Author Topic: Tox protocol  (Read 199774 times)

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Offline Corak

Re: Tox protocol
« Reply #255 on: 14 09 2015, 12:13:27 »
Fresh rare tox crash.  On reconnection.

Code: [Select]
Likely cause of the crash plugin: Tox protocol

Exception: Access Violation at address 13DB10DB. Reading from address 00000008.

Stack Trace:
13DB10DB (libtox 13DA0000): ..\toxcore\Messenger.c (2544): messenger_size
1720FC39 (Tox 17200000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\protocols\tox\src\tox_core.cpp (142): CToxProto::UninitToxCore
1720C3ED (Tox 17200000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\protocols\tox\src\tox_network.cpp (184): CToxProto::PollingThread
1224C554 (mir_core 12240000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\src\mir_core\src\threads.cpp (154): forkthreadex_r
78AFC556 (MSVCR100 78AA0000): (filename not available) (0): endthreadex
78AFC600 (MSVCR100 78AA0000): (filename not available) (0): endthreadex
7C80B729 (kernel32 7C800000): (filename not available) (0): GetModuleFileNameA

Offline santa

Re: Tox protocol
« Reply #256 on: 14 09 2015, 21:07:18 »
New crash on disconnect on latest nightly build.

Stack trace
   Tox.dll!CToxProto::UninitToxCore() Line 117   C++
    Tox.dll!CToxProto::PollingThread(void * __formal) Line 170   C++
    mir_core.mir!forkthreadex_r(void * arg) Line 154   C++

   this   0x00000000 <NULL>   CToxProto *

Offline watcher

Re: Tox protocol
« Reply #257 on: 15 09 2015, 05:46:21 »
santa,  already fixed.
Пожалуйста, внимательно прочтите правила постинга перед тем, как открыть новую тему.
Please read forum rules.

Offline Corak

Re: Tox protocol
« Reply #258 on: 15 09 2015, 05:56:35 »
Another crash from tox. Repeated 34 times at night (when i sleept)   :o

Code: [Select]
Likely cause of the crash plugin: Tox protocol

Exception: Access Violation at address 03EBBD39. Reading from address 00000000.

Stack Trace:
03EBBD39 (Tox 03EB0000): d:\soft\network\im\miranda\src\trunk\protocols\tox\src\tox_network.cpp (14): CToxProto::BootstrapNode
03EBBF25 (Tox 03EB0000): d:\soft\network\im\miranda\src\trunk\protocols\tox\src\tox_network.cpp (67): CToxProto::BootstrapNodesFromIni
03EBC1F7 (Tox 03EB0000): d:\soft\network\im\miranda\src\trunk\protocols\tox\src\tox_network.cpp (85): CToxProto::BootstrapNodes
03EBC3CC (Tox 03EB0000): d:\soft\network\im\miranda\src\trunk\protocols\tox\src\tox_network.cpp (161): CToxProto::PollingThread
1224C554 (mir_core 12240000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\src\mir_core\src\threads.cpp (154): forkthreadex_r
78AFC556 (MSVCR100 78AA0000): (filename not available) (0): endthreadex
78AFC600 (MSVCR100 78AA0000): (filename not available) (0): endthreadex
7C80B729 (kernel32 7C800000): (filename not available) (0): GetModuleFileNameA
« Last Edit: 15 09 2015, 11:23:23 by Corak »

Offline Vulpix

Re: Tox protocol
« Reply #259 on: 15 09 2015, 07:07:48 »
Unsane pushed some fixes to tox yesterday. Is this with the updates in place already?

Offline Corak

Re: Tox protocol
« Reply #260 on: 15 09 2015, 08:12:01 »
Yes, I know. It's On latest tox build. Just after update.

Offline Vulpix

Re: Tox protocol
« Reply #261 on: 15 09 2015, 11:58:30 »
I don't understand. I've rarely had any crashes. In fact I even set my virtual machine on xp sp3 to have crappy connection - high packet loss etc, to make it reconnect often, but I've not been able to make tox nor steam crash. How is it that your miranda keeps crashing so often :D

Offline Corak

Re: Tox protocol
« Reply #262 on: 16 09 2015, 08:39:27 »
It's seems more problem with connection (not likely XP problem) - router or wireless modem.

And here also, it keeps crashing all night just in a hour:

Code: [Select]
Likely cause of the crash plugin: Steam protocol

Exception: Access Violation at address 120821F7. Reading from address 014B4000.

Stack Trace:
120821F7 (libjson 12080000): c:\program files (x86)\microsoft visual studio 10.0\vc\include\xstring (930): std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >::assign
12083BDE (libjson 12080000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\libs\libjson\src\libjson.cpp (100): json_parse
16EA8F1B (Steam 16EA0000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\protocols\steam\src\steam_contacts.cpp (492): CSteamProto::OnGotUserSummaries
16EA4890 (Steam 16EA0000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\protocols\steam\src\steam_request.cpp (37): SteamHttpResponse
16EA9A51 (Steam 16EA0000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\protocols\steam\src\request_queue.cpp (77): RequestQueue::Execute
16EA9ADB (Steam 16EA0000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\protocols\steam\src\request_queue.cpp (104): RequestQueue::WorkerThread
1224C599 (mir_core 12240000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\src\mir_core\src\threads.cpp (119): forkthread_r
78AFC3D4 (MSVCR100 78AA0000): (filename not available) (0): endthread
78AFC474 (MSVCR100 78AA0000): (filename not available) (0): endthread
7C80B729 (kernel32 7C800000): (filename not available) (0): GetModuleFileNameA

Code: [Select]
Likely cause of the crash plugin: Tox protocol

Exception: Access Violation at address 1720BD39. Reading from address 00000000.

Stack Trace:
1720BD39 (Tox 17200000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\protocols\tox\src\tox_network.cpp (14): CToxProto::BootstrapNode
1720BF25 (Tox 17200000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\protocols\tox\src\tox_network.cpp (67): CToxProto::BootstrapNodesFromIni
1720C1F7 (Tox 17200000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\protocols\tox\src\tox_network.cpp (85): CToxProto::BootstrapNodes
1720C3CC (Tox 17200000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\protocols\tox\src\tox_network.cpp (161): CToxProto::PollingThread
1224C554 (mir_core 12240000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\src\mir_core\src\threads.cpp (154): forkthreadex_r
78AFC556 (MSVCR100 78AA0000): (filename not available) (0): endthreadex
78AFC600 (MSVCR100 78AA0000): (filename not available) (0): endthreadex
7C80B729 (kernel32 7C800000): (filename not available) (0): GetModuleFileNameA

Code: [Select]
Exception: Access Violation at address 13DCC4AB. Reading from address 00000150.

Stack Trace:
13DCC4AB (libtox 13DA0000): ..\toxcore\ping_array.c (67): ping_array_add

Code: [Select]
Exception: Access Violation at address 13DB3427. Reading from address 00000050.

Stack Trace:
13DB3427 (libtox 13DA0000): ..\toxcore\TCP_connection.c (405): find_tcp_connection_relay
82A500B8 ((module-name not available) 00000000): (filename not available) (0): (function-name not available)

Code: [Select]
Likely cause of the crash plugin: Tox protocol

Exception: Access Violation at address 1720C2BB. Reading from address 00000008.

Stack Trace:
1720C2BB (Tox 17200000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\protocols\tox\src\tox_network.cpp (111): CToxProto::CheckConnection
1720C3D6 (Tox 17200000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\protocols\tox\src\tox_network.cpp (166): CToxProto::PollingThread
1224C554 (mir_core 12240000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\src\mir_core\src\threads.cpp (154): forkthreadex_r
78AFC556 (MSVCR100 78AA0000): (filename not available) (0): endthreadex
78AFC600 (MSVCR100 78AA0000): (filename not available) (0): endthreadex
7C80B729 (kernel32 7C800000): (filename not available) (0): GetModuleFileNameA

Code: [Select]
Exception: Access Violation at address 13DCCC38. Reading from address 00000B08.

Stack Trace:
13DCCC38 (libtox 13DA0000): ..\toxcore\tox.c (241): tox_kill
1224C554 (mir_core 12240000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\src\mir_core\src\threads.cpp (154): forkthreadex_r
78AFC556 (MSVCR100 78AA0000): (filename not available) (0): endthreadex
78AFC600 (MSVCR100 78AA0000): (filename not available) (0): endthreadex
7C80B729 (kernel32 7C800000): (filename not available) (0): GetModuleFileNameA

Code: [Select]
Likely cause of the crash plugin: Crash dumper

Exception: Access Violation at address 77C36F07. Reading from address 00000008.

Stack Trace:
77C36F07 (msvcrt 77C00000): (filename not available) (0): memcmp
0AA5FD5C ((module-name not available) 00000000): (filename not available) (0): (function-name not available)
0AA60000 ((module-name not available) 00000000): (filename not available) (0): (function-name not available)
14C617C9 (CrashDumper 14C60000): (filename not available) (0): _except_handler4
6EB5F5A3 ((module-name not available) 00000000): (filename not available) (0): (function-name not available)
7C839A90 (kernel32 7C800000): (filename not available) (0): ValidateLocale
7C9032BC (ntdll 7C900000): (filename not available) (0): RtlConvertUlongToLargeInteger
172109B1 (Tox 17200000): (filename not available) (0): _CxxThrowException
78B2B65A (MSVCR100 78AA0000): (filename not available) (0): rand_s
7C839A90 (kernel32 7C800000): (filename not available) (0): ValidateLocale

libtox: mutex.c: mutex_ref
Code: [Select]
Exception: Access Violation at address 13E8A445. Reading from address 8000002B.

Stack Trace:
13E8A445 (libtox 13DA0000): ..\..\mingw-w64-libraries\winpthreads\src\mutex.c (83): mutex_ref


Code: [Select]
Likely cause of the crash plugin: Tox protocol

Exception: Access Violation at address 17201083. Reading from address 0147C000.

Stack Trace:
17201083 (Tox 17200000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\protocols\tox\src\tox_address.h (88): ToxBinAddress::ToxBinAddress
1720BD26 (Tox 17200000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\protocols\tox\src\tox_network.cpp (12): CToxProto::BootstrapNode
1720BF25 (Tox 17200000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\protocols\tox\src\tox_network.cpp (67): CToxProto::BootstrapNodesFromIni
1720C1F7 (Tox 17200000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\protocols\tox\src\tox_network.cpp (85): CToxProto::BootstrapNodes
1720C328 (Tox 17200000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\protocols\tox\src\tox_network.cpp (133): CToxProto::CheckConnection
1720C3D6 (Tox 17200000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\protocols\tox\src\tox_network.cpp (166): CToxProto::PollingThread
1224C554 (mir_core 12240000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\src\mir_core\src\threads.cpp (154): forkthreadex_r
78AFC556 (MSVCR100 78AA0000): (filename not available) (0): endthreadex
78AFC600 (MSVCR100 78AA0000): (filename not available) (0): endthreadex
7C80B729 (kernel32 7C800000): (filename not available) (0): GetModuleFileNameA
« Last Edit: 17 09 2015, 19:26:57 by Corak »

Offline Wishmaster

Re: Tox protocol
« Reply #263 on: 16 09 2015, 18:54:27 »
First is about Stream, BootstrapNodesFromIni and CheckConnection I fixed.

Offline Corak

Re: Tox protocol
« Reply #264 on: 17 09 2015, 16:49:11 »
still crashing on "tox_address.h: ToxBinAddress"
Added ticket here

Repeating crash very easy: just start miranda with tox protocol on. Then disable tox acc in account manager. Then enable it again and go online. And got a crash by "ToxBinAddress"


Also just now got new crash on tox:
Code: [Select]
Likely cause of the crash plugin: Tox protocol

Exception: Access Violation at address 1720C21C. Reading from address 00000000.

Stack Trace:
1720C21C (Tox 17200000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\protocols\tox\src\tox_network.cpp (89): CToxProto::TryConnect
1720C379 (Tox 17200000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\protocols\tox\src\tox_network.cpp (142): CToxProto::CheckConnection
1720C3FE (Tox 17200000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\protocols\tox\src\tox_network.cpp (166): CToxProto::PollingThread
1224C554 (mir_core 12240000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\src\mir_core\src\threads.cpp (154): forkthreadex_r
78AFC556 (MSVCR100 78AA0000): (filename not available) (0): endthreadex
78AFC600 (MSVCR100 78AA0000): (filename not available) (0): endthreadex
7C80B729 (kernel32 7C800000): (filename not available) (0): GetModuleFileNameA
« Last Edit: 17 09 2015, 18:19:12 by Corak »

Offline Wishmaster

Re: Tox protocol
« Reply #265 on: 17 09 2015, 19:02:56 »
Both should be fixed in the next build :)

Offline Corak

Re: Tox protocol
« Reply #266 on: 17 09 2015, 19:13:12 »
Thanks, I'll be waiting :-)

Also still repeating crash with: "mutex.c (83): mutex_ref"

« Last Edit: 17 09 2015, 19:25:56 by Corak »

Offline Wishmaster

Re: Tox protocol
« Reply #267 on: 17 09 2015, 19:21:36 »
It isn't really helpful to post them over and over again... :(

Offline Corak

Re: Tox protocol
« Reply #268 on: 17 09 2015, 19:23:46 »
 Ok ok. I just adding to bugtracker now, and writing about it's repeating. Sorry.
(removed the post... it's not a trouble :D )
« Last Edit: 17 09 2015, 19:25:42 by Corak »

Offline Wishmaster

Re: Tox protocol
« Reply #269 on: 17 09 2015, 19:25:47 »
No! Please test them with lastest release, they may have been fixed!

If they come back, then you may post new crash reports, but they are likely to be fixed.
« Last Edit: 17 09 2015, 19:27:50 by Wishmaster »