Forum for English speaking Miranda NG users > Support/Help

(DB?) plugins not loaded via Wine

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I have made very small progress...

I have followed the guide, but selected Windows 7 and used the 64-Bit 7z archive.
I have added the sqlite dll as usual, but that doesn't show. Funny enough though, I can create a new profile now. But it doesn't actually load, probably because the dbx_mdbx really doesn't work, but at least I can select it.

Yes. mdbx cannot increase db size due to some missing functions in Wine
I will test sqlite tomorrow, maybe I can find commit causing a crash and at least roll it back

I appreciate your effort. But I don't really understand why I cannot even select the sqlite DB on first run. If you figure out if and how it works, please let me know. I might still be doing something wrong!


--- Quote --- I cannot even select the sqlite DB
--- End quote ---

= Miranda cannot load this db driver for some reason

Maybe plugin and Miranda core are coming from various builds...
Stable Miranda cannot load dev plugins and vice versa.

--- Quote ---Stable work of Miranda NG is guaranteed within the same build, i.e., all plugins of the same compilation are compatible with the core while two adjacent builds can be completely incompatible.
--- End quote ---

Even 2 various dev builds (for example tomorrow and yesterday) can be incompatible

Makes sense, I am using the stable Miranda NG release and got the plugin from here:
But on this page there is no sqlite plugin:


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