Author Topic: IRC: Error: The topic is too long and has been truncated  (Read 4086 times)

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Offline hydrogen fluoride

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[17:58:44 17BC] [IRC_9] (00FD58E8:744) Data received ... ##alezakos 5 :NOTE: Shout "alezakos" if you want to get an immediate response! || This is a testing channel. Expect A LOT of spam and Greek. || Η γης δεν έχει κρικέλια || This channel dedicated to: the people who are in this channel || <KaadmY> <allejo> <the_map> <alezakos> everything requires context || Error: The topic is too long and has been truncated

Is this topic text or error? I suggest to formate text to undknow defference between topic and error. For example:
<topic start> (<ts>) <topic  end> (<te>)