updates/Backups to revert then you could also start installation from after update by just creating some new test profile. If you can't see Profile Manager to create a new profile then you can force it by modifying mirandabot.ini file (it is next to exe) and set
ShowProfileMgr appropriately.