Author Topic: Tabsrmm: some buttons have gone from Toolbar  (Read 4756 times)

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Offline hydrogen fluoride

Tabsrmm: some buttons have gone from Toolbar
« on: 29 10 2022, 19:29:58 »
Icons Italic, Undelined, Strike-through text has gone. Buttons has gone. Toolbar just without it.
Features: some tabs with buttons (one irc channel ad one jabber room). Those channel and room are different servers with other channgel, but  jabber room same with personal chat.

How to reproduce:
1. Join to jabber channel, irc channel, personal message chat
2. ???

Expected: buttons on tolbar.
Reusult: buttons has gone.

You may bring back buttons, if go to Options, Message session, Toolba, uncheck button, press Aply, than chek button and press Apply.

« Last Edit: 29 10 2022, 19:36:57 by hydrogen fluoride »

Offline AnrDaemon

Re: Tabsrmm: some buttons have gone from Toolbar
« Reply #1 on: 25 11 2022, 11:42:48 »
As far as I recall, if protocol does not support formatting, the buttons will not be present.