Author Topic: IRC Notifications configuration  (Read 27565 times)

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Offline Alexxx

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IRC Notifications configuration
« on: 18 12 2013, 15:56:08 »
Hi all,

I have some diffuculties to configure IRC plugin / contact list / tchat window to do what I want.
First of all, I'm using all the default plugins (which seems to be modern contast list 0.9.11; IRC and tabsrmm

What I want to do is:
 - do not popup and open new tchat window when somebody talk to me on a channel (so when my nickname appears) or in private (but I successfully configure this last one choice).
 - in contact list, do not blink icon (with special icon) when somebody enter /leave / notify / speak ... into a channel; and so, also into systray where I want only blinking icon if somedy talk directly to me (in channel or in private message)
 - when I start a private message, add the contact into a special group.

How to do all this (if possible)?

(In fact all theses "simple" things seems really diffucult to configure in Miranda; maybe you can do special "meta parameters" or conf in a future release to auto check/uncheck other parameters).


Offline watcher

Re: IRC Notifications configuration
« Reply #1 on: 18 12 2013, 16:22:35 »
- when I start a private message, add the contact into a special group

This one is not possible AFAIK, contact will go to the root group, to bottom of it as temporary.
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Offline Alexxx

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Re:IRC Notifications configuration
« Reply #2 on: 20 12 2013, 09:20:18 »
Ok, and for the other ones, how to pamarater them?

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Re: IRC Notifications configuration
« Reply #3 on: 20 12 2013, 13:10:44 »
- do not popup and open new tchat window when somebody talk to me on a channel (so when my nickname appears) or in private (but I successfully configure this last one choice).

do you still want to highlight your name? (change colors)
you can go in Options > Message Setting > Group chats > Highlighting > uncheck "Highlight messages containing my own nick name"

Offline Alexxx

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Re: IRC Notifications configuration
« Reply #4 on: 23 12 2013, 09:08:02 »
Yes, I want to have message containing my own nickname to be in a different colors.
To have icon blinking in contact list when such a message appears.
These is actually working with the defaults parameters (un)checked.

But I don't want auto open of the tchat window when someone speak to me  (when my nicknames appears). I just want to be notify (icon blinking into contact list or icon of the tab tchat)
It actually open  new tab in window tchat group, and give it focus. which is really unplaisant :/
(if I'm using another software, and don't actually tchat, I don't want to be disturb).

Post Merge: 23 12 2013, 09:20:26
Ok I've found :)

So it's in Options > Message Sessions > Tabs and Layout > How to create tabs and windows for incomming messages

I've unchecked all.

I don't know who want to have auto popup / create tab / focus on it when a new message is comming (to have theses parameters auto checked by default)... but it's really intrusive!

« Last Edit: 23 12 2013, 09:20:26 by Alexxx »

Offline watcher

Re: IRC Notifications configuration
« Reply #5 on: 23 12 2013, 09:34:08 »
I don't know who want to have auto popup / create tab / focus on it when a new message is comming (to have theses parameters auto checked by default)... but it's really intrusive!

Miranda is (and always was) about giving a choice and option and not "being tuned just right for the user out of the box" - there are many users, many tastes, there are at least 3 dialog windows and chat modules everyone of which can be with different defaults (as plugin's author saw fit the best). Feel free to go over the preferences and change everything to to your needs - this is what Miranda about.
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Offline Whiplash

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Re: IRC Notifications configuration
« Reply #6 on: 23 12 2013, 23:46:21 »
Yeah, I hate pop-up shits and blinking shits all around too. They are just taking my attention  for not big reason. :D

1. problem - go: options > message sessions > group chats > settings (tab) > check "do not pop up the window when joining a chat room".
(This will prevent every pop-up when somebody starts chat with you or when he/she is sending  you a next message in an already started conversation. So, it will not disturb you anymore).

2. problem - go: options > message sessions > group chats > events and filters (tab) > uncheck all the boxes in the middle row (Notify in tray) except the last one (Highlight event).
(This will stop all blinking craps (system tray and contact list) except the ones when somebody send you a private message and when somebody mention your nick name (if your nick is highlighted)).

3. problem - I have no idea. ;)

I hope I helped.
« Last Edit: 24 12 2013, 00:47:18 by Whiplash »

Offline watcher

Re: IRC Notifications configuration
« Reply #7 on: 24 12 2013, 01:49:25 »
2. problem - go: options > message sessions > group chats > events and filters (tab) > uncheck all the boxes in the middle row (Notify in tray) except the last one (Highlight event).

And these are the new defaults for a newly created profiles now (finally we've change it a month ago or so, a long overdue change). This thing with popups and blinking turned on by default on every event in TabSRMM chats was madness, agreed.
« Last Edit: 24 12 2013, 01:53:16 by watcher »
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Offline Alexxx

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Re: IRC Notifications configuration
« Reply #8 on: 24 12 2013, 10:06:40 »
Miranda is (and always was) about giving a choice and option and not "being tuned just right for the user out of the box" - there are many users, many tastes, there are at least 3 dialog windows and chat modules everyone of which can be with different defaults (as plugin's author saw fit the best). Feel free to go over the preferences and change everything to to your needs - this is what Miranda about.

Yes I know, Miranda is a wonderfull and powerfull mulit protocol instant messaging client... And this new NG version seems even more better :)

But there is a lot of options... (which is great, so allbody can parameter it as he want).
Maybe we can share some "how to" into a special topic to help other users (newbie like me)?

Offline watcher

Re: IRC Notifications configuration
« Reply #9 on: 24 12 2013, 10:33:05 »
Maybe we can share some "how to" into a special topic to help other users (newbie like me)?

This is actually a good idea :)
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