Yes, I want to have message containing my own nickname to be in a different colors.
To have icon blinking in contact list when such a message appears.
These is actually working with the defaults parameters (un)checked.
But I don't want auto open of the tchat window when someone speak to me (when my nicknames appears). I just want to be notify (icon blinking into contact list or icon of the tab tchat)
It actually open new tab in window tchat group, and give it focus. which is really unplaisant :/
(if I'm using another software, and don't actually tchat, I don't want to be disturb).
Post Merge: 23 12 2013, 09:20:26
Ok I've found

So it's in Options > Message Sessions > Tabs and Layout > How to create tabs and windows for incomming messages
I've unchecked all.
I don't know who want to have auto popup / create tab / focus on it when a new message is comming (to have theses parameters auto checked by default)... but it's really intrusive!