Author Topic: Code fixes  (Read 4617 times)

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Offline hydrogen fluoride

Code fixes
« on: 28 07 2022, 11:13:14 »
At ...\src\mir_app\src\netlib_openconn.cpp this:
Code: [Select]
if (rc && lasterr) SetLastError(lasterr);should be replacesd by this:
Code: [Select]
if (rc && lasterr != 0) SetLastError(lasterr);

Offline ghazan

Re: Code fixes
« Reply #1 on: 28 07 2022, 14:04:40 »
what for?

Offline hydrogen fluoride

Re: Code fixes
« Reply #2 on: 07 08 2022, 14:36:59 »
This fix to do if it needed.
Code: [Select]
void ICQUser::setStatus(unsigned short newStatus)
if (statusVal != newStatus)
statusVal = newStatus;
g_plugin.setWord(hContact, "Status", newStatus);

Offline hydrogen fluoride

Re: Code fixes
« Reply #3 on: 10 11 2022, 17:05:36 »