Author Topic: Crash: click on User profile to change user details.  (Read 2181 times)

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Offline hydrogen fluoride

1. Main menue, View?change my detailes.
2. For my case inside General there is avatar and ICQ profile.
3. Miranda has crashed when I clieck on ICQ profile.

I was not connected to ICQ.

Code: [Select]
Miranda Crash Report from 25 Sep 2022 14:59:53. Crash Dumper v.

Likely cause of the crash plugin: Standard User Info module

Exception: Access Violation at address 54534F50. Reading from address 54534F50.

Stack Trace:
54534F50 ((module-name not available) 00000000): (filename not available) (0): (function-name not available)
131A4721 (stduserinfo 131A0000): w:\miranda-build\src\core\stduserinfo\src\userinfo.cpp (525): CUserInfoDlg::onSelChanged_Tree
B9F5E6D0 ((module-name not available) 00000000): (filename not available) (0): (function-name not available)