Forum for English speaking Miranda NG users > Development

Facebook protocol

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Then let that logging enabled (only for Facebook protocol) until it happens again. (and if it don't happen, delete regularly network log file so it won't get too big). If it's hard to reproduce, then it's even harder to fix it or do something about it.


I use facebook only as a chat, so your plugin is probably only reason why I still have facebook account :)) So thank you, great work!

Just one suggestion: Would it be possible to select the users for which I'll be visible in chat? Or FB API doesn't allow it?

Lukysh: Hi, this feature is already in my TODO list, but I don't know when I will have time and mood to actually implement it :-)

What about the "seen" notification (that confirms that the other person has read you message)? Would it be possible to implement that one?

M51: ??? it was done few months ago.


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