Author Topic: Never stops flood of "user stop typing" even popups  (Read 4332 times)

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Offline kas1e

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Hi all
Since some time when updated to the latest miranda version start to have some strange issue : when i use Jabber, some jabbber users who use PSI + OTR start to bring on me gazilion of "stop typing" events whih block the chat for a while. I had to disable stop typing events to at least didn't see them, but they still happens under the hood, and so for a while a can't start chat until this "gazilion of events" didn't passes.

Is it known issue ?

Offline ghazan

Re: Never stops flood of "user stop typing" even popups
« Reply #1 on: 18 08 2022, 17:04:37 »
Is it known issue ?
no, it's not. you need to make a network log on your side, Jabber + core, and send it to me via private message, for example, or post anonymously at and drop here a link