Author Topic: Bug Chash: Miranda crashes when we request channel list in IRC  (Read 4378 times)

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Offline hydrogen fluoride

Protocol: IRC.
Conditions: server code page is default ANSI codepage and enabled Enable UTF-8 autodetection.

Connect to server and request cnahhels list using "Show the list of avaliable channels".

Offline dartraiden

Update to version with debug symbols and repeate crash. Attach crashlog here.

Offline hydrogen fluoride

Code: [Select]
Stack Trace:
17391677 (IRC 17380000): w:\miranda-build\protocols\ircg\src\irclib.cpp (105): irc::CIrcMessage::ParseIrcCommand
17391897 (IRC 17380000): w:\miranda-build\protocols\ircg\src\irclib.cpp (47): irc::CIrcMessage::CIrcMessage
1739125C (IRC 17380000): w:\miranda-build\protocols\ircg\src\irclib.cpp (395): CIrcProto::DoReceive
173910C9 (IRC 17380000): w:\miranda-build\protocols\ircg\src\irclib.cpp (420): CIrcProto::ThreadProc
12D592A2 (mir_core 12D40000): w:\miranda-build\src\mir_core\src\windows\threads.cpp (161): forkthreadex_r
7C80B729 (kernel32 7C800000): (filename not available) (0): GetModuleFileNameA
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Offline hydrogen fluoride

Fixed. Not reproducable in 0.96.2 24725