Forum for English speaking Miranda NG users > Support/Help

XMPP (Jabber) - OMEMO Multiple Devices


Hi there,

I have started testing Miranda-NG as I haven't used it in many many years, and OMEMO is a requirement of mine however when I use the built in OMEMO function when I send an OMEMO message it doesn't encrypt it for all my own devices, is there any option to allow this (when I look at my messages on my phone, I can't read the message).

This would be a handy function to have.


as far as i remember, i have not implemented sending to own devices, but probably it can be implemented relatively quickly.

Oh amazing, is there somewhere I could request that feature? It would be super handy for those that use multiple devices (I have 4 or 5 I use at any given time, lol).

Edit: i'll submit in the feature request forum, i'm an air head sometimes.

I would also like this feature


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