Author Topic: download Miranda NG v0.95.5 portable pack customized and ready to go  (Read 12795 times)

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Offline netspider1

this is old, please use the recent version

Hello Miranda community. I am sharing for download my portable Miranda NG which I did for myself.
I tried some other distributions found around and about but did not like anything.  :o
I didn't want flaaffy distributions, teenage icons, funny extras, screaming colors, oversized borders, obsolete (or non working) features, unfinished mods etc.

All I needed was simple looking tidy and neatly distribution with good amount of functionalities/plugins suitable for office and legally communications. Powerful with minimal size, without wasted screen space for nothing, serious and clear interface. And run with minimum interventions just download and touch to go.
However I did not find anything even close to my taste.  :'(

So I made something powerful and decent, wasted a lot of time to tweak and customize this handy messenger and now would like to share it with other people. I think it will be useful for many people who cant find anything decent in the Internet and don't have time to do it from scratch. Here you are:
  ,    , 

It is portable Miranda NG v0.95.5, just unzup and run. To add your accounts go in Main Menu->Accounts... Don't need to set or customize anything. It has an empty MyProfile.dat file containing all settings, so don't delete it because you will delete all your settings. If you want to put your .dat file from your old Miranda then use Main Menu -> Import.. and import it. Do not copy it, because you will lose the settings. Or if you want to copy it, then use DB tool to export the settings and import them into your .dat file.

Along with integrated ICQ protocol I added more protocols:
Skype protocol
GTalk protocol (need Jabber)
Jabber protocol
Omegle protocol (talk to strangers)
Tox protocol (peer-to-peer instant-messaging)
Twitter protocol
VKontakte protocol
WhatsApp protocol

Also added many additional features/plugins for maximum efficient:
Add contact+ (plugin)
Clist Nicer (contact list skins plugin)
Custom status list (plugin)
Database editor++ (plugin)
Db autobackuper (plugin)
File association (type associations and URL plugin)
Fingerprint (icons module plugin)
History++ (history viewer plugin)
IEView (message log plugin)
Keep status (connection checker plugin)
Last seen (was last seen online plugin)
Menu item ext (contacts menu extend)
Message export (Exports every message plugin)
Miranda OTR (Off-the-Record encrypted messages plugin)
ModernOpt (new options design plugin)
My details (edit your details plugin)
News aggregator (RSS news plugin)
NoHistory (prevents from storing history plugin)
NotifyAnything (popups any UDP packages plugin)
Nudge (shake window plugin)
OpenSSL API module (plugin)
Popup plus (popups plugin)
Quick Search (plugin)
Send receive contacts (plugin)
Skin editor for Clist nicer (plugin)
SmileyAdd (Emoticons plugin)
Spell checker (plugin)
StartupStatus (remember windows position plugin)
StopSpam mod (unknown users Anti-spam plugin)
Tipper (tooltip plugin)
User info ext (extended contacts info plugin)
Variables (support for dynamic variables for plugins)
XSoundNotify (ext sound notifications plugin)
xStatus notify (notifies on contact changes status plugin)
YAMN Mail Notifier (POP3 mail notifier and browser plugin)

43 classic Miranda icons which are more comprehensive and easy readable. I don't like fancy icons enjoying teenagers, but if you really want the original icons, I haven't deleted them, you can return them back, just rename the few files with name .orig and you will have the original icons

Classic Skype emoticons included, and many others.

44 Modern contact skins and 24 Clist Nicer skins. How to switch between skins manager see helping screenshot in the file. I prefer the default skin (which is no skin) or eleGant skin

49 Message window skins. I don't use any, don't like skinned windows

46 popup skins and 17 tipper skins.

48 classic notification sound

8 dictionaries for the spell checker

Made a tool to auto select profile if you have more than one profile

alternative link

Will be good if admins add this Miranda pack to others packs on the page for download
« Last Edit: 11 07 2024, 07:00:23 by netspider1 »

Offline Goraf

I can add it to wiki. Do you have a name for this pack?

Offline netspider1

dont have any specific. Maybe something like, touch and go business/office pack.

I call  business/office pack because this pack excel from others packs with powerful functionalities but without intrusive splash-screens and fancy screaming visuals. Just a classic humble interface but not limited from powerful functionalities. For example dont include an online radio feature, but has rss news feed feature which is more appropriate for office environment.
Classic minimal view to take less screen space when use it for work/business, but with maximum functionalities like quick search, or extended history++ search which is important if you use Skype for work and need good history log search. As you know the original Skype app dont keep history more than 3 months, and Skype for Business dont have history at all.

I call touch and go because it is portable, no need to install. Comes preset with all settings so dont need to fight with all settings from scratch, just add your accounts in Main Menu->Accounts and no more hassle. If you want to transfer your old Miranda history log then import your old .dat file with Main Menu -> Import and import all you contacts and history but without the settings, to keeping all current settings untouch.

p.s. if your old .dat file is in version older than Miranda IM 0.8 (like mine was Miranda IM 0.7) then you can't import it directly in Miranda NG because Miranda NG import versions above Miranda IM 0.8. If that so, you need to install Miranda IM 0.9 for example, then copy your .dat file into Miranda IM 0.9 folder, then run it and exit. This will silently convert the file into v0.9 and then you can import it into Miranda NG