Author Topic: Bug: proc_not_found  (Read 2461 times)

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Offline hydrogen fluoride

Bug: proc_not_found
« on: 28 07 2022, 06:23:16 »
While Miranda prepares to work we don't see Miranda windows and other features of them.

Threads, item 0
  Ord = Main
  Ident = 00000C48
  Window's title =
  Last error = ERROR_PROC_NOT_FOUND (0000007F)
  Entry = Miranda32.<ModuleEntryPoint> 0040144D
  TIB = 7FFDF000
  Suspend = 0.
  Priority = Normal
  User time =    0.0000 s
  System time =    0.0312 s

Offline ghazan

Re: Bug: proc_not_found
« Reply #1 on: 28 07 2022, 14:02:45 »
hydrogen fluoride,
I greatly recommend you to use the installer to create the primary Miranda distribution
this error means that Miranda32.exe cannot load mir_app.mir - it has either another version or another 32/64 bits configuration